An introduction to the Web of Things Framework May 2015 Dave Raggett, W3C This work is supported by the European Union's 7th Research Framework Programme (FP7/ 2013-2015) under grant agreement nº317862 - Compose The Promise of the IoT With thanks to Vision Mobile The Challenge ● ● ● ● We expect one hundred billion IoT devices to be deployed within ten years But, the Internet of Things is currently beset with problems ● Product silos that don't interoperate with each other ● Plethora of approaches & incompatible platforms ● This is blocking the benefits of the network effect This is painful for developers ● Hard to keep track of who is doing what ● Expensive to learn and port to different platforms ● Challenging to create services that span domains and platforms Platform developers seeking to unlock the commercial potential ● To reduce development costs for IoT applications and services ● To fulfil customer demand for services requiring integration with other platforms ● To grow the size of the overall markets ● A small share of a huge market is better than a big share of a small market 3/26 The Web as the Solution “Things” as virtual objects acting as proxies for physical and abstract entities ** 4/26 Many Business Opportunities ● Homes & Offices ● ● Life and Healthcare ● ● Security, Energy, Entertainment, Pets, Lighting, Heating (HVAC), White Goods, ... Fitness, monitors, medication Cities ● Transportation, Utilities, Planning, Security ● ● ● Energy ● Reducing peak demand through smart energy appliances ● Dealing with local generation of power, and rise of electric cars Retail & Catering ● ● Logistics, Design, Manufacturing ● Reduction of 1% of operational costs can save billions ● Speeding design to delivery of bespoke products Environment ● ● Logistics, Beacons, Richer information on products, Loyalty schemes Industry ● ● Cars as an integral spart of the Web of Things Droughts, Floods, Fires, Emergency management Big Data ● Creating value by analysing combinations of multiple sources of data 5/26 From Pages to Things ● The web of pages is founded upon ● IRIs for addressing ● HTTP for access ● HTML for pages and for discovery ● ● Search engines following the links in pages Web of Things by analogy with web of pages ● IRIs for addressing ● HTTP and other protocols for access ● ● No one protocol can satisfy all needs Thing Description Language (TDL) ● Semantics and data formats as basis for interoperability ● Relationships to other things as basis for discovery ** IRI is an abbreviation for Internationalised Resource Identifiers (aka URIs or web addresses) 6/26 Web of Things Framework ● Expose IoT platforms and devices through the World Wide Web for a Web of Things ● Device abstraction layer to bridge IoT to the Web ● “Things” as proxies for physical and abstract entities ● Modelled in terms of events, properties and actions ● ● What events does this thing generate? ● Someone has just rung the door bell ● Someone has just inserted a door key What properties does this thing have? ● ● What actions can we invoke on this thing? ● ● ● Door is open or closed Unlock the door Thing with on/off property as proxy for a light switch With bindings to scripting APIs and protocols ● Service logic decoupled from underlying communication details 7/26 Web of Things Framework ● Standard way to retrieve “thing” descriptions ● Standard format for “thing” descriptions (e.g. JSON-LD) ● Owner, purpose, version, access control, terms & conditions, relationships to other things, security best practices, . . . ● ● ● Semantics and data formats for events, properties & actions Properties have discrete values, or smoothly changing values that are interpolated between data points, e.g. for robotics ● ● ● Delegating control to where it makes the most sense Clock sync across controllers: 1-10 mS with NTP, and microseconds with IEEE protocols Communication patterns ● ● Giving data owners control over who can access their data and for what purposes – contract between consumer & supplier Push, pull, pub-sub, and peer to peer Bindings to a range of protocols ● HTTP, Web Sockets, CoAP, MQTT, STOMP, XMPP, WebRTC 8/26 Interacting with a “Thing” ● Representational State Transfer (REST) ● HTTP GET to retrieve a thing's description ● HTTP GET to retrieve all properties of a thing ● HTTP PUT to update all properties of a thing ● HTTP PATCH to apply changes to some properties ● HTTP POST to invoke actions on a thing ● HTTP POST is also used to notify events ● ● To proxies or dependent things REST can be used with other protocols ● To send actions to thing within a firewall ● To distribute updates via pub-sub model 9/26 Servers at many scales Servers are free to choose which scripting languages they support Could precompile service behaviour for constrained devices 10/26 Example of a Home Hub 11/26 Relationships between Things ● “Thing” description includes the relationships to the things that this thing depends upon ● Server uses this to retrieve descriptions of related things as basis for deciding how to connect to them and expose them to scripts that define this thing's behaviour ● With support for circular dependencies ● Enables search engines to index the web of things ● Supports richer search queries based upon relationships ● Enables dependency management ● ● ● ● Perhaps analogous with Linux package management Decouples service behaviour from data protocols Simpler expression of service behaviour via local names for things Choice between early and late bound types ● Strong vs weak typing and implications for extensibility 12/26 End-User Service Creation ● Event-condition-action rules ● ● ● Trigger action upon event if condition is true High level events defined in terms of lower level events Higher level actions defined in terms of lower level actions ● ● Ordered and unordered sequences of actions Pre- and Post-conditions ● Simple to use graphical editing tools ● Vocal commands (as with Apple's Siri) ● “turn the heating down when I leave home” 13/26 Appeal of JSON-LD ● ● What makes JSON-LD attractive as basis for the thing description language? W3C Recommendation from 16 Jan 2014 ● ● Combines simplicity of JSON with the power of the Linked Data and the Semantic Web ● ● ● Out of band profiles and binary JSON formats for short packet protocols We would define a core profile for a vocabulary common to all “thing” descriptions Implementers would be encouraged to re-use vocabularies for specific application domains ● These could be defined by industry specific groups ● Need for better schema/vocabulary languages? ● Dynamic data validation for greater robustness 14/26 Thing Descriptions Server uses IRI for a thing to download its description ● { } Door “@events” : { “bell”: null, “key”: { “valid” : “boolean” } }, “@properties” : { “is_open” : “boolean” }, “@actions” : { “unlock” : null } ● { } Light switch “@properties” : { “on” : { “type” : “boolean”, “writable” : true } }, TDL's default JSON-LD context defines bindings of core vocabulary to IRIs Data models may be defined explicitly or by reference to an external definition Thing as Agent ● Thing description { } ● It's behaviour // invoked when service starts @context : { @base=”http://…. }, “@dependencies” : { “door” : “door12”, “light” : “switch12” } function start () { door.observe(“key”, unlock); } function unlock(key) { If (key.valid) { door.unlock(); light.on = true; } } This “thing” is an agent that is bound to a specific door and light switch. It unlocks the door and turns on the light when a valid key is presented. n.b. @base defines a base IRI for resolving relative IRIs Miscellany ● ● For validation and specification of vocabularies ● JSON-Schema ● RDF-Schema ● OWL For efficient transfer of structured data ● JSON (defined by RFC7159, ECMA 404) ● ● ● Google's Protocol Buffers ● XML with EXI Bindings to protocols need to cover encodings ● ● MessagePack, Universal Binary JSON, etc. /.well-known/protocols for retrieving server's protocol support? Actions on things are asynchronous and may return results Thingsonomies ● ● ● The purpose of a “thing” can be defined formally in respect to an ontology The purpose can be defined informally using free text, e.g. as one or more tags chosen by the maintainer Co-occurrence of tags across many “things” performs an informal expression of semantics ● ● In same way as folksonomies for images or blog posts Statistical treatment of natural language and cognitive models make this increasingly attractive, e.g. ● Apple Siri ● Google Now ● IBM Watson Thing Descriptions ● Thing descriptions may be static and shared by many “things” ● These things can define their description by reference ● ● ● ● Relationship to statically typed programming languages Some kinds of things may involve descriptions that change over time, e.g. a new owner, or a new physical location for a sensor ● Events signalling changes to metadata? ● Thing memories that record changes over a thing's lifetime Bindings to protocols may involve self tagged data ● Analogous to “unions” in programming languages ● Allows for extensibility – ignore new fields you don't know about The properties of a “thing” may include data blobs that have a meaning and a content-type ● Photo of someone and encoded as image/jpeg Focus of W3C Contribution ● Things ● Thing descriptions ● Data models & relationships between things ● Dependencies and version management ● Discovery and provisioning ● Bindings to APIs and protocols Security related metadata ● Security practices ● Mutual authentication ● Access control ● Terms & conditions ● METADATA Security Comms ● Relationship to “Liability” ● Payments ● Trust and Identity Verification ● Privacy and Provenance ● Resilience Communication related metadata ● Protocols and ports ● Data formats & encodings ● Multiplexing and buffering of data ● Efficient use of protocols ● Devices which sleep most of the time 20/26 Semantics for Smart Appliances ● ● Semantic Sensor Network Ontology ● W3C SSN Incubator Group report ● SSN Ontology Sensor Model Language (SensorML) ● ● Sensor Markup Language ● ● Developed by Open Geospatial Consortium JSON & XML/EXI – IETF draft-jennings-core-senml TNO's smart appliance ontology for ETSI M2M ● Developed on behalf of European Commission IETF CoRE WG ● CoRE WG with focus on resource oriented applications for constrained IP networks, and responsible for CoAP protocol ● See tracker page and CoAP website ● CoAP is based on REST and similar to HTTP ● ● ● GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OBSERVE methods CoAP is a good fit for the Web of Things Resource discovery ● Unicast or multicast queries ● Link format (RFC6690) analogous to HTTP Link header ● ● ● ● Which itself is modelled on HTML's LINK element JSON link format under consideration GET /.well-known/core returns list of resources Notifications with push and pub-sub ● Interested parties register with GET ● Notifications are sent with OBSERVE method The Maker Community ● Open hardware and open source software are a huge opportunity for a bottom up approach to growing the Web of Things ● Let's have lots of fun! ESP8266: 80MHz 32 bit MCU + WiFi Available for 2 USD Arduino CoAP: REST for IoT devices MicroCoAP: 16 KB including the Ethernet library, for more see: MQTT as a lightweight binary Pub-sub protocol with brokers, see: NodeJS based Web of Things server with many libraries available for IoT (run on Raspberry Pi as Home Hub) CC2530: 8051 MCU + IEEE 802.15.4 Up to 256 KB flash + 8 KB RAM Available at 0.5 USD in quantity C & Arduino IDE Lua & NodeMCU MicroPython RIOT OS Sensors Web of Things Interest Group ● Launched in January 2015 ● ● Focus on pre-standardisation work ● ● First face to face in Munich, April 20-22 Survey of use cases and requirements across app domains and business sectors ● Architecture and technology landscape ● Security, privacy and resilience ● Discovery and provisioning Liaison with external IoT groups ● ● See list on IG wiki page Preparation of proposed WG charter for launch late 2015 ● Standardise Web of Things Description Language ● Standardise Bindings to APIs and Protocols ● In collaboration with other groups ● ● IETF protocols such as HTTP, WebSockets, CoAP, and XMPP Security best practices 24/26 Join the Web of Things IG ● ● Help us to prepare the ground for standardizing the Web of Things Framework by joining the Interest Group We've recently set up the following task forces ● Use cases and requirements ● ● We're looking for help with broadening this across a wide range of business sectors You can help us to set up task forces for specific business sectors ● ● Web of Things Framework ● ● ● ● ● How much money could your company benefit from the IoT? Thing descriptions Discovery and provisioning Bindings to APIs and protocols Security and Privacy We plan to review a draft Working Group charter at our July F2F in North America 25/26 Summary ● The IoT is growing very fast but needs web scale standards to realise its potential ● ● The Web of Things is based upon Linked Data to model virtual objects as proxies for physical and abstract entities ● ● ● ● ● Web technologies to enable web scale markets and reduce the cost for developing IoT apps and services JSON-LD combines simplicity of JSON with the power of Linked Data A new class of web servers that communicate with each other at an abstract level in terms of metadata, events, properties and actions Bound to a variety of protocols to support common communication patterns ● Push, pull, pub-sub and peer to peer ● Protocols like HTTP, WebSockets, CoAP, MQTT, XMPP and WebRTC Implementable on a wide range of scales ● Microcontrollers with CoAP ● Smart phones and home/office hubs ● Cloud-based server farms Supports early and late bound data types ● Important for extensibility and resilience to changes ● W3C WoT IG on pre-standardisation activities, WG to follow late 2015 ● Help us to enable the IoT to realise its full potential! 26/26