Lecture 11 Perfect Conductors, Boundary Conditions, Method of Images Sections: 5.4, 5.5 Homework: See homework file LECTURE 11 slide 1 Perfect Conductors – 1 • metals such as Cu, Ag, Al are closely approximated by the concept of a perfect electric conductor (PEC) , 0 • charge relaxation is instantaneous • charge is distributed in an infinitesimally thin layer on the surface of the conductor • inside the conductor there is no charge (i.e., excess of electrons) due to Coulombic repulsion biased (charged) conductor (Q 0) s 0 isolated conductor in external field (Q 0) s 0 E ext s 0 v 0 E0 v 0 E0 V0 s 0 2 Perfect Conductors – 2 underlying principle: charge arranges on surface so that resultant E field inside is zero; otherwise charge will keep moving until E = 0 remember: E field is zero in the volume of a perfect conductor consequence: perfect conductors are equipotential and so are their surfaces B proof: VAB E dL 0 VA VB A 0 (A and B belong to the volume or the surface of the conductor) LECTURE 11 slide 3 Shielding by Conducting Shell (Faraday Cage) in a cavity of a conductor E = 0 (if there are no free charges inside) isolated conducting shell in external field (Q 0) v 0 E0 E ext biased (charged) conducting shell (Q 0) v 0 E 0 E0 E0 V0 proof: take any closed contour Γ passing part through the cavity and part through the shell, apply the conservative property of E E dL E dL E dL 0 E 0 shell 0 cavity Is there any charge on the inner surface of the cavity? LECTURE 11 Hint: Gauss law slide 4 Faraday Cage: Illustrations • every computer is enclosed in a metallic box, which protects it from EMI • workers in the power industry are protected by Faraday cages when dealing with high voltage LECTURE 11 slide 5 Boundary Conditions at PEC Surfaces • tangential components E EN a N PEC is equipotential E t 0 Dt 0 PEC interface surface 0 on PEC surfaces • normal components lim h 0 D ds DN S Qs s S S D DN a N sa N DN s , C/m 2 EN s / compare with D of planar charge: D a N s / 2 LECTURE 11 D0 slide 6 Boundary Conditions at PEC Surface – Examples Voltage V0 = 100 V is applied to a coaxial cable whose inner wire has radius a = 1 mm and whose outer shield has radius b = 4 mm. The insulator is air (ε = ε0). (a) Find E as a function of the distance ρ from the center of the inner wire. (b) Find the surface charge densities at the inner wire and at the outer shield. Homework: Voltage V0 = 100 V is applied to a pair of concentric spheres. The smaller sphere has radius a = 1 mm and the larger sphere has radius b = 4 mm. The insulator between the two is air (ε = ε0). (a) Find E as a function of the distance r from the center of the spheres. (b) Find the charge densities at the surfaces of the two spheres. LECTURE 11 slide 7 The Equation of Electrostatics D v ( E) v V v • in a uniform medium with sources (Poisson equation) 2V v / • in a uniform source-free medium (Laplace equation) 2V 0 uniqueness theorem for the Poisson/Laplace equation if the following is given • either V or ∂V/∂n at the boundary of the analyzed region (boundary conditions), and • all charge densities in the analyzed region (source conditions) then the Poisson equation has one and only one solution LECTURE 11 slide 8 Method of Images – 1 consider the two electrostatic problems Q Q ground h h Vb 0 Vb 0 h Q Q • source and BC are the same if analyzed region is upper hemi-sphere • the field solution in the upper hemi-sphere identical in both cases • we say that the two problems are equivalent LECTURE 11 slide 9 Method of Images – 2 point charge at two orthogonal ground planes h2 Q h1 h1 Vb 0 Q Vb 0 Q Q h2 LECTURE 11 Vb 0 Vb 0 h2 h1 Q h2 h1 h1 h2 slide 10 Method of Images – 3 • point charge at two ground planes at an angle /n, n is integer • a total of (2n − 1) images required to build the equivalent problem Q Example: n = 3 0 Q Vb Vb 0 Q /3 /3 Vb 0 Vb 0 • if n is not integer, exact equivalent problem does not exist LECTURE 11 slide 11 You have learned: that the electric field is zero inside a perfect conductor the potential is constant everywhere inside and on a perfect conductor, i.e., the voltage between any two points is zero a closed conducting shell shields the inside volume from external electric fields the tangential E field is zero on the surface of a conductor the normal D component is equal to the surface charge density at the conductor’s surface how the method of images can simplify solutions involving infinite PEC planes at an angle of π/n where n is integer LECTURE 11 slide 12