Tender No.C-2(b)/SSG/NER-Blance/2016 FORMAT NO. : CEL/FR/MMD/03(01) CENTRALELECTRONICSLIMITED (A Public Sector Enterprise) TENDER DOCUMENT for the “Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of the Balance portion of the work of Integrated Security System in NER and ECOR” Assistant General Manager (Materials) Materials Management Division Central Electronics Limited, 4, IndustrialArea, Saur UrjaMarg, Sahibabad–201010(UP)INDIA Tel.No.0091-120-2895145FaxNo.0091-120-2895148 Email:mmd@celsolar.comWebsite: www.celindia.co.in Tender No.C-2(b)/SSG/NER-Blance/2016 Important Instructions: 1. The following documents/Annexure are part of tender document: a. Tender notice and Prequalification Criteria b. Important Date Sheet : c. General Terms and conditions d. Special Terms and conditions : e. Schedule of Rate f. Format for submission of Vendor Data: g. Tender acceptance letter: Annexure 1 Annexure ‘A’ Annexure ‘A-1’ Annexure ‘B’ Annexure ‘C’ Annexure ‘D’ 2. Vendor Data should be submitted in the Format for submission of Vendor Data as per ANNEXURE ‘C’. 3. Quotation should be submitted in Single Bid system. 1. Vendors who have successfully supd to CEL to quote in this tender. Tender No.C-2(b)/SSG/NER-Blance/2016 FORMAT NO. : CEL/FR/MMD/03(01) CENTRALELECTRONICSLIMITED (A Public Sector Enterprise) 4, Industrial Area, Saur Urja Marg, Sahibabad–201010(UP)INDIA Tel.No.0091-120-2895145FaxNo.0091-120-2895148 Email:mmd@celsolar.comWebsite: www.celindia.co.in TENDER NOTICE Tender notice no. C-2(b)/SSG/NER-Blance/2016 19.03.2016 Central Electronics Limited invites sealed bid under single bid System from eligible bidders which are valid for a minimum period of 90 days from the date of opening (i.e., 22.03.2016) for “Supply, Installation, testing and Commissioning of the Balance portion of the work of Integrated Security System in NER and ECOR” Scope of Work Earnest Money Deposit Supply, Installation, testing and Commissioning of the Balance portion of the work of Integrated Security System in NER and ECOR INR 5,00,000 (Rupees Five Lakh Only) Interested parties may view and download the tender document containing the detailed terms & conditions, free of cost from our websitewww.celsolar.com and www.eprocure.gov.in/epublish/app Please see Document Control Sheet at Annexure -1. ForCENTRAL ELECTRONICS LIMITED SdAssistant General Manager (Materials) Materials Management Division Tender No.C-2(b)/SSG/NER-Blance/2016 Annexure-1 Document Control Sheet Tender Reference No. C-2(b)/SSG/NER-Blance/2016 Name of Organization Tender Type (Open/Limited/EOI/Auction/Single) Tender Category (Services/Goods/works) Type/Form of Contract (Work/Supply/ Auction/Service/Buy/Empanelment/Sell) Payment Mode (Online/Offline) Central Electronics Limited Single Date of Issue/Publishing Document Download/Sale Start Date Document Download/Sale End Date Bid submission Start Date Last Date and Time for Submission of Bids Date and Time of Opening of Bids 19.03.2016(18:00 Hours) 19.03.2016(18:00 Hours) 22.03.2016 (11:30 Hours) 19.03.2016(13:00 Hours) 22.03.2016 (11:30 Hours) 22.03.2016 (12:00 Hours) Works Work Offline Tender No.C-2(b)/SSG/NER-Blance/2016 Annexure A General Terms and Conditions 1. CEL will prefers to get offers directly from the original manufacturers and prefer to deal directly with manufacturer. No Deviation from Specification, Terms & Condition of Tender allowed. Quotations having deviation from our specification, terms & condition would be rejected 2. Basis of price: The offer should clearly indicate units and rates. Prices should be submitted on FOR CEL, Sahibabad basis for indigenous bidders while FOB Basis for foreign bidders whichever is applicable. 3. 4. In a tender either the Indian agent on behalf of the Principal/OEM or Principal/OEM itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously in the same tender. If an agent submit bid on behalf of the Principal/OEM, the same agent shall not submit a bid on behalf of another Principal/OEM in the same tender. Agent quoting on behalf of OEM /Principal shall submit valid authorization certificate along with their offer. Taxes and duties: All taxes and Duties are inclusive in Quoted price. 5. Completion Period The contractor shall complete the works within 120 days of the placement of order by CEL. 6. Performance bank guarantee: Successful tenderer will have to submit a Performance bank Guarantee valid for three years in the prescribed format of 5% of the total value of the work within 15 days of placing the order. 7. Price reduction for delayed delivery: If the contractor fails to complete the work within the specified period, liquidated damages will be imposed equivalent to 0.75% of the work order value except for those items that have been supplied, installed and commissioned for one month. There after 1% per week of LD will be imposed subject to a maximum of 10% of the non-completed work value. CEL may however, extend the delivery period looking into the merits of the case. 8. Price variation Clause: Not Applicable 9. Validity of offer: The quotation/tender/bid submitted by the bidder/supplier shall be valid for a minimum period of 90 days from date of opening. 10. Any corrections/alterations in the tender/quotation/bid are to be duly signed by the bidder. CEL does not take any responsibility for delay in receipt or non-receipt or loss of tender(s) in transit 11. Earnest money amount of Rs. 5,00,000 in the form of demand draft favoring Central Electronics Limited and payable at Delhi and valid for 3 month to be submitted along with tender documents. No interest shall be payable on the earnest money deposited by bidder/ tenderer. The earnest money may be deposited through TT/SWIFT into CEL’s account with Syndicate Bank. The details of account are as below: Beneficiary Name: Central Electronics Limited Beneficiary Account Number/IBAN: 87761250000014 Beneficiary Bank SWIFT Address/BIC: SYNBINBB161 Beneficiary Bank Name: Syndicate Bank Beneficiary Bank Address: Sahibabad Branch, CEL Complex, Plot No. 1, Site 4, Sahibabad 201010 INDIA Tender No.C-2(b)/SSG/NER-Blance/2016 The earnest money (after deduction of bank charges, if any) of unsuccessful bidder / tenderer will be refunded within one month of finalization of tender. The earnest money of successful bidder would be converted into security deposit and would be returned (after deduction of bank charges, if any) to the bidder after 2 months of successful completion of work. Exemption from submission of EMD: The following type of bidders are exempted from submission of EMD subject to submission of relevant documents mentioned herein: a) Micro & Small Enterprise registered with DIC or KVIC or KVIB or Coir Board or NSIC or DHH or any other body specified by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Govt. of India. A copy of valid registration certificate should be submitted with technical bid of quotation. 12. CEL reserves the right to reject any or all tenders/quotations/bids received or accept any or all tenders/quotation/bids wholly or in part. Further, CEL reserves the right to order a lesser quantity without assigning any reason(s) thereof. CEL also reserves the right to cancel any order placed on basis of this tender in case of strike, accident or any other unforeseen contingencies causing stoppage of production at CEL or to modify the order without liability for any compensation and or claim of any description. 13. Submission of Tender Documents: Tender/Quotation/Bid in sealed cover super-scribing the tender notice no., name of the item and due date should be delivered at the Office of the Asstt. General Manager, Materials Management Division, Central Electronics Limited, 4, Industrial Area, Saur Urja Marg, Sahibabad – 201010 (U.P), INDIA. Last date of receiving of tenders/quotations is 22/03/2016 up to 11:30HrsIST. 14. Opening of Tenders: Technical Bid will be opened on 22/03/2016 at 11:30 Hrs (IST). 15. In case an order placed by the CEL based on the quotation/bid/tender submitted by the bidder/supplier is not executed by the supplier/bidder, CEL may buy the ordered goods from elsewhere and recover the additional amount that CEL may have to spend in procuring the stores plus 10% to cover the overhead & incidental expenses. 16. The terms and conditions mentioned here will be superseded by Special Terms and Conditions of Annexure A-1 in case of any ambiguity. 17. Arbitration: Any disputes, difference controversies/ difference of opinions, breach and violation arising from or related to this agreement/contract/work order etc. between the parties shall be resolved by mutual discussion/reconciliation in good faith. If disputes, difference controversies/difference of opinions, breach and violation arising from or related to this agreement/contract/work order etc. cannot be resolved within 30 days of commencement of reconciliations/ discussions then the matter shall be referred to the Sole arbitrator, nominated by CMD, CEL for this purpose and his decision shall be final and binding on both the parties. There will be no objection to any such appointment on the grounds that the Arbitrator is an employee of CEL and no appeal on any order passed by the Arbitrator for this purpose shall be filed in any Court of Law on such ground. Tender No.C-2(b)/SSG/NER-Blance/2016 Annexure –‘A-1’ Special Terms and Conditions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Scope of the Work: Supply, Installation, testing and Commissioning of the Balance portion of the work of Integrated Security System in NER and ECOR System shall be supplied to the nominated stores of Railways and installed and commissioned at the sites mentioned in this document. No extra charges shall be paid to the contractor towards loading, unloading, lifting, stacking, rehandling etc. of the material including transportation at work site Successful tenderer shall provide comprehensive AMC of the system for a period of two years. However, CEL reserves the right to stop the AMC with one month notice. Order for the AMC will be placed separately. All the material in this tender shall be in accordance with the RDSO specification No. RDSO/SPN/TC/65/2013. Copy of this specification is enclosed All items to be supplied by the firm shall be inspected by RDSO, RITES or consignee i.e. Railways. Cost towards inspection shall have to be borne by the contractor. The inspection charges to be paid and the agency that will do the inspection of various items have been detailed in the Annexure The tenderer shall be registered in UP as well as Bihar. If this is not so, registration in UP and Bihar must be done by the successful tenderer. Payments shall be released after registration in both the states Tenderers are requested to submit their bids in the format enclosed inclusive of all taxes and duties. A separate sheet for the details of taxes shall also be provided. The prices offered shall be valid for a period of 90 days. 8 The contractor shall complete the works within 120 days of the placement of order by CEL. 9 All the equipments that will be supplied under this work shall be warranted for a period of three years from the date of installation and commissioning. The firm shall maintain the entire installation for a period of three years (warranty period) from the date of commissioning. The bidder must quote for the comprehensive AMC for two years as well after the warranty period Successful tenderer will have to submit a Performance bank Guarantee valid for three years in the prescribed format of 5% of the total value of the work within 15 days of placing the order Operational training to nominated CEL representative and Railway personnel shall be done by the successful bidder at site will have to be conducted Proper project documentation bringing out the details of the installation shall be provided after the installation and commissioning of the system Materials are to be supplied at the following Railways Stores Location Nominated Stores 10 11 12 13 14 Gorakhpur SSE/Tele/GKP Lucknow SSE/Tele/LJN Chapra SSE/Tele/CPR 1. Payment terms: 1. Schedule of Supply: 1. 80% payment of the schedule of supply shall be made through 60 days usance LC from the date of dispatch. 2. Balance 10% payment shall be done after successful installation and commissioning of the supplied item is done in the field and Railways measurement book for the Tender No.C-2(b)/SSG/NER-Blance/2016 same is signed by CEL. The firm shall extend its support to CEL in getting this MB signed. 3. Balance 10% shall be payable after the receipt of installation & commissioning payment by CEL from Railways. This shall be paid after BG of 50% of the balance 10% amount is submitted to CEL in the prescribed format. 4. The following document shall be provided along with BOE for the payment purpose: 1. Receipt of material duly signed & certified by nominated store depot of Railways. 2. Original Invoice & GR/RR. 3. Copy of Inspection certificate issued for the items by RDSO/RITES/Consignee, as the case may be. 4. Warranty certificate from OEMs for various components. 2. Schedule of Services: 1. 95% payment with 10 days of receipt of payment from Railways for the installation of these items. 2. Balance 5% after the warranty period of the installation work or after submission of a BG of equivalent amount. 3. The following documents shall be provided along with the bills for the purpose of payment: 1. Original Invoice 15 16 17 If the contractor fails to complete the work within the specified period, liquidated damages will be imposed equivalent to 0.75% of the work order value except for those items that have been supplied, installed and commissioned for one month. There after 1% per week of LD will be imposed subject to a maximum of 10% of the non-completed work value. CEL may however, extend the delivery period looking into the merits of the case Billing details: 1. The tenderer should be registered or should get itself registered in both UP and Bihar. 2. The bills for the supply and services in Bihar should be raised separately to CEL, Bihar. 3. The bills for the supply and services in Uttar Pradesh should be raised separately to CEL, Sahibabad. CEL may place order for full or part of the tender without assigning any reason thereof. CEL also reserves the right to cancel, accept or reject any/all the bids without assigning any reasons thereof. Annexure B Schedule of Rates (UP-1) A. Supply Schedule in Uttar Pradesh Sl. No. Item Description Unit GKP Qty LJN Total Rate Amount 1 Supply of High Resolution fixed Box type IP camera with lens,housing,mount,power supply arrangements and enclosure as per RDSO spec. No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. All installation materials and fixtures have to be supplied along with the camera.(Inspection-RDSO) Nos 52 39 91 33,958 30,90,178 2 Supply of outdoor PTZ dome IP camera with lens,housing,mount,power supply arrangements and enclosure as per RDSO spec. No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. All installation materials and fixtures have to be supplied along with the camera.(Inspection-RDSO) Nos 15 10 25 94,883 23,72,075 Set 1 1 2 1,74,785 3,49,570 3 Supply of furniture i.e. three tables ( Model T-102,make Godrej),six chairs (03 nos Model CH-1007,& 03 nos Model CH-6,make Godrej) and three Storwel Plan & 03 No Glass Door Storwel (Godrej) for each station as per design approved by the Rly. Engineer. (Inspection-RDSO) 4 Supply of Wireless Transmitter/Receiver Unit for yards as per RDSO spec. no. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. (Inspection-RDSO) Nos 3 2 5 1,00,676 5,03,380 5 Supply of Digital Keyboard for PTZ functionality as per RDSO spec. no. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. (Inspection-RDSO) Nos 1 1 2 31,461 62,922 Nos 11 11 22 79,902 17,57,844 LOT 1 0 1 6,29,225 6,29,225 LOT 0 1 1 6,29,225 6,29,225 9 Supply of UPS of 5 KVA capacity of Liebert/Emerson/APC make with 2 hours backup as per RDSO specification No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. (Inspection-RDSO) Nos 2 2 4 1,79,779 7,19,116 10 Supply of Multifunction Printer of HP make equivalent or higher to HP 1022 model or similar with equal or better specification. (Inspection-Consignee) Nos 1 1 2 18,877 37,754 11 Supply of media converter as per RDSO specification No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. (Inspection- Nos RDSO) 24 24 48 5,034 2,41,632 3150 3150 6300 95 5,98,500 6 7 8 12 Supply of 24 Port layer-2 switch as per RDSO spec. no. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment, including supply of wall mounted 19 inch rack of requisite size and all installation material. (Inspection-RDSO) Supply of Network video management & video recording, Video Analytics software and GUI client Software with licence, to support minimum of 200 cameras, 5 user licences as per RDSO specification No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. (Inspection-RDSO) Supply of Network video management & video recording, Video Analytics software and GUI client Software with licence, to support minimum of 100 cameras, 5 user licences as per RDSO specification No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. (Inspection-RDSO) Supply of 24 Fibre armoured single mode optical fibre cable as per RDSO specification No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. (Inspection-RDSO) Mtrs 13 14 Supply of GI pipes of 50mm dia 3.65 mm thick as per subsequent paras of techincal specification(InspectionConsignee) Supply of Installation accessories like rack, LEU, patch cord, connectors, power strips, distributions boxes etc. Mtrs 350 350 700 Lot 1 1 2 225 1,57,500 1,40,000 2,80,000 Total 1,14,28,921 Rate Amount B. Service Schedule in Uttar Pradesh Sl. No. Item Description Unit GKP Qty LJN Total 1 Installation of High Resolution fixed Box type IP camera with lens,housing,mount,power supply arrangements and enclosure as per RDSO spec. No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. All installation materials and fixtures have to be supplied along with the camera.(Inspection-RDSO) Nos 52 39 91 679 61,789 2 Installation of outdoor PTZ dome IP camera with lens,housing,mount,power supply arrangements and enclosure as per RDSO spec. No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. All installation materials and fixtures have to be supplied along with the camera.(Inspection-RDSO) Nos 15 10 25 1,898 47,450 3 Installation of 40'' LCD Monitors as per RDSO spec. no. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. For video along with Hardware, Drivers,Software. All installation materials and fixtures have to be supplied along with the monitors. (Inspection-RDSO) Nos 3 2 5 1,099 5,495 Set 2 2 4 4,694 18,776 Nos 3 2 5 2,014 10,070 Set 5 3 8 7,191 57,528 4 5 Installation of industrial PC workstation as per RDSO spec. no. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment.It will also include USB Keyboard and mouse.All installation materials and fixtures have to be supplied along with the workstation. (Inspection-RDSO) Installation of Wireless Transmitter/Receiver Unit for yards as per RDSO spec. no. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. (Inspection-RDSO) Installation of Network Video Recorder/management/Analytic Server Hardware meeting with RDSO spec. no. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 or higher with requisite softwares and interface with Video Network. Server shall be of DELL,HP or IBM make with following upgraded specifications: (Inspection-RDSO) a) Server Rack b)Compatibility with Operating System(Linux/Windows),X86,Red Hat Linux,SUSE Linux, Windows 2003, Windows 2008, c) 8MB L Cache, 6 d) Memory minimum: 12 GB Registered DDR3 @ 1333MHz, e) 8 Nos of 600GB 10K RPM SAS, f)RAID Controller with 256MB battery backed cache, g)DVD-RW h)4 Nos of PCI Express Gen-2 Slots, i)2 Nos of Gigabit Network Ports, j)The Chassis has to be populated with all the FANS and should be supplied with Dual/Redundant Power Supplies. k)USB Keyboard, USB Mouse, l)Windows 2008 OS 64 bit Standard Edition m)All installation material and server rack to be supplied with the servers. Installation of External Storage device with RAID 5 protection as per RDSO specification No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. (Inspection-RDSO) Nos 2 1 3 16,979 50,937 Nos 2 2 4 5,993 23,972 Nos 11 11 22 1,598 35,156 10 Installation of UPS of 5 KVA capacity of Liebert/Emerson/APC make with 2 hours backup as per RDSO specification No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. (Inspection-RDSO) Nos 2 2 4 3,596 14,384 11 Installation of media converter as per RDSO specification No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. (Inspection-RDSO) Nos 24 24 48 101 4,848 Mtrs 5250 5250 10500 63 6,61,500 Mtrs 1400 1400 2800 378 10,58,400 525 525 1050 63 66,150 Mtrs 2800 2800 5600 2 11,200 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 Installation of 24 Port layer-3 switch as per RDSO spec. no. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment, including supply of wall mounted 19 inch rack of requisite size and all installation material. (Inspection-RDSO) Installation of 24 Port layer-2 switch as per RDSO spec. no. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment, including supply of wall mounted 19 inch rack of requisite size and all installation material. (Inspection-RDSO) Drawing and Fixing of armoured OFC/power cable or both in PVC conduit pipe of suitable dia. 1.0mm thick (3 mtrs long) with suitable clamps, one clamp,/meter for existing Railway structures. All required materials are to be provided by the contractor. Excavation of trenches upto a depth of 1200 mm of appropriate width at the bottom for all types of soil, filling after laying of telecom cable/OFC HDPE/DWC, ramming of soil in trenches and consolidation of soil as well as the disposal of the excess soil if any, and provision of RCC/Stone route markers as detailed in the technical supplement and as advised by engineer. Cutting of trench across/on the platform for a depth of 10cm with cutting machine and filling the trench after cable laying and repairing /restoring the surface/platform to Mtrs the satisfaction of Railway’s site in-charge. Laying & (fixing & clamping) of 50 mm dia. HDPE pipe (TEC spec. No. G/CDS-08/02, Nov’04 or latest) with accessories on wall or structure/ in trench/HDD etc. for drawing of CAT-6/OFC cable/power cable in the same to suit site conditions. All materials for fixing, clamping of HDPE pipe, cutting of masonry wall at the entry of room, repairing of masonry wall, cement plastering as per site requirement are to be supplied by contractor, Inspection of HDPE pipe by RITES. (Inspection- Consignee) 16 Trenchless boring (by using HDD or manual pushing method) for laying of HDPE duct. Mtrs 1400 1400 2800 599 16,77,200 17 Fixing/laying of GI pipes of 50mm dia 3.65 mm thick as per subsequent paras of technical specification & site requirement (Inspection- Consignee) Mtrs 350 350 700 8 5,600 2000 2000 4000 40 1,60,000 18 Blowing/Drawing/Laying of OFC/power cable/CAT6 cable in trench/GI pipes in the ground/on the wall or on overhead structures like bridges/Foot over bridges as per subsequent Mtrs paras of technical specification from 7.9 to 7.12 & 8.1. 19 Drawing of CAT 6 cable in conduit pipe duly fixing with one clamp/metre and bends. Conduit pipe should be of size 25mm dia/1mm thick (3 mtrs. Long), of approved make. All other required material has to be provided by the Contractor. Mtrs 4000 4000 8000 40 3,20,000 20 Installation and commissioning of Maintenance free earth as per subsequent paras of technical specification 8.2 Set 2 2 4 1,258 5,032 21 Installation of accessories like rack, LEU, patch cord, connectors, power strips, distributions boxes etc. Lot 1 1 2 20,000 40,000 Total 43,35,487 I hereby agree to do this work at ______% above/below* the above schedule of rate. ____________________ Signature of Tenderer * Strike whichever is not applicable. Schedule of Rates (BIHAR) C. Supply Schedule in BIHAR Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 Item Description Supply of High Resolution fixed Box type IP camera with lens,housing,mount,power supply arrangements and enclosure as per RDSO spec. No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. All installation materials and fixtures have to be supplied along with the camera.(Inspection-RDSO) Supply of outdoor PTZ dome IP camera with lens,housing,mount,power supply arrangements and enclosure as per RDSO spec. No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. All installation materials and fixtures have to be supplied along with the camera.(InspectionRDSO) Supply of furniture i.e. three tables ( Model T-102,make Godrej),six chairs (03 nos Model CH-1007,& 03 nos Model CH-6,make Godrej) and three Storwel Plan & 03 No Glass Door Storwel (Godrej) for each station as per design approved by the Rly. Engineer. (Inspection-RDSO) Supply of Wireless Transmitter/Receiver Unit for yards as per RDSO spec. no. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. (InspectionRDSO) Unit Qty Rate Amount Nos 39 33,958 13,24,362 Nos 10 94,883 9,48,830 Set 1 1,74,785 1,74,785 Nos 3 1,00,676 3,02,028 5 Supply of Digital Keyboard for PTZ functionality as per RDSO spec. no. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. (Inspection-RDSO) Nos 1 31,461 31,461 6 Supply of 24 Port layer-2 switch as per RDSO spec. no. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment, including supply of wall mounted 19 inch rack of requisite size and all installation material. (Inspection-RDSO) Nos 10 79,902 7,99,020 Lot 0 6,29,225 0 Lot 1 6,29,225 6,29,225 Nos 1 18,877 18,877 7 8 9 Supply of Network Video Management & Video recording, Video Analytics software and GUI client Software with licence, to support minimum of 200 cameras, 5 user licences as per RDSO specification No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. (Inspection-RDSO) Supply of Network Video Management & video recording, Video Analytics software and GUI client Software with licence, to support minimum of 100 cameras, 5 user licences as per RDSO specification No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. (Inspection-RDSO) Supply of Multifunction Printer of HP make equivalent or higher to HP 1022 model or similar with equal or better specification. (InspectionConsignee) 10 Supply of media converter as per RDSO specification No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. (Inspection-RDSO) Nos 18 5,034 90,612 11 Supply of GI pipes of 50mm dia 3.65 mm thick as per subsequent paras of techincal specification(Inspection-Consignee) Mtrs 300 225 67,500 12 Supply of Installation accessories like rack, LEU, patch cord, connectors, power strips, distributions boxes etc. Lot 1 1,40,000 1,40,000 Total 45,26,700 D. Service Schedule in BIHAR Sl. No. Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount 1 Installation of High Resolution fixed Box type IP camera with lens,housing,mount,power supply arrangements and enclosure as per RDSO spec. No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. All installation materials and fixtures have to be supplied along with the camera.(Inspection-RDSO) Nos 39 679 26,481 2 Installation of outdoor PTZ dome IP camera with lens,housing,mount,power supply arrangements and enclosure as per RDSO spec. No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. All installation materials and fixtures have to be supplied along with the camera.(Inspection-RDSO) Nos 10 1,898 18,980 3 Installation of 40'' LCD Monitors as per RDSO spec. no. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. For video along with Hardware, Drivers,Software. All installation materials and fixtures have to be supplied along with the monitors. (Inspection-RDSO) Nos 2 1,099 2,198 4 Installation of industrial PC workstation as per RDSO spec. no. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment.It will also include USB Keyboard and mouse.All installation materials and fixtures have to be supplied along with the workstation. (Inspection-RDSO) Set 2 4,694 9,388 5 Installation of Wireless Transmitter/Receiver Unit for yards as per RDSO spec. no. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. (InspectionRDSO) Nos 3 2,014 6,042 Set 3 7,191 21,573 Nos 1 16,979 16,979 8 Installation of 24 Port layer-3 switch as per RDSO spec. no. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment, including supply of wall mounted 19 inch rack of requisite size and all installation material. (Inspection-RDSO) Nos 2 5,993 11,986 9 Installation of 24 Port layer-2 switch as per RDSO spec. no. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment, including supply of wall mounted 19 inch rack of requisite size and all installation material. (Inspection-RDSO) Nos 10 1,598 15,980 10 Installation of UPS of 5 KVA capacity of Liebert/Emerson/APC make with 2 hours backup as per RDSO specification No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. (Inspection-RDSO) Nos 2 3,596 7,192 11 Installation of media converter as per RDSO specification No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. (Inspection-RDSO) Nos 18 101 1,818 6 7 Installation of Network Video Recorder/management/Analytic Server Hardware meeting with RDSO spec. no. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 or higher with requisite softwares and interface with Video Network. Server shall be of DELL,HP or IBM make with following upgraded specifications: (Inspection-RDSO) a) Server Rack b)Compatibility with Operating System(Linux/Windows),X86,Red Hat Linux,SUSE Linux, Windows 2003, Windows 2008, c) 8MB L Cache, d) Memory minimum: 12 GB Registered DDR3 @ 1333MHz, e) 8 Nos of 600GB 10K RPM SAS, f)RAID Controller with 256MB battery backed cache, g)DVD-RW h)4 Nos of PCI Express Gen-2 Slots, i)2 Nos of Gigabit Network Ports, j)The Chassis has to be populated with all the FANS and should be supplied with Dual/Redundant Power Supplies. k)USB Keyboard, USB Mouse, l)Windows 2008 OS 64 bit Standard Edition m)All installation material and server rack to be supplied with the servers. Installation of External Storage device with RAID 5 protection as per RDSO specification No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment. (Inspection-RDSO) 12 Drawing and Fixing of armoured OFC/power cable or both in PVC conduit pipe of suitable dia. 1.0mm thick (3 mtrs long) with suitable clamps, one clamp,/meter for existing Railway structures. All required materials are to be provided by the contractor. Mtrs 4500 63 2,83,500 13 Excavation of trenches upto a depth of 1200 mm of appropriate width at the bottom for all types of soil, filling after laying of telecom cable/OFC HDPE/DWC, ramming of soil in trenches and consolidation of soil as well as the disposal of the excess soil if any, and provision of RCC/Stone route markers as detailed in the technical supplement and as advised by engineer. Mtrs 1200 378 4,53,600 Mtrs 450 63 28,350 Mtrs 2400 2 4,800 14 15 Cutting of trench across/on the platform for a depth of 10cm with cutting machine and filling the trench after cable laying and repairing /restoring the surface/platform to the satisfaction of Railway’s site in-charge. Laying & (fixing & clamping) of 50 mm dia. HDPE pipe (TEC spec. No. G/CDS-08/02, Nov’04 or latest) with accessories on wall or structure/ in trench/HDD etc. for drawing of CAT-6/OFC cable/power cable in the same to suit site conditions. All materials for fixing, clamping of HDPE pipe, cutting of masonry wall at the entry of room, repairing of masonry wall, cement plastering as per site requirement are to be supplied by contractor, Inspection of HDPE pipe by RITES. (Inspection- Consignee) 16 Trenchless boring (by using HDD or manual pushing method) for laying of HDPE duct. Mtrs 1200 599 7,18,800 17 Fixing/laying of GI pipes of 50mm dia 3.65 mm thick as per subsequent paras of technical specification & site requirement (InspectionConsignee) Mtrs 300 8 2,400 18 Blowing/Drawing/Laying of OFC/power cable/CAT6 cable in trench/GI pipes in the ground/on the wall or on overhead structures like bridges/Foot over bridges as per subsequent paras of technical specification from 7.9 to 7.12 & 8.1. Mtrs 1000 40 40,000 19 Drawing of CAT 6 cable in conduit pipe duly fixing with one clamp/metre and bends. Conduit pipe should be of size 25mm dia/1mm thick (3 mtrs. Long), of approved make. All other required material has to be provided by the Contractor. Mtrs 3000 40 1,20,000 Set 2 1,258 2,516 Lot 1 20,000 20,000 20 21 Installation and commissioning of Maintenance free earth as per subsequent paras of technical specification 8.2 Installation of accessories like rack, LEU, patch cord, connectors, power strips, distributions boxes etc. Total 18,12,583 I hereby agree to do this work at ______% above/below* the above schedule of rate. ____________________ Signature of Tenderer * Strike whichever is not applicable. Schedule of Rates (UP-2) Schedule of Supply Sl. No. Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount 1 Supply and Installation of High Speed P/T/Z IP colour camera (Day/Night) complete with all accessories as per RDSO specification No. RDSO/SPN/TC/65/2009 Rev 1.0 or latest. Inspection by RDSO. Nos. 15 75923 1138845 2 Supply and Installation of High Resolution Day/Night Fixed Box type IP colour camera & outdoor housing complete with all accessories as per RDSO specification No. RDSO/SPN/TC/65/2009 Rev 1.0 or latest. Inspection by RDSO. Nos. 12 27970 335640 3 Supply and Installation of High Resolution Fixed Dome Type IP colour camera & outdoor housing complete with all accessories as per RDSO specification No. RDSO/SPN/TC/65/2009 Rev 1.0 or latest. Inspection by RDSO. Nos. 13 33564 436332 Total 1910817 I hereby agree to do this work at ______% above/below* the above schedule of rate. ____________________ Signature of Tenderer * Strike whichever is not applicable. Schedule of AMC Sl. No. 1 2 Item Description Comprehensive AMC for first year after expiry of warranty Comprehensive AMC for second year after expiry of warranty Unit Qty Rate Amount Lot 1 3091595 3091595 Lot 1 3091595 3091595 I hereby agree to do this work at ______% above/below* the above schedule of rate. __________________ Signature of Tenderer * Strike whichever is not applicable. Make & Model S.No. Description Total Qty Make Model 1 High resolution fixed box type IP camera 130 Samsung SNB-3002P 2 PTZ dome IP camera 35 Samsung SNP-3371THP 3 Mounting frame and furniture 3 Godrej Table Model T-102, Chair Model CH-1007 & CH-6 4 Wireless transmitter/Receiver Unit 8 Radwin RW2450-A250 5 Digital Keyboard for PTZ functionality 3 Samsung SPC-2000 6 24 Port layer-2 switch 32 HP Model to be proposed HP Model to be proposed 7 Network video management & video recording, Video Analytics software and GUI client software with license (200 Camera) 1 Milestone + Allgovision Milestone + Allgovision 8 Network video management & video recording, Video Analytics software and GUI client software with license (100 Camera) 2 Milestone + Allgovision Milestone + Allgovision 9 UPS, 5 KVA 4 APC SRC6KUXI 10 Multifunction Printer 3 HP HP 1022 or better 11 Media converter 66 Dlink DFE 855 12 Optical Fibre Cable(24 Fibre) 6300 D-link Custom Design as per RDSO spec. No. SPN/TC/65/2013 Rev.2 with latest amendment RDSO Inspection Charges S.No. A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-11 A-12 Item Supply of High Resolution fixed Box type IP Supply of outdoor PTZ dome IP camera with Supply of furniture i.e. three tables ( Model TSupply of Wireless Transmitter/Receiver Unit Supply of Digital Keyboard for PTZ Supply of 24 Port layer-2 switch as per RDSO Supply of Network video management & Supply of Network video management & Supply of media converter as per RDSO Supply of 24 Fibre armoured single mode CEL Accepted Rate 34115.35 126935.76 105466.10 271950.00 2253.75 123442.74 663040.00 331520.00 14075.80 56.98 Qty 91 25 2 5 2 22 1 1 48 6300 Ins. Charges 341.153505 1269.357576 1054.66095 2719.5 22.5375325 1234.427411 6630.4 3315.2 140.757953 0.5698 Round off 341 1269 1055 2720 23 1234 6630 3315 141 1 Total C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-8 C-10 Supply of High Resolution fixed Box type IP Supply of outdoor PTZ dome IP camera with Supply of furniture i.e. three tables ( Model TSupply of Wireless Transmitter/Receiver Unit Supply of Digital Keyboard for PTZ Supply of 24 Port layer-2 switch as per RDSO Supply of Network Video Management & Supply of media converter as per RDSO 34115.35 126935.76 105466.10 271950.00 2253.75 123442.74 331520.00 14075.80 39 10 1 3 1 10 1 18 341.153505 1269.357576 1054.66095 2719.5 22.5375325 1234.427411 3315.2 140.757953 Total 31031 31725 2110 13600 46 27148 6630 3315 6768 6300 128673 341 1269 1055 2720 23 1234 3315 141 13299 12690 1055 8160 23 12340 3315 2538 53420 2217 8868 Total RITES Inspection Charges A-9 Supply of UPS of 5 KVA capacity of 221715.66 4 2217.15655 Total Ins. Char. 190961 Tender No.C-2(b)/SSG/NER-Blance/2016 Annexure ‘C’ Format for submission of Vendor Data 1. Name of vendor 2. Registered Address Postal Code Company’s Year of Establishment Company’s nature of business Company’s Legal Status Registration No. Phone: Fax No. Website: Name of Proprietor/ CEO/Chairman Phone/Mobile No. Email id 3. Factory Address Phone No. Fax No. Email id 4. Delhi/NCR Address (if any) Phone No. Fax No. Email id 5. Correspondence Address 6. Name of Contact Person for this tender Designation Date of Birth Phone/Mobile no. Fax No. Email id 7.0 Sales Tax related information 7.1 TIN No. Tender No.C-2(b)/SSG/NER-Blance/2016 7.2 L.S.T. No. 7.3 C.S.T. No. 7.4 Sales Tax Exemption No. (if any) 8.0 Income Tax related information 8.1 PAN No. 8.2 PAN reference no. (in case PAN applied for) 8.3 PAN Status (in case PAN applied for) 9.0 Excise duty related information 9.1 ECC No. 9.2 Range 9.3 Collectorate 10. Registration No. with Directorate of Industries 11. SSI/MSE Reg. No. (if Small Scale Industrial Unit) (Please enclose certificate from DIC/NSIC alongwith Certificate from registered CA with value of plant and machinery) 12. Is MSE/SSI is ST/SC? Yes / No (please enclose relevant certificate as proof) 13.0 Bank related information 13.1 Bank name 13.2 Branch name 13.3 Bank address Tender No.C-2(b)/SSG/NER-Blance/2016 13.4 Bank phone no. 13.5 Bank fax no. 13.6 Bank MICR Code (9 digit) 13.7 RTGS-IFC Code 13.8 Account type 13.9 Account no. 13.10 Swift Code Correspondence with respect to this tender may be address to Mr/Ms …………………………… at email id …………………………….. and mobile no……………………… I/We accept that CEL may send SMS and/or email regarding this tender/any other tender, award of contract, purchase order(s) and/or any other information on any/all mobile nos. mentioned in this vendor data sheet. I/We certify that the information given herein is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature of Authorized Signatory Seal of the company/concern Tender No.C-2(b)/SSG/NER-Blance/2016 Annexure ‘D’ TENDER ACCEPTAN CELETTER (To be given on Company Letter Head) Date: To, The Assistant General Manager Materials Management Division Central Electronics Limited 4-Industrial Area Sahibabad -201010, (U.P) India Tender No: C-2(b)/SSG/NER-Blance/2016 Name of Tender: Supply, Installation, testing and Commissioning of the Balance portion of the work of Integrated Security System in NER and ECOR Subject: Acceptance of Terms and conditions of Tender. DearSir, 1 I/ We have downloaded / obtained the tender document(s) for the above mentioned ‘Tender/Work’ from the web site(s) namely _________________ as per your advertisement, given in the above mentioned website(s). 2 I / We hereby certify that I / we have read the entire terms and conditions of the tender documents from Page No. to (including all documents like annexure(s), schedule(s), etc .,), which form part of the contract agreement and I / we shall abide hereby by the terms / conditions / clauses contained therein. 3 The corrigendum(s) issued from time to time by your department/ organization too have also been taken into consideration, while submitting this acceptance letter. 4 I / We hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of above mentioned tender document(s) /corrigendum(s) in its totality / entirety. 5 In case any provisions of this tender are found violated , then your department/ organisation shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy be at liberty to reject this tender/bid including the forfeiture of the full said earnest money deposit absolutely. Yours Faithfully, (Signature of the Bidder with Official Seal)