Projected 2016-2020 Existing Generating Unit Retirements Under EPA 111(d) Proposal States with Announced Coal Unit Retirements and Conversions Due to EPA Policies* EPA-Projected Coal Capacity Retirements Under 111(d) Proposal* (2016-2020) Up to 2,500 MW Capacity Announced Coal Plant Retirements and Conversions due to EPA Policies (as of July 28, 2014) *361 units nationally representing 55,702 MW of Capacity. 318 units are retiring, 43 are converting to natural gas or biomass. 2,500 – 5,000 MW Capacity > 5,000 MW Capacity *Excludes committed retirements prior to 2016 Source Data:!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0602-0220 Source Data: ACCCE, Coal Unit Shutdowns as of July 28th, 2014; States with EPA-Projected Coal Unit Retirements Under 111(d) Proposal* (2016-2020) 2016-2020 Coal Plant Retirements projected under EPA’s 111(d) proposal *Excludes committed retirements prior to 2016 111(d) State Legislation and Resolutions Adopted During 2014 Session 111(d) Resolution Passed 111(d) Legislation Passed VA – Study Bill 111(d) Legislation in Progress Source Data:!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0602-0220 2 3 OVERVIEW According to EPA predictions, approximately 50 gigawatts of retirements of baseload coal generation could occur between 2016 and 2020 due to its proposed regulations to reduce CO2 from existing coal-fueled power plants commonly called EPA’s “Clean Power Plan.” This is in addition to the approximately 70 gigawatts of coal-fueled generation that EPA acknowledges has already retired or will retire this decade due to other factors. This combined total of lost generation is enough to power 60 million homes. Almost every state would experience retirements shown on the maps and spreadsheet from EPA’s database. Greater or fewer Clean Power Plan retirements, and differences in associated jobs, electricity costs and output from manufacturing and agriculture-based economies might occur depending upon a state’s ability to achieve EPA’s very high levels of plant unit and consumer end use energy efficiency, natural gas generating unit capacity factor, and new renewable and nuclear generating unit deployments on EPA’s extremely ambitious schedule. Projected 2016-2020 EGU Retirements Under 111(d) Proposal* EPA’s IPM Assessment of Option 1 with Regional Compliance 2020 Run Year State Plant Alabama Barry Charles R Lowman Colbert E C Gaston Summary of EPA 111d Generation Retirements Gadsden • According EPA’s IPM modeling of the proposed 111(d) rule using a regional compliance approach, 132 GW of generating capacity will retire between 2016 and 2020. Greene County • 68 GW of the 132 GW is projected to retire directly in response to the proposed 111(d) rule (i.e. is incremental), including 46 GW of low cost, base load, coal generation and 11 GW of oil/gas steam generation. • Of the 68 GW projected to come off-line directly in response to the rule, 44 GW is projected to retire in 2016 or less than 18 months from now. -- Includes 28 GW of coal units and 11 GW of oil/gas steam units which are likely in the process of engineering and constructing (i.e. spending money on) emission control equipment to become MATS compliant. -- Retirement of this 44 GW has likely not been considered within reliability planning efforts. • Between 2010 and 2015 EPA has also concluded that 48 GW of capacity has retired or has firm plans to retire, including 30 GW of coal. • In total, EPA projects 180 GW of electric generation capacity will retire between 2010 and 2020 in response to the 111(d) rule and other factors. -- This represents greater than 15% of the total U.S. installed capacity. Notes: 1. EPA’s IPM analysis assumes “building blocks” are available for compliance commensurate with their assumptions in developing state targets. Real world achievability of building blocks could result in dramatically different retirement scenarios in the various states. Gorgas Widows Creek Coal Steam Combined Combustion Cycle Turbine IGCC Nuclear O/G Steam Grand Total 5,976 5,976 886 886 80 80 1,184 1,184 1,020 1,020 130 130 1,241 1,241 497 497 938 938 766 766 Apache Station 350 350 Cholla 260 260 156 156 Arizona H Wilson Sundt Generating Station Arkansas 4,007 743 Harvey Couch Independence 123 1,678 Plum Point Energy Station 4,750 123 1,678 Lake Catherine 620 620 670 670 White Bluff 1,659 1,659 California 120 2,602 1,236 AES Alamitos LLC Agnews Power Plant 30 6,122 10,080 667 667 30 Alameda 44 44 Almond Power Plant 50 50 Berry Cogen 35 35 Berry Cogen Tanne Hills 18 14 14 Cardinal Cogen 41 Carson Ice-Gen Project 58 Civic Center 24 2. Accompanying unit specific spreadsheet shows a total of 121 GW of retirements during 2016-20 (less than the 132 GW total shown above). This is because it does NOT account for 11 GW of capacity that EPA projects will be retired but cannot be explicitly attributed to a specific generating unit due to the unique IPM modeling process. Coalinga 25D Cogen Source Data:!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0602-0220 Combustion Turbine Project No 2 4 Retired Capacity (MW) Coalinga Cogeneration Coalinga Cogeneration Facility 41 51 109 24 11 11 36 36 6 6 49 49 5 State Plant Coolwater Retired Capacity (MW) Coal Steam Combined Combustion Cycle Turbine Nuclear O/G Steam 462 Grand Total Plant 462 Panoche Peaker Retired Capacity (MW) Coal Steam 5 5 Pittsburg Power Cymric 36W Cogen 11 11 Redding Power 5 Rio Bravo Jasmin 33 Rio Bravo Poso 33 DAI Oildale 5 30 Dome Project 30 6 Dynegy Morro Bay LLC Dynegy Moss Landing Power Plant Dynegy Oakland Power Plant El Centro Foster Wheeler Martinez Fresno Cogen Partners 110 Gilroy Power Plant Grayson Harbor Harbor Cogen 1,311 106 33 33 Roseville 42 42 1,509 1,509 San Jose Cogeneration 6 6 Santa Clara Cogen 8 8 30 30 165 226 73 6 6 563 563 52 52 105 105 57 57 50 50 225 225 81 81 Sargent Canyon Cogeneration SCA Cogen 2 134 134 Sconza Candy Company 5 SPA Cogen 3 Stockton Cogen 5 164 164 54 54 Taft 26C Cogen 11 United Cogen 445 11 29 29 Walnut 47 47 Wheelabrator Lassen 43 43 Wheelabrator Norwalk Energy 27 Woodland 27 48 48 974 Colorado 2 2 Arapahoe 109 109 Cherokee 352 352 42 Kern River Fee A Cogen 6 6 Kern River Fee B Cogen 3 3 Kern River Fee C Cogen 6 6 Valmont Connecticut Bridgeport Station King City Power Plant 111 111 Kingsburg Cogen 34 34 184 330 330 Delaware 260 260 Edge Moor 260 260 Florida 112 Anclote McKittrick Cogen 9 9 Arvah B Hopkins North Midway Cogen 9 9 Big Bend 7,260 C D McIntosh Jr 342 Cedar Bay Generating Company LP 249 Crist 2,192 9,587 1,011 1,011 76 39 Central Power & Lime 135 1,552 99 29 394 NRG Norwalk Harbor 112 29 400 491 McClure OLS Energy Chino 400 394 448 77 5 2,063 491 77 5 1,669 448 McClellan Olive View Medical Center 184 394 New Haven Harbor 23 99 645 Montville Station 23 39 645 Middletown Lodi Olive 445 974 42 Oildale Energy LLC 1,311 33 73 Kern River Eastridge Cogen 40 33 104 JRW Associates LP Grand Total Salinas River Cogeneration 116 Haynes O/G Steam 106 Scattergood Greenleaf 2 Power Plant Nuclear 999 104 Gianera IGCC 999 165 Frito-Lay Cogen Plant Gateway Generating Station 6 Combined Combustion Cycle Turbine 40 Cymric 31X Cogen Cymric 6Z Cogen 6 IGCC State 76 1,552 85 427 249 135 135 906 906 7 State Plant Retired Capacity (MW) Coal Steam Crystal River 869 Deerhaven Generating Station 232 Combined Combustion Cycle Turbine 577 330 357 Stanton Energy Center 105 23 138 92 92 1,310 1,310 886 886 Tom G Smith 30 Vero Beach Municipal Power Plant 201 201 Mitchell 155 155 Scherer 1,680 1,680 Yates 1,286 1,286 Illinois 6,058 3 3 3 3 6,058 38 38 41 41 George Neal North 957 957 Lansing 237 237 Milton L Kapp 211 211 Muscatine Plant #1 216 216 Prairie Creek 164 164 Riverside 133 133 35 35 78 78 851 851 Kansas Lawrence Energy Center Quindaro 183 Riverton Tecumseh Energy Center Kentucky 1,389 1,389 Big Sandy 260 260 Cooper 334 334 Dale 195 195 E W Brown 267 267 65 65 282 Louisiana 1,002 1,002 Big Cajun 1 Newton 1,197 1,197 Big Cajun 2 Powerton 1,536 1,536 Brame Energy Center 251 251 Robert A Reid Shawnee CII Carbon LLC 268 3,051 268 3,192 220 1,756 486 6,243 220 1,756 422 46 908 46 D G Hunter 130 130 Louis Doc Bonin 302 302 Louisiana 2 138 138 813 813 126 126 54 54 Frank E Ratts 241 241 Michoud Harding Street 212 212 Monroe 14 14 Morgan City R Gallagher 280 280 Plaquemine R M Schahfer 472 472 R S Nelson Jasper 2 12 73 282 257 183 12 73 Hennepin Power Station 257 147 229 380 Eagle Valley 147 229 380 Indiana 694 Nearman Creek E D Edwards 454 147 50 348 1,889 12 50 348 454 535 Fort Dodge Dallman 1,889 313 Fair Station 608 Wood River 313 Grand Total Earl F Wisdom 608 Will County O/G Steam 104 Baldwin Energy Complex Joppa Steam Nuclear 104 Ames Electric Services Power Plant 46 Kraft IGCC 100 Walter Scott Jr Energy Center 1,016 Combined Combustion Cycle Turbine 3,065 Sutherland 1,016 Coal Steam 100 52 840 Retired Capacity (MW) 3,065 22 840 Clearwater Paper IPP Lewiston Whitewater Valley Iowa 131 46 Idaho Wabash River 131 5,178 Harllee Branch Plant Streeter Station 5,178 Hammond 8 577 105 138 Suwannee River Georgia 315 357 Sanford Seminole Grand Total 330 23 Larsen Memorial Scholz O/G Steam 83 John R Kelly Lansing Smith Nuclear 869 Indian River Indiantown Cogeneration LP IGCC State 763 38 38 603 1,366 9 State Plant Retired Capacity (MW) Coal Steam Combined Combustion Cycle Turbine Teche Maine 58 93 Caribou Generation Station Rumford Cogeneration IGCC Nuclear State O/G Steam Grand Total 346 346 233 384 14 58 Verso Paper 14 58 93 93 William F Wyman 219 219 Maryland 825 825 C P Crane 385 385 Herbert A Wagner 440 440 Massachusetts Brayton Point 1,136 521 1,136 Canal Cleary Flood Lowell Cogen Plant 1,102 2,769 10 435 1,581 566 566 108 108 29 29 NAEA Energy Massachusetts LLC 101 Potter Station 2 79 Stony Brook Michigan B C Cobb 312 Claude Vandyke 21 101 79 306 2,411 Eckert Station 10 306 284 2,716 312 21 21 301 301 Endicott Station 50 50 Erickson Station 151 151 Harbor Beach 95 J B Sims O/G Steam 24 2,086 Grand Total 24 69 Baxter Wilson 2,193 4,348 1,176 1,176 Delta 177 177 Gerald Andrus 712 712 Henderson Jack Watson 29 706 L L Wilkins 35 Natchez R D Morrow Victor J Daniel Jr James River Power Station 43 73 360 360 1,020 19 Yazoo Blue Valley 8 73 1,020 Wright Missouri 29 706 33 19 33 599 599 51 51 194 194 Lake Road 92 92 Montrose 169 169 Sibley Montana 93 93 139 Basin Creek Plant Colstrip Energy LP 226 365 54 54 35 35 Highwood Generating Station 40 40 Lewis & Clark 52 52 Yellowstone Energy LP 52 52 85 85 73 J R Whiting 322 322 27 27 431 Nuclear 95 306 Presque Isle IGCC 132 73 50 Mississippi Combined Combustion Cycle Turbine 132 306 Mistersky Willmar Coal Steam Dave Gates Generating Station J C Weadock James De Young Plant Retired Capacity (MW) 50 431 Nebraska Lon Wright Nevada 85 508 85 104 244 856 234 North Valmy 253 253 41 41 Reid Gardner 255 255 TES Filer City Station 60 60 Trenton Channel 188 188 River Rouge Shiras White Pine Electric Power 234 Tracy New Hampshire Merrimack 104 244 348 540 540 444 444 54 54 828 828 29 29 Clay Boswell 428 428 Oyster Creek Hoot Lake 138 138 Silver Lake 57 57 PSEG Hudson Generating Station 614 614 152 152 PSEG Mercer Generating Station 632 632 Minnesota Austin Northeast Taconite Harbor Energy Center 10 Schiller New Jersey B L England 96 1,401 96 614 2,015 614 614 155 155 11 State Plant New Mexico Retired Capacity (MW) Coal Steam Combined Combustion Cycle Turbine IGCC 815 Cunningham San Juan New York O/G Steam Grand Total 186 1,001 186 186 815 2,147 815 177 45 1,779 4,148 AES Cayuga 313 313 AES Greenidge LLC 108 108 AES Somerset LLC 686 686 84 84 AES Westover Bowline Point C R Huntley Generating Station 567 436 Carr Street Generating Station Dunkirk Generating Plant 96 S A Carlson North Carolina 45 4,532 G F Weaton Power Station 112 112 320 320 New Castle Plant P H Glatfelter 52 52 PPL Brunner Island 371 371 Sunbury Generation LP 382 382 3,633 3,633 South Carolina McMeekin 250 250 1,212 45 4,532 185 Conesville 51 90 1,127 Avon Lake 51 570 185 Ohio Urquhart 94 94 W S Lee 200 200 Wateree 684 684 Williams 615 615 Tennessee Allen Steam Plant 976 428 Texas 592 592 1,195 1,195 2,416 2,416 2,379 2,379 J Robert Massengale 736 736 J T Deely 83 Lake Creek Orrville 30 30 Lewis Creek Northeastern Sooner Oregon 920 920 1,043 585 Beaver Boardman 585 Oregon State University Energy Center AES Beaver Valley Partners Beaver Valley 726 463 Coyote Springs Pennsylvania 1,043 1,311 463 585 246 246 17 17 Monticello Utah 1,417 129 129 Sunnyside Cogen Associates 4 460 1,130 46 46 457 457 422 422 954 954 723 391 Thomas C Ferguson KUCC 1,417 870 723 Sabine Welsh 486 460 Plant X W A Parish 486 1,130 Nichols San Miguel 20 4 Moore County Pirkey 20 870 Jones 1,530 1,022 12,400 Coleto Creek Fayette Power Project 1,022 3,265 138 83 Muskogee 4 138 44 440 9,131 AES Deepwater 44 440 741 976 1,530 Hugo 741 428 760 3,425 1,130 2,145 Johnsonville 760 3,425 1,130 2,145 Gallatin Hamilton Oklahoma Grand Total 90 1,127 Roxboro O/G Steam 570 G G Allen Roanoke Valley Energy Facility II Nuclear Cross Asheville Marshall IGCC Ebensburg Power Winyah 1,212 Combined Combustion Cycle Turbine Cogen South 81 Roseton Generating Station Coal Steam 436 520 81 Plant Retired Capacity (MW) 567 96 520 Massena Energy Holdings LLC 12 Nuclear State 391 420 420 2,509 2,509 1,584 1,584 225 225 174 174 51 51 13 State Plant Retired Capacity (MW) Coal Steam Combined Combustion Cycle Turbine IGCC Vermont Vermont Yankee Virginia Bremo Bluff 2,862 Nuclear O/G Steam Grand Total 620 620 620 620 48 2,910 227 227 Chesapeake 373 Chesterfield 1,237 1,237 Clinch River 460 460 138 138 Mecklenburg Power Station 48 421 Spruance Genco LLC 104 104 Yorktown 323 323 Washington 1,340 Chehalis Generating Facility 1,540 596 3,476 509 Crystal Mountain 509 3 Encogen 3 158 Frederickson Fredonia Northeast River Road Gen Plant 158 134 134 280 280 45 45 220 220 Sumas Power Plant 126 126 Tenaska Ferndale Cogeneration Station 271 271 256 1,596 Transalta Centralia Generation 1,340 Whitehorn Wisconsin 134 134 2,713 9 2,722 Alma 120 120 Blount Street 101 101 Columbia 1,118 1,118 Edgewater 378 378 John P Madgett 372 372 Manitowoc 116 116 Menasha 27 27 Port Edwards Mill Pulliam 5 213 UW Madison Charter Street Plant Valley Grand Total** 4 4 23,363 121,316 268 88,556 268 5,986 2,131 45 1,234 *Excludes committed retirements prior to 2016 **Totals may not match regulatory impact analysis due to how EPA assigns retrofit/retired capacity to individual units Source Data:!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OAR-2013-0602-0220 14 5 213