188 MICHAEL H. I.. HECKER ACKNOWLEDGMENT In order to circumvent this limitation, a control systemwhichcan provideeachsectionof DAVO with The author wishesto expresshis gratitudeto Proan individualset of temporalinstructions is required. fessorKennethN. Stevensfor the helpfulsuggestions thisresearch. The cooperation Each sectionwould undergoa given changein its hehasgiventhroughout of all members of the SpeechCommunication Groupat cross-sectional area at a different time and with a difthe Research Laboratory of Electronics is also vet5' ferent rate, with the result that the vocal-tractanalog much appreciated, particularly the kind assistance of would be capable of making almost any transition Dr. Arthur S. Houseand Miss JaneB. Arnold. between two configurations.It is impractical to inThis workwassupported in part by the U.S. Army corporatesucha controlsysteminto the presentpro- SignalCorps,theAir ForceOfficeof Scientific Research, grammingdevice,however,and the problemof con- and the Officeof Naval Research,in part by the Air trolling DAVO by meansof computermust be even- ForceCambridge Research Laboratories, and by the National Science Foundation. tually considered. THE JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA VOLUME 34, NUMBER FEBRUARY. 1962 Ultrasonic Intensity Gain by CompositeTransducers Wxr.sz• J. F•t't* a.•ro F•otra Duss* Interscience Research Institute,Urbarm,Illinois (ReceivedAugust10, 1961) The radiationof planeacoustic wavesinto a mediumby composite layeredtransducem composed o[ a piezoelectric elementand two lossless couplingmediais described analytically.The increase in acoustic intensityin themediumreceiving theradiationproduced by thecomposite structure overthatproduced by directcoupling(piezoelectric elementin contactwith the medium),for the samevalueof the electricfield strength,is considered quantitativelyand the resultsare presented graphically.Composite transducers of the type described canbe expectedto achieveconsiderably higherultrasonicintensities(1000-foldincrease) in both unfocused and focused beams than have heretofore been realized. I. INTRODUCTION particularlylackingin informationregardingoptimum designconditions,i.e., valuesof the acousticparametersanddimensions for the couplingmedia,for maximizingthe acousticoutput powerper unit radiating area for a fixed value of the electricfield strength.6,* An objectiveof this paperis the presentation of transducerdesigncriteriafor achievingincreased power HEproduction ofultrasonic radiation bycom- positetransducers has receivedattentionin the technicalliteraturea'•and informationon the propaga~ tion characteristicsof sound through multilayered structures(includingengineering designcriteria)is to be found in almostall bookson acoustics. a A general treatment of acoustic propagation through lossless outputs. High-intensity ultrasound hasbeenandcontinues to structuresof four or more layers has been published be useful in research investigations, medical applicarecently by Dianov,4 who comparesexperimentalreand it is expectedthat sults of radiated acousticintensity and bandwidth for tions, and industrialprocesses, increasing the available intensity will make possible the direct radiated case with that incorporating two a broader scope of basic research studies and technical quarter-wavelayersbetweenthe piezoelect'ric element Ultrasonicintensitiesgreaterthan have and the radiation medium. The use of compositeim- applications. pedancetransformingstructuresto couplevibrating been realized heretofore from unfocnsedsystems can designedas piezoelectric elementsto a mediumhasbeendiscussed be producedby compositetransducers described in this paper. In the field of biophysics, inbriefly by Fry and Dunn.a The technicalliteratureis tensities in therangefromapproximately (10)2to (10)• w/cmx are usedto produceuniquechangesin tissue Urbana, Illinois. a.s In some • W. I- Fry, J. M. Taylor, and B. W. Henvis, Designof Crystal structuresof complexbiologicalsystems. Vibrating Systems(Dover Publications,Inc., New York, 1948). cases,whereit is desiredto producehigh intensities * Also,BiophysicalResearch Laboratory,Universityof Illinois, • W. G. Carly, J. Acoust.Soc.Am. 21, 65 (1949). aSeefor example,L. E. Kinslerand A. R. Frey, Fundamentals aT. F. Hueter and R. H. Bolt, Sonics(JohnWiley & Sons,Inc., New York, 1955). of Acoustics (JohnWiley & Sons,Inc., New York, 1950). • B. Carlin, Ultrasonics(McGraw-Hill Book Company,New 4D. B. Dianov, (translation) Soviet Phys.--Acoustics$, 30 (19so). • W. J. Fry and F. Dunn in PhysicalTechniques in Biotogical Res*arch,edited by W. L. Nastuk (Academic Press Inc., New York, 1961), Vol. 6. York, 1949). sW. J. Fry, in Advances in Biologicaland MedicalPhysics, editedby I- H. LawrenceandC. A. Tobias(Academic PressInc., N-ewYork, 1958), Vol. 6. COMPOSITE TRANSDUCERS in relativelysmall tissuevolumesin deep structures without affectinginterveningtissue,lens systemsare employedto focusthe acousticenergy.Someof the presentdesignsemploya layeredstructurecomposed of a piezoelectricelement,a singlecouplingmedium, and a lens; the essentialcomponentsof the transducer which producesand couplesthe acousticenergyto the transmitting medium. The technical literature con- g•-•V• 189 %-•nV• %- •v• g•v r Fro. 1. •hematic diagramof compositetransducer. tainsdesigncriteriafor suchtransducers whichspecify that the specificacousticimpedanceof the lens matogetherwith relation(1), constitute terial be as nearly equal to lhat of the propagating Theseformulas, analyticexpressions from whichthe inmediumas possibleand that the thicknessof the single the necessary systemover that of a couplingmediumbe as thin as possible.•An objective tensitygain of the composite of this paper is the demonstrationthat the choiceof systemin which the piezoelectricelementradiates conditionsusually stated in the literature to realize directlyinto mediumr comparedfor equalvaluesof "optimum" performancefrom compositetransducers the driving electricfield strength,can be computed. is neither necessarynor desirable,that is, it is shown For the directradiationcase,the intensityI• is that other choicesof parametersand dimensionsenI•a=4e•E•/R•. (5) joy distinct advantagesover thoseusuallyprescribed. Ratherthan express the intensitygainin the general caseby eliminationof the appropriatevariablesfrom the aboverelations,it is moreappropriate to consider The type of systemconsidered here is illustratedin and interpret a series of special c•es. Fig. 1. Onefaceof a piezoelectric elemente is coupled to a mediumr, in which acousticradialion is desired, Case 1 by the planar layersof spacingmediums and coupling Let medium p. The characteristicacousticimpedancesof (6) thesemediaare, in general,all different.It is assumed In this case Z, is that the piezoelectricelementis operatedat its fundamental resonantfrequency,at which it is a half-wave(RvF wLv-I r /Rv\2-I wLv] lengththick (or an oddharmonicin whichcaseit is an I --/1 + ta,f---/+J/1-/--I I tan--/ odd number of half-wavelengthsthick), that it is terminatedon the oppositeface by a materialof zero acoustic impedance, andthat all mediaareacoustically lossless. The analysisproceeds by computingthe mottonal part of the electricalinput impedanceat the electricalterminalsof the piezoelectricelement.This (7) into (1), the expression for the impedanceis dependentupon the acousticinput im- Uponsubstituting acoustic intensity radiated into medium ß is pedanceinto mediums, i.e., Z, of the figure.The acousticintensityI• into mediumß can then be expressed in termsof the real part of the electricalimpedancefunctionasfollows: IL ANALYSIS Z,=R;I R•L I,•=4e,•'E • Re(I/Z,), vz, J L \R•/_1 •v• (1) The gain,G(X,/4) (thegainfor L,={?,,) in intensity, wheree•}designates the appropriatepiezoelectric stress for equalvaluesof the drivingelectricfield,of the systemoverthe directdrivesystemis obconstantfor the transducermaterial (en in the caseof composite tainedby formingtheratioof Eq. (8) to Eq. (5). an X-cut quartzplate) and E is the amplitudeof the electricfield strength. The acousticimpedances Z. Zv and Z. lookingto the right at the boundariesindicatedin Fig. 1 are, respectively, Z,=R, Zt,• Rt. - ....... and '[-R•+jZ• tan(wl.v. %,)_1 (RqT l+tan2(wLv/vv) ] G(•X0=\•/L-i+(R,/Rv)•v/vv)i. (9) Thebracketed partof thisformulaisillustrated graphicallyin Fig. 2. The gainis shownasa functionof the quantityL•,/Xvwith theparameterfromcurveto curve impedances of (3) beingthe ratio of the characteristic mediap andr. It isapparent that thegainof thesystem (2) increases as the characteristic impedanceof mediump (the transmission plate) increases, that is, as Rv beconms largerrelativeto R•. The maximum gainfor a 190 W.J. FRY' AND F. DUNN iooo Ol o..ol o specificchoiceof material is achievedwhen the thicknessLp of the transmission plateis equalto onequarter- 0.0,5 o.i with the samepiezoelectric elementradiatingdirectly into the medium, r, is achieved as the result of the 0-2 0.2.% Fro. 3. Gain of compositetransducerfor • wavelengthof spacingmaterial vs thicknessof transmission plate and for [ wavelengthof transmission plate vs thickness of spacingmaterial, respectively. Symmetrical aboutLp/Xp,Ldh,--0.25 and repeats everyLp/Xp,LdX,=0.5, respectively. Then Z, is wavelengthor an oddmultiplethereof. A further increasein output intensitycanbe achieved for a constantvalue of the driving electricfield by choosinga material for the couplingspacerwith a characteristicacousticimpedanceR, smallerthan the characteristicimpedanceof the mediuminto whichthe acousticenergyradiates.The valuesof the gain from the graph of Fig. 2 are directly multiplicableby the ratio (R,/Rs)•-of thesecharacteristic impedances. and the radiatedintensityis It shouldbe notedthat the gain in intensityof the compositesystemover that characteristicof a system 0.15 (11) F 1+tan" (coLv/,:,) (12) I•= R,LI+(R,/R,)-' tan2(wL,/vv)l ' reductionof the electricalinput impedance(the motionalbranch)into the piezoelectric element.This de- The gainG(«X,)in thiscaseis creasein electricalinput impedanceresultsfrom the 1+tan2(coLv/vv) reduced mechanicalimpedanceat the face of the piezoelectricelementwhich is producedby the compositecouplingassembly,therebyenablingthe element to draw more electriccurrent and consequentlymore This expression is represented in graphicalform in Fig. powerat the samedriving voltage. 3, where the gain is exhibited as a function of the parametersLv/X• and the ratio RvR, of the characCase 2 teristicimpedances. It is seenthat the gainis lessthan Let unity for all valuesof the ratio Rv/R•> 1 and greater œ,=«x,. (lO) than unity for all valuesof Rv/Rr<I. G(«Xs) =1+(Rv/Rr) •tan'(toL•/,•)' (13) COMPOSITE TRANSDUCEI(S 191 Let (14) Then Z• is (15) and the radiatedintensityis The gain,G(«Xv)in this caseis lq-tan-ø(wL•/v•) = 4ea:2E2 (16) R•. The gain,G(•Xv), in thiscaseis \R•/ (17) h-1 L\Rd \• /J v• This expression is illustratedin graphicalformin Fig. 4, wherethegainisplottedasa functionof theparameter L•/X• for variousvaluesof the ratio R•/R, for the case R•/R,=i. Thesecurvesshowthat the gain can be greaterthan, equal to, or lessthan unity, depending upon the thicknessof the spacingmediumin wavelengths,for any fixed valuesof the two ratios of characteristicimpedances. The effectof varying the value of the ratio RdRr for a fixedvalue of the ratio R,/Rr is to alter drasticallythe gain for valuesof L• near ¬Xsandnot to producesignificant alterations for values deviating significantlyfrom L•=¬M. Equation (17) showsthat the gain is increasedfor R•/R,<I and decreasedfor R•/R,> 1. tan-ø(oLd,) ' (21) This expression is identicalin form to Eq. (13) and is alsoillustratedgraphicallyin Fig. 3 wherethe gain, G(X•/2),isplottedasa functionof theparameter LdX• and the ratio, R•/R, of characteristic impedances. III. 1+ tan2(wLs/v•) O(•Xv)= 1+ DISCUSSION It is apparent from the analysisand graphsof the precedingsectionthat the radiatedacousticpowerper unit area of a compositeassembly,consistingof a piezoelectricelement coupledthrough "spacing"and io Case 4 Let L•=«X•. (18) Then Z• is Z•- /Rs\/ ,•L•\ Rr v• / F/RA'-' q \Rd -11 _1 (Rd R,)2+ tan2(wL,/v•) and the radiatedintensityis 0.1 v• , 09) 0.01 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 Ls/•s I.=4e.,a.'-'h'2]l•(wL.,/t•) 1' (20) " Rrkl+(&/Rr)tan2(wL•/v•)_] Fro. 4. Gain of compositetransducerfor • wavelengthof transmissionplate vs thicknessof spacingmaterialfor caseR•/R,= 1. SymmetricalaboutL•/X•=0.25 and repeatseveryL•/X,=0.5. 192 W. J. FRY AND F. DUNN mustbe designedto com"transmission" media(seeFig. 1), canbe eithergreater meansthat the transducers or less than that from a transducerwith the piezo- pensatefor the effectsof temperaturechangesin the electricelementradiatingdirectly into the radiation materials when the devicesoperate "continuously" medium,for equalvaluesof the electricfield strength. under high-powerconditions,i.e., the dimensionsof The ratio of theseintensities,which is definedin this the couplinglayers,in wavelengths,mustremainwithin paper as the gain of the compositetransducer,can be the necessarytolerances.The gain is, of course,a i.e., odd mulvaried over a wide range of values by appropriate periodicfunctionof the layer thicknesses, choiceof the dimensions and characteristicimpedances tiplesof a quarter-wavelengththicknessyield identical of the spacingand transmittingmedia.Thus, the maxi- valuesof the gain. However,if temperatureeffectsare mum intensitiesavailableinto liquidsat the transducer to be minimized,the choiceof thicknessfor many apface at maximumdriving electricfield strengthare plicationswould be one-quarterwavelengthsincethe considerably increased.This is to be comparedwith the gain obtainedby insertinga singlequarter-wave layer having the root-mean-square characteristic impedanceof the piezoelectricelementand the radiation mediumbetweenthesetwo media.This gain, which is (Rr/R,) 2,dependsuponthe characteristic impedanceof the radiation medium, whereas in the case of two thinner the couplinglayers, the smallerwill be the effectsproduced by temperaturechanges in the system. From an examinationof the graphs,it is apparent that intensitygainsin water (or liquidsin general)in the range from 100 to 1000 can be achieved.For example, if a material with a characteristicimpedance approximatelyequal to that of water is chosenfor the spacingelement and a material such as stainlesssteel with a characteristic impedance approximately 30 times that of water is usedfor the transmissionplate, then for one-quarterwavelengththicknesses of these materials the gain of the compositesystem compared quarter-wavelayers,the gain is (R•/R,) 2 and depends uponthe characteristic impedanceratio of the coupling materialto that of the spacingmaterial.It is of interest to comparethe gainrealizedby employingtwo quarterwave layersover a singlequarter-wavelayer, which is (R•,/R•)2. The analyticmethodusedin thispapercan with the caseof direct radiation of the piezoelectric be extendedto any numberof layers,from which it elementinto water is nearly 1000. Compositetransducersof the type consideredhere, will be seenthat further increasein the intensitygain, for equal values of the applied electricfield strength, when combinedwith appropriate lens systems,will can be obtained. 4 The dimensions of the elements of a make possiblethe attainment of ultra-high intensity compositetransducerare of critical importanceespe- acoustic beams,i.e., intensities asgreatas (10)*to (10)8 cially if high intensitygainsare to be achieved.This w/cm2.