an NRA Certified Instructor Registration Form

Instructor Candidate
Registration & Evaluation Form
Name____________________________________________________Age_______ Male /Female
This form must be mailed. Do not send electronically
Why do you want to be an NRA Certified Instructor/RSO ?
Please give a brief description of your shooting history.
All Instructor Candidates need to be familiar with the NRA basic shooting materials for the
discipline they wish to instruct. For instance, Rifle Instructors should be familiar with terms like
“bone support.” All instructors should know what NPA is or how to determine eye dominance. If
you are unsure, you may want to participate in a basic course. At the minimum, all Instructor
Candidates need to obtain the basic student book for their discipline.
Make checks payable to LRN2shoot inc. and send to PO Box 87592 Carol Stream,
IL. 60188. Payments need to be in my PO box by the due date.
Any questions please contact me at or 630-664-4042
The goal of a good Training Counselor is to help enthusiastic
experienced shooters Become NRA Certified Instructors
Instructor Candidate Training Agreement
Persons participating in a National Rifle Association Instructor Course conducted by NRA Appointed
Training Counselor James Appleby with the intent of becoming NRA Certified Instructors are
considered and will be referred to as Instructor Candidates. The NRA certifies instructors based on the
successful completion of the instructor course and the endorsement of the NRA Appointed Training
Counselor conducting the course. It is the primary intent of NRA Appointed Training Counselor
James Appleby to assist any Instructor Candidate to reach the highest possible endorsement for
instructor certification within reasonable limits set by James Appleby and the standards set forth by
the NRA. Instructor Candidates are not guaranteed the endorsement of NRA Appointed Training
Counselor James Appleby.
Requirements for Endorsement
Arrive on time and prepared for the course.
Have all course fees paid in full in advance.
Show proficiency of Skills and Knowledge in the discipline for which you wish to be a
NRA Certified Instructor.
Complete Basic Instructors Exam and the Discipline specific exam with a score of 90%
for NRA Certified Instructor and 85% for Assistant or Apprentice Instructor.
Possess the appropriate Attitude at all times.
Be prepared to submit Instructor Application with appropriate fees to the NRA upon
course completion.
Attend the course in its entirety and attend any additional training deemed necessary
by James Appleby or assisting staff.
It is solely at the discretion of the NRA Appointed Training Counselor James Appleby/LRN2shoot to
Instructor Candidates for certification. It is also at the discretion of James Appleby/LRN2shoot as to
what degree candidates will participate in training in order to earn the endorsement for Instructor
Certification. NRA appointed Training Counselor James Appleby/LRN2shoot reserves the right to
expel anyone from a course at any time for any reason as deemed necessary. Failing to gain
endorsement for Instructor Certification, being expelled from a course or failure to attend the course
are not grounds for receiving a refund or credit towards future courses.
In the event James Appleby/LRN2shoot is not able to conduct a scheduled course due to events and
situations beyond his control (e.g. weather, fire etc.), refunds and/or credits will be given at the sole
discretion of James Appleby.
I (print name)___________________________ have read and agree to the agreement on this document
(Sign)________________________________ (date) ___________________