How to Undertake a Property Interest Search - An At-a

How to Undertake a Property Interest Search - An At-a-Glance Guide
To access Interest Enquiry you need to subscribe to My Landgate. If you are already a subscriber then you have
automatic access from your homepage.
Click on Interest Enquiry listed under the Quicklinks.
A sketch of Western Australia will appear.
All the tabs and buttons you need to undertake your search are contained in the property search panel to the left of
the sketch.
The easiest way to conduct a search is through a Certificate of Title number.
Click on the ‘Find by’ text box and select ‘Certificate of Title’ from the drop down menu.
A ‘Volume/Folio’ text box will appear.
Enter the Certificate of Title volume and folio number and select ‘Locate’.
A search activity disc icon will display; when the activity ceases, an aerial image of your area of interest will appear. Your
subject property will be selected i.e. it will be outlined by a red border.
When you use the Certificate of Title details as your search criteria, your subject property will be selected
automatically on the aerial image.
You will notice that a new ‘Result’ heading has appeared showing the lot and other details pertaining to your subject
Click on ‘Add’ that is displayed alongside your subject property details.
The ‘Property Search’, ‘Layer Selector’ and ‘Selections’ tabs will collect at the top of the property search panel.
Your subject property must be selected before the next steps can be undertaken. If it is not, simply click on the
subject property to select.
Interest Enquiry is now ready to begin your search.
Click the grey ‘Interests’ tab above the aforementioned collection of tabs.
The Interest tab will change colour to orange. Ignore the new text box that appears unless you wish to search for a
specific interest (see page 23 of the User Guide).
Click on ‘Search’.
Your search will activate. A list of the interests accessible through Interest Enquiry and relevant to your subject property
will appear.
From here you can order Summary of Interests Reports, Detailed Interest Reports, Certificates of Title and
To order, click on the shopping cart icon alongside the reports and/or documents you require.
Clicking on any shopping cart icon will take you to ‘Review Your Shopping Trolley’.
You can deselect any report from the ‘Review Your Shopping Trolley’ page by clicking on the trash icon shown
alongside the quantity option box. You can only deselect a report prior to submitting your order.
Click on ‘Continue Shopping’ to return to the list of Interest and other reports.
Continue to select the reports you need in the above manner.
Click on ‘Next’ when you are sure you have finished shopping.
The ‘Your Details’ page will appear.
Complete the ‘Your Details’ page and click ‘Next’.
The ‘Confirm Order’ page will appear.
Check your order and click ‘Submit’ if you are satisfied with your order; otherwise click on ‘Back’ to make any
Please ensure your order is correct. Once you have submitted your order you cannot make any further changes.
Refer to our User Guide for more detailed information about Interest Enquiry.