Exam Timetable Summer 2016 by Date DATE EXAM TIME BOARD QUALIFICATION 04/05/2016 PM CIE IGCSE 04/05/2016 PM CIE IGCSE SUBJECT Biology Biology EXAM CODE TITLE 0610/51 Biology Practical 0610/61 Biology Alternative to Practical EXAM DURATION 1h 15m 1h 00m 10/05/2016 10/05/2016 PM PM CIE CIE IGCSE IGCSE Chemistry Chemistry 0620/51 0620/61 Chemistry Practical Chemistry Alternative to Practical 1h 15m 1h 00m 12/05/2016 12/05/2016 PM PM CIE CIE IGCSE IGCSE Physics Physics 0625/51 0625/61 Physics Practical Physics Alternative to Practical 1h 15m 1h 00m 16/05/2016 16/05/2016 16/05/2016 16/05/2016 16/05/2016 AM AM AM AM AM AQA AQA WJEC OCR WJEC GCE GCE AS (NEW) GCE (re-sit) GCE Drama and Theatre Studies Drama and Theatre Studies Economics Economics Travel and Tourism DRAM1A DRAM1B B520U10-1 F581/01 168101 Drama and Theatre Studies 1A Drama and Theatre Studies 1B Economics NEW EDUQAS AS Component 1 Markets in Action Travel and Tourism TT1 45m 45m 1h 00m 1h 30m 1h 30m 16/05/2016 16/05/2016 16/05/2016 16/05/2016 16/05/2016 PM PM PM PM PM AQA AQA AQA AQA AQA GCSE FSMQ (L2) AS (NEW) GCE (re-sit) FSMQ (L3) Sociology Mathematics Psychology Psychology Use of Mathematics (Pilot) 41901 4983 7181/1 PSYA1 9993 Sociology Unit 1 Using Data Psychology Paper 1: Introductory Topics in Psyuchology Psychology A Unit 1 Data Analysis (Pilot) 1h 30m 1h 00m 1h 30m 1h 30m 1h 00m 17/05/2016 17/05/2016 17/05/2016 AM AM AM WJEC AQA AQA GCE AS (NEW) GCE (re-sit) Film Studies Sociology Sociology 118201 7191/1 SCLY1 Film Studies FM2 Sociology Paper 1: Education with Methods in Context Sociology Unit 1 2h 30m 1h 30m 1h 00m 17/05/2016 17/05/2016 17/05/2016 17/05/2016 17/05/2016 17/05/2016 PM PM PM PM PM PM CIE CIE CIE CIE Pearson AQA IGCSE IGCSE IGCSE IGCSE GCE FSMQ (L3) Biology Biology Biology Biology Geography Use of Mathematics (Pilot) 0610/11 0610/21 0610/31 0610/41 6GE01 9997 Biology Multiple Choice Core Biology Multiple Choice Extended Biology Core Paper Biology Extended Paper Geography Unit 1: Global Challenges Decision Mathematics (Pilot) 45m 45m 1h 15m 1h 15m 1h 30m 1h 00m 18/05/2016 18/05/2016 AM AM OCR OCR GCE GCE Mathematics Mathematics 4751/01 4762/01 MEI Introduction to Advanced Mathematics MEI Mechanics 2 1h 30m 1h 30m 18/05/2016 18/05/2016 18/05/2016 PM PM PM OCR GCE AQA AS (NEW) Pearson GCE (re-sit) Applied Science History History G622/01 7041/1D 6HI01 Monitoring the activity of the human body History Paper 1D: Stuart Britain and the Crisis of Monarchy History Unit 1: Historical Themes In Breadth 1h 30m 1h 30m 1h 20m 19/05/2016 19/05/2016 AM AM WJEC GCE Pearson GCE Media Studies Religious Studies 129101 6RS01 Media Studies MS1 Religious Studies Unit 1: Foundations 2h 30m 1h 45m 19/05/2016 19/05/2016 19/05/2016 19/05/2016 19/05/2016 19/05/2016 PM PM PM PM PM PM CIE CIE AQA WJEC AQA AQA IGCSE IGCSE GCSE AS (NEW) GCE (re-sit) GCE Chemistry Chemistry Sociology Business Studies Business Studies Philosophy 0620/21 0620/41 41902 B510U10-1 BUSS1 PHLS1 Chemistry Multiple Choice Extended Chemistry Extended Paper Sociology Unit 2 Business Studies NEW EDUQAS AS Component 1 Business Studies Unit 1 Philosophy 1 (New) 45m 1h 15m 1h 30m 1h 00m 1h 15m 3h 00m 20/05/2016 20/05/2016 20/05/2016 20/05/2016 20/05/2016 20/05/2016 AM AM AM AM AM AM WJEC WJEC OCR WJEC OCR AQA AS (NEW) GCE (re-sit) AS (NEW) GCE (re-sit) GCE FSMQ (L3) English Language and Literature English Language and Literature English Literature English Literature Mathematics Use of Mathematics (Pilot) B710U10-1 116101 H072/01 117101 4755/01 9998 English Language and Literature NEW EDUQAS AS Component 1 English Language and Literature LL1 (LEGACY) Shakespeare and poetry pre-1900 English Literature LT1 (LEGACY) MEI Further Concepts for Advanced Mathematics Calculus (Pilot) 2h 00m 2h 30m 1h 30m 2h 30m 1h 30m 1h 00m 20/05/2016 PM Geography Unit 2: Geographical Investigations 1h 15m 23/05/2016 23/05/2016 23/05/2016 23/05/2016 23/05/2016 23/05/2016 23/05/2016 AM AM AM AM AM AM AM WJEC WJEC OCR AQA WJEC OCR AQA GCE AS (NEW) GCE (re-sit) AS NEW) GCE (re-sit) GCE GCE Design and Technology Economics Economics English Language English Language Music Use of Mathematics (Pilot) Design and Technology DT1 Product Design Economics NEW EDUQAS AS Component 2 The National and International Economy English Language Paper 1: Language and the Individual English Language LG1 (LEGACY) Introduction to Historical Study in Music Algebra (Pilot) 2h 00m 2h 00m 1h 30m 1h 30m 2h 30m 1h 45m 1h 00m 23/05/2016 23/05/2016 PM PM AQA AQA AS (NEW) GCE (re-sit) Psychology Psychology Psychology Paper 2: Psychology in Context Psychology A Unit 2 1h 30m 1h 30m 24/05/2016 24/05/2016 AM AM WJEC OCR GCE AS Physical Education Physics Physical Education PE2 Breadth in Physics 1h 45m 1h 30m Pearson GCE Geography 6GE02 111101 B520U20-1 F582/01 7701/1 115101 G353/01 USE1 7181/2 PSYA2 131201 H156/01 24/05/2016 24/05/2016 24/05/2016 24/05/2016 AM AM AM AM OCR AQA AQA AQA GCE (re-sit) AS (NEW) GCE (re-sit) GCE Physics Sociology Sociology Spanish G481/01 7191/2 SCLY2 SPAN1 Mechanics Sociology Paper 2: Research Methods and Topics in Sociology Sociology Unit 2 Spanish Unit 1 24/05/2016 24/05/2016 PM PM WJEC AQA AS (NEW) GCE (re-sit) Business Studies Business Studies 25/05/2016 AM OCR GCE Mathematics 4766/01 MEI Statistics 1 25/05/2016 25/05/2016 25/05/2016 25/05/2016 25/05/2016 25/05/2016 25/05/2016 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM CIE CIE CIE CIE AQA AQA Pearson IGCSE IGCSE IGCSE IGCSE AS (NEW) AS (NEW) GCE (re-sit) Physics Physics Physics Physics History History History 0625/11 0625/21 0625/31 0625/41 7041/2N 7041/2O 6HI02 Physics Multiple Choice Core 45m Physics Multiple Choice Extended 45m Physics Core Paper 1h 15m Physics Extended Paper 1h 15m History Paper 2N: Revolution and Dictatorship: Russia and the Soviet 1h 30m Union History Paper 2O: Democracy and Nazism: Germany 1h 30m History Unit 2: British History Depth Studies 1h 20m 26/05/2016 26/05/2016 26/05/2016 26/05/2016 26/05/2016 26/05/2016 AM AM AM AM AM AM Pearson Pearson AQA WJEC OCR AQA GCSE GCSE FSMQ (L2) AS (NEW) AS (NEW) GCE Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics English Language and Literature English Literature Use of Mathematics (Pilot) 26/05/2016 26/05/2016 PM PM Pearson AS Pearson GCE (re-sit) Biology Biology 27/05/2016 27/05/2016 27/05/2016 AM AM AM OCR AS (NEW) OCR GCE (re-sit) Pearson GCE 27/05/2016 27/05/2016 PM PM AQA OCR 06/06/2016 06/06/2016 06/06/2016 06/06/2016 AM AM AM AM AQA AQA WJEC Pearson B510U20/2 Business Studies Component 2 BUSS2 Business Studies Unit 2 1MA0 1F 1MA0 1H 4981 B710U20-1 H072/02 USE3 1h 00m 1h 30m 2h 00m 2h 00m 2h 00m 1h 30m 1h 30m Mathematics A Paper 1 : Foundation Paper Mathematics A Paper 1 : Higher Paper Money Management English Language and Literature NEW EDUQAS AS Component 2 Drama and prose post-1900 Mathematical Comprehension (Pilot) 1h 45m 1h 45m 1h 00m 2h 00m 1h 45m 1h 30m 8BN0 01 6BI01 Biology A Paper 1: Lifestyle, Transport, Genes and Health Biology Unit 1: Lifestyle, Transport, Genes and Health 1h 30m 1h 30m Chemistry Chemistry Religious Studies H033/01 F331/01 6RS02 Foundations of Chemistry Chemistry for Life Religious Studies Unit 2: Investigations 1h 30m 1h 15m 1h 15m GCE GCE Creative Writing General Studies CREW1 F731/01 Creative Writing Unit 1 The Cultural and Social Domains 2h 00m 2h 00m AS (NEW) GCE (re-sit) GCE GCE Computer Science Computing French Government and Politics 7516/1D COMP1 119201 6GP01 Computer Science Paper 1D: Programming (on-screen): Python Computing Unit 1 French FN2 Government And Politics Unit 1: People And Politics 1h 30m 2h 00m 2h 30m 1h 20m 06/06/2016 AM WJEC 06/06/2016 06/06/2016 PM PM 07/06/2016 07/06/2016 AM AM 07/06/2016 07/06/2016 PM PM 08/06/2016 08/06/2016 08/06/2016 AM AM AM OCR OCR WJEC 08/06/2016 08/06/2016 08/06/2016 PM PM PM AQA AQA OCR 09/06/2016 09/06/2016 AM AM 09/06/2016 09/06/2016 09/06/2016 09/06/2016 09/06/2016 09/06/2016 GCE Information and Communication Technology 124101 Information and Communication Technology IT1 2h 15m Psychology General Studies 5PS01 F732/01 Psychology Unit 1: Perception and Dreaming The Scientific Domain 1h 15m 1h 00m English English A680/01 A680/02 Information and Ideas: Foundation Information and Ideas: Higher 2h 00m 2h 00m Biology Biology 8BN0 02 6BI02 Biology A Paper 2: Development, Plants and the Environment Biology Unit 2: Development, Plants and the Environment 1h 30m 1h 30m GCE GCE GCE Mathematics Mathematics Media Studies 4752/01 4757/01 129401 MEI Concepts for Advanced Mathematics MEI Further Applications of Advanced Mathematics Media Studies MS4 1h 30m 1h 30m 2h 30m AS (NEW) GCE GCE English Language Psychology Psychology 7701/2 PSYA3 G543/01 English Language: Language Varieties Psychology A Unit 3 Options in Applied Psychology 1h 30m 1h 30m 2h 00m Pearson GCSE Pearson GCSE Mathematics Mathematics 1MA0 2F 1MA0 2H Mathematics A Paper 2 : Foundation Paper Mathematics A Paper 2 : Higher Paper 1h 45m 1h 45m PM PM PM PM PM PM Pearson Pearson Pearson AQA OCR OCR GCSE GCE GCE GCE AS (NEW) GCE (re-sit) Psychology Geography Government and Politics Philosophy Physics Physics 5PS02 6GE03 6GP02 PHLS2 H156/02 G482/01 Psychology Unit 2: Social and Biological Psychological Debates Geography Unit 3: Contested Planet Government And Politics Unit 2: Governing The UK Philosophy 2 Depth in Physics Electrons, Waves and Photons 1h 45m 2h 30m 1h 20m 3h 00m 1h 30m 1h 45m 10/06/2016 10/06/2016 10/06/2016 10/06/2016 AM AM AM AM WJEC WJEC Pearson Pearson GCE GCE GCE GCE Design and Technology Film Studies History History 111301 118401 6HI03C 6HI03D Design and Technology DT3 Product Design 2h 30m Film Studies FM4 2h 45m History Unit 3: Depth Studies And Associated Historical Controversies: 2h 00m USA History Unit 3: Depth Studies And Associated Historical Controversies: 2h 00m Europe 10/06/2016 10/06/2016 10/06/2016 PM PM PM WJEC OCR OCR GCSE AS (NEW) GCE (re-sit) Business Studies Chemistry Chemistry 408001 H033/02 F332/01 Business Studies Chemistry in depth Chemistry of Natural Resources 2h 00m 1h 30m 1h 45m 13/06/2016 AM OCR GCE (re-sit) Performance Studies Performance Contexts 1 2h 00m Pearson GCSE OCR GCE OCR OCR GCSE GCSE Pearson AS (NEW) Pearson GCE (re-sit) G402 14/06/2016 14/06/2016 AM AM WJEC AQA GCE GCE French Psychology 119401 PSYA4 French FN4 Psychology A Unit 4 3h 00m 2h 00m 14/06/2016 14/06/2016 14/06/2016 14/06/2016 14/06/2016 14/06/2016 PM PM PM PM PM PM AQA OCR AQA AQA Pearson AQA GCE GCE AS (NEW) GCE (re-sit) GCE GCE Business Studies Chemistry Computer Science Computing Government and Politics Business Studies BUSS3 F334/01 7516/2 COMP2 6GP03 BUSS3 Business Studies Unit 3 Chemistry of Materials Computer Science Paper 2: Data representation Computing Unit 2 Government And Politics Unit 3: Key Themes In Political Analysis Business Studies Unit 3 1h 45m 1h 30m 1h 30m 1h 00m 1h 30m 1h 45m 15/06/2016 15/06/2016 15/06/2016 15/06/2016 AM AM AM AM WJEC OCR OCR Pearson GCE GCE GCE GCE English Language Mathematics Mathematics Religious Studies 115401 4767/01 4771/01 6RS03 English Language LG4 MEI Statistics 2 MEI Decision Mathematics 1 Religious Studies Unit 3: Developments 2h 30m 1h 30m 1h 30m 1h 45m 15/06/2016 PM WJEC GCE Travel and Tourism 168501 Travel and Tourism TT5 2h 00m 16/06/2016 16/06/2016 AM AM Pearson GCE OCR GCE Geography Music 6GE04 G356/01 Geography Unit 4: Geographical Research Historical and Analytical Studies in Music 1h 30m 1h 45m 16/06/2016 16/06/2016 16/06/2016 PM PM PM OCR GCE Pearson GCE Pearson GCE Applied Science Biology Government and Politics G635/01 6BI04 6GP04 Working waves 1h 30m Biology Unit 4: The Natural Environment and Species Survial 1h 30m Government And Politics Unit 4: Extended Themes In Political Analysis 1h 30m 17/06/2016 17/06/2016 17/06/2016 AM AM AM WJEC WJEC WJEC GCE GCE GCE English Language and Literature English Literature Physical Education 116401 117401 131401 English Language and Literature LL4 English Literature LT4 Physical Education PE4 2h 30m 2h 30m 2h 00m 17/06/2016 PM OCR GCE Mathematics 4761/01 MEI Mechanics 1 1h 30m 20/06/2016 20/06/2016 20/06/2016 20/06/2016 AM AM AM AM AQA OCR AQA AQA GCE GCE GCE GCE Drama and Theatre Studies Physics Sociology Spanish DRAM3 G484/01 SCLY3 SPAN3 Drama and Theatre Studies Unit 3 The Newtonian World Sociology Unit 3 Spanish Unit 3 2h 00m 1h 15m 1h 30m 2h 30m 20/06/2016 20/06/2016 PM PM WJEC OCR GCSE GCE Film Studies Economics 15501 F585/01 Film Studies Paper 1 The Global Economy 1h 30m 2h 00m 21/06/2016 AM OCR GCE MEI Methods for Advanced Mathematics 1h 30m 21/06/2016 PM Religious Studies Unit 4: Implications 1h 15m 22/06/2016 22/06/2016 22/06/2016 AM AM AM OCR AQA WJEC GCE GCE GCE Chemistry F335/01 Computing COMP3 Information and Communication Technology 124301 Chemistry by Design Computing Unit 3 Information and Communication Technology IT3 2h 00m 2h 30m 2h 30m 22/06/2016 PM AQA GCE Business Studies BUSS4 Business Studies Unit 4 1h 45m 23/06/2016 AM Biology 6BI05 Biology Unit 5: Energy, Exercise and Co-ordination 1h 45m 23/06/2016 23/06/2016 23/06/2016 PM PM PM WJEC OCR AQA GCSE GCE GCE Film Studies Economics Sociology 15502 F584/01 SCLY4 Film Studies Paper 2 Transport Economics Sociology Unit 4 1h 00m 2h 00m 2h 00m 24/06/2016 AM OCR GCE Mathematics 4754/01 MEI Applications of Advanced Mathematics 2h 30m 24/06/2016 PM OCR GCE Performance Studies G403/01 Performance Contexts 2 2h 00m 27/06/2016 AM OCR GCE Mathematics 4756/01 MEI Further Methods for Advanced Mathematics 1h 30m 28/06/2016 AM OCR GCE Physics G485/01 Fields, Particles and Frontiers of Physics 2h 00m Pearson GCE Pearson GCE Mathematics Religious Studies 4753/01 6RS04