1 hampden township cumberland county, pennsylvania ordinance

BE IT HEREBY ENACTED AND ORDAINED and it is hereby enacted and ordained by
the Board of Township Commissioners in and for the Township of Hampden, Cumberland County,
Pennsylvania, as follows:
SECTION 1: Chapter 27 (Zoning) of the Township of Hampden Code of Ordinances as
originally enacted August 27, 1998 and as subsequently amended, is hereby amended as follows:
The Zoning Map of Hampden Township, which is incorporated in the Township of
Hampden Code of Ordinances as originally enacted August 27, 1998 and as subsequently amended,
is hereby amended to include the M-U Mixed-Use Overlay District (also referred to as the “Mixed
Use Overlay District”) and its three designated areas; namely, the West, South and East areas (“W”,
“S” and “E”), as a new overlay zoning district in Hampden Township, over and upon certain
portions of land in Hampden Township located in those zoning districts presently existing (A-O, AO-L, C-G, C-L and I-G), over and upon which the Mixed Use Overlay District is hereby placed, as
more fully specifically depicted on the Mixed Use Overlay plan or map attached hereto and
incorporated by reference herein as “Exhibit A”. The Mixed Use Overlay District and the three
designated areas thereof are further identified as including the lands comprising those properties
identified by the tax parcel numbers with corresponding street addresses as listed on the document
attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein as "Exhibit B".
SECTION 2: The Assistant Director of Public Works is directed to revise the Zoning Map
of Hampden Township to delineate and include the M-U Mixed-Use Overlay District, including its
three designated areas, as noted in Exhibit A and adopted hereby.
SECTION 3: Part 24 of Chapter 27 of the Township of Hampden Code of Ordinances is
hereby amended to include reference to this Ordinance, its date and description of the land rezoned
hereby upon this Ordinance becoming effective as provided by law.
SECTION 4: Section 301 of Part 3, Designation of Districts, of Chapter 27 of the Township
of Hampden Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to include the following additional paragraph:
L. M-U Mixed-Use Overlay District.
SECTION 5: Chapter 27 of the Township of Hampden Code of Ordinances is hereby
amended to include the following new Part:
It is the specific intent of this Part:
To allow property owners in the overlay district the option of developing / redeveloping
properties according to the underlying zoning or the MU Mixed Use Overlay Zoning;
To provide additional and new opportunities for development and redevelopment in the overlay
zoning districts;
To enhance pedestrian and vehicular safety through the provision of sidewalks, lighting and
consolidation of driveways;
To enhance aesthetics in the MU Mixed Use Overlay Zoning District;
To incentivize lot assembly and consolidation toward the more efficient and cost-effective use of
land; and
To allow for reduced retail use parking and to encourage shared parking and cross access
easements between abutting properties for the purpose of mitigating motor vehicle traffic and
Procedural requirements shall be in accordance with the underlying zoning district. Where there
is a conflict between the provisions or requirements of this overlay district and those of any
underlying zone, the provisions of the MU District shall govern.
The MU Mixed-Use Overlay Zoning District shall be considered a mixed-use district. More than
one use per lot is permitted in the MU District in accordance with the requirements in this article.
When a residential use and another permitted use are contained in the same building, residential
uses shall not be located on the ground floor.
In the MU District, a building may be erected or used and a lot may be used or occupied for one
or more of the following permitted uses:
Health Services
Medical Clinic-Limited
Hospitals (West Overlay District Only)
Pharmacies Located in a Medical Clinic where limited to dispensing medicine
Offices of licensed practitioners of the Healing Arts
Professional Offices
Professional Offices
Investment Brokers
Finance Agencies
Business Office Complex
Business Office Building
Personal Service
Retail Services
Farmer’s Market
Gas Station/Convenience Stores
Convenience Stores without Fuel Dispensing Facilities
Convenience Stores with Fuel Dispensing Facilities (West MU Overlay Districts)
Laundry/Dry-cleaning Services
Dry Cleaning Service Establishments
Self-Service Laundries
Restaurants, Tea Rooms, Cafes including outdoor Café (Drive in or in-car services permitted in West Overlay only)
Bakery, Candy, Pastry, Confectionery, or Ice Cream Retail Sales/minor manufacturing permitted for on premise sales only.
Hotels, Motels
Bed and Breakfasts
Vehicle Services
Automobile rental
Veterinary/Animal Services
Animal Hospitals
Pet Shops
Bus Passenger Stations
Home Improvement Services
Home Improvement Sales, Showrooms and offices including storage of inventory
Florists and nurseries
Lumber yards (West District Only)
Garden Center/Nursery
No-impact home-based business
Alternative Energy Generation Devices
Wind turbines permitted by special exception
Residential Solar Energy System
Non-Residential Solar Energy System
Dwelling, Multiple (including assisted living facilities and independent living facilities with permitted densities as per table M-U.3)
Places of Worship
Churches or similar places of worship, such as mosques, synagogues and temples
Educational instruction and schools, colleges and universities, public and private including accessory uses
Family Day Care Home, Group Day Care Home, Child Day Care Center, Private Nursery, or Kindergarten
Studios for instruction in music, arts, science, radio, and television
Adult Day Care Facilities
Public Uses/Infrastructure
Public Utilities and Facilities
Telecommunication Towers (as per Zoning Ordinance Section 1818)
Municipal Buildings and/or uses
Structured Parking Facility
Commercial and public recreational facilities, playgrounds, and parks
Indoor commercial recreation facilities; public recreation facilities, including playgrounds & parks
Assembly Halls
Swimming Pools
Health Clubs
Under 21 Social Clubs and Establishments
Recreational Facilities
Accessory use on the same lot which is customarily incidental to any of the above permitted uses.
1. All multiple dwelling residential buildings shall meet the following requirements:
A. One and two bedroom units must comprise at least 80% of the total residential units.
B. 50% of all units must provide outdoor balconies or patios in the case of ground floor
units. Minimum size for these areas shall be 40 square feet.
C. Long term indoor bicycle parking / storage in the building or in the parking structure
shall be provided 1 storage space for at least 15% of the total dwelling units.
D. Short term outdoor bicycle parking shall be provided for at least 10% of the total
dwelling units.
E. All connections for laundry facilities (washer and dryer) shall be provided in each
dwelling unit
F. Multiple dwelling buildings with less than 30 dwelling units shall incorporate at least one
or more of the below common amenities. Multiple dwelling buildings with 30 or more
dwelling units shall incorporate at least two or more of the below common amenities:
landscaped common open space (at ground floor level or on rooftop) with a minimum
size of 1000 square feet, fitness center (120 square feet min.), indoor or outdoor
swimming pool (800 square feet min.), community room (120 square feet min).
The following conditional uses and no others may be allowed by the Township Board of
Commissioners after recommendations by the Planning Commission pursuant to the express
standards and criteria set forth in Part 19 of the Zoning Ordinance:
Assisted Living Facility that exceeds 15 du/ac in East or South Overlay or 20 du/ac in West Overlay
Independent Living Facility that exceeds 15 du/ac in East or South Overlay or 20 du/ac in West Overlay
Structured Parking less than 100’ from a street other than PA Route 581
1. In the MU Mixed-Use Overlay District, if an Assisted Living Facility or an Independent
Living Facility are proposed to exceed 15 dwelling units per acre in the East or South Overlay or
are proposed to exceed 20 dwelling units per acre in the West Overlay, they shall be subject to
conditional use approval. In no case shall such facilities exceed a density of thirty (30) dwelling
units per acre.
A. An Assisted Living Facility or an Independent Living Facility that are subject to a
conditional use shall be situated on a total tract area of 5 acres or larger.
2. In the Mixed-Use Overlay District, if structured parking is within 100’ of the street, it shall be
constructed in accordance with the conditions as contained in the Subdivision and Land
Development Ordinance Design Standards for the M-U Mixed Use Overlay District. These
requirements do not apply to street frontage located within 100’ of PA Route 581.
Table M-U.3 Dimensional Standards
WEST Overlay
EAST Overlay
4 AC
2 AC
2 AC
20 D.U. /Acre
15 D.U. /Acre
15 D.U. /Acre
Lot Coverage (Maximum)
Front Yard (Minimum)
Front Yard (Maximum)
Side Yard (street corner)(Minimum)
Side Yard (street corner)(Maximum)
Side Yard-to Non Residential (Min.)
Bldg. Height (Maximum)
Lot Area (Minimum)
Residential Density (Maximum)
Lot Width at street line (Minimum)
Side Yard-to Residential (Minimum)
SOUTH Overlay
See underlying
See underlying
See underlying
See underlying
See underlying
See underlying
See underlying
See underlying
See underlying
Surface Parking Setbacks - to Building (Min.)
Distance Between Buildings (Min.)
Street front Common Use Area width
Rear Yard-to Non-Residential. (Min)
Rear Yard-to Residential (Min.)
Buffer Yard-to Non-Residential (Min.)
Buffer Yards-to Residential (Min.)
Buffer Yard Residential to other use (Min)
Surface Parking Setbacks - to Residential
Surface Parking Setbacks - to Front Yard
Footnotes to Table M-U.3
1. When there is more than one building on a lot, this requirement shall not apply if
one or more building(s) frontage comprise at least 50% of the lot’s primary
roadway frontage and is located between the minimum and maximum front yard
setbacks and side yard setbacks abutting street, or as otherwise stated for the
permitted uses stated in Table M-U.3.
Above: Illustration of footnote 1
Buildings over 40' in height shall be required to have an additional front yard
building setback of 10' for the portion of the building over 40'. Buildings over 80 in
height shall have an additional 5’ front yard setback for the portion of the building
over 80’ in height.
Above: Illustration of footnote 2
3. Minimum side and rear yard building setbacks established in this section shall be
increased 1 foot for each foot of building height exceeding 40 feet. This
requirement shall not apply to side yard building setbacks abutting street, rear
yard building setbacks abutting street and any yards abutting limited access
4. Where side and rear setbacks and buffer yards abut any Naval Support Activity
parcels the setback and buffer required by the underlying zoning district shall
5. 200 square feet of interior common use area shall be provided for each foot of
building height over 80 feet. However, in no case shall the interior common use
area be less than 500 square feet. The interior common use area shall be
developed in accordance with the following:
The interior common use area shall not overlap the required buffer area, the
street side common use area, or required front, side or rear yards.
b. The interior common use area shall be universally accessible from the building
and consist of a contiguous area of at least 500 square feet. The perimeter of the
common use area shall not have a dimension less than 20’ on any one side.
c. The interior common use area shall connect ADA accessible routes to other
common use areas on the same parcel or on adjacent parcels and/or any open
space areas.
No part of any building shall encroach into any setback, except as described below:
1. Overhanging eaves and bay windows may project up to two feet into any required
2. Awnings and balconies may extend up to 4 feet into any required setback
A streetfront common use area shall be reserved along the entire parcel frontage along
roadways as indicated in Table M-U.3.
1. Sidewalks shall be located within the streetfront common use areas in an effort
toward creating a completely linked network of sidewalks connecting transit stops,
commercial centers, institutional facilities and residential buildings including
common open space areas, and parking.
2. Along Trindle Road: A streetfront common use area shall begin at the curb line
and consist of a landscaped area suitable for a bio-swale / water retention area
measuring a minimum of twelve feet in width, and a public sidewalk measuring a
minimum unobstructed width of eight feet, designed in such a manner to minimize
damage or to avoid the removal of existing trees. The bio-swale shall be designed to
retain / infiltrate stormwater runoff and shall be planted with street trees, shrubs,
ornamental grasses, and perennial groundcover. Sidewalk alignments may be
modified to minimize damage to or to preserve the existing mature trees in these
3. On all other streets: Streetfront common use area shall begin at the curb line and
consist of a landscaped strip measuring a minimum of three feet in width, and a
public sidewalk with a minimum unobstructed width of five feet.
4. Street trees shall be provided in the streetfront common use area in accordance with
the following:
a. Street trees shall be placed an average of 40 feet on center in uniform or in
naturalized groupings.
b. If a hardscaped planted area is desired, street trees shall be placed in tree pits
with tree grates in uniform arrangements at 40 feet on center.
5. The sidewalk way may be linear or meandering provided it is located within the
streetfront common use area and other minimum requirements established herein are
6. Shade trees shall be required in parking lots at a rate of at least one (1) tree for every
ten (10) vehicle parking spaces. Trees shall be planted in a minimum 200 square
foot landscaped island. Landscape islands shall have curbs with 12 inch wide
openings that allow stormwater runoff to flow into landscaped area. Landscape
islands shall be planted with plant materials that have a mature height no greater
than 18 inches.
7. Pedestrian level lighting shall be provided along all street frontages at a minimum
rate of 1 light per every 75’. Lighting standards shall have a pole height of 14 feet
and poles shall be black metal spun aluminum, Victorian (gas replica) light fixture,
High Pressure Sodium lamp, with banner arm, as supplied by PPL Electric Utilities,
or approved equal.
8. Plant materials shall be from the Approved List of Plant Materials as contained in
the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance Design Standards for the M-U
Mixed Use Overlay District.
9. Landscape Plans shall be prepared and sealed by a Landscape Architect registered in
the State of Pennsylvania.
All land developments submitted under the M-U Overlays Districts shall comply with
design standards as outlined in Chapter 22, except the following:
1. Sidewalks (located in the street front common use area) and storm water
retention basins shall not count against a site’s total, overall impervious
2. Outdoor trash, recycling receptacles, dumpsters and similar trash storage areas
shall be screened from public view on all sides by a six (6) foot tall screen / wall
made from materials that are durable and are compatible with the architectural
design of the buildings that they serve. The screened storage areas shall not be
located in the front yard setback, but may be located in the side or year yards or
within the parking lot area.
1. Retail Stores, personal service and repair services and banks parking. The
parking requirement for retail stores, personal and repair services and banks
shall be one (1) parking space per two hundred and twenty two (222) square feet
of gross floor area for public use. (4.5 spaces / 1000 SF).
2. Shopping Center Parking. The parking requirement for a shopping center shall
be one (1) parking space per two hundred and fifty (250) square feet of gross
floor area for public use. (4.0 spaces / 1000 SF).
3. Shared Parking. An applicant may provide shared parking for one or more uses
or properties under the following conditions:
a. The applicant(s) shall submit a parking study using standards set forth by
either the Institute of Traffic Engineers or the Urban Land Institute.
b. The parking study shall include the following:
(1) The required parking for the individual uses as set forth in the
Hampden Township Zoning Ordinance.
(2) The parking demand of the uses over the course of the day including
weekend and holidays.
(3) The proximity of the parking field to the entrances of the various
(4) A circulation plan for the safe and efficient distribution of vehicles
through the site including delivery and special service vehicles.
(5) A pedestrian plan showing a safe network of pathways and
crosswalks for visitors to the site.
(6) A determination of the minimum number of parking spaces that would
be generally required for the safe and efficient operation of the
(7) The parking study shall be prepared by a Pennsylvania Professional
The following words or phrases set forth in this Part 16-A shall have those meanings as
prescribed in this Section. Words or phrases not defined herein shall have the meaning
prescribed in Chapter 27, Part 2, Definitions.
Streetfront Common Use Area - an area of land across the width of a lot that is reserved
for public pedestrian and/or bicycle access and green areas and that contains plant materials
and may provide for stormwater detention and/or infiltration. A perpetual public access
easement shall be attached to the property as a part of the land development application. The
streetfront common use area shall be maintained by the property owner.
Interior Common Use Area - an outdoor area of land on the interior of a lot that provides
for pedestrian use and that contains some combination of plant materials, paved areas,
benches and other site furnishings and is intended for the use and enjoyment of either the
property users or tenants. The Interior Common Use Area may be either a private public
space (not dedicated) or offered to the Township for dedication.
SECTION 6: Section 203, Part 2, Definitions, of Chapter 27 of the Township of
Hampden Code of Ordinances, is hereby amended to include the following new definitions in
appropriate alphabetical order and to the extent already defined, amend those existing definitions
as follow:
Dwelling, Multiple: A building designed for, occupied or used by three (3) or more families
living independently of each other, wherein each dwelling unit or apartment shall contain
private bath and kitchen facilities including those which may or may not have common
entrances and halls.
Dwelling, Single Family, Semidetached: A building containing one (1) dwelling unit used
by one (1) family, and having a party wall in common with an adjacent building and having
one (1) side yard.
Deck: A flat, floored, roofless area adjoining a dwelling unit.
Patio: A recreational area, usually, but not limited to, being roofless, adjoining a dwelling
Lot Line, Front: A lot line separating the front of the lot from the street other than an alley.
On a corner lot, all lot lines which abut a street other than an alley shall be front lot lines. On
Double Frontage and Reverse Frontage Lots, the front lot line shall be the lot line which
abuts the street providing the primary access to the lot.
Personal Service: A business primarily engaged in providing services generally to
individuals, by persons who may or may not be licensed by the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, such as barbers, beauticians, manicurists, massage therapists, personal
trainers, spas and salons, tailors and dressmakers and other establishments primarily
engaged in providing services involving the care of a person or his or her apparel.
Retail Services: Establishments engaged in selling goods or merchandise to the general
public for personal or household consumption and rendering services incidental to the sale
of such goods.
Farmer’s Market: An occasional or periodic retail sales use, typically but not always
located out of doors, of one or more producers that primarily sells farm products, or items
processed from farm products, directly to consumers.
Microbrewery: A facility for the brewing of beer that produces less than 15,000 barrels per
year. It may include a tasting room and retail space to sell the beer to patrons on the site.
Brewpub: A restaurant with facilities for brewing beer for on-site consumption and retail
sale at the restaurant. A brewpub must derive at least 40 percent of its gross revenue from
the sale of food.
Convenience Store: A building or part of a building used for the retail sale of household
items and sundries, devoted primarily to foodstuffs and / or vehicle fuel, and which use shall
occupy not more than 7,000 square feet of floor area.
Impervious Material: Any substance placed on a lot which covers the surface in such
fashion as to prevent natural absorption of surface water by the earth so covered. The
following items shall be deemed to be impervious material buildings, concrete sidewalks,
paved driveways and parking areas, (including paver blocks and porous paving) swimming
pools, decks at grade or that otherwise do not have vegetative cover underneath, and other
nonporous structures or materials.
SECTION 7: Section 1005, Building Height Limit, Section 1104, Building Height Limit,
Section 1205, Building Height Limit and Section 1306, Building Height Limitations, of the A-O, AO-L, C-G and C-L zoning districts, respectively, of Chapter 27 of the Township of Hampden Code
of Ordinances, are hereby amended to include at the end of each of the foregoing Sections the
following sentence: “However, in no case shall the maximum height exceed 45 feet.”
SECTION 8: Chapter 22 (Land Development) of the Township of Hampden Code of
Ordinances is hereby amended to include the following new Part:
Part 7-A
A. The purpose of this Part is to:
(1) Support the intent of the M-U Mixed Use Overlay Zoning District as contained in the
Hampden Township Zoning Ordinance.
(2) Promote high quality development by utilizing appropriate building materials to create
highly articulated architecture with a fully integrated streetscape.
(3) Provide for safe, convenient, direct pedestrian access to buildings and to and from public
sidewalks, bus stops, crosswalks, pedestrian or bicycle trails and between various
(4) Promote the use of alternative modes of transportation such as bicycle and pedestrian
paths and bus transportation and provide and maintain high quality bus stop waiting
(5) Provide a pedestrian-friendly character and atmosphere throughout the district with
common use areas, courtyards, plazas, pedestrian/bicycle paths, street trees, seating
areas, coordinated street furnishings, ornamental lighting and pedestrian-scale signage
and wayfinding.
B. Applicability:
(1) The design standards of this Part shall apply to any land development application
proposed under the M-U Mixed Use Overlay District option.
(2) Chain Store or Restaurant Architecture: If a proposed use has standard architectural
styles, materials and motifs, the proposed architecture shall be subject to the Design
(3) If there is a conflict between the Design Guidelines for the M-U Mixed Use Overlay
District and other Township Land Development and Subdivision Ordinance Standards,
the M-U Mixed Use Overlay District standards shall govern.
C. Compliance: A “Design Manual” shall be submitted in conjunction with a preliminary
land development plan to demonstrate how the development will comply with the Design
Guidelines. The Design Manual shall include the following items:
(1) Sketch plan, drawn to scale, showing the plan elements as required by Township
(2) Photographs of existing buildings that illustrate the design intent of the proposal; or
building elevations drawn to scale; or photo-realistic illustrations depicting proposed
scale, proportions, design elements, materials and color;
(3) Colored rendering of the plan(s);
(4) Landscape plan; and
(5) Current photographs of existing site conditions.
(6) Once the preliminary styles are reviewed by the Township, and the Township provides
the applicant with written comments, additional and more detailed preliminary plan,
architectural renderings, prepared by a registered architect, shall be submitted for all
proposed buildings, together with a list and samples of types of exterior building
materials that will be visible from any public street. Similarly, a rendered landscape
plan, prepared by a registered landscape architect shall also be submitted for review. An
outdoor lighting plan shall also be submitted for review.
(7) Township approval of proposed architectural and streetscape design is required for the
land development application to be approved.
D. Site Design Standards:
(1) Overall Site Coordination: The site shall be designed as a unified development, with a
coordinated site design, landscape plan, signage, wayfinding, lighting, site amenities,
paving and other similar site features
(2) Location of Parking: The site shall be designed to minimize the view of parking lots
from the street. Parking shall be concentrated to the side and rear of the building(s) and
behind the front yard setback line.
(3) Vehicle Access: In order to facilitate efficient internal traffic circulation and minimize
road traffic for short trips, all parking areas shall be designed to connect directly to
parking areas on adjacent lots. If a connection is not possible at the time of land
development, site design provisions shall be made for a future connection to adjacent
properties. Permanent cross-access easements between properties shall be enacted.
Shared or common driveways shall be provided.
a. If a lot is developed or redeveloped, any new vehicular access point shall be
located along a side lot line in order to create a shared driveway with the adjacent
(4) Pedestrian Circulation: A safe and direct pedestrian access shall be provided from the
trails and sidewalks to the building entrances and exits.
a. When 150 feet or more of new building wall is constructed between a sidewalk
or pedestrian / bicycle way and parking at the rear of the building, a pedestrian
access way shall be provided (i.e., through a lobby or via an alley) from the
pedestrian way to the parking facilities.
(5) Accessibility: An accessible route shall be provided for persons with disabilities in
accordance with all applicable federal, state and local standards.
E. Buildings and Streetscape Design Standards: Treatments between any building and
the street edge shall utilize the following design standards:
(1) Building Orientation and Access.
a. Buildings shall be designed with windows, public access points and signage
facing streets, sidewalks and pedestrian ways.
b. Grade level exterior doors that swing onto a public walkway are prohibited.
(2) The Primary Building Entrance.
a. A primary pedestrian building entrance shall be located on one or more primary
front facades facing the street and pedestrian way, rather than the rear or sides of
the building, and shall be well articulated and visible from the street as described
herein. Secondary access points may be located along other facades.
b. In multiuse buildings, each building use and street floor tenant space shall have
at least one functional entrance directly visible and accessible from the street.
Where tenant entrances are via common lobbies, lobby entrances shall create
architectural emphasis through design features such as changes in building plane,
step backs, fenestration patterns, balconies, towers, bays, or similar features.
c. If the primary building entrance is not located along the primary front façade
then the applicant must demonstrate that the primary building entrance may not
feasibly be located along the primary front façade and the primary building
entrance shall be located to the side of the building in accordance with the
Buildings with the primary building entrance on the side shall be visually
emphasized to make the entry visible from adjacent and nearby public
roadways. Architectural emphasis shall be achieved through design features
such as changes in building plane, step backs, fenestration patterns,
balconies, towers, building entries, bays, or similar features.
Buildings with the main entry on the side shall be accessible by a public
walkway connecting the sidewalk along the site’s street frontage to the
parking areas.
F. Building Architectural Design Standards: The architectural design standards are
intended to ensure that the size, proportions and design of new or substantially improved
buildings create a pedestrian-friendly environment, that is highly articulated as described
herein. The visual mass of all buildings shall be de-emphasized through the use of
architectural elements including building form, architectural features and materials, in
order to reduce their apparent bulk and volume, to enhance visual quality and contribute
to human scale development in accordance with the following:
(1) All structures proposed under the same land development application shall consist of a
unified and coordinated architectural theme.
(2) Exterior Building Materials: The predominant material of all facades facing public
streets shall be brick, stone, highly textured masonry block, curtain wall, metal panel
systems with concealed fasteners, glazed panels, cement-board siding or wood. Stucco
or dryvit may be utilized provided it is no more than 20% of non-window facades at the
street floor level and no more than 50% of non-window facades above the street floor
a. All sides of a building shall be architecturally designed to be consistent with
regard to style, materials, colors and details. The architectural treatment of the
front facade shall be continuous in its major features around all visibly exposed
sides of a building with the exception of parking structures or that portion of a
building containing a parking structure. Blank walls or service area treatment of
side and/or rear elevations visible from public view shall be prohibited.
(3) Vertical Articulation: Buildings are required to provide articulation on the exterior of
any wall surface in order to provide architectural interest and variety to the massing of a
building and to relieve the effect of a single, long monotonous wall or roof. Blank
facades, without windows or architectural elements to create interest, are prohibited.
a. The massing of any one building wall shall not exceed 50 feet (horizontal
dimension) without a vertical articulation along its entire height. Vertical
articulation may include a change of building façade plane or material. The
depth of change in façade plane for vertical wall articulation shall be a minimum
of 2’-0”. Such articulation may consist of building wall offsets, recesses and
projections such as bays, balconies, canopies, awnings, pilasters, columns and
other similar features.
b. Building corners located at the intersections of public streets shall incorporate the
Building corners shall be chamfered at least 10’ from the corner setback.
The chamfer shall extend from the ground to the top of the building
unless the following features are incorporated:
i. Building corner chamfers may be limited to the street level story
only if the portion of building corners above the street level story
is visually emphasized through design features, such as step
backs, fenestration patterns, balconies, towers, building entries,
bays, or similar features.
(4) Horizontal Articulation: Horizontal articulation of the building facade, including
changes to the horizontal building plane and/or materials, shall be used to break up the
scale of the building facade. Such horizontal articulation may be provided by roof
terraces, setbacks or other devices. Horizontal articulation shall emphasize the building
base, body and roof/parapet edge.
a. Buildings greater than 40 feet in height shall be designed utilizing a definition of
the base, body and roof or parapet edge (or similar designations) as the primary
method of defining and relating buildings to one another.
b. The base shall generally be considered the first story of the facade facing a public
street, but can vary depending on the overall building height and range from
ground plane to the floor line of the third floor in buildings of at least four stories
in height. The design of the base should be emphasized through the design,
quality and durability of its materials to create visual interest. The transition from
the base of a building to the body may be expressed either horizontally, through a
shift in the horizontal plane and/or through a change in building materials.
c. The top of a building greater than 40 feet in height shall be architecturally
distinguished by providing a visual termination to the facade and interest at the
skyline by incorporation of highly detailed architectural elements that are visible
from street level.
d. Any building measuring taller than 40 feet in height shall provide an expression
line on the wall plane, continuing around all sides of a building above the first or
second floor. The expression line may consist of a projecting element, a
minimum 4 inches in depth, such as a belt course or cornice as well as a terrace
that sets back the walls of the building above the expression line.
(5) Roofs:
a. Rooflines shall be articulated vertically with a change in roof line every 50’.
This requirement does not apply to flat roofs.
b. On buildings with flat roofs, all visibly exposed walls shall have an articulated
cornice that projects a minimum of 4 inches horizontally from the top of the
vertical building wall.
c. Fixed or retractable canvas / fabric awnings are permitted at street floor level and
on upper levels where appropriate, if they complement a building’s architectural
features. On buildings with multiple storefronts, or on adjacent buildings on the
same lot, compatible awnings shall be used as a means of unifying the structures.
Metal or internally lit non-fabric awnings are prohibited.
d. All roof-top mechanical equipment, including antennas, shall be visually and
acoustically screened from view of both the public right-of-way and adjacent
properties. Screening may be accomplished by using parapets, walls or roof
elements. Such screening shall be integral to the architectural design of the
e. Vegetated roofs are encouraged and may be used for stormwater mitigation based
on conformance with applicable stormwater regulations.
Proportions of Walls to Openings for Street Level Facades:
a. A street level façade is the building wall or walls where there are primary and
secondary customer entrances and where they are the prominent facades as
viewed from streets or parking areas.
b. A wall to clear window/door ratio of between 2 to 1 and 4 to 1 is required. For
street floor level commercial and retail uses, a wall to clear window ratio
between 1 to 1 and 2 to 1 is required.
c. The maximum length of a blank wall between clear window/door openings shall
be 15’
d. Elements such as pent eaves, pediments, or sills and lintels above and below
windows and doors are required.
a. For Retail and Commercial uses. smoked, reflective, tinted or black glass in windows
at street level is prohibited. Glazing shall have a minimum visible transmittance of
.75 and also meet energy code compliance.
b. Any street level facades with less than 50% of clear windows shall be articulated by
two or more of the following:
Articulation of building facade plane, and/or changes in materials;
If the building is occupied by a commercial use at street level, recessed or
projecting display window cases or simulated windows.
Outdoor trash storage area screening shall be provided as required by the MU Mixed
Use Zoning Overlay Ordinance. Screen design shall consist of a unified and coordinated
architectural theme and durable materials that are compatible with the design of the
buildings that they serve.
Parking Structures: The following shall apply to parking structures
A. Architectural elevations shall be provided to demonstrate that front facades of
parking structures sufficiently screen vehicles in the parking garage from view of the
street and shall demonstrate that parking structures are architecturally compatible
with the character of surrounding buildings and meet the architectural design
guidelines for mixed use districts.
B. If the front façade of the parking structure is within the minimum or maximum front
yard setback, at least 75% of first (ground) floor of the structure shall contain other
permitted uses.
1. Other architectural design standards for parking structures are as follows:
i. Horizontal façade articulation of the parking structure, including
changes in building plane and materials, shall be used. The depth of
such articulation shall be a minimum of 2’-0”, and occur at a
maximum horizontal 50’ interval.
ii. Vertical architectural features of the parking structure façade,
including changes in building materials, shall be used. The change in
architectural articulation shall occur at a maximum of every 20’ of
iii. The Primary Front Facade of a Parking Structure shall be pedestrian
oriented and scaled.
iv. The visual impact of sloping floors from any public access way shall
be minimized through design treatment of the parking structure’s
G. Requirements for sidewalks and trails:
(1) Pedestrian crosswalks: Pedestrian crosswalks shall be marked with a textured paving
treatment. Pedestrian crosswalks shall also be installed where sidewalks intersect
driveways and roadways. Design, textures and colors shall be as approved by the
Township. Pedestrian crosswalks shall also be installed in parking lots.
(2) Pedestrian level lighting: Pedestrian lighting shall be installed at 75’ on center along
sidewalks. Light poles shall be located in the street front common use area or other
location as approved by the Township. Light fixture shall be PPL Victorian fixture, 14
foot spun aluminum pole, painted black, 100 watt. Electricity cost shall be paid for by
the property or business owner. Cost of installation shall be paid for by the property
owner or business owner. Lighting shall be subject to the energy code requirements of
the PA UCC.
(3) Streetscape Site Amenities: Additional amenities and design elements shall be added to
the streetscape. These are:
a. One (1) bench shall be provided for each increment of minimum lot width, unless
otherwise approved by the Township. The benches shall be model CBF-138, 6’
length, with black finish manufactured by Victor Stanley or approved equal by
the Township. Benches shall be permanently mounted to a concrete pad or other
means acceptable to the Township and shall be located in the street front
common area or other location as approved by the Township. Benches shall be
maintained by the property or business owner. Property and business owners
shall use the same type of bench on the interiors of their properties.
b. One (1) trash receptacle shall be provided for every property along Carlisle Pike,
Sporting Hill Road, Central Boulevard, Trindle Road, Simpson Ferry Road. The
trash receptacles shall be model S-42 with a black finish manufactured by Victor
Stanley or equal as approved by the Township. Trash receptacles shall be
permanently mounted to a concrete pad, footing or other means acceptable to the
Township and shall be located in the street front common area. Property owners
on whose property the receptacles are located on shall be responsible for
emptying and maintenance of the trash receptacles.
c. Planted areas of trees, flowering perennials, ornamental grasses, flowering and
evergreen shrubs, flowering bulbs in combination, that provide four seasons of
interest and color as required by this section. These planted areas shall be at least
4 feet wide by at least 30% of the lot width. They shall be maintained by the
property or business owner. Trees along the streets, trees in parking lots and
plants in the street side common use areas shall be from the Approved List of
Plant Materials contained in this Part as Appendix 1.
H. Signs: For any proposed use in the M-U District signs shall be an integral part of the
architectural design for the building(s). Sign materials shall utilize the same, similar or
complementary materials as utilized for the buildings. Sign dimensions and other
standards shall be regulated in accordance with use and with Section 1721 of the
Hampden Township Zoning Ordinance except to the extent specifically modified or
limited by the following:
a. Directory signs for one or multiple tenants shall be consolidated and located within
20’ of the driveway entrance.
b. An architectural lighting plan, designed to highlight a sign, building, landscape
feature, façade or other feature shall be submitted as a part of the required Design
Manual submission and shall conform to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance
Section 1711 Outdoor Lighting.
I. Shared Parking Agreement: If the applicant proposes shared parking between two (2)
or more lots that are in separate ownership, the applicant(s) shall enter into a shared
parking agreement with abutting lot(s) containing the following:
Documentary evidence of the shared parking agreement for the sites.
A safety and security plan that addresses provisions for maintenance,
lighting, and snow removal of the shared parking lot(s).
Provisions for the ongoing maintenance of the parking field and drive aisles.
Provisions for monitoring and relief if not adequate: valet, parking lot
attendants, review of leases, additional off-site parking, on-site expansion,
parking deck
Provisions for a time frame for the property owner to comply with the shared
parking agreement
J. Cross Access (Shared Driveway) Easement(s) Agreement:
(1). Cross access easements shall be provided for all properties developed under the MU
Zoning District.
(2). Cross access provides for vehicle access between abutting lots so that drivers can
directly access the adjoining lot(s) without re-entering the access road. The applicant(s)
shall enter into a cross access easement(s) with adjoining properties that front on the
same access road. The access agreement shall contain, at a minimum, the following
Documentary evidence identifying location(s) of permanent cross access
easement(s) for the sites.
A safety and security plan that addresses provisions for maintenance,
lighting, and snow removal of the cross access easement(s).
Provisions that the easement(s) will not be blocked off or used as parking.
Provisions for a time frame for the property owner to comply with the
construction of cross access easement(s).
(3). The area of the shared driveway (but not the surrounding parking area) of cross
access (shared driveway) easement(s), shall be exempted from impervious coverage
limitations. If only one lot is being developed, a cross access easement to an abutting lot
or lots shall be offered and recorded on the plan for the lot being developed.
(4). Driveway and pedestrian connections between nonresidential parking areas shall be
exempted from impervious coverage limitations.
(5). Parking space requirements for the lot shall be reduced by the number of spaces
removed due to the easement(s), but in no case shall this be more than two (2) parking
spaces for lots 2 acres to 4 acres in size and no more than six (6) parking spaces for lots
greater than 4 acres. Similarly, if the easement(s) removes required landscaping area,
the landscaping requirement shall be reduced by the area removed due to the
The following words or phrases set forth in this Part 7-A shall have those meanings as
prescribed below:
BAY: A regularly repeated unit on a building elevation defined by columns,
pilasters or other vertical elements or defined by a given number of windows or
BLANK WALL: An exterior building wall with no openings and generally
constructed of a single material, uniform texture, and on a single plane.
BUILDING SCALE: The relationship between the mass of a building and its
surroundings, including the width of streets, open space, and mass of surrounding
COLUMN: A vertical pillar or shaft, usually structural.
CORNICE: The top part of an entablature, usually molded and projecting.
CUPOLA: A small roof tower, usually rising from the roof ridge.
FASCIA: A projecting flat horizontal member or molding
FENESTRATION: Window and other openings on a building facade.
GABLE: The part of the end wall of a building between the eaves and a pitched or
gambrel roof.
LINTEL: A horizontal beam over an opening in a masonry wall, either structural
or decorative.
MASSING: The three-dimensional bulk of a structure: height, width and depth.
PILASTER: A column partially embedded in a wall, usually nonstructural.
RHYTHM: The effect obtained through repetition of architectural elements, such
as building height, rooflines, or side yard setbacks; of streetscape elements,
such as decorative lampposts; or of natural elements, such as street trees.
Part 7-A
Design Standards For The M-U Mixed Use Overlay District
1. Street or Shade Trees Suitable for Street without overhead utilities or suitable for use in
Parking Lots
Common Name
Acer saccharum(n)
Acer pseudo-platanus
Botanical Name
Sugar Maple
Sycamore Maple
Acer rubrum(n)
Gingo biloba(m)
Gleditsia triacanthos inermis
Koelreuteria paniculata
Platanus x acerifolia 'Bloodgood'
Quercus phellos(n)
Quercus rubra(n)
Sophora japonica
Tilia americana(n)
Tilia cordata
Tilia tomentosa
Ulmus Americana 'Valley Forge'(n)
Ulmus parvifolia
Zelkova serrate
Red Maple
Thornless Honey Locust
Golden-Rain Tree
Bloodgood London Planetree
Willow Oak
Red Oak
Japanese Pagoda Tree
American Linden
Little Leaf Linden
Silver Linden
American Elm
Chinese Lacebark Elm
Japanese Zelkova
2. Small Street Trees Suitable for beneath overhead utilities or suitable for use in Parking
Common Name
Botanical Name
Acer buergerianum
Trident Maple
Acer campestre
Hedge Maple
Cercis canadensis(n)
Chionanthus virginicus
Fringe Tree
Cornus kousa
Kousa Dogwood
Cornus mas
Cornelian Cherry
Cornus x rutgersensis
Rutger's Hybrid Flowering Dogwood
Crataegus crusgalli var. inermis
Thornless Hawthorne
Koelreuteria paniculata
Golden-Rain Tree
Lagerstroemia spp.
Magnolia virginiana(n)
Sweetbay Magnolia
Malus spp.
Crab Apple Species
Prunus sargentii
Sargent Cherry
Prunus spp.
Flowering Cherries / Plums
Styrax japonicus
Japanese Snowbell
Syringa reticulata
Japanese Tree Lilac
3. Columnar trees suitable for streets without overhead power lines were the available width
for tree canopy is constrained.
Common Name
Botanical Name
Acer x Freemanii 'Armstrong'
Armstrong Red Maple
Acer rubrum 'Bowhall'
Bowhall Red Maple
Carpinus betulus 'Fastigiata'
Pyramidal European Hornbeam
Gingko biloba 'Princeton Sentry'
Columnar Gingko
Quercus palustris 'Green Pillar'
Columnar Pin Oak
Quercus robur 'Crimson Spire'
Crimson Spire Oak
4. Evergreen Shrubs Suitable for Common Use Areas
Common Name
Botanical Name
Abelia x grandiflora
Glossy Abelia
Aucuba japonica
Buxus spp.(low varieties only)
Cotoneaster salicifolius var. Floccosus
Ilex crenata
Ilex glabra(n)
Ilex mesevvea
Myrica pensylvanica(n)
Rosa Rugosa
Taxus baccatta rependens
Japanese Aucuba
Willowleaf Cotoneaster
Japanese Holly
Blue Holly
Northern Bayberry
Rugosa Rose
Weeping Yew
5. Deciduous Shrubs Suitable for Common Use Areas
Common Name
Botanical Name
Aesculus parviflora
Bottlebrush Buckeye
Aronia arbutifolia(n)
Red Chokeberry
Aronia melanocarpa
Black Chokeberry
Calycanthus floridus(n)
Sweet Shrub
Cephalanthus occidentalis
Chaenomeles speciosa
Common Floweringquince
Clethra spp.
Continus coggygriai
Smoke Tree
Cornus spp. (n)
Red Twig Dogwood
Enkianthus campanulatus
Redvine Enkianthus
Fothergilla gardenii(n)
Dwarf Fothergilla
Hamamelis spp.
Hydrangea spp.(s)
Ilex verticillata
Common Winterberry
Kolkwitzia amabilis
Lindera benzoin
Magnolia stellata
Star Magnolia
Physocarpus opulifolius(n)
Common Ninebark
Rhus spp.
Sambucus canadensis(n)
Spirea spp.
Vaccinium spp.(s)
6. Ground Covers
Common Name
Alchemilla mollis
Carex spp.(e)(s)
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides
Convallaria majalis
Epimedium spp.
Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae(e) (n)
Gaultheria procumbens(e) (n)
Hedera spp.(e)
Helleborus spp.(e)
Heuchera spp.(e) (n)
Iberis sempervirens(e)
Botanical Name
Lady's Mantle
Lily of the Valley
Wood Spurge
Checkerberry or Creeping Wintergreen
Lenten Rose
Coral Bells
Juniperus spp.(e)
Liriope spp.(e)
Microbiota decussate(e)
Ophiopogon planiscapus(e)
Pachysandra procumbens(n)
Pachysandra terminalis(e)
Sisyrinchium angustifolium(n)
Stachys byzantina
Tiarella spp. (n)
Vinca spp. (e)
7. Perennials / Ornamental Grasses
Common Name
Achillea millefolium(n)
Acorus gramineus
Agastache spp.
Amsonia spp. (n)
Anemone spp. (s)
Aruncus spp. (n)
Asclepias incarnata(n)
Asclepias tuberosa(n)
Aster spp. (s)
Baptisia spp. (n)
Bergenia spp.
Calamagrostis spp.
Chasmanthium latifolium(n)
Coreopsis spp. (n)
Echinacea spp. (n)
Elymus canadensis(n)
Eupatorium spp.(n)
Geranium spp. (n)
Hakonechloa macra
Helenium spp. (n)
Helianthus spp.
Helictotrichon sempervirens
Hemerocallis spp.
Hibiscus spp. (s)
Hosta spp.
Leucanthemum x superbum(n)
Leymus arenarius
Liatris spicata(n)
Ligularia spp.
Lilium spp. (s)
Lobelia spp. (n)
Monarda spp. (n)
Muhlenbergia capillaris(n)
Nassella tenuissima(n)
Nepeta x faassenii
Juniper species (low prostrate cultivars)
Lily Turf
Russian Arborvitae
Mondo Grass
Allegheny spurge
Japanese Pachysandra
Blue Eyed Grass
Lamb's Ear
Common Periwinkle
Botanical Name
Sweet Flag
Anise Hyssop
Blue Star
Goat's Beard
Swamp Milkweed
Butterfly Weed
False Indigo
Leather Pigsqueak
Feather Reed Grass
Northern Sea Oats
Purple Coneflower
Canada Wild Rye
Joe Pye Weed
Hakone Grass
Blue Oat Grass
Shasta Daisy
Dune Grass
Cardinal Flower
Bee Balm
Pink Muhly Grass
Mexican Feather Grass
Panicum virgatum(n)
Pennisetum alopecuroides
Penstemon digitalis(n)
Perovskia atriplicifolia
Phlox spp.(s)
Pycnanthemum spp.(n)
Rudbeckia spp. (s)
Salvia spp.(s)
Schizachyrium scoparium(n)
Sedum spp.
Sesleria autumnalis
Solidago spp. (n)
Sorgastrum nutans(n)
Sporobolus heterolepis(n)
Tradescantia virginiana(n)
Veronica spp.
Veronicastrum virginicum(n)
Fountain Grass
Russian Sage
Phlox - Creeping
Mountain Mint
Black-Eyed Susan
Perennial Sage
Little Bluestem
Autumn Moor Grass
Indian Grass
Prairie Dropseed
spider lily
Culver Root
(n) – Native to the Northeast region
(m) – Male clone only
(s) - Some species are native to the Northeast region
(e) – Evergreen groundcover
(t) – Plant has thorns and may not be suitable for areas near pedestrians
SECTION 9: Section 505. Curbs and Sidewalks, 2. Sidewalks of Chapter 22 (Land
Development) of the Township of Hampden Code of Ordinances, is hereby amended to include the
following new subparagraph:
C. Sidewalks shall be required along all streets in the M-U Mixed Use Zoning Overlay
Districts whether or not the subject property / land development is being developed under
the underlying or base zoning ordinance or under the M-U Mixed Use Overlay Zoning
District requirements.
SECTION 10: The tables of contents for Chapter 27 and Chapter 22 beginning with pages i
are hereby amended for purposes of adding Part 16-A and Part 7-A and the sections thereof,
SECTION 11: Except only as amended, modified and changed by this Ordinance, the
Township of Hampden Code of Ordinances as codified and amended shall remain in all other
respects in full force and effect.
SECTION 12: The provisions of this Ordinance shall be severable. If any of its provisions
shall be held to be unconstitutional, illegal or otherwise invalid, that decision shall not affect the
remaining provisions of this Ordinance, the Township of Hampden Code of Ordinances or the
Zoning Map of Hampden Township.
SECTION 13: This Ordinance shall become effective in accordance with applicable law.
DULY ENACTED AND ORDAINED this 2nd day of June, 2015 by the Board of Township
Commissioners of the Township of Hampden in public session duly assembled.
President, Board of Commissioners
Township Secretary
(Township Seal)