This is form is due back to the Undergraduate Advisor (Dr

This is form is due back to the Undergraduate Advisor (Dr. Phillip Compeau, GHC 7403) before noon on the
LAST day to add courses for the semester. Forms will be accepted after this date on a case by case basis.
Requirements for registering for research credit
A) Working in a research group requires a large time commitment:
1. You are expected to attend all meetings of your advisor’s research group, class schedule permitting.
2. You are expected to spend a minimum of as many hours doing research per week as the number of
units you are enrolled for.
3. You should meet at least once per week with your advisor (or someone designated by your advisor) to
describe your research progress.
B) Working in a research group requires dedication from you and your advisor. During busy times it is NOT
permissible for you to skip group or individual meetings to study for exams or write papers. If someone is
expecting you to be present, it is only right that you keep the meeting.
C) Students MUST submit a report at the end of the semester. The report must be signed (physically or
electronically) by the faculty mentor and delivered to the Undergraduate Advisor’s office (GHC 7403) in
person or via email to Phillip at by 5:00pm on Reading Day of finals. The report
should be 1.5 to 2 pages (around 1000 words) in length with paragraphs addressing the following issues:
Rationale – Why is your work important? What scientific question did your work address?
Approach – What techniques did you use to address your scientific question? Why?
Results – Describe your outcomes. What did you find?
Technical setbacks – Describe any problems that you encountered. What did you learn?
Conclusions – What do your data tell you? How does this fit into the “big picture”?
Prospects for the future - Should you pursue the project, modify it, extend it?
Impact Statement – How did this experience influence your perspective on research and your career
**IMPORTANT!!**Research reports will not be accepted after the deadline. Your assigned
grade from your faculty mentor will be dropped by one letter grade if the report is submitted
past the published deadline. It is your responsibility to ensure that your research advisor will
be available to sign the form before Reading Day.
**By signing the attached form, the student acknowledges these requirements
and the deadlines associated with them.
This is form is due back to the Undergraduate Advisor (Dr. Phillip Compeau, GHC 7403) before noon on the
LAST day to add courses for the semester. Forms will be accepted after this date on a case by case basis.
Undergraduate Research in Computational Biology (02‐500)
Add Request Form
Student Name ___________________________________Student Andrew ID __________________
Student Cell Phone Number:_________________________________
Research Advisor’s Name_____________________________________________________________
Advisor’s Affiliation (ie, CMU, Pitt, Other)________________________________________________
If other please describe ______________________________________________________________
Research Advisor’s Email Address______________________________________________________
Research Advisor’s Phone Number_____________________________________________________
Number of Units to be Registered _____________(no more than 12) Semester ________________
Project Title _______________________________________________________________________
Please summarize the research work you will be doing this semester:
Signature ____________________________________________ Date _______________
Research Advisor’s Signature ___________________________________ Date _______________