Introduction to random walks in random and non-random environments Nadine Guillotin-Plantard Institut Camille Jordan - University Lyon I Grenoble – November 2012 Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenobleenvironments – November 2012 1 / 36 Outline 1 Simple Random Walks in Zd Definition Recurrence - Transience Asymptotic distribution for n large Asymmetric random walk 2 Random Walks in Random Environments Definition Recurrence-Transience Valleys (or traps) - Slowing down Asymptotic distributions for n large 3 Random Walk in Random Scenery Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenobleenvironments – November 2012 2 / 36 Simple Random Walks in Zd Definition At time 0, a walker starts from the site 0, tosses a coin. If he gets ”Head”, then he goes to the site +1, otherwise to the site -1. (”Tail”) Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenobleenvironments – November 2012 3 / 36 Simple Random Walks in Zd Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Definition Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenobleenvironments – November 2012 4 / 36 Simple Random Walks in Zd Definition Natural questions Does the walker come back to the origin ? Notion of Recurrence - Transience. Mean position of the walker, fluctuations around this position, large deviations... Probability that the walker be at site x at time n (Local limit theorem) Number of distinct sites visited by the walker up to time n (Range) Maximal (or minimal) position of the walker before time n Number of visits to a fixed site x. (Local time ) The last time the random walker visits 0 before time n The number of positive values of the random walk before time n Number of self-intersections up to time n. Favorite sites of the walker and so on... Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenobleenvironments – November 2012 5 / 36 Simple Random Walks in Zd Definition Let (Xi )i≥1 be i.i.d. random variables taking values +1 or −1 with equal probability. {Xi = +1} ={ The walker gets ”Head” at time i}. The position of the walker at time n is given by : S0 := 0 and for any n ≥ 1, Sn := n X Xi i=1 (Sn )n≥0 is called simple random walk on Z. From this writing, we can compute E (Sn ) = 0 and Var (Sn ) = E (Sn2 ) = n. Therefore, Sn ∼ Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) √ n Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenobleenvironments – November 2012 6 / 36 Simple Random Walks in Zd Recurrence - Transience For n integer, P(S2n = 0) = = = ∼ Number of paths of length 2n from 0 to 0 Number of paths of length 2n n C2n 22n (2n)! 4n (n!)2 1 √ for n large πn using Stirling’s formula n! ∼ Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) n n √ e 2πn. Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenobleenvironments – November 2012 7 / 36 Simple Random Walks in Zd Recurrence - Transience A random walk is said recurrent iff h i h i P lim sup {Sn = 0} = P Sn = 0 i.o. = 1 n Otherwise, it is called transient. Since Sn is a Markov chain, we have this useful criterion : Theorem (Sn )n is recurrent iff +∞ X P(Sn = 0) = +∞ n=0 √ Since P(Sn = 0) ∼ C / n, the simple random walk on Z is recurrent. Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenobleenvironments – November 2012 8 / 36 Simple Random Walks in Zd Recurrence - Transience Simple random walk in Z2 Simple random walk in Z2 Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenobleenvironments – November 2012 9 / 36 Simple Random Walks in Zd Recurrence - Transience Georges Pólya (1887 – 1985) Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 10 / 36 Simple Random Walks in Zd Recurrence - Transience In higher dimension Theorem (Pólya (1921) ) There exists some constant C = C (d) s.t. for n large enough P(Sn = 0) ∼ C n−d/2 . Main tool: Fourier Inversion Formula Z 1 E (e iΘ·Sn )dΘ P(Sn = 0) = (2π)d [−π,π]d Use that Sn is a sum of i.i.d. random vectors and for ||Θ|| small, E (e iΘ·X1 ) = 1 − Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) ||Θ||2 + o(||Θ||2 ) 2d Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 11 / 36 Simple Random Walks in Zd Recurrence - Transience Theorem A simple random walk in Zd is recurrent for d = 1 or 2, but is transient for d ≥ 3. Another way to say that : ”All roads lead to Rome except the cosmic paths ! ” Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 12 / 36 Simple Random Walks in Zd Asymptotic distribution for n large Local limit theorem For n and x integers s.t. n + x is even, P(Sn = x) = Number of paths of length n from 0 to x Number of paths of length n (n+x)/2 = Cn 2n x2 2 e − 2n ∼ . √ for n large and |x| = o(n2/3 ) π n √ Therefore, for any x ∈ R s.t. n + [x n] is even, r √ P(Sn = [x n]) ∼ Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) r x2 2 e− 2 . √ π n for n large Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 13 / 36 Simple Random Walks in Zd Let a, b ∈ R with a < b, √ √ P S2n ∈ [a 2n, b 2n] Asymptotic distribution for n large X = √ P(S2n = k) √ k∈[a 2n,b 2n] r ∼ 2 n m2 1 √ e− 2 2π X m∈[a,b]∩ √2Z 2n → 1 √ 2π Z b e 2 − x2 dx = P(X ∈ [a, b]) a where X is distributed as the Normal distribution N (0, 1). Notation: As n tends to infinity, S L √n −→ N (0, 1). n Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 14 / 36 Simple Random Walks in Zd Asymptotic distribution for n large Maximum of the path at time n Define Mn := = max Sk k=0..n max S[nt] t∈[0,1] For any t > 0, as n large, S[nt] √ n ∼ N (0, t) and M √ n = max n t∈[0,1] S[nt] √ n Functional of the path from 0 to time n, a convergence in distribution on the space of the càd-làg paths (φ(t))t∈[0,1] is needed. Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 15 / 36 Simple Random Walks in Zd Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Asymptotic distribution for n large Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 16 / 36 Simple Random Walks in Zd Asymptotic distribution for n large Functional limit theorem The sequence S[nt] √ n t≥0 converges in law to the real Brownian motion (Bt )t≥0 , that is a stochastic process satisfying : B0 := 0 Stationarity of the increments : Bt − Bs ∼ Bt−s for s < t Independence of the increments : Bt − Bs independent from Bs Bt ∼ N (0, t) The law of the maximum of the Brownian motion is well-known : max Bt ∼ B1 ∼ N (0, 1) t∈[0,1] Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 17 / 36 Simple Random Walks in Zd Asymptotic distribution for n large Arcsine distributions With the same method, we can compute the asymptotic distributions of many functionals of the random walk : Nn = max{k = 1 . . . n ; Sk = 0} the last time the random walker visits 0 before time n Vn = #{k = 1 . . . n ; Sk > 0} the number of positive values of the random walk before time n We have for any x ∈ (0, 1), as n is large, P(Nn ≤ xn) ∼ √ 2 arcsin( x) π P(Vn ≤ xn) ∼ √ 2 arcsin( x). π and Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 18 / 36 Simple Random Walks in Zd Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Asymptotic distribution for n large Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 19 / 36 Simple Random Walks in Zd Asymmetric random walk The random walker moves to the right with probability p and to the left with probability q = 1 − p. Same questions as before: Recurrence, Transience, Asymptotic distribution,.... Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 20 / 36 Simple Random Walks in Zd Asymmetric random walk Let (Xi )i≥1 be i.i.d. random variables taking values +1 or −1 with probability p and q = 1 − p respectively. The position of the walker at time n is given by : S0 := 0 and for any n ≥ 1, Sn := n X Xi i=1 From this writing, we can compute E (X1 ) = p − q 6= 0 The strong law of large numbers gives : as n → +∞, n Sn 1X = Xi → E (X1 ) = p − q a.s. n n i=1 The random walk (Sn )n is transient, tends to +∞ (resp. −∞) when p > q (resp. p < q). Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 21 / 36 Simple Random Walks in Zd Asymmetric random walk Asymptotic distribution for n large As n → +∞, Sn − n (p − q) L √ −→ N (0, σ 2 ) n where σ 2 = 4p(1 − p). Indeed, for n integer and x ∈ Z s.t. n + x is even, (n+x)/2 (n+x)/2 (n−x)/2 P(Sn = x) = Cn p q ∼ .... Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 22 / 36 Random Walks in Random Environments Definition Random Environment : Let ωx , x ∈ Z, be i.i.d. random variables with values in [0, 1], uniformly bounded away from 0 and 1. For a given realization of the environment, we consider the Markov chain (Sn )n which jumps to the site x + 1, with probability ωx and to x − 1 with probability 1 − ωx , given it is located at x. They were introduced by A.A. Chernov in 1967 in order to model the replication of DNA. Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 23 / 36 Random Walks in Random Environments Definition Quenched law: Denote by Pω the law of the walk (starting from 0) in the environment ω. Annealed law: If P denotes the law of the environment, P = P × Pω defined as Z P(.) = Pω (.) dP(ω) Fundamental remark : Under P, the random walk is not a Markov chain. (Under Pω , the random walk is a Markov chain (inhomogeneous in space)) Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 24 / 36 Random Walks in Random Environments Recurrence-Transience Solomon I The ratio ρx := 1 − ωx ωx plays an important role in the study of RWRE. Theorem (Solomon (1975)) If E(ln ρ0 ) < 0 (resp. > 0) then the random walk is transient and lim Sn = +∞ (resp − ∞) P − a.s. n→+∞ If E(ln ρ0 ) = 0, then the random walk is recurrent and lim sup Sn = +∞ and lim inf Sn = −∞ P − a.s. n→+∞ Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) n→+∞ Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 25 / 36 Random Walks in Random Environments Recurrence-Transience Solomon II Theorem (Solomon (1975)) P-almost surely, Sn =v n→+∞ n lim where v= 1−E(ρ0 ) 1+E(ρ0 ) E(1/ρ0 )−1 E(1/ρ0 )+1 0 if E(ρ0 ) < 1 if if 1 < 1/E(ρ−1 0 ) −1 1/E(ρ0 ) ≤ 1 ≤ E(ρ0 ) Comparison with the random walk in Z: 1- |v | < |E(S1 )| −→ some slowdown already occurs. 2- The random walk can be transient with zero speed ! Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 26 / 36 Random Walks in Random Environments Potential: V (x) = x X Valleys (or traps) - Slowing down if x ≥1 0 if 0 X log(ρk ) if − x =0 log(ρk ) k=1 x ≤ −1 k=x+1 (V (x))x is a real random walk with mean E[log ρ0 ] and variance E[(log ρ0 )2 ]. Remark also that 1 e −V (x) > ωx = −V (x−1) −V (x) 2 e +e if and only if V (x − 1) > V (x). When the potential decreases (resp. increases), the random walker tends to go to the right (resp. left). Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 27 / 36 Random Walks in Random Environments Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Valleys (or traps) - Slowing down Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 28 / 36 Random Walks in Random Environments Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Valleys (or traps) - Slowing down Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 29 / 36 Random Walks in Random Environments Asymptotic distributions for n large Recurrent case – E[log ρ0 ] = 0 Theorem (Sinai (1982), Kesten (1986), Golosov (1986)) Denote σ 2 = E(log ρ0 )2 ∈ ]0, +∞[ Then, σ2 L Sn −→ b∞ 2 (log n) where b∞ is a symmetric random variable with Laplace transform √ cosh( 2λ) − 1 −λ|b∞ | √ E(e )= , λ > 0. λ cosh( 2λ) Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 30 / 36 Random Walks in Random Environments Asymptotic distributions for n large Transient case – E[log ρ0 ] < 0 Under both assumptions : 1- There exists κ > 0 s.t. E(ρκ0 ) = 1 and E(ρκ0 (log ρ0 )+ ) < ∞. 2- The distribution of log(ρ0 ) is non-lattice. Theorem (Kesten-Kozlov-Spitzer (1975)) When κ < 1, (v = 0) lim P n→+∞ S n nκ ≤ x = 1 − Lκ,b (x −1/κ ) When κ ∈ (1, 2), lim P n→+∞ Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) S − nv n ≤ x = 1 − Lκ,b (−x). v 1+1/κ n1/κ Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 31 / 36 Random Walks in Random Environments Asymptotic distributions for n large Transient case – E[log ρ0 ] < 0 Lκ,b is a stable distribution with characteristic function t κ L̂κ,b (t) = exp −b|t| 1 − i tan(πκ/2) |t| The value of b for κ ∈ (0, 2) was determined by Enriquez, Sabot and Zindy (’09) Theorem (Kesten-Kozlov-Spitzer (1975)) When κ > 2, Sn − nv L √ −→ N (0, σ 2 ) n where σ 2 > 0. Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 32 / 36 Random Walk in Random Scenery Riddle Is this random walk recurrent or transient ? Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 33 / 36 Random Walk in Random Scenery Theorem (Campanino – Pétritis (2003)) The random walk (Sn )n is transient for almost every realization of the orientations. A local limit theorem can even be proved. Theorem (Castell – Guillotin-Plantard – Pène – Schapira (AOP, 2011)) For n large, P[Sn = 0] ∼ Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) C . n5/4 Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 34 / 36 Random Walk in Random Scenery (Sn )n has the same distribution as (Xn , Yn )n where Yn is the ”blue” random walk on Z. Xn is the random walk (Yn ) in random scenery (”H”, ”T ”) : ξi = 1 (resp. −1) if ”Tail” (resp. ”Head”) at site i ∈ Z, Xn = n−1 X ξY k k=0 Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 35 / 36 Random Walk in Random Scenery We have P[Sn = 0] = P[Xn = 0; Yn = 0] ∼ P[Xn = 0|Yn = 0]P[Yn = 0] We know that P[Yn = 0] ∼ C n1/2 and (not easy !) P[Xn = 0|Yn = 0] ∼ Nadine Guillotin-Plantard (ICJ) C n3/4 Introduction to random walks in random and non-random Grenoble –environments November 2012 36 / 36