INTERNA nONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN FLUIDS, VOL. 24, 1353-1369 (1997) PARALLEL FINITE ELEMENT SIMULATION OF LARGE RAM-AIR PARACHUTES V. KALRO1, S. ALIABADII, W. GARRARD I , T. TEZDUYAR1*, S. MITTAL2 AND K. STEIN3 IAerospace Engineering and Mechanics, AmlY HPC Research Center, 1100 Washington Avenue South, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55415, U.S.A. 21ndian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India 3U.S. AmlY Natick RD&E Center, Natick, U.S.A. SUMMARY In the near future, large ram-air parachutesare expectedto provide the capability of delivering 21 ton payloads from altitudes as high as 25,000 ft. In developmentand test and evaluation of theseparachutesthe size of the parachuteneededand the deploymentstagesinvolved make high-performancecomputing (HPC) simulationsa desirablealternative to costly airdrop tests. Although computationalsimulations basedon realistic, 3D, timedependentmodels will continue to be a major computationalchallenge, advancedfinite element simulation techniquesrecently developedfor this purposeand the execution of these techniqueson "PC platforms are significantstepsin the direction to meetthis challenge.In this paper,two approachesfor analysisof the inflation and gliding of ram-air parachutesare presented.In one of the approachesthe point mass flight mechanics equationsare solved with the time-varying drag and lift areasobtained from empirical data. This approachis limited to parachuteswith similar configurationsto thosefor which dataare available.The other approachis 3D finite elementcomputationsbasedon the Navier-Stokesequationsgoverning the airflow around the parachute canopy and Newton's law of motion governing the 3D dynamicsof the canopy, with the forces acting on the canopy calculated from the simulated flow field. At the earlier stagesof canopy inflation the parachuteis modelled as an expandingbox, whereasat the later stages,as it expands,the box transformsto a parafoil and glides. Thesefinite elementcomputationsare carried out on the massivelyparallel supercomputersCRAY T3D and Thinking MachinesCM-5, typically with millions of coupled, non-linear finite elemeJItequationssolved simultaneously at every time step or pseudo-time step of the simulation. ~ 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 24: 1353-1369, 1997 No. of Figures: 20. No. of Tables: O. No. of References:21. KEYWORDS: parallel computations; parachutes; 3D flow simulations I. INTRODUCTION Small-scalegliding (ram-air) parachutes,commonly usedby the sportsparachutecommunity as well as by the military for personneldrop, have reacheda satisfactorylevel of reliability, aerodynamic efficiency and controllability. Furthermore, larger-size versions of these parachutesare being increasingly used for the recovery of large payloads.I Gliding parachutescoupled with automatic onboardguidanceoffer superiorcontrollability and substantialwind penetrationwhen comparedwith *ColTespondence to: T. Tezduyar, Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, Army HPC Research Center, 1100 Washington Avenue South, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55415, U.S.A. CCC 0271-2091/97/121353-17$17.50 @ 1997by John Wiley & Sons,Ltd. Received17 January 1996 Revised 14 Fl!hrunrv IQQfI 1354 V. KALRO ET AL round parachutes.Since their introduction in the early 1960s, gliding parachuteshave been redesignedand refinedby the sportscommunity. Thesepersonnel-typeparachutesare small but have lower wing loading than thoserequired for large payloads. Future military airdrops will require the deploymentof high-altitude delivery systemscapableof delivering up to 21 tons from 25,000 ft above ground level with increasedaccuracyand reduced impact velocity. Gliding parachuteswhich are at least an order of magnitudelarger and with a wing loading three times larger than existing parachutesare currently being developed. The deploymentand control of such large parachutesposemany challengingtechnical problems. In the designof any parachutesystemit is important to predict openingforcesfor choiceof materials. Only a limited databaseis available for large gliding parachutes;therefore methodsfor inflation analysisbasedon first principles may be useful in design. In this paper,two approachesfor openingforce analysisare presented.2.3 One of the approachesis an extensionof the classicalPflanz method.4-6Here the lift and drag areasare assumedto vary with time and the point mass flight mechanicsequationsare solved as a function of time to yield the openingforces.This methodrequiresempirical data in order to model the temporal evolution of lift and drag, so its predictive capabilitiesare restrictedto parachutessimilar to thosefor which data are available. The second approach focuses on advanced finite element flow simulation techniques to use realistic, 3D computer models representingthe parachutesystem and its deployment stages.The aerodynamics of ram-air parachutes involves a large number of complex phenomena. The deployment, extension and evolution to the gliding stage involve rapidly changing geometries, unsteadyand turbulent flow behaviourand non-linear interactionsbetweenthe parachutestructure, aerodynamicforces and the payload. Even the gliding stageinvolves deformationsof the canopy, changesin the orientation of the parachuteand changesin relative motion betweenthe canopy and the payload.All thesebehavioursrequire 3D simulationtechniquescapableof handling time-varying computationaldomainswith formulations which are robust and accurate.Implementationson HPC platforms with sufficient computationalspeedand memory are necessary. At this phaseof the simulationsthe time-variation of the geometryof the canopyis assumedto be given, approximated using the initial and final configurations and dimensions of the canopy. However, the dynamicsof the canopy, i.e. its translationaland rotational motion, still needsto be determinedas part of the overall solution. This motion dependson the weight and motion of the payloadand also on the aerodynamicforcesgeneratedby the unsteadyflow field. The airflow around the parachutecanopy is governedby the 3D Navier-Stokes equationsof incompressibleflow with time-dependentspatial domains.The 3D dynamics of the canopy is governedby Newton's law of motion, with the forces acting on the canopycalculatedfrom the simulatedflow field. At the initial stageof canopyinflation the parachuteis modelled as a falling, expandingbox, whereasat the later stagesthe box transformsto an expanding,gliding parafoil. It is important to note that to accurately resolvethe flow aroundsuchcomplex 3D geometries,it is essentialto usevery refinedcomputational grids leading to very large systemsof non-linear equations.The availability of advancedHPC platforms and efficient implementationtechniquesmakesthesecomputationsfeasible!'s To handlethe time-variant domainsencounteredin simulationsof parachutesystems,we employ the deformable-spatial-domainjstabilized-space-time (DSDjSST) finite elementformulation. In this formulation the finite elementinterpolationpolynomials are functionsof both spaceand time and the stabilized variational formulation of the problem is written over the associatedspace-timedomain. This methodwas introducedby Tezduyaret al.9.loto solve incompressibleflow problemsinvolving free surfaces,two-liquid interfacesand fluid-structure and fluid-particle interactions.Later, similar formulations were developedfor compressiblegas flowsI I and compressibleliquid flows.12 INT. J. NUMER. METH. FLUIDS, VOL 24: 1353-1369(1997) (!:) 1997by John Wiley & Sons,Ltd. SIMULATION OF LARGE RAM-AIR 1355 PARACHln"ES In this paper we discuss the steady glide aerodynamicsand inflation aerodynamicsof ram-air parafoils. The computationsreported are performed on the Thinking Machines CM-5 and CRAY T3D massivelyparallel computers.On the CM-5 we use an SIMD or data-parallelimplementation13 and on the T3D we use a message-passing paradigmbasedon PVM.14 In thesecomputations,updating the finite element mesh as the spatial domain changesits shape with time becomesa major issue.Thereare severalways of managingthis; the detaileddescriptionof theseapproachestogetherwith their advantagesand disadvantagescan be found in Reference15. In our studiesthe motion of eachfinite elementgrid point is prescribedexplicitly. This is accomplished with no remeshing(i.e. without generatinga new set of nodesand elements).With this approachthe connectivity of the mesh remains the same throughout the simulation. As a result, both the mesh generationand parallelizationset-upcostsare reducedto a minimum. This is desirablefor practical simulations with hundredsof time steps. The organizationof this paper is as follows. The governing equationsare reviewed in Section 2. The stabilized finite elementformulation is presentedin Section3. In Section4 we presentthe mesh moving schemeused in our simulation of the inflation stage.Parallel implementation aspectsare briefly coveredin Section5. The steadyglide and inflation simulationscompriseSection6. The flight mechanicssimulationsare presentedin Section 7. 2. GOVERNING EQUATIONS Let.Qt C ~nodand (0, 7) be the spatialand temporaldomainsrespectively,wherensdis the numberof spacedimensions, andlet r t denotethe boundaryof .Qt.The subscriptt implies the time dependence of the spatial domain. The spatial and temporal coordinatesare denotedby x = (x,y,z) E .Qt and t E (0, T). The governingequationsfor the flow field computationsare the Navier-Stokesequations of incompressibleflows, ( au P -;Ji+uoVu+f -v . (J"= 0 on Q, (1) v . u = 0 on0, (2) wherep is the (constant)densityand u is the velocity vector.Here f is the externalforce consistingof gravity. For the Newtonian fluids under considerationthe stresstensor for a fluid with dynamic viscosity Jl is defined as a(o,p) = -pI + 2Jl£(0), (3) wherep is the mechanicalpressureand £(0) is the strain rate tensorgiven by E(U) = ![VU + (VU)T (4) Both Dirichlet- and Neumann-typeboundaryconditions are accountedfor, representedas u=g on (r')g' n°O'=h on (r,)1t, where (r,)g and (r')h are complementarysubsetsof the boundary velocity is specified as O(X,0) = 00 on '>.0. (5) The initial condition on the (6) where 00 is divergence-free. (!:) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons,Ltd. INT. J. NUMER. METH. I'LUIDS. VOL 24: 1353-1369(1997) 1356 V. KALRO ET AL The parafoil is treatedas a solid body with known geometric time variation. The Navier-Stokes equations are coupled together with Newton's laws of motiort for the parafoil system. Purely translationalmotion is considered.Theseequationsare = (W /g)a, F+ W (7) whereF is the aerodynamicforce acting on the parafoil and W is the gravitationalforce acting on the parafoiljpayload system.Here a is the linear accelerationof the masscentreof the parafoiljpayload system. 3. DEFORMING SPATIAL DOMAIN/STABILIZED FORMULATION SPACE-TIME (DSD/SST) In order to construct the finite element function spaces for the space-time method, we partition the time interval (0, 7) into subintervals 1/1= (1/1'1/1+1),where 1/1and 1/1+1belong to an ordered series of time levels 0 = 10 < I( < ." < IN = T. Let.Q/I=.QI andr /I = r, ' We definethe space-timeslab as the domain enclosed by the surfaces .Q/I'.Q/I+1a"ndP /I' where P/I is the surface described by the boundaryr 1 asI traverses 1/1'As is the casewith r I' the surface P /I is decomposed into (P/I)g and (P /I)h with respect to the type of boundary condition (Dirichlet or Neumann) being imposed. For each space-time slab we define the corresponding finite element function spaces (9":)/1' ("1/':)/1'(9";)/1 and ("1/';)/1' Over the element domain this space is formed by using first-order polynomials in space and time. Globally the interpolation functions are continuous in space but discontinuous in time. The stabilized space-time formulation for deforming domains is then written as follows: given (Uh);;, find uh E (9":)/1 and ph E (9";)/1 such that Vwh E ("1/':)/1and Vqh E ("1/';)/1 Q/I J Wh. P (~+ O. uh . Vuh+ f ) d.Q + J. E(wh):a(ph, uh)dQ + J. Q. + /1.1 J. L e=1 Q: I -tL(w, P q) qhV' uhdQ Q. . [L(u,p) + pf]dQ + L/1.1 J. c5V .whpV. uhdQ . e=1 Q.. + J (wh):' p[(Uh):- (Uh);;] d.Q = J O. Wh . hhdP. (8) (P.)A This processis appliedsequentiallyto all the space-timeslabsQ. , Q2 formulations given by equation(8), the following notation is used: QN-lo In the variational (9) Jim u(tn £-.0 JQ" :i:: 8). (10) )dQ = J. J I. Q. )d.Qdt, (II) .)dP= )drdt. (12) p. INT. J. NUMER. METH. FLUIDS, VOL 24: 1353-1369(1997) (. «;) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons. Ltd. SIMULATION OF LARGE RAM-AIR PARACHUTES The computationsstart with (Oh)O = 00. Remarks 1. In the variational formulation given by equation(8), the first three termsand the right-handside constitute the Galerkin formulation of the problem. 2. The first seriesof element-level integrals in equation (8) consistsof the least squaresterms basedon the momentumequation.Here T is defined as (~lIuhll) T= +(~)2- -1/2 2 h where h is the elementlength and v = Jl/p. 3. The secondseriesof element-levelintegrals is addedto the formulation for numerical stability at high Reynoldsnumbers.Theseare the least squaresterms basedon the continuity equation. The coefficient is defined as 15 () 5) where z= Reu/3, Reu~ 3, Reu> 3 1, and Reuis the cell Reynoldsnumber. 4. Both stabilization terms are weighted residualsand thereforemaintain the consistencyof the formulation. 5. The sixth term enforces,weakly, the continuity of the velocity field acrossthe space-timeslabs. 4. MESH MOVING SCHEMES In our finite elementcomputationswe considertwo categoriesof meshmoving schemes:automatic schemesand special schemes. In automatic schemes the mesh displacementsare prescribed on the boundaries and the displacementsin the interior are determinedby solving the equationsof elasticity for the domain.IS This schemeis very generaland particularly suitable for unstructuredmeshes;however,it involves the additional cost of solving for the node displacements.Furthermore,when the mesh becomes excessivelydistorted, remeshingneedsto be undertaken.This involves generatinga new meshand projecting the solution from the old meshto the new mesh.Projectionand meshgenerationare timeconsumingand posebottlenecksin the parallel implementation. In specialmesh-movingschemes,which are normally designedfor specific problems,the motion of each node is prescribedexplicitly. In our computationswe utilize such a schemetogetherwith a specially designed algebraic mesh generator.In its initial state prior to inflation the parafoil is assumedto have the shapeof a box. In its final state it is fully inflated. The mesh connectivity betweenthe two statesremain unchanged.The time for inflation is estimatedfrom drop test data.The inflation processis modelled as a smoothtransformationbetweenthe two states.As a result of this, the mesh generatoris used to generatemeshescorrespondingto the two end statesonly, and at a ~ 1997 by John Wiley & Sons,Ltd. INT. J. NUMER. METH. RUmS, VOL 24: 1353-1369(1997) ]358 V. KALRO ET AL given instant during inflation the mesh is interpolated from these two states with no need for remeshing.At this time the pitching motion of the parafoil is constrained. It is important to note that the true deformation history would come out of the solution of a complex fluid-structure interaction problem which we plan to considerin the future. 5. PARALLEL IMPLEMENTATION We briefly describeherethe parallel implementationof the finite elementalgorithmson the Thinking MachinesCM-5 and CRAY T3D supercomputers. The finite element formulations describedin earlier sectionsgive rise to very large systemsof couplednon-linearequationswhich requirethe useof iterative strategieswith updatetechniquessuch as GMRES16for their solution. To further reduce the memory requirements,we use matrix-free iterations and thus eliminate the needto store element-levelmatrices. The bulk of the computing cost is taken up by two tasks. I. Computationof element-levelquantities. 2. Communication of data acrossprocessorswhile forming the global equation systems.This involves the data transfer modes Gather (global/node-+ local/element) and Scatter (global/node +-local/element). Of thesetwo, the first task is fully parallel in the sensethat all operationsfor each element are entirely local to a processor.The secondstepcan be a bottleneckand thuscareful considerationhasto be given to the use and distribution of data structures to maximize localityl7.18 and minimize communication. On the CM-5 we usea data-parallelprogrammingparadigm.The task of synchronizingprocessing nodesis internal to the machine.The meshis partitionedand communicationtracesarecomputedand stored through calls to routines in the ConnectionMachine Scientific Software Library (CMSSL). The interestedreaderis referred to References7 and 19 for further details. On the T3D we use a message-passing paradigmbuilt upon the CRAY extensionof the Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) software. Here synchronizationbetweenprocessorsis realized explicitly throughPVM barriersplacedaccordinglyin the code.Gatherand scatteroperationsare performedby routines programmedto offer the samefunctionality availableon the CM-5. 6. FINITE ELEMENT SlMULA TIONS Steadystate simulationsat Re = 107 All the parafoil simulationsreportedin this Sectionare carried out on the CRAY T3D massively parallel supercomputer.The aerodynamiccharacteristicsof a parafoil are the crucial quantitieswhich determineits performance.We have carried out steadystatesimulationsat various anglesof attack (a). The mesh for the parafoil, with a Clark- Y cross-section with a rounded leading edge, consists of 291,437 nodes and 279,888 hexahedral elements. The aspect ratio of the parafoil is 3.0 and the ratio of line length to span 0.6. The x-axis is in the chordwise direction and the y-axis along the span. Boundary conditions consist of no-slip conditions on the parafoil surface, specification of the velocity at the inflow boundary, zero shear stress and zero normal velocities at the side boundaries and traction-free conditions at the outflow boundary. In these simulations, b refers to the parafoil span and c to the chord length. INT. J. NUMER. METH. FLUIDS. VOL 24: 1353-1369(1997) (!d 1997by Jobn Wiley & Sons.Ltd. SIMULATION' OF LARGE RAM-AIR PARACHUTES 1359 A semidiscreteformulation coupledwith matrix-free iterationswas usedto obtain the solutions.At every step, 1,129,248couplednon-linear equationsare solved. Turbulenceis incorporatedinto the simulationsusing a simplified version of the algebraicBaldwin-Lomax2omodel, .Llt = pflrol. (16) (17) 1= ICn[l - exp( -n+ /A+)]. where III is the eddy viscosity, w is the vorticity vector, " = 0.41 and A+ = 25.0 are constants,n is the normal distance to the wall and n+ is the same distance expressedin wall units. In our computationsthis distanceis measuredfrom the closestnode on the surface. Figure 1 shows the chordwise pressure distribution on the parafoil surface at y I b = 0.0 (midspan) for various anglesof attack. The pressureprofile is similar to that of a 20 aerofoil with suction present on the upper surface.Figure 2 shows the chordwise pressuredistribution on the parafoil surfacecloseto the parafoil tip for variousanglesof attack.30 effectsare distinctly present,with the suction decreasedowing to leakageof fluid around the tips from the lower to the upper surface. Figures3-5 show the spanwisepressuredistribution on the parafoil surfaceat different chord lengths for variousanglesof attack.The pressuredistribution is close to elliptical, with the effect of parafoil bumps clearly prevalent at the leading edge; the distribution flattens out progressivelytowards the trailing edge. Figure 6 showsthe lift (C/) and drag (Cd) coefficients(which are basedon the freestreamvelocity and the projectedareaof the parafoil) as functionsof the anglesof attack.To accountfor the inlet, a factor21of 0.5hlc is added to the drag coefficient. Here h is the inlet height. A typical value of hlc = 0.1 is used. We compared these coefficients with available experimental data on parafoils and the calculatedvaluesare in the expectedrange.We could not carry out a closer comparisonbecause of differencesin the shapeof our parafoil model and thosefor which data are available.Moreover, while experimentaldatarevealthat mostparafoils stall at around8°-12°, our model doesnot indicate this. We think that the reasonsfor this are as follows: first, our model hasa roundedleading edgeas opposedto an inlet; second,the predictive capability of the turbulencemodel we use diminishesat high anglesof attack in the regionsof flow separation;third, in our computationswe assumethat the parachutesare not deformable,but this is not the case.Figure 7 showsthe lift-to-drag ratio (LID) asa function of the angle of attack. The typical maximum LID for the ram-air parafoil alone is in the 0.8 0.6 ++- "_'O.. -8 0.4 ~ , ~ 0.2 ... '. .,., ',_.::::=:::::::::~~:::-~~~:=!=.:::"., aI g' -0.2 ~ -0.4 ..".. ' \. ~ ~,w- ,w -o.~ -0.8 ,.~.. ... --::::. ..". w' ~.~ ..'- u.c Uo4 x/c _0- -:- U.U O.8~-C:: ~ Figure I. Steady state simulations at Re = 107 for various angles of attack: chordwise pressure distribution on parafoil surface at y/b = 0.00 (midspan) , <e> 1997by John Wiley & Sons,Ltd. INT. J. NUMER. METH. RUIDS, VOL 24: 1353-1369(1997) 1360 V. KALRO ET AL. O.A . . . 0.6 " .., +_. _10"" a 0.41 I i 0.2 ! u. GI 01 OS (!J ~... . ':::.~:~'.':..~'~...~..n 0 ~' ., =::: :::: ~ '... .. &..~'&. -0.2 - - r ... -+-- ~:::-.:::.:-;=-;:.::: :::::::: ;:::.~:::.-:::. . -0.41 -0." .. Q~2 ' . 0.6 I ,.& ___0_."' .A A.#~.~ "'.A '.~~.K . ~ 01,0.-02 - +-. """'0", ... e-- ~.~~.A , ...',~ ""~A po 0.4 E~ ~..- . ! I 0.2 . Q~8 = 107for variousanglesof attack:chordwisepressuredistribution on parafoil surface aty/b = 0.45 1 0.8 Q~6 ~ &~.."~" ' Figure 2. Steadystatesimulationsat Re Q~4 x/c ~- -0.8 0 ..~ . -0.4 -0.6 -0.8' .. .., }."'a) .A . &... .-..I~. " -0.4 Figure 3" Steady state simulations at Re -0.2 y7b ~. J . . . ~.A'.-~ .~ I -0.2 (G .;-.- 8, (!) ~ - -"- -"," u.~ U.4 = 107 for various angles of attack: spanwise pressure distribution x/c = 0.02 on parafoil surface at 0.8 ~ -~_. _do. oj.""" ""...IO~. oa 0.4 ~ 0.2 ~ 0 ~-0.2 , 0" ..~... ~ It ++~~-~~.+~~~~~~.++~~~~+++~~~- +~~~-~. l :::::::~3i ~ ~~- ~::::::: 8. , .. -0.4 ~., ,.~ .. + i ~ .~--~~~ -.. 8~ , , , , I , """"~;; ::;:::;::: \ -.., ~. " ".., ~-~++~_.~..+..~~-~~~~ , "0". ~+~ ""'~n" .- ..-~.w . -0.6 -0.6 I ~ . .u... Figure 4. Steady state simulations at Re = 107 for I x- ~ -u.~ y'1b -'- 0.2 ., 0.4 angles of attack: spanwise pressure dishibution on parafoil surface at various x/c INT. J. NUMER. METH. FLUIDS, VOL 24: 13S~1369 (1997) = 0.25 <9 1997by John Wiley & Sons,Lid. Plate I. Steady-state simulations at Re=IO7. at IX =2": pressure distribution on the parafoil surface Plate 3. Steady-stale simulations al Re=107, at a =10': pressure distribution on the parafoil surface Plate 4. Transfonnation of the box to a parafoil: pressure distribution on the parafoil surface during the Ir"n.fnrm"l;nn SIMULATION Figure 5. Steady state simulations at Re OF LARGE RAM-AIR PARACHUTES = 107 for various angles of attack: spanwise pressure distribution x/c = 0.50 1361 on parafoil surface at range 3.0-5.0. This is somewhathigher than obtainablefor typical parafoil systems;however,our model doesnot include line and payload drag. To establishthe convergenceof our results,at an angleof attackof 6°, the pressuredistribution on the parafoil surface is comparedwith that obtained on a mesh with 594,587 nodes and 575,968 elements.Figures8 and9 indicategood agreementbetweenthe solutionsobtainedon the two meshes. Plates 1-3 show the pressuredistribution on the parafoil surfacefor various anglesof attack. Transfonnationof the Box to a Parafoil The inflation of a ram-air inflated gliding parachutetakesplace in three stages.4During the first stagethe canopy expandswith little cell inflation. The canopy then pitches forwards and air rushes into the separatecells of the gliding wing, causingthem to inflate. As the cells inflate, the parachute begins to take on the shapeof an aerofoil, causing lift to be producedwhile drag decreases.The parachutethen transitsinto equilibrium glide. Sincewe do not take into accountthe pitching motion in the computationsreportedhere. only part of the entire processis simulated. Figure 6. Steady state simulations at Re ~ 1997by John Wiley & Sons,Ltd. = 107: drag and lift coefficients as functions of angle of attack INT. J. NUMER. METH. FLUIDS. VOL 24: 1353-1369(1991) 1362 V. KALRO ET AL 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.2 2.8 2.6 10 .- alpha Figure 7. Steady state simulations at Re = 107: lift/drag 0.8 I' 0.61 (L/D) ratio as function of angle of attack . . NES~I:::: M~H; 0.4 ,i ! ! 0.2 0 ,~,,'I"' ~:..- ... Q) 0) ~ , -0.2 " ~, ' I'.~~. """~~~~~:;:;~~:;4J:m:;~~$:$'#/~ -~ . ~I ~ -0.41 I -0.6 -0.8~o'.4 :0'.2 = y~ 0:2 O:4J Figure 9. Steady state simulations at Re 107 for a = 6°; spanwise pressure distribution on parafoil xjc = 0.25. Comparison solutions on mesh I (291,437 nodes) and mesh 2 (594,587 nodes) INT. J. NUMER. METH. FLUIDS, VOL 14: 13SJ-1369(1997) surface at «;) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons.Ltd. SIMULATION OF LARGE RAM-AIR PARACHUTES 1363 All the parafoil simulationsreportedin this caseare carried out on the Thinking MachinesCM-5 massively parallel supercomputer.In these computationsthe parafoil is allowed to fall under the influenceof gravity, inflate and tend towardsa steadygliding state.Here a partially inflated box with dimensionsof chord x span x thickness= 48.0 x 33.4 x 12.0 ft3 transformsto a gliding parafoil at a prescribedrate. The box expandsby factors of 1.5 and 6.5 along the chord and spanrespectively and the cross-sectionbecomesthe sameas that of an NACA 0025 aerofoil. Figure 10 shows the surfacemeshfor the transformationof the box to a parafoil. The meshin the middle is interpolated from the two others using the meshmoving schemedescribedearlier. The finite elementmeshusedin this simulation consistsof 170,950nodesand 161,856hexahedral elements.The boundaryconditionsconsistof specifyingthe freestreamvelocity (which is zero) at the inflow boundary, zero normal velocity and zero shear stressat the side boundaries,traction-free conditionsat the outflow boundaryand no-slip conditionson the parafoil surface.At every time step, 1,304,606coupled non-linear equationsare solved. The computation starts at t = 0.0 s, which correspondsto the steady state solution at the initial configuration of the box at 10° angle of attack and with a velocity of 112 ft S-I. At t = 2.0 s the Figure 10. Surface mesh for transformation of box to parafoil (!:) 1997by John Wiley & Sons,Ltd. INT. J. NUMER. METH. FLUIDS. VOL 24: 1353-136911997) ~ 1364 V. KALRO ET AL transformation ends, but the computation continues until t = 3.5 s. The parafoiljpayloadsystem massfor this caseis 22,000 lb. Figures II and 12 show the time historiesof the projection areaand velocity respectively.Initially the box has very little lift and gains speedowing to gravity. As it expandsrapidly at high drop velocities, very large aerodynamicforces are generated,leading to the peaks in Figure 13. We 18000I . . . . . . I 16000 14000 - 12000 -~10000 : 8000 6000 .4000 2000 0 3.5 Figure 11. . . . . . -u -w -- Maonitude 120 100 velocltv . of 140 . =:~ . "'Vi ~ 80 .~ '6 60 ~ 40 I 1.5 2 ~" -.- 3 ~~ --- TIme (5) Figure 12. Transformation of box to parafoil: time history of parafoil velocity 80000 70000 60000 Drl\g Magnitude of force Lift .. 50000 .40000 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Tlme(s) Figure 13. Transfonnationof box to parafoil: time history of forces acting on parafoil INT. J. NUMER. METH. FLUIDS, VOL 24: 1353-1369 (1997) (!:) 1997by John Wiley & Sons,Ltd. SIMULATION OF LARGE RAM-AIR PARACHUTES observethat the parafoil attainsan almost steady4° angleof attackas indicatedby Figure 14. Plate4 showsthe pressuredistribution on the parafoil surfaceduring the transformation. ~-~ dt - 2 (19) The trajectory and openingforce can be determinedby solving theseequationson a computer.The primary task is to model correctly the evolution of the lift and drag areasas functionsof time. The lift and drag areaswere extractedfrom data on drop tests9-309 and 9-310 of ram-air inflated personnel parachutesand are shownin Figure 15.During the initial inflation of the canopythe airflow is nearly perpendicularto the chord of the canopyand the aerofoil is at a 90° angle of attack. This causesthe drag coefficient of the parachuteto be much higher than during gliding flight. In addition, the airflow is perpendicularto the inlet openingsof the cells. Thus thesecells do not inflate and little lift is produced. During canopyinflation the simulationusesa parabolicgrowth curve for the drag areaasa function of time. By matching the simulation output to measureddata, the drag area was found to have a maximumvalue of 0.80Soduring the period of canopyinflation, whereSois the canopyarea.The lift area was assumedto be zero during this time. The time of inflation for the canopy was determinedusing the relation KI = (rlV'Vc: 0 ~ 1997 by John Wiley & Sons.Ltd. (21) INT. J. NUMER. METH. FLUIDS. VOL 24: 1353-1369(1997) 1366 V. KALRO ET AL Figure 15. Flight mechanics analysis of drop 9-309: lift and drag areas as functions of time whereDo = (So4/7t)0'5, If! is the time for the drag areato grow from zero to its full value (0.8So)and Vs is the parachutevelocity at line stretch.By matching the simulation output to the measureddata for personnel-typegliding parachuteswith slider reefing,K\ was determinedto have a value of 18.0. Near the end of inflation the canopybeginsto pitch forwards,causingthe cells to inflate. As they inflate, the drag coefficient drops and lift beginsto be produced.The time betweenthe beginning of cell inflation and the beginning of the glide stage, lc2' is determinedsimilarly to lc\' except that K( = 2.5 and Vs is the velocity at the beginning of cell inflation. Once again the simulation usesa paraboliccurve for the lift areagrowth and drag areareductionas a function of time. During the final stageof inflation the drag and lift areasare assumedto be constant,with Cdo = 0.21 and Clo = 0.58. The simulation was applied to an MC-4 personnel-type parachute with the following characteristics: So = 370.0ft'-. b = 28.5 ft, c = 13.0 ft. The rigged masswas 360 lb. A great deal of detailedinformation was availableon a numberof tests for this parachute.The simulationis shownto give good resultswhen comparedwith measureddata. Figures 16 and 17 show comparisonsbetweencalculatedforce and measuredforce on the parachute for two separatedrop tests.The simulation predicts a peak force almost equal to the measuredpeak force in both cases,but it showsthe peak force occurring before the actual measuredforce. INT. J. NUMER. METH. FLUIDS, VOL 24: 1353-1369(1997) ~ 1997 by John Wiley & Sons,Ltd. SIMULATION OF LARGE RAM-AIR PARACHUTES 3O(J} 1367 '- 25M 2OOC ~§ ISOC ..0 100" s~ -~I-. 2S.S 26 . 26.5 . 27 . 21.5 28 28.5 29 Time(s..x.Ids) Figure 17. Flight mechanics analysis of drop 9-310: comparison between computed and measured forces Figure 18 shows the simulatedparachutevelocity as a function of time. It can be seenthat the velocity drops quickly to its steadystategliding value. The flight path angle as a function of time is shown in Figure 19. Initially the payloadis falling vertically, but as the parachutedeploys and starts to glide, the initial path angle decreases.Figure 20 shows the altitude as a function of range; this clearly shows that the parachuteis entering into its steady state gliding mode. This method was Figure 18. Flight mechanics analysis of drop 9-309: parachute velocity as function of time (!::) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. INT. J. NUMER. MEm. FLUIDS. VOL 24: 1353-13690997) 1368 V. KALRO ET AI.. g i .'~Jo 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 RAna.(II) Figure 20. Hight mechanics analysis of drop 9-309: parachute altitude as function of range applied to inflation of a large gliding parachu~ewith sequential reefing. After considerable manipulation of the lift and drag functions it was possible to obtain opening forces which were similar to experimentaldata.However,this approachrequiresaccessto flight test data and would not be useful for analysis of a design for which no data are available. We are currently working on improving our finite elementmodel to use it to predict accuratedrag and lift areashistoriesfor such situations. 8. CONCLUDING REMARKS We demonstratedthe useof two approachesfor the simulationof parachutedynamics.One approach employedstate-of-the-artfinite element formulations and massively parallel computing technology for numerical simulation of flow around a parafoil. Computed lift and drag coefficients and L/ D ratios for steady glide were in reasonable agreement with experimental values. Preliminary simulationsof the inflation stageswere made,with the assumptionthat the time history of the parafoil surfacethrough the transformationis known. The actual evolution of the surface would involve a complex fluid-structure interactionproblem and this will be the direction of our future research.The secondapproachincorporatedlift and drag time historiesfrom flight data.Thesehistorieswere input to the flight mechanicsequations.The useof this methodis limited to parachutessimilar to thosefor which data are available. As our computationalmodel evolves, we hope to use a hybrid technique where flight data could be obtainedfrom numericalsimulations,thus reducingexpensivedrop tests. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This researchwas sponsoredby ARO under grant DAAH04-93-G-O514,by ARPA under NIST contract 60NANB2DI 272, by NASA-HSC under grant NAG 9-449 and by the Army High PerformanceComputing ResearchCenterunder the auspicesof the Departmentof the Army, Army Research Laboratory co-operative agreement number DAAH04-95-2-0003/contract number DAAH04-95-C-OOO8, the content of which does not necessarilyreflect the position or the policy of the government,and no official endorsementshouldbe inferred. CRAY C90 time was provided in part by the University of MinnesotaSupercomputerInstitute. REFERENCES I. W. Wailes, 'Development testing of large ram air inflated wings', AIAA Paper 93-1204, 1993. 2. W. L. Garrard, T. E. Tezduyar, S. K. Aliabadi, V. Kalro, J. Luker and S. Mittal, 'Inflation analysis of ram air inflated gliding parachutes', AIM Paper 95-1565, 1995. INT. J. NUMER. METH. FLUIDS, VOL 24: 1353-1369(1997) (!::) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 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