Characterization of Shield Inhomogeneities of Multiconductor Cables by Evaluation of Measured Transfer Impedances and Admittances Lorenz Jung Jan Luiken ter Haseborg Member IEEE Senior Member IEEE Hamburg University of Technology Dept. of Measurement Engineering / EMC Harburger S&loss Strasse 20, D-2 107 1 Hamburg, Germany Abstract: The determination of the complex transfer impedances and transfer admittances of shielded multiconductor cables is the prerequisite for calculating disturbing currents on the inner wires of the cable. With a measurement procedure based on the improved triaxial measurement setups using multiconductor transmission line theory for evaluation, it is possible to determine individual transfer impedances and admittances for each inner conductor of a shielded multiconductor cable over a broad frequency range [3]. This paper shows the determination of the location and the calculation of the area of shield inhomogeneities by the evaluation of measured transfer impedances and admittances. INTRODUCTION The reliability of large control and communication systems is a topic of increasing importance. The reliability can be affected by disturbed signal transmission via cables. Especially in the design stage of a system it is important to calculate the expected disturbing currents and voltages on the transmission wires of the cable. For this calculation the electromagnetic interferences from the environment of the cable have to be known. Then, with a coupling model, the Ill ZsrnIodz Kdz current on the cable shield and the voltage between cable shield and environment have to be determined. To calculate the interfering currents and voltages on the inner wires of the cable, the complex transfer impedance and the complex transfer admittance of each wire of the cable have to be known. The measured transfer impedances and admittances can also be used to characterize shield inhomogeneities. MULTICOM)UCTORTRANSMISSIONLINE THEORYPORSHIELDEDCABLES An infmitesimally short part of a shielded multiconductor transmission line under consideration of the conductive environment is represented by the equivalent circuit shown in figure 1. The equivalent circuit consists of the inner system representing the cable shield and the inner conductors of the cable. The outer system depends on the interaction of the environment with the shield. The current on the cable shield and the voltage between the cable shield and the environment which are caused by interferences from the environment originate from the distributed sources J&z and E&z in the equivalent circuit of the outer system. The interaction of the outer system with the inner system is represented by the In+dIn I&dz inner system: conductors and shield t IO EFdz Rbdz Lj-,dz outer system: shield and environment Figure 1. Equivalent circuit of an infinitesimally short part of a transmission line in interfering environment. 0-7803-5057-X/99/$10.00 © 1999 IEEE 571 distributed sources Z’TiIodz and Y’riUodz for each inner conductor. Z’,i and Y’,i represent the complex transfer impedance and admittance per unit length of the i-th conductor. Z’,i is defined as the ratio of the voltage between the inner conductor i and the cable shield and the disturbing current on the cable shield per unit length. Y’rr is defined as the ratio of the current on the inner conductor i and the disturbing voltage between the cable shield and the environment per unit length. Both Z’ri and Y’ri have to be determined individually for each conductor by measurements. The mathematical approach to the circuit of the inner system shown in figure 1 is based on the telegraphers’s equation in matrix form including the consideration of the distributed interference sources measure the disturbing voltage between the respective conductor and the shield. The input impedance of the network analyzer represents one of these terminations. termination N-connector brass block (1) termination 5OQ According to figure 1 [U(z)] and [I(z)] are the vectors containing the voltages between the n inner conductors and the shield, respectively the currents on the n conductors. The nxn impedance matrix [Z’] and the nxn admittance matrix ryl] are composed of the frequency-dependent complex primary line parameters per unit length. The n elements of the vector [Z’riIs(z)] consist of the product of the transfer impedance Z’ri of the i-th conductor of the inner system and the current of the outer system at the location z. The vector [Y’rrUo(z)] is composed correspondingly. The solution of the system of differential equations (1) [8] and the measured propagation constant ‘ya, characteristic impedance r, and termination of the outer system (see figure 3) allows to calculate the voltage and current on every location of the outer system from the voltage U,(O), so that the voltages and currents of the inner system can be determined as function of the primary line parameters per unit length, the propagation constants, the complex transfer impedances and the complex transfer admittances [5]. SETUPFORTHEMEASUREMENTOFTHE TRANSFERIMI'EDANCES By analogy with IEC96-1 [12], the improved setup is a biaxial system consisting of an outer tube that forms together with the shield of the cable under test (CUT) the outer system. The length of the tube is, depending on the necessary frequency range and sensitivity, 62 or 31 cm. The outer system is fed on the near end (see figure 2). Each inner conductor of the CUT is terminated at the near end. For proper decoupling the termination resistors are embedded entirely in a brass block . The diameter of this brass block is equal to the outer diameter of the cable shield. On the far end each inner conductor is also terminated by 50 Sz resistors. The termination resistors are not soldered to the conductors in order to allow their removal to 572 SMB-connector output near end far end Figure 2. Improved transfer impedances. -2 [I(‘)]=[yr][u(z)] - [Y+iUCJ(Z)] . resistors resistors setup for the measurement of the In order to evaluate the measurements the equivalent circuit of the setup has to be regarded. 1v31 r_..___._. CUT Ldl WAdI ,.______________ W.ll Figure 3. Equivalent circuit of the measurement of the transfer impedances. setup for the The termination resistors are represented by the admittance matrices [Ys] and [Y,J. The influence of the connector head is considered by the impedance matrix [Z,,] and the admittance matrix [Y,,]. [Z,,] represents the complex self impedances and mutual inductances between the inner conductors and has to be determined by short circuit measurements. [Y,,] represents the complex self admittances and mutual capacitances and has to be determined by open circuit measurements. The transfer impedance is calculated as [zi]=[Al][[&$qp+]]. The matrices [Ai] to [As] are functions of the known electrical and mechanical parameters of the inner and outer system and the teeations: [51. [y31, [yd, [YAdk [zAd19 [z’l, [y’l, ‘Ya and ra Measurement results Figure 4 shows the measured magnitude and phase of the transfer impedances of all conductors of a seven-conductor cable LICY-7x0. 14mm2. now exposed to the shield inhomogeneity center conductor. and also to the Phase (“) ,80 1 1 10 10 f (MHz) 100 Figure 6. Measured transfer impedances of four conductors of a seven-conductor cable LICY-7x0.14mm2 with a shield inhomogeneity in terms of a hole above conductors 2 and 7. 100 f (MHz) Figure 4. Measured transfer impedances of all conductors of a seven-conductor cable LICY-7x0. 14mm2. The phases show the typical behavior that is attributed to porpoising coupling into single braided coaxial cables [ 11[lo]. In the case of a shield inhomogeneity the coupling behavior for the conductor which is exposed to this shield inhomogeneity changes to aperture coupling as shown in figure 5. For clearness the complex transfer impedances are shown only for four conductors. Assuming Dr’ and M,,’ as independent of a shield inhomogeneity, the contribution of the inhomogeneity to Mt,’ can be calculated as the difference of the imaginary parts of Zr from the measurement results in case of a shield inhomogeneity and the intact cable (e.g. shown in fig. 6 and 4). Figure 7 shows Mr,’ calculated as: Mr,’ = Im{ Z,‘(figure 6)- Z,‘(tigure 4) } / o Mh’ (“Hhl, (4) 0.1 0.01 : :I ::::: I ,I,, ----------j-----i---i--i-;t5i-~~t;I I ,I,_ 0.2-----_____ ~____~----~---t-:--~-i-i-i -.-- -. r. _:-:. _:_ : _:_:_:_:_ ___- ;I - - -I- : -;- j :4: I I I I11111 II 0 1 10 100 f(MHZ, Figure 7. Calculated Ml according to (4). 0.001 0.0001 1 10 f (MHz) 100 Figure 5. Measured transfer impedances of four conductors of a seven-conductor cable LICY-7x0.14mm2 with a shield inhomogeneity in terms of a hole above conductor 2. The complex transfer impedance of braided coaxial cables can be expressed as [lo] ZG = Dr’ + jW(Mr,’ - M<) As a first approach to calculate the area of the inhomogeneity from the measurement results, an expression of the mutual inductance Ml2 due to aperture coupling for a circular hole with radius r in a single conductor cable with outer diameter D was used [2]: M1,=4u0r3/(3n2D2) (5) (3) where Dr’ is attributed to diffusion coupling and can be neglected towards higher frequencies [4]. The mutual inductance per unit length Mb’ describes the porpoising coupling and the mutual inductance per unit length Mt,’ characterizes aperture coupling. Mt,’ and Mb’ become dominant at higher frequencies and are opposite in phase as expressed in (3). The unexpected behavior of the measured phase of conductor 2 towards higher frequencies shown in figure 5 may be due to long line effects (see also figure 6). If the shield inhomogeneity is increased, the change of the coupling mechanism extends to the outer conductors that are 573 Figure 8. Calculated area of the inhomogeneity. Setting Ml2 = Mh and so obtaining r, the area of the inhomogeneity was calculated as shown in figure 8. It is planned to improve the fair agreement of the calculation with the reality by considering the eccentricity of the outer conductors. The matrices [BJ, [Bs] and [Yv] are functions of the known electrical and mechanical parameters of the inner and outer system and the terminations: [Y3], p4], vAa], [Z,J, [Z’], SETUPFORTHEMEASUREMENTOFTHE TRANSFERADMITTANCES In order to measure the complex transfer admittances, the setup for the measurement of the transfer impedances has to be modified. The setup consists of the same elements as in the setup for the measurement of the transfer impedances except for a different input connection to the outer system and an open circuit between the tube and the connector head. The similarity to the setup for the measurement of the transfer impedance allows an easy interchange of the CUT -including the connector head- between these two setups. termination resistors SMB 5021 connector head The transfer admittance is calculated as WI, L andra [51. Measurement results In the figures 11 and 12 measured transfer admittances of a seven-conductor cable LICY-7x0.14mm2 are shown. Also in this example individual transfer admittances with very similar values for each conductor can be seen. 1Y’Tl (S/m) Phase (‘) la-l 1e-2 outer tube le-3 7 le-4 18-5 inner conductor I& 1e-7 le-8 bras; block SMB-conn&tor output input near end far end Figure 9. Improved transfer admittances. .--‘-“i !..-‘~-.‘l 100 Figure 11. Measured transfer admittances of the outer conductors of a seven-conductor cable LICY-7x0.14mm2. near end setup for the measurement of the UUI 10 f (MHz) The equivalent circuit has to be changed accordingly. I&d1 LyAdl ry31 1‘1’41 PTIT :; : : conductor n l__._.___. 1 0.1 ’ termination resistors 50R ,..__..___...____ In case of a shield inhomogeneity the value of the transfer admittance changes for the conductor near to this inhomogeneity. As example for a shield inhomogeneity a hole was made into the shield. Fig. 12 shows the measurement results for a 3 mm by 10 mm hole above conductor 4. It can be seen, that the value of the transfer admittance of conductor 4 is increased. conductor 1 k-T1 le-1 shield t (S/m) Phase (“) I Hole above conductor 4: I I f 16-Z . ..______. Z=O far end Z,-+m 2=1 shield *la ra outer tube R: termination resistor 50 C2 0 1 U,(1) Conductor 4 le-3 - l-4 near end 1e-5 IFS-6 Figure 10. Equivalent circuit of the setup for the measurement of the transfer admittances. 1e-7 Again, the termination resistors are represented by the admittance matrices [YJ and [YJ. The influence of the connector head is considered by the impedance matrix [Z,,] and the admittance matrix [Y,,] in the similar manner as in the equivalent circuit for the measurement of the transfer impedances. 574 18-a ' 0.1 . 1 10 I 1 ICUJ f (MHz) Figure 12. Measured transfer admittances of the outer conductors of a seven-conductor cable LICY-7x0.14mm2 with a shield inhomogeneity in terms of a hole above conductor 4. The transfer admittance of the cable without a shield inhomogeneity (fig.1 1) under consideration of the environment is described as [9]: Yi, = coci jw--, c ’ = jo %E* (7) where C’,, is the capacitance per unit length of the (small) apertures of the braided cable shield and C’ is the capacitance per unit length as a primary line parameter of each inner conductor as intrinsic cable parameters. The environment is considered by the capacitance per unit length Cs between the shield and in this case the outer tube of the setup. C’, can be calculated from the measured Ta and ya of the outer system. The calculation of the area of the inhomogeneity is based on the additional capacitance CA of the inhomogeneity’s aperture. With the known length of the setup 1, the measured transfer admittance (fig. 12) in case of a shield inhomogeneity Y’rA for each conductor can be expressed as: Y;* E,~ [l l] considers the aperture loading and is defined by the known relative permittivities ai and zszof the inner and outer system of the setup. % = EI+E (11) 2 Under assumption of the practical case that the geometry of the inhomogeneity is unknown, so an elliptic integral cannot be applied, the aperture polarizability a, of a circle with the diameter d was chosen [6]. CX+13 (12) Set&g CA in eq. (9) equal to CA h eq. (lo), d can be calculated. Figure 14 shows the so calculated area of the &omogeneity. H&size (mmmz) (c~O+C*l-l)C~ c’ . Assuming C’,, and C’ as independent of the shield inhomogeneity, CA can be calculated from the difference of the imaginary parts of the measurement results in case of a shield inhomogeneity and the intact cable: (9) The term Im{Y’,A-Y’,o}/o calculated from the measurement results shown in figures 11 and 12 is shown in figure 13. ~m~a-r~o) IO 0.1 I 10 100 f (MHz) Figure 14. Calculated aperture area. It can be seen, that the area of the aperture is over- or under estimated, respectively, depending of the proximity of the individual conductor to the aperture. The average value over all six outer conductors matches up to approximately 20 MHZ very well the real value of 30 mm2. CONCLUSION 1 0.1 10 ,@I f (MHz) Figure 13. Calculated Im{Y’r*-Y’r,,}/w according to (9). It can be seen that Im{Y’r*-Y’,,}/o is almost constant over a broad frequency range. The capacitance of a single aperture [6] depends on the radius of an inner conductor a,,, the inner radius of the cable shield a, the aperture polarizability a, [6j, [l l] and the equivalent relative permittivity seq. c, =- Eo%q% ( 2naq >2 “Z-&L ’ 0 a0 (10) 575 The setups for the determination of the complex transfer impedances and transfer admittances of shielded multiconductor cables and the methods of evaluation based on transmission line theory for shielded multiconductor cables were explained. A more detailed description can be found in [3] and [5]. The discussed measurement examples cover a broad frequency range. The influence of shield inhomogeneities on the complex transfer impedances and transfer admittances has been shown. The possibility of calculating the area of a single shield inhomogeneity from the measurement data of both the transfer impedances and transfer admittances has been demonstrated. Although some parameters were neglected, e.g. the eccentricity of the outer conductors, the calculations show a good agreement with the reality. The investigations to improve these measurement methods will go on. REFERENCES [l] Hoeft, L.O., Hofstra, J.S., Peel, R.J., Porpoising Coupling in Braided Cables, 1989 International Symposium on EMC, Nagoya, Japan, 1989, pp. 595-599. [2] Hoeft, L.O., A Model for Predicting the Surface Transfer Impedance of Braided Cable, 1986 IEEE Int. Symposium on EMC, San Diego, 1986, pp. 402-404. [3] Jung, L., Kasdepke, T., ter Haseborg, J.L., Improved Setup for the Measurement of the Complex Transfer Impedances and Transfer Admittances of Shielded Multiconductor Cables, 1998 IEEE Int. Symposium on EMC, Denver, 1998, pp. 214-218. [4] Kaden, H., Wirbelstrome und Schirmung in der Nachrichtentechnik, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1959. 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