Name_______________________________________________ Subject Title Subject Number Institution 2. Instructor Date Grade PAOC GENERAL EXAMINATION APPLICATION Please return this form to Mary Elliff, 54-1710 Please check one of the following: _____Atmospheric Science or _____Physics and Chemistry of Climate Full Name (please print)_______________________________________________________ 1. Number of regular graduate semesters completed at MIT__________; elsewhere__________. 2. Have you taken the General Examination before? If yes, when?____________________ 3. Do you have an SM degree?__________ If yes, date__________ institution______________________ with thesis?_____________ 4. Are you in the middle of an SM thesis at MIT?__________ 5. What is the title of your research paper? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 6. What do you regard as your area of specialization? _____________________________________________________________________________ 7. Nominate one faculty member to be on your examining committee (in addition to your advisor). _____________________________________________________________________________ 8. Signature of Applicant_______________________________________ Date_______________ 9. I recommend that the Applicant be placed on the list of candidates for the General Examination in January/May, 20__________. Signature of Academic Advisor________________________________ Date_______________ 10. On the following page, list the courses you have taken (at any institution), both undergraduate and graduate level, relevant to or appropriate for completing a thesis in Atmospheric Science or the Physics and Chemistry of Climate. Please include courses you are taking this term. 1.