PM Doc Structure v3.xlsx

Project Brief
Business Case
Project Details
Project Sponsor
Project manager (if known)
Est start & completion dates
Project details
Title and Project Reference
Project Sponsor
Project manager
Est start & completion dates
Document Details
version control etc
Document Details
version control etc
1 Executive Summary
Overall summary of the project - What problems are to be solved
Is it considered to be a compliance or essential project and if so why?
1 Executive Summary
Updated from Brief
2 Project Vision (What it will look like)
Describe what the project will deliver from stakeholder viewpoint
User scenarios/description of the service from users PoV
2 Project Vision (What it will look like)
Updated from brief to take account of option appraisal
User scenarios/description of the service from users PoV
3 Project Benefits (Describe what will be achieved )
How will the University benefit from this project
3 Project Benefits and Realisation
4 Key Roles
4 Key Roles
Updated from Brief, with additional key roles defined if appropriate
5 Project Scope
5.1 Objectives (Describe what will be done)
Information Systems
Information Technology
Process changes
5 Project Scope
5.1 Objectives - updated from Brief
Information Systems
Information Technology
Process changes
User training
5.2 What is explicitly excluded
5.3 Acceptance Criteria
Qualitative factors
Quantitative factors
5.2 What is explicitly excluded
3.1 Provide table of benefits and what will improve
3.2 Identify how these benefits will be measured and tracked
6 Options Considered
Options considered and preferred option
6 Costs and Resources
Needed to provide an approximate length of time to recover costs
Estimated setup and annual costs
Estimated project and ongoing staffing costs (inc internal costs)
Estimated savings achieved as a consequence of this project
Estimated new income as a consequence of this project
7 Costs and Resources
7.1 Detailed costs and RoI for the preferred option
Updated from Project Brief
and in greater detail
7.2 Funding sources
7.3 Project Personnel
7 Timescale
Rough timescale from start to completion
Does it have to be completed by a particular date
Are there any specific times that need to be avoided
8 Timescale
Initial project plan taking account of resource availability
8 Complexity and Initial Risks
8.1 Score against PIP Complexity chart
8.2 List any specific risks that known at this stage
8.3 List any specific dependencies known at this stage
8 Complexity and Risk
8.1 Review PIP complexity scores
8.2 Create initial Risk Register
8.3a List any dependencies on other projects
8.3b List any projects dependent on this project
8.4 List any likely contractual or legal issues
9 Stakeholder Analysis and Communications Plan
10 Complete Equality Impact Assessment
Phil Range