Preprint typeset in JINST style - HYPER VERSION Simulation, Reconstruction and Experimental Prototype studies of the PANDA Barrel DIRC G. Kalicya b , H. Kumawata c∗, J. Schwieninga a GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH Planckstrasse 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany c Nuclear Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Mumbai-400085, India b Goethe University Frankfurt Senckerberganlage 31, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany E-mail: for the PANDA Cherenkov Group A BSTRACT: The PANDA experiment at FAIR will perform high precision experiments in the charm quark sector using cooled anti-proton beams of unprecedented intensities of L=2×1032 cm−2 s−1 in the momentum range of 1.5-15 GeV/c impinging on fixed targets. The charged particle identification in the target spectrometer region needs a thin detector operating in a strong magnetic field. A ring imaging Cherenkov detector using the DIRC principle is an excellent match to those requirements. This article describes the status of the R&D of the PANDA barrel DIRC detector, with main focus on different design options. Monte Carlo simulation studies for DIRC constructed with narrow bars or wide plates have been carried out. The performance in terms of photon yield, single photon resolution, track Cherenkov angle resolution, π/K separation using likelihood approach are investigated. Moreover, the photon yield and the single photon Cherenkov angle resolution are measured in the prototype experiments with different setups. The results are consistent with the expectations obtained from ray tracing software and GEANT simulations. Other aspects of the prototyping are also briefly discussed. K EYWORDS : Particle identification methods; Cherenkov detectors;. ∗ Corresponding author. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Barrel DIRC Design Options 2 3. Simulation and Reconstruction 4 4. Prototyping of the PANDA Barrel DIRC 4.1 Photon Detection 4.2 Radiators 4.3 PANDA Barrel DIRC Prototypes in Particle Beams 7 7 8 9 5. Conclusions 11 1. Introduction Excellent charged Particle Identification (PID) over a large range of solid angle and particle momenta is an essential requirement to meet the physics objectives of the PANDA detector [1] at the future FAIR facility at GSI. The detailed Physics program and the PID requirements for PANDA, as well as the PID systems covering particles in the forward region, are described in detail in Ref. [2]. The barrel section of the target spectrometer of the charged hadron PID covers an angular range of 22-140◦ , and needs to separate pions from kaons of momenta up to 3.5 GeV/c with a 3σ separation. It has to operate in the B≈2T solenoid magnetic field and should be capable of handling an interaction rate of up to 50MHz. Since it is surrounded by an electromagnetic calorimeter, it should be thin in both, radius and radiation length. All these requirements can be met by a Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) detector, based on the DIRC (Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light) principle. A charged particle going through a solid radiator at a velocity faster than light in that medium emits Cherenkov photons. They are emitted on a cone with the half opening angle θC , defined as cosθC = 1/n(λ )β , where β = v/c, v is the particle velocity, n(λ ) is the index of refraction of the material, which in a dispersive medium is a function of the wavelength (λ ) of the Cherenkov photon. For β ≈ 1 some part of the photons undergo always total internal reflection. Photons propagating forward are reflected by the mirror towards the readout end of the radiator where they get focused and imaged on the photo-detector plane. Radiators are usually narrow bars or wide plates from synthetic fused silica. The initial direction vectors are preserved inside the bars due to its good optical qualities. The measured hit pixel coordinates and photon propagation time along with particle momentum and bar hit position, are used to reconstruct Cherenkov angle and determine the corresponding PID likelihoods. In this article, the DIRC design options are presented in section 2, followed by simulation and reconstruction studies for a selection of them in section 3. Prototyping of the barrel DIRC is described in detail in section 4. –1– Figure 1. CATIA drawing of the PANDA Barrel DIRC baseline design. 2. Barrel DIRC Design Options The PANDA barrel DIRC design is inspired by the BaBar DIRC detector [3]. Some key improvements have been investigated and are applied to optimize the needs for the PANDA. Focusing optics and fast timing are used to improve resolution and a smaller size expansion volume will help to decrease the sensitivity to accelerator induced background and simplify the overall detector design. The baseline design components of the barrel DIRC detector are shown in Fig. 1 Synthetic fused silica was selected as a material for radiators due to its long transmission length, polishability, moderate dispersion, and its radiation hardness [4]. The bars are 2.4 m long with a cross-section of 17.5 mm x 32 mm. Five bars placed side-by-side with a small air gap in between are comprised by one module called bar box. The bar boxes are arranged in a barrel of radius 476 mm, surrounding the beam line. Mirrors are attached to the forward end of the bars to reflect the Cherenkov photons towards the photo-detector plane where they exit through a focusing lens via a fused silica window into the expansion volume filled with mineral oil. An array of photo-detectors is placed at the fused silica back-plane of the expansion volume and the hit pixel and arrival time of the Cherenkov photons are recorded using several Micro-Channel Plate Photomultiplier Tubes (MCP-PMTs) with approximately 10-15 k channels in total. The PID performance is mainly driven by the track Cherenkov angle resolution σC,track defined as 2 2 /N + σ 2 σC,track = σC,γ pe track where N pe is the number of detected photo-electrons and σC,γ is the single photon Cherenkov angle resolution. σtrack is the uncertainty of the track direction in the DIRC, dominated by multiple scattering and the resolution of the PANDA tracking detectors. The single photon Cherenkov angle resolution σC,γ can be calculated as –2– 2 2 2 2 = σ2 σC,γ C,det + σC,bar + σC,trans + σC,chrom where σC,det is the contribution from the detector pixel size, σC,bar is the error due to optical aberration and imaging errors, σC,trans is the error due to bar imperfections, such as non-squareness, and σC,chrom is the uncertainty in the photon production angle due to the dispersion n(λ ) of the fused silica material. The time resolution at the level of 100 ps will allow for partial correction of the chromatic resolution [5]. The estimated σC,γ ≈ 8-9 mrad is dominated by σC,det = 6.3 mrad and σC,chrom = 5 mrad. The number of detected photons per track in the PANDA barrel DIRC is expected to be approximately 20. The Cherenkov angle resolution combined with 1 mrad of track polar angle resolution from the PANDA tracking systems results in a total track Cherenkov angular resolution of σc,track = 22.5 mrad. This resolution will allow a π/K separation of more than 3σ for momenta of 3.5 GeV/c and better at lower momenta. Several design options are still being investigated for the barrel and the expansion volume. Two approaches for the expansion volume are considered: 30 cm deep single tank loaded with mineral oil, which is a good match to the refractive index of fused silica (Fig. 2 a) and the segmented prism type expansion volume, separate for each bar box (Fig. 2 b). The second option have better optical aberration properties and allows to use less photon sensors compared to big single oil tank geometry. However a lot of additional reflections in the prism complicate the reconstruction of the θC by adding significant amount of combinatorial background. However, using wide plates instead of bars (Fig. 2 c) would save 1.5-2 M Euro by building of just 16 plates instead of 80 narrow bars. However large number of pixels in horizontal and vertical directions would have to be kept to make it robust against multiple tracks entering one plate and less dependent on high precision timing. Preliminary estimations indicate that large pixelization in x and y is expected to loosen constrains on time resolution even up to 200 ps. A time based likelihood approach is developed to analyze the π/K separation power. A focusing system to improve the overall track resolution, is also under study. Optimization of the optics using the ZEMAX, ray tracing and Geant softwares showed that the lens with air gap between the lens and the expansion volume causes massive photon loss, specially for particle tracks perpendicular to the bar. Here all the photons are totally internally reflected at the end of the bar but only few get out through the curved surface of the lens. The potential solution is to use a compound lens of higher refractive index built of fused silica layer and NLaK, that can be coupled directly to the bar and the expansion volume. One lens of this type was already used with success in the prototype experiment, other combinations of materials are being considered also. The mechanical design follows the general idea from the BaBar DIRC as well. Bar boxes slide on wheels into slots as shown at the CATIA drawing (Fig. 1), which allows to do staged installation and will not block other detector subsystems. The carbon structure is made of two rings that have two sets of openings. The openings at the inner radius are for the DIRC bar boxes and a set of openings at the outer radius for the scintillation tiles. The vertical ribs allow to slide bar boxes in and out. A sheet of carbon fiber outside of the ribs adds additional stability. The choice of a photo-detector for the DIRC is a challenge due to the expected 20 MHz average interaction rate during the PANDA operation. Such a high rate demands high rate capability and long life time of the sensors, also the strong magnetic field of about 1T at the sensor location in the PANDA experiment is an issue. The recent progress in the photo-sensor R&D [7], shows that –3– Figure 2. Geant simulation of considered "radiator + expansion volume" geometry options: a) narrow bars + oil tanks, b) narrow bars + compact prisms, c) wide plates + compact prisms. Figure 3. a) Photon directions leading to same pixel, b) reconstructed Cherenkov angle without time weighting (red lines) and with time weighting (blue lines). suitable sensors with higher life times are available for the test experiments and expected to be commercially available in time for the DIRC construction. 3. Simulation and Reconstruction Simulation tools for the DIRC detector are developed in the PANDARoot Framework, which is based on Virtual Monte Carlo engines i.e. GEANT3, GEANT4. Quantum efficiency, collection efficiency, real reflectivity of the forward mirrors are incorporated to simulate the realistic geometry. Also, dark noise and charge sharing effects are implemented, and the hit position and photon propagation time are digitized. After simulation and digitization, the Cherenkov angle is reconstructed as described below. The prototype performance parameters are mostly simulated using independent ray tracing software. –4– Figure 4. a) Phase space distribution of the kaons produced due to decay of pp̄->J/ψ->K+ K− γ, b) single γ photon resolution (blue circles), Cherenkov angle resolution using likelihood (red circles) and σC /N p (green stars) for bar+prism geometry with focusing The DIRC reconstruction approach is similar to the BABAR DIRC’s geometrical reconstruction. In this method, we use pixel position and the bar location to define photon direction at the end of the bar and store it in a Look-up table. This direction combined with the particle track is then used to calculate the Cherenkov angle. The pixel and time of the photon hit are observed using the DIRC, and the particle hit position and momentum at the bar are measured by tracking detectors. The photon path to reach a given hit pixel is not unique and possible ambiguous solutions add up to combinatorial background. In addition to 8 possible paths due to reflection inside a rectangular bar there are many (In Fig. 3 a, see 3 possible paths) possible paths in the prism. The geometrical approach is to consider all possible paths of the photon for a given pixel hit. A few reflections in the oil tank expansion volume is a big advantage but at the cost of photon absorption in the oil and at the cost of more detectors to cover the detection plane. The Look-up table containing photon direction vectors is generated by illuminating the photo detector plane by a photon gun of mean wavelength placed at the center of the bar end. All reflections in the expansion volume are associated with the possible reflections in the bar. In this way, several Cherenkov angles are obtained. The correct solution per photon peaks at the right Cherenkov angle, whereas the ambiguous solutions due to wrong path create a background as shown in Fig. 3 b. The difference of the expected Cherenkov angle and the reconstructed Cherenkov angle gives the single photon resolution. The Cherenkov angle resolution is obtained using a Likelihood approach. The maximum likelihood Cherenkov angle is calculated using the reconstructed Cherenkov angles. The true value is affected by the background created due to ambiguities. This background is reduced with the help of true Monte Carlo simulated time information. The time resolution is path length dependent due to chromatic aberration. The Monte Carlo simulated time is smeared by 100ps detector resolution in the study presented. A time based Gaussian weighting of the reconstructed Cherenkov angles is applied while getting the maximum likelihood Cherenkov angle for each track (see Fig. 3) b). The difference of the track Cherenkov angle with the expected Cherenkov angle gives us likelihood based Cherenkov angle resolution. The overall track Cherenkov angle resolution is obtained by combining the Cherenkov angle resolution and the tracking resolution from the tracking detectors. –5– Figure 5. a) Likelihood based Cherenkov angle for decay of pp̄->D0 D̄0 , b) efficiency of kaon detection for 3σ separation (black circles), mis-identification of kaon as pion (blue circles) and mis-identification of kaon as proton (red squares) for bar+prism geometry. 2 /N but there are several The Cherenkov angle resolution per track should be equivalent to σC,γ pe parameters affecting this value. There is a spread in polar and azimuthal angle of the primary track inside the bar caused by emission of δ -electrons and multiple scattering. The energy loss of the particle (≈ 20-30MeV) inside the bar also affect the resolution near Cherenkov threshold. The required overall track resolution depends on the populated phase space of the interesting reaction channels. The Phase space of kaons from a radiative decay channel (pp̄->J/ψ->K+ K− γ) for the DIRC acceptance is shown in Fig. 4. It is clear from Fig. 4 that the highest momenta are populated around 22◦ . As the number of photons is dependent on the track polar angle (see Fig. 6), the Cherenkov angle resolution per track also shows a polar angle dependence. The results are shown for the “bar+prism”geometry with lens and similar trend is observed for the “bar+oil”tank geometry. It clearly demonstrates that the stringent requirements for the track resolution in the forward region, are met. The tails in the resolution might be due to viz. spread in primary track angle due to hadronic interactions, momentum spread due to energy loss etc. In order to analyze the PID performance, decay of pp̄ to π − π + K− K+ are studied. Clear bands of pions and kaons are seen(Fig. 5). The efficiency of kaon detection for a pure kaon beam is shown in Fig. 5. The mis-identification of kaons and protons is quite low for particle momenta below 3.5GeV/C. The photon yield due to primary kaons of 3.5 GeV/C and due to secondary interactions is shown in Fig. 6. The secondary photons are produced by particles produced during hadronic interactions, δ -electrons, γ induced e− e+ pairs, neutrons etc. These extra photons deposit extra charge in the photo-detector sensors, which has an impact on their life time. There is ≈5% increase in the number of photon hits due back scattering from the electromagnetic calorimeter that surrounds the Barrel DIRC detector in the PANDA experimental setup. These photons are uncorrelated in time and angle compared to the Cherenkov photons and create merely a background. The reconstruction of the plate type barrel is based on time based likelihood method [6]. The Probability Density Function (PDF) is derived from the simulation in form of histograms instead of analytic solution. This time based PDF is multiplied with the poissonian PDF of Cherenkov photons. The separation power for pions and kaons are analysed for many angles and momenta. The separation power at 3.5GeV/C is shown in Fig. 8. There is more than 4σ separation but the –6– Figure 6. a) Photon yield from primary and secondaries for bar+prism geometry without Electro Magnetic Calorimeter, b) with Electro Magnetic Calorimeter Figure 7. Separation of pions and kaons at 3.5GeV/C tails in the distribution has still to be understood. 4. Prototyping of the PANDA Barrel DIRC The final decision concerning the design and components used in the PANDA Barrel DIRC will be based on tests of prototypes both, in labs and particle beam experiments. In the following sections, we describe recent improvements in case of photon sensors, fast timing electronics and radiator bars challenges. The evolution of the full system prototypes tested in particle beams and a selection of results are presented. 4.1 Photon Detection A single photon detection to be performed in a 1 T magnetic field with a fairly good resolution (millimeter level in space and 100 ps in time) is a challenge. In addition it has to cope with an experiment of high radiation with rates of in an average 20 MHz at injection range. This results in a deposition of around 0,5 - 1 Coulomb per square centimeter per year of the PANDA operation on the anode which this is a big lifetime issue for most of the sensors. –7– Figure 8. a) Schematic illustration of the optical setup to measure the transmission of the beam propagating via total internal reflection. The arrows show the movement degrees of freedom for the motors and mirrors b)Coefficient of total internal reflection as function of the wavelength with example results for the bar from the manufacturer Schott Lithotec The technical challenges concerning sensors were recently solved with a huge improvement in lifetime of MCP-PMTs [7], which are excellent candidates and are being tested in a setup that allows to measure quantum efficiency and gain as well as rate tolerance and lifetime. For data acquisition the HADES trigger and readout board (TRB) [9] has been used. It fulfills high requirements in case of the amplifications specially for MCP PMTs in order to have good separation and very fast signal rise time. Two versions of the TRBv2, with and without amplification, were tested in particle beams. This version uses the TOF add-on based on the NINO chip and the CERN HPTDC [10] as a discriminator to provide timing with a resolution of 98 ps per count and pulse height information from charge-to-width. New generation of the boards, TRBv3 [8], with the custom amplify discriminator board were produced and went already through first successful tests in particle beam experiments at MAMI during summer 2013. 4.2 Radiators In the PANDA barrel DIRC, Cherenkov photons will be internally reflected for some tracks up to 200 times and about 20-50 times on average. The optical quality of the surface, in particular roughness and sub-surface damage, determines the probability of photon losses during total internal reflection. In order to transport 80% of the photons to sensors, a polishing of the level of 10 Å is required. Production of large fused silica radiators with extremely high tolerance of flatness squareness and parallelism with such optical finish is the biggest challenge for any DIRC detector. There are only few vendors worldwide capable of fulfilling these requirements. The technical, dimensional and angular specs are tested in three separate experimental setups. Two of them provide the shape of the bar quality measurements, by a laser light reflected from the surface of the bar and other with an auto-collimator, that allows to test angles with a precision better then 0.1mrad for parallelism and squareness. The efficiency of the photon transport inside the radiator can be determined from bulk attenuation and reflection coefficient measurements [4] related to the roughness of the radiator by the scalar scattering theory [11]. A setup (see Fig. 8 a)) with motion-controlled elements was designed –8– Figure 9. Schematic outline of the setup in 2012 test beam in CERN T9 with photo of the DIRC prototype. Figure 10. a) Photo of 3 x 3 MCP-PMTs array. Number of detected photo-electrons per MCP-PMT pixel for experimental (b) and simulated (c) data. The white pixels in the test beam data plot were caused by dead TDC channels. and installed in a dark, temperature-stabilized clean room to qualify the production and polishing processes of the prototype radiators obtained from different manufacturers. Previous measurements using lasers of three different wavelengths (Fig. 8 b)) show good agreement with the model predictions. The measured data are shown with points while model calculations for different surface roughness values are presented by colored lines. In the recent setup, it is possible to measure bars up to 2.5 m long with lasers of different wavelength up to UV range. More sensitivity to subsurface damages inside the bars is , and will significantly improve the study of prototype bars and plates of various manufacturing qualities. 4.3 PANDA Barrel DIRC Prototypes in Particle Beams All prototypes consist commonly of: a radiator bar, an expansion volume and photon detectors. These components of the first Barrel DIRC prototype along with focusing lens are tested with the proton beam in 2008 and 2009. The Cherenkov photons were recognized and ring segments were observed. The second prototype was more complex. A stand alone system with a larger deeper expansion volume loaded with mineral oil [12] mounted on the movable and rotatable support structure. A larger detector plane allowed to test different types of sensors (MCP-PMTs, SiPM, and Multi Anode PMT) and focusing lenses with different Anti Reflective (AR) coatings were used. The data collected from two campaigns in 2011, at GSI and at CERN were used for the first determination of the Cherenkov angle resolution and the number of photons per track of both narrow bar and the oil tank designs. –9– Figure 11. a) Single photon Cherenkov angle resolution for experimental data. Reconstructed ΘC = 825 mrad, σ = 12 mrad b) Difference in number of photons per track between measurements with AR coated lens with air gap (red) and compound lens directly coupled to the prism (blue). Several key aspects of the design options were implemented into the third prototype and tested in summer 2012 at CERN. A schematic view of the setup and a photo of the prototype components are shown in Fig. 9. A synthetic fused silica bar (17 x 35 x 1225 mm3 ) with a focusing lens attached to one end and a mirror attached to the other end were placed into a light-tight container. A large synthetic fused silica prism with a depth of 30 cm, located about 2 mm from the lens, served as expansion volume. The hit location and the photon propagation time of photons were measured with an array of nine Photonis XP85112 MCP-PMTs coupled with optical grease to the back surface of the prism. The data acquisition for 896 channels was performed using the TRBv2 boards. The setup was placed into the mixed hadron beam at the T9 area of the CERN PS with momenta varying between 1.5 and 10 GeV/c. The trigger was provided by two scintillator counters. A time-of-flight system together with two tracking stations based on scintillating fibers are used for both tagging the pions/protons up to 6 GeV/c momentum and measuring the beam direction. A total of about 220M triggers were recorded in several configurations. Spherical and cylindrical focusing lenses with and without anti-reflective coating were tested in combination with bars produced from different manufacturers, including a bar made of acrylic glass. Wide radiator plate as an alternative to narrow bars, compound lens without a need of an air gap and large fused silica prism as an expansion volume were used first time. The polar angle between the particle beam and the bar was varied between 20◦ and 156◦ , and the interception point between beam and bar was scanned 80 cm along the long bar axis covering the range similar to the PANDA phase space. An example of the occupancy plot for a 124◦ polar angle is shown in Fig. 10. A complicated hit pattern including position of the ring segments and the overlapping parts corresponding to additional reflections from the prism sides are consistent with the pixelized simulation data for 10 GeV/c pions provided by the ray tracing software. The gray dots in the background are true hits from the simulation. The reconstructed Cherenkov angle for the prototype configuration with the narrow bar and the spherical lens placed 2 mm before the prism is shown in Fig 11 a). The results from 8 particle track – 10 – polar angles with an interval of 0.25◦ were combined to decrease pixelization effect. The value of the reconstructed Cherenkov angle is consistent with Monte Carlo predictions. The difference in Cherenkov angle resolution comes from beam divergence. The number of detected photons per track depends not only on the different sizes and qualities of the used prototype bars but also on the configuration of the setup. Changes in the particle track polar angle and the orientation of the bar with respect to the prism result in different fractions of the ring segments lost on the gaps between the sensors. The measurements confirm that there are not much difference for the different quartz bars. The only significantly different performance was observed for acrylic glass bar. A 60% larger loss of the photons is observed in comparison to the quartz bars and smearing of the actual arrival points. Lack of differences between various quartz bars is expected because of too short photons path that is the sensitive parameter for the imperfections. More detailed studies of the bars were done in separate high precision measurements as described in 4.2. The influence on the photon yield of different focusing lenses is shown Fig. 11 b). A regular, UV anti-reflective coated, spherical lens with 2 mm air gap was used. It was observed in the measured data and simulation that the light yield drops dramatically for tracks close to 90o when using this lens. The reason is that photons are totally internally reflected at the lens interface. This can be avoided by replacing this lens by lens of high refractive index without air gap. Comparison of the results for standard UV lens with air gap and this compound lens is shown in Fig. 11 b) for the angle of 128◦ . Here, the light yield is improved by about 10%. The observed improvement for this particle track angle is consistent with simulations. Moreover, as expected for incidence angle close to 90◦ photon yield stays stable for the compound lens while drops close to zero for the regular one. 5. Conclusions Simulation and prototyping of the barrel DIRC has been carried out. The PID performance has been studied in view of various design options. The DIRC design with bars and lenses meet the requirement of the PANDA Physics to a good extent. Mostly all (98%) of the physics reaction channels that need good kaon separation are below 3.5GeV/C momentum. The time based likelihood approach of the reconstruction for the plate type barrel are promising and will be continued to improve further. The lab experiment for reflection coefficient shows good agreement with the model predictions. The recent progress in increasing the lifetime of photon sensors is promising. Further tests of new prototype bars will be performed in the new improved setup. The aspects of different design options were implemented in the prototypes and tested in particle beams. The results of photon yield, and single photon resolution are in good agreement with the predictions from simulations. Further PID performance evaluation using simulations and prototype experiments is planed to finalize the design of the Barrel DIRC detector for PANDA. Acknowledgments Acknowledgments. – 11 – References [1] PANDA Collaboration, Technical Progress Report, GSI, 2005; PANDA Collaboration, Physics Performance Report <arXiv:0903.3905v1>, 2009. [2] C. Schwarz, et al.., Particle identification for the PANDA detector, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A639 (2011) 169-172; D. 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