American Mineralogkt, Volume 65, pages 129-134, 1980 The reaction albite = jadeite * quartz determinedexperimentallyin the range600-1200.c TrMorHy J. B. Hou-eNo Departmentof the GeophysicalSciences,Universityof Chicago Chicago,Illinois 60637 Abstract The reaction NaAlSirOu+ SiO2 :NaAlSirOs jadeite quaftz high albite has been determinedby direct experimentin the temperaturerange6fi)-1200"C, and the PT line can be describedby the equation P: 0.35+ 0.0265?("C) + 0.50kbar The brackets,when comparedwith the gas-apparatusdeterminationsof this reactionby Hays and Bell (1973)and by Birch and LeComte (1960),show clearly that pressurecorrectionsare vanishingly small when the NaCl pressurecell is used with the piston-+ylinder device if piston-out methodsare used.The slope(dP/df : 26.5bar oC-t), io conjunction with tabulated entropiesfor quartz andjadeite, leadsto a value for the entropy ofsynthetic high albite. The disorderingentropy of albite is (14.2+2.4J K-' mol-'), and the enthalpy is (12950=3320J mol-t). The disorderingenthalpy is in excellentagreementwith recentcalorimetric measurements on Amelia albite and its heat-treatedmodification. The bestvaluesfrom phase equilibria for the 298 K, I bar, thermochemicaldata for synthetichigh albite are AJI3I".rt*: -3922170+ 4300J mol-' S&r., o- :221.6 + 2.5J K-t mol-' The lack of curvatureof the reaction in the P-T plane imFlies that high albite doesnot undergo ordering down to 600'C, at least within the duration time of the experiments.This is also conflrmed by the X-ray patternsof albites from runs at 600"C. Introduction The stability of the end-member feldspars is of fundamental importance to petrology, yet considerable uncertainty exists as to the P-Tlocation of the albite to jadeite * quartz curve at high temperatures. In the temperature range 500-600"C the experimental location is precise (Newton and Smith, 1967; Johannes et al., l97l; Hays and Bell, 1973), but at higher temperatures the slope and position of the curve are only loosely constrained by the reversal intervals determined by Birch and LeComte (1960) and Bell and Roseboom (1969). Boettcher and Wyllie (1968) published brackets at 600oC and 800"C which demand a lower dP/d'T slope (19.5 bar deg-') than expected for the breakdown ofdisordered albite, for 0003-004X/80/0102-0129$02.00 which high_temperature calorimetry (Holm and Kleppa, 1968) predicts a slope of 27.6 bar deg-', as shown later. The importance of this reaction to petrology cannot be overstated, as it forms the basis for a number of geobarometric inferences on the stability of plagioclase-bearing assemblagesat depth (Boettcher, l97l\. This study defines closely the P-Z stabitty of high albite relative to jadeite and quartz, using the precise pressure control aforded by the low-friction NaCl pressure cell with the piston-cylinder apparatus. The precision made possible by this technique allows accurate determination of the standard thermodynamic properties ofhigh albite. r29 HOLI-AND: REACTION ALBITE : 130 Startingmaterialsand experimentaltechnique High albite was synthesized hydrothermally at 7 50"C, 2 kbaL from a mixture of natural vein quartz and NaAlSi,O. glass(preparedby P. A. M. Anderson) in a l: I molar ratio. The X-ray pattern is that of high albite,with A2d(CuKa) : 1.90ofor (l3l)-(l3l) (Goldsmith and Laves, 1954).Natural white jadeite from a vein in serpentinite,donatedto R. C. Newton by R. G. Coleman,was used;it containsas principal impurities 0.13 weight percentCaO, 0.12weight percent MgO, and 0.45weight percentFerO, (Coleman, 1961). An end-loaded piston-cylinder apparatuswith a 0.75" diameter cylindrical pressurechamber and NaCl pressuremedium was used for all runs. The chamber contained a smooth,but not polished,steel liner and was lubricated by dry MoS, powder. Piston-out type runs were made,g5ingpistonswith bevelled tops cappedwith pyrophylli{s ssalinggasketsas describedin Holland (1979a),by the following procedure. The cold assembly was brought up to a predeterminedpressureof 3.5 kbar or more below the final desiredrun pressureand was then heatedto the required temp€rature for the run. The large thermal expansion of the NaCl assembly during heating, a pre-calibrated function of temperature and final run Table 1. Experimental results on the reaction jadeite + quartz : high albite -o^ Ti-me (hours) Resul t* 4 6 24 23 600 600 800 800 16.O L 6. 5 2l .o 22.O 24.O 8.O t3.25 23.75 A JQ 28 25 27 18 22 900 900 900 1000 1000 23.5 24.25 25.O 26.o 27.5 23.5 22.75 2L.50 23.25 A NR JQ A JQ l3 L4 to 11 1100 I 100 I 100 I 100 2 8- O 29.O 3 0. 0 3 0 .o -** A A JQ JQ L5 L6 L7 1200 1200 1200 31.O 32.O 33.O 5.4 4.25 A NR JQ NR ** had A - albite growth; no reaction. JQ - zz, I) 3.25 5.2 o.2 jadeite + quartz Run was quenched as soon as desired been reached. JQ growthi P,T conditions TADEITE + QUARTZ pressure,ensuresinitiation of the run under conditions of retreating piston. Occasionallyit was necessary to bleed off a little oil pressureduring the final stagesof heating to prevent pressureovershoot. Chromel-alumel thermocouples, in AtSiMag sleeves,with the junctions protected by a layer of alundum cement, were used to measure temperatures.No pressurecorrectionwas applied to the thermocouple readings. The reversal mixture was made up of the crystallinestarting materialshigh albite, jadeite, and quartz in reactingproportions.The mixture was ground repeatedly under acetone to thoroughly homogenizethe reactants,and was then baked at 350oC overnight to burn off any organic residue from the acetone. Following Boettcher and Wyllie (1968)in the successfuluse of interstitial melt as a flux, the chargewas moistenedby breathing on the powder before sealingin platinum capsules.The small amount of interstitial water-undersaturated melt was found sufficient to produce 100 percent reaction in many runs. Direction of reaction was detectedby changesof more than 15 percentin relative peak intensitieson the diffractometertrace. Runs at 600"C (from Holland,1979a) were conductedunder HrO-excessconditions. Results Kinetics of the albite to jadeite * quartz reaction in the presenceof small amounts of melt are such that complete reaction occurred in less than 3 hours at 1200oand,24hours at 800"C. Runs at and above ll00"C cannot be consideredreversed,as the albite breaks down to jadeite + quartz during the approach to the final P-T conditions (Table l). However, growth of albite is extremely rapid (Newton, in Johanneset al.,l97l) and the resultscertaidy represent equilibrium. Table 1 and Figure I display the experimental results. The best straight-line fit (by eye) through the brackets can be described by P (kbar) : 0.0265TC+0.35+0.50. Discussion Pressurecalibration of piston cylinder apparatus The use of the NaCl pressure medium in recent years has significantly improved the pressuredetermination in piston-cylinder experiments (Johannes et al., l97l; Mirwald et al., 1975;Johannes,1978; Holland, 1979a).It Danckwerth and Newton, 19781, is instructive to comparethe presentresultsat 600oC with the gas-apparatusdetermination by Hays and Bell (1973)and in the range 800-1000'C with the de- HOLI,AND: REACTION ALBITE : termination by Birch and Lecomte (1960),also performed with gas pressure medium. At 600'C the pressuresobtained in this study, 16.0-16.5kbar, agree well with the Hays and Bell value (16.4+0.5 kbar). The bracketsin the range 800-1000"C all tie within the reversal interval of Birch and LeComte and can be regardedas a refinementof their results. Although Birch and LeComteusednatural low albite in their starting material, the product albite which was nucleated and/or grown in their runs was without doubt disorderedhigh albite. On the other hand the lessstablelow albite in their runs probably broke down to jadeite + qtrurtz at slightly lower pressures than thoserequired for the breakdownof high albite. The equilibrium curve for high albite : jadeite + qtartz should therefore be expected to lie within or at marginally higher pressuresthan the Birch and LeComte reactionbrackets.The fact that the present resultsall lie within the Birch and LeComte intervals indicates that the pressuresdetermined with the NaCl cell, as used here, are not overestimates,and that subtractive friction correctionsur" yxli5hingly small. Indeed, any correction due to friction would be much less at these higher temperatures (8001200'C) than at 600oC, where it was shown to be negligible (this work; Hays and Bell, 1973;Johannes et al., l97l). Johannes(1978)reported a pressureof lessthan 16 kbar for a piston-out reversalat 600oC, in contrastto the 16.25=0.25kbar reportedhere. Although both studiesusedthe NaCl pressuremedium, the methodsof arrival at the final pressureand temperaturediffered.It is apparentthat with this method no pressurecorrection is necessary,and this redetermination is sufficiently preciseto be used as a pressure calibration for alternativepressurecells such as Pyrex, talc, or soft glass.Results in this laboratory suggestthat the 7-10 percent subtractive correction commonly applied to Pyrex-talc assembliesabove ll00"C with piston-in runs is valid. JADEITE +QUARTZ E. <.? ao:< I l,! ALBITE t/) t/) t! E o-1 1100 700 900 - DEG TEMPERATURE t 500 1300 Fig. l. P,7 brackets on the jadeite + quartz to albite reaction. Filled squares denote growth of jadeite + qtJaftz, open squares denote growth of albite, and partially-fiIled squares denote no apparent reaction. extrapolatingthe c-quartz heat contentdata in Robie et al. (1978),the one-barenthalpy for the reactionjadeite + quartz: albite, involving a-qtartz and high albite, becomes11405+2670I at 964 K. With mean thermal expansionsand compressibilities from Table 2 and the equilibrium pressureof 18.7kbar, the slope mav be calculatedfrom: r^v dP/dr: ,..+ 1,"Wv- r^@ryd4f [or, The result,27.6!1.5 bar "C-', is in good agreement with the measuredslope,26.5+1.5bar oC-'. The entropy of synthetichigh albite may be calculated from the experimentalbrackets,using the measured volumes and heat capacities(in Robie et al., ttr"-odffifproperties for jadeite,albite Table2. Standard s3o* Thermodynamic consider ations The slope for the reaction between albite and jadeite + quartz can be readily calculatedfrom hightemperatureoxide melt solution calorimetry.For low albite, the data of Hlabse and Kleppa (1968) yield LHn** : -2385+2090 J, for the reaction from jadeite + quartz.Recentmeasurements(R. C. Newton, personalcommunication) on the enthalpy di-fference betweenlow albite and albite heat-treatedat 20 kbar, 1200'C yield Aflu,*,o..: 14580+1660 J mol-' at 970 K. Taking account of the a-B quafiz transition by 13r IADEITE + QUARTZ .t *-lLJr-t Jadeite 133,47 +r.25 -3O2427O IOO 43 {O. 09 221 6 +2.5 -3922170 100 07 J{ 13 2O7.4O r{ 40 -3935120 4L46 +o 20 - 910700 60 4 I to High albiEe Low albite Quartz A,Hloo .l roitr 22.688 +o o01 dvoxlo5 J b".-l K-l pvo*ro6 J bar-2 +4180 L5.94 +4300 1 5. 9 4 +3415 5.18 +1000 Thermal exFension data taken from Skinner (1966), conpressibility deEe Eaken frm Birch (1966) Al1 lhermodynamic daEa are frm (1978) excepr for high albite and jadeiEe dara which Robie et al are from this study, 132 HOLLAND: REACTION ALBITE: 1978), thermal expansion and compressibility data (Table 2). Solving the relation: - ZASrr..,: LH.,n"., - JADEITE + QUARTZ in times of the order of three weeks.Note that the low-temperature acid calorimetric results (Waldbaum and Robie, l97l; Kracek and Neuvonen',1952) yield somewhatlow enthalpiesof disorder. Applications - r+ tv arl ar dr 1," I:"^+ The improved precision in the location of the al[/-o.o by plotting the right side against absolute temperature yields ASrnr,,as slope and LH2s8'as intercept. The derived entropy of albite is 221.6+2.5 J K-l mol-'. Comparing this value with that for low albite gives the disordering entropy as 14.2+2.4J K-' per mole of albite, which is somewhat lower than the maximum configurationalterm -4R (0.25 ln 0.25 + 0.75 ln 0.75) : 18.7 J K-' mol-'. X-ray crystallographic site-occupancystudiesshow that natural low albite is not fully ordered and that high albite may not be completely disordered (Holm and Kleppa, 1968).From the observeddistribution of Al and Si on the tetrahedralsitesin low and heat-treatedalbite, the configurational disordering entropy is calculated as 16.0J K-' mol-' (Hotm and Kleppa, 1968).The agreementwith the value, 14.2!2.4 J K-t, derived from the slopeof the experinental study is encouraging. By comparing the derived LHr"".,for the reaction (12800+2580J) obtained from the experimental bracketswith that for the reaction involving low albite (-150+2090J) calculated from the data of Hlabse and Kleppa (1968)with the help of the hightemperature heat contents (Robie et al., 1978),we can estimatethe disorderingenthalpy of albite. This estimate, 12950t3320 J, can be compared with the measuredenthalpiesof disorder ll0l5+840 J mol-' (Waldbaumand Robie, l97l),9640 J mol-'(Kracek and Neuvonen, 1952), and 14220=1660J mol-' (R.C.Newton and T. V. Charlu,unpublisheddata). This last value was determinedfrom the differencein heatsof solution at 970 K of Amelia albite and high albite crystallized from Amelia albite glass at 20 kbar, l200oC, and should representmaximum disordering enthalpy for albite. All enthalpies, unless otherwise stated, are given corrected to 298 K for easeof comparison.The high-temperaturecalorimetric measurementsof Holm and Kleppa (1968)on albites heat-treatedfor times of the order of one month at 1050"C yielded a disordering enthalpy of J mol-' at97l K, which is equivalentto 14230+1050 J mol-' at298K.It may be (R. C. New13870+1050 ton, personal communication) that albite does not disorder fully at 1050"C under atmosphericpressure bite breakdowncurveto high temperaturesallows for more reliable geobarometryof sodic pyroxenesthan was possible before. An important application is in the estimation of the stability of jadeitic pyroxenes coexisting with quartz in natural rocks. As an example we consider the metamorphic rocks of the Sezia-Lanzo zone of the Western Alps, and in particular the assemblagepyroxene I quartz, describedby Reinsch (19-17).Reinsch estimated680'C as an appropriate temperaturefor the equilibration of the pyroxene, which contained 8l percent of the jadeite end-member.Direct applicationof the presentresults yield a pressureof 18.4 kbar below which pure jadeite + qrartz would break down. However, the effects of 19 percent diluent in the natural pyroxene can be calculatedand will result in a destabilization of the quartz * pyroxene assemblageby an amount AP = -(RT/LV")lno,a where R is the gas constant, T the absolutetemperature,LV" the volume changefor the reactionjadeite * quartz: high albite, and crothe activity ofjadeite in the pyroxene.The experimentalwork of Holland (1979b)on the activity-compositionrelationshipsfor the join jadeite-diopside at 600"C showed that the activity ofjadeite can be expressedas o.,d: Ka"lta where Xro and yrdare the mol fraction and the activity coefficient of jadeite was determined (Holland, 1979b)as 1,ra: €xPI(W/RZ) (l X,")1 where the interaction energy, W, was found to be 24kJ. For Reinsch'spyroxenewe find 1',a: l.l2 ar.d : 0.73at 680oC,which leadsto a aro: (0.81)'z(1.12) 1.4kbar, and an estimateof a of AP: destabilization 17 kbar for the assemblage. pressure of minimum (Ganguly, 1973)of interpretation quantitative The (1969) on the join diopKushiro of the experiments lack of data for the alby hampered was side-albite inhigh temperatures the at curve bite breakdown discussed relations mixing of the Application volved. aboveto Kushiro's data showsthat predictionsbased HOLLAND: REACTION ALBITE: upon the location of the albite breakdowncurve together with the activity-composition relations determined at 600oC are in good agreementwith the experiments of Kushiro. The agreementis particularly gratifying becauseKushiro's work was performed at temperatures(1050-1250"C)far removedfrom those at which the mixing relations were determined. The results on the albite breakdown curve can be used together with the recent determination of the anorthite breakdown curve to grossular+ kyanite * qtrafiz (Goldsmith, 1979) to predict the maximum stability pressuresfor plagioclase feldspars in the lower crust. Reliable estfunatesfor these limits await accurate determination of the mixing relations in plagioclasefeldspar. JADEITE + QUARTZ 133 supported by NSF grant EAR 74-22851 (R. C. Newton), with additional support from the Minerals ResearchLaboratory, NSF. References Bell, P. M. and E. H. Roseboom(1969) Melting relations of jadeite and albite to 45 kilobars with commentson mghing diagrams of binary systemsat high pressures.Minerat. Soc.Am Spec.Pap., 2, 15l-161. Birch, F. (1966)Compressibility;Elastic constants.In S. P. Clark, Ed., Handbook of PhysicalConstants,p.97-173. Geol. Soc.Am. Mem.97. and P. LeComte(1960)Temperaturepressureplane for albite composition.Am. J. Sci.,258, 209-217. Boettcher,A. L. (1971)The nature of the crust of the earth, with specialemphasison the role of plagioclase.In J. G. Heacock, Ed., The Structure and PhysicalPropertiesof the Earth's Crust, p. Conclusions 261-277. Geophys. Monogr. Ser. 14, Am. Geophys. Union, The experimental determination of the jadeite * Washington,D.C. and P. J. Wyllie (1968)Jadeitestability measuredin the qaartz: albite reactionrepresentsa considerableim- presenceof silicateliquids in the systemNaAlSiO.-SiO2-H2O. provement in location of the curve as well as an exGeochim.Cosmochim.Acta, 32, 999-1012. tension of the measurementsto higher temperatures. Coleman, R. G. (1961)Jadeitedepositsof the Clear Creek area, This study demonstratesthat the P-T lne showsno New Idria district, San Benito County, California. J. Petrol., 2, 209-247. curvature, at least in the range 600-1200oC, and hencethat albite doesnot undergoAl-Si ordering in Danckwerth, P. and R. C. Newton (1978)Experimentaldetermination of the spinel peridotite to garnet peridotite reaction in the experinental runs. the systemMgO-Al2O3-SiOr in the range 900oC-ll00oC and The location of the curve agreesprecisely with Al2O3 isopleths of enstatite in the spinel field. Contrib. Mineral. both pre-existing gas-apparatus determinations Petrol.,66,189-201. (Birch and LeComte, 1960;Hays and Bell, 1973)and Ganguly, J. (1973)Activity compositionrelation of jadeite ln omphacite pyroxene.Earlh Planet. Sci.Lett., 19,145-153. demonstratesthe reliability of the NaCl pressureme(1979)Melting and breakdownreactionsof anordium in piston-cylinder experiments.No pressure Goldsmith, J. R.pressures and temperatures.EOS, 60,420. thite at high correction need be applied for such determinations and F. Laves(1954)The microcline-sanidinestability relawith the experinental techniqueused in this study. tions. Geochim.Cosmochim.Acta, 5, l-19. The slope of the reaction as experimentallydeter- Hays, J. F. and P. M. Bell (1973)Albite-jadeite-quartz equilibrium: a hydrostatic determination. Carnegie Inst. lil/'ash. Year mined is consistentwith recenthigh-temperaturecaBook, 72,706-708. lorimetry and yields an entropy of disordering which Hlabse, T. and O. J. Kleppa (1968)The thermochemistryof jais in accord with predictions based upon site occudeite.Am. Mineral., 53, 128l-1292. pancy studies on natural and heat-treated albites. Holland, T. J. B. (1979a)Experimentaldeterminationof the reaction paragonite : jadeite + kyanite + wat€r, and lnternally conThe enthalpy of disordering in albite can be similarly sistent thermodynamic data for part of the systemNa2O-Al2O3determined from the experimental brackets and is SiO2-H2O,with applicationsto eclogitesand blueschists.Cozalso in agreement with thermochemical measuretrib. Mineral. Petrol., 68, 293-301. ments. Thermodynamic data derived for hydro- ( I 979b) Reversedhydrothermal determinationof jadeitethermally crystallized synthetic high albite are tied to diopsideactivities.EOS, 60,405. the entropy and enthalpy of low albite given in Hokn, J. L. and O. J. Kleppa (1968)Thermodynamicsof the disRobie et al. (1978)and form part of a self-consistent ordering processin albite (NaAlSirO). Am. Mineral., 53, 123133. set which describesaccuratelyall the measuredreac- Johannes,W. (1978)Pressurecomparingexperimentswith NaCl, tions among albite, paragonite,kyanite, andalusite, AgCl, talc, and pyrophyllite assembliesin a piston cylinder apjadeite, q\artz, corundum, and water (Holland, paratus. N euesJahrb. Mineral. Monat sh., 84-92. P. M. Bell, A. L. Boettcher,D. W. Chipman, J. F. Hays, 1979a). H. K. Mao, R. C. Newton and F. Seifert (1971) An interlaboratory comparison of piston--cylinder pressure calibration Acknowledgments using the albite-breakdown reaction. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., R. C. Newton and J. R. Goldsmith have contributed greatly in 32,2+38. discussionsduring the course of this work. The project was Kracek, F. C. and K. J. Neuvoncn (1952) Thermochemistryof 134 plagioclase HOLLAND: REACTION ALBITE: and alkali feldspars. Am J. Sci., Bowen Volume, 29t-3r8. Kushiro,I. (1969)Clinopyroxene solidsolutionsformedby reactions between diopside and plagioclase at high pressures.Mrzeral Soc.Am. Spec.Pap.,2,179-191. Mirwald, P. W., I. C. Getting and G. C. Kennedy (1975)Low-friction cell for piston-cylinder high-pressure apparatus. "L Geophys.Res.,80, 1519-1525. Newton, R. C. and J. V. Smith (1967)Investigationsconcerning the breakdown of albite at depth in the earth. J. Geol., 75, 268286. Reinsch,D. (19'fD High pressurerocksfrom Val Chiusella(SeziaLanzo zone,Italian Alps). NeuesJahrb. Mineral. Abh., 130,89to2. TADEITE + QUARTZ Robie, R. A., B. S. Hemingwayand J. R. Fisher (1978)Thermodyat 298'15K namic propertiesofminerals and relatedsubstances and I bar (105 Pascals)pressureand at higher temperatures. U. S. Geol. Sun. Bull. 1452. Skinner, B. J. (1966) Thermal expansion.In S. P. Clark, Ed., Handbook of PhysicalConstants,p.75-96. Geol.Soc.Am. Mem. 97. Waldbaum, D. R. and R. A. Robie (1971)Calorimetric investigation of Na-K mixing and polymorphismin the alkali feldspars. Z. Kristallogr., 184, 381420. Manuscript received, December 13, 1978; acceptedfor publication, May 24, 1979.