MAKING IMPORTANT THINGS HAPPEN STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK 2015–2020 Mission: Growing Intellectual Capital ‘We nurture and invest in intellectual talent and ideas, delivering world-class research and education, unlocking value and making important things happen.’ MAKING IMPORTANT THINGS HAPPEN VA L UE S > EXCEL L ENCE We have the highest standards and know we can always be better. L EADERSHIP We shape our own future and support the success of others. PIONEERING SPIRIT We enjoy being first to do things and we take calculated risks. PURPOSEF UL NESS We know our strengths, focus on our goals, and face adversity with resilience and persistence. PRAGMAT ISM We are well-grounded and focus on tackling and solving problems. WWW.BIRMINGHAM.AC.UK/STRATEGY2020 Vice-Chancellor’s Foreword The University of Birmingham was founded to lead its city and bring together people and resources to tackle the major challenges facing humanity. More than 100 years on, our research, education, worldwide reach and reputation, combined with our purposeful, pragmatic and pioneering approach, are making us the standard against which others are measured. Making Important Things Happen is our new Strategic Framework. Building on the aims and achievements of the last five years, it is a compass that will guide the University and sets out our ambition to 2020. It is the quality of our students and the creativity and leadership of our people, alongside our willingness to make bold and sometimes tough choices, which will enable us to realise our goals. By harnessing our strengths, I am confident that we will continue to thrive. We will expand our impact and reputation and, in turn, that of our region, and model what a great university should be. Professor Sir David Eastwood, Vice-Chancellor, University of Birmingham R E SE A RCH P 6 –7 E DUC AT ION P 8 – 9 R E S E A RC H T H AT M AT T E R S L E A R N ING F OR T HE F U T UR E INF L UE NCE P10 –11 R E S OURCE S P12–13 E NG A GE ME N T F OR IMPA C T A V IBR A N T IN T E L L E C T U A L E N V IRONME N T Research: Research that Matters ‘Academic rigour, original thinking, innovation, and delivery made possible by brilliant people, outstanding facilities, and strong collaborations.’ 87% OF R E S E A RC H H A S GL OB A L IMPA C T (REF2014) 7 SUPPORTING RESEARCH EXCELLENCE Over the last five years we have delivered a programme of major academic investments and established signature collaborations at home and overseas. We have drawn on our breadth to encourage inter-disciplinary initiatives and have become the university partner of choice. OUR GOAL N O W I S TO D O M O RE AND BET T ER RESEARCH, TACKL ING THE GREAT CH AL L EN G ES FAC ING T HE W ORL D. W E W IL L ACHIEV E THIS BY FO CU SI N G O N TH ESE F IV E AREAS. Enhancing the quality and reach of our research Investing strategically to create and strengthen areas of excellence Expanding the impact of our research by supporting activities that drive impact and building networks and partnerships Increasing levels of external investment in our research and our share of competitively won research income W W W . B I R M I N G H AM . A C.UK/S TRATE GY 2020/R E S E A R CH Growing the number of postgraduate researchers at Birmingham Education: Learning for the Future ‘We support our exceptional and ambitious students to become independent problem solvers and natural leaders, enthusiastic about knowledge and learning and able to get things done. Our graduates are in demand across the world.’ OUR S TUDE NT S AR E M O R E S ATIS FIED THAN EVER Over the last five years we have broadened the curriculum and developed even more extra-curricular activities, and our Access to Birmingham (A2B) programme and Outreach initiatives support applicants from diverse backgrounds. 9 UNI V E RS I T Y OF T HE Y E A R FOR GR A DUATE EMPL OY MEN T THE TIMES AND THE SUNDAY TIMES 2016 GOOD UNIVERSITY GUIDE ( ) O U R E DUC AT I O N AL AM B I TI O N S A RE NOT YET SAT ISF IED. W E ST RIV E T O D ELIVER AN O U TSTAN D I N G ED U C AT ION F OR T OMORROW AS W EL L AS T ODAY, A ND WILL SU CCEED B Y FO CU SI NG OUR EF F ORT S IN T HE F OL L OW ING AREA S . Attracting students with high potential, removing barriers to accessing a Birmingham education Supporting students to develop a personal journey through their education at Birmingham Continuing to increase the innovation of our curriculum, drawing on our research and disciplinary breadth Developing and valuing excellence in teaching W W W . B I R M I N G H AM . AC.UK/S TRATE GY 2020/E DU CATIO N Influence: Engagement for Impact ‘Our goal is to use our research and education strengths in science and engineering, social science, and humanities to increase well-being and prosperity.’ DEVELOPING PIONEERING ALLIANCES During the last five years our collaborations have intensified and we have developed pioneering alliances in the UK and internationally. Our regional networks have increased the power and presence of the Midlands and our links with business are strong and growing. We have influenced government thinking, policy, and service delivery, and now have a significant voice in media and public discourse. 11 MOR E T H A N £1 BILLION C ON T R IBU T E D T O T HE L OC A L E C ONOM Y E A C H Y E A R (OXFORD ECONOMICS) W E A RE C OM M I TTED TO EN H AN CING T HE MIDL ANDS’ REACH AND POT ENT IA L A N D TO MA K IN G A D I FFER EN CE I NT ERNAT IONAL LY. OV ER T HE NEXT F IV E Y E ARS WE WI L L CO N TI N U E TO WORK W IT H OT HERS ACROSS T HE GL OBE F O R T H E C OMMON G O O D AN D FO CU S ON T HE F OL L OW ING AREAS IN ORDER T O LEVE RAGE E XTER N AL I N VESTM ENT, CREAT E JOBS, AND GENERAT E V AL UE. Raising our public presence and influence and increasing the range and number of staff involved in influence and engagement Growing and developing our partnerships with business, the public sector, and third sector organisations Continuing to collaborate to shape and implement priorities and activities which will increase opportunity and well-being in the region Strengthening existing relationships with key international partners and fostering new ones to enhance our reach and relevance globally W W W . B I R M I N G H AM . AC.UK/S TRATE GY 2020/I N FLU E NCE Working with other universities to increase our reach, influence and impact Resources: a Vibrant Intellectual Environment ‘A well-resourced, well-managed and ambitious university with people at its heart.’ A P L AC E TO FLO U R I SH The last five years have seen bold, innovative initiatives which are bringing outstanding staff and students to Birmingham and have made this a place for ambitious people to flourish. We have invested in good ideas, in talented people, and in our impressive estate, providing the resources, community, and environment for rigorous intellectual endeavour. Our hugely successful Circles of Influence campaign has played a major part in the transformation of our community. 13 £193 MILLION R A IS E D T HROUGH C IRCL E S OF INF L UE NCE F UNDR A IS ING C A MPA IGN OVE R THE NEXT FI VE YEAR S W E WILL USE TH E R ESO U R CES W E GE NERAT E PU R PO SEFU L LY, DE C IS IVELY, AN D ACCO U N TAB LY A N D C ONTINU E TO I N VEST. W E WILL A LSO R EAFFI R M OUR C OMMITM EN T TO AN D E XP EC TATIONS O F STAFF AN D UNDE RSC ORE O U R CU LTU R E OF P ARTNE R SH I P AN D TR U ST BE TWE E N ACAD EM I CS AN D P R OFE S S ION AL STAFF. Developing, supporting, and recruiting talented staff Growing the depth of our leadership capacity across the University Maximising the opportunities for alumni and friends to play active roles in the University’s life Maintaining our financial sustainability Investing boldly and wisely for the future Developing our University campus Developing lean and effective processes and systems to support our operations W W W . B I R M I N G H AM . AC .UK/S TRATE GY 2020/R E S O U R CE S Measuring Our Success ‘We will monitor and measure the impact of our actions and strategy over the next five years to ensure that we are delivering world-class research and education, unlocking value, and making important things happen.’ RE SEA RC H Our success will be seen in our record of research leadership and impact, measured via improved citations, research income, the scale of our postgraduate research community, and our preparation for the next REF. EDUCAT ION Our success will be seen by improved performance at every stage of the student journey; from our league table performance and market share to student satisfaction, and graduate employability. I NF L UENC E Our success will be measured in the value our partners place on our engagement, seen via the diversity of external funding, jointly authored publications, value derived from international partnerships, and enhanced economic impact. RESOURCES Our success will be seen in the quality of our research, education provision and influence. The environment for this will be measured via staff engagement, operational sustainability, sustained investment potential, and levels of capital investment. 11478 © University of Birmingham 2015. Printed on a recycled grade paper containing 100% post-consumer waste. Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, United Kingdom