CHS 213 Research in Community Health Education Fall 2009 Instructor: Donald E. Morisky, Sc.D., M.S.P.H ( Office: CHS 46-071, phone: 310-825-8508 Class Time: Thursday 8:00-9:50, Room 61-262 CHS (Lecture/Discussion) Laboratory Session: Tuesday 8:00-10:50, Room A1-241 CHS (Computer Lab) Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 3:00-4:00 and by appointment Special Reader Office Hours: Akiko Sato <> Tuesdays 11am-1pm, CHS 46-071 Reader: Username: chs213 Password: chs213syllabus Text: Norusis, Marija J., SPSS 17.0 Guide to Data Analysis, Prentice-Hall, 2008 This course is designed to provide students an opportunity to review and discuss the conceptual framework, research methodology, research design, implementation, and evaluation aspects of previous and ongoing community/patient health education programs. The course will emphasize the identification, application and understanding of various research methods used to design, implement and evaluate community-based education programs. Thursday: Lecture/Discussion Format The lecture will address research methods to be considered in the development, conceptualization, implementation and evaluation of community-based research programs. The Course Reader contains selected large-scale health education/health promotion community-based studies, such as the Stanford 3-Community Project, the Stanford 5-City Project, and other community based intervention programs. These readings will form the basis of class discussion each Thursday. The lecture/discussion session will also cover evaluation concepts, including evaluation terminology, evaluating program effectiveness, selecting an evaluation design, sample size determination, establishing a comparison group, issues in data collection, evaluation techniques, reading frequencies, tables, descriptive statistics, analytical methods, and reliability/validity assessment. These concepts will be integrated into the Tuesday laboratory discussion sessions. Tuesday: Laboratory/ Discussion Format The laboratory session will meet each Tuesday from 8-10:50 am. The Special Reader will give a 60-90 minutes overview of the lab assignments for that day, followed by 30-60 minutes for student article presentations and discussion. Afterwards, students will have 50-60 minutes to work in groups for lab assignments. Students who have a 10:00 am class on Tuesdays can leave early and continue on their own to finish their lab assignments later that week. The SPSS Guide to Data Analysis and the Data Files used in the assignments will be used throughout the laboratory sessions. You will set up a data file, run SPSS for Windows, define your data, conduct simple descriptive univariate statistics, summarize your data, conduct bivariate analysis, change the coding scheme, test hypotheses about two independent means/two dependent means, comparing several means (ANOVA), measure associations, interpret correlation coefficients, calculate reliability coefficients, and test regression hypotheses. Please bring a flash drive to the computer lab on the first day and following sessions to download programs as well as to save laboratory assignments throughout the quarter. Each student will be given a research article that pertains to the current test(s) covered in the homework (a sign-up sheet will be distributed during week 1). The student is responsible for giving a short synopsis of the independent/dependent variables, research question and major hypothesis being tested. Students will then discuss how specific significance tests were used to answer the research questions. Finally, the student will comment on the appropriateness of the test for the question and available data. This will allow time to review questions from the homework, review the concepts for the next homework, and prepare for the presentation of the relevant research article with discussion. Those students who have a 10am class can leave and those who stay can start work on the homework and get assistance. Pre-Final Exercise and Final Exam Pre-final Exercise Laboratory exercises will be turned in each week, up to the seventh week of class. Then, a new data set (HIV/AIDS Prevention in the Philippines) will be available with new exercises. The data set is from an ongoing research program in the Philippines. You will be given a laboratory exercises on the Philippines data set to complete prior to receiving the go signal for your final laboratory exam. The questionnaires and code books for the HIV/AIDS Philippines Longitudinal Research Project will also be available at this time on the web. The data sets will be used by all students during weeks 8-10, as described below. Additional readings include reliability and validity assessment, scaling, and sample size determination, and will be included on the web. Final Exam Your final exam is already included in this syllabus and once you have completed all lab assignments and the lab exercise on the Philippines data set, you can begin your final exam. For the final exam, students will be requested to pose your own research questions, develop several hypotheses and use the skills you have learned throughout the class to answer these research questions. Performance will be based on how thoroughly you have used the available data and how results, interpretation and discussion are presented. Evaluation Laboratory Exercises Lab Presentation Pre-Final Exercise Final Exam (take home) TOTAL 40% 10% 15% 35% 100% LECTURE SCHEDULE Week 1 9/24 Week 2 10/1 The class will meet on Thursday, September 24 to review the syllabus, scope of the course, readings, assignments, evaluation criteria, etc. Introduction and research related experiences will be discussed to give you an idea of how this class will equip you with the skills and methodological competencies necessary for solid scientific program design and evaluation. Please feel free to make an appointment with the instructor during orientation week. Overview of the laboratory component of the course, availability of the Grad Pak at Ackerman for SPSS; assignments, grading, and student presentations. Overview of the scope of the course, requirements, expectations and evaluation criteria, discussion of evaluation concepts, and overview of the Stanford 3-community Program (Shea and Basch articles, 01 and 02). Week 3 10/8 Evaluation Research: Domains and Interest Groups, Stanford 5-City Program (Farquhar JW, et al. (06); Fortmann, et al., (07) Week 4 Evaluation Research: Domains and Interest Groups, Critiques by [03] Leventhal, et al.]; [04] Kasl; and [05] Meyer, et al. Further Stanford 5-City Program, Winkleby MA, [08 and 09]; North Kerelia, Finland Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Program; [10]. Puska P et al; [11]. Salonen et al., Week 5 10/22 Understanding Reliability and Validity-exercises and discussion—class handouts: Key Questions for Various ArticlesPart 1.pdf; Application of Principles from the Readings-Part II.pdf; Reliability Recap.doc; Validity Recap.doc; Autonomy Factors.doc; Autonomy Figure 1.doc; Autonomy Figure 2.doc; Autonomy Figure 3.doc; —[14]. Morisky et al., 2002; Continued discussion on reliability assessment, factor analysis, and application of scaling principles and analytical methods, and social desirability. Week 6 10/29 Measurement Issues in Data Collection (Sample Size Determination; [15] Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions. Fleiss, 1981) Week 7 11/5 Data Collection Methods and Simple Methods to Analyze Program Data; Discussion of lessons learned and homework assignments on reliability and Program Effectiveness - [12]. Morisky et al., 1983; 13]. Morisky et al., 1986; Week 8 11/12 Discussion of lessons learned and homework assignments on reliability and Program Effectiveness to prepare for final paper. Readings [100-105]. Week 9 11/19 Discussion of lessons learned and homework assignments on reliability and Program Effectiveness to prepare for final paper. Readings [106-110]. Week 10 11/26 Happy Thanksgiving Week 11 12/3 Evaluation concepts, including evaluation terminology, evaluating program effectiveness, selecting an evaluation design. Establishing a comparison group, issues in data collection, evaluation techniques, reading frequencies, tables, descriptive statistics. Discussion of statistical methods used to explain outcome assessments, such as regression modeling. COURSE READER I: TABLE OF CONTENTS 01. Shea S, Basch CE. A review of five major community based cardiovascular disease prevention programs. Part I: rationale, design, and theoretical framework. American Journal of Health Promotion, 1990; 4:203-213. 02. Shea S, Basch CE. A review of five major community based cardiovascular disease prevention programs. Part II: Intervention strategies, evaluation methods, and results. American Journal of Health Promotion, 1990; 4:279-287. 03. Leventhal H, Safer MA, Cleary PD, Gutmann M. Cardiovascular Risk Modification by Community-Based Programs for Life-Style Change: Comments on the Stanford Study. J of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1980; 2:150-158. 04. Kasl SV. Cardiovascular risk reduction in a community setting Some comments. J of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1980; 48:143-149. 05. Meyer AJ, Maccoby N, Farquhar JW. Reply to Kasl and Leventhal et al. J of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 1980; 48:159-163. 06. Farquhar JW, Fortmann SP, Maccoby N et al. The Stanford Five-City Project: Design and Methods. Am J of Epidemiology 1985; 122:323-334. 07. Fortmann SP, Flora JA, Winkleby MA, et al. Community intervention trials: reflections on the Stanford Five-City. American Journal of Epidemiology 1995; 142:576-586. 08. Winkleby MA, Taylor B, Jatulis D, Fortmann SP. The Long-Term Effects of a Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Trial: The Standard Five-City Project. American Journal of Public Health 1996; 86(12): 1773-1779. 09. Winkleby MA, Feldman HA, Murray DM. Joint Analysis of Three U.S. Community Intervention Trails for Reduction of Cardiovascular Disease Risk. J Clin Epidemiol 1997; 50(6): 645-658. 10. Puska P, Tuomilehto J, SALONEN J, et al. Changes in Coronary Risk-Factors During Comprehensive 5-year community Program to Control CardiovascularDisease (North Karelia Project). British Medical Journal 1979; 2 (6199): 1173-1178 11. Salonen JT, Puska P, Mustaniemi H. Changes in Morbidity and Mortality During Comprehensive Community Program to Control Cardiovascular-Disease during 1972-1977 in North Karelia. British Medical Journal 1979; 2 (6199): 11781183. 12. Morisky DE, Levine DM, Green LW, Shapiro S, Russell P. et al. Five-Year Blood Pressure Control and Mortality Following Health Education for Hypertensive Patients. American Journal of Public Health 1983; 73:153-162. 13. Morisky DE, Green LW, Levine DM. Concurrent and Predictive Validity of a Self-Reported Measure of Medication Adherence and Long-Term Predictive Validity of Blood Pressure Control. Medical Care 1986; 24:67-74. 14. Morisky DE, Ang A, Sneed C. Validating the Effects of Social Desirability on Self-Reported Condom Use. AIDS Education and Prevention 2002; 14:351-360. 15. Fleiss JL. Statistical Methods for Rates and Proportions. Chapter 3-Determining Sample Sizes Needed to Detect a Difference Between Two Proportions. John Wiley & Sons, p33-59, 1981. Other Community-Based Intervention Programs 16. Barlow JH, Turner AP, Wright CC. A Randomized Controlled Study of the Arthritis Self-Management Programme in the UK. Health Education Research 2000; 15(6); 665-680. 17. Tabet S, Sanchez J, Lama J, et al. HIV, Syphilis and Heterosexual Bridging Among Peruvian Men Who Have Sex with Men. AIDS 2002; 16(9): 1271-1277. 18. Hewitt M, Denman S, Hayes L, et al. Evaluation of “Sun-safe”: A Health Education Resource for Primary Schools. Health Education Research 2001; 16(5): 623-633. 19. Koenig LJ, Whitaker DJ, Royce RA, et al. Violence During Pregnancy Among Women With or At Risk for HIV Infection. American Journal of Public Health 2002; 92(3): 367-370. 20. Fortenberry JD, McFarlane M, Bleakley A, et al. Relationships of Stigma and Shame to Gonorrhea and HIV Screening. American Journal of Public Health 2002; 92(3): 378-381. 21. Baker SA, Beadnell B, Stoner S, et al. Skills Training versus Health Education to Prevent STDs/HIV in Heterosexual Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial Utilizing Biological Outcomes. AIDS Educ and Prev 2003; 15:1-14. 22. Vanable PA, Ostrow DG, McKirnan. Viral Load and HIV Treatment Attitudes as Correlates of Sexual Risk Behavior Among HIV-Positive Gay Men. J of Psychosomatic Res 2003; 54:261-269. 23. Jones R. Relationships of Sexual Imposition, Dyadic Trust, and Sensation Seeking with Sexual Risk Behavior in Young Urban Women. Res in Nursing and Health, 2004; 27:185-197. 24. Carey MP, Carey KB, Maisto SA, et al. Reducing HIV-risk behavior among adults receiving outpatient psychiatric treatment: Results from a randomized controlled trial J of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 2004; 72: 252-268. 25. Richardson J, Milam J, McCutchan A, et al. Effect of Brief Safer-Sex Counseling by Medical Providers to HIV-1 Seropositive Patients: A Multi-Clinic Assessment. AIDS 2004; 18:1179-1186. 26. Norr KF, Norr JL, McElmurry BJ, et al. Impact of Peer Group Education on HIV Prevention among Women in Botswana. Health Care for Women International 2004; 25:210-226. 27. Hosain GMM, Chatterjee N. Beliefs, Sexual Behaviors and Preventive Practices with Respect to HIV/AIFSS among Commercial Sex Workers in Daulatdia, Bangladesh. Public Health 2005; 119:371-381. Readings from the HIV/AIDS Prevention Community-Based Program in the Philippines that provide more background information and impact and outcome results of the longitudinal study. 100. Tiglao T, Morisky DE, Tempongko S, Baltazar J, Detels R. A Community Participation Action Research Approach to HIV/AIDS Prevention among Sex Workers. Promotion & Education 1996; 3:25-28. 101. Morisky DE, Tiglao TV, Sneed CD, Tempongko SB, Baltazar JC, Detels R, Stein J. The Effects of Establishment Practices, Knowledge and Attitudes on Condom Use among Filipina Sex Workers. AIDS Care 1998; 10 (2):213-220. 102. Sneed CD and Morisky DE. Applying the Theory of Reasoned Action to Condom use Among Sex Workers. Social Behavior and Personality 1998; 26(4):317-328. 103. Morisky DE, Peña M, Tiglao TV, Liu K. The Impact of the Work Environment on Condom Use among Female Bar Workers in the Philippines. Health Education and Behavior 2002; 29(4):461-472. 104. Morisky DE, Stein JA, Sneed CD, Tiglao TV, Tempongko SB, Baltazar JC, Detels R, Liu K. Modeling Personal and Situational Influences on Condom Use Among Establishment-Based Commercial Sex Workers in the Philippines. AIDS and Behavior 2002; 6:163-172. 105. Morisky DE, Chiao C, Stein JA, Malow R. Impact of Social and Structural Influence Interventions on Condom Use and Sexually Transmitted Infections among Establishment-Based Female Bar Workers in the Philippines. Journal of Psychology and Human Sexuality 2005; 17: 45-63. 106. Chiao C, Morisky DE, Ksobsech K, Rosenberg R, Malow R. The Relationship Between HIV/Sexually Transmitted Infection Risk and Alcohol Use During Commercial Sex Episodes: Results From the Study of Female Commercial Sex Workers in the Philippines. Substance Use & Misuse 2006; 41(10-12):1509-1533. 107. Morisky DE, Stein J, Chiao C, Ksobiech K, Malow R. Impact of a Social Influence Intervention on Condom Use and Sexually Transmitted Infections among Establishment-Based Female Sex Workers in the Philippines: A Multilevel Analysis. Health Psychology 2006; 25(5):595-603. 108. Withers M, Dornig K, Morisky DE. Predictors of Workplace Sexual Health Policy at Sex Work Establishments in the Philippines. AIDS Care 2007; 19(8): 1019-1024. 109. Chiao C, Morisky DE. Clinic Appointment Attendance for Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening among Filipina Sex Workers: A Multilevel Analysis. AIDS CAREPSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF AIDS/HIV 2007; 19(9):1166-1170. 110. Chiao C, Morisky DE, Ksobsech K, Malow R. Promoting HIV Testing and Condom Use among Filipina Commercial Sex Workers: Findings from A Quasi-Experimental Intervention Study. AIDS and Behavior 2008 Jun 10. [Epub ahead of print] LAB SCHEDULE In addition to the weekly homework assignments, the following articles will be discussed during the corresponding lab session. Please read them before the lab to maximize your understanding of the material and ability to participate in discussion. Articles will be available on the course web-site. Article (Author/Title) Date due Week 1 No article due the week Introduction of the Special Reader, office hours, Chapters 1-3 assignment expectations, Lab orientation, logging on to SPSS, navigating 9/29/2009 the system, use of the tutorial, and other things to help get you started. Week 2 Chapters 4-5 01 Deichmann et al. (1999). Improvements in Diabetic Care as Measured by HbA1c After a Physician Education Project. 10/6/2009 Bar Graphs 02. Islam et al. (2008). Cohort study of medication adherence in older adults (CoSMO): Extended effects of hurricane Katrina on medication adherence among older adults. 03. Bissell et al. (2004). Evidence of the effectiveness of health sector preparedness in disaster response: the example of four earthquakes. Week 3 Chapters 6-10 04. Braverman et al. (2001). World Health Report 2000: how it removes equity from the agenda for public health monitoring and policy. 10/13/2009 Scatterplot and Boxplot 05. Young and Hade (2006). Holidays, Birthdays, and Postponement of Cancer Death Binomial Test 06. Clayton et al. (1999). Public health in managed care: A randomized controlled trial of effectiveness of the postcard reminders. Week 4 07. Juniper et al., (1996). Measuring quality of life in children with asthma. Chapters 11-14 10/20/2009 One-sample ttest Paired t-test Independent sample t-test and normal distribution 08. Lauby et al. (2000). A Community-Level HIV Prevention Intervention for Inner-City Women: Results of the Women and Infants Demonstration Projects. 09. Nelson et al. (2003). A comparison of national estimates from the National Health Interview Survey and the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Week 5 Chapters 15-17 10. Bollella et al. (1999).Nutrient Intake of Head Start Children: Home vs. School 10/29/2009 One-way ANOVA and Tukey correction 11. Aikens et al. (2005). Adherence to maintenance-phase antidepressant medication as a function of patient beliefs about medication. Two-way ANOVA Week 6 Chapters 18-20 12. Bryson et al. (2008). Alcohol screening scores and medication nonadherence. 11/3/2009 Chi-square and Somers’ d 13. Marx et al. (2006). Diarrheal illness detected through syndromic surveillance after a massive power outage: New York City, August 2003. Linear Regression Wilcoxon paired test and MannWhitney Wilcoxon rank sum and KruskalWallis Week 7 Chapters 21-23 14. Van Griensven et al. (1998). Evaluation of a targeted HIV prevention programme among female commercial sex workers in the south of Thailand. 11/10/2009 Multiple Regression Week 8 11/17/2009 15. Wang et al. (2002). Noncompliance with antihypertensive medications: The impact of depressive symptoms and psychosocial factors. Turn in last HW assignment Review additional SPSS procedures Receive Pre-Final Exercise Week 9 11/24/2009 Research questions/Hypotheses due Review additional SPSS procedures Work on Pre-Final Exercise Week 10 12/1/2009 Pre-Final Exercise due ( on or before this date) Review additional SPSS procedures Receive Final Exam Finals Week 12/14/2009 Final Exam due on or before 12pm on December 14, 2009 NOTE:A HARD COPY of the entire exam must be received on or before Monday, December 14, 2009. Please e-mail your entire exam (including syntax) to both the Special Reader and Dr. Morisky by December 14, 2009. Additional Readings will be added and /or students can identify their own readings for class presentation/discussion Laboratory Homework Assignments-SPSS 17.0 Guide to Data Analysis Week Week 1: 9/29/2009 Content Chapters 1-3. Week 2: 10/6/2009 Chapters 4-5. Week 3: 10/13/2009 Chapters 6-10. Week 4: 10/20/2009 Chapters 11-14. Week 5: 10/27/2009 Chapters 15-17. Week 6 11/3/2009 Chapters 18-20. Week 7: 11/10/2009 Chapters 21-23. Exercise Statistical Concepts - #3.2, 3.3, 3.6 Due 10/6/2009 Statistical Concepts - #4.1, 4.3, #5.2, 5.9 Data Analysis: #4.1, 4.5, 4.12, #5.4, 5.6 10/13/2009 Statistical Concepts: #6.1, 8.1 8.2 #9.2, #10.2 Data Analysis: #6.6, #7.4, #8.7, #8.20; #9.10, #10.1 10/20/2009 Statistical Concepts: #11.7, #12.3, #13.2, #14.4 Data Analysis: #11.5, #12.7, #13.10, #14.16 10/27/2009 Statistical Concepts: #15.1 #16.3, #17.3 Data Analysis: #15.2, 15.10, #16.7, #17.16 11/3/2009 Statistical Concepts: #18.2, #20.3 Data Analysis: #18.4, #19.7, #20.3, 20.5 11/10/2009 Statistical Concepts: #21.3, #22.3, #23.4 Data Analysis: #21.3, 21.5, #22.5, #23.8 11/17/2009 Week 8-10. Once all assignments have been turned in, students will be given the Philippines HIV/AIDS data set. Use this time to become familiar with this new data set. You will have to merge three data sets in order to calculate change scores. You will be given two laboratory exercises to complete prior to receiving your final laboratory exam on this data set. CHS 213 Fall 2009 Criteria for Laboratory Presentations: The purpose of the laboratory presentations is to reinforce content discussed in the laboratory sessions. Additionally, the purpose is to allow for interaction among students and the teaching assistant. Therefore, active participation (i.e. questions and constructive feedback) are expected and encouraged. Remember, constructive feedback pertains to feedback regarding the methods used in the papers, not necessarily your classmates’ presentation styles. Presentations do NOT need to be formal (i.e. PowerPoint, etc.). Please adhere to the following guidelines in the preparation of your presentation. • • • • • • • • • • • • What is the problem being researched in the article? What is the explicit research question? What is the purpose of the research? What is/are the research hypothesis/es o This should be stated such that it is pertinent to the type of test used or covered from the week prior. o Keep in mind that the study hypothesis/es may be different from the hypothesis/es for the tests being used. o State both the null and alternative hypotheses. What are the variables used (i.e., independent and dependent variables) What types of variables are they? What type of test was used? What is the null hypothesis of the test? What are the assumptions of the test? o Were the assumptions met? Was the test appropriate? o If not, then what would you do differently (i.e. different control variables, etc.) What were the limitations of the study? Results Conclusions CHS 213 Fall 2009 Final Exam Guidelines: These guidelines are to assist you in preparing your final examination. Prior to this examination, you will have completed a set of pre-final questions designed to help you familiarize yourself with the HIV/AIDS Philippines data set, to be used for this final. In the final, you must develop a research problem of interest, develop the theoretical rationale (based on literature), create an analysis plan, and present the results. The following assignments are due to Dr. Morisky and the Special Reader electronically: • Research Questions/Hypotheses due by 11/24/09 by 5:00pm PST • Pre-Final Exercise due by 12/1/09 by 5:00pm PST • Final Exam paper due on or before 12:00 pm, PST noon on December 14 PST (both hardcopy AND electronic) In order for your final Exam paper to be complete, the following MUST be included: Your Final Exam paper • Should be 10-15 pages in length • Output should be included within the text of the paper, not at the very end (appendix style) • All syntax for your analysis needs to be in the order it appears in the paper, added as an appendix. • You are to e-mail the paper with Syntax AND deliver a hardcopy (no Syntax) to the Special Reader and Dr. Morisky on or before noon on December 14 PST. The paper should include: • A brief introduction/background o The introduction should include a description of the purpose of your analysis (research question). You must also include at least three references from the literature, as well as an appropriate theoretical framework and pertinent concepts. This should not be lengthy; however, it should be informative enough to allow a reader to understand the purpose of your analysis. o Dr. Morisky has written numerous papers using this data set, which can be found on the class website. It is your responsibility to pull whatever is pertinent for the questions you want to answer with your analysis. • Detailed methods section (Main part!!!) o Include characteristics of the data set (sample and variables to be used). o Dr. Morisky has discussed sampling, sample sizes, etc. Use what you know. o Include the rationale for the tests to be used o Include the assumptions for the tests to be used o Include the methods for testing the assumptions. • Results: Bring it all together. o The type of sequential analyses used should be detailed here. o Any statistics used should be explained and justified. o If you transform variables, that should be mentioned and explained, in detail. • • Discussion: o Interpret your results o Discuss limitations of the data (including the type of sample, if relevant) or limitations of the analysis o Provide alternative interpretations Include your bibliographic references