Chapter 2 DIODE part 2 MENJANA MINDA KREATIF DAN INOVATIF objectives ¾Diode with DC supply – circuit analysis serial & parallel ¾Di d ¾Diode applications ‐ li ti th DC the DC power supply & Clipper l & Cli ¾Analysis & Design of rectifier with capacitor filter : ¾Analysis & Design of rectifier with capacitor filter : clamper Diode circuit analysis Diode circuit analysis Series configuration ¾Voltage shift between input and output voltages in transfer characteristics. ¾The diode only conducts when v1 > Vγ. Diode circuit analysis Diode circuit analysis Series configuration 1. 2. 3 3. 4. Determine the state of the diode whether it is in ON or OFF state. •The applied Voltage is matched with the arrow of the diode symbol or not. y •The VD > Vknee for the diode to be operated. Substitue the equivalent circuit for ON or OFF diode. Perform KVL to find node voltages Perform KVL to find node voltages Perform Ohm’s Law to find current Diode circuit analysis Diode circuit analysis Series configuration F Forward d bias bi di diode: d ¾Using practical model diode, assume rd=0Ω: ¾VK for Si = 0.7V and Ge = 0.3V ¾If voltage source (E) > knee voltage(Vk), diode is assume replaced by a battery 0.7V for Si or 0.3V for Ge. ( E = Vs ) ¾hence, using •Kirchoff's voltage law (KVL): E = VR + VD •IID=IIR ,, Ohm’s law :V Ohm s law :VR = IIRR R = IIDR Diode circuit analysis Diode circuit analysis Series configuration Reverse bias diode: - VD + - VD + Current flow is approximately 0A (ID=0A) Using Kirchoff's voltage law (KVL): E = -V VD + VR E = -VD + ID R where ID= 0 A Diode circuit analysis Diode circuit analysis Series configuration Example 1 Find VD, VR and IR in the circuit below. Si 0.7V VR 2k 3V 2k IR 3V + VR IR - Using KVL, 3 V = 0.7 V + VR VR = 2.3 V 23V VD = 0.7 V Using Ohm’s Law, 2.3V V = 1.15mA = IR = 2kΩ R Diode circuit analysis Diode circuit analysis Series configuration Example 2 Find VD, VR and IR in the circuit below. Si + 3V VR 3V 2k 2k 3V IR Since it is an open circuit, IR = 0 Using Ohm’s Law, VR = IRR = 0 U i KVL VD = 3V Using KVL, V 3V + VR IR - Diode circuit analysis Diode circuit analysis Series configuration Example 3 Find VR and I Find V and IR in the circuit below. in the circuit below Si Ge +12V VR 5.6k IR 0.7V 0.3V +12V 5 6k 5.6k + VR IR - Diode circuit analysis Diode circuit analysis Series configuration Example 3 cont.. Using KVL, 12 V = 0.7 V + 0.3 V + VR VR = 11 V Using Ohm’s Law I = V Law, R R 11V = 5.6kΩ = 1.96mA Diode circuit analysis Diode circuit analysis Series configuration Example 4 + V1 - Si Vo +10V Find V1, V2 and Vo in the circuit. 4.7k + V2 2.2k - + V1 - -5V Vo 0.7V +10V 4.7k + V2 2.2k - -5V Diode circuit analysis Diode circuit analysis Series configuration Example 4 cont.. Using KVL, 10 V = V1 + 0.7 V + V2 – 5 V1 + V2 = 10 – 0.7 + 5 = 14.3 V Using Ohm’s Law to get current V +V I= 1 2 R1 + R2 14.3V = 4 .7 k + 2 .2 k 14.3V = 6.9kΩ = 2.07 mA Therefore, V1 = IR1 = 2.07 mA x 4.7 kΩ = 9.73 V V2 = IR2 = 2.07 mA x 2.2 kΩ 2 07 mA x 2 2 kΩ = 4.55 V V2 = Vo + 5 = 4.55 V Vo = 4.55 – 5 = ‐0.45 V 0 45 V Diode circuit analysis Diode circuit analysis Series configuration Example 5 -- Find Vo1 and Vo2 in the figure below Ge -10V 10V Si Vo1 Vo2 1.2k 3 3k 3.3k Solution: V 1 = -9 Vo1 9V Vo2 = - 6.6 V Diode circuit analysis Diode circuit analysis Parallel configuration Diode circuit analysis Diode circuit analysis Parallel configuration Example 1 Calculate the value of current when the diode is ideal. Diode circuit analysis Diode circuit analysis Combination Series & Parallel configuration The The DC power supply DC power supply The basic function of a DC power supply is to convert an AC voltage to a smooth DC voltage. The The DC power supply DC power supply . ¾The diode only conducts when it is in forward bias, hence only half of the AC cycle ¾Th di d l d t h it i i f d bi h l h lf f th AC l passes through the diode. ¾The diode is OFF during the negative cycle. ¾Diode is reverse biased, and is therefore open circuit. No output during this cycle Half wave rectifier Half wave rectifier •A half wave rectifier(ideal) allows conduction for only 180° or half of a complete cycle a complete cycle. • The output frequency is the same as the input. •The average voltage V Th lt VDC or V VAVG V AVG = V d . c = Vp π = 31 . 8 % V p The rms voltage V rms = Vp 2 Half‐wave rectifier operation. The diode is considered to be ideal. Half wave rectifier Half wave rectifier PIV •Peak inverse voltage = is the maximum voltage when it is in reverse bias. •The diode must be capable of withstanding this amount of voltage. PIV = Vp Full wave rectifier Full wave rectifier ¾A full‐wave rectifier allows current to flow during both the positive and negative half cycles or the full 360º. negative half cycles or the full 360 ¾Note that the output frequency is twice the input frequency ¾The average voltage VDC or VAVG ¾The rms voltage V rms = V AVG = V d . c = Vp 2 2 2V p π = 63 . 7 % V p Full wave rectifier Full wave rectifier Center tap This method of rectification employs two diodes connected to a center‐tapped transformer. The peak output is only half of the transformer’s peak secondary voltage. Full wave rectifier Full wave rectifier Note the current flow direction Note the current flow direction during both alternations. Being that it is center tapped, the peak output i b is about half of the secondary h lf f h d windings total voltage. Each diode is subjected to a PIV of the full secondary winding output minus one diode voltage drop. g p PIV = V p ( in ) − 0 . 7V or PIV = 2V p ( out ) + 0 . 7V V p ( out ) = V p ( in ) 2 − 0 . 7V Center tap Full wave bridge rectifier Full wave bridge rectifier The full‐wave bridge rectifier ta es ad a tage o t e u takes advantage of the full output of the secondary winding. It employs four diodes arranged such that current flows in the same direction flows in the same direction through the load during each half of the cycle. Full wave bridge rectifier Full wave bridge rectifier PIV V p ( out ) = V p ( in ) − 1 . 4V PIV = V p ( out ) + 0 . 7V The PIV for a bridge rectifier is approximately half the PIV for a center The PIV for a bridge rectifier is approximately half the PIV for a center‐tapped tapped rectifier. rectifier Note that in most cases we take the diode drop into account. Summary of rectifier circuit Summary of rectifier circuit rectifier Ideal(VDC) Practical(VDC) Half wave rectifier VDC=0.318Vp VDC=0.318Vp - 0.7 Full wave bridge rectifier ifi VDC=0 0.636V 636Vp VDC=0 0.636V 636Vp - 2(0.7) 2(0 7) Full wave center tap rectifier VDC=0.636Vp VDC=0.636Vp - 0.7 Vp = peak of the AC voltage. Power supply filter & regulator Power supply filter & regulator The output of a rectifier is a pulsating DC. With filtration and regulation this pulsating voltage can be smoothed out and kept to a steady value. Power supply filter & regulator Power supply filter & regulator A capacitor‐input filter will charge and p p g discharge such that it fills in the “gaps” between each peak. This reduces variations of voltage. The remaining voltage variation is called The remaining voltage variation is called ripple voltage. Power supply filter & regulator Power supply filter & regulator The advantage of a full‐wave rectifier over a half‐wave is quite clear. The capacitor can more effectively reduce the ripple when the time between peaks is shorter. Power supply filter & regulator Power supply filter & regulator Vr(p-p) Vr( p− p) = V pT RLC = Vp fR L C Th The rms voltage, lt V r ( rms ) = The average voltage, V DC Ripple factor, Vr( p− p) 2 3 1 = V p − V r ( p − p ) ≈ V p ( since V r ( p − p ) << V p ) 2 V rms 1 r = = V DC 2 3 fR L C P ki Peak inverse voltage , PIV =V l PIV Vp Power supply filter & regulator Power supply filter & regulator Vr(p-p) Vr( p− p) = V pT RLC = Vp fR L C Th The rms voltage, lt V r ( rms ) = Vr( p− p) 2 3 1 The average voltage, V DC = V p − V r ( p − p ) ≈ V p ( since V r ( p − p ) << V p ) 2 V rms 1 r = = Ripple factor, l f V DC 4 3 fR L C PID =V PID =Vp (center tap); (center tap); PID = 2Vp (bridge) The The DC power supply DC power supply Diode conducts current for only small portion of the period Δt 1 = T π 2V r VM Power supply filter & regulator Power supply filter & regulator Being that the capacitor appears as a short during the appears as a short during the initial charging, the current through the diodes can momentarily be quite high. t il b it hi h To reduce risk of damaging the diodes, a surge current limiting resistor is placed in series with the filter and load. Power supply filter & regulator Power supply filter & regulator Regulation is the last step in eliminating the remaining ripple and maintaining the output voltage to a specific value Typically this maintaining the output voltage to a specific value. Typically this regulation is performed by an integrated circuit regulator. There are many different types used based on the voltage and current y yp g requirements. The The DC power supply DC power supply How well the regulation is performed by a regulator is measured by it’s regulation percentage. There are two db i ’ l i Th types of regulation, line and load. Line and load regulation percentage is simply a ratio of change in regulation percentage is simply a ratio of change in voltage (line) or current (load) stated as a percentage. Line Regulation = (VOUT/VIN)100% Load Regulation = (VNL – VFL)/VFL)100% Summary Diode Limiters Diode Limiters Limiting circuits limit the positive or negative amount of an input voltage to a specific value input voltage to a specific value. This positive limiter will limit the output to VBIAS + 0.7V p p Diode Limiters Diode Limiters The desired amount of limitation can be attained by a power pp y g pp j supply or voltage divider. The amount clipped can be adjusted with different levels of VBIAS. This positive limiter will limit the output to VBIAS + 0.7V The voltage divider provides the VBIAS . VBIAS =(R3/R2+R3)VSUPPLY Summary – clipper(series) Summary – Summary Summary – clipper(parallel) Summary – Summary Diode clampers Diode clampers A diode clamper adds a DC level to an AC voltage. The capac to c a ges to t e capacitor charges to the peak of the supply minus the diode drop. Once charged the capacitor acts charged, the capacitor acts like a battery in series with the input voltage. The AC voltage will “ride” along voltage will “ride” along with the DC voltage. The polarity arrangement of the diode determines h d d d whether the DC voltage is negative or positive. Clampers Clampers Clampers Example 1 Diode Forward Biased –ON •C Charges to peak value V in direction shown •V0 = 0 [V‐V = 0] •V0 = 0 [V‐V = 0] The The DC power supply DC power supply Example 1 •• Diode reverse biased – Diode reverse biased – OFF • V0 equals voltage across C and battery –2V Clamper circuit Clamper circuit A diode di d and d capacitor can be combined to “clamp” an AC signal g to a specific p DC level Bias clamper circuit Bias clamper circuit Bias clamper circuit Bias clamper circuit Example 2 •Diode forward biased – ON state •C charges to peak value equals (20+25) volts •Vo = 5 Volts Bias clamper circuit Bias clamper circuit Example 2 •Diode reverse biased – OFF state •Vo = ((25+10)) volts Bias clamper circuit Bias clamper circuit Example 2 Bias clamper circuit Bias clamper circuit The input signal can be any type of waveform such as sine, square, triangle. ti l The DC source adjusts the DC The DC source adjusts the DC clamping level Voltage multiplier Voltage multiplier Clamping action can be used to increase peak rectified voltage. Once C1 and C2 charges to the peak voltage they act like two batteries in series, effectively doubling the voltage output. The current capacity for voltage multipliers is low. Voltage multiplier Voltage multiplier The ffull-wave Th ll voltage lt doubler d bl arrangementt off di diodes d and d capacitors takes advantage of both positive and negative peaks to charge the capacitors giving it more current capacity. Voltage triplers and quadruplers utilize three and four diode-capacitor arrangements respectively. Summary Summary clamper circuit clamper circuit Summary •Filtering and Regulating the output of a rectifier helps keep the DC voltage smooth and accurate the DC voltage smooth and accurate. • Limiters are used to set the output peak(s) to a given value. p p () g • Clampers are used to add a DC voltage to an AC voltage. • Voltage Multipliers allow a doubling, tripling, or quadrupling of rectified DC voltage or low current quadrupling of rectified DC voltage or low current applications.