PREREQUISITES, COREQUISITES, ADVISORIES ON RECOMMENDED PREPARATION, AND OTHER LIMITATIONS ON ENROLLMENT (Based on Good Practice for the Implementation of Prerequisites, Bill Scroggins et al, 1997; and The Model District Policy on Prerequisites, Corequisites, and Advisories on Recommended Preparation, BOG, 1993) PREREQUISITES: Coursework, skills, or other preparation without which a student is “highly unlikely” to succeed in a given course. Prerequisites are required, may be used to block registration, and must be completed before enrollment in the target course. There are three primary categories of prerequisites: Standard Prerequisites: Prerequisites for transferable courses that are well‐recognized within the discipline. For example, English 1A as a prerequisite for a philosophy course. Sequential Prerequisites: Prerequisites within or across disciplines in which courses are clearly designed to be taken a part of a sequence, usually within a vocational program. For example, chemistry as a prerequisite for pharmacology. Includes courses that are “standard” but do not fall within the “standard prerequisite” category because they fall outside the transferable course track. Excludes prerequisite courses in communication or computation, which require separate validation. Communication or Computation and Non‐Course Prerequisites: Out‐of‐sequence communication or computation courses or non‐course skills. For example, reading as a history prerequisite, calculus as a physics prerequisite, recency, or assessment scores in English or math. COREQUISITES: Courses that are so intertwined that a student cannot reasonable pass either class without the other. Corequisites are required, may be used to block registration, and must be taken concurrently with the target course or completed before enrollment in the target course. There are two primary categories of corequisites: Two‐Way Corequisites: Paired courses in which the content of both courses is interdependent. By far the most common two‐way corequisites are lecture/lab combinations. For example, a chemistry lecture course paired with the equivalent chemistry lab. Two‐way corequisites are assumed to be taken concurrently. One‐Way Corequisites: Ancillary courses whose content is dependent on a target course that can stand alone. For example, an optional astronomy lab that complements an astronomy lecture course. The lecture course is necessary for students to complete the astronomy field work, but the lab course is not essential for a student to pass the lecture course. One‐way corequisites may be taken either concurrently or previously, assuming the target course is taken first. In the example above, the astronomy courses could either be taken concurrently or the lecture course could be taken first. ADVISORIES ON RECOMMENDED PREPARATION: Coursework, skills, or other preparation without which a student is may have difficulty succeeding in a given course. Advisories are suggested rather than required and may not be used to block registration. Advisories serve as an alternative to requisites when discipline faculty determine that the designated preparation will significantly improve student performance but the preparation does not meet the level of scrutiny required for requisites. Advisories are also useful for potential prerequisites that have not yet been validated and for preparation that is difficult to validate by existing measures (such as typing ability or experience with a calculator). OTHER LIMITATIONS ON ENROLLMENT: Limitations on enrollment that may be used in special circumstances to limit which students may enroll in particular courses or programs, so long as that limitation is clarified by stated policies and fair, equitable procedures. Such limitations may not block student access to degrees or certificates, must be reviewed every six years, and should not have a disproportionate impact on historically underrepresented groups. Common limitations, in addition to the categories above (prerequisites and corequisites) include the following: Practical Limitations: Facilities limitations, faculty workload, budget, etc. Registration Limitations: First‐come, first‐served registration or priority registration for specialized groups. Statutory, Regulatory, or Contractual Requirements: Registration requirements mandated by licensing agencies or other legal entities. Intercollegiate Competition: Athletic or other team competitions for which a course is specifically designed. Honors Courses: Course that admit only those students who meet prescribed academic standards. May be modifications of existing courses or uniquely designed courses. Public Performance Courses: Courses that require a successful audition, typically within the context of the performing arts. Cohort Courses: Course sections designed for a particular group of students, such as the Puente Program or EOPS. Such sections may either be exclusive (only students in the cohort may register) or suggestive (targeted for students in the cohort). Health and Safety Requirements: Requirements such as a TB test that ensure the health of students enrolling in the class and of those they may come in contact with. This is a common limitation in nursing and education classes. Program of Study Admission: Some courses are available only to students who meet the requirements for admission into a particular program. Students cannot enroll until they have been admitted to the appropriate program. Program admission is a common limitation for health programs such as nursing.