Double Science or Triple Science

Double Science or Triple Science
GCSE Science at NSG
 OCR 21st Century Science
 Students will start the GCSE course in January of Y9
 Two choices available:
 Double Science (leading to 2 GCSEs)
 Triple Science (leading to 3 GCSEs)
 Your daughter now needs to decide which option she would
prefer to take
Your choice today
 Double science
 Two GCSEs
 Core Science in Years 9 and 10
 Additional Science or Additional Applied Science in Y11
 Triple Science (also known as Separate Sciences)
 Three GCSEs
 Biology, Chemistry and Physics
 Course is taken throughout Years 9 to 11
Core Science: Year 9 & 10
 75% Exams taken in May/June 2014
 B1, C1, P1
 B2, C2, P2
 B3, C3, P3
 25% Coursework
 Data Analysis
 Case Study
At the end of Y10 your
daughter will be awarded
a GCSE in Core Science
 3 double lessons per week with one or two teachers
 2 Hours Homework per week
Additional Science: Year 11
 75% Exams taken in May/June 2015
 B4, C4, P4
 B5, C5, P5
 B6, C6, P6
 25% Coursework
 Practical Investigation
At the end of Y11 your
daughter will be awarded
a GCSE in Additional
 3 double lessons per week with one or two teachers
 2 Hours Homework per week
Additional Applied Science: Year 11
 40% Exams taken in May/June 2015
 Science in Society
 Science of Materials and Production
 60% Coursework
At the end of Y11
your daughter will
be awarded a
GCSE in Additional
Applied Science
 3 double lessons per week with one or two teachers
 2 Hours Homework per week
Triple Science
 Science is taught as separate subjects
 Students will therefore gain a separate GCSE for Biology,
Chemistry and Physics (3 in total)
 Your daughter will be taught by three different teachers
who specialise in that particular subject
 This is the more demanding option due to the increased
amount of coursework and scientific content to learn
Triple Science
 The course starts in Y9 and is examined in summer of Y11
 75% Exams
 3 exams per subject
 25% Coursework
 Practical Investigation
 One double lesson per week per subject
 One homework per week per subject
Triple Science Exams (June 2015)
 Biology
 Exam 1: B1, B2, B3 (25%)
 Exam 2: B4, B5, B6 (25%)
 Exam 3: B7 (25%)
 Chemistry
 Exam 1: C1, C2, C3 (25%)
 Exam 2: C4, C5, C6 (25%)
 Exam 3: C7 (25%)
 Physics
 Exam 1: P1, P2, P3 (25%)
 Exam 2: P4, P5, P6 (25%)
 Exam 3: P7 (25%)
The 7th Module is unique
to the separate science
It is much larger with
about 3x the content of
the other modules
How are the groups chosen?
 Students in Miss Adams’ group in Elm (9AS1) and Mrs
Fowkes’ group in Oak (9BS1) will do triple science
 Unless students state that they prefer to do double science
 Remaining classes:
 Student preference by letter
 Teacher recommendation
 Exam performance in Y9 Autumn term
In order to do Triple
Science students need
to achieve a Level 6 in
each end of unit test
 Only limited places in Triple Science
 (60 per Oak/Elm – including those in 9AS1/9BS1)
What do I need to do now?
 Have a discussion with your daughter
 Things to think about
 Does she intend to study science at A-level?
 Is she prepared for the extra workload of triple science?
 Is she prepared to revise for 9 exams in Summer 2015?!?
 Letters will be sent to all students shortly which will need
to be returned to her science teacher
Any Questions?