Reading Pals Voluntee ll Camp Wm Kelly Youth Footba Summer Wanes at 016 BER 2 M E T SEP E: ... 2 IS S U .......... gram ...... 4 s Pro .. l .. a .. P s r ing ache Read 14 -2 3 ew Te ........ ome N ses.... s Welc a .... 27 l C am.... unity ro gr Comm ery P t s a M Aging IS IN T H – NextaIrssyu2e017 ! Janu Stewar t Lake rs Needed Reading Pals Program AGE to age will be bringing generations together through Reading PALS at Minnehaha Elementary School. Launching this fall, this exciting initiative enables elders, adults, and youth to explore how their generations are both alike and different by sharing the love of reading. Pam Carlson will coordinate this after school program that will match community volunteers with children for about an hour once a week to read! Pam has her BS in Elementary Education and a Masters in Teaching and Learning. She is beginning her 28th year of teaching having taught grades K, 1, 5,6 and Title One. “I am really looking forward to working with the PALS program as it will provide our community with a wonderful opportunity for people of all generations to come together for one-on-one reading, sharing stories, and Pam Carlson Reading PALS Coordinator building relationships. The program will not only provide children with reading fluency practice, but it will also give our community members the chance to contribute to the education of our younger generation,” said Carlson. Minnehaha Principal Brett Archer is excited about the program possibilities. “It’s going to enhance our afterschool programming and my hope is for this to be the first of many other programs that are fun for kids and also support academics in out-of-school time at our school”. A visioning day was held last spring to begin the planning for Reading PALS. The goal is to integrate RP with Community Education offerings 2 including KIDS & Co. and other support programs such as the PASS program. We are partnering with the RSVP program of Lake County to recruit volunteers to become reading Pals. Are you interested in helping out? Do you love of kids and reading? A volunteer orientation and background check are required (no cost to the volunteer). Seniors citizens can gain RSVP volunteer hours and teens can earn their Community Service hours by helping with this program. If you are interested in reading with a Minnehaha student, get in touch with Pam at 834-8201, ext 8204 or AGE to age Reading Pals: Over the past several school years, the Reading Pals project has been piloted in the AGE to age sites of Proctor, McGregor, and Moose Lake. We are excited that Two Harbors is one of the new communities joining this effort. Thank you Northland Foundation. Lake INDEX N School District Superior MESSAGE FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT FOR LAKE SUPERIOR SCHOOL DISTRICT William Crandall Our schools are open for the 2016-2017 school year. We are excited to welcome new staff to the Lake Superior School District. You will be introduced to the new Lake Superior School District staff in this edition of the Good News. This year we have a new English Language Arts curriculum for the middle and high school courses. The English department researched English curriculums and found one that will meet the needs of our students. Part of the curriculum involves an online component. Because of this online component all the students in the high schools will have Chromebooks in the classrooms to work on their English courses. The English Language Arts staff have been working on getting the curriculum organized and ready for the start of the school year for our students. The school board sees the value of smaller class sizes in our elementary level classes. The district has added additional staff to the elementary schools to lower class sizes in our elementary schools. These lower class sizes will allow our staff to provide more individual attention to each child in their classrooms. A new program we encourage community members to get involved with is our Reading Pals program at the Minnehaha. Please consider being part of this outstanding program. The schools continue to offer programming to assist our students. We have Alternative Delivery of Specialized Instructional Service (ADSIS) and Title One to work on skills, primarily in reading and math. Targeted services programs are held after school for students to have fun with math and reading. Community Education has enrichment opportunities all ages throughout the school year. Reading Pals Program . . . . . . 2 Superintendent Message . . . 3 Welcome New Teachers . . . . . 4 AEOA Adult Education . . . . . . 5 Bulletin Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Upcoming Events . . . . . . . . . . 7 Northern Lake County Arts Board Fall Schedule . . . . . . . . 7 Councelor’s Corner . . . . . . . . . 8 Annual Holiday Trip . . . . . . . . 9 That’s Community Ed . . . . . . 10 Just Kids Dental . . . . . . . . . . 11 smiles@school . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Rusala, A Mermaid’s Tale . . . 12 Community Partners Mindful Aging of the North Shore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 ECFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Silver Bay Community Classes . . . . 14-16 Finland Community Classes . . . . . . . 17 Two Harbors Community Classes . . . . 18-23 Community Ed. Class Registration . . . . . . . . . 24 District Phone Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-26 Aging Mastory Program . . . 27 The staff is excited and looking forward to an outstanding school year. We thank you for allowing us to work with a precious resource in our communities, the children. We encourage you to come to the schools for concerts, athletic events, volunteering in classrooms and see what great things are taking place in the Lake Superior School District schools. We would Love for you to “LIKE” us. For the latest happenings for Community Education, check out our facebook page! We encourage you to post, comment, like and share our site. https://www.facebook. com/#!/LSSDCE Make us your resource for information! The district is looking for bus drivers. We need drivers for our extra-curricular events and substitutes for our daily bus routes. If you have an interest in becoming a school bus driver please contact the district office, 218-834-8201 x8216. It is the policy of the Lake Superior School District No. 381 not to discriminate on the basis of disability, sex, race, color or national origin in its educational programs, activities, or employment policies. The district has gone Google. The district migrated to a Google platform for email starting this school year. The change in our platform is a change in the email format, our new email address will be ending with @ instead of the old ending of @ If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns regarding the schools or the district please contact the Lake Superior School District office at 218-834-8201 or by email at 3 Welcome New Teachers PATTY ARMSTRONG 4th Grade Teacher at William Kelley School Patty was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She received her B.A. Elementary Education Minors: Math, English Lit. and German, at the University of Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s College. Patty has a daughter, Shannon. “I am very excited to be teaching again after a two year hiatus where I took care of my parents. William Kelley is an amazing community. I have never been made to feel so welcome. I’m truly blessed to be able to call Silver Bay home.” PAT BERTHIAUME Business Ed/Marketing Teacher at Two Harbors High School Pat was born and raised in Superior, Wisconsin. He received his degree in Business Administration-Finance at the University of Tulsa, and Broad Field Social Studies-History at UW Superior. Pat and his wife, Cathy, have a daughter, Caitlyn. He will also be a DECA Advisor at THHS this year. “I am excited to be on board with the Lake Superior School District and Two Harbors High School. I look forward to serving the students and families with the district.” KERRI BILBEN Band Director at William Kelley High School Kerri was born in Chicago, Illinois and grew up there and in Bayfield, Wisconsin. She received her degree at DePaul University, Bemidji State University, and University of Nevada, Las Vegas. “I am very happy to be part of the amazing community of Silver Bay.” ROBIN CHURCHILL Special Education Teacher at Minnehaha Elementary School Row 1: Bobbie Mattson, Kerri Bilben, Robin Churchill, Sarah Edlund, Pat Berthiaume Row 2: Patty Armstrong, Darci Claflin, Katie Fritz, Mike Krussow, Julie Racchi Not pictured: Janelle Fahlin and Molly Gadsby JANELLE FAHLIN 2nd Grade Teacher at Minnehaha Elementary School Janelle grew up in the suburbs of Minneapolis and Chicago. She received a degree in Elementary Education at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb. Janelle and her husband have four grown sons and three beautiful grandchildren. “Living in northern Minnesota is like being on vacation every day. I’m excited to work with families of Lake Superior School district and their children.” KATIE FRITZ English Teacher at William Kelley High School Katie was born and raised in Appleton, WI. She received a BA from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and a Masters from the University of Minnesota, Duluth. Katie’s husband is David Butcher. She will be the director of the One Act Play in Silver Bay this year. “I’m excited to be returning to the English classroom. And stay tuned for another great high school one act play!” Robin earned a BS in Elementary Education and a BA in Psychology from the University of Minnesota, Duluth. She recently completed her MA in Special Education and EBD at the University of Concordia in St. Paul, Minnesota. “I am very excited to dedicate myself fully to special education at Minnehaha Elementary School this next year.” MOLLY GADSBY DARCI CLAFLIN Mike was born and raised in Loretto, Minnesota. He received his degree in Integrated Elementary Education and Special Education from the University of Minnesota, Duluth. “It is great to be back in the area and I am looking forward to a great year here at William Kelley.” 1st Grade Teacher at William Kelley Elementary School Darci was born and raised in Two Harbors. She received a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Elementary Education at the University of Minnesota Duluth. Darci and her husband, Luke, have two children: Ryan and Calli. “I am a proud Two Harbors High School graduate. I am very excited to be a teacher in the Lake Superior School District! The William Kelley staff has been so welcoming to me and made me feel a part of their team. I am looking forward to meeting my students and getting to know the families within the Silver Bay community! We will have a wonderful year!” SARA EDLUND Special Education Teacher at Minnehaha Elementary School Sara was born and raised in Two Harbors. She received a BS in Elementary Education and Special Education from Grand Canyon University. Sara and her husband, Nik, have three children: Kaden, Hattie, and Landon. Sara has been a member of the Two Harbors PTA for many years and is still actively involved. “I am very excited to work in this district with all of the amazing teachers and staff.” 4 School Nurse at William Kelley School Molly was born and raised in Silver Bay. She received her degree at The College of Saint Scholastica. She and her husband, Mike, have two children; Griffin and Kennedy. MIKE KRUSSOW 4th Grade Teacher at William Kelley Elementary School BOBBIE MATTSON Special Education Teacher at Two Harbors High School Bobbie was born and raised in Bartlett, Illinois, which is a northwest suburb of Chicago. She received her Bachelors in Special Education, Deaf and Hard of Hearing at Northern Illinois University; and her Masters in Special Education, Developmental and Cognitive Disabilities at North Dakota University. Bobbie and her husband, Curtis, have a son, AJ and a daughter, Dani. “I’m very excited to be working at Two Harbors High School and look forward to a wonderful year”. JULIE RACCHI Special Education Teacher at Two Harbors High School Julie was born and raised in Two Harbors. She received her degree at the Grand Canyon University. Julie has three children: Olivia, Jacob and Ellie. AEOA Adult Education Class sites conveniently located throughout the region. Call for a class time and location near you: 800-662-5711 ext. 2112 I M P O R TA N T ! All classes are offered at no cost to students. • GED preparation • College preparation • English as a Second Language • Basic skills brush-up • Career assessment • Basic computer skills We now offer a Distance Learning option for GED students! HELP YOUR SCHOOL RAISE MONEY! Elementary students are collecting Coke caps and Box Tops for Education to earn cash for our schools. The box tops are on hundreds of products found in the grocery store such as: General Mills, Betty Crocker, Pillsbury and Ziploc. In Two Harbors, items can be brought to teachers at the Minnehaha. Silver Bay PTSO is also collecting: • Our Family Brand barcodes • Zups Grocery Store receipts for the Tools for Schools Program In Silver Bay bring the items to the drop off location outside the Community Education office in the William Kelley School or Zups Grocery Store. Late Starts Due to Weather Parents: Please be aware that we will be utilizing a calling system to notify you of school closings and other important information. If the early morning weather is questionable we may announce a two (2) hour late start. Please plan accordingly with your day care providers and family caretakers. Notification will take place between 5:00 and 5:45 AM. We also report to local media. In addition, it is important to know that as a parent, if at any time you feel the weather situation would put your child at risk, you can keep them home without an absence deduct. If you have any questions, feel free to call to discuss them with your child’s building principal. 5 Bulletidn Boar HOME-SCHOOL STUDENTS Home-school students must register with the Lake Superior School District and have their immunizations on file. To receive the paperwork necessary to register your children, please call the District Office at 834-8201, ext. 8216. SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS School board meetings are regularly scheduled for the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM. Any individual or group wishing to address the School Board, must contact the District Office at (218) 834-8201, ext. 8216 no later than 3:00 PM, four business days prior to the meeting you wish to attend. PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES NOVEMBER 9 & 10 Parent-teacher conference will be held Wednesday, November 9, 5-8 PM; and Thursday, November 10, all day and 5-8 PM. Parents will be contacted by their child’s teacher regarding a conference time. No school Thursday, November 10 for all students. RECYCLING UPDATE The Two Harbors High School Enviro Club will be recycling ink cartridges and cell phones once again. This program allows us to raise money while helping to protect the environment. Please bring your used ink cartridges or cell phones to the Principal’s office or room 1214. Please call advisor Penny Juenemann at 834-8201 ext. 8287 if you have any questions. NOTES FROM THE NURSES’ OFFICES Welcome to the 2016/17 school year. We are so excited to see the students return and eager to learn! Here’s to a healthy school year for all! A HUGE welcome to Molly Gadsby, our newest Licensed School Nurse! Molly will be working at William Kelley Schools. Molly has been a Public Health Nurse for 3 years working primarily in Maternal Child Health programs. She is a lifelong resident of Silver Bay and brings great experience and excitement to her new position. Please stop by and welcome Molly to William Kelley. 6 TIPS TO GET THE SCHOOL YEAR OFF TO A HEALTHY START: • Stick to a healthy sleep schedule. Students need 8-10 hours of sleep each night. Good sleep habits include having a regular bedtime routine and turning off electronic devices at least 30 minutes before going to bed. • We all need to refuel our tank in the morning. Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day! Having something in your stomach will prevent the mid-morning slump that gets in the way of learning. Remember, there is always breakfast available at school! • Bring a water bottle to school and drink water all day long. School policy allows students to carry clear water bottles. Adequate hydration will help keep you alert, minimize headaches and ward off illness. Remember, up to 90% of our bodies are water. • Hand washing is the most effective way to fight illness! Wash with soap and water for 20 seconds before eating and after blowing your nose or using the bathroom. Hand sanitizer works, too, if soap and water aren’t available. • Finally, if you have a fever of 100.5’ without fever reducing medication, unexplained rash or are unable to participate in regular activities at school, we ask that you stay home. JUST A FEW MORE THINGS... Please remember that if a student becomes ill after they arrive at school, they must be assessed by the nurse before they can go home. This assures that ill students receive initial care and we know students are safe. Medication, even over-the-counter, must be brought from home and the proper forms completed before medication can be given at school. Our goal is to assure a healthier school community for all. Please let us know how we can help! Minnehaha Nurse’s Office 834-8201 x8434 THHS Nurse’s Office 834-8201 x8212 WKS Nurse’s Office 226-4437 x8101 Enjoy the school year everyone! E-STORE Parents can pay for K-12 lunch and high school activity fees online at – click on e-Store. U P C O M I N G E V E N T S LAKE SUPERIOR SCHOOL DISTRIC T SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 14KHS/KES Open House, 5:00 – 8:00 PM 21Community Education Advisory Council Meeting, WKS & THHS, at Noon 30 3Quarter Ends 3, 4, 5THHS Choir Variety Show 4Teacher Workshop 8Election Day 9Annual Veterans Day Music Program for school and community, 2:00 PM, Minnehaha Gym THHS Homecoming OCTOBER 14KHS Homecoming 9Conferences, 5-8 PM 18Little Opera of the North – Rusalka, 9:00 AM, Minnehaha Gym 9Community Education Advisory Council Meeting, WKS & THHS, at Noon 10No School, Conferences all day and 5-8 PM 15THHS Fall Band Concert, Grades 6-12 20 & 21 Schools Closed, MEA 25 KHS Variety Show 18Christmas City of the North Parade 5THHS High School Band/ Choir Concert 7KES Elementary Music Program, 2:30 PM 9Teacher Workshop 12THHS Middle School Band/Choir Concert 12KHS Holiday Music Celebration (Band & Choir) 23-30Schools Closed, Christmas Break JANUARY 2Schools Closed, Christmas Break 3 School Resumes 19 End of Semester 20 Teacher Workshop 24 & 25Schools Closed, Thanksgiving Complete calendar available online at N O R T H E R N A R T S B O A R D L A K E C O U N T Y F A L L S C H E D U L E Sept. 18- 2:00 pm - C lassical Pianist, Peter Arnstein - Kelley Auditorium- Admission $10. Oct 6- 1:00 pm - Minnesota Ballet Performance - Kelley Auditorium - Admission Free. - Minnesota Ballet Residency with grades K-6 (Oct. 3-6). Oct. 8- 7:00 pm - T he Music of Patsy Cline, featuring Cassie and the Bobs - William Kelley Auditorium - Admission $15. Nov. 3- 7:00 pm - P erformance by Lost Forty (Brian Miller & Randy Gosa William Kelley Auditorium - Admission $10 The Lost Forty will be doing a one-day residency with students on Nov. 3rd. 7 Counselor Corner ATTENTION THHS AND WKHS SENIORS GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Seniors will be receiving a current copy of their transcripts during homeroom in the first few weeks of school. Students should carefully review these transcripts and let the Guidance Office know immediately if they feel there are any errors or if they have questions. As students apply for academic programs and scholarships, their transcripts will serve as the academic record that schools and committees review, so it is imperative that these are accurate. While the Guidance Office reviews each senior’s progress toward graduation, it is also critical that students review their courses against graduation requirements and make any adjustments to their schedules as soon as possible if needed. Transcript grades are also available on the Parent Portal at any time for review. Kerri Persons, 10th-12th grade Guidance Counselor, is available by calling 834-8201 Ext. 8206 or on email at (Please note the email change). WKHS Counselor Michelle Gagnon, and/or Principal Joe Nicklay, will be meeting individually with Kelley students the first month of school to discuss graduation requirements. If you have any questions, feel free to call 218-226-4437 ext. 8134 or ext. 8101, email at or BRAG SHEETS In preparation for completing college and scholarship applications, seniors are encouraged to fill out a Brag Sheet and make copies of this sheet. A Brag Sheet is a tool available in the Guidance Office that helps students focus their thoughts regarding their own strengths, abilities, goals, etc. Brag Sheets can be used as a resource when students are asked to write essays for various applications and copies can also be given to staff when students ask them to write letters of recommendation on their behalf. While several of the application and scholarship deadlines are later in the year, it is a good idea for students to take time now to fill out a Brag Sheet so that they have it readily available throughout the year when various deadlines 8 approach. Many teachers find Brag Sheets particularly helpful when writing letters of recommendation and will request that students provide a copy for them. In addition to filling out a Brag Sheet, students should also compile a list of all the activities (both at school and within the community) that they have been involved in during their 9th-12th grade years. Almost all applications request this information and having a list already compiled will be another helpful resource as deadlines approach. SENIOR MEETINGS Seniors are encouraged to set up a time with Ms. Persons, 10th-12th grade Guidance Counselor, to discuss their post-secondary plans. The Guidance Office will provide information on scholarship opportunities, post-secondary application processes, financial aid, etc., throughout the year via senior class meetings, daily announcements/Parent Portal announcements, postings outside the office and specific evening presentations for both scholarships and FAFSA preparation assistance. Senior students and parents are welcome at any time to call, email or set an appointment with the Guidance Office to assist in future planning. PSAT TEST The PSAT test will be given at THHS and WKHS on Wednesday, October 19th. This test is recommended for juniors in the top 30-40% of their class as a preparation for taking college entrance tests later this year or next fall. More information will be provided to juniors later in September regarding this test, so students should pay attention to daily announcements and information provided in homeroom. ACT Seniors who would like to retake the ACT should register online at; practice materials can be found both online and in the Guidance Offices. The ACT will be offered at Two Harbors High School and William Kelley High School on Tuesday, April 18th for any juniors who want to take it. The ACT test may be administered in Silver Bay on October 22, and April 8, if enough students are registered for the test. If a student misses the testing dates in Silver Bay the test may be taken on one of the other test dates in Duluth. The ACT test is also given on the following dates in the Duluth area: Test Date October 22, 2016 December 10, 2016 February 11, 2017 April 8, 2017 June 10, 2017 Registration Deadline September 16, 2016 November 4, 2016 January 13, 2017 March 3, 2017 May 5, 2017 WKHS STUDENTS AND PARENTS Senior students planning on attending college next year should spend time in the career center; talk with the college recruiters visiting our school, and pay close attention to the daily announcements. Additional information and help can be obtained from the counselor. Next spring there will be a college representative at WKHS providing a session on how to fill out FAFSA forms (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). The WKHS scholarship booklet, containing information on local scholarships, will be available in the guidance office or in the high school library. LSSD #381 COMPREHENSIVE TESTING 2016-2017 Students in the Lake Superior School District are required by the state of Minnesota to take the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments. These assessments are commonly known as the MCA, MTAS, or ACCESS exams. Prior to the MCA testing, teachers may also give the OPLA which is a practice test to help prepare students for the MCA assessments. In addition to the state required tests, LSSD also administers the NWEA or MAP assessments. These assessments are used to show student progress and growth over the course of the year. Minnesota state statutes also require school districts to offer during the school day an assessment to determine if students are college or career ready. In 2016-2017 school year, we will again be offering all juniors, or seniors who did not take it as a junior, the opportunity to take the ACT. There will be no cost to the students for the 2016-2017 school year. View the full testing schedule for 2016-2017 on the district website: Annual Holiday Trip Set for December 3 • 6 :00 AM - Depart Two Harbors from the THHS parking lot on Cedar Road • 6 :30 AM - Pick up Perkins on London Road • 7:45 AM - Breakfast at Tobie’s in Hinckley (approx. 45 minutes) • Drop off at Rosedale • Drop off at IKEA and Mall of America • 1:15 PM - Pick up at IKEA and drop off at Mall of America • 1:30 PM - The bus will allow you to switch malls and store your purchases in the middle of the day. • 2 :00 PM – Bus leaves Rosedale to return to Mall of America • 5:45 PM - Leave Mall of America • 6 :30 PM - Leave Rosedale • Stop in Forest Lake for a quick dinner (fast food) • Return to Two Harbors at approx. 10:30 PM $47 per person. Fees must be paid by Tuesday, Nov. 15. No refunds will be made unless the trip is canceled. Call Community Education, 834-8201, ext. 8230 or 226-4437, ext. 8137 for more information. Bring large bags with name tags to store your purchases in bus. “Shop Local!” REMINDER TO Whether you are going on this shopping trip or not, remember many local stores offer discounts and sale specials on items that make great gift ideas! Do your best to support local business in Lake County. Community Education gift certificates are also available. 9 Learning, Leading, Linking CENSUS UPDATE • Are you new to the district with an infant or preschooler? • Do you have an addition to your family? • Have you moved? • Has your phone number changed? IS YOUR CHILD 3 ½? EARLY CHILDHOOD SCREENING REQUIRED Early childhood years from birth to kindergarten are an important time of rapid learning and growth! Early Childhood Screening is REQUIRED for entrance in Minnesota’s public schools. This free screening is a brief, simple procedure used to identify potential health or developmental problems in children between the ages of three and four. A trained professional will check • Hearing and vision • Height and weight • Immunizations • Large and small muscles • Thinking, language and communication skills • Social and emotional development This screening is important, please make it a priority. Contact Sandi at 218-834-8201 extension 8230 or Kim at 218-226-4437 extension 8158 when your child is 3 1/2 to schedule a screening. PRESCHOOL If you need information about preschool in Two Harbors and Silver Bay, please call 218-834-8201, ext. 8230 or 218-226-4437, ext. 8137. PROJECT READ (Red Book Shelves) New or gently used children’s books appropriate for birth to age five are being collected at the Community Education offices. These books are redistributed free at Red Book Shelves at the following locations: Two Harbors: Laundromat, Two Harbors Federal Credit Union, Lake County Services Bldg. Beaver Bay: Laundromat Silver Bay: Mary Mac REMINDER! Facility Scheduling is now paperless! Requests should be made online. To become a requester: http://fsisd381.rschooltoday. com/authentication/credential/requesterlogin Questions? Please get in touch with our Community Education Director, Chris Langenbrunner or 218-834-8201, ext. 8227. 10 To update your family account and to verify that your family is included in the current school district census statistics, call 834-8201, ext. 8230 or 226-4437, ext. 8158. It is important that you don’t miss out on special communications mailed to families with preschoolers. COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY COUNCIL The Community Education Advisory Board meets four times a year. We welcome your ideas, suggestions, concerns and questions. Our meetings are open to the public. Please call Sandi at 834-8201, ext. 8230 or Jaime at 226-4437, ext. 8137 if you would like to attend a meeting. CURRENT COUNCIL MEMBERS: Debbie Alm Michelle Backes-Fogelberg Tom Clifford Deade Johnson Jan Ringer Karen Tucker Paul Borg Greg Hanson Maggie King Shelby Wrege Mary Aijala Tom Burns Barbara Houle-Schwanke Dick Sigel The Advisory Council meets four times a year. We welcome your ideas, suggestions, concerns and questions. Our meetings are open to the public. If you would like more information, or would like to attend a meeting, please contact Chris Langenbrunner, Community Education Director, 218-834-8201, ext. 8227. REGISTER ONLINE FOR COMMUNITY EDUCATION CLASSES! Signing up for Community Education classes is easy! Just go to our Web site at and click on Community Education. Next, click on the Classes & Registration button on the navigation bar. There you can view the current class schedule, choose a class and pay for it using your debit or credit card. It’s that easy and convenient. Sign up today! Reminder! Facility Scheduling is now paperless! Requests should be made online. To become a requester: http:// requesterlogin Questions? Please get in touch with our Community Education Director, Chris Olafson Langenbrunner, or 218-834-8201, ext. 8227. 2016-2017 SCHOOL-BASED DENTAL PROGRAM Visit your school secretary or nurse to pick up a Just Kids Dental consent form to enroll in the program. DEAR PARENT/GUARDIAN: Did you know an oral health program is available at your child’s school? Just Kids Dental (JKD) partners with your school district at no charge to provide oral health education and preventive services to underserved children at your child’s school. The program focuses on economically disadvantaged children enrolled in Medicaid and low-income children without any insurance coverage per available limited grant funding. Families covered under private insurance are encouraged to continue care at their established family dentist. A parental consent MUST be completed in INK and returned to school prior to your child receiving services. Complete a SEPARATE form for EACH eligible child. “By coming in to the school, Just Kids Dental helps students remain healthy, stay in school so they can learn and develop lifelong healthy habits. Just Kids Dental’s staff is kind, patient and gentle. They make the experience fun and students walk away feeling better and successful! We are extremely fortunate to have Just Kids Dental provide this valuable and health giving service to our students.” Bill Crandall, Superintendent, Lake Superior School District Services provided by a Registered Dental Hygienist include: Phone 218.206.4327 • • • • • • Oral Hygiene Instruction Screening Dental Cleaning Fluoride Application (helps keep teeth strong & prevent cavities) Sealants (if needed) A sealant is a thin, plastic, coating that is painted on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth to form a shield over the tooth to prevent cavities Oral Health Kit which includes: age appropriate toothbrush, toothpaste, floss and sticker or pencil Services available to children at Minnehaha Elementary (PK-5) and William Kelley Schools (PK-12) Smiles at school coming to William Kelley First Graders this month! Watch for more Info! Smiles@School is the result of Delta Dental of Minnesota Foundation and Minnesota Department of Health coming together in 2014 to improve the oral health of Minnesota. Smiles@School is a statewide oral health initiative funded by Delta Dental of Minnesota Foundation. First graders are in their formative years when early education can be critical and healthy habits are properly established. At this age, most have begun to lose primary teeth. The goal is to bring Smiles@School to every first grade student in Minnesota as part of a back-toschool initiative to remind students—and their parents—about the importance of good oral health through education and preventive activities. 11 Lyric Opera of the North’s “Little Opera of the North” returns to the Minnehaha to present: Rusalka, A Mermaid’s Tale (the original Little Mermaid) October 18, 2016 9 am – Minnehaha Elementary Gym This original adaptation from Opera for the Young in Madison, Wisconsin unites Dvorak’s lush music with the touching tale of a young mermaid in of Rusalka. Understanding and accepting difference is a powerful subject highlighted in this tale of magical romance, loss, and the redemptive power of love. Sixteen students from the Minnehaha will perform on stage as the Creatures of the Reef. And sixteen other students will have the opportunity to sing in the side chorus. Last year LOON brought us “Hansel and Gretel”. Join Community Partners for our 2016 Annual Conference: “Mindful Aging on the North Shore” Tuesday, October 18th, 2016 10:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Superior Shores Resort, Two Harbors, MN $15.00 per person* *Registration Fee includes lunch, keynote speaker, panel session, and information resource fair To register: print the registration form at or call our office at 218-834-8024 THANKS TO OUR 2016 SPONSORS: Lake View Hospital, Ecumen Scenic Shores, Lake Superior School District #381 Community Education, Two Harbors Federal Credit Union, Sonju Two Harbors, Carefree Living – Silver Bay 12 ECFE ECFE offers parents hands on learning experiences that will nourish a lifetime of teachable moments. Together, parents and children, newborn to pre-kindergarten age, participate in activities and experiences that foster children’s social, emotional, cognitive, physical and language development. Detailed Mixed Age session and New Buds information is available in the August Good News and the ECFE Newsletter. Registration is now open at TWO HARBORS ECFE PLAY AND LEARN Join us to play, learn and make new friends in the ECFE room. This is an informal play time. Parents and children stay together at Play & Learn. This is a great place to introduce your child to the ECFE room and make new friends while you are there. Fun, appropriate and educational activities are offered each week. The fee is $1 per family per week. THHS Room 2210 (New Room), Tuesdays, 9:30 – 11:30 AM September 13 – December 6 January 10 — May 2 No Play and Learn: February 21 SILVER BAY PLAY & LEARN Silver Bay ECFE’s Play & Learn time will look a little different this year. Play & Learn will be offered every week however, special activities will be offered on the first Thursday of the month. Each session will have carefully planned activities focused on learning, playing and having fun. The session will begin at 10 AM with group activities including stories, music and table activities followed by free play time. WKS Room 104, Thursdays, 10:00-11:30 AM October 6 – Messy Play November 3 – Be a scientist December 1 - Music Regular Play & Learn days featuring fun, appropriate and educational activities and time to make new friends will be held on Thursdays, from 10:00-11:30 AM, October 13-November 17. No Play & Learn in Silver Bay October 20 and November 10 & 24. ECFE GYM NIGHT Join us to play in the gym! Run, jump, throw, pedal and exercise. Everyone with children ages one to prekindergarten five is welcome. You do not need to be registered for ECFE to attend Gym Night. The fee is $1 per child. ECFE is looking for a supervisor for Gym Night in Two Harbors. Two Harbors Minnehaha Gym Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 PM November 2*, 16, 30 December 7 January 18, 25 February 1, 8, 15 March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 *Featuring Play as You Grow With Kim Pierson Silver Bay William Kelley Elementary Gym Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 PM January 4, 11, 18, 25 February 1, 8, 15 March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Silver Bay ECFE 218-226-4437 ext. 8158 Two Harbors ECFE 218-834-8201 ext. 8362 Community Education 218-834-8201 ext. 8230 218-226-4437 ext. 8158 Facebook Lake Superior School District ECFE 13 Silver Bay Community Education AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES HOMEWORK HELP, GRADES 1-6 Designed for students in grades 1-6 needing help with their homework. Will meet Mondays and Tuesdays, from 3:30 - 5:00 in the Elem. Computer Lab Room 101 during the After School Program. Students may attend one or both days. They must stay until 5:00, unless picked up by a parent. No fee. No need to pre-register. Each day of attendance, students must sign-up by noon outside the Community Education office. 09/19/2016-12/13/2016 Mondays and Tuesdays, 3:30 PM—5:00 PM Computer Room 101 No Fee BABYSITTER CLINIC, GRADES 5-6 This is a 6 hour class for boys and girls in 5th and 6th grade. Learn basic safety/babysitting skills that will prepare you to stay home alone and to be a dependable, capable babysitter when the time comes. You must attend all day to receive certification. Please bring a bag lunch. PLEASE NOTE DATE AND TIME. NO CLASS NOV. 8. Instructor: Sharon Searls 10/7/2016 Friday, 8:00 AM—2:00 PM ITV Room 103-A/Telepresence $10.00 JR. CHEER, GRADES K-6 Put a little pep in you step by learning your favorite cheers and chants. Half time show, date and time to be determined. Gym shoes and clothes required. PLEASE NOTE DATE AND TIME. Instructor: Alex Swartout 10/11/2016-12/13/2016 Tuesdays, 6:00 PM—7:00 PM WKHS Auditorium Lobby $15.00 AFTERSCHOOL SWIM MONDAYS, GRADES K-6 Splash and have fun with your friends. Bring your suit and towel. Must wear a swim cap. PLEASE NOTE NO CLASS ON: Oct. 31 - Nov.7 - Dec. 5 Instructor: Jamie Gnerer 10/17/2016-12/19/2016 Mondays, 3:30 PM—5:00 PM WKHS Pool $14.00 AFTERSCHOOL SWIM WEDNESDAYS, GRADES K-6 Splash and have fun with your friends. Bring your suit and towel. Must wear a swim cap. PLEASE NOTE NO CLASS ON: Nov. 9, 23 - Dec. 7 Instructor: Jamie Gnerer 10/12/2016-12/14/2016 Wednesdays, 3:30 PM—5:00 PM WKHS Pool $14.00 14 BALLOON CREATIONS I, GRADES K-6 With a few twists and turns a long straight balloon can become a dog, flower or airplane. We will learn the skills to inflate balloons, create the basic twists, folds, and locks to sculpt your creations. Please note: Latex balloons are used in this class. 10/12/2016-11/02/2016 Wednesdays, 3:30 PM—5:00 PM WKHS Library $10.00 CREATING FUSED GLASS PENDANTS Let Bonnie show you how fun and easy it is to make pendants, earrings, and other glass art pieces using dichroic and fusible glass elements. In addition to learning about fusing glass components, each student will create (4) four pieces that can be used in jewelry making by adding a bale, drilling hole or wire wrapping after the pieces have been fused in the kiln. All supplies provided for this workshop. Register by 10/5. Instructor: Bonnie Warner 10/7/2016 Friday, 10:00 AM—1:00 PM WKHS Library $25.00 BALLOON CREATIONS II, GRADES K-6 This is an extension of Balloon Creations I. Now that we have the basic skills, we can begin to sculpt some more difficult creations such as a dragon, a spaceship or ring toss game. Please note: Latex balloons are used in this class. 11/16/2016-12/07/2016 Wednesdays, 3:30 PM—5:00 PM WKHS Library $10.00 COOKING AND BAKING WITH KIDS, GRADES K-6 Learn cooking and baking basics, while having fun cooking and baking easy, healthy, fun meals and snacks. NO CLASS Oct. 20, Nov. 10, 24 Instructor: Gigi Maxwell 10/13/2016-12/15/2016 Thursdays, 3:30 PM—5:00 PM FACS Room 115 $11.00 POTTERY PAINTING FOR KIDS, GRADES K-6 ARTS, CRAFTS AND HOBBIES The Pottery Burn Studio located in Duluth will bring the studio to you! The kids PICK their pottery, they PAINT their pottery, then the studio will glaze and FIRE it for them. With the Holidays around the corner your child can make and create the perfect gift! If they would like they will have the opportunity to make a tag for their gift. When the pottery pieces arrive they will be place in gift bags (no peeking!!!) with the gift tags they made and sent home with your child. Cost of class includes one pottery piece of their choice: - cereal bowl, x-cookie plate, - snowman, - square ornament with hand print on 1 side and their own design on the other, - Memory Wall Plaque with hand prints. Please PICK your pottery piece and register prior to 11/7. Instructor: Amanda Korhonen 11/14/2016 Monday, 3:30 PM—5:00 PM Art Room 205 $15.00 LOG CABIN HEXI POTHOLDER Machine stitch a modern version of a log-cabin potholder. Pattern, batting, and insula-bright will be included. You can bring your own fabrics (2 1/2 inch strips of three colors of fabric plus a fat quarter), or purchase a kit for $5. This is a basic machine sewing class. Students under 12, are welcome with an adult. Bring your sewing machine in good working order, scissors, and straight pins. Register by 10/4 . Instructor: Charlene Harkins 10/11/2016 Tuesday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM WKHS Library $15.00 UPCYCLED CHRISTMAS CARDS The holidays are just around the corner and what better way to express your holiday wishes then with a handmade card...but with a twist. This workshop takes the commercial cards received from last year and “up-cycles” them with a variety of card techniques, bling, embellishments, ribbons, bows and more to create a STACK of personalized cards from trash to treasure. If you are new to card making or a seasoned artisan, this workshop offers a wide variety of tricks, tips and techniques that will overload you with holiday card making ideas for fun, fast and elegant cards. Students can bring any old cards they have to use in class. All supplies are provided. Register by 10/26. Instructor: Bonnie Warner 10/28/2016 Friday, 10:00 AM—2:00 PM WKHS Library $25.00 MAKE-AND-TAKE FELT ORNAMENTS Hand stitch on felt to create a Scandinavian inspired ornament. Stitches include straight stitch, back stitch, colonial knot, and blanket stitch. No stitching experience needed. All supplies will be provided. Extra kits can be purchased for $5. Register by 11/8. Register by 10/25. Instructor: Charlene Harkins 11/1/2016 Tuesday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM WKHS Library $12.00 PAY AND REGISTER ONLINE TODAY AT LEARNING TO WIRE WRAP This workshop introduces students to the dynamic world of wire wrapping. When this workshop is complete, each student will be comfortable with the 23 basic steps needed to wire wrap a piece of jewelry, create a “stack band”, twist wire, make bales and embellish a stone, button, or glass pendant. A good follow-up for the fused glass workshop. Students should bring several flat pieces (approx. 2-3” in diameter) they would like to wrap. All supplies will be provided. Register by 11/9 . Instructor: Bonnie Warner 11/11/2016 Friday, 10:00 AM—2:00 PM WKHS Library $25.00 POTTERY PAINTING The Pottery Burn Studio located in Duluth will bring the studio to you! You PICK your pottery, you PAINT your pottery, then they will glaze and FIRE it for you. You will be contacted when your pottery piece is available for pick up in the Community Ed. office. Cost of class is $10.00 plus the cost of the pottery piece you choose. A mug $16, a plate $16, cereal bowl $10, a 6.25’’ snowman $20 or a snowman ornament $10 . Please register and PICK out your pottery prior to 11/7. Instructor: Amanda Korhonen 11/14/2016 Monday, 5:30 PM—7:00 PM Art Room 205 $10.00 FABRIC FLOWERS Another wonderful “gift” workshop. This workshop uses various fabrics and dies to make 3-D flowers to use as jacket or sweater pendants, gift box embellishments or hair pieces. We will use several different dies from Sizzix and Stampin’ Up, the Big Shot die cut machine and an endless choice of fabrics, buttons and bling to create 4 different flowers: a posie, a chrysanthemum, a lollipop and daisy. Perfect for “sweater-season” and gift giving. All supplies provided. Register by 11/16. Instructor: Bonnie Warner 11/18/2016 Friday, 10:00 AM—2:00 PM WKHS Library $25.00 FUN WITH POLYMER CLAY This dynamic workshop introduces students to the endless possibilities of polymer clay design. We will learn to blend, embellish, and roll out clay, make basic canes, create embellishments, jewelry pieces, and cover a container. In addition to learning about the various products, tools and techniques, we will also review storage and the endless industry resources. Even though you have to bake it... polymer clay is nothing to be afraid of. Fun for all level of crafter. All supplies provided. Register by 12/14. Instructor: Bonnie Warner 12/16/2016 Friday, 10:00 AM—2:00 PM WKHS Library $25.00 COMPUTER TRAINING COMPUTER AND DEVICE CONFIDENCE I Over the course of 4 weekly sessions, students will get comfortable with their own laptop, smartphone, iPad, etc by having questions answered, guided exercises with internet, email, Facebook, and more. Customized to your skill level and interests. Students will work at their own pace to gain technological knowledge and confidence. Bring your own device. Instructor: Cole Bauer 10/3/16 - 10/27/16 Mondays 6:00PM-8:00PM Computer Room 101 $40.00 COMPUTER AND DEVICE CONFIDENCE II Over the course of 4 weekly sessions, students will get comfortable with their own laptop, smartphone, iPad, etc by having questions answered, guided exercises with internet, email, Facebook, and more. Customized to your skill level and interests. Students will work at their own pace to gain technological knowledge and confidence. Bring your own device. Instructor: Cole Bauer 11/7/16 -11/28/16 Mondays 6:00PM-8:00PM Computer Room 101 $40.00 COOKING AND FOODS GARDEN MAKE-OVER Is your garden in need of a face lift? Are plants getting too big? Has the garden changed from sun to shade? Have you just gotten tired of the same old garden? While your current garden is still fresh in your mind, solve your design obstacles now and be ready to make garden changes when spring comes. Through both group and individual discussion, Master Gardeners will help you evaluate plant choices that will refresh your garden. Bring a photo or drawing of one garden you want to create again and the reasons(s) why. The class is limited to 10 people (a spouse may accompany for free, but please let us know). Register by 10/13. Instructed by Lake County Master Gardeners. Instructor: Kit Sitter 10/18/2016 Tuesday, 5:00 PM—7:00 PM WKHS Library $15.00 RETIREMENT STRATEGIES - ACCUMULATION Join us for a fun evening while you learn to make this Norwegian favorite. Bring containers to take home your Lefse. Class fee includes ingredients. Instructor: Paul Taintor 11/15/16 Tuesday, 6:00PM - 8:00PM FACS Room 115 $17 Prepare for retirement by building a financial strategy. Understand important concepts such as key ages, lifetime guaranteed income, asset allocation, as well as diversifying and protecting your assets which help you to live generously. Instructor: Gregory Hanson 10/25/2016 Tuesday, 6:30 PM—7:30 PM WKHS Library $5.00 GENERAL INTEREST DRIVER IMPROVEMENT 4-HOUR REFRESHER LEFSE MAKING DRIVER IMPROVEMENT - 8 HOUR This driver improvement course is the 8 hour, first time class. Taught by a MN Hwy Safety Center trained instructor, it will explore changes in laws, the latest vehicle technology, traffic safety and accident prevention, and provide you with easy-to-use defensive driving tips. Completion of this course allows for a 10% reduction on automobile insurance premiums for those age 55 and over. Feel free to bring a drink and snack to enjoy during the class. Instructor: Dean Skalicky 10/04/2016-10/05/2016 Tuesday and Wednesday, 5:00 PM—9:00 PM WKHS Library $26.00 DRIVER IMPROVEMENT 4-HOUR REFRESHER This driver improvement refresher course is for anyone who has already taken the 8 hour, first time class. Taught by a MN Hwy Safety Center trained instructor, it will explore changes in traffic laws, the latest vehicle technology, traffic safety, and accident prevention. Completion of this class qualifies for a 10% reduction on automobile insurance premiums in MN for those ages 55 and over. Feel free to bring a drink and snack to enjoy during the class. Instructor: Dean Skalicky 10/12/2016 Wednesday, 5:00 PM—9:00 PM WKHS Library $22.00 VISA AND MASTERCARD ACCEPTED FOR PAYMENT This driver improvement refresher course is for anyone who has already taken the 8 hour, first time class. Taught by a MN Hwy Safety Center trained instructor, it will explore changes in traffic laws, the latest vehicle technology, traffic safety, and accident prevention. Completion of this class qualifies for a 10% reduction on automobile insurance premiums in MN for those ages 55 and over. Feel free to bring a drink and snack to enjoy during the class. Instructor: Dean Skalicky 10/26/2016 Wednesday, 5:00 PM—9:00 PM WKHS Library $22.00 ESTATE PLANNING IS FOR EVERYONE - THE BASICS Adults in all stages of life and income levels can benefit from elements of Estate Planning! Attorney Ruthanne Hedstrom Vos, with Mathison & Vos, PLLC in Grand Marais, will discuss why it is important for all adults to have a few key legal documents in place in the event they become temporarily or permanently unable to make their own decisions. Financial powers of attorney, health care directives, and other legal documents will be covered, along with examples of well-known celebrities and the consequences of failing to plan. Instructor: Ruthanne Hedstrom Vos 11/02/2016 Wednesday, 6:30 PM—8:00 PM WKHS Library $5.00 15 RETIRE WISELY Learn how to manage six risks all retirees face— outliving income, inflation, unpredictable events, market volatility, income taxes and rising health care costs—to help you maximize your retirement savings. Instructor: Gregory Hanson 11/15/2016 Tuesday, 6:30 PM—7:30 PM WKHS Library $5.00 HEALTH/SAFETY/WELLNESS COPD EDUCATION COURSE Laura Palombi is a COPD and certified asthma educator and works as an assistant professor at the College of Pharmacy in Duluth. In this course, we will define Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), examine the risk factors for this disease, and explore the individual and community burden of this disease. We will learn more about the changes in the lungs that occur as a result of COPD and will discuss the way that medications used for COPD work. We will briefly explore the role of proper COPD management in avoiding hospital re-admissions and participants will have the opportunity to learn and demonstrate proper inhaler use. Instructor: Laura Palombi 10/28/2016 Friday, 11:00 AM—12:00 PM ITV Room 103-A/Telepresence $5.00 MEDICARE CHANGES FOR 2017 This class is designed to assists Medicare beneficiaries, their families and caregivers to better understand the Medicare changes for 2017 here in Minnesota. This class gives the foundations of Medicare and discusses what is new for 2017. Register by: 10/17 Class provided by: Senior LinkAge Line, staff member. Instructor: Lee Swenson 10/24/2016 Monday, 4:00 PM—6:00 PM WKHS Library $5.00 SENIOR MEDICARE PATROL This class is designed to assists Medicare beneficiaries, their families and caregivers to protect, detect and report health care fraud, errors and abuse through outreach, counseling and education. Learn how to prevent Medicare and health care fraud, and protect against identity theft and scams and how to report suspicious activity. Register by: 11/31 Class provided by: Senior LinkAge Line, staff member. Instructor: Lee Swenson 11/7/2016 Monday, 4:00 PM—6:00 PM WKHS Library $5.00 UNDERSTANDING EPILEPSY AND ITS IMPACT Whether you work with people, know someone with epilepsy, or have epilepsy, this training is for you. Learn what epilepsy is, what seizures are, the most common types of seizures, the appropriate response to each type 16 of seizure, when a seizure is a medical emergency, causes, triggers, treatment options, and the impact that epilepsy has on individuals. 1 out of 10 people will have a seizure at some point in their lifetime, and 1 out of 26 people will develop epilepsy. Although epilepsy is common, there is still a lot of stigma associated with epilepsy. We will explore the correlation between epilepsy and mental health. Tracy, Desiree, and Lisa will each share some of the challenges and celebrations they have faced while learning to find hope in midst of dealing with seizures. Light refreshments will be provided. Instructors: Desiree Gregorich, Tracy Jacobsen, Lisa Peterson 10/27/2016 Thursday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM WKHS Library $5.00 POOL ACTIVITIES EARLY MORNING LAP SWIM M, W Lap swim for ages 12-adult. Must bring a swim cap, suit and towel. CLASS IS 45 MINUTES LONG. 22 CLASS DATES. 10/03/2016-12/14/2016 Mondays and Wednesdays, 6:45 AM—7:30 AM WKHS Pool $110.00 EARLY MORNING LAP SWIM THURSDAYS Lap swim for ages 12-adult. Must bring a swim cap, suit and towel. CLASS IS 45 MINUTES LONG. 8 CLASS DATES. NO CLASS ON Oct. 20, Nov. 10, 24. 10/06/2016-12/15/2016 Thursdays, 6:45 AM—7:30 AM WKHS Pool $40.00 EVENING LAP SWIM M, W Lap swim for ages 12-adult. Must bring a swim cap, suit and towel. CLASS IS 45 MINUTES LONG. 22 CLASS DATES. 10/03/2016-12/14/2016 Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:00 PM—5:45 PM WKHS Pool $110.00 SPORTS AND EXERCISE WALKING FOR YOUR HEALTH Walkers are welcome to use the WKHS School halls for exercise Monday through Thursday 4:00 - 6:00 PM . The buildings will not be open on school holidays. For safety purposes, running/jogging and strollers are not allowed. Use the front, main entrance doors when entering the buildings. Clean walking shoes and an ID badge are required. There is a $3 fee covers the cost of the walker ID badge and lanyard (payable in the Community Education office). If you purchased a badge in the past, please bring it in to get a new free pass card. 10/03/2016-12/22/2016 BEGINNER STRENGTH TRAINING Beginner strength training focuses on the basics of movements, using dumbbells and body weight. This class is intended to help those who would like to increase their muscle mass, decrease body fat, and raise metabolism through a 45 minute session. It also shows the student how to properly execute a movement properly and efficiently. Please bring an exercise mat, a set of dumbbells (weight is dependent on person), a water bottle, and proper exercise attire. If you do not have dumbbells, we do have extra. PLEASE NOTE: Oct. 4 and 11 and Dec. 13 class will be held in HS Cafeteria. No Class Nov. 8. Instructor: Beth Curtis, MS, Exercise Physiologist 10/04/2016-12/20/2016 Tuesdays, 6:00 PM—6:45 PM WKE Gym, Cafeteria $66.00 GROUP CIRCUIT TRAINING Circuit Training is one of the most effective ways one can stay in shape and lose weight. It tackles every major muscle group by challenging endurance and strength. A single session of CT of one hour can burn anywhere from 400-600 kcals, depending on body type and effort put into the class. This class will be challenging at first, but as you continuously attend, you’ll notice you’ll be able to perform the exercises properly and more efficiently. I will also help modify movements if they are too challenging, and please don’t hesitate to take short breaks when needed. We will be getting on the floor, so bringing a mat of some sort may be a good idea, but is not required. Just know that putting something under your knees or lying on something will aid in comfortably executing the movement. There will be jumping around, so if you have any knee problems, back, neck, etc. please let me know so we can work on modifying the exercise. Weights are recommended, but not required. We will be doing lots of weighted activity, multiple reps, so please bring a weight that you can handle. Water bottles and clean athletic shoes (or comparable) are required. PLEASE NOTE: No Class Oct. 20, Nov. 8 and Nov. 24. Instructor: Beth Curtis, MS, Exercise Physiologist 10/04/2016-12/22/2016 Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:00 PM—8:00 PM WKE Gym $126.00 CO-ED VOLLEYBALL Weather you are a student or an adult, weather you know how to play the or not, come spend your Wednesday evenings playing this fabulous lifetime sport! Must Pre-Register. A certain number of registrations are required for the class to be held, otherwise class will be cancelled. No Class on 11/23. Instructor: Keri Johansen 10/05/2016-12/21/2016 Wednesdays, 7:00 PM—8:30 PM WKHS Gym $15.00 PICKLE BALL Pickle Ball is primarily a racket game that combines ping pong, badminton, and tennis; this is an easy racket game for older adults. Instructor: Dean Zeitz 10/24/2016-12/19/2016 Mondays, 6:30 PM—8:00 PM WKE Gym $15.00 PAY AND REGISTER ONLINE TODAY AT Finland Community Education SCRAPBOOK ESCAPE This all day scrapbook day allows students to work on their personal scrapbook pages as well as learn various hands-on techniques. We will start off each session teaching a wonderful 2-page layout and introduce a tool, technique or project that will add to your pages. Then the rest of the day will be used to work on personal scrapbooks, use the various tools to make personalized dies, borders and pages as well as share ideas. In addition to the layout supplies, students will have access to a scrap box and a Cricut machine. Students should bring basic supplies and projects to work on. Instructor: Bonnie Warner 10/4/2016 Tuesday, 10:00 AM—4:00 PM $25.00 UP-CYCLED CHRISTMAS CARDS The holidays are just around the corner and what better way to express your holiday wishes then with a handmade card...but with a twist. This workshop takes the commercial cards received from last year and “up-cycles” them with a variety of card techniques, bling, embellishments, ribbons, bows and more to create a STACK of personalized cards from trash to treasure. If you are new to card making or a seasoned artisan, this workshop offers a wide variety of tricks, tips and techniques that will overload you with holiday card making ideas for fun, fast and elegant cards. Students can bring any old cards they have to use in class. All supplies are provided. Instructor: Bonnie Warner 10/10/2016 Monday, 6:00 PM—9:00 PM $25.00 RETIRE WISELY WITH GREG HANSEN Will you have enough to retire? Will your retirement income last? Are your assets protected? In this workshop, we will discuss how to manage six risks all retirees face: outliving income, inflation, unpredictable events, market volatility, income taxes and rising health care costs. Instructor: Gregory Hanson 10/11/2016 Tuesday, 6:30 PM—7:30 PM $5.00 MASQUERADE MASK CREATIONS Fun for all ages. Students will start with a simple white mask, layer color, build dimension and add bling to create a fabulous masquerade mask. A table full of feathers, Viva products, jewels, beads, ribbon and more to customize each mask. This class is designed for ages 6 to 60 and can be worn or use as holiday decor. Instructor: Bonnie Warner 10/24/2016 Monday, 6:00 PM—9:00 PM $12.00 COMPUTER AND DEVICE CONFIDENCE Over the course of 4 weekly sessions, students will get comfortable with their own laptop, smartphone, iPad, etc by having questions answered, guided exercises with internet, email, Facebook, and more. Customized to your skill level and interests. Students will work at their own pace to gain technological knowledge and confidence. Bring your own device. Instructor: Cole Bauer 10/28/2016-11/18/2016 Friday, 11:00 AM—1:00 PM $40.00 SCRAPBOOK ESCAPE II This all day scrapbook day allows students to work on their personal scrapbook pages as well as learn various hands on techniques. We will start off each session teaching a wonderful 2-page layout and introduce a tool, technique or project that will add to your pages. Then the rest of the day will be used to work on personal scrapbooks, use the various tools to make personalized dies, borders and pages as well as share ideas. In addition to the layout supplies, students will have access to a scrap box and a Cricut machine. Students should bring basic supplies and projects to work on. Instructor: Bonnie Warner 11/1/2016 Tuesday, 10:00 AM—4:00 PM $25.00 RETIREMENT STRATEGIESACCUMULATION Prepare for retirement by building a financial strategy. Understand important concepts such as key ages, lifetime guaranteed income, asset allocation, as well as diversifying and protecting your assets which help you to live generously. Instructor: Gregory Hanson 11/3/2016 Tuesday, 6:30 PM—7:30 PM $5.00 FABRIC FLOWERS Another wonderful “gift” workshop. This workshop uses various fabrics and dies to make 3-D flowers to use as jacket or sweater pendants, gift box embellishments or hair pieces. We will use several different dies from Sizzix and Stampin’ Up, the Big Shot die cut machine and an endless choice of fabrics, buttons and bling to create 4 different flowers: a posie, a chrysanthemum, a lollipop and daisy. Perfect for “sweater-season” and gift giving. All supplies provided. Instructor: Bonnie Warner 11/14/2016 Monday, 6:00 PM—9:00 PM $25.00 VISA AND MASTERCARD ACCEPTED FOR PAYMENT CARDS FROM THE NORTHSHORE This cardmaking workshop will incorporate the beautiful papers from Lutsen with card and embellishment techniques to create a STACK of fall and winter all occasion cards. Fun, fast and elegant cards will allow all level of cardmaker from the beginner to advanced a North Shore card experience. All supplies provided. Instructor: Bonnie Warner 11/21/2016 Monday, 6:00 PM—9:00 PM $25.00 CREATING FUSED GLASS PENDANTS Let Bonnie show you how fun and easy it is to make pendants, earrings, and other glass art pieces using dichroic and fusible glass elements. In addition to learning about fusing glass components, each student will create (4) four pieces that can be used in jewelry making by adding a bale, drilling hole or wire wrapping after the pieces have been fused in the kiln. All supplies provided for this workshop. Instructor: Bonnie Warner 12/5/2016 Monday, 6:00 PM—9:00 PM $25.00 SCRAPBOOK ESCAPE III This all day scrapbook day allows students to work on their personal scrapbook pages as well as learn various hands on techniques. We will start off each session teaching a wonderful 2-page layout and introduce a tool, technique or project that will add to your pages. Then the rest of the day will be used to work on personal scrapbooks, use the various tools to make personalized dies, borders and pages as well as share ideas. In addition to the layout supplies, students will have access to a scrap box and a Cricut machine. Students should bring basic supplies and projects to work on. Instructor: Bonnie Warner 12/6/2016 Tuesday, 10:00 AM—4:00 PM $25.00 LEARNING TO WIRE-WRAP This workshop introduces students to the dynamic world of wire wrapping. When this workshop is complete, each student will be comfortable with the 23 basic steps needed to wire wrap a piece of jewelry, create a “stack band”, twist wire, make bales and embellish a stone, button, or glass pendant. A good follow-up for the fused glass workshop. Students should bring several flat pieces (approx. 2-3” in diameter) they would like to wrap. All supplies will be provided. Instructor: Bonnie Warner 12/12/2016 Monday, 6:00 PM—9:00 PM $25.00 17 Two Harbors Community Education ARTS, CRAFTS & HOBBIES CHARM BABY/LAP QUILT Using one charm pack and 1/1/4 yard complimenting fabric, this quilt goes together fast and is easy to machine quilt. Complimenting fabric should be one that goes well with the charms. Bring your fabric, sewing machine and sewing/quilting supplies. Register by 10/25 Instructor: Karen Tucker 11/2/2016 Wednesday, 6:00 PM—8:30 PM THHS- FACS Sewing Room 2301 $14.00 CREATING FUSED GLASS PENDANTS Let Bonnie show you how fun and easy it is to make pendants, earrings, and other glass art pieces using dichroic and fusible glass elements. In addition to learning about fusing glass components, each student will create (4) four pieces that can be used in jewelry making by adding a bale, drilling hole or wire wrapping after the pieces have been fused in the kiln. All supplies provided for this workshop. Register by 10/3. Instructor: Bonnie Warner 10/5/2016 Wednesday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM THHS- FACS Sewing Room 2301 $25.00 CREATING ZENTANGLE FUN Color books and coloring are the latest crazes in the craft industry and this workshop steps it up a bit by introducing students to various techniques in the world of Zentangle. Students will combine their own creativity with colorful images using stamps, brass stencils, outline stickers, Copic and Chameleon alcohol pens. These “adult doodles” make specatcular gifts, framable art pieces, calendar pages, scrapbook pages and cards. All supplies included in this workshop. In addition to the pieces created in class, each student will receive a Zentangle kit to take home. Register by 10/24. Instructor: Bonnie Warner 10/26/2016 Wednesday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM THHS- FACS Sewing Room 2301 $25.00 CREATIVE SOAP MAKING Another great holiday gift workshop. Soap making is fun, inexpensive and a great group project to do with friends or kids. Students will learn about the different types of soap, molds, dyes and fragrances in this fun, colorful and fragrant session. We will make several bars 18 using goat, glycerin and soy soaps in various molds, custom colors and unique fragrances for men and women. After the workshop you will go home and dig through your drawers looking for all the fun things you already own that can be incorporated in your soaps! Clean up is easy...after all it’s soap! All supplies will be provided. Register by 11/14. Instructor: Bonnie Warner 11/16/2016 Wednesday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM THHS- FACS Cooking Room 2305 $25.00 EVERGREEN KISSING BALL Charge up your holiday spirit and learn how to make an evergreen kissing ball! This can be a great addition to your holiday decorating! The class includes a demonstration, and then you will make and take home your own kissing ball. Greens and materials provided. Register by 11/28. Instructor: Michelle Libby 12/1/2016 Thursday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM Minnehaha - Cafeteria $25.00 Using the basic beading techniques of stringing, crimping and adding a clasp you will make two strands. These two strands will become one for your infinity bracelet symbolizing forever love. All supplies will be provided with several choices of colors. Register by 10/18. Instructor: Suzy Whitney 10/25/2016 Tuesday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM THHS- FACS Sewing Room 2301 $19.00 LEARNING TO WIRE WRAP FINISH YOUR SEWING PROJECT Need help finishing the potholder or wristlet class offered earlier in the term? Or, do you want to make another one with guidance? This evening is for you. One evening of extra help. Register by 11/22. Instructor: Charlene Harkins 11/29/2016 Tuesday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM THHS- FACS Sewing Room 2301 $7.00 GLASS PENDANT NECKLACE INFINITY BRACELET Think this looks too hard to have made it yourself? Not so! You will pick out a digital print that you like, and with materials provided in the class, attach to a glass tile and trim. It takes 4-6 hours to dry (overnight is the best), so you will go home with a bail to attach to the tile and a chain to complete your very own necklace. Register by 10/4. Instructor: Suzy Whitney 10/18/2016 Tuesday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM THHS- FACS Sewing Room 2301 $17.00 This workshop introduces students to the dynamic world of wire wrapping. When this workshop is complete, each student will be comfortable with the 23 basic steps needed to wire wrap a piece of jewelry, create a “stack band”, twist wire, make bales and embellish a stone, button, or glass pendant. A good follow-up for the fused glass workshop. Students should bring several flat pieces (approx. 2-3” in diameter) they would like to wrap. All supplies will be provided. Register by 11/7. Instructor: Bonnie Warner 11/9/2016 Wednesday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM THHS- FACS Sewing Room 2301 $25.00 LOG CABIN HEXI POTHOLDER Machine stitch a modern version of a log-cabin potholder. Pattern, batting, and insula-bright will be included. You can bring your own fabrics (2 1/2 inch strips of three colors of fabric plus a fat quarter), or purchase a kit for $5. This is a basic machine sewing class. Students under 12, are welcome with an adult. Bring your sewing machine in good working order, scissors, and straight pins. Register by 10/17. Instructor: Charlene Harkins 10/24/2016 Monday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM THHS- FACS Sewing Room 2301 $15.00 MAKE-AND-TAKE FELT ORNAMENTS Hand stitch on felt to create a Scandinavian inspired ornament. Stitches include straight stitch, back stitch, colonial knot, and blanket stitch. No stitching experience needed. All supplies will be provided. Extra kits can be purchased for $5. Register by 11/8. PAY AND REGISTER ONLINE TODAY AT POTTERY PAINTING, GRADES K - ADULT Kids and adults are welcome to enjoy this fun painting project together, so bring your mom, your dad, your granddaughter, your best friend, etc. (each person must register). You have 4 items to choose from to paint; there is something for everyone. All supplies are included, all you have to do is show up to have fun! When registering you must choose the piece you wish to paint: Mug, Cereal Bowl, Sushi Dish (8 3/4” x 4 1/4” ) or Gecko. You must register by 10/10. Instructor: Amanda Korhonen 10/24/2016 Monday, 3:45 - 5:45 PM THHS - Art Room 1301 $15.00 SEW WARM, COZY PAJAMA BOTTOMS Ages 10 & up. Make a pair of warm pajama bottoms. For youth sizes bring 2 yards of flannel or polar fleece fabric; for adult sizes bring 3 yards. Also bring matching thread, scissors, tape measure. Bring your own sewing machine (if you have one), or use one of the school’s machines. Each youth under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Register by 10/1. Instructor: Jan Ringer 10/10/2016 & 10/17/2016 Monday, 5:30 PM—7:30 PM THHS- FACS Sewing Room 2301 $24.00 WINDSOCK See description under YOUTH ACTIVITIES. Bring your fabric cutting scissors if you have them. All other supplies will be provided. Register by 10/4. Instructor: Suzy Whitney 10/11/2016 Tuesday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM THHS- FACS Sewing Room 2301 $17.00 WRAP BEADED BRACELET Learn how to make a beaded wrap bracelet that wraps twice around your wrist with leather and beads. You will go home with a bracelet and a beading needle to use for future projects. See sample in the Community Ed office at THHS. You must register by 10/18. Instructor: Suzy Whitney 11/1/2016 Tuesday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM THHS- FACS Sewing Room 2301 $19.00 WRISTLET OR MAKE-UP BAG Machine stitch a bag suitable for carrying as a wristlet or to store make-up. This is a basic sewing class. You will learn how to install a zipper and hide the seams within the bag. You can bring your own fabrics (two or three fat quarters of fabric, 9 inch separating zipper) or purchase a kit for $6. Students under 12 are welcome with an adult. Bring your sewing machine in good working order, scissors, and straight pins. Register by 10/31. Instructor: Charlene Harkins 11/7/2016 Monday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM THHS- FACS Sewing Room 2301 $15.00 COMPUTER TRAINING COMPUTER USE AND VIRUS AWARENESS - HOW DO I PROTECT MYSELF FROM HACKERS?? This course will cover basic computer use, structure, and operations; it is necessary to understand how the internet works, how your computer works, and how to detect issues. The instructor will explain that basics of computer architecture and how viruses work and how to prevent them. Awareness to data security is important in preventing infections and protecting your personal data. You are welcome to bring your own laptop/tablet or use one of our computers. Register by 10/10. Instructor: Dan Lackore 10/12/2016 & 10/19/2016 Wednesday, 5:00 PM—6:00 PM THHS- Computer Lab 1109- Media Center $19.00 FACEBOOK Learn how to use Facebook for your business! You will learn how to create a Social Media Marketing Plan, how to create a Facebook Business Page, how to make exciting and engaging posts, and how to use the Ads Platform. Instructor: Pure Driven 10/26/2016 Wednesday, 5:00 PM—6:30 PM THHS- Computer Lab 1109- Media Center $29.00 IPHONES/IPADS TIPS & TRICKS Learn how to use your Apple devices like never before! Unlock the secrets hidden within the phone, and learn everything from the basics to the highly advanced iPhone and iPad functions, uses, and apps. Class is for iPad users only. Bring your iPad and/or iPhone to class. Instructor: Pure Driven 10/5/2016 Wednesday, 5:00 PM—6:30 PM THHS- Computer Lab 1109- Media Center $29.00 COOKING & FOODS CHRISTMAS COOKIE EXCHANGE - ADULT Get all of your Christmas cookies made in one night without messing up your own kitchen. Take home six dozen assorted holiday cookies. Bring your own storage containers. $15 supply fee payable to instructor. You must register by 11/30. Instructor: Allison Olson 12/15/2016 Thursday, 5:30 PM—9:00 PM THHS- FACS Cooking Room 2305 $24.00 VISA AND MASTERCARD ACCEPTED FOR PAYMENT FALL COOKING SERIES WITH CHEF JAMES HAMILTON Join Chef James in learning the finer points of cooking and dining. You will taste cuisine from around the world. Be prepared to eat your homework!! Ingredients fees (payable, to instructor) vary from approx. $10 - $20 per class, depending on the topic. INTRO TO WRAPS AND SANDWICHES Tonight is all about quick, easy sandwiches and wraps. Register by 10/11. 10/17/2016 Monday, 6:30 PM—7:30 PM THHS- FACS Cooking Room 2305 $7.00 QUICK AND EASY MEALS This is an intro to quick and easy meals when on the go. Register by 10/25. 10/31/2016 Monday, 6:30 PM—7:30 PM THHS- FACS Cooking Room 2305 $7.00 CROCK POT MEALS Simmer away those healthy crock pot meals. Bring your own crock pot. Register by 11/8. 11/14/2016 Monday, 6:30 PM—7:30 PM THHS- FACS Cooking Room 2305 $7.00 INTRO TO FINE DINING We will take a look at fine dining and etiquette (you won’t leave hungry). Register by 11/22. 11/28/2016 Monday, 6:30 PM—7:30 PM THHS- FACS Cooking Room 2305 $7.00 PASTIES Pasties are like a pizza pocket, but filled with meat and vegetables. Register by 12/6. 12/13/2016 Tuesday, 6:30 PM—7:30 PM THHS- FACS Cooking Room 2305 $7.00 HOLIDAY FUN! Let’s make holiday cookies, ciders and much more. Register by 12/13. 12/19/2016 Monday, 6:30 PM—7:30 PM THHS- FACS Cooking Room 2305 $7.00 GENERAL INTEREST AGING MASTERY PROGRAM Aging Mastery Program® (AMP). Lake County has joined the first Minnesota cohort of communities to offer this exemplary course for community members age 55 and above. This nation-wide program has been made available by grant funding from the National Council on Aging and the Northland Foundation and allows for our initial students to take the course free of charge. The $99 course fee will be waived for seniors want to participate and are willing to act as our AMP ambassadors in the future! Facilitated sessions also feature a speaker on the curriculum topic. See page 27 for topics. Fun activities and food will round out each 19 90 minute session. Sessions will be held in Two Harbors and Silver Bay. Mondays and Thursdays, with the exception of Thanksgiving Day. Class dates: Nov. 14, 17, 21, 28, Dec. 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22. Instructor: Chris Langenbrunner 11/14/2016-12/22/2016 Monday, Thursday, 1:00 PM—3:00 PM Two Harbors Federal Credit Union Free DRIVER IMPROVEMENT COURSE 4 HOUR REFRESHER The driver improvement refresher course is for anyone who has already taken the 8 hour, first time class. Taught by a MN Hwy Safety Center trained instructor, it will explore changes in laws, the latest vehicle technology, traffic safety and accident prevention, and provide you with easy-to-use defensive driving tips. Completion of this course allows for a 10% reduction on automobile insurance premiums for those age 55 and over. Feel free to bring a drink and snack to enjoy during the class.You must register by 10/6 . Instructor: Dean Skalicky 10/13/2016 Thursday, 5:00 PM—9:00 PM THHS- Community Room $22.00 DRIVER IMPROVEMENT COURSE - 8-HOUR This driver improvement course is the 8 hour, first time class. Taught by a MN Hwy Safety Center trained instructor, it will explore changes in laws, the latest vehicle technology, traffic safety and accident prevention, and provide you with easy-to-use defensive driving tips. Completion of this course allows for a 10% reduction on automobile insurance premiums for those age 55 and over. Feel free to bring a drink and snack to enjoy during the class.You must register by 10/17. Instructor: Dean Skalicky 10/24/2016 & 10/25/2016 Monday, Tuesday, 5:00 PM—9:00 PM THHS- Community Room $26.00 ESTATE PLANNING AND A SNOWBIRD’S GUIDE TO RESIDENCY Ruthanne Hedstrom Vos, an attorney with Mathison & Vos in Grand Marais. Everyone can benefit from estate planning – determining how your assets pass at your death, and choosing who will act for you financially and for health care decisions should you become incapacitated during your lifetime. Many of us also spend extensive time in southern climates during Minnesota winters. Attend this session to get an overview of estate planning basics, and, in addition, to learn about Minnesota residency issues and when you must file a Minnesota income tax return. Ruthanne will describe the factors that the State of Minnesota considers when determining Minnesota residency, including rules pertaining to non-residents to own real estate in Minnesota. Register by 11/22. 11/29/2016 Tuesday, 6:30 PM—8:00 PM THHS- Media Center/Library $7/person or $10/couple 20 GARDEN MAKE-OVER Is your garden in need of a face lift? Are plants getting too big? Has the garden changed from sun to shade? Have you just gotten tired of the same old garden? While your current garden is still fresh in your mind, solve your design obstacles now and be ready to make garden changes when spring comes. Through both group and individual discussion, Master Gardeners will help you evaluate plant choices that will refresh your garden. Bring a photo or drawing of one garden you want to create again and the reasons(s) why. The class is limited to 10 people (a spouse may accompany for free, but please let us know). Register by 10/13. Instructor: Kit Sitter 10/19/2016 Wednesday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM THHS- Community Room $15.00 GARDENING FOR WATER CONSERVATION Instructor, Jadell Cavallin, is a Master Gardener, bee keeper, and owner of Little Waldo Farm. Are you familiar with Xeriscaping? Have you thought about planting the different spaces in your landscape with plants best adapted to the sunlight, wind and water exposure in each particular area? Have you ever wondered what the purpose of a rain or rock garden might be, or how they may fit into your landscape? This class will focus on ways to conserve water and plant your landscape to optimize the different regions within those spaces for the benefit and health of your plants. Register by 10/10. Instructor: Jadell Cavallin 10/12/2016 Wednesday, 5:30 PM—7:00 PM THHS- Community Room $10.00 GARDENING WITH NATIVES WITH SPECIAL FOCUS ON POLLINATOR AND WILDLIFE HABITAT Instructor, Jadell Cavallin, is a Master Gardener, bee keeper, and owner of Little Waldo Farm. Are you interested in adding native plants to your landscape? Do you enjoy watching wildlife, bees, or birds, but have trouble with rabbits or deer munching on your precious ornamentals? This class will focus on those plants that will attract a variety of wildlife and beneficial insects to your landscape, but help to keep the deer and rabbits from destroying those plants you appreciate so much. Register by 10/10. Instructor: Jadell Cavallin 10/26/2016 Wednesday, 5:30 PM—7:00 PM THHS- Community Room $10.00 INTRO TO 3D PRINTING AND 3D SCANNING Learn some of the basics of 3D printing as well as learning how 3D scanning and CAD can be used to produce functional parts. Register by 10/11. Instructor: Mark Schlangen 10/18/2016 Tuesday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM THHS- Room 1208 $15.00 KEEPING OUR COMMUNITY STRONG: OPPORTUNITIES AND NEEDS Two Harbors has a wonderful history of people helping each other through volunteer efforts. However, as our community ages, new needs and opportunities for volunteering are increasing, and everyone’s strengths and assistance is needed. Come hear from some of our community leaders and volunteers, and explore how you and your family can be a vital part of keeping us connected and strong! Participating agencies: Community Partners, Two Harbors Food Shelf, Ecumen Scenic Shores Care Center, Two Harbors Public Library, Lake County DAC, AEOA RSVP, KTWH Radio Station. Instructor: Nancy Frischmann 11/14/2016 Monday, 6:30 PM—8:00 PM THHS- Community Room Free HEALTH/SAFETY/WELLNESS CPR/CPR REFRESHER/FIRST AID For persons wishing to become certified in CPR, or for those whose certification has expired or is about to expire. Learn adult, infant and child CPR, along with AED (Automated External Defibrillator). The First Aid portion will cover bandaging, treating shock, burns, injury to bones, muscles, joints, etc. You are now required to purchase a book; the cost ($15) is included in the class fee. Register by 10/12. Instructor: Sharrie Houdek 10/18/2016 Tuesday, 6:00 PM—10:00 PM THHS- Health Room 2034 $65.00 ESSENTIAL OILS MAKE & TAKE Want to learn more about those crazy little oil bottles you keep hearing about? Do you just want to make some stuff to take home and try? Well this class is for you! Everyone will take home a body soak, body scrub, and a body butter to enjoy. Stacy will show you how she uses oils in her home and when she’s out and about. “There literally is an oil for everything, and I want to share all the information I have learned with you.” Register by 10/17. Instructor: Stacy Nightwine 10/19/2016 Wednesday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM THHS- FACS Cooking Room 2305 $30.00 MATTER OF BALANCE A workshop to maintain independence and stay active. Designed for people who are concerned about falling, have fallen in the past, or restrict activities because of concern for falling. Learn to view falls and fear of falling as controllable; set realistic goals for increasing activity; change your environment to reduce fall risk PAY AND REGISTER ONLINE TODAY AT factors; promote exercise to increase strength and balance. Use the entry to the old nursing home on top of the hill by the emergency room. Park either on the street or down by the rehab center. Fee covers all materials. 9/20/2016-10/13/2015 Tuesday, Thursday, 1:30 PM—3:00 PM Lake View Memorial Hospital Solarium $10.00 NEW TO MEDICARE Participants will learn about the different components of Medicare, costs, coverage, how and when to enroll, Medicare Savings Programs, Medi-gap policies, Part D prescription plans and other insurances such as employer, Veterans, COBRA. Additional information provided on prescription cost assistance programs, preventive coverage, resources such as, Minnesota Department of Commerce and Register by 9/27. Instructor: Senior LinkAge Volunteer 10/3/2016 Monday, 4:00 PM—6:00 PM THHS- Media Center/Library $5.00 SENIOR MEDICARE PATROL This class is designed to assists Medicare beneficiaries, their families and caregivers to protect, detect and report health care fraud, errors and abuse through outreach, counseling and education. Learn how to prevent Medicare and health care fraud, and protect against identity theft and scams and how to report suspicious activity. Register by 10/4. Instructor: Senior LinkAge Volunteer 10/10/2016 Monday, 4:00 PM—6:00 PM THHS- Media Center/Library $5.00 GUITAR LESSONS We have openings for guitar lessons. Private half-hour guitar lessons for ages eight and up, beginning and intermediate. You must have your own guitar. Cost of book is $6, payable to instructor. Call 834-8201, ext. 8230 to register and schedule a lesson time. No class 12/5. Instructor: James Cheek 10/03/2016-12/19/2016 Monday THHS- Band Practice Room 2421 $92/11 Lessons POOL ACTIVITIES EARLY MORNING LAP SWIM FOR AGES 12-ADULT Must bring cap, suit and towel. Park in the parking lot off Cedar Road and enter through door #14. There will be no early morning swim if school has a late start or is canceled. Class time will change to 6:00 - 7:00 AM beginning Oct. 10. Instructor: Lifeguard: Kathy Ronning THHS- Pool/Locker Rooms AM LAP SWIM, MONDAYS 9/12/2016-12/19/2016 5:30 AM—6:30 AM $69.00 AM LAP SWIM, WEDNESDAYS 9/07/2016-12/21/2016 5:30 AM—6:30 AM $73.00 AM LAP SWIM, THURSDAYS MUSIC & DANCE Pool closed 10/20, 11/24. 9/08/2016-12/22/2016 5:30 AM—6:30 AM $65.00 BELLY DANCE, BEGINNING AQUA AEROBICS - WEDNESDAYS No other exercise taps into the essence of female power like belly dance. Surrounded by terrific women of all shapes and sizes, you will be amazed how quickly you come to learn the proper form and technique of belly dance moves. The natural antidepressant and confidence boosting qualities of this low impact cardio workout will stretch and engage your body from head to toe! Please join us in comfortable clothing, and bring a hip scarf if you have one. No class 11/8. Instructor: Judie Sarff 10/04/2016-12/13/2016 Tuesday, 6:00 PM—7:00 PM Minnehaha - Cafeteria $42.00 BELLY DANCE, BEYOND For those who have completed one year of beginning belly dance. We will work to layer moves, increasing our flexibility and stamina. Advanced moves, choreography, and props will be introduced and practiced to further enhance belly dance skills. Let’s keep the belly dance fire rolling! No class 11/8. Instructor: Judie Sarff 10/04/2016-12/13/2016 Tuesday, 7:15 PM—8:15 PM Minnehaha - Cafeteria $42.00 Aqua aerobics is an increasingly popular, energizing workout that builds cardiovascular fitness and strength. The water’s buoyancy provides cushioning and support, reducing gravity and the risk of muscle or joint injury. Don’t miss this fun and effective way to get or stay in shape for people of all ages and fitness levels. You need not be a swimmer to participate. Most equipment provided; participants bring their own pool noodle. Park in the parking lot off Cedar Road and enter through door #14. No class 10/12, 10/19,11/23. Instructor: Patty Carter 9/14/2016-12/21/2016 Wednesday, 6:30 PM—7:30 PM THHS- Pool/Locker Rooms $72.00 LAP SWIM, EVENING - WEDNESDAYS Evening lap swim for ages 12-adult. This class will be canceled due to insufficient registration, so register early. Park in the parking lot off Cedar Road and enter through door #14. No class 11/23. Instructor: Lisa Hebl, Deanne Thomasen 9/14/2016-12/21/2016 Wednesday, 7:30 PM—8:30 PM THHS- Pool/Locker Rooms $51.00 VISA AND MASTERCARD ACCEPTED FOR PAYMENT SPORTS & EXERCISE COMMUNITY CURLING Learn the basics of curling. Participants need to bring a pair of rubber-soled shoes and wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing. Other equipment will be provided. All participants of this class are welcome to become members of the regular curling league! Instructor: Two Harbors Curling Club Members 11/7/2016 & 11/8/2016 Monday, Tuesday, 7:00 PM—9:00 PM Two Harbors Curling Club $15.00 KAYAKING BASICS This course is open to all skill levels whether you are new to kayaking or want to learn or improve a skill. We will cover basic strokes such as forward, back, draw, and pry. Safety skills such as assisted and self rescues and bracing will be covered. You must bring a kayak, pfd (life jacket), and paddle. Optional: paddle float, bilge pump, spray skirt. Instructor: Nick Hoffman 10/07/2016-11/11/2016 Friday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM THHS- Pool/Locker Rooms $15.00 PILATES MAT CLASS, TUESDAYS Pilates is a wonderful form of exercise for everybody, regardless of fitness level, that engages the mind and body. This will be an introductory mat class that increases strength without bulk; flexibility; balance and circulation; creates long, lean muscles; improves posture; reduces stress and helps in preventing and rehabilitating from injuries. Pilates promotes a feeling of physical and mental well-being. Please bring your own mat (a few will be available for use), wear comfortable clothes and bring a water bottle. No class 11/8. Register by 10/12. Instructor: Jillian McCorison 10/18/2016-12/13/2016 Tuesday, 5:00 PM—6:00 PM Minnehaha - Gym $48.00 PILATES MAT CLASS, THURSDAYS See description above. No class 11/10, 11/24. Register by 10/24. Instructor: Jillian McCorison 10/27/2016-12/15/2016 Thursday, 5:00 PM—6:00 PM Minnehaha - Gym $36.00 VOLLEYBALL, ADULT CO-ED Everyone is welcome to play co-ed volleyball. All levels accepted; no jungle rules. Will not meet 11/14. Instructor: Amy Bergerson 10/24/2016-11/28/2016 Monday, 7:30 PM—9:30 PM THHS- Gym A $15.00 WALKING FOR YOUR HEALTH WALKING PASS REGISTRATION Is it too cold or icy to walk outside? Walkers are welcome to use the THHS and Minnehaha halls for exercise Monday through Thursday, 4:00 - 7:00 PM. The buildings will not be open on school holidays. Please note: Strollers are now allowed, but for safety reasons, 21 running or jogging behind strollers is not allowed. Use the front, main entrance doors when entering the buildings. Clean walking shoes and an ID badge are required. Your $3 annual fee covers the cost of the walker ID badge and lanyard (payable in the Community Education office). If you purchased a badge in the past, please bring it in to get a new free pass card. $3.00 WHOLE YOGA NEW LOCATION: Minnehaha Gym. For all levels. We will explore various yoga postures and movements, building strength and flexibility, while also releasing stress and tension. Learn healthy breath patterns, a little yoga philosophy, and practical off the mat tools for modern living. Class will end with a deep relaxation practice and a 5 minute meditation. All levels. Please bring a small pillow or blanket, a water bottle, and a yoga mat. There will be a few extra mats available for student use. No class 10/20, 11/3, 11/10, 11/24. Instructor: Hilary Buckwalter 10/06/2016-12/15/2016 Thursday, 6:00 PM—7:15 PM Minnehaha - Gym $64.00 TOURS/TRIPS ANNUAL HOLIDAY SHOPPING TRIP See description on page 9. Fees must be paid by Tuesday, Nov. 15. No refunds will be made unless the trip is canceled. Bring large bags with name tags to store your packages under the bus. 12/3/2016 Saturday, 6:00 AM - 10:30 PM $47.00 YOUTH ACTIVITIES ABDUCTION RESISTANCE, GRADES 2-5 Students will learn self-protection in age appropriate terms related to stranger abduction: Role playing of safety scenarios; Proper use of progressive resistance when contacted, confronted, or attacked; Basic escapes, striking, and kicking techniques as selfdefense against abduction. Class will involve physical practice combined with lecture and video lessons. Parents are welcome. Instructor is a certified black belt karate instructor through the World Tang Soo Do Assn. Instructor, Rick Peterson Oct. 11 & 13 Tuesday & Thursday, 3:30 – 5:00 PM Minnehaha - Gym No charge, but you must register BABYSITTER CLINIC This class will provide participants with basic safety/ babysitting skills that will prepare them to stay home alone and to be a dependable, capable babysitter when the time comes. Participants will receive a certificate upon completion of class. Recommended for youth in grades 4-6. Bring a snack. You must register before you attend this class; class numbers are limited. Instructor: Michelle Libby 10/4/2016 & 10/5/2016 Tuesday, Wednesday, 3:40 PM—6:30 PM Minnehaha - Library $18.00 22 BASKETBALL - BOYS & GIRLS, GRADES K-3 --- FREE THIS YEAR! This introduction to basketball will include basic skills and fun drills. Varsity team members will be on hand to assist with the program. Please state the student’s T-shirt size. No practice 12/24 & 12/31. If you are interested in coaching this group, please contact April Smitke at 218340-8153. Please state the student’s T-Shirt Size. There is no fee for Grades K-3 basketball this year; all costs will be funded by Two Harbors Hoops Club, but registration is required so preparations can be made by coaching staff. Sept 12, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m., is a registration & fun night at THHS gym, enter and exit door 14. 12/03/2016-2/25/2017 Saturday, 9:00 AM—10:00 AM THHS- Gym Free BASKETBALL REGISTRATION BOYS & GIRLS, GRADES 4-6 FREE THIS YEAR Registration is required BEFORE students can practice. Online Registration is highly encouraged. Visit www., click on Community Education, Classes and Registration, Two Harbors Community Education, and then Youth Activities. Also check our Facebook page Two Harbors Hoops Club for information. Coaches will contact the students with day, time and location of first practice; a schedule will be given to students at practice. Practice typically starts the beginning of November. Note: Coaches need to be advised of any medical conditions. If disciplinary action is required, we will follow THHS and MSHSL eligibility rules. There is no fee for Grades 4-6 basketball this year; all costs will be funded by Two Harbors Hoops Club, but registration is required so preparations can be made by coaching staff. For further information, contact April Smitke at 218-340-8153. Please register by October 13th so that coaches can be assigned and practice times can be scheduled. Sept 12, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m., is a registration & fun night at THHS gym, enter and exit door 14. Free COMPETITIVE SWIMMING/DIVING, GIRLS CURRENTLY IN GRADES 4-6 This is an excellent opportunity for you to learn and develop the basic skills needed to compete in swimming and diving. Bring a one piece suit, goggles, cap, and towel. Park in the parking lot off Cedar Road and enter through door #14. You must register before you attend class. Instructor: Tori Highmark, Kathy Ronning 9/19/2016-10/26/2016 Monday, Wednesday, 5:00 PM—6:00 PM THHS- Pool/Locker Rooms $40.00 FLAG FOOTBALL, GRADES K- 4 For all boys and girls entering grades K-4 this fall. Participants will meet at Odegard Field warming shack. ALL PLAYERS WILL NEED MEDICAL INSURANCE COVERAGE--NO EXCEPTIONS (forms available when you register online or in the Community Ed. office). Students can be dropped off at an “uptown” bus drop off if not riding with a parent. If you allow your child to walk, please talk to them about crossing at lights. We plan to have a game “under the lights” and also have the Flag Football players play at halftime of a varsity game(s) and time TBA. Please contact Coach Nelson, 834-8221 ext. 8407(w) or 830-8083 (c) with any questions. Class fee includes a T-shirt. Register by 6/9 to ensure time to order proper equipment and T-shirts. 9/06/2016-10/12/2016 Tuesday, Wednesday, 4:00 PM—5:30 PM Odegard Park $50.00 HOLIDAY COOKIE UNIVERSITY, (HCU) Grades K & up. Learn how to master Christmas cookies for you and your family to enjoy! Bring an adult helper to class and earn your HCU certificate! At the end of class you will each take home 3 dozen cookies or more! And as a university student, you will receive a HCU apron to wear and bring home along with all the cookie recipes! When you complete your cookie course with a clean kitchen you will receive your HCU certificate! Sign up today! Only 12 spots available. Please bring containers for your cookies! $10 supply fee payable to instructor. You must register by 11/30. Instructor: Allison Olson 12/8/2016 Thursday, 5:00 PM—8:00 PM THHS- FACS Cooking Room 2305 $20.00 MINECRAFT Open to all ages, grade 2 and above. Minecraft is a sandbox style building game where players can interact with the environment to explore and build great structures. This class will focus on player interaction, teamwork and sharing. We will put special emphasis on how to interact with each other online in a safe and constructive manner. The students will be able to play and work together. Bring your own after-school snack. No class 11/9, 11/23. Instructor: Jake Claflin 10/05/2016-12/07/2016 Wednesday, 3:30 PM—5:00 PM Minnehaha - Computer Lab 113 $28.00 MUSICAL FAMILIES BY MACPHAIL MUSIC AGE to age - Musical Families (ages 6 weeks to 4 yrs, 5 months with parents, grandparents, caregivers). This multi-age experience promotes music awareness and appreciation through the various integrated arts activities. The lively class will be fun-filled for all. Through the power of music children develop social skills, body control, increased attention spans, and an appreciation of music.Engaging sessions based on musical play and discovery, with a renowned MacPhail Early Childhood Music Specialist. Musical Instruments and hands on activities. No cost due to grants from McPhail Music and the Northland Foundation AGE to age program. Dates: Oct. 17, November 7, 21, 28, Dec. 5, 12. Please register the children and list the adults who will attend and the children’s ages when prompted. Instructor: Nancie Deming 10/17/2016-12/12/2016 Monday, 6:00 PM—7:00 PM THHS- Community Room Free PAY AND REGISTER ONLINE TODAY AT PONY FOOTBALL For students entering grades 5 and 6 in the fall; 3rd & 4th grade students can play Pony instead of Flag Football if the student and parent(s) request it. Make arrangements for your child to be given a ride to practices or to take a bus from the Minnehaha or THHS to an uptown drop-off, unless you give your child permission to walk; please cross at the stoplights/crosswalks. Practice will begin Monday, Aug. 22, with a parent meeting and equipment handout. Practices will be Monday - Thursday, 4:00 - 5:45 PM. Games will be on Saturday mornings; a schedule will be available at a later date. Parents are responsible for transportation to and from games. The $70 fee includes ALL equipment with the exception of football cleats, which you must supply. Your registration fee, insurance form, and physical form should be turned in to the Community Ed. Office by 6/9 to allow for planning and equipment purchases. Forms available when you register online or in Community Ed. office. Call Coach Nelson @ 834-8221, ext. 8407/cell # 830-8083 with any questions. GO AGATES!! 8/22/2016-10/12/2016 Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, 4:00 PM—5:45 PM Odegard Park $70.00 POTTERY PAINTING, GRADES K - ADULT Kids and adults are welcome to enjoy this fun painting project together, so bring your mom, your dad, your granddaughter, your best friend, etc. (each person must register). You have 4 items to choose from to paint; there is something for everyone. All supplies are included, all you have to do is show up to have fun! When registering you must choose the piece you wish to paint: Mug, Cereal Bowl, Sushi Dish (8 3/4” x 4 1/4” ) or Gecko. You must register by 10/10. Instructor: Amanda Korhonen 10/24/2016 Monday, 3:45 - 5:45 PM THHS - Art Room 1301 $15.00 PRAIRIE FIRE CHILDREN’S THEATRE PRESENTS “JACK AND THE BEAN STALK” For ages 7 - adult. Follow Jack’s adventure up and down the beanstalk through the worlds of “Orchestrania”, where all the people sing; “Featherville,” whose inhabitants are most “fowl”; and “Giantland” where he meets the mischievous Trolls (and of course, “The Big Guy”). Auditions will be held in the THHS Auditorium on Monday, Oct. 10, 4:00 PM. Auditions will last approx. two hours, followed by a short rehearsal that will require only a portion of the cast. Rehearsals for the remainder of the week will be at 4:00 to 8:15 PM (this includes a 15 minute break), with slight variations on show days. Bring your own snack. Prairie Fire Children’s Theatre (or PFCT) is a professional touring theatre company based in Barrett, Minnesota and has been bringing a theatrical experience to communities across the upper Midwest since 1987. Prairie Fire tours a variety of original musical adaptations of classic tales. The costs associated with bringing this program to Two Harbors have been covered mainly by grants. Performances will be Friday, October 14, in the THHS Auditorium, with a matinee at 2:00 p.m. and an evening performance at 7:00 p.m. Tickets will be sold at the door. YOU CANNOT AUDITION IF YOU ARE NOT REGISTERED. You must register no later than Thursday, September 29 . 10/10/2016-10/14/2016 Mon. - Fri., 4:00 PM—8:15 PM THHS- Auditorium $20 (Non-refundable) RADIO PERFORMANCE, 7TH GRADERS Create 15 minute radio Shows with focus on writing skills and characterization. Produce for on-air at KTWH. Instructor: Jacki Rennwald 9/16/2016-11/04/2016 Friday, 1:00 PM—3:00 PM Harbor Landing Atrium $10.00 SING, PLAY AND LEARN Join us for this dynamic musical exploration to engage your entire family! Led by a trained music specialist from nationally acclaimed MacPhail Music Center, parents and children will explore musical instruments, sing, move and laugh together as they experience the transforming power of music. MacPhail is committed to help everyone believe more deeply in their own capacity to make, perform and share music. This active musical adventure will help parents incorporate music into their everyday routines and use it as a teaching tool for their children. No cost due to grants from McPhail Music and the Northland Foundation AGE to age program. Please register the children and list the adults who will attend and the children’s ages when prompted. Instructor: Nancie Deming 10/6/2016 Thursday, 6:00 PM—7:00 PM Minnehaha - Cafeteria Free WINDSOCK Using fabric, card stock, tacky glue, fusible web and mod podge we will put together a windsock. It’s fun and easy for ages 8 (with adult) and up. Bring your fabric cutting scissors if you have them. All other supplies will be provided. Students ages 8 - 11 must be accompanied by an adult. Register by 10/4. Instructor: Suzy Whitney 10/11/2016 Tuesday, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM THHS- FACS Sewing Room 2301 $17.00 VISA AND MASTERCARD ACCEPTED FOR PAYMENT EVENTS/WORKSHOPS/STAFF DEVELOPMENT GREEN DOT FREE BREAKFAST AND INFORMATIONAL EVENT SILVER BAY Let’s talk about relationship violence and work towards preventing it from happening. Learn more on how to support area youth with Green Dot, a research-based community program to prevent violence. Small actions can have a big impact. For more information contact Amy at 218-834-5924 or Register by 10/10. This event is made possible by the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Public Safety budget, and North Shore Horizons, Lake County Sex Trafficking Task Force, Bay Area Vineyard Church and Lake Superior School District #381. Instructor: Amy Swensen 10/25/2016 Tuesday, 7:00 AM—8:00 AM William Kelley - Galley Free GREEN DOT FREE BREAKFAST AND INFORMATIONAL EVENT TWO HARBORS Let’s talk about relationship violence and work towards preventing it from happening. Learn more on how to support area youth with Green Dot, a research-based community program to prevent violence. Small actions can have a big impact. For more information contact Amy at 218-834-5924 or Register by 10/19. This event is made possible by the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Public Safety budget, and North Shore Horizons, Lake County Sex Trafficking Task Force, Bay Area Vineyard Church and Lake Superior School District #381. Instructor: Amy Swensen 10/27/2016 Thursday, 7:00 AM—8:00 AM THHS- Cafeteria Free LEADERS PARTNERING TO END POVERTY, WITH JODI PFARR! Explore a new way of thinking about poverty, its causes and consequences. Use a new understanding of class to address poverty issues in the Two Harbors community. Learn more about how to take part in the Leaders Partnering to End Poverty (LPEP) Program in Two Harbors All Two Harbors residents are invited to attend this free event - lunch included. Free childcare available and free transportation is available by contacting Two Harbors Dial-A-Ride at 800-8620175 and selecting option 3. Arrowhead Transit will be available starting at 8am and trips to and from the Moose Lodge will be covered until the closing of the event. The following locations will also be highlighted for the event by buses, but for all rides call for direct pick up and drop off: Ecumen Scenic Shores Bayview Apartments Harbor Point Apartments Rustic Creek Apartments Online pre-registration is required. For more information about the event, contact Tom Sippola at 218-327-8737. 9/14/2016 Wednesday, 8:30 AM—3:30 PM Two Harbors Moose Lodge Free 23 COMMUNITY EDUCATION Enroll w w w. Online is d38 ! 1 .org CLASS REGISTRATION 2016 Registration may be made by phone, mail, in person or online. Visa and MasterCard are accepted for payment of class fees. When you pay for the class, you reserve your place in that class. You must register for every class. Failure to do so could result in its cancellation. REGISTER EARLY, AS CLASSES FILL UP QUICKLY! course fees Fees listed are payable to Community Education, not to the instructor. Don’t forget you can register online for classes! Go to, click on Community Education and then Classes & Registration. school closings On days schools are closed or released early for any reason, Community Education classes will not be held. THIS INCLUDES PRESCHOOL AND ECFE CLASSES. course changes Community Education reserves the right to drop any course offered because of insufficient registration. Courses may also be added or dropped after this publication. Check our updates online at html. Class cancellations/refunds must be made no later than the class registration deadline; or if no deadline is listed, a minimum of three business days prior to the first day of class. locations and hours of CE offices Two Harbors High School Door 17, 7:30AM-4PM (closed for lunch 12-12:30PM) William Kelley School in Silver Bay, Noon – 4PM Claire Nelson Center, Finland, MN, 10AM-4PM Tuesdays and Fridays Please check with your physician before starting any exercise program. To register by phone, call Community Education: 834-8201, ext. 8230 in Two Harbors 226-4437, ext. 8137 in Silver Bay 353-0300 in Finland To register online: 24 PARTICIPANT PUBLICITY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Community Education reserves the right to utilize photos and the names of participants for publicity purposes. Participants desiring their names/photograph not to be used for publicity must notify Community Education in writing at the time of registration. CL I P A N D SAV E ✂ District Phone Directory NameNumber/Ext DISTRICT OFFICE Main Number . . . . . . . . 218-834-8201 Fax Number . . . . . . . . . 218-834-8239 Superintendent, Bill Crandall (218)-834-8201, #8213 Brandt, Jean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #8207 Nelson, Jean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #8229 Lee, Kristen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #8299 Peterson, Debbie . . . . . . . . . . . #8216 Takkunen, Lance . . . . . . . . . . . #8219 Torgerson, Peggy . . . . . . . . . . .#8220 COMMUNITY EDUCATION Main Number . . . . . . . . 218-834-8201 Community Education Director, Chris Langenbrunner (218)-834-8201, #8227 Hipple, Jaime . . . . . . . . . . . . . #8137 Lenski, Kim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #8158 Olson, Sandi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #8230 TWO HARBORS HIGH SCHOOL Main Number . . . . . . . . 218-834-8201 Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218-834-5513 Principal, Jay Belcastro (218)-834-8201, #8202 Assistant Principal, Julie Benson (218)-834-8201, #8203 Altiere, Anthony . . . . . . . . . . . . 8305 Anderson, Krista . . . . . . . . . . . . 8270 Anderson, Rodney . . . . . . . . . . . 8313 Auditorium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8341 Belcastro, Jay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8202 Benson, Julie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8203 Berthiaume, Pat (JrHLab) . . . . . . 8353 Board Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8356 Bott, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8269 Boys Locker Room . . . . . . . . . . . 8292 Brandt, Jean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8207 Burton, Lauren . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8228 NameNumber/Ext NameNumber/Ext Chalupsky, Kyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8274 Coen, Tisha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8312 Comp. Lab Media Center . . . . . . . 8355 Computer Lab Sr High . . . . . . . . .8354 Costello, Larry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8244 Crandall, Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8213 Custodial Break Rm . . . . . . . . . . 8248 Custodians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8208 ECFE Kids Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8362 ECFE Parent Rm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8351 Ellingsen, Luann . . . . . . . . . . . . 8302 FACS Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8239 Faculty Lounge . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8204 Fearn, Holly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8306 Fitness Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8291 Fitzpatrick, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . 8319 Football Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8272 Freund, Carl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8275 Getten, Brien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8308 Gilbert, Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8205 Gym (Equip. Room) . . . . . . . . . . 8241 Haaversen, Dave . . . . . . . . . . . . 8211 Harbson, Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8268 Harju, Gail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8314 Hebl, Dan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8310 Holecek, Dean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8271 Johnson, MaryAnn . . . . . . . . . . . 8210 Johnson, Ronnie . . . . . . . . . . . . 8201 Juenemann, Penny . . . . . . . . . . . 8287 Kluenenberg, Nate . . . . . . . . . . . 8349 Langenbrunner, Chris . . . . . . . . . 8227 Lee, Kristen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8299 Lodin, Dan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8257 Lodin, Karen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8311 MacGibbon, Nancy . . . . . . . . . . . 8215 MacLeod, Shari . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8285 Mattson, Bobbi . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8303 Nelson, Jean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8229 Nelson, Lori . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8348 Office (Back Office) . . . . . . . . . . 8301 Olson, Alister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8224 Olson, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8309 Olson, Sandi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8230 Packer, Jeff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8315 Persons, Kerri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8206 Peterson, Debbie . . . . . . . . . . . . 8216 Poe-Johnson, Angel . . . . . . . . . . 8342 Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8209 Preston, Sara (Nurse) . . . . . . . . . 8212 Rauvola, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8316 Reppe, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8238 Rosenberg, Brian . . . . . . . . . . . . 8253 Ross, Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8242 Ross, Scott (Classroom) . . . . . . . . 8225 Schlangen, Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . 8318 Server Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8254 Stockdale, Tajen . . . . . . . . . . . . 8329 Sweatt, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8321 Takkunen, Lance . . . . . . . . . . . . 8219 Thewis, Dan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8281 THHS Office - Student . . . . . . . . . 8209 Tokvam, Amy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8307 Torgerson, Peggy . . . . . . . . . . . .8220 Uremovich, Nadine . . . . . . . . . . 8261 Wasko, Kristi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8304 Wasko, Steve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8237 MINNEHAHA ELEMENTARY Main Number . . . . . . . . 218-834-8221 Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218-834-8247 Principal, Brett Archer 218-834-8221, #8402 Archer, Brett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8402 Bopp, Jill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8420 Byrns, Sara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8408 Carlson, Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8440 Carlson, Pam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8409 Cavallin, Amy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8430 Cavallin, Barb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8450 Churchill, Robin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8451 Churness, Nancy . . . . . . . . . . . . 8427 Claflin, Brenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8410 Custodians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8412 Drevecky-Rees, Annie . . . . . . . . . 8414 For the most recently updated contact information, please access: 25 District Phone Directory NameNumber/Ext MINNEHAHA ELEMENTARY continued Edlund, Sarah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8435 Faculty Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8415 Fahlin, Janelle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8438 Falk, Jenny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8401 Ferarri, Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8445 Gilsvik, Emily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8442 Gym . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8417 Haavisto, Sarah . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8428 Hagglund, Pauliann . . . . . . . . . . 8419 Headstart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8449 Hobbs, Shari (Nurse) . . . . . . . . . 8434 Howard, Rachel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8421 Hurd, Tricia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8446 Kids and Co (Main) . . . . . . . . . . . 8423 Kitchen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8425 LeBlanc, Wendy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8405 Moe, Deb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8403 Morsette, Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8431 Nelson, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8407 Nordskog, Claire . . . . . . . . . . . . 8422 Ortman, Cindy . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8436 OT-PT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8437 Peterson, Cassandra . . . . . . . . . . 8404 Peterson, Kris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8429 Pierson, Kim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8439 Rossetter, Jo-Ann . . . . . . . . . . . .8451 Rousse, Rachel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8444 Sandretsky, Tracey . . . . . . . . . . . 8424 Scamehorn, Lia . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8400 Seymore, Erin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8447 Spearman, Matt . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8432 Thomas, Kristin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8443 Torvinen, Lisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8441 Udenberg, Jenna . . . . . . . . . . . . 8426 VanKekerix, Susan . . . . . . . . . . . 8468 Voltz, Christy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8418 Wistrom, Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8433 Zastera, Jody (Kids&Co.) . . . . . . . 8406 NameNumber/Ext WILLIAM KELLEY Main Phone Number: . . . 218-226-4437 High School Office Fax . . . . . . . . . . . 218-226-3127 NameNumber/Ext Guzzo, Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8102 Hipple, Jaime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8137 HS Computer Lab . . . . . . . . . . . . 8164 ITV Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8129 Elementary Office Fax . . . . . . . . . . . 218-226-4860 Johnson, Amy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8186 Principal, Joe Nicklay (218)-226-4437, #8101 Anderson, Krista . . . . . . . . . . . . 8197 Armstrong, Patty . . . . . . . . . . . . 8104 Belanger, Chris (Drafting) . . . . . . 8146 Belanger, Chris (Wood Shop) . . . . 8140 Betzler, Sara (Library, HS . . . . . . . 8139 Bilben, Kerri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8107 Blanck, Daren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8166 Blood, Terry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8138 Bott, Leah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8148 Boy’s Locker Room . . . . . . . . . . . 8106 Brandt, Jean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8151 Carroll, Mary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8185 Claflin, Darcy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8173 Community Theater . . . . . . . . . . 8144 Custodian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8131 Davis, Tina (Library, Elementary) . . 8156 Dean of Students . . . . . . . . . . . . 8123 Diane Buus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8122 Donna Blomberg (Preschool) . . . . 8159 Duchsher, Kathy . . . . . . . . . . . . 8132 ECFE Parent Room . . . . . . . . . . . 8177 Faculty Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8109 Fitness Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8142 Frericks, Rick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8169 Frericks, Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8167 Frericks-Blood, Terri . . . . . . . . . . 8175 Fritz, Katie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8182 Gagnon, Michelle . . . . . . . . . . . . 8134 Galley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8120 Goette, Shawn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8135 Goettl, Lela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8196 Goutermont, Tina . . . . . . . . . . . 8170 Johnson, Dan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8183 Johnson, Nicole (ECSE) . . . . . . . . 8161 Kaiser, Ward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8149 Ketola, Michelle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8100 KHS Office - Student Phone . . . . . 8105 Krussow, Mike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8178 Lenski, Kim (ECFE) . . . . . . . . . . . 8158 Lewis, Nancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8172 Malcomb, Lisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8184 McMillen, Andrea . . . . . . . . . . . 8171 Nelson, Doreen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8187 Nicklay, Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8101 Nicklay, Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8174 Nurse (Molly Gadsby) . . . . . . . . . 8108 Ollila, Kelly, AD . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8103 Osterlund, Alicia . . . . . . . . . . . . 8168 Otterblad, Jamie . . . . . . . . . . . . 8157 Pelkey, Jessup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8189 Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8125 Sando, Geri (Computer Lab) . . . . . 8154 Schow (Dahl), Gretchen . . . . . . . 8147 Stadler, Michelle . . . . . . . . . . . . 8181 Technology Work Room . . . . . . . 8194 Thomas, Kristin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8179 Vance, Karen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8153 Walker, Ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8143 TRANSPORTATION Two Harbors Bus Garage . . . . . . . . . . 218-834-8240 Two Harbors Bus Gar. Fax: . . . . . . . . . 218-834-2412 Silver Bay Bus Garage . . . . . . . . . . 218-226-3308 For the most recently updated contact information, please access: 26 Lake County has joined the first Minnesota cohort of communities last spring to offer this exemplary course for community members age 55 and above. This nationwide program has been made available by grant funding from the National Council on Aging and the Northland Foundation and allows for our initial students to take the course free of charge. The $99 course fee will be waived for seniors want to participate and are willing to act as our AMP ambassadors in the future! Facilitated sessions also feature a speaker on the curriculum topic. Fun activities and food will round out each 90 minute session. Sessions are currently being held in Silver Bay and will be held again in Two Harbors beginning Nov. 14. This is a course - not pick and choose topics. Participants must attend 8 of the 10 session to be eligible for graduation. Check with Community Education, North Shore Area Partners or Community Partners for more information. What is AMP? The Aging Mastery Program® (AMP) is a comprehensive and fun approach to aging well that encourages people to take actions to enhance their health, financial well-being, social connectedness, and overall quality of life. Central to the AMP philosophy is the belief that modest lifestyle changes can produce big results and that people can be empowered and supported to cultivate health and longevity. Equally important, the program encourages mastery— developing sustainable behaviors over time. Participants in AMP go through a 10-session core program followed by optional elective classes and activities. Why is AMP important? Life expectancy has increased dramatically over the past 50 years, yet people are generally unprepared for this increased longevity. AMP offers an innovative approach to guide individuals through this phase of life. The program incorporates evidence-informed materials, expert speakers, group discussion, peer support, and small rewards to give participants the skills and tools they need to achieve measurable improvements in managing their health, remaining economically secure, and contributing actively in society. All program materials and resources align with the goal of helping people enjoy self-sufficient lives. Aging Mastery Program®: Core Curriculum: •N avigating Longer Lives: The Basics of Aging Mastery • Exercise and You • Sleep • Healthy Eating and Hydration • Financial Fitness • Falls Prevention • Advance Planning • Healthy Relationships • Medication Management • Community Engagement. Optional: • Intergeneration Connections 27 Lake N NON-PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 40 DULUTH, MN School District Superior I. S. D. #381 COMMUNITY EDUCATION 1640 HWY 2, SUITE 2001 TWO HARBORS, MN 55616 ***ECRWSS*** POSTAL CUSTOMER Lake Superior Sc 1640 Hwy 2 • Our Mission Lake Superior School District will provide an educational environment encouraging lifelong learning, self-fulfillment and responsible citizenship. hool Distr ict Office Two Harbors, MN 55616 • (2 18 Two Harbors H igh Grades 6 – 12 ) 834-8201 #8 216 • w w d3 School • 1640 Hwy 2 Two Harbors Co m • Two Harbor munity Educat Minnehaha s, MN 55616 • (218 ) 834-8201 01 #8230 ion (218) 834-82 E lementary S Grades Pre c ho ol K – 5 • 421 7th Street • Two William Ke Harbors, M N 55616 • (218 ) 83 4-8221 ll Grades Pre ey School K – 12 • 13 7 Banks B lvd. • Silver Silver Bay Bay, MN 55 Community 614 • (218 ) E d u cation (218) 226-4437 Finland Com 226-4437 # munity Edu PO Box 58 8137 cation – Cla 2, 6866 Cra ir Nelso m er Rd. • Fin land, MN 55 n Community Cente r 603 • (218 ) 353-0300