DBR Routine Worksheet

DBR 2016
DBR Routine Worksheet
Your daily routine is the dominant force in shaping your future!
Instruction: Fill in the blank or circle Y or N
1. Make an Appointment
a. What time each morning will you meet the Lord for instruction and encouragement in the Word? ____________
i. Tip: Work on getting a routine bedtime that allows for a minimum of 7 hours of rest each night before your
appointment with the Lord.
ii. Goal: Spend 15 Min
b. How many days a week will you have an appointment? __________________
i. Recommended: 5 or 6. Take at least one day off each week, preferably Sunday.
ii. Tip: If you miss a day (or a week) just pick back up and move forward. Don’t worry about making up lost
c. Where is your appointment? __________________
i. Is your meeting place neat and orderly? Y / N
ii. Do you have a comfortable chair? Y / N
iii. Can you spend your 15 minutes without interruption? Y / N
2. Create an Atmosphere
a. Will I use music? Y / N
i. If so, what playlist or album will I use? __________________ (Recommendation: Without Words, Synesthesia by Bethel Music)
ii. What device will I use to play music? __________________
b. How will I read?
i. Technology Y / N
1. What type of device? __________________
2. Can I use it without interruption? Y / N
ii. Hard Copy Y / N
1. What version? __________________
2. Is your Bible available? Y / N
3. Follow a Plan (circle one or more)
a. Bethany Plan: One Year Bible
b. Marriage Plan: One chapter a day with your spouse
c. Audio Plan: Based around your morning commute
d. Combination/Other __________________
4. Write it, Say it!
a. Where will I document what I’ve received from the Lord? ___________
i. (Journal of any size works great)
b. Where will I track my progress? ____________
i. Use Bethany App or document in your journal
c. Who will I share spiritual encouragement with on a daily basis? ____________
i. (Believer of the same gender that you already have connection with spiritually)