Moments “He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.” -­‐Chinese proverb Objec-ves ¢ Understand what a moment represents in mechanics ¢ Understand the scalar formula-on of a moment ¢ Understand the vector formula-on of a moment 2 Moments in 2D Monday,September 17, 2012 1 Tools ¢ Basic Trigonometry ¢ Pythagorean Theorem ¢ Algebra ¢ Visualiza-on ¢ Posi-on Vectors ¢ Unit Vectors 3 Moments in 2D Monday,September 17, 2012 Defini-on ¢ A moment is the tendency of a force to cause rota-on about a point or around an axis 4 Moments in 2D Monday,September 17, 2012 2 Defini-on ¢ When we discussed forces earlier, we looked at their tendency to cause transla'on (movement along an axis) ¢ Now we are looking at their tendency to cause rota'on (movement around an axis) 5 Moments in 2D Monday,September 17, 2012 Defini-on ¢ Moment is oKen used in the same sense as torque which is also the tendency to rotate. ¢ We will use moment exclusively in this class 6 Moments in 2D Monday,September 17, 2012 3 Defini-on ¢ Moment is dependent on both the magnitude of the force and how far away the force is from the point or axis the rota-on is occurring about 7 Moments in 2D Monday,September 17, 2012 Defini-on ¢ The magnitude of the moment is the product of the perpendicular distance to the line of ac-on of the force from the point or axis around which the rota-on is taking place and the magnitude of the force M = d⊥ F 8 Moments in 2D Monday,September 17, 2012 4 Defini-on ¢ No-ce l Magnitude of the moment l Perpendicular distance from the point or axis about which rota-on is taking place to the line of ac-on of the force l Magnitude of the force M = d⊥ F 9 Moments in 2D Monday,September 17, 2012 Defini-on ¢ A two dimensional example ¢ Take the moment of F about a y F a M = d⊥ F 10 Moments in 2D x Monday,September 17, 2012 5 Defini-on ¢ First we develop the line of ac-on of F y F a M = d⊥ F 11 Moments in 2D x Monday,September 17, 2012 Defini-on ¢ Then we can draw a perpendicular line from a to the line of ac-on of F y F dperpendicular a M = d⊥ F 12 Moments in 2D x Monday,September 17, 2012 6 Defini-on ¢ And use the length of that line and the magnitude of the force to calculate the magnitude of the moment y dperpendicular F a M = d⊥ F 13 Moments in 2D x Monday,September 17, 2012 Defini-on ¢ No-ce that the magnitude of the moment is the scalar product of a distance and a force y F dperpendicular a M = d⊥ F 14 Moments in 2D x Monday,September 17, 2012 7 Defini-on ¢ That makes the units of magnitude for a moment l Ft-­‐lbs l N-­‐m ¢ The order of terms doesn’t maPer y dperpendicular F M = d⊥ F 15 a Moments in 2D x Monday,September 17, 2012 Defini-on ¢ The point about which rota-on would occur is known as the moment center ¢ In this example, a is the moment center y F M = d⊥ F 16 Moments in 2D dperpendicular a x Monday,September 17, 2012 8 Defini-on ¢ If we don’t know the perpendicular distance but we can construct some other distance from the moment center to the line of ac-on of the force, we can s-ll calculate the moment M = d⊥ F 17 Moments in 2D Monday,September 17, 2012 Defini-on ¢ We can construct some distance d from the moment center to the line of ac-on of the force y F M = d⊥ F 18 Moments in 2D dperpendicular θ d a x Monday,September 17, 2012 9 Defini-on ¢ Find the angle, θ, that the new moment arm, d, makes with the line of ac-on of the force y F dperpendicular θ d M = d⊥ F 19 Moments in 2D a x Monday,September 17, 2012 Defini-on ¢ Looking at the triangle formed we can state d ⊥ = d sin (θ ) F M = d⊥ F 20 Moments in 2D y dperpendicular θ d a x Monday,September 17, 2012 10 Defini-on ¢ So another way to calculate the magnitude is M = d sin (θ ) F F M = d⊥ F 21 y dperpendicular θ d Moments in 2D a x Monday,September 17, 2012 Defini-on ¢ The direc-on of the moment can be described in a two-­‐dimensional problem as either clockwise CW, or counter-­‐clockwise CCW ¢ By conven-on, we label CW moments as nega-ve and CCW moments as posi-ve ¢ You will see why when we do three-­‐ dimensional problems 22 Moments in 2D Monday,September 17, 2012 11 Defini-on ¢ One way to see the sense of rota-on is to think of a clock face on an old clock ¢ The large arm is the minute hand, the smaller one is the hour hand 23 Moments in 2D Monday,September 17, 2012 Defini-on ¢ If something pushes the minute hand where -me passes correctly, then it is moving the hand clockwise CW ¢ If something pushes the minute hand where -me passes backwards, then it is moving the hand counter-­‐clockwise CCW 24 Moments in 2D Monday,September 17, 2012 12 Defini-on CCW 25 CW Moments in 2D Monday,September 17, 2012 Defini-on ¢ Now we can use the clock to determine the sense of rota-on of the moment ¢ We start by placing the center of the clock on the moment center y F dperpendicular θ CCW d 26 Moments in 2D a x CW Monday,September 17, 2012 13 Defini-on ¢ Draw the clock face so that the dperpendicular is the minute hand of the clock y dperpendicular F θ CW d 27 CCW a x Moments in 2D Monday,September 17, 2012 Defini-on ¢ Determine that if F were pulling or pushing on the minute hand would -me be passing normally or backwards y F dperpendicular θ CW d 28 Moments in 2D CCW a x Monday,September 17, 2012 14 Defini-on ¢ In this case F would be causing -me to pass backwards so the moment is CCW and therefore a posi-ve moment y F dperpendicular θ CW d 29 Moments in 2D CCW a x Monday,September 17, 2012 Resultant Moment ¢ If more than one moment is ac-ng about a point, then the resultant moment is the sum of the individual moments ¢ The sign of the resultant is develop by the signs of the individual moments using the conven-on we developed earlier. 30 Moments in 2D Monday,September 17, 2012 15 Problem F4-­‐4. Determine the moment of the force about point O. Neglect the thickness of the member. 31 Moments in 2D Monday,September 17, 2012 Problem F4-­‐6. Determine the moment of the force about point O. 32 Moments in 2D Monday,September 17, 2012 16 Problem F4-­‐7. Determine the resultant moment produced by the forces about point O. 33 Moments in 2D Monday,September 17, 2012 Problem F4-­‐4. Determine the moment of the force about point O. 34 Moments in 2D Monday,September 17, 2012 17 Homework ¢ Problem 4-­‐7 ¢ Problem 4-­‐10 (The resultant moment is the sum of the moments) ¢ 4-­‐15 35 Moments in 2D Monday,September 17, 2012 18