Alignment of Human Resource Practices to Teacher Performance Competency Based on an article in the Peabody Journal of Education (Vol. 79, #4, 2004) CPRE 2004 National Conference on Teacher Compensation and Evaluation Herbert Heneman III Anthony Milanowski What Are Teacher Performance Competencies? Desired teacher behaviors and behavioral standards Thought to be drivers of student achievement Expressed model in a performance competency A Teacher Performance Competency Model - Framework for Teaching (Danielson, 1996) Four – – – – Behavioral Domains Planning & Preparation The Classroom Environment Instruction Professional Responsibilities Specific Behavioral Standards(Components) for Domains – Examples: Managing Classroom Procedures (2), Providing Feedback to Students (3) Four Levels of Performance & Performance Rubrics Research on Framework for Teaching High teacher understanding & acceptance Many potential ‘glitches’ when implemented as an evaluation system Some evidence of criterion-related validityevaluation scores predict student learning gains in reading & math Validity Evidence: Cincinnati Correlation Grade Reading Math 3 4 5 6 7 8 Avg. .43 .03 .45 .37 .16 .31 .32 .46 .37 .53 .56 .20 .30 .43 Correlation Controlling for Teacher Experience & Eval Yr Reading Math .35 .04 .52 .50 .29 .62 .36 .39 .25 .43 .55 .37 .17 .34 Figure 1 Model of Human Resource Management Systems Alignment Student Achievement Goals Teacher Performance Competency Instructional Policy & Practice Recruitment Applicant Pools Information Selection Certification Assessments Standards Human Resource Policy & Practice Induction Prof. Development Pre-service On-the-job Content Teacher Planning Mentoring Content Participants Performance Management Teacher Evaluation Feedback,Coaching Goalsetting Remediation Compensation Base Pay Variable Pay Hiring Packages Instructional Leaders Selection Training Perf. Mgmt. see the pages titled “Specific HR Practices in the HR Alignment Model” in handout…. Research on HR Alignment Two Sites: Cincinnati & Washoe County (Reno) Information Sources – – – – – Interviews Policies Web sites Forms & Brochures Contracts Develop Synopsis of Aligned HR Practices Note Where No Alignment Present Major Findings HR practices evolved from the Teacher Performance Competency Model (See handout for examples) HR alignment was uneven across the 8 HR areas For Cincinnati, alignment was strongest for recruitment, selection, induction, mentoring, and performance management Major Findings For Washoe, strongest alignment for induction, mentoring, professional development, and performance management For both Cincinnati & Washoe, little or no alignment for compensation, some components of performance management, and instructional leaders. Example: Development of Aligned Teacher Selection Instrument Potential Quality Indicators Teacher Performance Course content subject exposure Course grades Teaching experiences •Subjects •Type of school & classroom •Assessment of practice Non-teaching experiences •internships •volunteer Planning & Preparation Classroom Environment ? Instruction Professionalism Process: Use of Experts 1. 2. 3. 4. Identify panel of job or subject experts Panel suggests potential teacher quality indicators Indicators are vetted – final set chosen Questions developed to collect information on indicators from teachers Process: Longitudinal Validation Study 1. 2. 3. 4. Teacher candidates respond to questions about indicators as part of application process Teacher responses are not used in selection decisions Correlate teacher responses with subsequent teacher performance ratings and student achievement gains Use only valid quality indicators in hiring future teachers Discussion What are other examples of HR alignment that you can suggest? How does a district go about the design and implementation of HR alignment? What are potential roadblocks to creating HR alignment?