STATE OF TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TENNESSEE OIL AND GAS PROGRAM 711 R. S. GASS BLVD. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE 37216 SURFACE OWNERS NOTIFICATION CERTIFICATION This is to certify that, _____________________________________(Operator Name), has given a notice to surface owners as required under Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 60, Chapter 1, Part 2, Section 60-1-209 and Chapter 0400-52-02-.01(6) of the Rules of the Tennessee Oil and Gas Board for the proposed __________________________________ Well No. _________ to be Located ____________Latitude _____________Longitude ___________FNL, FSL ___________ FEL,FWL Sec __________ Carter Quad. __________ N,S __________ E,W by certified mail, returned receipt requested, to the persons entitled to such notification as follows. Surface Owner’s Name Address Date Notice Mailed _______________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________ _______________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ _______________ _______________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________ _______________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________ _______________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________ _______________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________ I hereby attest and affirm that the information included on or associated with this certification is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I hereby authorize the State of Tennessee to make any contacts for verification of any information included on or with this certification. Please attach additional sheets if necessary. SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________ Operator CN-0694(Rev.07-13) Page 1 of 1 RDA-1910