On Certain Threshold Copulas Estimators Evgueni Haroutunian Irina Safaryan Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS of RA Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS of RA e-mail: evhar@ipia.sci.am e-mail: safari@ipia.sci.am ABSTRACT A method of construction of empirical associate measures for components of two-dimensional random vector in threshold copula models is proposed. It is shown that for such models Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient and Kendall’s concordance coefficient are the linear functions of two-sample Wilcoxon statistics. two-dimensional DF with marginal DF’s by relationship F (x, y) = C(FX (x), FY (y)). The concordance function K(C1 , C2 ), defined by Nelsen in [3], denotes the difference between the probabilities of concordance and disconcordance of random vectors (X1 , Y1 ) and (X2 , Y2 ) with copulas C1 (u, v), C2 (u, v), i.e. K(C1 , C2 ) = Pr((X1 − X2 )(Y1 − Y2 ) > 0)− Keywords Copula, empirical associate measures, threshold dependence model, Kendall’s concordance coefficient, Spearman’s rank correlation −Pr((X1 − X2 )(Y1 − Y2 ) < 0). It can be presented in the form Z Z K(C1 , C2 ) = 4 C2 (u, v)dC1 (u, v) − 1, (1) D 1. INTRODUCTION In two-dimensional data analysis situations arise when rather high values of certain empirical measures of association such as Spearman’s rank correlation and Kendall’s concordance cannot be interpreted as monotone dependence between components of two-dimensional random vector. In particular, this refers to threshold dependence structures in which one of the components serves as categorizing variable for the other. In case under consideration the observed sequence can be divided on two or more groups concentrating along some line on plane, while correlation between components inside each group is missed. or in an equivalent form as Z Z ∂C2 (u, v) ∂C1 (u, v) K(C1 , C2 ) = 1 − 4 dudv, ∂u ∂u D (2) where D = [0, 1] × [0, 1] is the unique square. Then, as it is shown in [3] many measures of association between random variables (RV’s) X and Y whose copula is C can be defined in terms of concordance function. For instance, Spearmans correlation coefficient ρC is proportional to concordance function with arguments C1 = C and C2 = Π = uv, that is ρC = 3K(C, Π). The separation of two, or many groups is based on quantiles of the categorizing variable, called thresholds which are not known in general. To obtain consistent estimates of unknown threshold in one-threshold model Safaryan, Haroutunian and Manasyan in [1] applied the change-point detection technique. The representation of dependence of two dimensional random vector components by copulas was derived in [2]. We propose a method of construction of empirical measures for two-dimensional dependence structures with applying the results obtained in [2] as well as the function of concordance between two copulas defined by Nelsen in [3] and empirical copula notion introduced by Fermanian, Radulovic and Wegkamp in [4]. and Kendall’s concordance coefficient τC is equal to K(C, C) Thus taking in account (1) well-known representation for ρC and τC can be obtained, namely, 2. ASSOCIATION MEASURES FOR ONETHRESHOLD COPULA MODELS Definition 1: A copula Cp (u, v) depending on scalar parameter p ∈ (0, 1), is called one–threshold if u = p is a single point for which the following relations hold Let (X, Y ) be a random vector with two-dimensional distribution function (DF) F (x, y), continuous marginal DF’s FX (x) and FY (y) and corresponding copula C(u, v). We remind that copula C(u, v) is a function, which connects Z1 Z1 ρC = 12 0 (C(u, v) − uv)dudv (3) C(u, v)dC(u, v) − 1. (4) 0 and Z1 Z1 τC = 12 0 0 We introduce notion of threshold copulas and derive corresponding expressions for ρC and τC . Cp (u, v) Cp (p, v) = , v p u ≤ p, v − Cp (u, v) v − Cp (p, v) = , 1−u 1−p and Cp (u, v) 6= pv. u > p, Theorem 1: Spearman’s correlation coefficient ρCp for onethreshold copula Cp is the following: Z1 ρCp = 6 Cp (p, v)dv − 3p. (5) C(u, v) in (3) with ĈN (u, v) given in (8) we obtain Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient between RV’s X and Y , in the form N X 12 N +1 N +1 (RXn − )(RYn − ). 2 N (N + 1) n=1 2 2 ρ̂C = 0 For Kendall’s concordance coefficient the following relation is true 2 τCp = ρCp . 3 Proof: We note that definition of one-threshold copula completely coincide with definitions of the threshold dependence between RV’s X and Y expressed in terms of conditional distributions of RV Y under conditions {X ≤ µ}, {X > µ}, brought in [3] if p = FX (µ). Consequently, Cp can be represented as follows 1 Cp (u, v) = uv + (C(p, v) − pv)(min(u, p) − pu). (6) p(1 − p) The further proof immediately follows by substitution of (6) in (3) and (4) and integration of the derived quintile. The obtained expressions for Spearmann’s and Kendall’s coefficients allow to construct estimators for τC and ρC which are based only on ranks of Y and propose a new algorithm for the estimation of parameter p . 3. ESTIMATORS FOR ONE-THRESHOLD DEPENDENCE CASE The sample versions of measures of association can be described by empirical copula function ĈN (u, v), which has been established by Fermanian, Radulovic and Wegkamp in [4]. Let {(Xn , Yn )N n=1 } be a random sample from RV (X, Y ), with DF F (x, y), marginal DF’s FX (x) and FY (y) and copula C(u, v). Consider the following empirical functions: F̂N,X (x) = #{Xn : Xn ≤ x} = N 1 X 1{Xn ≤ x}, N n=1 N 1 X 1{Yn ≤ y}, N n=1 N 1 X 1{Xn ≤ x} × 1{Yn ≤ y}. N n=1 N 1 X 1{F̂N,X (Xn ) ≤ u, F̂N,Y (Yn ) ≤ v}. (7) N n=1 N 1 X RYn R Xn ≤ u} × 1{ ≤ v}, 1{ N n=1 N + 1 N +1 (9) 0 Where {Yn , }N n=1 is the of induced order statistics sequence, 0 (i.e. for X(1) < X(2) < < X(N ) induced statistic Yn is 0 defined as Yn = Yi , if X(n) = Xi . Proof: Z1 ρ̂cp = 6 ĈN (p, v)dv − 3p = 0 N X N X RY j 6 1{RXn ≤ p} × 1{RYn ≤ } − 3p = N (N + 1) n=1 j=1 N +1 = [N p] N XX 6 1{RY 0 ≤ RYj } − 3p. n N (N + 1) n=1 j=1 The last expression proves (9). Let WN ( n n N 1 X RYi0 1 )= ( − ), n = 1, N − 1, (10) N N − n n i=1 N + 1 2 6(N − n(p))n(p) n(p) n(p) − N p WN ( ) + 3( ). (11) N2 N N We use (11) to estimate ρcp if n(p) is known, otherwise a change point technique proposed in [1] can be applied A representation of empirical copula suggested in [5] is the following ĈN (u, v) = [N p] X 6 (N + 1 − RY 0 ) − 3p, n (N + 1)N n=1 ρ̂cp = − The cadlag version of empirical copula, according to [4] is defined as follows ĈN (u, v) = ρ̂Cp = Corollary 1: Rank correlation coefficient of Spearman is the linear function from Wilcoxon statistic WN ( n(p) ), n(p) = N [pN ] defined by relation F̂N (x, y) = #{(Xn , Yn ) : Xn ≤ x, Yn ≤ y} = = Theorem 2: Expression of Spearman’s rank coefficients for one-threshold model are the following: is the sequence of Wilcoxon statistic, which tests homogeinety 0 0 N of two samples, {Yi }n i=1 and {Yi }i=n+1 . Then from Theorem 2 can be deduced the following consequences: where 1 {A} is the indicator of event A. Let F̂N,Y (y) = For the threshold models we obtain sampling estimates of ρCp by substituting (8) in (5). Then the following theorem holds. (8) where RXn and RYn are ranks of RV’s Xn and Yn in seN quences {Xn }N n=1 and {Yn }n=1 respectively. After replacing Let n̂ = arg max |WN ( 0<n<N n )| N and r n̂ n̂ = WN ( ) 12(1 − )n̂. N N Then, a consisent estimate of ρcp is defined in the following ∗ WN ∗ ∗ Corollary 2: If WN > zα , or WN < 1 − zα , where zα is quantile of level α of RVZ distributed as N (0, 1), then the consistent estimate of p is defined by p̂ = n̂ , N and consistent estimator of ρCp is the following ρ̂Cp = −6(1 − p̂)p̂WN (p̂). Theorem 4. Expression of Spearman’s rank coefficient for two-threshold model is the following: Proof: The induced order statistic sequence {Yn,X }N n=1 can be viewed as a random sample from conditional DF F (y|x) = P r{Y ≤ y|X = x}. As it follows from Definition 1 that probabilities 0 P r{Yn ≤ y|X = F −1 (p)}, The proof is similar of the proof of Theorem 1. n = 1, N , are the same if n ≤ [N p] and the other if n > [N p] then the number n(p) = [N p] can be called the shangepoint for the 0 sequence {Yn }N n=1 . ρ̂cp = [N p1 ] X 6 ( p2 (N + 1 − RY 0 )+ n (N + 1)N n=1 [N p2 ] + X (1 − p1 )(N + 1 − RY 0 − 3p2 ) n=1 n 4. ESTIMATORS FOR TWO-THRESHOLD DEPENDENCE CASE The further extension of the noted results are connected with empirical threshold copulas of the K-dimensional random vector X (1) , ..., X (K) in the case, when RV X (1) serves categorizing variable for X (2) , ..., X (K) . Similar results can be obtained for cases of two and more thresholds. REFERENCES Definition 2: A copula Cp depending on vector parameter p = (p1 , p2 ), 0 < p1 < p2 1 < 1 is called two-threshold is there exist exactly two values u = p1 and u = u2 such that relations holds Cp (p1 , v) Cp (u, v) = , u p1 f or u ≤ p1 , Cp (u, v) − Cp (p1 , v) Cp (p2 , v) − Cp (p1 , v) = , u − p1 p2 − p1 f or p1 < u ≤ p2 , v − Cp (u, v) v − Cp (p2 , v) = , f or u > p2 , 1−u 1 − p2 and p2 Cp (p1 , v) 6= p1 Cp (p2 , v), (p2 − p1 ) 6= p1 Cp (p2 , v). Theorem 3: Spearman’s correlation coefficient ρcp for twothreshold copula Cp is equal to Z1 ρcp = 6 p2 Cp (p1 , v) + (1 − p1 )Cp (p2 , v) − 3p2 . 0 For Kendall’s concordance coefficients the following relation is true 2 τcp = ρcp . 3 Proof: We note that dependence between RV’s X and Y expressed in terms of conditional distributions of RV Y under conditions {X ≤ µ1 }, {X > µ2 }, {µ1 < X ≤ µ2 } brougth in [3], if p1 = FX (µ1 ), p2 = FX (µ2 ). can be represented by Cp as follows Cp (u, v) = uv + ∆1 (v, p)(min(u, p1 ) − p1 u)+ ∆1 (v, p)(min(u, p2 ) − p2 u), where ∆1 = 1 (p2 (Cp (p1 , v) − p1 v) − p1 (Cp (p2 , v) − p2 v)), p1 (p2 − p1 ) and ∆2 = (1 − p1 )(Cp (p1 , −p2 v) − (1 − p2 )(Cp (p1 , v) − p1 v)) (1 − p2 )(p2 − p1 ) [1] E. Haroutunian, I. Safaryan and A. Manasyan, “Two-dimentsional sequence homogeneity testing against mixture alternative”, Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, vol. 23, pp. 67–79, 2004. [2] E. Haroutunian and I. 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