On-line lecture notes/slides 2002 by Prof. C. Gebotys, E&CE 1 GEN E 123 (week 11) Prof Catherine Gebotys, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, DC3514 h I. AC POWER Instantaneous Power: rate at which energy is absorbed , a function of time. … o o Average power: average rate at which energy is absorbed by an element. o V(t),I(t) are periodic with same period. P(t)=v(t)I(t) is periodic but not necessarily same period. o I(t)=Imcoswt with period T=2π/w: o p(t)=Ri2=R Im2(cos2wt)=R Im2/2(1+cos2wt), period=π/w o AVERAGE POWER: P = Vm Im (cos(θv - θi)) P = 1/2 | V | | I | cos(θv - θi) EXAMPLE: what’s the average power absorbed by elements in this circuit? 2Ω 1Ω + 4cos2t 1H 0.25F On-line lecture notes/slides 2002 by Prof. C. Gebotys, E&CE 2 o RMS Voltage/Current: the rms value is a constant equal to the dc current (voltage) that would deliver the same average power to a resistance. Vrms = Vm/[(2)0.5] o AVERAGE POWER : P = Vrms Irms cos(θv - θi) P = | Vrms | | Irms | cos(θv - θi) EXAMPLE: what’s the average power absorbed by load impedance? 2.65mH + 325 cos377t 2Ω 50uF 30Ω On-line lecture notes/slides 2002 by Prof. C. Gebotys, E&CE 3 o COMPLEX POWER: S = Vrms Irms* = P + jQ Where Irms* is a complex conjugate of rms current phasor [ie. (a+jb)* = a-jb ]. |S| is also called the apparent power. The real part of power, P, is the average power(watts). P = Re{1/Z}|Vrms|2 =Re{Y}|Vrms|2 The complex part of power, Q, is the reactive power (volt-amps) . Q = |Vrms||Irms| sin(θv - θi) EXAMPLE: Find the power into the load. 0.5F + 50cost 3Ω 2Ω 1H On-line lecture notes/slides 2002 by Prof. C. Gebotys, E&CE o The ratio of average power to apparent power is the power factor: Pf = P/[VrmsIrms ] = cos(θv - θi) Note: (θv - θi) is the angle of impedance of the load. EXAMPLE: A circuit has load of Z = 0.4 + j1.2. It gets its power from a 220 Vrms line (ie. 220∠0o ). Find the existing pf value. How can we CORRECT the load to change the pf to 0.98? (we do this by adding an impedance in parallel to make correction) 4 On-line lecture notes/slides 2002 by Prof. C. Gebotys, E&CE Note : cos(θv - θi) = cos(θi - θv) , so we don’t know from pf if (θv - θi) is > 0 or is < 0. Therefore we use the term pf LAGGING or pf LEADING Lagging : current lags voltage θi < θv Leading: current leads voltage θi > θv So, in previous example pf=0.98 and θi = -11.5 o , θv = 0, where pf lagging. If we were to correct for pf leading then we’d use θi = +11.5 o , So : EXAMPLE: An electrical load operates at 240Vrms. It absorbs an average power of 8kW at a lagging power factor of 0.8. (a) whats the complex power? (of the load) (b) whats impedance of the load?(Z=?) 5