A TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CONNECTION OF GENERATION FACILITIES TO THE HYDRO-QUÉBEC TRANSMISSION SYSTEM SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND GENERATION MAY 2003 A Langue applicable: La version anglaise est pour le bénéfice de l’utilisateur seulement. Dans l’éventualité où une divergence intervient entre la version française et la version anglaise, la version française est la version originale et doit s’appliquer lorsqu’une question concernant l’interprétation de son contenu est soulevée. Governing lanquage : The English version is for the user’s convenience only. In the event of any discrepancies between the French version and the English version, the French version shall be the original and shall be the governing language in the event of any question concerning the meaning of its terms. Supplementary requirements for wind generation A 1. Background The document “Exigences techniques relatives à l’intégration des centrales au réseau de transport d’Hydro-Québec ” issued in May 1999 by Hydro-Québec TransÉnergie states the requirements which must be met by generators wishing to connect a generating station to Hydro-Québec’s transmission system. Since the document was published in May 1999, wind power generation technology has been evolving rapidly. To cover the additional technical aspects associated with this type of generation technology, specific requirements are required. They complement or modify those stated in the May 1999 document. The requirements mentioned in this document take precedence over those in the May 1999 document. The additional requirements associated with wind power generation are presented in the pages that follow. Supplementary requirements for wind generation 1 A 2. Definition The May 1999 document dealt with connection substations. To be in line with the document “Hydro-Québec Open Access Transmission Tariff,” the expression “connection substation” has been replaced with “switchyard.” Based on the description provided in the “Hydro-Québec Open Access Transmission Tariff” (Attachment J, Section B, Subsection 1), “switchyard” is defined as follows: Substation through which the generator’s facilities are connected to the transmission system. It is generally a transforming substation located near a power plant. The switchyard consists of the high-voltage portion of the substation and includes one or more step-up transformers from the step-up transformer lowvoltage terminal. When more than one output level is required from switchyard transformers, those other levels are also included. Diagram 1 illustrates this concept for a wind farm. Diagram 1: Switchyard boundaries for a wind farm Transformer lowvoltage terminal Switchyard HIGH-VOLTAGE SWITCHING High-voltage connection point FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY (Does not display all of the required equipment or apparatus) As shown, a wind farm switchyard includes the following: first output level from the low-voltage terminal near the wind turbine, connection to the second output level, step-up Supplementary requirements for wind generation 2 A transformer(s) at the second output level, and the high-voltage portion up to the connection point to Hydro-Québec’s transmission system. 3. General requirements regarding the design, construction and operation of the generator’s facilities The generating facilities connected to Hydro-Québec’s transmission system should remain in service as long as possible without tripping during severe events that cause voltage or frequency variations. The reason is, on the one hand, to not interfere with the automatic controls in use on the system, and on the other, to help restore voltage and frequency. To this end, a generator’s facilities must be designed, built and operated so as to remain in service and not cause any unit to trip during the voltage and frequency variations shown in Tables 1 and 2 in Section 8.1. The requirement for frequency presented in Table 2 is also applicable to generating stations connected through the distribution system. 4. Voltage regulation Voltage regulation is required to ensure transmission system stability and reliability. For voltage regulation to be efficient, most of the generating stations must take part in the process. For wind farms capable of voltage regulation, the transmission provider may require, based on the conditions described below, that the generator’s facilities take part in regulating the system voltage continuously, dynamically and rapidly. Continuous, dynamic and fast control must be comparable to that provided by a static compensator. All of the alternators capable of regulating voltage (such as wind turbines equipped with double-fed asynchronous generators or those equipped with a converter) must be designed to continuously regulate voltage on Hydro-Québec’s transmission system in transient, dynamic or steady state. To this end, the alternators must be equipped with an automatic voltage regulation system and be capable of supplying or absorbing, in steady state, the reactive power corresponding to the power factor specified in Sections 5 and 6 of this document. Supplementary requirements for wind generation 3 A 5. Design power factor for synchronous generators Sufficient supplies of reactive power are required on the transmission system in transient, dynamic or steady state to ensure transmission system stability and reliability. For wind farms equipped with synchronous generators connected to the transmission system through a converter, the generator’s facilities must be designed to supply or absorb, at the converter outlet (system side), the reactive power that corresponds to an overexcited or underexcited rated power factor equal to or less than 0.95. The reactive power must be available over the entire real power generation range. 6. Design power factor for asynchronous generators For wind farms equipped with asynchronous generators not capable of dynamic voltage control, a unity power factor must be provided at the connection point. The number and power rating of the capacitor banks used to correct the power factor must be established by the generator to avoid self-excitation problems given the different modes under which the facilities are operated. When the generating station is connected directly to the transmission system, to avoid the occurrence of self-excitation phenomena, generators may not be able to install a sufficient number of capacitors in their facilities to comply with the unity power factor at the connection point. Generators would then have to compensate for this reactive power deficit by paying for the addition of reactive compensation equipment at more appropriate points on Hydro-Québec’s transmission system. For wind farms equipped with asynchronous generators capable of voltage regulation (such as wind turbines equipped with double-fed asynchronous generators or those equipped with a converter), the generator’s facilities must be designed to supply or absorb, at the generating unit outlet (system side), the reactive power that corresponds to an overexcited or underexcited rated power factor equal to or less than 0.95. The reactive power must be available over the entire real power generation range. Supplementary requirements for wind generation 4 A 7. Requirements regarding auxiliary services Auxiliary services required to operate the wind farm must remain operational and not cause, either directly or indirectly, any unit to trip during the voltage and frequency variations described in Section 8 below. This requirement is also applicable to the auxiliary services of any wind farm connected to Hydro-Québec’s transmission system through the distribution system. 8. Requirements regarding protection systems 8.1 General requirements Generating facilities connected to Hydro-Québec’s transmission system must remain in service without tripping for as long as possible during severe events resulting in transient disturbances that affect voltage, power or frequency on the transmission system. Protection systems, used to protect the generator’s facilities, must be sufficiently selective to prevent undesirable tripping during such events. Thus, during power swings, no protection system should cause, either directly or indirectly, any unit to trip for the following voltage and frequency variations: Supplementary requirements for wind generation 5 A • Positive sequence voltage variations at fundamental frequency as shown in Table 1: Table 1 Minimum time periods during which wind farms must remain in service without tripping during voltage variations Voltage (p.u.) note Duration V < 0.60 0.10 second 0.60 ≤ V < 0.75 0.25 second 0.75 ≤ V < 0.85 2.0 seconds 0.85 ≤ V < 0.90 300 seconds 0.90 ≤ V ≤ 1.10 permanent 1.10 < V ≤ 1.15 300 seconds 1.15 < V ≤ 1.20 30 seconds 1.20 < V ≤ 1.25 2 seconds 1.25 < V ≤ 1.40* 0.10 second V > 1.40 p.u.* 0.03 second Note: Positive sequence voltage at fundamental frequency * : Facilities that use power electronics must remain operational throughout the entire voltage range except for voltage levels greater than 1.25 p.u. where temporary blocking is allowed. Supplementary requirements for wind generation 6 A • Frequency variations as shown in Table 2. However, a more stringent no-tripping requirement could be imposed to meet specific needs identified during the integration study. Table 2 Minimum period of time during which wind farms must remain in service without tripping during frequency variations Frequency (Hz) Duration F < 55.5 Instantaneous 55.5 ≤ F < 56.5 0.35 second 56.5 ≤ F < 57.0 2 seconds 57.0 ≤ F < 57.5 10 seconds 57.5 ≤ F < 58.5 1.5 minutes 58.5 ≤ F < 59.4 11 minutes 59.4 ≤ F ≤ 60.6 Permanent 60.6 < F ≤ 61.5 11 minutes 61.5 < F < 61.7 1.5 minutes F ≥ 61.7 Instantaneous The requirement regarding the ability of protection systems to withstand the frequency variations listed in Table 2 is also applicable to any wind farm connected to HydroQuébec’s transmission system through the distribution system. 8.2 Voltage protection Voltage protection includes an undervoltage function as well as an overvoltage function. The protection must be sufficiently selective to prevent undesirable tripping during events on the main grid resulting in transient disturbances. Voltage protection must therefore comply with the no-tripping requirements listed in Table 1 of Section 8.1. The durations shown in the table set the minimum time-lags which the protection system must have in the corresponding voltage zone. For instance, referring to Table 1, voltage protection with a threshold set to operate in the (0.85 ≤ V < 0.90) voltage zone should have a minimum time-lag of 300 seconds. The voltage protection must be coordinated with the other protection systems in use and initiate the tripping of the generating station to prevent it from being operated under unacceptable voltage conditions. Supplementary requirements for wind generation 7 A 8.3 Frequency protection Frequency protection includes an underfrequency function as well as an overfrequency function. Frequency protection must be coordinated with the other protection systems in use and initiate the tripping of the generating station to prevent it from being operated under unacceptable frequency conditions. It must be set at threshold and time-lag values that are sufficiently selective to prevent operation during transient events occurring on the main grid. At no time should the protection system settings interfere with the means implemented by the transmission provider to restore the system frequency, which may vary after a disturbance. Frequency protection systems must comply with the no-tripping requirements listed in Table 2 of Section 8.1. The durations shown in the table set the minimum time-lags which the protection system must have in the corresponding frequency zone. For instance, referring to Table 2, frequency protection with a threshold set to operate in the (58.5 ≤ F < 59.4) frequency zone should have a minimum time-lag of 11 minutes. 9. Fast voltage variations and flicker Fast voltage variations and flicker are disturbances which can occur randomly or periodically and in so doing disrupt sensitive loads. Paragraph 1 of Section 4.3.1 of the May 1999 document lists a few examples of potential causes of such disturbances. To this list should also be added the continuous power variations caused by wind turbines. Supplementary requirements for wind generation 8 A 10. Technical information to be transmitted by the generator to the transmission provider prior to the integration study In addition to the information contained in Appendix B of the May 1999 document, the following information must also be provided: For wind turbines equipped with double-fed asynchronous generators, direct-drive wind turbines with permanent magnet generators, wind turbines equipped with converters, and all other wind turbines using the latest technology: - Detailed models and associated machine parameters, using standard IEEE models as a reference; Or detailed models and associated machine parameters that can be used by the transmission provider for dynamic simulation studies using Power System Simulator (PSS/E) software; - Detailed models and associated converter parameters that can be used by the transmission provider for dynamic simulation studies using Power System Simulator (PSS/E) software. Supplementary requirements for wind generation 9