the Society for General Psychology

Membership Information
The Society of General Psychology, Division 1 of
the APA, encourages students, academicians and
professionals in psychology to be educated and
trained across the broad areas of the discipline and
to promote unity and coherence in psychology. To
this end, we offer free membership to those joining
the division for the first time.
If you choose to join, you will:
Receive our biannual newsletter, The General Psychologist;
• Be added to our email list to receive announcements about the society;
• Be cordially invited to involve yourself in
all of the activities of the division, such
as serving on committees of the society,
presenting your research and scholarship
at the annual APA convention, and enjoying the congenial fellowship of like-minded
Benefits of Membership
• The Review of General Psychology, Division
1’s outstanding journal
• The General Psychologist, the Division 1
newsletter—the best newsletter in psychology • Discounts on Division 1 books, which
include six volumes of Pioneers in Psychology
• Exciting programs at APA, including talks
by distinguished award winners
• Great people who support coherence
among psychology’s many subfields
• Low dues
Types of Memberships
1. APA Member, Associate, Fellow: Dues $25,
includes journal and newsletter
2. Student Affiliate (belong to APA or not):
Dues $3, add $22 for journal (total $25)
3. Professional Affiliate (professional who
does not belong to APA): Dues $3, add $22
for journal (total $25)
Application for Membership
The Society for
General Psychology
Division 1 of the
American Psychological Association
CountryZip/Postal Code
Office Phone
APA Membership Number
Present Membership in APA:
qFellow/Member/Associate qStudent Affiliate qNone
Special Offer: All new memberships are free for the
first year and do NOT include the journal. If you want
the journal, pay the fee indicated below.
Member/ Professional Student
Affiliate Affiliate
Division w/journal q$22
Division no journal qFree
Credit Card: qMasterCard qVisa qAmericanExpress
Cardholder Name
Billing Address
Credit Card Number
Expiration DateAmount
Make checks payable to Division 1 and send to APA
Division 1, 750 First Street, NE, Washington, DC 200024242. To join and pay online, go to
unifying psychology
About Us
Our Awards
The Society for General Psychology’s goal is to
create coherence among psychology’s diverse
specialties by encouraging members to incorporate
multiple perspectives from psychology’s subdisciplines into their research, theory, and practice.
Division 1 welcomes membership from academic
scientists, professional practitioners, and psychologists whose main concern is the public interest.
Anne Anastasi General Psychology Graduate
Student Research Award
Named for the APA past-president and co-founder
of the division and funded by the Anne Anastasi
Raymond Corsini Student Poster Award
Candidates should submit their poster abstract
upon call for APA convention programs.
Our Publications
Review of General Psychology, the Division 1 journal,
seeks to publish innovative theoretical, conceptual, or methodological articles that cross-cut the
traditional subdisciplines of psychology. The journal
contains articles that advance theory, evaluate
and integrate research literatures, provide a new
historical analysis, or discuss new methodological
developments in psychology as a whole.
The General Psychologist, the official newsletter of
Division 1, is published two to three times annually.
It includes division announcements, coverage of
events, book reviews, and theoretical discussions
spanning across the discipline of psychology.
The Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology series
dates back to the mid-1970s when Patricia KeithSpiegel, Norman Weckler, Michael Wertheimer and
Wilson Wilsoncroft invited well-known psychologists to present informal biographies of giants in
the history of psychology at the conventions of
the Western and Rocky Mountain Psychological
Arthur W. Staats Lecture for Unifying
This award is funded through the American
Psychological Foundation after nomination by
Division 1. The lecture is presented at the APA
Our Mentoring Program
Division 1 is pleased to announce a new mentoring
program designed to help Early Career Psychologists successfully navigate the beginning of their
careers. Mentors can offer advice and guidance
regarding the key elements of academic life—
teaching, research, and service. They can also offer
wisdom gained by experience regarding learning to
balance one’s time, serving on college or university
committees, networking successfully, and learning
to deal with departmental or workplace politics.
Naturally, too, mentors can provide advice on research aspirations, creating a professional CV and
writing cover letters, and recommending ways for
junior colleagues to become active in the American
Psychological Association, particularly Division 1.
C. Alan Boneau Award
This award recognizes outstanding service to the
Ernest R. Hilgard Lifetime Achievement Award
This award recognizes distinguished career
contributions to the field of general psychology.
George A. Miller Award for an Outstanding
Recent Article on General Psychology
This award is for an outstanding article on general
psychology, published within the past 5 years.
William James Book Award
This award is intended to honor and publicize a
recent (published within the last 5 years) book that
serves to integrate material across psychological
subfields or to provide coherence to the diverse
subject matter of psychology.