TENDER FORM Tender No. EL/TRD/50/ 9/R( 2011-12 ) The President of Union of India. Acting through the Divisional Railway Manager, (TRD) ,West central railway, Kota (Rajasthan)-324002 Name of work :- Supply, erection, testing & commissioning of Auxiliary transformer for Interlocking of LC gate no.-6(SGAC-DXD),LC gate no.-36(BJK-BAZ) of KTT-RTA section & LC gate no.155(SWM-RNT)of KOTA-MTJ section Allocation S-29& Deposit work General Instructions and condition of tender: - The following documents form part of tender/contract:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tender form and preamble (Enclosed) Special Condition of contract and scope of work (Enclosed) Descriptive and explanatory note. (Enclosed) Schedule for rates and quantity. (Enclosed) General condition of contract: - I/We here by agree to abide by the general condition of the contract corrected up to date. General condition of contract and standard specification as amended/corrected up to correction slip can be seen/obtained in this office in working day and General condition of contract and correction slip corrected up to date is a part of tender document. Name of the firm and Tenderer address M/s Divisional Railway Manager (Traction Distribution) West Central Railway, Kota-324002 PREAMBLE 1.0 Earnest Money The tenderer shall have to deposit requisite earnest money along with the tender in favor of Senior Divisional Finance manager, West central Railway, Kota, for Rs. 23,460/- in the form of Fixed deposit receipt/Demand Draft/Pay Order from the state bank of India or of any of the nationalized banks. The deposit receipts executed by the scheduled banks other then state bank of India or of any of the nationalized banks approved by the reserve bank of India for this purpose. The railway will not however, accept deposit receipt without getting in writing the concurrence of the Reserve Bank of India as per General Conditions of Contract). 1 Tenders not accompanied by the requisite Earnest Money will be summarily rejected. 2 Earnest Money deposit should be valid for a minimum period of 6 (Six) months. 3 No interest will be paid on the earnest money by Railway. The earnest money will be returned in full to the tenderer on finalization if his proposal is found un-acceptable. 4 The tenderer shall be required to deposit earnest money with the tender for the due performance with the stipulation to keep the offer open till such date as specified in the tender in the under mentioned condition of tender. The earnest money shall be 2% of the estimated tender value as indicated in the tender. The earnest money shall be rounded to nearest Rs.10. The earnest shall be applicable for all tender modes of tendering. 5 In the event of any tenderers whose tender is accepted refuse to execute the contract document herein before provided the railway may determine that such tenderers have abandoned the contract and his tender and accepted thereof shall be treated as cancelled and railway shall be entitled to forfeit the full amount of earnest money and to recover the liquidated damage for such default. 2.0 Security Deposit 1 Security deposit will be recovered as per General Conditions of Contract Clause no.16 (1). (a)The security deposit for each work should be 5% of the contract value.(b) The rate of recovery should be at the rate of 10% of the bill amount till the full amount is not recovered .(c) Security deposit will be recovered only from the running bill of the contract and no other mode of collecting SD such as SD in the form of instruments like BG/FD etc. shall be accepted towards security deposit. 2 No interest will be paid on the amount deposited against SD .It will be returned to the contractor after expiry of guarantee period as certified by the competent authority as per General Condition of Contract . 3.0 Performance guarantee (P.G) – Vide RB Letter no. 2007/CE.I/CT/18 Pt. XII Date 31.12.10 a) The successful bidder shall have to submit a performance guarantee (PG) within 30 days from the date of issue of letter of acceptance (LOA) . Extension of time for submission of PG beyond 30 days and up to 60 days from the date of issue of letter of acceptance may be given by the authority that is competent to sign the contract agreement. However, a penal interest of 15% per annum shall be charged for the delay beyond 30 days, i.e. from 31st day after the date of issue of LOA. In case the contractor fails to submit the requisite PG even after 60 days from the date of issue of LOA, the contract shall be terminated duly forfeiting EMD and other dues, if any payable against that contract. The failed contractor shall be debarred from participating in re-tender for that work. b) The successful bidder shall submit a performance guarantee in any of the following forms, amounting to 5% of the contract value. i) A deposit of cash ii) Irrevocable bank guarantee iii) Government securities including state loan bond at 5% below the market value iv) Deposit receipt, pay order, demand drafts and guarantee bonds. These of performance guarantee could be either of state banks of India or any of the nationalized bank. v) Guarantee bonds executed or deposits receipts tenderer by all scheduled bank. vi) A deposit in the post office saving bank. vii) A deposit in the national saving certificates viii) Twelve years national defence certificates ix) Ten years defence certificates x) National defence bonds xi) Unit trust certificates at 5% below market value or at the face value whichever is less. Also, FDR in favour of FA&CAO (Free from any encumbrance) may be accepted. Note- The instrument as listed above will also be acceptable for guarantee in case of mobilization advance. c) The performance guarantee shall be submit by the successful bidder after the letter of acceptance has been issued, but before signing of the contract agreement. This PG shall be initially valid up to the stipulated date of completion plus 60 days beyond that . In case, the time of completion of work gets extended, the contractor shall get the validity of performance guarantee extended to cover such extended time for completion of work plus 60 days. d) The value of PG to be submitted by the contractor will not be change for variation upto 25% (either increase or decrease). In case during the course of execution, value of contract increases by more than 25 % of the original contract, an additional performance guarantee amounting to 5% for the excess value over the original contract value shall be deposited by the contractor.” e) Performance guarantee shall be released after physical completion of the work based on the completion certificate issued by the competent authority stating that the contractor has completed the work in all respects satisfactory. The security deposit, however, shall be released only after the expiry of the maintenance period and after passing the final bill based on „No Claim Certificate‟. f) Whenever the contract are rescinded, the security deposit shall be forfeited and the performance guarantee shall be en-cashed and balance work shall be got done independently without risk and cost of the failed contractor. The failed contractor shall be debarred from participating in the tender for executing the balance work. If the failed contractor is a JV or a partnership firm, then every member /partner of such a firm shall be debarred from participating in the tender for the balance work either in his/her individual capacity or as a partner of any other JV/Partnership firm. g) The engineer shall not make a claim under the performance guarantee except for amounts to which the president of India is entitled under the contract (notwithstanding and/or without prejudice to any other provision in the contract agreement) in the event of : i) Failure by the contractor to extend the validity on the performance guarantee as described herein above, in which event the engineer may claim the full amount of the performance guarantee. ii) Failure by the contractor to pay president of India any amount due, either as agrees by the contractor or determined under any of the clauses/conditions of the agreement, within 30 days of the service of notice to this effect by engineer. iii) The contract being determined or rescinded under provision of the general condition of contract the performance guarantee shall be forfeited in full and shall be absolutely at the disposal of the president of India. 4. Last date of receipt of tender and opening of tender The tender shall be submitted not later than 15.00 hrs , on 30 / 12 /2011 and tender will be opened on same date at 15.30 hrs in the office of Sr. DEE (TRD) , Kota. in the presence of willing tenderers. The tender document will be sold up to one day before from date of opening of tender at 17:00 hrs. The tender form can be obtained from this office by producing the money receipt of cost of tender form any station of west central railway on any working day. The Cost of Tender Document is Rs. 2000/-. The Rs. 500/- will be extra for each tender form against postal charges. (Railway administration shall not be responsible for any postal delay). Tenderer, who will download the tender from website should submit the demand draft in favor of Senior Divisional Finance Manager, west central railway, Kota for cost of tender form and earnest money with tender document. The tender form can be down load from website http://www.tenders.gov.in/ Further more details about tender documents is available on web site [ 5.0 Estimated Cost of work :- The estimated cost of work is Rs 11,72,857 /6.0 Period of completion:The entire work shall be completed within 4(Four)months from the date of issue of letter of Acceptance. 7.0 Drawing and Specifications All other relevant drawings and specifications can be seen in the office of Sr. DEE (TRD), Kota during any working day between 10:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs. The copy of drawing can be given to the contractor on demand if requested by him. 8.0 Previous experience and credentials 8.1 The tendered shall have to submit his credentials and list of works executed in the past and Their satisfactory performance duly certified by the gazette officer or notary public. Tenderer should submit his all credential along with tender documents. 8.2 The tenderer should have complete facilities of man/material tools and plants for successful execution of work. No tools and plants will be supplied to contractor by Railways. 8.3 The tenderer should submit the list of work currently having on hand. 8.4 The tenderer shall submit the list of Man power and tools & plant having with him . 9.0 The quoted rates should be inclusive of all types of taxes including service tax, freight, insurance, transportation etc. However, a certificate can be issued on demand that material as indicated in schedule is for the bonafide use of Railways. 10.0 The contractor will be fully responsible for any kind of damage, loss, theft, accident to the material. No claim will be given to the contractor by Railways in case of any damage, loss, theft, accident to the material. 11.0 All Govt. levies such as 2% Income Tax, 15% surcharge on income tax , 3% education cess charges on income tax and surcharge, 3.0 % Work Sales tax, cess & water charges etc will be deducted from the contractors bill on full contract value . All other Govt. taxes & levies which are applicable at the time of payment will be deducted from the contractors bill as per Govt. rule as changed from time to time. 12.0 The contractor shall employ the following technical staff during the execution of this work :i Graduate Engineer when cost of the work is to be executed is Rs.15 Lakhs and above. ii One qualified Diploma Holder/overseer when the cost of work to be executed is more then Rs.5 Lakhs and but less then Rs.15 Lakhs. Technical staff should be available at site whenever required by the “Engineer” in charge to take instruction. In case the contractors fails the technical staff as aforesaid he shall be liable to pay a reasonable amount not exceeding a sum of Rs. 15000/-(Rs. Fifteen Thousand only) for each month of default of Graduate Engineer and Rs. 10000/- /-(Rs. Ten Thousand only) for each month of default of Diploma Engineer . The decision of the “Engineer” in charge as to the period for which the required technical staff was not employed by the contractor and was to be reasonableness of the amount to be recovered on this account shall be final and binding on the contractor. 13.0 The contractor shall remain fully responsible for ensuring safety and in case of any accident shall be responsible for all damages to the equipment and man and also damage to railway track, railway property ,railway traffic and its passenger. Contractor shall take all such steps as are necessary for the safety of railway track and property. The road vehicle shall be clearly away from railway track. The movement of vehicle near the track is to be done only in the presence of the authorized railway representative. 14.0 No unsealed tender will be accepted. Tenderer should mention the tender no and due date on envelope for which tenderer is applying. The tenders must be filled in English and duly signed all pages with stamps. No alteration in the rates quoted in the tender shall be allowed unless it has been initialed by the Tenderer before submission of his tender. 15.0 The tenderer should keep the offer valid for 120 days from the date of opening of the tender. 16.0 In all matters of disputes the decision of the Sr.DEE(TRD),Kota shall be final and binding. 17.0 The President of the Union of India is not bound to accept the lowest or any other tender without assigning any reason thereof. 18.0 The contractor should complete the whole of the work in all respect on or before the date fixed in the contract or any authorized extension thereof. The Railway Administration is entitled to recover penalty from the Contractor as stipulated in the General Conditions of Contract, if contractor is in default. 19.0 The Contractor shall be held entirely responsible for all work carried-out by him until it is finally taken over by the Railway Administration and he will be liable to be called upon to make good any damage or loss which may occur due to any cause during the entire period till the work is taken over by the Railway . 20.0 Subject to as otherwise provided herein, all notices to be given on behalf of the President of India and all other actions to be taken on his behalf shall be done by the Sr.DEE (TRD), Kota or his authorized representative. 21.0 The submission of a tender will deem to imply that this memorandum and all documents enclosed have been studied and understood and that the tenderer is aware of the full scope of the work to be done and the conditions affecting the executor. 22.0 Any deviation from the conditions, specifications and definition given in this tender will not be accepted unless specified approval for the particular deviation has been accorded by the Sr. DEE (TRD), Kota. 23.0 The tenderer will be required to visit the site at his own expenses by prior appointment with Sr.DEE (TRD) or his authorized representative and ascertain for himself for information of local conditions, storage facilities, extent of work and other limitations. Railways transport or any sort of transport facility will not be provided from Railway side in connection with execution of this work. 24.0 Maintenance Period The successful tenderer will give a clear maintenance period of 12 Month from the date of completion of work. The guarantee shall cover the defect due to faulty material supplied by the successful tenderers, defective design , bad workmanship during erection. any material supplied by the tenderer fails during the guarantee period, the replacement of the failed material and consequent damage to other associated parts / components shall be undertaken by the contractor free of cost including handling and transportation etc. 25.0 Variation in quantities of items of contract – Limits & Rates Vide RB Letter no. 2007/ CE.I/ CT/18 Pt. XII Date 31.12.10 New clause 42(4) of GCC. The procedure as detailed below shall be adopted for dealing with variation in quantities during execution of work contracts:(1) Individual NS items in contracts shall be operated with variation of plus or minus 25% and payment would be made as per the agreement rate. For this, no finance concurrence would be required. (2) In case of increase in quantity of and individual item by more than 25% of the agreement quantity is considered as unavoidable, the same shall be got executed by floating a fresh tender. If floating a fresh tender for operating that item is considered not practicable, quantity of that item may be operated in excess of 125% of agreement quantity subjected to the following conditions. (a) Operation of an item more than 125% of the agreement quantity needs the approval of An officers of the rank not less than S.A. Grade. (i) Quantities operated in excess of 125% but up to 140% of the agreement quantity of the concerned item shall be paid at 98% of the rate awarded for that item in that particular tender. (ii) Quantities operated in excess of 140% but up to 150% of the agreement quantity of the concerned item shall be paid at 96% of the rate awarded for that item in that particular tender. (iii) Variation in quantities of individual items beyond 150% will be prohibited and would be permitted only in exceptional unavoidable circumstances with the concurrence of associate finance and shall be paid at 96% of the rate awarded for that item in that particular tender. (b) The variation in quantities as per the above formula will apply only to the individual items of the contract and not on overall contract value. (c) Execution of quantities beyond 150% of the overall agreement value should not be permitted and, if found necessary should be only through fresh tender to be negotiating with existing contactor , with prior personnel concurrence of FA&CAO/ FA&CAO © and approval of general manager. (3) In case where decrease is involved during execution of contract: (a) The contract signing authority can decrease the item up to 25% of individual item without finance concurrence. (b) For decrease beyond 25% for individual item or 25% of contract value, the approval of an officer not less then rank of S.A. Grade may be taken, after obtaining no claim certificate from contractor and with finance concurrence, giving detailed reasons for each such decrease in the quantities. (c) It should be certified that the work proposed to be reduced will not be required in the same work. (4) The limit for varying quantities for minor value items shall be 100% (as against 25% prescribed for other items). A minor value item for this purpose is defined as an item whose original agreement value is less than 1% of the total original agreement value.. (5) No such quantity variation limit shall apply for foundation items. (6) As far as SOR items are concerned, the limit of 25% would apply to the valve of SOR schedule as a whole and not on individual SOR items. However, in case of NS items, the limit of 25% would apply on the individual items irrespective of the manner of quoting the rate ( single percentage rate or individual item rate) (7) For the tenders accepted at the Zonal Railways level, the variation in the quantities will be approved by the authority in whose powers the revised value of the agreement lies. (8) For tenders accepted by General Manager, variations up to 125% of the original agreement value (even if the revised agreement value is beyond GM‟s competence to accept tenders) may be accepted by General Manager. (9) For tenders accepted by Board Members and Railway Ministers, variations up to 110% of the original agreement value may be accepted by General Manager. (10) The aspect of vitiation of tender with respect to variation in quantities should be checked and avoided. In case of vitiation of the tender (both for increase as well as decrease of value of contract agreement, sanction of the competent authority as per single tender should be obtained. 26.0 Empowerment of Field Organizations (Works contracts matters). Railway Board vide letter no.2007/CE/ICT/18, dated 28.09.7 introduced Performance Guarantee in works contracts and doing away with risk & cost tenders. The following guidelines are issued with the Finance concurrence of FA & CAO and sanction of General Manager, for disposal of risk & cost tender. 1. After signing of the agreement and submission of performance guarantee the work has commenced and the contractor abandons the work without completing it, then performance guarantee shall be en-cashed and security deposit recovered so far shall be forfeited. Balance Security Deposit shall be recovered from his unpaid dues of the existing contract. If there is still some balance left, it should be recovered from his other ongoing contracts with this railway/other railways/other Government department. 2. The agreement is signed and the performance guarantee submitted, thereafter, the contractor does not commence the work. In such a case the performance guarantee shall be en-cashed and the amount equal to security deposit shall be recovered from the ongoing contracts of the contractor. Further, if the contractor is not the working contractor of the railway, then action would be taken for recovery of these dues from other railways/Govt. departments. 3. After the issue of letter of acceptance, the contractor does not come forward to sign the agreement and does not submit the performance guarantee within the stipulated time. In such a case, the amount, equivalent to performance guarantee shall be recovered from his ongoing contracts. If the contractor is not a working contractor of this Railway or required amount is not available with WCR, then action will be taken for recovery of these dues from his ongoing contacts with other Railways Govt. departments. 4. The tenderer withdrawn his offer before the expiry of validity period of his offer or issue of acceptance letter whenever is earlier then in such a case, his EXID shall be forfeited. In case, late withdrawn his offer then tender should also be discharged as per extant instructions. In all the above cases, the failed contractor / tenderer also have withdrawn the offer shall be debarred from participating in the tender for executing the work balance work. If the failed contractor tenderer who has withdrawn the offer is JV or a partnership firm then every member/partner of such firm shall be debarred from participating in the tender for the balance work either in his individual capacity or as a partner of a JV/Partnership firm. 27.0 General Conditions of Contract. Unless otherwise stated in the tender papers, contract shall be governed by General Conditions of Contract with latest version applicable for West Central Railway, copy of which is available, for reference in the office of Sr. Divisional Electrical Engineer (TRD), DRM office, WCR. For block working in Kota division rules /procedure stipulated in PDSR (Power Distribution & Subsidiary Rules) and G&SR (General & Subsidiary Rules) as applicable for division shall be followed. Successful tenderer shall ensure himself & his staff for getting acquaintance of these rules 28. Service Tax registration as required under section 66 of finance Act 1994 read with Rule 4 of Service Tax rule 1994. (1) (2) All rates quoted in the tender shall be deemed to be inclusive of all taxes/royalties payable by the contractor (s) to the Government of public body or local authority except Service Tax and no additional amount will be paid or claim entertained on this account by the Railway. Offer of tenderers, who quote any of the taxes except Service Tax as extra, will be summarily rejected. (3) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (4) (i) (ii) (iii) For Service Tax, following procedure will be adopted. Tenders have to clearly state whether their offer is inclusive of Service Tax or Exclusive of it. Interse position of offers will be considered exclusive of Service Tax. Offer of tenderers who quote service tax inclusive shall indicate specific percentage of the service tax provided in their offer. If this is not done while working out interse-position, their offered rate will be considered at par with the rate quoted exclusive of service tax by others treating service tax element at 0% No reimbursement of Service tax will be admissible. Any tenderer who does not specify whether his rates are inclusive or exclusive of Service Tax will be treated in similar way as provided for in 3 (ii) above for those who quote their rate as inclusive of service tax but do not give specific percentage of the service tax provided in their offer. Tenderers which indicate that their offer is exclusive of service tax should give specific percentage of service tax likely to be imposed. In case no specific percentage is indicated, reimbursement for payment of Service Tax in terms of pars 4 below will be restricted to maximum of 2% of the overall coast of the work based on quoted rates. Service Tax applicable, if any, will be reimbursed after execution of work, subject to production of authentic documentary evidence of this tax having been actually paid to the Government of India by Contractor. This will be subject to following conditions: This reimbursement will be done by Railway after execution of work but the service tax liability required by the department of Central Excise, Customs and Service Tax has to be discharged by the tenderer during the currency of contract. The maximum amount of reimbursement will be as per actual but in no case more than the rate quoted by the tenderer in the offer. Reimbursement will be subject to submission of a certificate by Contractor of availment of credit of the Service Tax paid under CENVAT credit scheme or any other prevailing scheme of this subject issued by the Service Tax department and accountal of the same made in the final bill duly adjusting the reimbursement amount to be claimed from Railways. Special Condition of the Tender and scope of work :1. The work is spread in LC-6(SGAC-DXD),.LC-36(BJK-BAZ) of KTT-RTA section & LC155(SWM-RNT)of KOTA-MTJ section of Kota division. The actual location of casting of foundations, erection of OHE structures, shifting of and up-rooting of OHE structures shall be given to the successful tenderer by respective SSE (TRD) or his authorized representative. Necessary drawings wherever required shall be given to the successful tenderer. However, before quoting the rates, these drawings may be seen by willing tenderers in the office of Sr. DEE (TRD) Kota, if required. 2. The type of foundation and its drawing will be supplied by Railways for this work. 3. The Galvanized steel structure and other material to be supplied by contractor shall be transported from the concerned TRD depot to site by the contractor. Transportation facility shall be arranged by contractor. The loading and Unloading of material shall be done by contractor at his own cost. 4. At the time of digging of foundation, due care is to be taken by contractor for safety of Railway line and no damage should occur to it. 5. At the time of erection of masts / portal uprights / TTCs, Up-rooting of OHE masts , necessary protection is to be taken by contractor for safety of moving trains/Railway Track/Railway Property/Railway Staff / Passengers / Contractors staff etc. 6. After casting the foundation , till OHE structures is grouted in it , the foundation Core hole is to be covered by a suitable RCC slab so as to avoid any accident to passengers. 7. All the works are to be done in the day time only in the presence of Railway representative. 8. For foundation work only ISI mark cement of reputed make shall be used. The cement should not be more than 6 months old. 9. The contractor shall return the entire Railway's released material to the concerned TRD depot-incharge of Railways. 10. Adequate precautions will have to be taken by contractors so that: This work should not infringe rail movement and damage to Rail Property. Contractor will have to look after his men during uprooting of masts from the approaching trains. Necessary power block whenever required will be availed by the Railway as per convenience . No extra payment for power block shall be made . Contractor shall take all safety measures during work of power block. 4) All released material /OHE components shall be handed over to concerned SSE(TRD) of nearest depot. 5) During dismantling of OHE components due care to be taken to stop their damages to keep them in good condition for re-use. 11. Terms of Payment : The terms of payment will be as follows:1) 2) 3) For item no. 1 to 18 of Tender Schedule 'A' 70% payment against supply of material and balance 30% of supply and 100% of erection after successful completion of work in running bill. All payment shall be made on the certificate of Sr. Divisional Electrical Engineer (TRD) West central Railway, Kota or his authorized representative within a reasonable time of the issue thereof. All the bills for payment shall be accompanied with the following :i) Certificate of receipt of material by the consignee. ii) Test Certificates of material issued by CORE/RDSO approved manufacturer. iii) Inspection certificate issued by Sr. Divisional Electrical Engineer(TRD)West central Railway, Kota or his authorized representative iv) Inspection certificate of material by RITES/Consignee. 12. The material shall be procured only from RDSO/CORE approved source only and as per RDSO/CORE Specifications and drawings. 13. Testing of materials supplied by the contractor:Contractor must invariably submit inspection certificate for Original Equipment Manufacturer for the material and equipment supplied by him under this contract except for the item for which it is not feasible to obtain such inspection certificate for Original Equipment Manufacturer. Sr. DEE/TRD/Kota reserve to right to get sample of any material/ equipment tested at any recognized and reliable testing laboratory or any government testing laboratory at any stage during the execution of work under this contract. 14. Inspection of material – Cost more than 1 lakh – RITES/RDSO - Cost up to 1 lakh - Consignee 15. Minimum Eligibility criteria for work costing more then 50 lakhs – Not Applicable. 16. Price variation clause for work costing more then 50 lakhs- Not Applicable 17. Firm should have valid „A „class Electrical license issued by the state government as per required under IE rules with one of the partner or in his own name if sole proprietor. Otherwise, it will be treated as without license and shall be summarily rejected. 18. Tenderers who have executed works with Central/State govt./Semi-govt. Organization/Authorities, PSUs. Govt of India undertakings shall only be considered. Certificates from private individuals for whom such works are executed/being executed shall not be accepted. Section –I General 1. Explanatory notes for various items of work in schedule given below. 2. The basic quantities of components and materials required to make up a unit of work for selected items, are indicated for guidance only. There may be minor variation to suit erection but no adjustment in prices of schedule items shall be made on that account. In estimating the prices for various items of work, provision for loss and wastage in transit and erection should be provided for, over and above basic quantities of components and materials required to make an unit of work, indicated herein, except where otherwise specified for materials supplied by the purchaser 3. In the explanatory notes given in section- 2 of this chapter, the term “small parts steel work” is meant to cover fabricated steel work made from rolled steel sections, complete with bolts and nuts and washers were required for fastening the small part steel work to any structural member. The term “attachment” wherever used is intended to cover casting, forging , machined or welded components or fittings, which are attached directly to a structural member, or mounted on small part steel work and shall includes bolts and nuts for fastenings the attachment to the structural member or small part steel work. 4. Special notes for measurements are included in section 2 of this chapter under various items, where necessary. Explanatory Notes of Schedule –‘A’ Section -2 Item No. 1 Supply & Erection of 25 KV /240 V, 10.0 KVA, auxiliary transformer. The price shall cover supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 25 KV/240 V, 10.0 KVA single phase auxiliary transformer complete with EHV grade insulating oil, fittings and accessories as per RDSO specification no. ETI/PSI/15(8/2003) with its latest version. The material shall procure from RDSO/CORE approved sources only. The following inspection procedure may also be adopted.a) Visual inspection :Visual inspection shall include check of satisfactory workmanship and shall cover all connections, painting, cleanliness of insulators and compliance of Indian Electricity Rules etc. b) Insulation test :Strength of insulation of various items of equipments, cabling and entire installation as a whole shall be tested with 5000/2500/500 Volt megger as required. c) Type test and Routine test :- Contractor has to submit results of type test and routine test of Auxiliary transformer carried out at manufacturers premises. d) The transformer shall be supplied complete with EHV grade insulating oil confirming to the Characteristics of new oil as per IS specification with latest corrections. The price shall also cover testing and commissioning of ATs after joint testing i.e. oil BDV, IR value, tap changer position etc. up to satisfaction of Sr.DEE (TRD) Kota or his authorized representative. Item no. 2 Supply & Erection of Drop out fuse assembly. The price shall cover supply and erection of drop out fuse switch assembly along with SPS as per RDSO drawing no. ETI/PSI/032 along with fuse element and link of requisite capacity suitable for 10.0 KVA AT complete with all mounting accessories including terminal connectors except insulators, jumpers and 7 mm dropper wire of requisite length only. Insulators, jumpers with PG clamp and 7 mm dropper wire will be supplied by Railways. The D O Fuse assembly with angle shall be erected as per drawing no. TRD/KTT/PSI/01. Item No.3 Supply & Erection of Fabricated/ Galvanized steel structure etc. The price shall cover cost of fabrication, Galvanization, supply, erection, alignment and setting before grouting of individual traction masts, AT Mast and AT mounting Channel. Prices shall also include supply and erection of Galvanization bolts, nuts, washers etc. wherever required as per the approved designs and drawings. Galvanization will be as per Railway Specification No.ETI/OHE/13 with its latest amendments Galvanization thickness will be 1000 gm / Sq Mtr. Steel will confirm to IS-2062 and payment shall be as per Black steel weight of approved RDSO drawing (No weight of Galvanization will be considered for payment) This aspect may be taken care of while quoting the rate. Necessary drawings may be seen in the office of Senior Divisional Electrical. Engineer (TRD) West central Railway, Kota. If required details of structures will be given by Railway. The Galvanization of structure shall be done at RDSO/CORE approved agency only. Erection of AT masts of OHE comprising rolled and broad flange beams and fabricated structures. Contractor has to collect masts supplied by him from TRD depot.. The price shall cover cost of erection, alignment and setting before grouting of individual traction masts whether rolled or fabricated .Transportation of new/release mast from depot to site and vice versa carried out by contractor his own cost. For standard fabrication steel work for which RDSO/CORE approved drawing are available, the weight of steel work as specified in RDSO/CORE drawing shall be considered for payment. However , in case the unit sectional weight of any member indicated in RDSO‟s drawing is not in conformity with the unit sectional weight as per the latest IS specification, the weight of the fabricated steel work shall be calculated on the basis of latest IS specification, and the same will be considered for payment for the non standard fabricated steel work, the calculated weight to be considered for payment under this item shall be included in the relevant drawing based on latest IS sectional weight at the time of submitting the designs for approval of the purchaser. All material shall be supplied from CORE/RDSO approved suppliers. Item no.4 Concrete foundation and plinth in i.e loose, normal, black cotton soil, hard soil other then rocky soil. The price shall include all works mentioned in item in all classes of other then hard soil and Hard rock i.e. loose, normal, black cotton soil etc. , hard soil and Hard rock concrete or, masonry/drains/ walls and rock. Requiring use of chisel and hammer or requiring blasting shoring where necessary the price shall also include the cost of cement. Casting concrete including form-work where necessary, tamping of the concrete, grouting of mast and finishing the top of concrete foundation or anchor blocks. The price also include dismantling of all connected temporary arrangements, back filling with earth and compacting the same to the required height and width as per drawing to ensure safety of foundation, confining the exposed height of foundation block to within and removal of spoil. The contractor shall take all the precaution of man, material, railway property and railway track during the blasting in hard rock. The price shall be same for any shape and size of concrete blocks. in calculating the individual volume of concrete, fraction of a cubic meter beyond the third decimal shall be rounded off to the next nearest third decimal. The prices shall apply for concreting of all foundations for masts, structures, gantries, portals, anchor blocks for guy rods and fencing up-rights. For purposes of computation of volume of concrete the volume of steel work embedded in the foundation block and muff shall be ignored. Cost of all concrete will be paid for only and the prices of other item shall not include. For purpose of computation of volume of concrete, the volume of concrete shall include the volume of sand and bitumen in sand corefoundation. For purpose of computation of volume of concrete the volume of each muff for all masts shall be taken as 0.02 cum., except for masts with balance weights and for column of portal, each head span masts, 2 or 3 track cantilever masts and special fabricated masts for which the volume of muff shall be taken as 0.08 cum. irrespective of the site and shape of muff on a flat basis. Price shall also include the cost of diversion of masonry / earth drains where ever necessary for casting of foundations. Mixture for casting of foundation shall be M15 (1:2:4) and mixture for grouting shall be M 20 (1:1.5:3) Curing of foundation shall be done by contractor for 7 days. No scroll will be supplied by Railway, contractor will use his scroll. Item no.5- Supply & Erection of single earth electrode and earthing to equipment. The price shall cover supply and erection of an earth electrode as per Railways specification with provision of a protective concrete box along with removable cover as per drawing no. ETI/OHE/P/7020 with its latest version. The earth electrode shall be connected to the mast on which the AT is mounted by 50 x 6 mm MS flat. The price shall include the testing of earth value which should be less than 8.0 ohm and painted on the earth box. Contractor has to arrange earth treatment of the soil to achieve earth resistance of less than 8.0 ohm if required. This complete work of an AT will be paid as lump sum under this item and no payment for individual item will be made. For measurement of earth value earth tester will be arranged by contractor. Item no.6 -Supply & Erection of Structure bonds. The price shall cover for supply and erection of fabricated structure bonds as per drawing no.ETI/OHE/P/7000 or latest version connected to AT mast to the nearest traction rail. Bonds are made of MS flat size 40 x 6 mm cross sectional area and to be painted with two coats of red oxide and one coat of black bituminous paint and to be fixed with fasteners at both end. The price shall also include shaping of bonds and drilling of holes in rail and fixed with nut, bolts and washers of suitable sizes including insulation sleeve if required. Item no. 7- Supply & Erection of L.V. box with fittings:The price shall cover supply and erection of LV box assembly as per RDSO drawing no. ETI/PSI/031 with its latest version along with complete fittings for mounting on AT structures. Item No.8-Supply & Erection of anti climbing device. The price shall cover supply and erection of anti climbing device as per drawing no.ETI/PSI/037 on AT mast. Item No. 9- Supply and Erection of copper strips for equipment earthing. The price shall cover supply and erection of 25mmx3mm copper strips to connect the earth terminals of equipments like potential transformer lightning accessories, LT supply transforms and booster transformers to the main mast of the gantries on which they are mounted for fixing the copper strips along any structure member of the gantry. Item no.10- Supply & Erection of Caution board and number plate assembly:The price shall cover supply and erection of enameled number plate and caution board on AT structure along with SPS confirming to RDSO drawing no.ETI/OHE/P/7531 and ETI/OHE/P/7511. Item No.11- Supply and erection of Copper jumper and dropper wire. The price shall cover Supply and erection of flexible copper jumper from Catenary to DO Fuse assembly including Parallel Grooved Clamp of suitable size, 7 mm dropper wire from DO Fuse to HV Terminal of AT and, The price shall also cover the erection of the complete jumper assembly including jumper wire and dropper wire. All material shall be supplied from CORE/RDSO approved suppliers. Item No.12 -Supply and Erection of auto change over panel Price shall cover supply, erection, testing and commissioning of auto change over panel Capacity fully automatic change, on failure of one type of supply, to another supply of RDSO Specification no. TI/SPC/PSI/CLS/0023 with a & c slip no 1 to 3 or latest amendment and RDSO approved source. Auto change over panel will have minimum 3 steps points. It will comprise contactors and automatic circuits of adequate capacity. Price shall also cover wiring and cable connection of incoming and out going supply. Price shall also cover the cost of steel housing for contactors duly painted and finished. Price also cover the cost of mounting arrangement on wall and testing and commissioning. Item No.13- Supply, laying and fixing of heavy duty ISI marked 'B' class GI pipe of 3.65mm wall thickness and 50 mm dia Supply, laying and fixing of heavy duty ISI marked „B‟ class GI pipe of 50 mm dia, to be laid along the wall with proper galvanized clamps / through the wall or underneath the floor in cement concrete. It also includes the supply and fixing of pipe plugs at ends pipe bends at turn and socket etc. Item No.14- Supply of material and digging of trench in all type of soil 100 cm deep and 50 cm wide Supply of material and digging of trench in all type of soil 100 cm deep and 50 cm wide. Sand bed of 8 cm thick to be made in the bottom below and above the cable. After laying of cable, „B‟ class bricks on both side and top of the cable are to be provided. Brick length to be kept across the length of cable and trench to be re-filled with soil. Price shall cover the cost of cable route marker. The cable marker shall be of approved design of CI. The cable markers are to be provided one in every 10 meter run and every turn. Item No.15- Supply of material and digging of trench in concrete area 30cm deep and 30cm wide and laying of pipe or cable. This item covers supply of material and digging of trench 30 cm wide and 30 cm deep in rock or stone. The contractor has to re-plaster the surface with cement concrete. Wherever the digging of trench to full size is not possible, measurement will be proportionate to the actual volume of crosssection and length of the trench. Item No.16-Laying, Testing and commissioning of 2 cores, 70 sq.mm cable. Laying, testing and commissioning of L.T. cable 70 Sq.mm Aluminum, 2 core PVC insulated , armored 1100 V confirming IS 1554 (Pt .I) or latest. The cable to laid in existing trench/air/pipe and connection with crimped lugs connection from AT LV connector to LV box. (Cable will be supplied by Railway at Kota). Item No.17 - Supply & erection of GI pipe internal dia of 100 mm under railway track as per specifications. 1. This item covers supply and lying of 100 mm internal dia. GI pipe, confirming to IS or latest in existing trench under Railway track. After laying the pipe, the trench should be refilled with soil free of pebbles and restore to original position. The pipe lying below the track should have thorough duct for smooth replacement of cable. 2. Before starting digging / laying work, permission should be obtained from Railway. The contractor shall observe all safety precautions while working near the track. They should not cause any obstacle in movement of traffic on track. 3. The contractor shall have to submit manufacture‟s certificate and also arrange testing and inspection of the pipe at manufacturer‟s works. Item No.18- Digging of Trench under track Digging of trench and re-filling after laying the pipe under track in /Norma/hard soil at a depth of one meter from the formation level. Trench will be dig more safely and be refilled on same day. Signature of contractor Company seal DRM/TRD/Kota Tender no. EL/TRD/50/09/R (2011-12) Schedule 'A' Name of work- Supply, erection, testing & commissioning of Aux. Transformer for Interlocking of LC – 6(SGAC-DXD),LC- 36(BJK-BAZ)of KOTA-RTA section &LC- 155 (SWM-RNT) of KOTA-MTJ section. SN Name of item Qty Unit Rate Total Total S E S E Supply Erection 1 Supply, Erection, testing and commissioning 4 4 No 74016 2872 296064 11488 307552 of 10 KVA Aux. transformer. 2 Supply & Erection DO Fuse assembly. 4 4 No 24767 1625 99068 6500 105568 3 Supply and erection of Galvanized mast with 3 3 MT 88359 4449 265077 13347 278424 Sps.(T-150 -05 Nos + AT Channel S-110- 10 nos) 4 Concrete foundation in normal/hard soil other 0 20 Cum 0 4273 0 85460 85460 then rocky soil in ratio of 1:2:4 and grouting 1:1.5:3 including supply of material. 5 Supply and erection of Earthing electrode 6 6 No 2159 1361 12954 8166 21120 station assembly. 6 Supply & erection Structure Bonds. 4 4 No 617 135 2468 540 3008 7 Supply & erection of LV Box with Fittings. 4 4 No 1090 109 4360 436 4796 8 Supply & erection Anti-climbing device. 4 4 No 2084 363 8336 1452 9788 9 Supply and erection of copper strip for 18 18 Mtr 798 73 14364 1314 15678 equipment earthing. 10 Supply & erection Caution Board and Number 4 4 No 1016 101 4064 404 4468 Plate assembly. 11 Supply & erection of copper ju mper and 4 4 No 3297 529 13188 2116 15304 dropper wire. 12 Supply & erection of auto change over panel. 5 3 No 36275 1814 181375 5442 186817 13 Supply & erection heavy duty ISI marked 50 20 18 Mtr 214 10 4280 180 4460 mm dia B class GI pipe, 3.65 mm wall thickness. 14 Supply of material and digging of trench in all 550 550 Mtr 92 87 50600 47850 98450 type of soil 100 cm deep and 50 cm wide. 15 Supply of material and digging of trench in 15 15 Mtr 75 20 1125 300 1425 concrete area 30 cm deep and 30 cm wide and laying of pipe or cable. 16 Erection cable from AT to LV box to auto 0 600 Mtr 0 28 0 16800 16800 change over.2*70 sqmm.(Cable will be supplied by railway) 17 Supply & erection heavy duty ISI marked 17 17 Mtr 706 36 12002 612 12614 100mm dia GI pipe for cabling under track. 18 Digging of trench cover under track. 0 15 Mtr 0 75 0 1125 1125 Total 969325 203532 1172857 (Rs. Eleven Lakh Seventy Two Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Seven only) I agree to execute the work of Schedule "A" …………% below ( ………………….. percent below) the total cost . ..……….% above (…………….. ….…percent above) the total cost. Signature of contractor Company seal DRM/TRD/Kota Declaration 1. I/We have read and understood the above instruction and hereby agree to abide by them. 2. I/We am/are enclosing tender document cost Rs. ……………..Vide Demand Draft No. ………………dated………………. issued by………………… 3. I/We am/are enclosing requisite Earnest Money of Rs. …………….vide Demand Draft cash receipt /FDR No…………………dated………………. Issued by………………. 4. I/We have filled and signed the tender documents and same are enclosed herewith. 5. I/We declare that the information/ Tender from download in original and in the event of this being different from original Tender documents, my tender form may be rejected by Railway Administration including forfeiture of E.M. 6. Declaration by the tenderer for the tender document download. I/We hereby declare that I/We have download from West Central Railway‟s website http://tenders.gov.in/ and pointed the same. I/We have verified the content of printed document from website and there is no addition, no deletion or no alteration to the content of the tender document”. Signature of tender and seal. Tenderer address