Modification to OHE for creation of PTFE Neutral section

Tender Notice No. V/TRD-OT/03/2011-2012 Dated. 14.10.2011
Tender for:
TVC Division - Modification to OHE for creation of PTFE Neutral section at feeding
posts at Kazhakuttam, Chingavanam & Punnapra.
Last Date & time of submission of tenders
22.11.2011 at 14:00 hrs.
Date and time of opening of tenders
22.11.2011 at 14:30 hrs.
Name & Address of Tenderer to whom
tender form is issued
Date of issue of tender form
Signature of upper subordinate
(Name in block letters)
Earnest Money Deposit
` 43,550/-
Cost of tender document
` 3,288/-
Traction Distribution
Trivandrum Division
Tender Notice No. V/TRD-OT/03/2011-2012 Dated. 14.10.2011
Tender for: TVC Division - Modification to OHE for creation of PTFE Neutral section at feeding posts
at Kazhakuttam, Chingavanam & Punnapra.
Last Date & time of submission of tenders
22.11.2011 at 14:00 hrs.
Date and time of opening of tenders
22.11.2011 at 14:30 hrs.
Note: If contractor has down loaded the tender documents from web site, the offer should be submitted along
with DD/Southern Railway Cash receipt towards the cost of tender booklet (` 3,288/-). Without Cash
receipt/DD, the offer will be rejected.
Divisional Railway Manager (Traction)
Southern Railway, Trivandrum-14
(For & on behalf of the President of India)
Divisional Electrical Engineer (Traction),
Southern Railway, Trivandrum.
Dear Sir,
Sub: TVC Division - Modification to OHE for creation of PTFE Neutral section
at feeding posts at Kazhakuttam, Chingavanam & Punnapra.
**** ^ ****
1. I/We hereby tender and if my/our tender shall be accepted, undertake to execute the whole (or such portion
as actually tendered for or accepted) of the work described in the schedule hereto annexed in accordance in
all respects with the said schedule and with the annexed terms and conditions at the rates entered therein
and to execute a form of contract agreement in the prescribed form with the President of the Union of India
acting through the General Manager/Divisional Railway Manager hereinafter called the “Government”.
2. I/We hereby agree that should I/we withdraw this tender before the decision of the accepting authority is
known or should I/We decline or fail to execute the contract after I/we have been advised that my/our
tender has been accepted in whole or in part my/our earnest money deposit of ` 43,550/- shall be forfeited
to and appropriated by the Government not as penalty but as ascertained liquidated damages and without
prejudice to any right of the Government to claim damages from me/us breach of any contract and that the
dispatch of such advice of acceptance of tender by the Divisional Railway Manager or other person
deputed by him in a registered cover addressed to me/us shall be held to constitute receipt by me/us of
such acceptance and the relative documents.
3. I/We hereby declare that I am/We are in all respects eligible in accordance with the provision of the Indian
Contract Acts to enter into contracts.
4. I/We hereby declare that I am/We are Income-tax assesses and that I/We attach current Income-TaxClearance Certificate issued by the Income-Tax Officer of the circle concerned.
5. I/We agree to complete the work within the time specified or stated below from the date of award of
6. I/We hereby agree that the Government has the right to reject the tender if the current Income-TaxClearance Certificate in the PROFORMA is not sent along with this tender.
7. I/We have carefully read and noted the terms and conditions of sale and understood the same. I/We further
agree to make good at my/our own expense all defects in the installation within 12 months from the date
of bringing the installation into use when such defects are due to defective workmanship or materials
executed or supplied by me/us.
8. I/We do hereby agree to abide by this tender for a period of 90 days from the last date fixed for receiving
tenders namely the 22.11.2011 and on default of my/our failing to do so, I/We will forfeit to the Divisional
Railway Manager, Southern Railway, the earnest money of ` 43,550/9. Further, it is understood that this tender is to be treated as a separate tender in respect of each serial
number in the schedule and that the Government shall be at liberty to accept any one or more of such
Yours faithfully,
Name & Address
(To be written legibly)
Note: 1. The tenderer has to sign at the foot of all pages and schedules also.
2. If a firm, all parties names to be specified.
Traction Distribution
Trivandrum Division
Sub: TVC Division - Modification to OHE for creation of PTFE Neutral section at feeding posts
at Kazhakuttam, Chingavanam & Punnapra.
*** ^ ***
Sealed tenders for the above work are invited as per the schedule enclosed.
No tender will be considered which is not submitted in the prescribed form included in the tender
documents viz., “Tender Form” and schedule (in 31 sheets) duly filled in and signed.
Sealed tender to be super scribed as: “Tender for: TVC Division - Modification to OHE for creation of
PTFE Neutral section at feeding posts at Kazhakuttam, Chingavanam & Punnapra”.
3. Which will be received in the office of the Divisional Electrical Engineer, Traction, Southern Railway,
Trivandrum-14 up to 14:00 hrs on 22.11.2011. Tenders will be opened on the same day at 14:30 hrs in
the presence of representatives of tenderer who may desire to attend. No un-sealed tender will be accepted
and the tenders received after the time specified will also not be considered.
4. The approximate cost of the work is ` 21,77,224/5. The rates quoted should be firm in terms of ` and all inclusive of taxes and duties etc and not subject to
fluctuations and given as per attached schedule.
6. No tenders containing errors or alterations will be considered unless otherwise properly attested. Tenders
shall be submitted in the following format.
a) Covering letter.
b) Tender application form (form accompanying these instructions) should be removed completely and
properly filled in.
c) Schedule of works (schedule of works accompanying these instructions should be removed completely
and properly filled in).
d) The remaining papers of the tender documents should also be returned.
7. Earnest Money Deposit:
(a) The tender should be accompanied by a receipt of deposit made in cash (paid to Railway administration,
Divisional Cashier (Pay), Southern Railway, Trivandrum-14 and receipt for the same should be submitted
with the tender. Cash Deposit Receipts/FDR/Demand drafts will also be accepted towards EMD.
However, Bank guarantee bonds will not be accepted towards EMD. Deposit receipts, FDR, Demand
Draft should be in favour of Sr. Divisional Finance Manager, Southern Railway, Trivandrum-14.
These forms of Earnest money could be either of the State Bank of India or of any of the nationalized
banks. No confirmatory advice from the Reserve Bank of India will be necessary.
(b) Deposit receipts executed by the Scheduled Bank (other than the State Bank of India and Nationalized
Banks) approved by The Reserve Bank of India will be accepted towards EMD. The Railway will not,
however, accept these deposit receipts without getting in writing the concurrence of the Reserve Bank of
(c) A sum of ` 43,550/- EMD has to be remitted for the due performance of the stipulation to keep the offer
open till such date as might be specified in the tender. It shall be understood that the tender documents
have been sold to the tenderer and the tenderer is permitted to tender in consideration of the stipulation
on his part, that after submitting his tender he will not resale from his offer or modify the terms and
conditions thereof in a manner not acceptable to the Divisional Electrical Engineer (Traction), Southern
Railway, Trivandrum-14 should the tenderer fails to observe or comply with the said stipulation, the
aforesaid amount shall be liable to be forfeited to Railways.
Signature of Tenderer
If his tender is accepted, the EMD will be retained as a part of the security deposit for the due and
faithful fulfillment of the general conditions of contract 2004 with correction slip issued by Railway
board vide EDCE(G) letter No. 2003/CE-1/CT/4/PT-I Dt.12/16-05-2006 but shall be forfeited if the
contractor fails to execute the agreement bond or start the work within a reasonable time. The EMD of
other tenderers shall have as herein before provided, be returned to them, but the Railway shall not be
responsible for any loss or depreciation that may happen thereto while in the possession nor be liable to
pay interest therein. No tender will be accepted without the above prescribed EMD.
The tenderer shall keep the offer open for a minimum period of 90 days from the date of opening of the
tenders within which period that tenderer cannot withdraw his offer subject to the period being extended
further if required by mutual agreement from time to time. Any contravention of the above condition will
make the tenderer liable for forfeiture of his EMD.
The successful tenderer shall be required to furnish the necessary security deposit to the extent as required
under clause No. 16 of the general conditions of contract. The EMD furnished by him will be taken into
account in calculating the security deposit. The security deposit may be deposited in cash or in any of the
forms mentioned under clause 9. No interest will be allowed on the deposit in cash. The security deposit
is returnable after completion of the guarantee period from the date of installation formally taken over by
Railways after the inspection and tests and satisfying all requirements given in the annexed specification.
Mode of payment of EMD should be indicated in the covering letter accompanying the tender.
Payment for the work done by the contractors will be made after the inspection and tests by an authorized
representative of the Railway on completion of the works and in the manner stated in clause No. 44 of the
general conditions of the contract.
In all matters of dispute, the decision of the Divisional Railway Manager, Southern Railway, Trivandrum14 will be final.
The Railway administration will not assist the contractor in granting or obtaining the import license for
any item involved in the work. The materials offered should have as such indigenous components as
The President of the Union of India is not bound to accept the lowest or any tender not be assigned any
reason for doing so and reserves the right to accept any tender in respect of whole or any portion of the
items specified.
a. Should the tenderer be an engineer of the gazetted rank or any other gazetted officer working before his
retirement, whether in the executive or administrative capacity or whether holding a pensionable post or
not in the engineering department of any of the Railways own and administered by being partnership firm
have as one of its partner a retired engineer or retired officer as one of it’s directors or should a tenderer
have in his employment any retired engineer or retired gazetted officer as aforesaid in full information to
the date of retirement of such engineer or gazetted officer from the said service and in case where such
engineer or officer had not retired from government services at least two years prior to the date of
submission of the tender as to whether permission for taking such contract, or if the contractor be a
partnership firm or incorporated company to become a partner or director as the case may be or to make
the employment under the contractor has been obtained by the tenderer of the engineer or the officer as
the case may be from the President of India or any officer duly authorized by him in his behalf shall be
clearly stated in writing at the time of submission of tender. Tenders without the information above
referred to or a statement to the effect is so associated with the tenderer, as the case may be shall be
b. Should a tenderer or contractor have a relative or relatives or in the case firm or company of contractors
one or more of the share holders or a relative or relatives of the shareholders employed in the gazetted
capacity on the engineering department of the Railways, the authority inviting the tenders shall be
informed of the fact at the time of submission of the tenders, failing which the tender may be disqualified
or if such fact subsequently comes to light, the contract may be reassigned in accordance with the
provisions in clause No. 60 if the general conditions of the contract.
Signature of Tenderer
a. Before submitting a tender, the tenderer will be deemed to have satisfied himself by actual inspection of
the site and locality of the works that all conditions liable to be encountered during the execution of the
works are taken into account and that the rates to be entered in the tender forms are adequate and all
inclusive to accord with the provision in clause No. 33 of the general conditions of the contract for the
completion of the works to the entire satisfaction of the engineer.
b. If the tenderers deliberately given wrong information in his tender or creates circumstances for the
acceptance of his tender, Railways reserves the right to reject such tender at any stage.
c. If any tenderer desires, prior to tendering to inspect the building/buildings or installations where the work
is to be executed, he may do so by arrangement with the Divisional Electrical Engineer, Traction,
S.Railway, Trivandrum-14. Any further information required regarding the tender may be obtained from
him on any working day during office hours but once the tender has been submitted, no representatives of
the tendering firm will be granted an interview for discussing the matters connected with the tender.
17. Sales tax on works contract, if legally leviable and paid, shall be reimbursed by the Railway
administration to the contactor, based on the production of the documentary evidences viz.,
a. Valid sales tax clearance certificate from the commercial tax department of the State Government
b. Valid KGST/TNGST registration No.
c. Documentary proof of actual payment made as sales tax and claimed for reimbursement against the works
covered in the specification/agreement.
18. The Southern Railway general conditions of contract 2004 will be binding on the contractor and the same
may be perused before quoting.
19. The submission of the tender will be deemed to imply that this memorandum and all the documents
enclosed have been studied and understood and that the tenderer is aware of the full scope of the work to
be done and the Railways conditions effecting the execution.
20. The tender offers may be submitted including the technical details of the offers, conditions and the price
schedule, as required in the tender schedule.
N.B. If any of the conditions are not acceptable, it should be specifically brought out in the covering letter
accompanying the tender and not in the tender documents. No deviations to Railways standard conditions
will be accepted.
21. The successful tenderer shall sign agreement in the form attached for the execution of the work as
tendered by him and accepted by the Railway within 30 days from the date of issue of acceptance letter
and should complete the work within 180 days from the date of issue of acceptance letter.
22. The cost of tender form is non-refundable. The cost of tender form should be paid to Railway
administration and the receipt/DD should be in the name of Senior Divisional Finance Manager, Southern
Railway, Trivandrum-14 or the receipt from Divisional Cashier (Pay), Southern Railway, Trivandrum-14
and receipt for the same should be submitted with the tender.
23. Delayed/Late tenders/Post tender offers received after the closing of the tenders will be summarily
rejected. No responsibility will be accepted for the delay in postal transit.
24. If the date of receipt and the opening of the tenders happen to be a holiday, the receipt and opening of the
tenders will be done on the next working day.
25. The tenderers while submitting their offer, credentials and necessary details as called for should be
submitted along with the offer itself. No correspondence will be made/entertained afterwards regarding
the credentials and the details etc.
Signature of Tenderer
Divisional Railway Manager (Traction)
Southern Railway, Trivandrum-14
(For & on behalf of the President of India)
The rates and total amount shall be filled in by the tenderers both in words and figures and in case, if
any difference in the quoted rate is noticed, the rate quoted in words shall be final and binding on the
If the Tenderer/Contractor find any discrepancy or omission in the tender documents, he should at once
notify the same to the Divisional Electrical Engineer (Traction), Southern Railway, Trivandrum.
If any of the conditions are found to be contrary to that specified elsewhere in the tender documents,
conditions specified under the special conditions of the contract will be final and binding on the
The offer of the Tenderer shall be valid for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of tenders.
The Tenderer may, at his discretion, inspect the site of work, at his own cost acquaint and satisfy
himself with the site conditions and facilities available, before submitting the tender.
The Divisional Railway Manager, Southern Railway Trivandrum-14 reserves the right to accept
tender in whole or in part or reject the tenders without assigning any reason.
Completion period: The successful Tenderer shall complete the entire works within 180 days from the
date of award of contract liquidated damages at 0.5% per week will be charged (On the total portion of
the work/part of the work to be completed beyond the validity period of the contract / Extended time
period as the case may be) for failure of execution of the works within the specified period. If the
work is delayed on departmental account, necessary time extension will be granted without recovering
liquidated damages.
Valid Income Tax clearance certificate is to be enclosed with the tender documents. Income tax as
will be deducted from contractor’s bills.
The contractor/Tenderer may peruse the tender schedule and drawings enclosed. If any of the items
essentially required for execution of the work but not provided either in the schedule or in the
drawings, the same shall be provided by the contractor without raising any extra claims.
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD). Tenderers are required to deposit an amount or ` 43,550/- as EMD in
any one of the following forms. (No interest will be paid on cash remittances)
In cash paid to the Divisional Cashier (Pay), Southern Railway, Trivandrum-14.
By Cash Deposit Receipts/Demand drafts issued by any Nationalised Bank and drawn in favour of Sr.
Divisional Finance Manager, Southern Railway, Trivandrum-14
N.B. Bank guarantee bonds will not be accepted as EMD. Tenders not accompanied by requisite EMD will
be summarily rejected. Those who are having fixed EMD with Southern Railway for executing
Electrical works will only be exempted from furnishing EMD. (Details to be furnished invariably with
The tenderers while submitting their offer shall enclose documents in support of having under taken
similar work failing which their tender is liable to be rejected.
Signature of Tenderer
Divisional Railway Manager (Traction)
Southern Railway, Trivandrum-14
(For & on behalf of the President of India)
1. No claim whatsoever will be entertained by the Railway on account of any delay of hold up of the works
arising out of delay in supply of drawings, changes, modifications, alterations, additions, omissions in the
site layout plans or detailed drawings or designs and or late supply of such materials as are required to be
arranged by the railway or due to any other factor on Railway accounts.
2. No claim for idle labour and or idle machinery, etc on account will be entertained. Similarly no claim shall
be entertained for business loss or any such loss.
3. In case of accidents/natural calamities involving human lives, Railway reserves the right to draft vehicles
and equipments of contractors on hire basis. The hiring of vehicles/Equipments will be operated as NonScheduled items as per the existing norms and payment will be made accordingly.
4. Guarantee Period
The contractor shall guarantee satisfactory working of the installations erected by him for a period of 12
months from the date of commercial operations or from the date of provisional acceptance of each section
by the railway whichever is earlier the guarantee for spares should be coincident with the guarantee for
erected equipment.
a. During the period of guarantee the contractor shall keep available an experienced engineer and necessary
equipment to attend to any defective installations resulting from defective erection and or defect in the
equipment supplied by the contractor. The engineer shall not attend to rectification of defects which arise
out of normal wear and tear and come within the purview of routine maintenance work. The contractor
shall bear the cost of all modifications, additions or substitutions that may be considered necessary due to
faulty material, design or workmanship for the satisfactory working of the equipment. The final decision
shall test with Divisional Railway Manager (Traction), Southern Railway, Trivandrum or his
b. During the period of Guarantee the contractor shall be liable for the replacement at site of any parts which
may be found defective in the equipment whether such equipment be of his own manufacture or those of
the sub-contractor whether arising from faulty design, materials, workmanship or negligence in any
manner on the part of the contractor, provided always that such defective parts as are not repairable at site
are promptly returned to the contractor. If so required by him at his (Contractor’s) own expenses. In case
of type defects in contractor’s equipment and components detected during guarantee period contractor
should replace all such items irrespective of the fact whether all such items have failed or not. The
contractor shall bear the cost of repairs carried out on his behalf by the railway at site in such a case, the
contractor shall be informed in advance of the works proposed to be carried out by the Railway.
c. If it becomes necessary for the contractor to replace or renew any defective portion of the equipment under
the para aforesaid then the provision of the said para shall also apply to the portions of the equipment so
replaced or renewed until the expiry of six months from the date of such replacement or renewal or until
the end of the mentioned period whichever is later. Such extension shall not apply in case of defects of a
minor nature, the decision of the Divisional Railway Manager (Traction), Southern Railway, Trivandrum
or his successor nominee being final in the matter. If any defect be not remedied within a reasonable time
during aforesaid period the Railway may proceed to do the work at the Contractor’s risk, and expense, but
without prejudice to any other rights and remedies which the Railway may have against the contractor in
respect of such defects of faults.
d. The repaired or renewed parts shall be delivered and erected on site free of charge to the Railway.
e. The provisions of this paragraph shall also cover any materials, fittings, components or equipments
supplied. The liability of the contractor under the guarantee will be limited to re-supply of
equipments/components and fittings made. Such re-supply shall be effected at the contractor’s depot or in
the event of closure of the depot at the stores depot of the engineer-in-charge of maintenance of overhead
equipment of the section covered by the contract.
f. In the case of materials, components, fittings and equipments supplied by the railway, no liability will rest
on the contractor for failures on account of defective materials or workmanship and for any consequential
damages. The contractor if net yet erected on line will return such defective materials to the Railway and
such quantities will be considered for the purpose of final reconciliation over and above allowance given in
the tender paper.
5. Payment: 100% payment on all items shall be payable against the part bills for completed portion of
works. Bills to be raised along with taking over statement to be issued by SSE/TRD/ERS, KTYM, KZK or
authorised railway representative.
6. Income Tax, Education cess & KVAT will be deducted from Contractor’s bill at the percentage notified by
the government.
Signature of Tenderer
7. The Successful tenderer may furnish the following details while executing the agreement.
a. Name of the bank
b. Postal Address of the Bank
with Phone No. of the Manager
c. Type of Account (SB /Current Account/OD)
d. Account No.
e. Bank Code./ MICR No.
f. IFS Code.
g. The mandate attested by the Bank Manager
8. Security Deposit
The successful tenderer shall be required to furnish the necessary Security Deposit to the extent required
under clause 16 of General Conditions of contract. The Earnest Money furnished by him will be taken into
account in calculating the security deposit. No interest will be allowed on the deposits in cash. The security
deposit is returnable after the successful completion of all works and after expiry of the maintenance
period based on ‘No Claim Certificate’ from the contractor.
Unless otherwise specified in the Special Conditions, if any, the Security Deposit/rate of recovery/mode of
recovery shall be as under:i.
Security Deposit for each works should be 5% of the contact value
The rate of recovery should be at rate of 10% of the bill amount till the full security Deposit is
Security Deposit will be recovered only from the running bills of the contractor and no other mode of
collecting SD such as SD in the form of instruments like BG, FD etc, shall be accepted towards
Security Deposit.
Security Deposit shall be returned to the contractor after the successful completion of all works
and after passing the final bill based on ‘No Claim Certificate’ as certified by the competent
authority and after expiring of Guarantee period. The Competent authority shall normally be the
authority, who is competent to sign the contract. The certificate, inter alia, should mention that the work
has been completed in all respects and that all the contractual obligations have been fulfilled by the
Contactors and that there is no dues from the Contactor to Railways against the contract concerned. Before
releasing the SD, an unconditional and un equivocal no claim certificate from the Contactor concerned
should be obtained.
9. Performance Guarantee
The procedure for obtaining Performance Guarantee is outlined below:(a) The successful bidder shall have to submit a Performance Guarantee (PG) within 30 (thirty) days from the
date of issue of Letter Of Acceptance (LOA). Extension of time for submission of PG beyond 30 (thirty)
days and upto 60 days from the date of issue of LOA may be given by the Authority who is competent to
sign the contract agreement. However, a penal interest of 15% per annum shall be charged for the delay
beyond 30 (thirty) days, i.e. from 31st day after the date of issue of LOA. In case the contractor fails to
submit the requisite PG even after 60 days from the date of issue of LOA, the contract shall be terminated
duly forfeiting EMD and other dues, if any payable against that contract. The failed contractor shall be
debarred from participating in re-tender for that work.
(b) The successful bidder shall submit the Performance Guarantee (PG) in any of the following forms,
amounting to 5% of the contract value:
A deposit of cash;
(ii) Irrevocable Bank Guarantee;
(iii) Government Securities including State Loan Bonds at 5% below the market value;
(iv) Deposit Receipts, Pay Orders, Demand Drafts and Guarantee Bonds. These forms of Performance
Guarantee could be either of the State Bank of India or of any of the Nationalizes Banks;
(v) Guarantee Bonds executed or Deposits Receipts tendered by all Scheduled Banks;
(vi) A deposit in the Post Office Saving Bank;
(vii) A deposit in the National Savings Certificate;
Signature of Tenderer
Twelve years National Defence Certificate;
Ten years Defence Deposits;
National Defence Bonds and
Unit Trust Certificates at 5 % below market value or at the face value whichever is less.
Also, FDR in favour of Senior Divisional Finance Manager, Southern Railway, Trivandrum (free from
any encumbrance) may be accepted.
NOTE: The instruments as listed above will also be acceptable for Guarantee in case of Mobilization Advance.
(c) The performance Guarantee shall be submitted by the successful bidder after the Letter of Acceptance
(LOA) has been issued, but before signing of the contract agreement. This P.G. shall be initially valid upto
the stipulated date of completion plus 60 days beyond that. In case, the time for completion of work gets
extended, the contractor shall get the validity of P.G. extended to cover such extended time for completion
of work plus 60 days.
(d) The value of PG to be submitted by the contractor will not change for variation upto 25% (either increase
or decrease). In case during the course of execution, value of the contract increases by more than 25% of
the original contract value, an additional Performance Guarantee amounting to 5% (five percent) for the
excess value over the original contract value shall be deposited by the contractor.
(e) The Performance Guarantee (PG) shall be released after the physical completion of the work and passing
final bill based on the ‘Completion Certificate’ issued by the competent authority stating that the
contractor has completed the work in all respects satisfactorily. The Security Deposit shall, however, be
released only after expiry of the maintenance period and after passing the final bill based on ‘No Claim
Certificate’ from the contractor.
(f) Whenever the contract is rescinded, the Security Deposit shall be forfeited and the Performance Guarantee
shall be encashed. The balance work shall be got done independently without risk & cost of the failed
contractor. The failed contractor shall be debarred from participating in the tender for executing the
balance work. If the failed contractor is a JV or a partnership firm, then every member/partner of such a
firm shall be debarred from participating in the tender for the balance work in his/her individual capacity
or as a partner of any other JV/partnership firm.
(g) The engineer shall not make a claim under the Performance Guarantee except for amounts to which the
President of India is entitled under the contract (not withstanding and/or without prejudice to any other
provisions in the contract agreement) in the event of:
(i) Failure by the contractor to extend the validity of the Performance Guarantee as described herein
above, in which event the Engineer may claim the full amount of the Performance Guarantee.
(ii) Failure by the contractor to pay President of India any amount due, either as agreed by the contractor
or determined under any of the Clauses/Conditions of the agreement, within 30 days of the service of
notice to this effect by Engineer.
(iii) The contract being determined or rescinded under provision of the GCC, the Performance Guarantee
shall be forfeited in full and shall be absolutely at the disposal of the President of India.
10. Completion period:
The contractor should complete the entire works within 180 days from the date of award of contract
liquidated damages at 0.5% per week will be charged (On the total portion of the work/part of the work to
be completed beyond the validity period of the contract/Extended time period as the case may be) for
failure of execution of the works within the specified period. If the work is delayed on departmental
account, necessary time extension will be granted without recovering liquidated damages.
11. Arbitration:
Settlement of disputes and Arbitration in respect of this contract will be as per & 64 of the General
Conditions of Contract – 2004.
12. Vitiation Clause: During the course of execution of the work, if there is any variation in the executed
quantities over the quantities as per the Agreement, the inter se position of the tenderers may get altered.
Under such circumstances the successful bidder is bound to accept the lowest value to avoid vitiation of
Signature of Tenderer
Divisional Railway Manager (Traction)
Southern Railway, Trivandrum-14
(For & on behalf of the President of India)
1. This is a works contract. The special conditions of contract should be read in conjunction with the GCC
2004 (copy available in the office of Divisional Electrical Engineer (Traction) Southern Railway,
Trivandrum -695014 for perusal)
2. The works should be carried out in the presence of the authorized representative of the Divisional
Electrical Engineer (Traction), Southern Railway, Trivandrum – 695014 (DEE/TRD/TVC).
3. The contractor has to make available all the tools and plants required for executing this work.
4. The contractor shall obtain special permit from Railway to enable his workers to work and to cross the
tracks at the site of work and to take in/take out materials from Railway premises.
5. The execution of the work should in no way impede normal running of train services or shunting
6. The works shall be executed based on approved Layout plan issued by Railways.
7. All dismantling & Erection works should be done under the supervision of railway representative.
Contractor supply Materials shall be purchased from approved Railway suppliers. Size of materials should
be based on concerned RDSO drawings. (Invoice/Rites inspection certificates must be enclosed for
material acceptance).
8. All the materials proposed to be used for this work shall be as per the approved samples and shall conform
to the relevant IS specification.
9. Released /Retrieved materials shall be handed over to Railway after staking at a convenient place near
Railway station premises/Electrical Traction Depots as directed by the Engineer in charge at free of cost.
10. The contractor has to make his own arrangements for transporting men & materials to the site of work.
11. No material price variation or wages escalation on any account whatsoever and compensation for “Force
Majaure”, etc. shall be payable under this contract.
12. No claim whatsoever will be entertained by the Railway on account of any delay or hold up of the works
arising out of delay in supply of drawings, changes, modifications, alterations, additions, omissions in the
site layout plans or detailed drawings or designs and or late supply of such materials as are required to be
arranged by the railway or due to any other factor on Railway accounts.
13. No claim for idle labour and or idle machinery, etc on any account will be entertained. Similarly no claim
shall be entertained for business loss or any such loss.
14. In case of accidents /natural calamities involving human lives, Railway reserves the right to draft vehicles
and equipments of contractors on hire basis. The hiring of vehicles /Equipments will be operated as NonScheduled Items as per the existing norms and payment will be made accordingly.
15. In case of any Electrical /Signal/Telecommunication cable damaged during the execution of work or
during the warranty maintenance period by the contractor, the cost of the loss (either direct loss or indirect
loss) caused by the damage is to be borne by the contractor. The direct loss includes the cost of the cable
damage including the cost of restoration and indirect loss may include the resultant loss caused due to the
dislocation in traffic and cost of other equipments damaged which have direct connection with the
damaged cable etc.
16. The work should be carried out without any interference to the normal working of Railway track &
structure. The contractor shall be responsible for any loss to Railway and public property and if it occurs
during the course of execution, then the Railway reserves the right to have the damages made good by the
17. The contractor has to make his own arrangements for storing the materials proposed to be utilized by him.
No responsibility will be taken by the Railways for the loss of contractor’s materials.
18. The directions issued by the DEE/TRD/TVC or his authorized representative will be binding on the
contractor for the satisfactory completion of the work.
19. The quantities of materials indicated in the enclosed schedule are only approximate and is subject to
variation. The Divisional Electrical Engineer (Traction) will have the powers to increase/decrease the
quantity of work up to a maximum of 25%.
20. If the amount undertaken or ordered to be paid is stated differently in figures and in words, the amount
stated in words shall be the amount under taken or to be paid.
21. Explanatory instructions for items described under Standard Schedule of Rates (SSR) mentioned in the
Tender Schedule
Signature of Tenderer
Item No. 2(a)
Concrete for foundation and plinth in hard soil
Concrete for foundation and plinth in rocky soil
The price shall cover execution, supply and handling of all materials and accessories, temporary
arrangements for excavation in hard soil and concrete/masonry drains/walls requiring use of chisel and
hammer 2(a) (i) or requiring blasting 2(a) (ii). Shoring where necessary, casting concrete including frame work
where necessary, tamping of concrete, grouting mast and finishing the top of concrete foundation or anchor
blocks. The price also includes dismantling of all connected temporary arrangements, back filling with earth
and compacting the same to the required height and width as per drawing to ensure safety of foundation.
The purchaser’s engineer shall certify where use of chisel and hammer or blasting has been necessary. The
contractor shall arrange for supply of explosives and all tools and plants for blasting operation at his own cost.
If half or more of the depth or width of excavation s in hard soil/ concrete /masonry drains/walls or in rock, the
entire foundations shall be paid for under item 2(a)(i) or 2(a)(ii) as case may be. If half of the depth or width of
the excavation in hard soil/ concrete/masonry drains/walls and the other half is in rock, entire foundations shall
be paid under item 2(a)(ii). The price shall include the cost of cement.
Notes for measurement for Items 2(a)(i) and (ii).
1. The payable volume of foundations under Item 2 (a)(i) and (ii) shall be the designed one as shown in the
drawings for which the hole has been blasted, irrespective of the actual configuration assumed by the latter
due to the blasting.
2. The depth of excavation shall be measured from the formation level to the maximum excavated point.
Item No. 2(b) - Concrete for foundation and plinth in other than hard soil and rock.
The price shall include all works mentioned in Item 2 (a) in all classes of soil except hard soil, concrete or
masonry drains and walls and rock.
Item No. 3(a)(i) - Erection of traction masts and main masts of switching stations, booster stations and LT
supply Transformer stations by manual.
The price shall cover cost of erection, alignment and setting before grouting of individual traction masts and
main masts of switching and booster Transformer stations and masts for L.T supply Transformers stations
whether rolled or fabricated including those for head spans.
Note (1): For the purpose of payment, the weights of individual traction mast and mast of head span shall be
determined for each type on the basis of the payable weights per meter length shown below for standard types,
for special types, the payable weight per meter length will be indicated by the purchaser at the time of approval
of deigns.
Sl. No.
Type of Masts
WEIGHT in Kg/Meter Including Galvanisation.
6”x 6” x 25.15 BFB
162 x 154 x 27.1 Kg. BFB
200 x 200 x 49.9 Kg. BFB
8” x 6” x 35 Ib RSJ
K 150
K 175
K 200
B 150
B 175
B 200
B 225
B 250
Signature of Tenderer
(2) The materials listed below will be also in the contractor’s scope of erection.
Dwarf mast of different length (3.85 m, 4.35 m, 4.75 m & 4.77 m)
Switching station mast for AT and DP Isolator(S-100 & S-101)
AT’s mast ( T-150)
All type of bridge mast of different length without rigger etc.
All type of emergency mast without splices.
The payable weight per meter length for the above mast will be indicated by the purchaser at the time of
approval of designs.
Item No. 3(c) - Erection of fabricated steel works (SPS)
The price shall cover, cost for erection, alignment and setting before grouting wherever required of cantilever
SPS and tower/ steel work for feeders for traction substations, drop arms, standard super mast and suspension
bracket for feeders and return conductors, dwarf mast or stub mast for anchoring complete with anchor plates
drilled and welded in position, multiple cantilever cross arm, chairs, adopters for bracket assemblies and all
other small part steel works, the erection of which is carried out by the contractor irrespective of whether they
are supplied by the purchaser or the contractor the price shall also only erection of galvanized blots, nuts,
washers etc. where ever required as per approved designs and drawings.
Item No. 3(e) - Erection of guy rod assembly:
The price shall cover erection of guy rod assembly for various length for traction mast, feeder lines towers or
supports complete with mast guy rod fittings, guy rod with adjustment and part/s be grouted in the anchor
block. The price shall not include the cost of erection of dwarf or stub mast with anchor plates drilled and
welded in positions, where required for anchorage, and small part steel works complete with bolts and nuts etc.
If any for attaching the mast guy rod fittings to the mast/ structure, which shall be paid for, separate under the
relevant item. The price indicated against all other items should be exclusive of the price of erection of guy rod
if any which will be paid for under this item.
Components Requirement
Rly. Id. No.
5004/5005/ 5006-1
Description of Components
Mast guy rod fitting (welded) complete with 4 short
bolts, nuts, locknuts and washers for attachment to
mast/S.P.S including appropriate fittings.
Anchor bolts (complete with nuts locknuts & split pins)
Guy rod stirrup
Guy Rod with nut, washer and split pin
Anchor ‘V’ bolt
Anchor loop
Guy Rod double strap assembly
Qty. per unit
1 off
1 set
1 off
1 off
2 off
2 off
1 off or 2 off(as required)
Note: 1. In case the contractor desires to adopt a different design for Guy Rod assembly the same shall be
indicated by him in the tender and the components required should be clearly listed under these items
as deviation.
2. Erection of Guy Rod assembly at anticreep portals will also be paid for under this item.
Item No. 4(a) (i)(a) - Erection of a Single bracket assembly
The price shall cover on a flat rate basis any bracket assembly on traction mast or support on drop arm and
shall include those on high/low level platform, in the vicinity of turnouts, over bridges or over-laps and at
locations with reduced encumbrance or terminating wires. The price shall include the cost of erection of all
components including galvanized steel tube and solid core insulators (Id.nos. 6000 and 6030, 6000-2 and
6030-1) dropper wires and small parts steel work complete with bolts and nuts etc, if any. The price shall cover
erection of all components including solid core insulators and dropper wires, but excluding small steel work, if
any. However, this does not in the anticreep arrangement at masts/structures. The price shall include:
Signature of Tenderer
Rly. Id. No.
2420 or 2430
2270-4 or 5/2460 style
02 or 2470-style-02
Description of components
Mast fitting for hook insulator with 2 off bolts, nuts, locknuts
and washers of 16 dia.
Tubular stay arm assembly (including galvanized steel tube)
Catenary suspension bracket assembly or hook bracket
Suspension clamp
Bracket tube assembly complete with tube cap and sleeve
where required(including galvanized steel tube)
Mast bracket fitting assembly including 2 off bolts, nuts,
locknuts & washers of 16 dia. For attachment to structures or to
SPS work.
Register am hook assembly complete with bolts, nuts and
Register arm assembly or raised register arm assembly
(including galvanized steel tube)
Register arm dropper assembly excluding dropper wire, but
complete with bolts, nuts etc.
BFB steady arm or bent steady arm (where required)
25 mm steady arm drop bracket/clamp
Contact wire swivel clip or raised register arm clamp
Anti wind clamp
Qty. per Unit
1 set
1 set
1 off
1 off (as required)
1 set
1 set
1 off
1 set
1 set
As required
As required
1 off
As required
Item No. 6 (a) - Erection of Overhead Equipment (Including Contact, Catenary, Jumper, 130 Sq. mm wire
where it is necessary and provision of enamel number plates on the mast) – only by manual.
The price for above shall cover erection of (19/2.5 95 sq. mm pure copper/65 sq. mm cadmium copper
Catenary and Hard drawn 107 sq. mm copper contact wire, 5 mm dropper wire, 105 jumper wire, 130 feeder tail wire if any, and components including dropper clips, parallel clamps for jumpering and
splices (where their use is approved) dropper wire, jumper wire and terminating wire/s and including small
parts steel works complete with bolts and nuts etc for attachment of number plates to mast/ structure. The price
shall cover erection of all components and wires and conductors including contact wire, catenary droppers
jumpers and terminating wires including small parts steel work, if any.
The price shall cover adjustment of OHE height and stagger several times along with track packing/ permanent
way works as and when required till the final track position is set by Engineering branch.
Rly. Id. No.
ETI/OHE/76 (6/97) a
& c slip no. 1(4/2001)
ETI/OHE/3 (2/94)
ETI/OHE/50 A&C slip
No. 1 (6/97)
Signature of Tenderer
Description of components
Contact wire parallel clamp small
Contact wire dropper clip (107)
Catenary dropper clip complete with bolts, nuts etc. Enamel
Structure no. plates complete with 2 S.S. bolts dia 10 x 35/30 nuts
and rubber Washer for dia 10 bolts
Contact wire ending clamp
Catenary wire ending clamp
Large span wire ending clamp (130)
Adjuster (Eye type on both ends)
Anchor double strap assembly
Compensating plate/Equalizing plate
Contact wire 107 Sq. mm (All sizes of contact wire shall be drawn
out of continuous cast copper rods only)
Annealed strandard Copper jumper wire for PH/F/H/C jumpers
with PG clamps
Cadmium Catenary Wire 65 Sq. mm/95 sq. mm pure copper
catenary wire
Qty. per Unit
As required
- do - do -
- do - do - do - do - do - do - do - do - do -
Item No. 7 (d) - Erection of 25 kV Feeder (Including 160 Sq. mm wire)
The price shall cover erection of a 25 kV feeder along or across track made of a 160 sq. mm copper wire
(37/2.5 mm) Drop jumpers/Jumpers from this wire shall be of 160 wire with 1050-3 PG clamps which
will be paid under 15(a)
I) Termination which will be paid for under item 8
II) The connection (a) between feeders, or return conductors and (b) of feeders or return conductors to a bus
bar, overhead equipment or which will be paid for under item 15 and
III) Cut-in-insulators and suspension insulators which shall be paid for under item 11.
For the purpose of payment against Item 7 (a), (b), (c) and (d) the length of feeders, return conductors or
earth wire shall be measured from the centre lines of the mast/ structure at which the two ends of each
length of feeder or conductor run are anchored by adding actual spans. In case of feeder return conductors
crossing a track, the length shall be measured between the faces of traction masts/ structures at which the
two ends of the cross feeder or return conductors are anchored as indicated in the as erected structure
erection drawings for traction masts/ structures. For purposes of progress payment reference to “as
approved drawings” shall be made.
Item No. 8 (a) (v) - Erection of regulating equipment (3 pulley type) with counter weight assembly for
conventional/composite OHE.
The price shall cover erection of counter weight assembly including 5 tonne adjuster with double strap
assembly and normal/anti-theft guide tube assembly, the erection of regulating equipment and stainless steel
wire rope required for the regulating equipment and small part steel work, if any. The price shall also cover
adjustment of the entire regulating equipment. The price shall also cover erection of all materials necessary for
the yoked termination of two Over Head Equipment conductors on a traction mast or structure, including
appropriate mast anchor fitting, cleaves assembly, three adjusters, ending clamps for catenary and contact
wires, anchore double strap assembly, equalizing/compensating plate and fitting wire, if any. This includes
erection of all materials including the 9 tonne insulator assembly.
Item No. 8 (b) (i) - Erection of materials for termination of single conductor of overhead equipment or
terminating wire.
The price shall cover erection of all material necessary for the termination of single conductor of overhead
equipment on traction mast or structure, including appropriate mast anchor fittings including suitable
attachment with mast/structure, backing angle, cleaves assembly, adjuster, anchor double straps, ending clamp
for the catenary or contact wire or terminating wire and fitting including 9 tonne composite insulator assembly
but excluding terminating wire if any. This includes erection of all materials including the 9 tonne composite
insulator assembly and except terminating wire if any.
Note: In case if `V’ type anchorage is adopted for terminating a single conductor such an arrangement would
be counted as two off under item 8 (b) (i) for the purpose of payment.
Adjuster with clevis type on one end is prohibited.
Item No. 8 (b) (ii) - Erection of materials for termination of Double Conductor (Conventional/Composite
The price shall cover erection of all materials necessary for the yoked termination of two overhead equipment
conductors on a traction mast or structure including appropriate mast anchor fitting including attachment with
mast/structure, Backing angle, cleaves – assembly three adjusters, ending clamps for catenary and contact wire
anchor double strap assembly, equalizing/ compensating plate and fittings including 9 tonne composite
insulator assembly in a FTA/RE location but excluding the termination wire if any. This includes erection of
all materials including the 9 tonne composite insulator assembly. When anchoring of a OHE (Both catenary
and contact wire) through large span wire (130 sq. mm) is done, erection rate for termination will be paid
under this schedule of work.
Signature of Tenderer
Item No. 8 (b) (iv) - Erection of materials for Anticreep Termination (One End)
The price shall cover erection of all materials required for termination of Anticreep wire alone on one side.
This includes appropriate mast Anchor fittings including attachment with mast/structure, Backing angle if any,
clevis assembly, adjuster, distance Rod if any, 9 tonne composite insulator, wire ending clamp Double straps
Item No.8 (b) (ix) - Erection of materials for termination of 25 kV terminating wire (160 Sq. mm) copper cross
track/ along track feeder.
The price shall cover erection of all materials necessary for termination of terminating wire 160 sq. mm
Copper on a structure for cross track or along track including appropriate anchor fittings, Backing angle,
Cleaves assembly, adjuster anchor double straps, ending clamp for 160 sq. mm copper wire and fitting
including 9 tonne composite insulator assembly and but excluding terminating wire (160 Sq. mm Copper) if
any. This includes erection of all materials including 9 tonne composite insulator assembly and excepting
terminating wire if any.
Anchor fittings including suitable attachment for mast/structure and backing angle complete with bolts
and nuts wherever required is included in this item.
2. The price under item 8 (b) (iii) shall not include the cost of jumper connection (i) between feeders or
return conductors and (ii) or feeders or return conductor to a busbar, Overhead equipment which will be
said for under item 15.
3. The price under items 8 (b) (i) to 8 (b) (vi) shall also include the erection cost of double eye distance rod
(Id. No. 5183) if proved for any type of terminations.
4. Erection of materials for terminations of catenary wire on either side of the portal at anticreep locations or
at bridge face will also be paid for under this item.
5. As per site requirement if the termination 9 tonne composite insulator is to be shifted to mid span of
Anchor span no extra rate for shifting at the time of erection is admissible.
6. The price including provision of spacer pipes to be provided in anti-falling device as per tension length
and marking of 150 C, 350 C and 450 C marks on the mast/structures as per standard width and colour
code in vogue.
7. Due to some reason or other OHE and guy rods are provided with two separate anchor fittings, no extra
rates are admissible for any of the materials provided extra.
8. For all terminations – 5020 adjuster with eye type on both sides shall be used. Clevis type on one end is
9. In regulating equipment, SS wire rope the manufacturers identification mark ferrules should be kept on
cast iron weight side.
10. Erection rates under item No.8 also includes the temporary termination of OHE/Feeder/RC wires on
structures/mast during modification also during the wiring works, where temporary termination is done.
11. The composite insulator provided for terminations in normal zone should be of normal composite
insulators and for polluted and red zone, it shall be 9 tonne polluted composite insulator (1050 mm
12. Anti falling device rod to be fixed as per RDSO drawing No.TI/DRG/OHE/ATD/RDSO/00009/06/0.
Item No. 9 (d) - Erection of anticreep with Cadmium Copper Catenary Wire.
The price shall cover the erection of all materials for anticreep including adjusters, mast anchor fittings at its
terminations on either side of structure, ending clamps including 9 tonne composite insulator, pure/cadmium
copper catenary wire, mast anchor fitting and backing angle as required. This includes erection of all materials
including pure/cadmium copper catenary wire, 9 tonne composite insulators assembly and small parts, steel
work if any. Necessary materials required will be supplied by Railways.
Signature of Tenderer
Item No. 11 (a) (i) - Erection of a Solid core cut-in-insulator.
The price is applicable to the erection of an additional 9 tonne composite cut-in-insulator on a flat rate basis
such as in a headspan, cross span or in span wire or an overhead equipment conductor at an insulated overlap,
in anti-creep any additional insulators provided. The price shall cover erection of all components required for
the cut-in-insulators assembly, including appropriate terminal end fittings for the conductor and the 9 tonne
composite insulator. The price shall cover erection of all components, including the 9 tonne composite
insulator. This price shall also be applicable as an adjustment price for non-provision of insulators under items
8 (b) (i) to 8 (b) (viii).
Item No. 11 (a) (ii) - Erection of a Composite Suspension Insulator.
The price is applicable to the erection of a 9 tonne composite suspension insulator (Polluted zone type for
polluted area) assembly for suspension of an all aluminum 25 KV feeder (single or double SPIDER) 160/130
sq. mm or 65 sq. mm overhead equipment conductor or 19/2.79 mm all aluminum catenary or any other similar
type of suspension. The price shall cover erection of all components, required for the suspension assembly
including the appropriate suspension clamp and the 9 tonne composite insulator assembly but excluding small
parts steel work with bolts and nuts etc if any. The price shall cover erection of all components including the 9
tonne composite insulator assembly but excluding small parts steel work, with bolts and nuts etc. for fixing if
any. The price shall include the cost of provision of a flat armour tape to be used in connection with suspension
of SPIDER conductor.
Item No.15 (a) - Erection only of a copper jumper
The price shall cover, on a flat rate basis, the erection of all components and fitting required for providing a
flexible copper jumper connection, including parallel clamps, bi-metallic and aluminium copper ALCU strips,
wherever required, and terminal or tee clamps at either end, but excluding jumper wire. The price shall also
cover the erection of the complete jumper assembly including jumper wire and jumper connections. The price
shall also be applicable for any jumper connection in any combination between feeders, L.T. Transformers
drop out switch, lightening arresters for overhead equipments, isolators for overhead equipment and outgoing
bus bars for switching stations and booster stations.
Item No. 16 (a) - Supply and Erection of a Structure Bond
The price shall cover supply of all materials including mild steel flat required to be provided in a structure
bond connecting a traction mast or structures to the nearest non-track circuited rail, or (locations other than
earth wire) earth electrode, including all fasteners at both ends, bonding should have suitable insulation sleeve
in an approved manner. The price shall include shaping and drilling and paint of all materials including the
bond. The price shall also include provision of heat shrinkable PVC sleeve of minimum length of 40 cm for
structure bond under track circuited rail. This would also cover connections or earthing terminals of
equipments like L.T. transformers with structures and then to Rails as per relevant drawing. The rate will be
per bond.
Item No. 16 (b) - Supply and Erection of Longitudinal Bond
The price shall cover the supply of all materials including mild steel flats, fasteners etc. required to be
provided in a longitudinal bond connecting 2 rails at the rail joint at the locations specified by the
Purchaser. The price shall includes shaping and drilling and painting of the bond and erection of all
components including the Bond. The rate will be per bond. In Feeding post area longitudinal bonds shall be
provided as per RDSO design. ‘U ‘shaped bonds which are provided in the points and crossing will be paid
under this item.
Signature of Tenderer
Item No. 16 (c) - Supply and Erection of Transverse and Special Bond
The price shall cover supply of all materials including mild steel flats, fasteners insulation sleeve etc required
to provide Impedance bonds / Transverse Impedance bond connecting rails of the same/adjacent tracks
at the locations and specified by the Purchaser. The price shall also cover the supply of all materials
including mild steel flat to provide special bonds at a level crossings, foot over/road over bridge/protective
screen etc for which the location will be specified by the Purchaser. The price shall include shaping and
drilling of the bond, painting and erection of all materials including the bond. This will be paid per bond. The
price shall also include provision of heat shrinkable PVC sleeve of minimum length of 40 cm. whenever it is
NOTE for ITEM No. 16.
1. The OHE traction bonds should be fixed to the rail and connected in such a way that they do not interfere
with tamping tools during tamping as shown in drawing No. CE/570. The traction bonds shall be
connected to the rail at a distance of not more than 80 mm from the adjoining sleepers.
2. Drilling of holes in the rails shall be done only with prior approval of SE/P.Way and drilling should be
done in the presence of nominated P.Way Staff only.
3. All holes drilled to the rail shall be chamfered soon after drilling.
4. Drawing No. CE/570 showing the fixing arrangement of traction bonds to be followed strictly.
5. Jointing of flats by welding is only permitted except in platforms where it is inevitable.
6. If old structure bonds, cross bonds/polarity bonds, longitudinal bonds from the existing line is to be
released, for any purpose so desired by Railway engineer at site, erection rate under structure bond will
be paid to the contractor. The bolt, nut and bond so released is to be accounted properly and handed over to
the purchaser.
Item No. 17 (a) - Supply and Erection of Single Earth Electrode
The price shall cover supply and erection of an earthing stations with a single pipe embedded into the ground
complete with protective concrete box and lugs suitable for directly connecting two mild steel flats of
minimum size 40 mm x 6 mm. The earth resistance shall be measured and stenciled in the concrete box. The
concrete Box shall be, as per RDSO’s Design and may not be possible to remove unless otherwise bond
fasteners are removed. The rate includes provision of Charcoal and Salt to a minimum size of 0.3 x 0.3 x 2.0
mts. in alternative layers irrespective of Soil Condition at Site.
Item No. 17 (c) - Supply and Erection of Copper Strips for Equipment Earthing
The price shall cover supply and erection of 25 mm x 3 mm copper strips to connect the earth terminals of
equipments like potential transformers, lightning, arrestors, L. T. Supply transformers and booster transformers
to the main masts of the gantries on which they are mounted. The price shall cover all fastenings required for
fixing the copper strip along any structure member of the gantry. The flat shall be painted with suitable paint
to avoid theft.
Item No. 17 (d) - Supply and Erection of 8 SWG G.I. wire for earthing
The price shall cover supply and erection of a 8 SWG G.I. Wire per metre, used for earthing at remote control
cubicles and LT panels.
Item No. 30 (b) (iv) – Fixing of Caution Boards along with suitable fixing clamps.
The price includes the cost of erection of Enamel caution board with suitable clamps for fixing in the Mast/
structure/wall including suitable bolt and nuts as per RDSO specification. The rate will be paid as total lump
sum for all the Boards.
Signature of Tenderer
Item No. 31- Modification to Erected Equipment
The price under this item shall cover various modifications required to be carried out in a section of
completely erected overhead equipment energized or fit to be energized certified as such by Purchaser’s
Engineer provided such modifications are not on account of non complaint of specifications, approved
drawings and instructions given by the Purchaser for the execution of the work from time to time during the
progress of the work. All the prices are on a flat basis and cover only the important and most frequent type of
modifications required to compensate the Contractor for additional work involved. No payments shall be
admissible for other minor modification which may be necessary in the course of the work. All works
originally done shall be paid for at normal rates for Item 1to 30 of Schedule - 1, as applicable.
In all the following cases, the dismantled equipment shall be handed over by the contractor to the purchaser’s
engineer at the spot of dismantlement or at the nearest OHE depot, as required by purchaser’s engineer. The
prices under this item are applicable, the contractor shall finalise the quantities of work jointly with the
purchaser’s engineer before taking the work in hand.
Item No. 31 (a) -Transfer of Equipment from one mast or support to another
The price shall cover transfer of overhead equipment to a bracket assembly on a new mast or support,
and dismantling of the erected bracket assembly from the old mast or support and release of SPS DA etc. The
dismantled equipment shall be returned to the purchaser along with steel works like MCC DA and
consequent adjustment to overhead equipment required such as changing the droppers leveling etc. No
extra rates are payable for providing new dropper wires, catenary /contract wire clips if any. The foundations
and steel work and bracket assembly for the new mast or structure will be paid for under appropriate Item 2, 3
and 4 respectively. Where ever changing of winch type regulating equipment by modified 3 pulley type
regulating equipment is carried out, in addition to supply and erection of 3 pulley type RE, transfer of OHE
shall be paid for transferring OHE from old RE to new RE.
Item No. 31 (b) - Provision of an additional bracket assembly/assemblies on a mast or support
The price shall cover dismantling of an existing bracket assembly/assemblies/ along with the steel works
like MCC DA and provision of a multiple cantilever cross arm SPS wherever required and erection of
bracket assemblies on the multiple cantilever cross arm/SPS. The price shall include any consequential
adjustments to traction overhead equipment such as re-spacing of droppers, leveling etc. This price shall not
include the price for supply and erection of any additional bracket assembling which will be paid for under
Item 4.
Item No. 31 (d) - Dismantling of Overhead Equipment
The price shall cover cost of dismantling of OHE equipment including terminations, tensioning devices,
section insulators guy rod assemblies at the termination and Anti creep, bracket, assemblies and
associated small part steel work (excluding components embedded in concrete) the dismantled equipments
shall be returned to the purchaser. This item includes releasing of Earth Wire and its termination, cut in
insulator, Anticreep wire also if any.
If anti-creep wire alone is released at any location, half the length of Anticreep wire will be paid under this
item. The rate is inclusive of Guy Rods. Terminations and SPS to be released from either end of Anticreep
anchor and OHE.
The rate is also inclusive of pedestal Insulators to be released from OHEs/ isolators/ Anchor Locations/
Return conductors as the case may be. The rate includes for releasing of Isolators and section insulator
assembly released alongwith OHE if any.
Item No. 31(e) - Dismantling of Feeder/Return Conductor
The price shall cover dismantling of feeder, return feeder or return conductor including guy rods,
terminations, suspension assemblies, insulators super masts and associated small part steel work.
Signature of Tenderer
Item No. 31(f) - Splicing and Extension of Anchored Overhead Equipment
The price shall cover splicing of terminated overhead equipment for extension and consequent
adjustment of the affected equipment. The dismantled equipment shall be returned to the Purchaser’s
Engineer. The cost of dismantling of overhead equipment would be paid for under Item 31 (d). The extended
overhead equipment shall be deemed as starting from the centre line of the splice to the extended overhead
equipment and shall be paid for under Item 6(a) or 6(b) or 6(c) as applicable. Half the rate shall only be paid
if and only catenary or contact wire alone is spliced and extended. In case of splicing and extension of AC
wire, half the rate shall be paid. The length of the AC wire spliced will be paid based on Schedule – 3 rates
applicable to the tender.
Item No. 31 (h) - Slewing of Equipment
The price shall cover for temporary slewing or lowering of erected OHE adjusted and/or unadjusted to ground
for special works, at the request of the purchaser and restoration and readjustment of the equipment after
completion of special work. The price shall be per location/span or part thereof including anchoring spans.
This is inclusive of RC wire and earth wire if any.
Additional components or materials used during such restoration of re-adjustment shall be paid on
schedule 3 provided such use has, in the opinion of the Purchaser, become necessary due to reasons beyond
the control of the contractor.
Item No. 31 (j) - Dismantling of a Pin/Pedestal Insulator
The Price shall cover cost of dismantling of a pedestal/ pin insulator including dismantling of jumper
connection, if any and associated small parts steel work.
Item No. 31(k) - Dismantlement of OHE Mast/Structure by Cutting
The price shall also cover the cutting and retrieving of the old steel structure as directed by the purchaser. The
price shall cover the cutting and retrieving of Old mast of any type including TTU’s as directed by the
purchasers Engineers at site. While releasing such TTU’s proper care shall be taken in such a
way that no damage occurred to the Booms. However, the dismantling of the TT boom will be paid under item
31(p). The OHE foundation must be chipped or broken to a depth of 670mm from the tip of the foundation. All
the retrieved mast shall be stacked at the places to the nearest OHE maintenance depot as decided by the
purchaser in the section. On completion of cutting site clearance shall be done duly back filling if there any
need be. Any small part steels available in the mast/structure shall released safely and handed over to the
purchaser. No extra rate is admissible for the same.
Item No. 31(l) - Dismantlement of OHE Mast/Structure by Breaking the foundation.
The price shall cover retrieving of steel mast/structure from the foundation after retrieving the OHE mast the
mast hole may be filled with enough soil and as directed by purchaser’s engineer. During the time of
dismantling operation any deformation occurred it should be set right. The rate shall also applicable for
retrieval of TTUs. All the retrieved mast shall be stacked at the place depot decided by the purchaser in the
section. All the retrieved mast shall be stacked at the place to the nearest OHE maintenance depot as decided
by the purchaser in the section. The deformation of mast, occurred either during the retrieval or during
transport shall be removed by the contractor. If it is not removed or the mast was cut and removed by the
contractor due to other reasons, then the payment will be made only under item No. 31(k).
Note : All the dismantlement equipment, fittings SPS steel work shall be returned to the purchaser.
Item No.31(n) - Dismantlement of Guy Rod Assembly.
The price shall cover dismantlement of guy rod assembly including Guy Rod mast fitting with V- bolt/loop in
an isolated cases where guy rod alone needs to be removed.
Signature of Tenderer
Erection of PTFE neutral section assembly.
The price shall include the cost of erection charges for PTFE neutral section with all final adjustments to suit
site condition.
Item No. 32 - Extra on erection rates for work under a Power Block.
The price under this item cover extra charges over and above erection rates of item 3 to 15 and 18 to 31 of
Schedule 1, for erection of equipment in the vicinity of energized overhead equipment and feeders of
erection of equipment which joins equipment already energized or on energized equipment which calls
for a power block by switching off of traction power. The price payable under this item shall be 100% extra
over the erection rates of the items referred to above provided such work is not called for on account of noncompliance with specifications approved drawings and instructions given by the Purchaser from time to
time. The extra rates on erection for the work under a power block is not applicable to th items covered under
Non-SOR schedule, as the rate for these items includes the work under power block or otherwise.
The extra erection rate under this item will not be payable if power block is given in a elementary section/
sub-sector for a total duration of 4 hours or more in a day. The duration can be in one or more spells. In the
case of works which warrant power block in more than one line, the duration of power block will be reckoned
as under.
The power block time will commence/ends from the time power block is availed on the first line and to the
cancellation time of the line which ever cancelled later.
Where the prices under this item are applicable the contractor shall finalize the quantities of various items
of work to be done under a power block, jointly with the Purchaser’s Engineer prior to taking the work in
hand. This extra rate is inclusive of provision of earth rods during power block hours for any type of works
(earth rods will be owned by the Contractor conforming to RSO specification No. ETI/OHE/51 (9/87)
Correction slip No.1) under the clear guidance of authorized Railway Representative/ Engineer at site.
The Power Block time will commence/ end from the time Power Block is availed/ cancelled from
TPC/ASM. The contractor shall arrange for adequate lighting with generator set/ Petromax lamps at work site
when the work is carried out during nights.
Works likely to be carried out under power block for duration less than 4 Hrs.
- Erection of Traction masts and main masts of Switching stations, booster
9. 8(b)(iv)
10. 8(b)(ix)
Signature of Tenderer
stations and LT supply Transformer stations by manual
Erection of fabricated steel work (SPS)
Erection of Single bracket assembly
Erection of over head equipment only by manual
Erection of 25 kV Feeder
Erection of Regulating Equipment (3 pully type) with counter weight
assembly for conventional /composite OHE
Erection of materials for termination of Single conductor of overhead
equipment or terminating wire
Erection of materials for termination of double over head equipment
Erection of materials for termination of AC wire on one end
Erection of materials/termination of 25 kV terminating wire (150
copper cross track/along track feeder
Erection of anti creep with Cadmium copper Catenary wire
Erection of a Solid core cut-in-insulator
Erection of a Solid core suspension insulator
Erection of a Copper Jumper
Erection of Copper strips for equipment earthing
Erection of 8 SWG GI wire for earthing
Transfer of equipment from one mast or support to another
Provision of an additional bracket assembly/assemblies on a mast or support
Dismantling of overhead equipment
Dismantling of feeder/return conductor
Splicing and extension of an anchored over head equipment
Slewing of equipment
Dismantling of a Pedestal/Pin insulator
Dismantlement of OHE mast/ structure by cutting
Dismantlement of OHE mast/ structure of breaking the foundation
Dismantling of Guy rod
Erection of PTFE neutral section assembly
Standard rates of Drawings - The cost of each drawing indicated in the tender schedule is according to
the size of the drawing and the rates are indicated below (Ref: Dy. CE/CN/MTP/MS letter No.
E.252/P/Vol.II, dated 15/03/99)
Sl. No.
Size of drawing
A4 (297mm X 210mm)
A3 (420mm X 297mm)
A2 (594mm X 420mm)
A1 (841mm X 594mm)
A0 (1189mm X 841mm)
Rate in `
Mode of payment
No advance payment will be made against this contract. Payment will be arranged through the
Divisional Finance Manager, Southern Railway, Trivandrum-14 for completed and finished work.
Procedure for claiming payment will be as per provision contains in general conditions of contact of
electrical works. If any deviation to the payment clause to the contractor may
indicate in terms of Annexure (1).
Provisional Acceptance Certificate
Provisional Acceptance of the entire equipments installed on the FOB/ROB’s will be only after
successful completion of work in the section.
Final Acceptance
The final acceptance of the entire equipment installed on the group shall take affect from the date of
expiry of the period of guarantee as defined in para VI. or the expiry of the last of the respective
periods of guarantee of various sections for which Provisional Acceptance Certificate are issued or
brought into Commercial Operation, provided in any case that the contractor has complied fully with
his obligations under clause VI. in respect of each section of the group, provided also that due
attention has been paid by way of maintenance by the Railway .
Signature of Tenderer
If on the other hand contactor has not so complied with his obligations under para VI. in respect of
any section, the Railway may either extend the period of guarantee in respect of that section until the
necessary works are carried out by the contractor or carry out those works or have them carried out
suo moto on behalf of the contractor at the contractor’s expense. After expiry of the period of
guarantee for each section the Railway shall issue a certificate of final acceptance for the section and
last of such certificates which will be called the Last and Final Acceptance Certificate will terminate
the contract.
Special Conditions from the contractors will not be entertained or accepted. If the same are specified,
his tender is liable to be rejected.
IMPORTANT: Read all Special Conditions of Contracts and then only to quote the tender.
Further details and Special Conditions of Contract are available in Government of India Tender
Portal. Interested persons may kindly log on to Government of India Tender Portal at
NOTE: 1. Money orders will not be accepted towards the cost of tender documents.
2. The cost of tender forms in non-refundable.
Signature of Tenderer
Divisional Railway Manager (Traction)
Southern Railway, Trivandrum-14
(For & on behalf of the President of India)
(Ref: Item No. 9 of Railway Board’s letter No. 2007/CE.1/CT/18, dated.28.09.2007 and
Item-2 to letter No. 2007/CE.I/CT/18 Pt.XII, dated. 31.12.2010)
The procedure detailed below shall be adopted for dealing with variations in quantities during
execution of works contracts:
1. Individual NS items in contracts shall be operated with variation of plus or minus 25% and payment
would be made as per the agreement rate. For this, no finance concurrence would be required.
2. In case an increase in quantity of an individual item by more than 25% of the agreement quantity is
considered unavoidable, the same shall be got executed by floating a fresh tender. If floating a fresh
tender for operating that item is considered not practicable, quantity of that item may be operated in
excess of 125% of the agreement quantity subject to the following conditions:
(a) Operation of an item by more than 125% of the agreement quantity needs the approval of an officer of
the rank not less than S.A. Grade.
(i) Quantities operated in excess of 125% but upto 140% of the agreement quantity of the concerned
item, shall be paid at 98% of the rate awarded for that item in that particular tender;
(ii) Quantities operated in excess of 140% but upto 150% of the agreement quantity of the concerned
item, shall be paid at 96% of the rate awarded for that item in that particular tender;
(iii) Variation in quantities of individual items beyond 150% will be prohibited and would be
permitted only in exceptional unavoidable circumstances with the concurrence of associate
finance and shall be paid at 96% of the rate awarded for that item in that particular tender.
(b) The variation in quantities as per the above formula will apply only to the Individual items of the
contract and not on the overall contract value.
(c) Execution of quantities beyond 150% of the overall agreemental value should not be permitted and, if
found necessary, should be only through fresh tenders or by negotiating with existing contractor, with
prior personal concurrence of FA&CAO / FA&CAO(C) and approval of General Manager.
3. In cases where decrease is involved during execution of contract:
(a) The contract signing authority can decrease the items upto 25% of individual item without finance
(b) For decrease beyond 25% for individual items or 25% of contract agreement value, the approval of an
officer not less than rank of S.A. Grade may be taken, after obtaining ‘No Claim Certificate’ from the
contractor and with finance concurrence, giving detailed reasons for each such decrease in the
(c) It should be certified that the work proposed to be reduced will not be required in the same work.
4. The limit for varying quantities for minor value items shall be 100% (as against 25% prescribed for
other items). A minor value item for this purpose is defined as an item whose original agreement value
is less than 1% of the total original agreement value.
5. No such quantity variation limit shall apply for foundation items.
6. As far as SOR items are concerned, the limit of 25% would apply to the value of SOR schedule as a
whole and not on individual SOR items. However, in case of NS items, the limit of 25% would apply
on the individual items irrespective of the manner of quoting the rate (single percentage rate or
individual item rate).
7. For the tenders accepted at Zonal Railways level, variations in the quantities will be approved by the
authority in whose powers revised value of the agreement lies.
8. For tenders accepted by General Manager, variation upto 125% of the original agreement value may be
accepted by General Manager.
9. For tenders accepted by Board Members and Railway Ministers, variations upto 110% of the original
agreement value may be accepted by General Manager.
10. The aspect of vitiation of tender with respect to variation in quantities should be checked and avoided.
In case of vitiation of the tender (both for increase as well as decrease of value of contract agreement),
sanction of the competent authority as per single tender should be obtained.
Divisional Railway Manager (Traction)
Southern Railway, Trivandrum-14
(For & on behalf of the President of India)
Signature of Tenderer
1. Tender file is to be downloaded from the internet and printout to be taken on A4 size paper and details are
to be entered by the tenderer at the various locations in the document. It is advisable that the down loaded
tender document to be printed through laser printer only. Submission of Xerox of Photocopy of Tender
document is prohibited.
2. This Tender document (in full) downloaded along with the various documents required to be submitted as
per the tender conditions in a sealed cover duly subscribing with the name of the work, Tender Notice No.
and Date, Submission of Tender downloaded from the Internet etc. and the same should be dropped in the
Tender Box kept in the office of Divisional Railway Manager (Traction Distribution), Southern Railway,
Trivandrum -695014 before the date and time stipulated in the tender document.
3. The cost of tender document as indicated in the tender document will have to be deposited by the tenderer
in the form of bank draft payable in favor of Divisional Finance Manager, Southern Railway, Trivandrum695014 along with the tender document. This should be enclosed as a separate Demand Draft .A Single
demand draft for the cost of tender form and Earnest money deposit will not be accepted. Tender not
accompanied with the demand drafts towards the cost of tender document will be summarily rejected.
4. The Earnest Money Deposit required for this work as stipulated in the tender document also to be
submitted separately.
5. Tenderers are advised to download tender documents well in advance and submit the tender before the
stipulated time. It is the responsibility of the Tenderer to check any correction or any modifications
published subsequently in Web site and the same shall taken in to account while submitting the tender.
Tenderer shall downloaded corrigendum (if any), printout, sign and attach if with the main tender
document. Tender document not accompanied by published corrigendum/s is liable to be rejected. The
Railway will not be responsible for any postal delays/delay in downloading of tender document from the
6. The tenderer may please note that the rate for items should be written in figures and in words by Black or
Blue ball point pen only. Each page of tender document should be signed by the tenderer.
7. Tenderer/s are free to download tender document at their own risk and cost, for the purpose of perusal as
well as to using the same as tender document for submitting the offer. Master copy of tender document is
available in the office of Divisional Railway Manager (Traction Distribution), Southern Railway,
Trivandrum-695014. After award of work an agreement will be prepared based on the master copy of
tender document available in the above mentioned office. In case any discrepancy between the tender
documents downloaded from the internet and master copy, latter shall prevail and will be binding on the
tenderer/s. No claim on this account will be entertained.
8. If any change/addition/deletion is made by the Tenderer/Contractor and the same is detected at any stage
even after the award of the tender, full Earnest money deposit will be forfeited and the contract will be
terminated at his / their risk and cost. The tenderer is also liable to be banned from doing business with
Railways and /or prosecuted.
9. The following declaration should be given by the tenderer while submitting the tender:
I/We have downloaded the tender form from the internet site Government of India Tender Portal at and I/We have not tampered/modified the tender forms in any manner. In case, if
the same is found to be tampered/modified I/We understand that my/our tender will be summarily
rejected and full Earnest Money deposit will be forfeited and I/We am/are liable to be banned from
doing business with Railways and /or prosecuted.
I/We submitting a demand draft No……………………………..……dated ……………………..
issued by …………………………………………………………………………..……………….for `
……………… towards the Cost of Tender form.
Signature of Tenderer :
Name of the Contractor
Address line.1
Address line.2
Pin code
Phone Number
E-mail id
Bank Account Number
Account type
Bank name
Bank address line.1
Bank address line.2
Branch code
MICR code of the branch
IFSC number of the branch
Signature of Tenderer
Trivandrum Division
Traction Branch
Name of the work: TVC Division: Modification to OHE for creation of PTFE Neutral section at feeding posts at Kazhakuttam, Chingavanam & Punnapra
Item No
Concrete for foundation & plinth in
other than hard soil and rock.
Erection of Traction masts and main
masts of Switching stations, booster
stations and LT supply Transformer
stations by manual .
Erection of fabricated steel work
Erection of a Guy rod assembly.
Signature of Tenderer
Unit price in `
Materials Erection
Total unit
price in `
(6 + 7)
Total unit price in words `
Grand Total
in `
Erection of over head equipment
only by manual.
Erection of 25 kV Feeder.
Erection of Regulating Equipment
(3 pully type) with counter weight
/composite OHE.
termination of Single conductor of
overhead equipment or terminating
termination of double over head
equipment conductor.
termination of AC wire on one end.
Erection of materials/termination of
25 kV terminating wire (160 copper cross track/along
track feeder.
Erection of anti creep with
Cadmium copper Catenary wire.
Erection of a Solid core cut-ininsulator.
Signature of Tenderer
Erection of a Solid core suspension
Erection of a Copper Jumper.
Supply and Erection of a Structure
Supply and Erection
Longitudinal bond.
Supply and Erection of Transverse
and special bond.
Supply and Erection of a Single
earth electrode.
Supply and Erection of Copper
strips for equipment earthing.
Supply and Erection of 8 SWG GI
wire for earthing.
30(b)(iv) Fixing of Caution boards.
Signature of Tenderer
Modification to Erected Equipments.
Transfer of equipment from one
mast or support to another.
Provision of an additional bracket
assembly/assemblies on a mast or
Splicing and extension of
anchored over head equipment.
Slewing of equipment.
Dismantlement of
structure by cutting.
Signature of Tenderer
of OHE mast/
Dismantling of Guy rod assembly..
Erection of PTFE neutral section
Work under Power Block
(100% Extra on erection rates)
100% Extra on erection rates for PB items.
Grand Total in words : ` ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Signature of Tenderer
Divisional Railway Manager (Traction)
Southern Railway, Trivandrum-14
(For & on behalf of the President)