ESR 0605 OVERHAUL OF ARC CHUTES Version 1.0 Issued June 2010 Owner: Approved by: Chief Engineer Rolling Stock Stephen White, Technical Specialist Rolling Stock Performance Standards, Rolling Stock Access Integrity Authorised by: Michael Uhlig, Manager, Rolling Stock Access Integrity Disclaimer This document was prepared for use on the RailCorp Network only. RailCorp makes no warranties, express or implied, that compliance with the contents of this document shall be sufficient to ensure safe systems or work or operation. It is the document user’s sole responsibility to ensure that the copy of the document it is viewing is the current version of the document as in use by RailCorp. RailCorp accepts no liability whatsoever in relation to the use of this document by any party, and RailCorp excludes any liability which arises in any manner by the use of this document. Copyright The information in this document is protected by Copyright and no part of this document may be reproduced, altered, stored or transmitted by any person without the prior consent of RailCorp. UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 1 of 4 Engineering Standard Engineering Standard Rolling Stock RailCorp Engineering Standard — Rolling Stock Overhaul of arc chutes ESR 0605 Document control Revision Date Summary of change (RSS 0605) 1.0 August 2007 Based on TRS 1675 (ESR 0605) 1.0 June 2010 Reformatted and renumbered ESR 0605 Summary of changes from previous version Summary of change Section NOTE – If the final document is small enough for the ‘Contents’ and ‘Document control’ to fit on one page remove the page break between the existing pages 2 and 3. HOWEVER if the ‘Document control’ page carries over to a second page separate pages must be used for ‘Contents’ and ‘Document control’ Contents 1 Scope..................................................................................................................................................3 2 General ...............................................................................................................................................3 3 Asbestos ............................................................................................................................................3 4 Description.........................................................................................................................................3 5 Overhaul of arc chute assemblies...................................................................................................4 6 Reference standards.........................................................................................................................4 6.1 RailCorp standards ...................................................................................................................4 6.2 Other standards ........................................................................................................................4 © Rail Corporation Issued June 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 2 of 4 Version 1.0 RailCorp Engineering Standard — Rolling Stock Overhaul of arc chutes 1 ESR 0605 Scope This standard sets out the minimum requirements, procedures and tests for the overhaul of high and low tension arc chute and arc box assemblies used on 48 class locomotives. 2 General This standard shall be used in conjunction with the Manufacturer's Maintenance Instructions MI 123005. The specification provides clarification, amplification and additional requirements as appropriate. Overhauled arc chute and arc box assemblies shall be required to operate reliably for a minimum period of six (6) years. All documentation regarding the overhaul of the assemblies shall be completed with one copy retained by the Repairer and one copy sent to the Purchaser's Representative. 3 Asbestos Asbestos can be a health hazard, requirements of Occupational Health and Safety Legislation must be followed. 'Asbestos: Code of Practice [NOHSC:2002 (1988)] and Guidance Notes [NOHSC:3002 (1988)], [NOHSC:3003 (1988)]' issued by Worksafe Australia may assist. 4 Description Contactors are used in the control of various pieces of equipment in the high tension (650 volts) circuit and low tension (74 volts) circuits. The arc chutes fitted to these contactors contain asbestos must be replaced with non asbestos material as specified in ESR 0403 specification for material for use in locomotive arc chutes and dynamic brake grids. © Rail Corporation Issued June 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 3 of 4 Version 1.0 RailCorp Engineering Standard — Rolling Stock Overhaul of arc chutes 5 ESR 0605 Overhaul of arc chute assemblies • Remove arc chute or box from the metal frame, if fitted. • Disassemble the arc chute or box. • Remove all metal work from the assembly and renew all threaded barrels, spring washers and screws. • Clean all metal work to ensure all asbestos is removed. • All metal work shall be inspected for damage, such as thread damage, burred slots and burning, and replace as necessary. • The ceramic components shall be cleaned such that all surface contamination and defects are removed. • Clean dirt and built up contamination off bakelite covers. Replace if damaged. • Replacements for the discarded asbestos components shall be manufactured using a non-asbestos material as specified in ESR 0403 Specification for material for use in locomotive arc chutes and dynamic brake grids. • Reassemble arc chute or box. • Fill any gaps between ceramic and non asbestos material with a suitable non asbestos, high temperature, ceramic filler. • Reassemble arc chute or box into the metal frame where applicable. Note: Asbestos can be a health hazard, requirements of Occupational Health and Safety Legislation must be followed. 'Asbestos: Code of Practice [NOHSC:2002 (1988)] and Guidance Notes [NOHSC:3002 (1988)], [NOHSC:3003 (1988)]' issued by Worksafe Australia may assist. 6 Reference standards 6.1 RailCorp standards ESR 0550 Overhaul of 48 class locomotive engine assembly ESR 0403 Specification for material for use in locomotive arc chutes and dynamic brake grids. 6.2 Other standards NOHSC:2002 Asbestos: Code of Practice (1988) Worksafe Australia NOHSC:3002 Asbestos: Guidance Notes (1988) Worksafe Australia NOHSC:3003 Asbestos: Guidance Notes (1988) Worksafe Australia MI 123005 AEI General maintenance (control equipment) © Rail Corporation Issued June 2010 UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Page 4 of 4 Version 1.0