Filtrexx® Compost Erosion Control Blanket
[CECB]™ is a slope stabilization, erosion control,
and vegetation establishment practice used on hill
slopes to stabilize bare, disturbed, or erodable soils
on and around construction activities. CECB is used
for temporary and permanent slope erosion control
and vegetation establishment applications. CECB is
surface applied to a depth of 1.5 to 2 in (35-50mm)
or 200-270 cubic yards/ac (385-513 cubic m/ha), and
normally applied to hill slopes with pneumatic blower
trucks or similar equipment. Filtrexx® LockDowntm
Netting can be used to increase the stabilization and
erosion control capabilities of CECB. LockDown
Netting is a single net erosion control blanket
stapled to the slope prior to application of the CECB
(Section 5.4).
CECB is used for slope stabilization, erosion control
and vegetation establishment on disturbed, bare,
or highly erodable soils during land disturbing and
construction activities. CECB is typically used after
final grading for temporary or permanent seeding
applications. Custom seed mixes may be added to the
CECB and applied directly to the slope. Non-seeded
applications shall be considered a temporary form
of erosion control. CECB can be used on slopes up
to 2:1 without the use of additional soil stabilizers.
Slopes greater than 2:1 require the use of LockDown
Netting. CECB should not be used in areas of
concentrated runoff flow. Filtrexx® SiltSoxx™
for slope interruption may be used with CECB to
reduce effective slope lengths, runoff velocity, and
the potential for rill erosion. See Figure 1.1 for an
example of CECB.
• CECB can be used for temporary or permanent stabilization, erosion prevention and vegetation establishment on bare, disturbed, and erodable soils on hill slopes.
• CECB can be used with LockDown Netting to
Filtrexx® Compost Erosion Control
Blanket [CECB]™ (GrowingMedia™)
increase soil surface roughness and product stability on steep slopes.
• CECB is easily designed as part of a treatment train approach in erosion and sediment control site design.
• CECB is easily applied and can establish
vegetation in difficult areas.
• CECB can easily be spot applied, or used in conjunction with rolled erosion control blankets (RECBs) and turf reinforcement mats (TRMs).
• CECB can dissipate the energy of rainfall impact, thereby reducing splash erosion.
• CECB can absorb rainfall and runoff water, thereby increasing infiltration and reducing runoff and sheet erosion.
• CECB can slow down runoff velocity, thereby reducing the erosive energy of runoff and the potential for soil erosion.
• Humus colloids and organic matter in slope protection provide physical structure for seed and establishing seedlings.
• Humus colloids and organic matter in slope protection provide increased water holding capacity and reduced water evaporation to aid in seed germination and the potential for reduced irrigation.
• CECB acts like a mulch and has been shown to reduce invasive weed establishment and cover.
• CECB is a good option for arid and semiarid regions where germination, moisture management, and irrigation can be difficult.
•CECB provides organic nutrients that are slow release for optimum uptake efficiency to
establishing vegetation.
• CECB provides organic nutrients that are less prone to transport in storm runoff and pollution of surface waters, relative to mineral nutrients supplied by fertilizers.
•CECB provides organic nutrients which have been correlated to lower growth of invasive weeds relative to mineral nutrient fertilizers.
• CECB has the ability to bind and adsorb phosphorus, metals, and hydrocarbons that may be in storm water runoff.
102 | Filtrexx® Low Impact Design Manual | Version 10.0
1.8. Filtrexx® Compost Erosion Control Blanket
• Microorganisms in CECB have the ability to degrade organic pollutants and cycle captured nutrients in storm water runoff.
• CECB is organic and 100% biodegradable, therefore can be left on site after permanent stabilization is complete, used in the landscape design, and/or seeded and planted with permanent vegetation.
• CECB can improve existing soil structure, soil aggregation, water permeability, aeration, and biological diversity, after construction activity is complete, thereby increasing the likelihood that vegetation will be sustainable.
• CECB can increase soil carbon and organic matter which may increase water holding capacity and
infiltration, and reduce runoff and erosion, which can be beneficial to storm water reduction and water quality over the long term.
•CECB may assist in qualification for
LEED® Green Building Rating and Certification
credits under LEED Building Design &
Construction (BD+C), New Construction
v4. Awarded credits may be possible from the
categories of Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency,
Materials & Resources, and Innovation. Note:
LEED is an independent program offered through
the U.S. Green Building Council. LEED credits are
determined on a per project basis by an independent
auditing committee. Filtrexx neither guarantees nor
assures LEED credits from the use of its products.
LEED is a trademark of the U.S. Green Building
Ease of Installation
Erosion Control –
Pre Vegetation
Erosion Control –
Vegetation Establishment
Runoff Control
Sediment Control
• If CECB does not use Filtrexx® GrowingMediatm or follow Filtrexx International specifications performance may be greatly diminished.
• If not installed correctly, maintained or used for a purpose or intention that does not meet specifications, performance may be diminished.
• CECB should not be the only form of site erosion and sediment control.
• CECB should never be used in areas of concentrated runoff flow, including channels and drainage ditches unless in combination with a turf reinforcement mat (TRM).
• CECB should not be used without additional support practices on slopes greater than 2:1, and should be used with caution on slopes greater than 1.5:1.
• CECB may need to be reapplied if severe runoff occurs prior to vegetation establishment or where vegetation fails.
Filtrexx CECB uses only Filtrexx GrowingMedia,
which is a composted material that is specifically
designed to reduce runoff volume, slow runoff
velocity, prevent splash and sheet erosion, and provide
rapid establishment and permanent sustainability of
vegetation. GrowingMedia has been third party tested
and certified to meet minimum performance criteria
defined by Filtrexx International. Performance
parameters include: percent cover of vegetation,
water holding capacity, pH, organic matter, nutrient
and metals content, soluble salts, moisture content,
biological stability, maturity bioassay, percent inert
material, bulk density and particle size distribution.
It should be noted that particle size distribution
of GrowingMedia is one of the key components
to effective performance and capacity of CECB;
therefore, Filtrexx International has conducted
extensive research and development and review
of state and federal specifications to create high
performance and reliable CECB. For information
on the physical, chemical, and biological properties
of GrowingMedia refer to Specification 6.2 Filtrexx®
QA/QC material testing of GrowingMedia, to
ensure specifications are met, is conducted by the
Soil Control Lab, Inc. Performance testing and
research of CECB has been extensive in the last 5
years and is currently on-going. Filtrexx International
will continue to conduct and support testing and
Construction Activities | Section 1: Erosion & Sediment Control | 103
research programs to better inform and assist design
professionals in erosion control and storm water
pollution prevention plan development. Filtrexx
International relies on completed and published
research or test results from reputable laboratories
and verified via field applied research to generate the
performance and design information provided herein.
Filtrexx International gives preference to research
published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and
secondarily to third party research conducted by
universities and federal agencies. For a summary of
performance testing and research results on CECB see
Table 1.1. Supporting technical reports and research
papers can be found in the Filtrexx Library (www.
filtrexx.com/research-library/). Table 1.2 provides
performance and design information on other
commonly used erosion control practices.
Note: the Contractor is responsible for establishing
a working erosion and sediment control system and
may, with approval of the Engineer, work outside the
minimum construction requirements as needed. Where
the CECB deteriorates or fails, it shall be repaired or
replaced with an effective alternative.
CECB is a slope stabilization and vegetation
establishment (temporary or permanent) practice
used for soil erosion control of disturbed, bare, and
erodable soils, on construction and/or land disturbing
activities. LockDown Netting can be used to increase
the design capacity and performance of CECB.
Planning Considerations
CECB should be used as one treatment in a treatment
train approach to site erosion and sediment control.
Runoff control and runoff diversion practices may
be designed to help prevent seed washing and soil
erosion prior to vegetation establishment and to
protect seedlings prior to maturity. Preconstruction
meetings should be conducted to educate
construction site personnel about the devices/
practices used and acceptable traffic patterns that
avoid running over CECB with vehicles and heavy
equipment. Vehicular traffic and heavy equipment
will reduce the effectiveness of CECB and contribute
to soil compaction, which may increase runoff and
erosion and reduce vegetation establishment.
Successful planning for any vegetation
establishment project should consider climate,
prevailing weather, temperature, sun exposure,
available moisture/irrigation requirements,
topography, soil type, soil pH, soil amendments,
nutrient requirements, drought tolerance, site
Vegetation Establishing in Temporary Seeding
preparation/coordination with construction phases,
time to establishment/coordination with construction
phases, protection from erosion and sedimentation,
and seed mix/plant selection (Fifield, 2001).
Temporary vs. Permanent Vegetation
Temporary vegetation is typically designed for
disturbed soils that will undergo future disturbance,
such as: cut and fill slopes under construction, soil
storage areas and stockpiles, permanent vegetation
establishment that requires a nurse crop, stabilization
of temporary runoff diversion devices, dikes, and
sediment containment systems (Fifield, 2001). Quick
establishing annual grasses and legumes are normally
specified for these applications.
Permanent vegetation is usually specified for:
slopes where erosion control blankets are required,
drainage ditches and channels that require liners
or turf reinforcement mats, areas that have
undergone final clearing and grading and require soil
stabilization. Perennial grasses are typically specified
and if possible native grasses should be utilized
(Fifield, 2001).
Local Landscape Architects, NRCS, or university/
cooperative extension should be consulted and used as
resources for temporary and/or permanent vegetation
seed selection. Many state erosion and sediment
control manuals have specifications for seed selection
and application rates.
Preparation and Application
Where possible, slopes should be vertically tracked to
increase soil roughness. This will increase the CECB
contact with the soil, reduce runoff velocity, and
increase vegetation establishment success. Reducing
runoff velocity can reduce seed wash prior to and
during germination and reduce stress on young
plants during the establishment phase. CECB
shall be applied to and cover 100% of the exposed
104 | Filtrexx® Low Impact Design Manual | Version 10.0
1.8. Filtrexx® Compost Erosion Control Blanket
or disturbed area where stabilization/vegetation is
required. CECB shall be applied at a depth of 1.5-2
in (35-50mm) or 200-270 cubic yards/ac (385-513
cubic m/ha). Thicker CECB may reduce runoff
during large storm events, which can lead to less
soil erosion; however, this is at the discretion of the
Engineer. See Installation guidelines in the following
section for further details on application and
installation specifications of CECB.
Establishing & Sustaining Vegetation
Although CECB increases water holding capacity
and reduce evaporation, irrigation may be required to
ensure successful vegetation establishment. Runoff
diversion devices may be utilized to prevent storm
runoff from washing seed prior to germination
and establishment and reduce soil erosion prior to
permanent stabilization.
CECB can supply humus, organic matter,
beneficial microbes, and slow release organic nutrients
that can contribute to better soil quality and plant
health. In arid and semi-arid regions, or hot and dry
weather, regular irrigation may be required.
Runoff Conditions
CECB should not be used in areas where
concentrated flow exists or where runoff velocities
will damage or undermine vegetation, unless used
in combination with TRMs. For most grasses a
maximum velocity of 4 ft/sec (1.2 m/sec) or a
maximum hydraulic shear stress of 2 lbs/ft2 (10 kg/
m2) is recommended (Maryland Storm Water Design
Manual, 2000).
High Wind Conditions
In regions or seasons prone to high velocity wind
conditions (such as arid regions, mountainous
regions, and regions with distinct hurricane seasons) it
is recommended that LockDown Netting is installed
on top of the CECB to prevent wind erosion and
movement of the CECB.
Mulch Function
CECB covers 100% of the soil surface, and
therefore provide the beneficial affects characteristic
to mulches, including: reduced raindrop impact
and splash erosion, reduced runoff energy and
sheet erosion, buffered soil temperature for plants,
decreased moisture evaporation, increased moisture
holding capacity at the soil surface, reduced runoff
volume and velocity, and increased infiltration.
Soil Amendment Function
CECB also amends the soil which can provide the
following functional benefits: increased soil structure,
increased soil aggregates, increased soil aeration,
increased infiltration and percolation, increased
moisture holding capacity, increased activity of
beneficial microbes, increased availability of nutrients,
decreased runoff volume and velocity, decreased
erosion, and increased plant health and long-term
Organic vs. Fertilizer Nutrients
Although most specification and design manuals
include fertilizer recommendations or requirements
for vegetation establishment, mineral nutrients from
fertilizers may not be preferable where vegetation
sustainability and water quality are a concern. CECB
provides organic nutrients which: are slow release,
provide plant micronutrients, and are less likely to
be transported in storm runoff to receiving waters
– which can reduce pollution and eutrophication
of waterways (Faucette et al, 2005). In site sensitive
areas where nutrient runoff is a concern, CECB may
release up to 1/10 of the nutrient load compared
to conventional hydroseeding and hydromulching
(Faucette et al, 2005).
Weed Establishment
The effects of mulching are known to suppress weed
establishment. In addition, invasive weed growth has
been more closely associated with mineral fertilizers
than organic fertility practices (Faucette et al, 2004)
1. CECB used for slope stabilization, erosion
control, and vegetation establishment shall meet
Filtrexx® CECB Specifications and use Filtrexx® GrowingMediatm.
2. Contractor is required to be a Filtrexx® Certifiedsm
Construction Activities | Section 1: Erosion & Sediment Control | 105
Installer as determined by Filtrexx International,
(440-926-2607). Certification shall be considered
current if appropriate identification is shown
during time of bid or at time of application. Look
for the Filtrexx Certified Installer Seal.
3. CECB will be placed at locations indicated on
plans as directed by the Engineer.
4. CECB shall be applied to 100% of the area where
erosion control and vegetation is required.
5. CECB shall cover 100% of the bare or disturbed
soil area, whereas, no native soil shall be visible in
or through the CECB.
6. CECB shall be applied at a minimum depth of
1.5-2 in (35-50mm) or 200-270 cubic yards/
ac (385-513 cubic m/ha), as specified by the
7. Seed shall be thoroughly mixed with the
GrowingMedia prior to application or surface
applied to GrowingMedia at time of application.
8. CECB shall not be installed in areas of
concentrated runoff flow.
9. CECB shall be installed at least 10 ft (3m) over
and beyond the shoulder of the slope and/or into
existing vegetation to ensure runoff does not
undercut the blanket.
10.CECB installed on slopes: greater than or equal
to 4:1 shall be tracked; greater than or equal to
2:1 shall be tracked and use LockDown Netting;
greater than 1:1 shall use erosion control blankets or turf reinforcement mats.
11.When required, LockDown Netting shall be
installed prior to the application of the slope
12.LockDown Netting shall be anchored to the
soil using 6-8 in (150-200mm) sod staples to be
driven along the entire perimeter of the net and
netting area.
13.Staples for LockDown Netting shall be spaced no
more than 24 in (600mm) apart on all sides.
14.Where more than one roll of LockDown Netting
is required for slope width or slope length, netting
edges shall be overlapped by a minimum of 6 in
15.LockDown Netting shall be installed from top
to bottom (never across) on the slope.
16.LockDown Netting shall be installed under the
entire area of the CECB, including 10 ft (3m)
over the shoulder of the slope.
17.LockDown Netting may be installed on top of the
CECB where wind velocities and wind erosion are
above normal. All other installation procedures
and specifications are the same as described above.
Routine inspection should be conducted within
24 hrs of a runoff event or as designated by the
regulating authority. If rilling occurs or vegetation
does not establish, the area of application should be
reapplied with CECB. If failure continues, the use
of runoff diversion devices, erosion control support
practices, soil stabilizers, turf reinforcement mats, or
hard armoring practices should be considered. CECB
should be inspected until permanent vegetation is
established and land disturbing/construction activities
have ceased. Temporary and permanent vegetation
practices should always be inspected for noxious or
invasive weeds. Any area not covered by vegetation
should be reseeded. LockDown Netting should be
repaired if it has been moved by wind or storm runoff
and/or part or whole is not in contact with the soil
1. The Contractor shall maintain the CECB in a
functional condition at all times and it shall be
routinely inspected.
2. CECB shall be maintained until a minimum of
70% uniform cover of the applied area has been
vegetated or as required by the jurisdictional
agency, and land disturbing/construction activities
have ceased.
3. CECB may need to be irrigated during hot and
dry weather, or arid and semi-arid climates to
ensure vegetation establishment.
4. Where CECB fails, rilling occurs, or vegetation
does not establish the Contractor will repair or
provide an approved and functioning alternative.
5. If gullies form in CECB, the area shall be regraded prior to reinstallation of slope protection
or alternative.
6. If a CECB is damaged by storm water runoff,
runoff diversion devices installed above the CECB 106 | Filtrexx® Low Impact Design Manual | Version 10.0
1.8. Filtrexx® Compost Erosion Control Blanket
may be required.
7. If LockDown Netting has been moved by wind
or runoff it shall be repaired by restoring contact
between soil and CECB interface; additional
staples and CECB application may be required.
8. Once vegetation is established in temporary
applications, final seeding and/or permanent
vegetation may not be required.
9. No additional fertilizer or lime is required for
vegetation establishment and maintenance.
10.No disposal is required for this product/practice.
Bid items shall show measurement as ‘Filtrexx®
Compost Erosion Control Blanket [CECB]™ per
square ft, per square yd, per square meter, per hectare,
or per acre installed.
Engineer shall notify Filtrexx of location,
description, and details of project prior to the bidding
process so that Filtrexx can provide design aid and
technical support.
or Patents Pending and is the property of Filtrexx
Copyright 2005-2016, Filtrexx International, all rights
reserved. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
American Association of State Highway
Transportation Officials. 2003. Standard Specification
for Transportation Materials and Methods of
Sampling and Testing, Designation M10-03,
Compost for Erosion/Sediment Control. Washington,
Demars, K., R. Long, and J. Ives. 2000. Use of Wood
Waste Materials for Erosion Control. New England
Transportation Consortium & Federal Highway
Administration – NETCR 20. Conducted by
University of Connecticut Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering.
For other references on this topic, including additional
research reports and trade magazine and press coverage,
visit the Filtrexx website at www.filtrexx.com
Filtrexx International, Technical Support
61 N Clev-Mass Rd, Ste E, Akron, OH 44333
877-542-7699 | 234-466-0810 (fax)
www.filtrexx.com | info@filtrexx.com
Call for complete list of international installers.
BactoLoxx, DuraSoxx, EarthBloxx, EnviroBloxx,
EnviroSoxx, Filtrexx, GardenSoxx, GreenLoxx,
GroSoxx, Let Nature Do It, MetalLoxx, NutriLoxx,
PetroLoxx, and Trinity are Registered Trademarks of
Filtrexx International.
BioSoxx, CECB [Compost Erosion Control Blanket],
CSWB [Compost StormWater Blanket], DitchChexx,
EdgeSaver, FilterCell, FilterMedia, FilterSoxx,
GrowingMedia, InletSoxx, LivingWall, Lockdown,
NitroLoxx, PhosLoxx, SiltSoxx, Soft Blocks, and Soxx
are Trademarks of Filtrexx International.
Filtrexx Certified and its accompanying logo are
Service Marks of Filtrexx International.
The information contained herein may be subject
to confidential intellectual property of Filtrexx
International, including but not limited to US
Patents 7,226,240; 7,452,165; 7,654,292; 8,272,812;
8,439,607; 8,740,503; 8,821,076; and 9,044,795
Demars, K.R., and R.P. Long. 1998. Field
Evaluation of Source Separated Compost and Coneg
Model Procurement Specifications for Connecticut
DOT Projects. University of Connecticut and
Connecticut Department of Transportation.
December, 1998. JHR 98-264.
ECTC. 2004. Erosion Control Technology Council
Standard Specification for Rolled Erosion Control
Products. Rev. 4904. www.ectc.org.
Faucette, L.B., and A. Vick. 2006. LEED Green
Building Credits using Filtrexx® Organic BMPs.
Filtrexx® Tech Link #3301.
Faucette, L.B. A. Vick, and K. Kerchner. 2006.
Filtrexx®, Compost, Low Impact Development
(LID), and Design Considerations for Storm Water
Management. Filtrexx® Tech Link #3306.
Faucette, B. 2006. How Important is Particle Size in
Specifications for Compost Erosion Control Blankets.
Filtrexx® Tech Link #3310.
Faucette, B. 2006. C Factors for Compost and Rolled
Erosion Control Blankets. Filtrexx® Tech Link #3303.
Faucette, B., K. Kerchner, and A. Vick. 2006.
Determining Runoff Curve Numbers for Compost
Erosion Control Blankets. Filtrexx® Tech Link #3305.
Faucette, L.B., J. Governo, C.F. Jordan, B.G.
Construction Activities | Section 1: Erosion & Sediment Control | 107
Lockaby, and H.F. Carino. 2006. Storm water quality,
C factors, and particle size specifications for compost
and mulch blankets relative to straw blankets with
PAM used for erosion control. Under Peer Review.
Filtrexx® Library #706.
Faucette L.B., C.F. Jordan, L.M. Risse, M. Cabrera,
D.C. Coleman, and L.T. West. 2006. Vegetation
and soil quality effects from hydroseed and compost
blankets used for erosion control in construction
activities. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, to
be published Nov/Dec 2006. Filtrexx® Library #705.
Faucette, L.B., N. Strazar, and A. Marks. 2006.
Filtrexx® Polymer and Flocculent Guide. Filtrexx®
Library #601.
Faucette, L.B., C.F. Jordan, L.M. Risse, M. Cabrera,
D.C. Coleman, and L.T. West. 2005.
Evaluation of storm water from compost and
conventional erosion control practices in construction
activities. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.
Faucette, L.B., C.F. Jordan, L.M. Risse, M. Cabrera,
D.C. Coleman, and L.T. West. 2004. Evaluation of
Environmental Benefits and Impacts of Compost and
Industry Standard Erosion and Sediment Control
Measures used in Construction Activities. Doctoral
Dissertation, Institute of Ecology, University of
Georgia, Athens, GA. Filtrexx® Library #112.
Faucette, L.B., M. Risse, M.A. Nearing, J. Gaskin,
and L. West. 2004. Runoff, erosion, and nutrient
losses from compost and mulch blankets under
simulated rainfall. Journal of Soil and Water
Conservation. 59:4: 154-160.
Fifield, J. 2001. Designing for Effective Sediment
and Erosion Control on Construction Sites. Forester
Press, Santa Barbara, CA.
GA Soil and Water Conservation Commission, 2000.
Georgia Erosion and Sediment Control Manual,
2000, 5th Ed.
Hallock, B., A. Power, S. Rein, M. Curto, and
M. Scharff. 2006. Analysis of compost treatments
to establish shrubs and improve water quality.
2006 International Erosion Control Conference
Proceedings, Long Beach, CA.
Kirchhoff, C.J., J. Malina, and M. Barrett. 2003.
Characteristics of Composts: Moisture Holding
and Water Quality Improvement. University of Texas:
Austin, Federal Highway Administration, and Texas
Department of Transportation. TX DOT – 04/04403-2.
KY TC, 2006. Kentucky Erosion Prevention
and Sediment Control Field Guide. Kentucky
Transportation Cabinet.
Maryland Storm Water Design Manual Vol I
and II. 2000. Appendix D.12. Critical erosive
velocity for grasses and soil. Maryland Department
of Environment and the Center for Watershed
Marks, A., R. Tyler, and B. Faucette. 2005. The
Filtrexx® Library. Digital publication of support tools
for the erosion control industry. www.filtrexxlibrary.
Marks, A., and R. Tyler. 2003. Filtrexx® International
Company Website. Specifications, CAD drawings,
case histories. www.filtrexx.com
Mukhtar, S., M. McFarland, C. Gerngross, and
F. Mazac. 2004. Efficacy of using dairy manure
compost as erosion control and revegetation material.
2004 American Society of Agricultural Engineers/
Canadian Society of Agricultural Engineers Annual
International Meeting, Ontario, CA. Paper # 44079.
Persyn, R. T. Glanville, T. Richard, J. Laflen, and P.
Dixon. 2004. Environmental effects to
applying composted organics to new highway
embankments, Part 1: Interrill runoff and erosion.
Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural
Engineers. 47:2: 463-469.
Tyler, R.W., and A. Marks. 2004. Erosion Control
Toolbox CD Kit. A Guide to Filtrexx® Products,
Educational Supplement, and Project Videos. 3 CD
set for Specifications and Design Considerations for
Filtrexx® Products.
Tyler, R.W., J. Hoeck, and J. Giles. 2004. Keys
to understanding how to use compost and organic
matter. IECA Annual Meeting Presentations
published as IECA Digital Education Library,
Copyright 2004 Blue Sky Broadcast.
Tyler, R.W. 2004. International PCT Patent
Publication #: WO 2004/002834 A2. Containment
Systems, Methods and Devices for Controlling
108 | Filtrexx® Low Impact Design Manual | Version 10.0
1.8. Filtrexx® Compost Erosion Control Blanket
Tyler, R.W., A. Marks. 2003. Filtrexx® Product
Installation Guide. Grafton, Ohio.
Tyler, R.W. 2003. International PCT Application
#: PCTUS2003/020022. Containment Systems,
Methods and Devices for Controlling Erosion.
Tyler, R.W. 2001. Filtrexx® Product Manual.
Specifications and Design Considerations for
Filtrexx® Products, Grafton, OH.
Tyler, R.W. 1996. Winning the Organics Game – The
Compost Marketers Handbook. ASHS Press, ISBN #
US EPA NPDES Phase II. 2006. Compost Blankets:
Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control.
National Menu of Best Management Practices for
Construction Sites. http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/
Woods End Research Lab, Inc. 2003. Stormwater
monitoring, Collection and Analysis of Test Plot
Runoff: Kents Hill School Project 319. Maine
Department of Transportation.
Construction Activities | Section 1: Erosion & Sediment Control | 109
Table 5.1. Filtrexx® Compost Erosion Control Blanket [CECB]™ Performance1 and Design Specifications.
Rainfall Total/
Design &
Depth of slope
4.4 in (112mm)
/2.4 hr
1.8 in (45mm)
/35 min
3.2 in (80mm)
/1 hr
4.0 in (100mm)
/1 hr
4.0 in (100mm)
/1 hr
4.0 in (100mm)
/1 hr
8.0 in (200mm)
/2 hr
3.0 in
2.0 in
1.5 in
1.5 in
1.5 in
1.5 in
2.0 in
fines only
Tackifying agent
(w/fines only)
Support Practice
Soil Type
C Factor2
Silty sand
Sandy clay loam
Sandy clay loam
Sandy clay loam
Sandy clay loam
Loamy sand
Soil Loss
Runoff Volume
Runoff Rate
New England
Consortium &
Federal Highway
– NETCR 20
Journal of Soil
and Water Conservation
Transactions of
University of
University of
University of
University of
University of
Iowa State
Demars et al,
Mukhtar et al,
Faucette et al,
Faucette et al
Faucette et al
Faucette et al
Persyn et al 2004
ND: no data reported
Slope protection in studies that met Filtrexx Specifications.
Cover-Management Factor: A C Factor of .02 indicates that erosion is reduced to 2% of what would occur under fallow conditions
Determined from interrill erosion rate.
Average of 10 runoff events was 76% runoff volume reduction.
Cumulative over 3 runoff events.
110 | Filtrexx® Low Impact Design Manual | Version 10.0
1.8. Filtrexx® Compost Erosion Control Blanket
Table 8.2. Performance and Design Criteria References for Various Erosion Control Technologies.
Product/Practice (reference)
C Factor
Influencing Factors
Hydraulic mulch + synthetic or fiber netting (ECTC,
5:1 slope; ECTC test method
Netless rolled erosion control blanket (bound by
polymers or chemical adhesion) (ECTC, 2004)
4:1 slope; ECTC test method
Single net erosion control blanket (natural materials
woven/mechanically bound) (ECTC, 2004)
3:1 slope; ECTC test method
Double net erosion control blanket (natural
materials woven/mechanical bound between 2
layers) (ECTC, 2004)
2:1 slope; ECTC test method
Erosion control blanket/open weave textile (slow
degrading, continuous weave double net ECB)
(ECTC, 2004)
1.5:1 slope; ECTC test method
Turf reinforcement mat (permanent/nondegradable,
3- dimensional thickness, used in concentrated
flows) (ECTC, 2004)
None (usually tested for max shear stress or CFS)
0.5:1 slope; ECTC test method
Straw Blanket (Demars & Long, 1998)
2:1 slope; natural rainfall (max. 1.6 in [40mm]/24 hr);
10 ft x 35 ft (3m x 10.5m) test plot; on silty sand
Straw blanket w/PAM (Faucette et al, 2006)
10:1 slope; 4 in (100mm)/hr 1hr rainfall; 3 ft x 16 ft (1m
x 5m) test plot; clay subsoil; 2 in (50mm) blanket
Mulch Blanket (Demars & Long, 1998)
2:1 slope; natural rainfall (max. 1.6 in [40mm]/24 hr);
10 ft x 35 ft (3m x10.5m) test plot; on silty sand; 3 in
(75mm) blanket
Mulch Fines (Faucette et al, 2004)
10:1 slope; 3.2 in (80mm)/hr 1 hr rainfall; 3 ft x 3 ft (1m
x1m) test plot; clay subsoil; 1.5 in (40mm) blanket
Mulch Overs (Faucette et al, 2004)
10:1 slope; 3.2 in (80mm)/hr 1 hr rainfall; 3 ft x 3 ft (1m
x 1m) test plot; clay subsoil; 1.5 in (40mm) blanket
Wood chips @ 7 tons/ac (16 Mg/ha)
(GA SWCC, 2000)
Wood chips @ 12 tons/ac (27 Mg/ha)
(GA SWCC, 2000)
Wood chips @ 25 tons/ac (56 Mg/ha)
(GA SWCC, 2000)
Forest duff layer (GA SWCC, 2000)
Construction Activities | Section 1: Erosion & Sediment Control | 111
Figure 8.1. Engineering Design Details for Compost Erosion Control Blanket [CECB]
2" Filtrexx® Compost Erosion
Control Blanket
Permanent Erosion
Control Seeding
1. CECB to meet Filtrexx® installation specifications.
2. CECB must use Filtrexx® GrowingMedia™.
3. CECB must be installed by a Filtrexx® Certified Installer.
4. CECB shall be applied to 100% of bare soil or area specified.
5. CECB shall be installed at least 10 feet over the slope shoulder or into existing vegetation.
6. Erosion control seeding shall meet jurisdictional agency
specifications or will be at the discretion of the engineer.
7. CECB shall not be installed in areas of concentrated flow where max. flow exceeds 4 CFS or shear stress exceeds 2lbs./sq. ft.
112 | Filtrexx® Low Impact Design Manual | Version 10.0
1.8. Filtrexx® Compost Erosion Control Blanket
Figure 8.2. Engineering Design Details for LockDown™ Netting.
2" Filtrexx® Compost Erosion Control Blanket
Filtrexx® LockDown™ Netting
Permanent Erosion Control Seeding
Sod Staple
1. LockDown™ Netting to meet Filtrexx® installation specifications.
2. LockDown™ Netting must be installed by a Filtrexx® Certified Installer.
3. LockDown™ Netting is recommended for slopes between 3:1 and 2:1 and is required for slopes greater than 2:1.
4. LockDown™ Netting is not sufficient to be used alone as a form of slope stabilization or erosion control; LockDown™ Netting shall be installed prior to the application of CECB.
5. LockDown™ Netting shall be anchored to the soil using 8" sod staples to be driven along the entire perimeter of the netting area.
6. Staples for LockDown™ Netting shall be spaced no more than 24" apart on all sides.
7. Where more than one roll of LockDown™ Netting is required for slope length or slope width, netting edges shall be overlapped by a minimum of 6".
8. LockDown™ Netting shall be installed from top to bottom (never across) on the slope.
9. LockDown™ Netting shall be installed under the entire area of the CECB, including 10 feet over the shoulder of the slope.
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