
4. Active Loads and IC MOS Amplifiers
Reading: Sedra & Smith: Chapter 7 (MOS portions)
ECE 102, Winter 2011, F. Najmabadi
Progress towards an IC relevant amplifier
 Resistors and capacitors take a lot of space on ICs:
o Minimize (i.e., very few) R & C and small sizes (e.g., nF or smaller)
o Get rid of coupling capacitors by
direct coupling between stages
(makes biasing design complicated)
o Replace Rs with a current source
o Still need to get rid of Cs!
o What to do about RD?
Current mirrors are the principle method
for biasing in ICs
Io =
 Identical MOS: Same k’n and Vt
 Q1 is always in saturation
VDS1 = VGS > VGS – Vt
 Q2 has to be in saturation for
current mirror to work
VDS2 > VGS – Vt
(W / L) 2
I ref
(W / L)1
Small signal model of Current Mirrors
 Small signal response of an ideal current source is an open circuit!
 However, Current mirrors are NOT ideal current sources as we used
λvDS << 1 in our “bias” analysis
Real Circuit
Bias Model
Io =
(W / L) 2
I ref
(W / L)1
Small Signal Model
Small signal model of Current Mirrors
Real Circuit
Current source
becomes open circuit
Small Signal Model
KCL at D1 : g m1v gs flows in ro1
vD1 = v gs = − g m1v gs ro1 ⇒ v gs = 0
v gs = 0 ⇒ g m 2 v gs current source is open circuit
R = ro 2
But what happens if we replace Iref
current source with “practical” elements?
Not a Practical Circuit
Practical Circuit
 Would practical elements that fix Iref change the
small signal response?
Small signal response of a practical
current mirror
Practical Circuit
KCL at D1 : g m1v gs flows in ro1 || RD
vD1 = v gs = − g m1v gs (ro1 || RD ) ⇒ v gs = 0
v gs = 0 ⇒ g m 2 v gs current source is open circuit
R = ro 2
Generalized Small signal Model of
Current Mirrors
Any circuit that
“fixes Iref”
Small Signal Model
iD1 = iref = const.
vDS1 = vGS1 ⇒ Q1 in saturation
k 'n (W / L)1 (vGS1 − Vtn ) 2 (1 + λvDS1 )
⇒ vGS1 = vGS = const. ⇒ vG = const. ⇒ vG → VG
iD1 =
Summary of Current Mirrors
Bias Model
Io =
(W / L) 2
I ref
(W / L)1
Signal current
goes through
this leg
(∞ capacitor)
It is sufficient to consider
only Q2 in circuit calculations
Small Signal Model
Bias current
goes through
this leg
Summary of Current Mirrors
It is sufficient to consider
only Q2 in circuit calculations
“Intuitive” Model
NMOS Version:
PMOS Version:
Biasing a CS Stage: Can we place a current
mirror in the source circuit?
Typical bias of a
discrete CS amplifier
Current mirror
Small Signal
Bias works fine!
o A large R in the source circuit for small signal
reducing the gain by (1+ gm1 rO2)
 Placing a current mirror in the source circuit will not Work!
We need to Bias a CS Stage by placing a
current mirror in the drain circuit!
Current mirror
provides RD !
 Current mirror sets ID = Io
 However, a precise bias
voltage should be applied
to the Gate (corresponding
to the ID set by the current
 Several ways to do this
Basic gain cell in IC
NMOS Version:
PMOS Version:
Av = − g m1 (ro1 || ro 2 )
Bias point of CS amp with current mirror
 Ignore Channel Width Modulation,
o Fast and relatively accurate
method to find gm1 , ro1 and ro2
o Cannot find VDS1 and VDS2
VSG 2 = VDD − VG
VOV 2 = VSG 2 − | Vtp |
I D2
= k ' p (W / L) 2 V OV
I D1 = I D 2
1/ 2
2 I D1
VOV 1 = 
 k 'n (W / L)1 
g m1 = 2 I D1 / VOV 1
ro1 = V A1 / I D1
ro 2 = V A 2 / I D 2
Bias point of CS amp with current mirror
 Include Channel Width Modulation,
o Lengthy Analysis
o Gives VDS1 and VDS2
o See S&S Example 7.2 (pp500-504)
o Can gain insight with load-line analysis
Bias point of CS amp with current mirror
Setting Vss = 0 (For simplicity), the load line (or
load curve!) equation for Q1 is (note iD1 = iD2)
VDD = vSD 2 + vDS 1
Biasing CS amp with current mirror allows
a very large RD without increasing VDD
Q2 in saturation
Q2 in triode
Load line for a discrete
resistor of value ro2
Needed VDD
Biasing a Source Follower in ICs
Current mirror
Bias works fine!
Small signal OK
 Common-Drain (Source Follower) stages are biased with
current mirror in the source circuit (as above)
 Common-Gate stages are biased with current mirror in the
drain circuit similar to CS amplifier.
PMOS version of Basic gain cell in IC
Implementation of CS and Follower
configurations on IC
Cascode Amplifiers and Current Mirrors
Cascode amplifier is a two-stage,
CS-CG configuration
Cascode Configuration
CG stage
CS stage
Cascode amplifier is a two-stage,
CS-CG configuration
Cascode Configuration
Small Signal Model
CG stage
CS stage
Small Signal Model configured as two-stage amplifier
Open-Loop gain of a Cascode amplifier
Open Loop Gain
(RL → ∞, io = 0):
By KCL around Q2
Node Voltage Method:
Node vo:
vo − v1
− g m 2 ⋅ v1 = 0
ro 2
⇒ vo = (1 + g m 2 ⋅ ro 2 ) v1
Node v1:
+ g m1 ⋅ vi + 0 = 0
⇒ v1 = − g m1 ⋅ ro1 vi
Avo =
= − g m1 ⋅ ro1 ⋅ (1 + g m 2 ⋅ ro 2 ) ≈ − g m1 ⋅ ro1 ⋅ g m 2 ⋅ ro 2
Output Resistance of a Cascode amplifier
ro (1 + g m R ) + R
Ro = ro 2 (1 + g m 2 ⋅ ro1 ) + ro1
Ro = ro1 + ro 2 + g m 2 ro1 ro 2
Exercise: Compute Ro from the small signal circuit of the previous slide
(Attach a voltage source vx to the output and compute ix, see S&S pp 509-510)
Amplifier models*
Voltage Amplifier
Ideal Amplifier
Avo : Open-Loop
voltage gain
vo = Avo vi
for io = 0
Ri → ∞
Ro = 0
Transconductance Amplifier
Gm : Short-circuit
io = Gm vi
for vo = 0
Ri → ∞
Ro → ∞
Current Amplifier
Ais : Short-circuit
current gain
io = Ais ii
* See S&S pp 26-27
for vo = 0
Ri = 0
Ro → ∞
Amplifier models
Voltage Amplifier
Transconductance Amplifier
 From the point of view of circuit analysis:
amplifier models are identical
 (The output stages are
Thevenin/Norton Equivalent)
 Avo , Ais , and Gm are related to each other
For i0 = 0
vo = Avo vi = Gm vi Ro
Avo = Gm Ro
Current Amplifier
Avo = Gm Ro
Ais = Gm Ri
Avo = ( Ro / Ri ) Ais
Amplifier models*
Voltage Amplifier
vo = Avo vi
for io = 0
io = Gm vi
for vo = 0
Transconductance Amplifier
Avo = Gm Ro
Alternate method to compute Avo:
1. Set RL = 0 (short output)
2. Compute Gm = io/vi
3. Avo = Gm Ro
Example: CS amplifier gain from Gm
Alternate method to compute Avo:
1. Set RL = 0 (short output)
2. Compute Gm = io/vi
3. Avo = Gm Ro
CS Amplifier
Short circuit
io = − g m ⋅ v gs
io = G m vi = G m v gs
Transconductance Amplifier
Gm v gs = − g m v gs
Gm = − g m
Ro = ro
Avo = Gm Ro = − g m ro
Gm = − gm because current source is flipped
Cascode amplifier gain from Gm
v gs1 = vi and v gs 2 = −v1
Node equation at v1
+ g m1v gs1 − g m 2 v gs 2 + 1 = 0
ro 2
 1
 +
+ g m 2  v1 = − g m1vi
 ro1 ro 2
ro1ro 2 g m1
v1 = −
ro1 + ro 2 + ro1ro 2 g m 2
io = − g m1 ⋅ v gs1 −
Gm =
= − g m1 ⋅ vi − 1
g r (1 + g m 2 ro 2 )
= − m1 o1
ro1 + ro 2 + g m 2 ro1ro 2
Ro = ro1 + ro 2 + g m 2 ro1ro 2
KCL at D1
Avo = Gm Ro = − g m1ro1 (1 + g m 2 ro 2 ) ≈ − g m1ro1 g m 2 ro 2
Insight into operation of Cascode amplifier
For simplicity assume ro1 = ro2 = ro and gm1 = gm2 = gm
Cascode amplifier:
Ro = ro1 + ro 2 + g m 2 ro1ro 2 = ro (2 + g m ro ) ≈ g m ro2
Gm = −
CS amplifier (1st
stage of cascode):
g m1ro1.(1 + g m 2 ro 2 )
g r (g r )
≈ − m o m2 o = − g m
ro1 + ro 2 + g m 2 ro1ro 2
g m ro
Gm1 = − g m and Ro = ro
 CG section has kept Gm the same (i.e., since Gm = io/vi , same
current is passed through) but has increased Ro substantially
resulting in a large increase in overall open-loop voltage gain!
 CG section acted as a current buffer!
 Cascode amplifier needs a large load!
Distribution of the gain in a Cascode Amp.
CS Stage
CG Stage
Av 2 = g m 2 (ro 2 || RL )
RL1 = Ri 2 =
Av1 = − g m1 (ro1 || Ri 2 )
ro 2 +RL
1 + g m 2 ro 2 g m 2 g m 2 ro 2
CG stages “reduces” the load seen by the
CS stage by gm2ro2
Av = Av1 Av 2
Cascode Amplifier needs a large load
For simplicity assume ro1 = ro2 = ro and gm1 = gm2 = gm
Av1 = − g m1 (ro1 || Ri 2 )
Av 2 = g m 2 (ro 2 || RL )
RL1 = Ri 2 =
ro 2 +RL
1 + g m 2 ro 2 g m 2 g m 2 ro 2
Ri2 = RL1
Av2 (CG)
Av= Av1 Av2
− gmro
− (gmro)2
Max. Gain
(gmro) ro = Ro
− 0.5gmro
− 0.5(gmro)2
0.5 gmro
− gmro
Same gain
as a CS Amp.
Cascode amplifier is a two-stage,
CS-CG configuration
Cascode Configuration
Small Signal Model
CG stage
CS stage
Small Signal Model configured as two-stage amplifier
Cascode Amplifier needs a large load
For simplicity assume ro1 = ro2 = ro and gm1 = gm2 = gm
Av1 = − g m1 (ro1 || Ri 2 )
Av 2 = g m 2 (ro 2 || RL )
RL1 = Ri 2 =
ro 2 +RL
1 + g m 2 ro 2 g m 2 g m 2 ro 2
Ri2 = RL1
Av2 (CG)
Av= Av1 Av2
− gmro
− (gmro)2
Max. Gain
(gmro) ro = Ro
− 0.5gmro
− 0.5(gmro)2
0.5 gmro
− gmro
Same gain
as a CS Amp.
Cascode amplifier needs a large load to
get a high gain
RL = ro3
Av ≈ − gmro
 Gain did not increase compared to a CS
 This is still a useful circuit because of its
high gain-bandwidth (we see this later).
 To get a high gain, Av = − 0.5(gmro)2 ,
we need to increase the small-signal
resistance of the current mirror to
≈ (gmro) ro
o Cascode current mirror
Cascode Current mirror
 Identical MOS: Same k’n and Vt ,
(W / L) 4 (W / L) 2
(W / L) 3 (W / L)1
 Usually: (W/L)1 = (W/L)3 and
(W/L)2 = (W/L)4
 Q1 and Q3 are always in saturation
 Q2 and Q4 have to be in saturation
for current mirror to work
 VDS2 > VGS – Vt
 VDS4 > VGS – Vt
 Straight forward to show
(W / L) 2
Io =
I ref
(W / L)1
Exercise: For VSS = 0, show that a single current mirror (no cascoding) works only if
VD2 > VOV and a cascode current mirror requires VD4 > Vt + 2VOV
Small signal resistance of a cascode
current mirror is quite large
Ro = ro 4 (1 + g m 4 ⋅ ro 2 ) + ro 2
Cascode amplifier with a
cascode current mirror
current mirror
Cascode amplifier with a
cascode current mirror
current mirror
ro 3 (1 + g m 3 ⋅ ro 4 ) + ro 4
 A high gain, Av ≈ − 0.5(gmro)2 , high gain-bandwidth circuit.
 Draw-back: Low voltage headroom because 4 MOS should be in
active for a given VDD
Folded Cascode increases voltage overhead
NMOS CS stage
Biased with I1 – I2
PMOS CG stage
Exercise: Draw the small-signal circuit of a folded cascode and show that it is exactly
the same as a regular cascode.