A 4-Bits Trimmed CMOS Bandgap Reference with an Improved Matching Modeling Design Juan Pablo Martinez Brito, Sergio Bampi Hamilton Klimach PGMICRO – Graduate Program on Microelectronics Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS Porto Alegre, Brazil juanbrito@ieee.org, bampi@inf.ufrgs.br Electrical Engineering Department Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS Porto Alegre, Brazil hamilton.klimach@ufrgs.br Abstract—Component tolerances and mismatches due to process variations severely degrade the performance of bandgap reference (BGR) circuits. In this paper, we describe the design of a BGR considering the Pelgrom’s mismatch model. The main purpose of our methodology is to convey the design to reach a good trade-off between area and mismatch. Implemented in standard 0.35µm CMOS technology, our circuit also includes a straightforward 4-bits trimming circuit to achieve more process variations independence. Its Monte Carlo temperature coefficient average is 40-ppm/ºC and the reference output voltage average is 1.230V. The area of the BGR is 400x350µm2 due to our design matching requirements. Keywords: CMOS Bandgap References, Process Variations, Trimming Circuit, MOSFET Mismatch Modeling. I. INTRODUCTION The well-known bandgap reference (BGR) circuit first proposed by [1] is the most used architecture for voltage references. It is commonly designed to be insensitive to variations on temperature, supply voltage and process parameters. Much work has been done to improve performance concerning temperature [2-5] and supply voltage [6] variations. However, the development of high-performance CMOS BGR circuits has been hindered by several limiting factors attributable to process variations [7]. Even though the stress in their design is mostly on temperature compensation, process variations have the largest impact on the absolute value of the reference voltage [8]. Commonly the various sources of errors are Bipolar and/or MOS transistors, however in many applications matching accuracy of resistors and/or capacitors are also critical [9]. Hence, quantifying and qualifying all these errors is a crucial step to predict trim range and therefore to increase yield [7]. In view of that, in this work we focused our design in order to afford the maximum matching among circuit components. Even though is a common task to set up a BGR circuit in many applications, handling statistical design aspects is not often a standardized step in the design flow. On that account, we develop further the theory described in [10] and link that as a design variable This work is supported by the National Science Foundation. to reach the best size of each BGR circuit component. Furthermore, to achieve more process independence it also includes a straightforward 4-bits trimming circuit for adjusting the zero-drift coefficient point in a wide range of temperatures. In section II we describe the circuit architecture. The design towards matching theory is developed in section III. Section IV describes the extra-circuits like trim circuit. In section V, some simulations and measurement results are analyzed. The circuit was fabricated in AMS 0.35µm CMOS technology. Finally, in section VI is presented the conclusion. II. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION For clarity and convenience, the analysis is performed within the context of the bandgap’s basic building block. The schematic is shown in Fig. 1 VDD Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q5 VREF R1 5k R2 5k Q9 Q6 Q7 Q8 Figure 1. Basic architecture of the CMOS Bandgap Reference. The current source proportional to absolute temperature (IPTAT) is produced by differences between the emitter-base voltage in the BJT transistors Q6 and the pair Q7/Q8 over R1. (W L )5 ⋅ k I PTAT = I R1 = ⋅ ln (N ) ⋅ T ⋅ W L q R ( ) 1 3 (1) However, considering the current mirror formed by Q3/Q5 and regarding the current through R2 the reference output voltage must therefore be (W L )5 ⋅ k VREF = R2 ⋅ I PTAT5 + VEB 9 = R2 ⋅ ⋅ ln ( N ) ⋅ T + VEB 9 (2) ( ) W L q ⋅ R 1 3 Deriving the equation as a function of temperature and setting a zero-drift temperature condition, then (W L )5 ⋅ k ∂V ∂VREF = 0 = R2 ⋅ ln ( N ) + EB 09 ∂T ∂T (W L )3 q ⋅ R1 ∂VEB 09 (W L )5 ≅ − ∂T = 30.5 ⇒ K REF = (W L )3 k ln (N )V O C q ∆I DS I DS σ 2 ∆β = σ 2 β 2 4 ⋅ AVT 1 2 = ⋅ Aβ + 2 (VGS − VT ) W ⋅ L 1 ≈ W ⋅L B. MOS Transistors Threshold voltage (∆VT) and Current factor (∆β) (β=COX.µ.W/L) differences are the dominant sources of mismatching between MOS transistors. These random differences have a normal distribution with zero mean and their standard deviation depends on device area W.L and device spacing distance [10]. For our purpose only area effects are taken into consideration. Thus, the standard deviation of ∆VT and ∆β defined by two closely spaced identical transistors are (8) 2 ⋅ AVT ⋅ (VGS − VT ) (9) Consequently, the expression (9) infers about the minimal transistor dimensions related to a minimum transistor current difference error. It is dependent on the technology and on the bias point. Hence, it can be rewritten as, W ⋅L ≈ (4) where KR=11%-µm for polysilicon in the AMS 0.35µm CMOS technology [13]. Supposing σR ≤ 0.1% [7] as a start point, it will lead to a device area of 12100 µm2. We choose R=5KΩ to keep the polysilicon (50Ω/□) resistors not too large, then their size goes to W=1000µm and L=10µm. (7) However, if we define a corner gate-overdrive voltage as: (VGS – VT)m=2•AVT/Aβ, [12] and considering that in most practical circuits (VGS – VT) is much smaller than (VGS – VT)m, we may conclude that the effect of VT mismatch is dominant over β mismatch. As a result, the equation (8) written as a function of standard deviation can be approximated by, ∆I DS I DS The following Pelgrom model [10] describes the standard deviation between two rectangular devices dependent on the area 2 gm 2 + I ⋅ σ (∆VT ) DS Therefore, for a transistor biased in strong inversion and in saturation, the gm/IDS can be approximated by 2/(VGS – VT). After substitution of (5) and (6) in (7) we may obtain, σ A. Resistors (6) where AVT and Aβ are process-dependent constants. The model valid for all regions of operation that describes the variance for the relative current difference of two identical transistors biased with the same VGS is defined by [11], ∆I DS I DS In this section we would like to standardize our design taking into account mismatching models. KR ∆R = W ⋅L R (5) , σ ∆β = Aβ β W ⋅L W ⋅L σ 2 DESIGN TOWARDS MATCHING σR AVT (3) where k is the Boltzmann’s constant, q is the charge of an electron, ∂VEB09/∂T= –1,826mV/ºC, N=2 to reduce the number of components, and considering R1=R2 to all temperature range. In this architecture KREF is the size ratio between Q5 and Q3, or the current mirror gain. Equation (3) finds the ratio to produce the stable reference voltage (VREF). III. σ (∆VT ) = 2 ⋅ AVT ∆I σ DS I DS (10) ⋅ (VGS − VT ) Observing the curves of the experimental data provided by the foundry AMS [13], the parameter AVT was estimated as AVTPmos= 1.575%.µm.V and AVTNmos =1.42%.µm.V. Thus, drawing square transistors and targeting an error less than 0.1% for each transistor current difference, then the dimensions of each NMOS and PMOS transistor are: 2,84%.µm.V = 77.2µm 0,1% ⋅ 0,368V 3,15%.µm.V ≅ = 68.5µm 0,1% ⋅ 0,460V W NMOS = L NMOS ≅ WPMOS = L PMOS (11) For convenience the final transistors sizes were WNMOS=LNMOS=80µm and WPMOS=LPMOS=70µm. Table I presents the final size of the components. TABLE I. FINAL COMPONENTS DIMENSIONS Component Value Q1, Q2 Q3, Q4 Q6…Q9 Q5, Q10…Q35 Q36 Q37 Q38 Q39, Q40 R1 R2 W=80µm, L=80µm W=70µm, L=70µm 32.6µm2 (Vertical BJT) W=20µm, L=20µm W=10µm, L=20µm W=5µm, L=20µm W=1µm, L=80µm W=10µm, L=1µm W=10µm, L=1000µm-5KΩ W=10µm, L=1000µm-5KΩ IV. V. SIMULATIONS AND MEASUREMENT RESULTS A test chip with analog circuits and test vehicles in AMS0.35µm CMOS technology was developed. It is composed by analog blocks like : OTAs, comparators, Gm-C filters, Trapezoidal and T-Shape transistors and a Bandgap Reference. Fig. 3 shows the 4.55mm2 chip microphotograph. The BGR size is 400x350µm2. EXTRA-CIRCUITS A. Trimming Array Circuit Transistors and resistors were calculated to reach our matching specification of 0.1%. Since other sources of errors also exist [8], for convenience we will increase the target mismatch value to ∆VREF=±0.5%. We assume that the BGR in the worst case may expect a variation of ∆VREF=±5%. Respectively, it is defined as a least significant bit voltage VLSB=0.5%• VREF and as a full-scale voltage VFS=5%•VREF. Based on [14] the number of trim bits is determined by the following expression: V ln FS + 1 V LSB # Bits ≥ ln(2) (12) Since ideally VREF=1.2V then VLSB=0.5%•1.2=6mV and VFS=5%•1.2=60mV. Consequently, #Bits ≥ 3.5 thus the trim circuit of 4 bits. This feature was implemented through 4 MOS transistors having their gate (G) and source (S) terminals connected in parallel to Q5, and the drain (D) terminal connected to four additional output pads. The transistor sizes were binary weighted in 2x steps (2W5, W5, W5/2 and W5/4). Thus, the current through R2 can be adjusted in up to 16 levels, proportionally to the current that flows through R1 by connecting or not these 4 Pads to the VREF node. The schematic including a simplified view of the trim circuit and a start-up circuit not discussed in this paper are shown in Fig. 2. Figure 3. Analog test chip microphotograph. A. Temperature Variation The curves in Fig. 4 present the simulated output voltage VREF as a function of the temperature for all the 16 combinations of the trim circuit. Figure 4. all possible combinations of the trim circuit Figure 2. Final schematic of the Bandgap reference Fig. 5 shows the variation of the zero-drift point for each of the 16 bandgap curves. The range of temperature is from -75ºC to 75ºC. For instance, we are able to set up an application specific bandgap circuit according to its working temperature. VI. CONCLUSION A bandgap reference was designed, fabricated and tested in AMS 0.35µm standard CMOS technology. It was strengthened for best matching among their components and contains a trim circuit for final drift adjustment. A theoretical approximation was done using a first order mismatch model. Simulation and experimental results present good agreement, meaning that our design strategy was adequate. A weak point to consider is that we have measured a single chip sample. To complete validate our design methodology we would need a greater sample number. Therefore, the trimming and start-up circuits match with our expectations. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Figure 5. Vo versus trimming range Finally, in order to ensure the values found by our design methodology in Fig. 6 is shown the Monte Carlo analyses. We have used Monte Carlo Resistor and MOS/Bipolar Transistor models for 1000 simulation rounds. 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