Summary of heat dissipation Ken Wyllie 11/12/03 Module Structure & Power: The photon-detector planes are constructed from modules, as shown in the figure below. Each module consists of 2 hybrid-photon-detectors (HPDs) coupled to a readout electronics PCB. The heat is generated by electronics components positioned within the HPDs (pixel chip) and on the PCB. The heat within the HPDs will effectively arrive at the edge of the PCB to which they are connected by conduction through the cables in between. The table below lists the expected power dissipated by each component. Item Power (W) HPDs (pixel chips) 3.6 Pull-ups 2.462 A-pilot 0.075 PINT core 0.9 PINT I/O 2.4 GOLs 0.78 QPLL 0.1 TTCrx 0.251 OPTrx 0.132 VCSELs 0.05 TOTAL 10.750 Photon-detector planes structure: For both RICH1 and RICH2, the photo-detector planes are made from columns of modules. Each column is made from a number of modules attached to an aluminium support frame. RICH1 and RICH2 each have two sides, positioned on opposite sides of the beam pipe. The table below lists the numbers of modules and the total power dissipated in the columns and in RICH 1 and 2. Note that this is just the power from the modules. # modules per column Total module power per column (W) # columns per side Total module power per side (W) Total module power per RICH (W) RICH1 7 75.25 7 526.75 1053.5 RICH2 8 86 9 774 1548 Low-voltage distribution board (LV): Each column has a low-voltage distribution board (LV), which runs the entire length of the column. This is also attached to the aluminium frame. It contains voltage regulators that dissipate power. The table below lists the power dissipated in these boards. Total LV power per column (W) # columns per side Total LV power per side (W) Total LV power per RICH (W) RICH1 58 7 406 812 RICH2 66 9 594 1188 Finally, the table below shows the total power for modules and LV boards together. Total module power per column (W) Total LV power per column (W) Total power (modules+LV) per column (W) # columns per side Total power (modules+LV) per side (W) Total power (modules+LV) per RICH (W) RICH1 75.25 58 133.25 RICH2 86 66 152 7 932.75 1865.5 9 1368 2736 The figure below shows how the modules and LV board are arranged in a column of RICH2.