6. Types of environmental impact HOW TO USE THIS CHAPTER IN THE CONTEXT OF EA AND ROAD PLANNING EA activity (I9 Stage in road planning (A) Involvement in addition to EA team w Evaluation Reporting Shaded area = (A) Stages of EA covered in this chapter; (8) focus of this chapter; and (C) primary target readers. KEY QUESTIONS m E M E ADDRESSED: How are environmental impacts classified? What are the basic criteria for defining the severity of environmental impacts? What is an indirect impact? What is a cumulative effect? ROADS AND THE ENVIRONMENT: 6.1 A HANDBOOK IMPACT TYPES Environmental impacts arising from road development projects fall into three categories: i) direct impacts; ii) indirect impacts; and iii) cumulative impacts. These three groups can be further broken down according to their nature, into positive and negative impacts; 0 random and predictable impacts; l local and widespread impacts; * temporary and permanent impacts; and l short- and long-term impacts. l 6.1.1 Direct impacts Direct impacts are caused by the road itselfthat is to say, by road building processes such as land consumption, removal of vegetation, and severance of farmland. For example, the removal of gravel material from a borrow pit, for use in surfacing the road, is an obvious direct impact of road construction. In this case, the land area in which the pit site is located has been directly affected by activities associated with the road project. Direct impacts are generally easier to inventory, assess, and control than indirect im- pacts, since the usually obvious. 6.1.2 cause-effect is Indirect impacts Indirect impacts (also known as secondary, tertiary, and chain impacts) are usually linked closely with the project, and may have more profound consequences on the environment than direct impacts. Indirect impacts are more difficult to measure, but can ultimately be more important. Over time they can affect larger geographical areas of the environment than anticipated. Examples include degradation of surface water quality by the erosion of land cleared as a result of a new road (Figure 6.1), and urban growth near a new road. Another common indirect impact associated with new roads is increased deforestation of an area, stemming from easier (more profitable) transportation of logs to market, or the influx of settlers. In areas where wild game is plentiful, such as Africa, new roads often lead to the rapid depletion of animals due to poaching. Environmental impacts should be considered not only as they pertain to road rights-ofway, but also to sites associated with the road project, which include deposit and borrow sites, materials treatment areas, quarries, access roads, and facilities provided for project work- FIGURE 6.1 Impairment of downstream quality of water for the fauna or for human usage 60 relationship TYPES OF ENVIRONMENTAL ers. These “off-ROW” areas are often where in- direct impacts appear (see Box 6.1). IMPACT EA practitioners should predict and evaluate the significance of possible indirect effects by BOX 6.1 EXAMPLE OF POTENTIAL DIRECT AND INDIRECT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Environmental impact study for the Guinea-Conakry Road Project (96 km road construction in a mangrove swamp and rice-growing area). NOTE: Direct Impact (D); Indirect Impact (I). Soils ’ Compaction of alluvial soils by earth moving equipment (D) Erosion and modification of surface relief of borrow zones (275,000 square meters) (D) Loss of topsoil (165 hectares) in the borrow areas (D) Over-exploitation of agricultural soils due to future development in a zone sensitive to erosion (I) Irreversible salinization and acidification of mangrove swamp soils (I) Water Modification of flowing surface water in borrow areas, causing erosion and siltation (I) Modification of water flows during construction (stream diversion, modification of water table recharging) (D) Sedimentation near crossings of presently cultivated flood plain (D) Modification of surface and subterranean water flows and resulting drying or flooding (I) Pollution of water tables by equipment lubricants, fuels, and detergents (D) Displacement of salinity threshold into the mangrove swamp zone: effects on fauna and flora, impregnation of soils with tannin, erosion of coastline (I) Flora 260 hectares of deforestation and undergrowth clearance (D) Destruction of plantings (2,800 oil palms, 1,600 various trees) (D) Reduction of cornice forests around swamps, from modified water flow and increased agricultural use (I) Disappearance of reproduction and food zones for species of fish, aquatic and migratory birds (I) Reduction of mangrove plant population (habitat for fauna, purifying microfauna, firewood) (D) Erosion of the coastline (I) Increase in farming activity, reduction of fallow times, impoverishment of the soils (I) Fauna Reduction in mangrove fauna (crabs, shrimps, egrets, herons, kingfishers, spoonbills, ibises, terns, and other species) (I) Increase in poaching during the works period, and subsequent hunting and fishing (I) Increase in tourism (Tristao Island, the center for many migratory birds) (I) People Loss of farms and homes (1,300 square meters) (D) Reduction in agricultural production per surface unit (over-exploitation, impregnation of soils with tannin) (I) Increase in consumption of wood, particularly from the mangrove swamps: erosion (I) Reduction in fishing potential (I) Increase in land tenure contlicts, and conflicts between farmers and nomad cattle breeders (I) Increase in speed of propagation of endemic disease (I) Positive Impacts Providing all weather road link for coastal population with major urban markets, institutions and goods Sale of dried fish products (90 percent of national production) increased through quicker transport and access More effective sale of rice from industrial growers (3,500 hectares) and small-scale growers Creation of jobs Improved access to medical help Source: SETRA 61 ROADS AND THE ENVIRONMENT: A HANDBOOK taking a holistic approach to impact assessment. It is especially important that any synergetic relationships between impacts be closely examined, since indirect effects frequently lead to synergetic impacts. It is with indirect effects that impact linkages between the natural and social environment often take place. For example, the appropriation of land to build a road may displace farmers, and may interfere with their cropping pattern and force them to use another water supply. This change could result in a depletion of a groundwater aquifer, intensification of new land clearing, erosion, water runoff contamination with added fertilizers and pesticides, etc. Good documentation of the assumptions used in the determination of impacts is critical. Margins of error and the quality of basic information must be indicated when assessing any impacts that are difficult to quantify. tacular views, and in the absence of designated rest areas, motorists stop indiscriminately. Roadside vegetation is damaged by vehicle and foot traffic, and the soil is left unprotected. Subsequent rainfall causes erosion and siltation of nearby watercourses. The vegetation never has enough time to recover (because of high traffic volume on the road), and the problem is exacerbated over time. As this example illustrates, cumulative effects assessment (CEA) is a complex process which requires extensive knowledge of ecological principles and ecosystem response mechanisms. The success of a CEA relies heavily on the framework that is set up before the assessment is undertaken. The evaluation can begin once 6.1.3 l Cumulative impacts The process of cumulative environmental change can arise from any of the four following types of events: single large events, i.e. a large project; multiple interrelated events, i.e. road projects within a region; iii) catastrophic sudden events, i.e. a major landslide into a river system; and widespread, slow change, iv) incremental, such as a poorly designed culvert or drainage system along a long road extending through a watershed. 9 ii) These can generate additive, multiplicative or synergetic effects, which can then result in damage to the function of one or several ecosystems (such as the impairment of the water regulation and filtering capacity of a wetland system by construction of a road across it), or the structure of an ecosystem (such as placement of a new road through a forest, leading to m-migration or land clearing which results in severe structural loss to the forest) (see Figure 6.2). A cumulative impact, in the context of road development, might be the de-vegetation and eventual erosion of a roadside pullout. The scenario might unfold as follows: a road cutting through a mountain range offers some spec- 62 . . temporal and spatial boundaries for the assessment have been defined; measurable variables have been chosen; and the relationships between the chosen variables have been established. The cumulative effects of the proposed road project on the local environment can then be evaluated by . l . compiling a list of activities that are part of the proposed project; estimating the changes that will occur in the measurable variables as a result of these activities; and estimating the effects that the changes in each of the measurable variables will have within the area defined by the spatial and temporal boundaries. CEA is an effective impact assessment tool, but it must be carried out properly in order to produce reliable results. 1 6.1.4 Ecosystem function impacts Technically a subset or variant of cumulative impacts, ecosystem function impacts, which disable or destabilize whole ecosystems, are the most dangerous and often the least likely to manifest themselves over a short period of time. Many road-related examples deal with roads which need to traverse watersheds in 1 Those planning to undertake CEA as part of an EA are urged to read Preston and Bedford (1988) as well as Spaling and Smit (1994) and (1993). TYPES OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FIGURE 6.2 CUMULATIVE IMPACTS: THE EXAMPLE OF A STREAM Elementary actions WF II Road operation Works I II ‘---7--Direct effects Synergy effect Increase in water speed * Reduction of diversity l Discontinuity due to water works l l l Opening up to light Rise In temperature 0 Riskof chronic, seasonal, accidental pollution l l High rate of suspended matter Riskof Significant impairment of biological quality of the stream Each elementary action produces a certain effect or a risk that can be limited, but the combination of such actions and therefore their consequences may be the source of significant effects. In this example, steps can be envisaged with reference to each elementary action, in order to avoid the synergy effect. which surface and subsurface water movement is complex. One striking example is the highway constructed across a mangrove forest (100 ha in size) along the Caribbean coast. It was not fully understood at the planning stage to what extent the fresh and sea water needed to mix in order for the healthy forest to survive on both sides of the road. As a result, most of the forest has died off;2 on one side the waters were not saline enough, and on the other there was not enough mixing with fresh water. The 2 Once weakened, the mangrove trees, some over 20 m high, were destroyed by disease, etc. effect on the ecosystem was devastating and the impact on the local population which used the mangrove forest area was severe. Almost certainly, no sign of this impact appeared until two to three years after the road was built. A second example could develop in situations where roads bisect wildlife migration routes, which can inflict stress on the migratory population for many generations, or even permanently, and cause instability, increased mortality, and possibly catastrophic decline. Finally, there is the linkage with the social environment. Having had their traditional grazing areas cut off by new or reconstructed 63 ROADS AND THE ENVIRONMENT: A HANDBOOK roads with raised-horizontal alignments, cattle farmers may be forced to move their herds onto forest or park lands, which results in a rapid depletion of the understory (grasses, etc.). This destroys the forest edge ecotone and the basic forest ecosystem, as well as threatening the inhabitants with possible invasion from species better adapted to the newly created “grazingforest” ecosystem. The invaded forest ecosystem is stressed further, users of the ecosystem are affected, and a chain reaction progresses throughout the system, feeding back to the social environment in the form of community disturbances and hardships. 6.1.5 Positive and negative impacts The emphasis of this handbook is primarily on avoiding and mitigating negative impacts, which should be a high priority in all road projects. Environmental impacts sometimes have both positive and negative effects; some impacts can positively affect some people and negatively affect others in the same environment. For example, rechannelling streams as part of road construction might improve drainage for a roadside farmer, but wreak havoc on the livelihood of others who depend on the aquatic species disturbed by the rechannelling. Positive outcomes that occur as a result of project completion typically include improved access, reduced travel time and cost, and perhaps reductions in accidents or noise. Other positive outcomes can be designed into a project, for example, improving water retention for local use, flood control, or providing better facilities for pedestrians and bicycles (see Box 6.2). In some cases, positive impacts can ap pear without having been initially foreseen by the road agency, such as the use of borrow sites to water livestock in dry areas. 6.1.6 Random and predictable impacts In the preliminary analysis (Chapter 3) of an environmental impact assessment, it is useful to distinguish between assured or highly probable impacts, and more random or unpredictable ones which have a low probability of occurring but which nevertheless may have serious consequences for the environment. For example, in a country with a large, densely settled population, it is reasonable to predict that the construction of a road through unsettled areas will result in population migration, whereas incidents such as accidental pollution, fire, or spillproducts are, by nature, age of toxic unpredictable. Well understood and predictable impacts can usually be mitigated with remedial measures, and therefore call for minor EA requirements such as an IEE and environmental summary report, as opposed to a full EA. 6.1.7 Local and widespread impacts Local impacts include effects in the immediate BOX 6.2 ENHANCING WATER MANAGEMENT THROUGH INNOVATIVE ROAD DESIGN In dry climates, millions of liters of rainwater are lost through conventional road drainage designs, which treat runoff as a nuisance, not as a resource to be captured. In a survey conducted by the World Bank, it was established that simple small-scale water retention structures along large and small rural roads could make a significant difference to water supplies during the dry periods. The study identified three basic types of structures along roads that, with minor modifications, could become retention areas, with water useable for agricultural purposes. These were: standard stormwater catchbasins - deepened and with controlled drainage added; i) ii) various forms of check-dams or fords, to slow drainage, creating pending; and iii) various other damming devices, such as sluice gates, raised box culverts and dams. A study resulted in the preparation of a general design manual to assist engineers in planning for the inclusion of such structural modifications during the design of the roadway. An important cautionary note: such retention structures should be avoided in high use corridors, since the runoff water may be contaminated with heavy metals and oil. Such waters are not potable by people or animals, can contaminate leafy vegetables, and, if stored in deep basins, can contaminate groundwater aquifers. Source: La&an, 64 1995. TYPES OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT x such as destruction of a building, or restricted access to a farm. Widespread impacts can occur many kilometers from the project. These impacts are often linked to indirect effects that arise over the mediumor long-term existence of the project and include the influx of settlers, deforestation, and the development of new industries. While the focus of most road EAs has been on relatively narrow corridors measuring lOO-500m in width, impacts can extend much further, particularly in new road projects which traverse isolated areas. Major habitat conversion can take place up to 10 km on either side of the cleared ROW. Road planners and EA practitioners should be aware of this possibility and address it explicitly in the project scoping activity (see Section 3.2 and Chapter 10). vicinity 6.1.8 of a road, Temporary and permanent impacts Temporary impacts are those whose occurrence is not lasting, and which will eventually reverse themselves, the affected system having returned to its previous state. An example of this type of impact might be the trampling of roadside vegetation during resurfacing; it recovers 6.3 REFERENCES after a few weeks, to the point where no change from the original state is observable. Permanent impacts are those which are irreversible-the affected system will not return to its previous state on a human timescale. It is important to note that llpermanentN from the viewpoint of EA, is defined as “within one’s lifetime”. Therefore the destruction of a mangrove forest would be permanent. 6.1.9 Short- and long-term impacts Short-term impacts are those which appear during or shortly after construction; long-term impacts may arise during construction, but many of their consequences appear during the operational phase, and may last for decades. 6.2 IMPACT SEVERITY To qualify environmental impacts by the type of effect they have on the environment is not sufficient. Impacts must also be categorized according to their seriousness. The most damaging and longest lasting impacts will obviously be the first to be avoided or mitigated (see Section 4.3.2 for further details). AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Gilpin, A. 1986. Environmental Planning: A Condensed Encyclopedia. Park Ridge, NJ: Noyes Publications. Lane, P.A., R.R. Wallace, R.J. Johnson and D. Bernard. 1988. A Reference Guide to CumuZative Ef/ects Assessment in Canada, Volume 2. Hull, Canada: Canadian Environmental Assessment Research Council. Lantran, Jean Marie. 1995. Water Management and Road Design in the Sahel Region. World Bank Transportation, Water and Urban Development Department; Infrastructure Note RD-20. Washington, DC: World Bank. Preston, E.M. and B.L. Bedford. 1988. “Evaluating Cumulative Effects on Wetland Functions: A Conceptual Overview and Generic Framework”. Environmental Management. 12:5:565-583. Spaling, H. and B. Smit. 1994. “Classification and Evaluation of Methods for Cumulative Effects Assessment”. Paper presented at the Conference on Cumulative Effects in Canada: From Concept to Practice. April 13-14, Calgary, Canada: Canadian Societies of Professional Biologists. Spaling, H. and B. Smit. 1993. “Cumulative Environmental Change: Conceptual Frameworks, proaches, and Institutional Perspectives.” Environmental Management, 17:5:587-600. Evaluation Ap- World Bank. 1991. EA Sourcebook, Volume II. “Rural Roads” (pg. 113), and “Roads and Highways” (pg. 168). Washington, DC: World Bank, Environment Department. 65 i