Web of Things Framework

An introduction to the
Web of Things Framework
May 2015
Dave Raggett, W3C
This work is supported by the European Union's 7th Research Framework
Programme (FP7/ 2013-2015) under grant agreement nº317862 - Compose
The Promise of the IoT
With thanks to Vision Mobile
The Challenge
We expect one hundred billion IoT devices to be deployed
within ten years
But, the Internet of Things is currently beset with problems
Product silos that don't interoperate with each other
Plethora of approaches & incompatible platforms
This is blocking the benefits of the network effect
This is painful for developers
Hard to keep track of who is doing what
Expensive to learn and port to different platforms
Challenging to create services that span domains and platforms
Platform developers seeking to unlock the commercial potential
To reduce development costs for IoT applications and services
To fulfil customer demand for services requiring integration with other platforms
To grow the size of the overall markets
A small share of a huge market is better than a big share of a small market
The Web as the Solution
“Things” as virtual objects acting as proxies for physical and abstract entities
Many Business Opportunities
Homes & Offices
Life and Healthcare
Security, Energy, Entertainment, Pets, Lighting, Heating (HVAC), White Goods, ...
Fitness, monitors, medication
Transportation, Utilities, Planning, Security
Reducing peak demand through smart energy appliances
Dealing with local generation of power, and rise of electric cars
Retail & Catering
Logistics, Design, Manufacturing
Reduction of 1% of operational costs can save billions
Speeding design to delivery of bespoke products
Logistics, Beacons, Richer information on products, Loyalty schemes
Cars as an integral spart of the Web of Things
Droughts, Floods, Fires, Emergency management
Big Data
Creating value by analysing combinations of multiple sources of data
From Pages to Things
The web of pages is founded upon
IRIs for addressing
HTTP for access
HTML for pages and for discovery
Search engines following the links in pages
Web of Things by analogy with web of pages
IRIs for addressing
HTTP and other protocols for access
No one protocol can satisfy all needs
Thing Description Language (TDL)
Semantics and data formats as basis for interoperability
Relationships to other things as basis for discovery
** IRI is an abbreviation for Internationalised Resource Identifiers (aka URIs or web addresses)
Web of Things Framework
Expose IoT platforms and devices through the
World Wide Web for a Web of Things
Device abstraction layer to bridge IoT to the Web
“Things” as proxies for physical and abstract entities
Modelled in terms of events, properties and actions
What events does this thing generate?
Someone has just rung the door bell
Someone has just inserted a door key
What properties does this thing have?
What actions can we invoke on this thing?
Door is open or closed
Unlock the door
Thing with on/off property as proxy for a light switch
With bindings to scripting APIs and protocols
Service logic decoupled from underlying communication details
Web of Things Framework
Standard way to retrieve “thing” descriptions
Standard format for “thing” descriptions (e.g. JSON-LD)
Owner, purpose, version, access control, terms & conditions,
relationships to other things, security best practices, . . .
Semantics and data formats for events, properties & actions
Properties have discrete values, or smoothly changing values
that are interpolated between data points, e.g. for robotics
Delegating control to where it makes the most sense
Clock sync across controllers: 1-10 mS with NTP,
and microseconds with IEEE protocols
Communication patterns
Giving data owners control over who can access their data
and for what purposes – contract between consumer & supplier
Push, pull, pub-sub, and peer to peer
Bindings to a range of protocols
Interacting with a “Thing”
Representational State Transfer (REST)
HTTP GET to retrieve a thing's description
HTTP GET to retrieve all properties of a thing
HTTP PUT to update all properties of a thing
HTTP PATCH to apply changes to some properties
HTTP POST to invoke actions on a thing
HTTP POST is also used to notify events
To proxies or dependent things
REST can be used with other protocols
To send actions to thing within a firewall
To distribute updates via pub-sub model
Servers at many scales
Servers are free to choose which scripting languages they support
Could precompile service behaviour for constrained devices
Example of a Home Hub
Relationships between Things
“Thing” description includes the relationships to the things that this
thing depends upon
Server uses this to retrieve descriptions of related things as basis for
deciding how to connect to them and expose them to scripts that define
this thing's behaviour
With support for circular dependencies
Enables search engines to index the web of things
Supports richer search queries based upon relationships
Enables dependency management
Perhaps analogous with Linux package management
Decouples service behaviour from data protocols
Simpler expression of service behaviour via
local names for things
Choice between early and late bound types
Strong vs weak typing and implications for extensibility
End-User Service Creation
Event-condition-action rules
Trigger action upon event if condition is true
High level events defined in terms of
lower level events
Higher level actions defined in terms of
lower level actions
Ordered and unordered sequences of actions
Pre- and Post-conditions
Simple to use graphical editing tools
Vocal commands (as with Apple's Siri)
“turn the heating down when I leave home”
Appeal of JSON-LD
What makes JSON-LD attractive as basis for the thing description
W3C Recommendation from 16 Jan 2014
Combines simplicity of JSON with the power of the Linked Data and
the Semantic Web
Out of band profiles and binary JSON formats for short packet protocols
We would define a core profile for a vocabulary common to
all “thing” descriptions
Implementers would be encouraged to re-use vocabularies for
specific application domains
These could be defined by industry specific groups
Need for better schema/vocabulary languages?
Dynamic data validation for greater robustness
Thing Descriptions
Server uses IRI for a thing to download its description
“@events” : {
“bell”: null,
“key”: {
“valid” : “boolean”
“@properties” : {
“is_open” : “boolean”
“@actions” : {
“unlock” : null
Light switch
“@properties” : {
“on” : {
“type” : “boolean”,
“writable” : true
TDL's default JSON-LD context defines bindings of core vocabulary to IRIs
Data models may be defined explicitly or by reference to an external definition
Thing as Agent
Thing description
It's behaviour
// invoked when service starts
@context : {
“@dependencies” : {
“door” : “door12”,
“light” : “switch12”
function start () {
door.observe(“key”, unlock);
function unlock(key) {
If (key.valid) {
light.on = true;
This “thing” is an agent that is bound to a specific door and light switch.
It unlocks the door and turns on the light when a valid key is presented.
n.b. @base defines a base IRI for resolving relative IRIs
For validation and specification of vocabularies
For efficient transfer of structured data
JSON (defined by RFC7159, ECMA 404)
Google's Protocol Buffers
XML with EXI
Bindings to protocols need to cover encodings
MessagePack, Universal Binary JSON, etc.
/.well-known/protocols for retrieving server's protocol support?
Actions on things are asynchronous and may return results
The purpose of a “thing” can be defined formally in respect
to an ontology
The purpose can be defined informally using free text, e.g.
as one or more tags chosen by the maintainer
Co-occurrence of tags across many “things” performs an
informal expression of semantics
In same way as folksonomies for images or blog posts
Statistical treatment of natural language and cognitive
models make this increasingly attractive, e.g.
Apple Siri
Google Now
IBM Watson
Thing Descriptions
Thing descriptions may be static and shared by many “things”
These things can define their description by reference
Relationship to statically typed programming languages
Some kinds of things may involve descriptions that change over
time, e.g. a new owner, or a new physical location for a sensor
Events signalling changes to metadata?
Thing memories that record changes over a thing's lifetime
Bindings to protocols may involve self tagged data
Analogous to “unions” in programming languages
Allows for extensibility – ignore new fields you don't know about
The properties of a “thing” may include data blobs that have a
meaning and a content-type
Photo of someone and encoded as image/jpeg
Focus of W3C Contribution
Thing descriptions
Data models & relationships between things
Dependencies and version management
Discovery and provisioning
Bindings to APIs and protocols
Security related metadata
Security practices
Mutual authentication
Access control
Terms & conditions
Relationship to “Liability”
Trust and Identity Verification
Privacy and Provenance
Communication related metadata
Protocols and ports
Data formats & encodings
Multiplexing and buffering of data
Efficient use of protocols
Devices which sleep most of the time
Semantics for Smart Appliances
Semantic Sensor Network Ontology
W3C SSN Incubator Group report
SSN Ontology
Sensor Model Language (SensorML)
Sensor Markup Language
Developed by Open Geospatial Consortium
JSON & XML/EXI – IETF draft-jennings-core-senml
TNO's smart appliance ontology for ETSI M2M
Developed on behalf of European Commission
CoRE WG with focus on resource oriented applications for
constrained IP networks, and responsible for CoAP protocol
See tracker page and CoAP website
CoAP is based on REST and similar to HTTP
CoAP is a good fit for the Web of Things
Resource discovery
Unicast or multicast queries
Link format (RFC6690) analogous to HTTP Link header
Which itself is modelled on HTML's LINK element
JSON link format under consideration
GET /.well-known/core returns list of resources
Notifications with push and pub-sub
Interested parties register with GET
Notifications are sent with OBSERVE method
The Maker Community
Open hardware and open source software are a huge
opportunity for a bottom up approach to growing the
Web of Things
Let's have lots of fun!
ESP8266: 80MHz
32 bit MCU + WiFi
Available for 2 USD
CoAP: REST for IoT devices
MicroCoAP: 16 KB including the
Ethernet library, for more see:
MQTT as a lightweight binary
Pub-sub protocol with brokers, see:
NodeJS based Web of Things server
with many libraries available for IoT
(run on Raspberry Pi as Home Hub)
CC2530: 8051 MCU + IEEE 802.15.4
Up to 256 KB flash + 8 KB RAM
Available at 0.5 USD in quantity
C & Arduino IDE
Lua & NodeMCU
Web of Things Interest Group
Launched in January 2015
Focus on pre-standardisation work
First face to face in Munich, April 20-22
Survey of use cases and requirements across
app domains and business sectors
Architecture and technology landscape
Security, privacy and resilience
Discovery and provisioning
Liaison with external IoT groups
See list on IG wiki page
Preparation of proposed WG charter for launch late 2015
Standardise Web of Things Description Language
Standardise Bindings to APIs and Protocols
In collaboration with other groups
IETF protocols such as HTTP, WebSockets, CoAP, and XMPP
Security best practices
Join the Web of Things IG
Help us to prepare the ground for standardizing the Web of Things
Framework by joining the Interest Group
We've recently set up the following task forces
Use cases and requirements
We're looking for help with broadening this
across a wide range of business sectors
You can help us to set up task forces for
specific business sectors
Web of Things Framework
How much money could your company benefit from the IoT?
Thing descriptions
Discovery and provisioning
Bindings to APIs and protocols
Security and Privacy
We plan to review a draft Working Group charter
at our July F2F in North America
The IoT is growing very fast but needs web scale standards to realise its potential
The Web of Things is based upon Linked Data to model virtual objects as proxies for physical
and abstract entities
Web technologies to enable web scale markets and reduce the cost for developing IoT apps and services
JSON-LD combines simplicity of JSON with the power of Linked Data
A new class of web servers that communicate with each other at
an abstract level in terms of metadata, events, properties and actions
Bound to a variety of protocols to support common communication patterns
Push, pull, pub-sub and peer to peer
Protocols like HTTP, WebSockets, CoAP, MQTT, XMPP and WebRTC
Implementable on a wide range of scales
Microcontrollers with CoAP
Smart phones and home/office hubs
Cloud-based server farms
Supports early and late bound data types
Important for extensibility and resilience to changes
W3C WoT IG on pre-standardisation activities, WG to follow late 2015
Help us to enable the IoT to realise its full potential!