A Field Exercise to AcquaintStudentswith Soil Testing as a Measure of Soil Fertility Status andField Variability S. L. Taylor, G. V. Johnson,* and W. R. Raun ABSTRACT A laboratoryexercise wasdevelopedfor a senior-level soil fertility class to acquaintstudentswiththe effect of field variability on uses of soil testing. Studentpairs took 25 random surface (0-15 cm)soil samplesfroma 25002 sampling rea, a fromfour 25 by 25 msections within the samplingarea, and single point samplesfromthe center of each of 25, 5 by 5 m grids of one of the sections. Eachset of 25 randomsamples werecombined,mixed,and the compositeanalyzedas a single sample. Sampleresults werecomparedbetweenpairs of students samplingthe samearea. Also, split samplesfromthe samecompositesampleweresent to the laboratoryto determinethe variability within the laboratory.Soil sampleswere analyzedfor pH,buffer index(BI), nitrate-nitrogen(NO3-N), phosphorus (P), andpotassium(K). Results weregiven to dentsto assess whateffect different soil samplingprocedures hadon soil test results andhowthis wouldinfluencefertilizer and lime recommendations. The numberofsubsamplesneeded to obtain a good compositewas between15 and20, based on results of this excercise. Surfacecontourmaps,developedfrom the results of grid sampling,wereusedto illustrate the variability of the nutrients throughoutthe field. Samplingand travel to andfromthe off-campus site wereeasily completed in a 2-h lab period. This exercise promoted student interest in field workandimprovedtheir understanding of soil testing andfertilizer recommendations. A PPLICATIONS of fertilizer nutrients are often based on soil test results; therefore, it is importantfor studentsto understand the proper procedure for soil sampling, interpreting test results, and the influenceof field variability. The soil test results and interpretation are onlyas goodas the initial soil samplecollected; therefore, the first step is to obtain a good(representative) soil sample. The numberof samples to collect, which area to exclude, and the samplingdepth to get a good soil sample, have been studied. Johnson and Allen 0994) stated that 20 cores taken randomly from the field of interest are needed to obtain a good soil sample, while avoiding unusual spots within the field. Adettmji (1994) found that 25 to 30 samples were needed to estimate field variability in a newlycultivated field, while 30 to 40 samples were needed for a continuously cultivated field, indicating that continuouscultivation increases field variability. Adetunji(1994) further noted that samplestaken at depth of 0 to 20 cm had the highest correlation with crop nutrient uptake. Workby Diaz et al. (1992) estimated that to 20 samples were needed from a sampling area to obtain a representative sample with 95%confidence and 20%rela- tive error, excluding highly variable border areas such as bordering canals and areas close to roads. A field exercise was designed in which students were asked to collect soil samples randomly from within five flagged areas and at each of 25 points in a 5 by 5 mgrid of one of the areas. The collected soil samplesweresent to the OklahomaCooperative Extension Service soil testing laboratory for analysis. Soil test results werethen returned to the students and they were asked to determine field variability from the point grid area. Theyalso estimated the numberof samplesrequired to obtain a goodsoil sample. Limeand fertilizer recommendationswere madefor a specific crop at a given yield goal according to OSUSoil Test Interpretations (Allen and Johnson, 1993). The objectives of this teaching-learning exercise were to acquaint students with strategies neededto acquire a representative soil sample, to familiarize themwith field variability, and to develop an understanding of the use of soil test results as a guide for soil pHand nutrient management. MATERIALS AND METHODS Soil Sampling A cultivated field was divided into four areas (designated A, B, C, and D) each approximately 25 mby 25 m, with area B further divided into 25 squares approximately5 mby 5 m(Fig. 1), before students arrived at the field. In addition to the field site, materials neededincluded soil probes, plastic buckets, plot flags, tape measure,and samplecontainers. Students did soil sampling in pairs, and samples were collected as follows: 25 A D C Department of Agronomy, 369AgriculturalHall, Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, OK74078.Contribution fromthe Oklahoma Agric.Exp.Stn. Received24 Sept. 1996.*Corresponding author(gvj@soilwater.agr. okstate.edu). Published in J. Nat.Resour.LifeSci. Educ.26:!32-135 (1997). 132¯ J. Nat. Resour.Life ScLEduc.,Vol. 26, no. 2, 1997 Fig. I. Fieldlayoutforsampling areas. m~ 1. Twocomposite samples of the entire area (Sections + B + C + D), from two pairs of students (Samples and 2), to obtain representative samplesof the entire area and comparesampling variability between student pairs. 2. A composite sample of Section A (Sample 3). 3. A compositesample of Section B, split into two separate samples(Samples4 and 5), and repeated by a different pair of students (no. 6 and 7), to comparetesting variability within the lab and samplingvariability amongstudent pairs. 4. Section C sampled using above approach for Section B (no. 8, 9, 10, and ll). 5. Section D was sampled using the methodfor sampling Section A (no. 12). 6. Single-point samplesobtained near the center of each grid area within Area B (no. 13-37), to be used for contouring and determining the number of samples required to obtain a representative compositesample for an area. 7. Profile soil samples--soil was obtained from the center of Grid 13 from depths of 0 to 15, 15 to 30, 30 to 45, and 45 to 75 cm(no. 38, 39, 40, and 41, respectively), to comparevertical distribution of mobile(N) and immobile(P) nutrients. All composite samples were taken from 25 randomcores as described by Johnsonand Allen (1994), placed in a plastic bucket, mixed, and a portion placed in a soil samplebag. Point samples from the grid areas and the deep samples were collected and placed into the sampling bags directly. All sampleswere sent to the state soil testing lab and analyzed for pH (1:1 soil/water), SMPBuffer Index (BI), NO3-N(saturated CaSO4 solution extract), P, and (MehlichIII extract) (Southern Coop.Series, 1984). Interpretationof Soil Test Results Results fromthe testing laboratory were given to the students in a tabular format and they were asked to complete a report. Students were asked to note and discuss differences in soil test results fromthe compositesamplesof the entire area (Samples 1 and 2), and an average of the composite samples taken from each separate area (A + B + C + D) (Table 1). Differences were also noted in the results obtained for the samples taken from the same areas, but from different pairs of students. Oncestudents were familiar with the soil test results, they wereaskedto makefertil- Table 1. Soil test results and fertilizer recommendations (2.7 Mg-1 ha wheat yield goal) for composite samples of an entire area and onefourth sections of the area (A, B, C, and D). Fertilizer recommendations Soiltest results Sampleno. NO3-N P -- kg ha -t To~larea 46 1 2 60 Avg. 53 SectionA 40 3 SectionB 4 36 5 36 Avg. 36 6 40 7 41 Avg. 41 B Avg. 38 SectionC 8, 9, 10, 11 Avg.54 Section D 12 46 Sections A,B,C, andD Avg. 45 K pH BI P205 K20 -- kg ha -I -- -- N 54 70 62 409 467 438 5.2 5.3 5.3 6.6 6.7 6.7 34 20 37 9 0 2 0 0 0 49 451 5.5 6.7 40 13 0 48 50 49 57 54 56 52 397 402 400 421 429 425 412 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.5 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.7 6.8 6.8 44 44 44 40 39 39 42 14 12 13 6 9 7 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69 383 5.2 6.7 26 0 0 67 532 4.9 6.5 34 0 0 59 445 5.3 6.7 35 5 0 izer recommendationsfor winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) with a 2.7 Mgha-~ yield goal (40 bushel acre-I) using current soil test calibration tables (Allen and Johnson, 1993). For results of samples taken from various depths in the profile, students were askedto provide interpretations related to; (i) nutrient cycling, (ii) historical fertilizer application of immobileand mobile nutrients, (iii) agronomicreasons for sampling by depth, and (iv) howsampling by depth may change fertilizer recommendationscompared with surface (0-15 cm) sampling alone. Students were provided with blank grids to enter results of grid point sampling, as illustrated for the NO3-N results in Fig. 2. Fromthis students were asked to develop contour isolines basedon actual field variability for all nutrients (pH and BI contoured grids were provided as examples by the instructor), as illustrated in Fig. 3. Oncethe grids and contouting were completed, students were asked to makefertilizer recommendations for the entire area based on averaging 25 m 25 m 72 39 28 39 43 59 59 32 37 36 50 34 30 25 102 45 40 28 29 5O 37 47 40 73 31 Fig. 2. Point grid soil sampleresults for NO3-Nin Section B (expressed as kg ha-t). 37 4("38---- ,.30 30/ 25 Fig. 3. Field variability of NOrNresults of point grid sampling and appropriateisolines (in kg ha-I). J. Nat. Resour.Life ScLEduc.,VoL26, no. 2, 1997¯ 133 Table 2. Soil test results for samplesfromdifferent depths at the same point location. Sample Soiltest results No. Depth 38 39 40 41 cm 00-I 5 15-30 30-60 60-90 NO~-N -~ ~ .kg 32 11 4 3 P K pH BI 321 237 355 343 5.5 6.0 6.2 6.2 6.9 7.0 6.9 6.9 ha 60 32 13 8 all samples(Table 1), and for distinctly different areas identified by contours using variable rates for the area (Fig. 4). The point grid soil sampling was also used to determine the numberof samples required for a representative composite sample of the area. The methodused was to randomly select point sampleresults and average these to represent the area. Results of two samples were selected first, then three, four, and so on, until all 25 sampleswere included in the mean.Meansfor all nutrients were then plotted on separate x, y, scatter plots (performedby an instructor) to illustrate the difference in meansas a function of the numberof randomsamples taken to makeup a composite sample (Fig. 5 for NO3-N).Fromvisual observation of the graphs, the students were asked to estimate the number of samples needed to obtain a composite sample representative of the area. The exercise took one 2-h lab period for sample collection, with the results and report being handedout the following lab period. Students were given 1 wkto complete the lab report. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Results from the lab exercise and report showedthat students becameacquainted with the proper procedure for taking soil samples and the numberof samples required to get a good compositesoil sample. They also developed a better understanding of field variability and were able to identify fertilizer requirements for a given crop from a soil test report. Different randomsamples taken from the samearea, but by different pairs of students, showed that NO3-N changedby 14 kg ha-l from one sample to the other, with a change of 16 and 58 in the P and K values, respectively (Table 1, Sample1 vs. 2). Fertilizer recommendationsfor each separate sample and for the average of the two samples showedthat soil test values varied considerably from one student pair to another. However,the differences in fertilizer recommendations were smaller (Table 1) and may have resulted in the same amountbeing applied in a field scale situation, whereapplication rates are commonly roundedto the nearest 10 or 20 units. Whencomposite samples were split and sent to the laboratory as two separate samples, as in the case with the two pairs of students sampling Section B, the results indicate there is more variation associated with repeated samplingof the same area (average of 4 and 5 vs. average of 6 and 7) than with repeated analysis of the same sample (Samples vs. 5 and 6 vs. 7) by a laboratory. Using K values as an example,differences in soil test values were greater between the average of split samples for each pair of students (425 vs. 400) than betweenthe split samples makingup the average for each pair (402 vs. 397for pair l; 429vs. 421for pair 2). Results of the deep sampling (Table 2) showed higher surface soil values for N and P, indicative of past fertilizer additions. For the immobile nutrients P and K, low P and high K levels at depths below 30 cm indicate this soil was inherently deficient in P and fertile in K. Lowconcentrations of NO3-Nbelow 30 cm are a result of good past N management that has involved fertilizer inputs that were not excessive. The contour mapsprepared by the students for all nutrients allowed them to becomeacquainted with actual field variability and the differences in variability fromnutrient to nutrient, with NO3-Nand K being the most variable and pHand P the least. Figure 3 illustrates the contour map developed by the students for NO3-N.Concerns about the increasing use of commercialfertilizers have stimulated the interest in variable rate fertilization of fields, that is, applying nutrients to only those areas in need. Thepoint grid sampling allowed students to imagine the use of variable rate technology and recommend the use of different rates of fertilizer to separateareas of the field basedon soil test results. For Section B, the average surface soil NO3-Nwas 36 and 41 kg ha-1 for the two randomly sampled composites (Samples 4 and 5, and Samples6 and 7; Table l), and the average of the 25 grid samples was 44 kg ha-1. Both pro6O 55 Z SO 0 Z 45 28 391 43 32 37 I 36 50 34 30 I 25 45 40 28 i 29 37 47 I 40 39 31 -1 N Rate, kg ha [] [] 0-25 45-55 Fig. 4. Fertilizer Nrecommendation(in kg ha-~), based on field variability using the point grid method. 134 ¯ J. Nat. Resour.Life Sci. Educ.,Vol. 26, no. 2, 1997 4O; 350 5 10 15 20 25 Numberof Samples Fig. 5. MeanNO3-Nvalues for randomly selected samples from point grid area to estimate the numberof samples needed to obtain a good sample. vided good estimates of the average but masked the large variability found within this section (29-102 kg ha"1; Fig. 2 and 3). Students were asked to make variable fertilizer recommendations based on contouring of the point grid soil sampling for a 2.7 Mg ha~' wheat yield goal as illustrated in Fig. 4. From a comparison of soil test means, calculated from an increasing number of samples, students were able to visually identify that 15 to 20 samples may be required to obtain a reliable composite sample for a field (Fig. 5). This exercise was used at Oklahoma State University in a senior level soil fertility course. Student interest in this exercise was high and they especially enjoyed getting to the field.