SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time; World Mission Sunday Monday: Ss. John de Brébeuf, Isaac Jogues, and Companions Tuesday: St. Paul of the Cross Thursday: St. John Paul II Friday: St. John of Capistrano Saturday: St. Anthony Mary Claret; Blessed Virgin Mary GOD’S WORK OF SALVATION God’s work of salvation is the focus of this weekend’s readings. From the prophetic event of Isaiah to Jesus’ understanding of the human condition in Hebrews, concluding with Jesus paying our ransom in Mark, God is in control. There may be failings and misunderstandings along the way. We may move away from God, but at our conversion, God leads us back. Like James and John, we may let greed and power blur our vision of what Jesus wants us to know about the Kingdom; but tirelessly we are taught and re-taught what life in the Kingdom will be. Jesus has paid our ransom to ensure that we will share in the Kingdom. It is not unusual to think of Jesus’ ransom as a punishment that he endured. However, it is more accurate, and more like Jesus, for us to recognize ransom as God’s gift to us. Message from Father Suneesh Sophia Award: Sophia means Wisdom or varied knowledge of things human and divine, acquired by acuteness and experience. Ever year the Diocese of Owensboro recognizes a person from each parish, men and women of wisdom who are over 65 and have served the Parish showing much belonging and love. This year Bob Johnson was awarded the Sophia award from Blessed Sacrament. Congratulations, Bob, and thanks for all that you do to our parish. OCHS recognition: Owensboro Catholic High School recognizes students who excel in studies and different activities. Vonn Williams won the award from Blessed Sacrament. Congratulations and keep growing in God’s grace. Jason Evert: Jason Evert is a Catholic author and chastity speaker. He founded Totus Tuus Press and Chastity Project, an organization that promotes chastity primarily to high school and college students. On the 25th of October Jason Evert will be at the River Park Center. From 5:30 pm until 6:30 pm he will deliver a parent talk, guiding parents on how to talk to their kids about love, relationship, marriage, sex etc. 7:30 till 8:30 pm he would talk to the kids who are 7th grade and above. Please mark your calendar and try to attend this event. Today’s Scripture readings describe leadership as the sacrificial service done to others and offer Jesus as the best example. They also explain the servant leadership of Jesus, pinpointing service and sacrifice as the criteria of greatness in Christ’s kingdom. As Christians, we are all invited to serve others – and to serve with a smile! We are challenged to drink the cup of Jesus by laying down our lives in humble, sacrificial service for others, just as Jesus did. The best place to begin the process of service by “self-giving," is our own homes and workplaces. When parents sacrifice their time, talents, health and blessings for the welfare of others in the family, they are serving God. Service always involves suffering, because we can’t help another without some sacrifice on our part. We are rendering great service to others also when we present them and their needs before God daily in our prayers. On Sunday, October 25th we have invited sisters from communities that have served Blessed Sacrament to join with us for Mass and a meal to follow. There will be 6 sisters joining us from the Lamb of God and Glenmary communities Please provide a dish and join the sisters after Mass to express gratitude for the service that has been given to Blessed Sacrament throughout the years. Our prayers and sympathy are with Nancy Bumm on the recent death of her brother, Pat Abel. 10:00 AM Sunday, October 18, 2015 Lector Euch Min Ushers SERVERS M. Allen G. Adams S. Webster L. Carmen R. Johnson V. Higgs 10:00 AM Sunday, October 25, 2015 Lector Euch Min Ushers A.. Hatchett G. Adams M. Brown C. Clark B. Brown K. Leachman Servers A. Hatchett A. Hatchett Offertory B&G Adams Offfertory Coleman Family PLEASE PRAY FOR.... THE SICK: Maggie Howard, Rose Chapman, Charlene Meadows, Sarah Bumm, Charles Brown, Sr., Yvonne Hatchett, Birdie Coleman, Frances Johnson, Camilla Washington Greer (niece of Joyce Moorman), Dorothy Fulton, Louise Johnson, Larry Allen, Les Bumm, Betty Clark, Phillip Moorman, Jr. If you know of anyone seriously ill who is in need of prayer or visitation, please notify the office. THE HOMEBOUND: Stan Howard at Bishop Soennecker Home, Knoxville, Donald Moorman room 40 at Wellington Park, 2885 New Hartford Rd, Maggie Howard at Twin River Nursing Center, 2420 West Third St., Fr. Pike Powell room 108 at the Carmel Home, Bernice Williams, Mary Jo Meadows at Hillcrest Signature Home. A phone call or a card can cheer the homebound if you can’t visit. If you have not registered your Kroger Plus card for Blessed Sacrament, please do so and invite friends and relatives to do the same. Today is Mission Sunday. Envelopes are in the pews. Mark Your Calendar: October 25th Mass and community luncheon to honor Sister communities who served Blessed Sacrament (after Mass) October 25th Jason Evert’s presentation on Chastity at River Park Center 5:30 PM Parent Session 7 PM Youth Session Free *** Oct. 28 Pizza Hut Fundraiser—all day (20%) Need to bring flyer November 22 Community Thanksgiving Dinner *****Parenting is tough. Parentng teenagers is especially tough. Every parent wants to know how to talk about love, relationships, sex, dating, and their body. Jason Evert is an engaging speaker. At 5:30 on the 25th he will give his presentation “Parenting for Purity” to parents while youth have pizza and activities. At 7 Jason will talk to the youth “Love or Lust” a presentation designed for 7th grade through young adults. I would like the updated census form and stewardship forms returned no later than October 25th. We need everyone to share their time and talents. That will make Blessed Sacrament strong and a true community. Thank you for taking care of this. One of the wishes/needs that has surfaced since I have been here is an updating of our Catholic faith. I will have a session on Nov. 15th after Mass. I will have a short presentation and then have time to answer questions that you may have. We will decide then if there is interest in this continuing. If you have a topic that you would like for the 1st session, please let me know. Oct. 11, 2015 $499 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL 602 SYCAMORE STREET OWENSBORO, KY 42301 (270) 926-4741 WEBSITE ADDRESS: Pastor: Father Jerry Riney (683-6525) Sunday Mass: 10:00 AM Associate Pastor: Father Suneesh Mathew HGN (683-6525) Holy Day Mass: 5:30 PM Parish Life Coordinator: Sister Jeannette Fennewald, SSND 270-926-4741 Reconciliation: 9:30 AM 1stSun & every Sat 9-11 AM at St. Stephen Cathedral RELIGIOUS EDUCATION : If you have children who are in need of preparation for sacraments or Religious Ed, please contact Sister Jeannette. Baptismal preparation for children under the age of 7 is held for parents and god parents every 5th Sunday or by appointment. Please notify the office if you plan to attend. Children past the age of 7 who have not been baptized should attend religious education/RCIA classes before Baptism. Sacramental preparation is offered to children who are enrolled in (attend) religious education classes at least one years prior to receiving 1st Eucharist and 2 years prior to Confirmation, or who attend Catholic Schools. TODAY’S READINGS—October 18, 2015 29th Week of Ordinary Time First Reading — My servant shall justify many, and their guilt he shall bear (Isaiah 53:1011). Psalm — Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you (Psalm 33). Second Reading — Let us confidently approach the throne of grace to receive mercy and to find grace for timely help (Hebrews 4:14-16). Gospel — Whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all (Mark 10:35-45 [4245]). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Rom 4:20-25; Lk 1:69-75; Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday: Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Rom 6:12-18; Ps 124:1b-8; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Rom 6:19-23; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Rom 7:18-25a; Ps 119:66, 68, 76-77, 93-94; Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Rom 8:1-11; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 13:1-9 Sunday: Jer 31:7-9; Ps 126:1-6; Heb 5:1-6; Mk 10:46-52