Frost and Freeze Protection Workshop Edited by: Dorota Z. Haman Sponsored by: University of Florida Southwest Florida Water Management District and Alafia River Board, Hillsborough River Board, Manasota Basin Board Fact Sheet HS-76 November 1995 Cold Protection by Irrigation: Dew Point and Humidity Terminology1 Lawrence R. Parsons2 Various forms of irrigation have been used for frost and freeze protection for many years. When used properly, water can provide partial or complete cold protection for a number of crops. On the other hand, improper use of water can increase cooling or ice loading and cause greater damage than if no water were used at all. Because water can provide protection in one situation and cause damage in another, it is important to know what principles are involved. To better understand what can happen when using water during a freeze, several commonly used terms need to be understood. With a knowledge of these terms, one can better evaluate the risks and benefits and successfully use irrigation for cold protection. Heat of fusion - This is the heat that is released when liquid water freezes to solid ice. The amount of heat generated when water freezes is 1200 BTUs/gallon or 80 calories/gram of water frozen. As long as enough water is continuously applied to a plant, the heat generated when water freezes generally keeps the plant at or near 32°F (O°C). This is the principle used by strawberry, fern, or citrus nursery growers when they apply high volumes of water by sprinkler irrigation to protect their plants. At least 0.25 inch/hour or more is required for cold protection. With very low temperatures, low humidity, or high winds, more water must be applied to get adequate protection. Many citrus nurserymen need to apply water at rates of 0.35 inches/hour or higher. Heat of vaporization - This is the heat lost when water changes from a liquid to water vapor. At 32°F, the heat of vaporization is about 8950 BTUs/gallon or 596 calories/gram of water evaporated. Note that the heat of vaporization is about seven and one-half times greater than the heat of fusion. This means that to maintain a stable situation when both freezing and evaporation occur, for every gallon of water that evaporates, seven and one-half gallons of water need to be frozen to balance out the heat in the grove. Anything that promotes evaporation, such as low humidity and high wind speed, will promote overall cooling. If the water application rate is high enough on the trunk of a young tree, it will be protected by the ice formation. However, on the edge of and outside of the iced zone, temperatures will not be maintained at 32°F, and those parts will probably be damaged or killed. Hence, usually the tops of young trees or branches above the iced zone are more severely damaged after a freeze. Humidity - This refers to the amount of water vapor in the air. There are various ways to express humidity, but the most commonly used terms are relative humidity and dew point temperature. Relative humidity (RH) - This is the percentage or ratio of water vapor in the air in relation to the amount needed to saturate the air at the same 1. This document is Fact Sheet HS-76, a series of the Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. First published: October 1986. Reviewed: June 1993. Revised: November 1995. 2. Lawrence R. Parsons, Professor, Horticultural Sciences, Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred, FL, Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. For information on obtaining other extension publications, contact your county Cooperative Extension Service office. Florida Cooperative Extension Service / Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences / University of Florida / Christine Taylor Stephens, Dean Cold Protection by Irrigation: Dew Point and Humidity Terminology temperature. Although commonly used, relative humidity is not the best measure of humidity because it depends on the air temperature. Warm air holds more water vapor than cool air. For example, the relative humidity could be 70% at 40°F or 70% at 90°F, but the amount of water vapor in the air would be less at the cooler temperature even though the RH values were identical. Dew point temperature - This is the temperature at which dew begins to form or the temperature at which water vapor condenses to liquid water. It is also the temperature at which air reaches water vapor saturation. A common example of condensation is the water that forms on the outside of a glass of ice water. This happens because the temperature of the glass surface is lower than the dew point temperature of the ambient air in the room. Hence, some of the water vapor in the surrounding air condenses on the outside of the cold glass. When referring to cold protection, dew point is one of the better ways to describe the humidity or amount of water vapor in the air. When the dew point is below 32°F, it is often called the frost point because frost can form when the temperature is below freezing. The dew point is important on freeze nights because water vapor in the air can slow the rate of temperature fall. With a relatively high dew point on a cool night, radiant heat losses from a grove are reduced, and the temperature may be expected to fall slowly. But if the dew point is quite low, the temperature may be expected to fall rapidly. Water vapor absorbs infrared radiation. Water droplets or fog are an even more effective radiation absorber than water vapor. Hence, fog can reduce the rate of temperature drop on a frost night. In addition to affecting the rate of radiation loss, the dew point is often a "basement" temperature, and the air temperature will not go much below it unless drier air moves in. The reason for this is that when dew condenses or ice forms, heat is given off. This heat from condensation is the same as the heat of vaporization (about 8950 BTUs per gallon or 596 calories per gram of water) because vapor is changing to liquid water. This heat release during condensation slows the rate at which the air temperature drops. If dew forms, water vapor is condensed from the air, and the humidity or dew point of that air is lowered. This is the way that the evaporation coil in an air conditioner removes water vapor and dehumidifies the air. Page 2 Dew point temperatures are commonly higher on the coasts than they are inland. In the central Florida citrus belt (e.g. near Lake Alfred), dew point temperatures on a moderate frost night can be in the vicinity of 20 to 30°F. On more severe freeze nights, dew point temperatures can be 10°F or lower. For example, in the damaging Christmas, 1983 and January, 1985 freezes, dew point temperatures in Lake Alfred approached 5°F, which are exceedingly low for central Florida. Dry bulb temperature - This is the temperature of the ambient air. This is the same thing as the normal air temperature read with a grove thermometer. Wet bulb temperature - This is defined as the lowest temperature to which air can be cooled solely by the addition of water. An example of the wet bulb temperature is the temperature one would feel when coming out of a swimming pool on a windy day. As long as a surface is wet while in the wind, its temperature will drop to the prevailing wet bulb temperature of the air. The wet bulb temperature is between the dew point and dry bulb temperatures and normally closer to the dry bulb than the dew point temperature. When the air is saturated with water vapor, the relative humidity is 100%, and all three temperatures (dew point, wet bulb, and dry bulb) are equal. Psychrometer - A psychrometer is a device used to determine atmospheric humidity by the reading of two thermometers, the wet bulb and dry bulb thermometers. The wet bulb thermometer is kept wet by a moistened sleeve. With a psychrometer, one determines how much cooler the wet bulb is than the dry bulb and then calculates humidity by using appropriate graphs or tables. "Psychros" comes from the Greek word meaning "cold," and hence a psychrometer measures humidity by determining how much colder the wet bulb thermometer is than the dry bulb thermometer. An example of a psychrometer is shown in Figure 1. For an accurate reading, the wet bulb thermometer must have air moving over it. With a sling psychrometer, air flow is created by rotating the two thermometers through the air by hand. With a fan ventilated psychrometer, a fan blows air across the two thermometers. Fan ventilated psychrometers cost more than sling psychrometers, but they are more convenient to operate on freeze nights. Cold Protection by Irrigation: Dew Point and Humidity Terminology Figure 1. Psychrometer Sling psychrometers work well at temperatures above freezing, but are more difficult to operate at temperatures below freezing. The reason for this is that at temperatures much below freezing, the water on the wet bulb freezes, releases its heat of fusion, and raises the wet bulb temperature to around 32°F. Eventually, it is possible to get a "frost" wet bulb temperature if one rotates the sling psychrometer long enough. A battery powered fan psychrometer avoids some of the problems of a sling psychrometer because it may take 20 minutes or more to get a valid wet bulb temperature when the air is below freezing. A slightly different chart is used for humidity calculations when the wet bulb sleeve has ice on it. Page 3 Wind chill - This refers to the cooling effect of moving air on a warm body and is expressed in terms of the amount of heat lost per unit area per unit of time. Wind chill was developed to estimate heat loss rate from humans or warm blooded organisms. It does not apply to plants or vegetation because they are not warm blooded. In a windy freeze, temperature of a dry leaf is usually fairly close to air temperature. If the leaf is wet and water is not freezing on it, the leaf can theoretically cool to the wet bulb temperature. Even though wind chill does not apply to plants, wind can remove heat from a grove rapidly. Hence, the length of time a grove will be at low temperatures can be longer on a windy night than on a calm one. Thus, more damage can potentially occur during a windy freeze. Conclusion Humidity plays an important role in freezes, particularly if one is using water for cold protection. Water is a two-edged sword that can either help or hurt when used during a freeze. An understanding of humidity concepts and water principles can help a person use irrigation for cold protection successfully. Irrigation systems Cold and freeze protection in Florida • Surface • Sprinkler • Microirrigation Dr. Dorota Z. Haman Agricultural and Biological Dept. University of Florida January 25, 2006 January 25, 2006 Frost versus Freeze • Frost is a local condition which occurs in your area on a still night, temperatures usually go no lower than 29-30 degrees F, and it warms up again the next day. This stage can tolerate 15 - 20 F temperatures. • A freeze involves an entire region, has significantly lower temperatures, and may last for several days. This stage can tolerate 25 to 28 F. January 25, 2006 January 25, 2006 Heat transfer concepts Latent heat transfer Conduction – Heat is transferred through the material, i.e., through the molecules. Convection – Transfer of heat by the movement of masses of heated liquid or gas. Radiation - Transfer of heat from one object to another without the need for a connecting medium. Latent Heat Transfer – heat transfer due to a phase change. • Heat of fusion – Heat that is released when liquid water freezes to ice; For each gram of water frozen, 80 calories are released; • Heat of vaporization – Heat lost when water changes from liquid to vapor. At 32 ºF, the amount lost is 596 calories for each gram of water. January 25, 2006 January 25, 2006 1 Irrigation and cold protection • When used properly, water can provide partial or complete crop cold protection. • Improper use of water can increase cooling or ice loading and cause greater damage than if no water were used at all. • It is important to know what principles are involved in using water for cold protection. January 25, 2006 January 25, 2006 Basics Meteorology Relative humidity (RH) This is the percentage or ratio of water vapor in the air in relation to the amount needed to saturate the air at the same temperature. Relative humidity depends on the air temperature. Warm air holds more water vapor than cool air. January 25, 2006 Dry bulb temperature and wet bulb temperature Dry bulb - the temperature of the ambient air. The same thing as the normal air temperature read with a normal thermometer. Wet bulb – the temperature of a wet surface under the same condition – the temperature is lower due to the evaporation from the wet surface Dew point temperature – temperature at which water condenses is the air – usually, lower than wet bulb temperature. January 25, 2006 January 25, 2006 Dew point in cold protection • Water vapor in the air absorbs infrared radiation and can slow the rate of temperature fall. • Fog can provide significant frost protection • High dew point reduces radiant heat losses from a plant and the temperature falls slowly. • Low dew point is associated with rapid reduction in temperature. January 25, 2006 2 • Psychrometer - A psychrometer is a device used to determine atmospheric humidity by the reading of two thermometers, the wet bulb and dry bulb thermometers. The wet bulb thermometer is kept wet by a moistened sleeve. With a psychrometer, one determines how much cooler the wet bulb is than the dry bulb and then calculates humidity by using appropriate graphs or tables. January 25, 2006 January 25, 2006 Psychrometer Crop temperature • A typical method of estimating crop temperature is using the air temperature and adding a "safety factor" of several degrees. • This causes systems to be started before they actually need to be, resulting in excess water and energy use. • Knowing exactly when to start and be able to wait may allow to avoid protection completely. From R. L. Snyder January 25, 2006 January 25, 2006 Crop temperature measurements • Thermocouples are temperature-measuring devices small enough to be inserted into buds, blossoms or small fruit. This stage can tolerate 15 - 20 F temperatures. This stage can tolerate 25 to 28 F. January 25, 2006 January 25, 2006 3 January 25, 2006 January 25, 2006 Inversion • Happens on clear nights • Temperatures drop significantly at the surface due to radiation. • The temperature in the lower atmosphere inverts • The temperature increases with altitude to the top of the air layer. • The warm air in an inversion is important for some frost protection January 25, 2006 Radiation Frost January 25, 2006 Advective Freeze Winds less than 5 MPH Winds higher that 5 MPH Clear sky May be cloudy Cold air mass 30 to 200 ft Cold air mass 500 to 5,000 ft The wording of these warnings: Inversion develops Cold air in the low spots • White or black frost damage Easier to protect The National Weather Service (NWS) will issue warnings according to the forecasted conditions (forecast minimum temperature is for 5 feet above the ground inside a National Weather Service instrument shelter). • Difficult to protect • January 25, 2006 If winds below 10 mph and minimum temperatures above or equal to 32oF are forecasted, a frost warning will be issued. If winds below 10 mph and minimum temperatures below 32oF are forecasted, a frost/freeze warning will be issued. When winds above 10 mph and minimum temperatures below 32oF are forecasted, a freeze warning will be issued. January 25, 2006 4 Definition of frost/freeze warnings issued by National Weather Service. January 25, 2006 Warning Wind Speed Air temperature Frost Below 10 MPH Above 32oF Frost/freeze Below 10 MPH Below 32oF Freeze Above 10 MPH Below 32oF January 25, 2006 Rules of freeze protection with water When to start? To avoid damage under low dew point conditions, sprinklers should be started at: • 1.1°C (34°F) if the dew point is -4.4°C (24°F) or above • 1.7°C (35°F) if the dew point is -6.7 to -5.0°C (20-23°F) • 2.2°C (36°F) if the dew point is -9.4 to -7.2°C (15-19°F) • Apply water uniformly • Apply fast enough to keep ice wet all the time • Apply enough water to protect the plant This recommendation should only be followed when a frost is predicted. Sprinklers may be turned off when the wet bulb temperature has risen to 1.1°C (34°F). January 25, 2006 January 25, 2006 Application Rate recommended for Cold protection Under Different Wind and Temperature Conditions MIN. TEMPERATURE EXPECTED 0 to 1 WIND SPEED IN M.P.H. 2 to 4 5 to 8 Application rate (inches per hour) 27oF 0.10 0.10 0.10 27oF 0.10 0.10 0.14 26oF 0.10 0.16 0.30 24oF 0.12 0.24 0.50 22oF 0.16 0.30 0.60 18oF 0.20 0.40 0.70 15oF 0.26 0.50 0.90 January 25, 2006 Uniformity • High system uniformity is necessary for effective frost protection. January 25, 2006 5 Uniformity of sprinkler irrigation January 25, 2006 Emitter Spacing for High Uniformity Overlapping of wetting patterns is critical for the good uniformity – this is especially important for frost protection of row crops like blueberries. January 25, 2006 Uniformity of microirrigation January 25, 2006 Sprinkler overlapping • The overlap is extremely important for frost/freeze protection • Higher winds require closer spacing of sprinklers January 25, 2006 Inadequate selection of delivery pipe diameters (submains, manifolds, and laterals. Reasons for a Low Coefficient of Uniformity in Sprinkler or Microirrigation January 25, 2006 Inadequate selection of sprinkler head and nozzle in sprinkler irrigation or emitters in microirrigation. All delivery lines (mains and submains) should be sized to avoid excessive pressure losses and velocities. – Excessive pressure losses result in poor application uniformity. – Excessive water velocities can create a water hammer that can damage the delivery lines. January 25, 2006 6 Ice forming indicator Ice forming indicator Wind speed greatly reduces effectiveness of sprinkler irrigation for freeze protection. The temperature of a plant covered in ice will drop below a dry plant if the ice dries. January 25, 2006 January 25, 2006 Ice forming indicator The color of the ice forming on plants is very important. If the system is properly working, the ice will be clear. Primary Applications: 1/2" (13 mm) Full Circle, Brass, Wedge Drive Impact Sprinkler Features and Benefits: •Patented, self-flushing wedge drive •Durable brass die-cast arm •Stainless steel springs and fulcrum pin •Chemically resistant washers •Two-year warranty •Wedge drive runs on smaller nozzles and lower pressures •Corrosion and grit resistant •Self-flushing design reduces wear from grit •Built to last Models: •L20VH Specifications: •Bearing: 1/2" Male NPT, Plastic •Trajectory Angle: 10 degrees •Operating Range: 25-80 psi(1.7-5.5 bar) •Flow Rate: .56-2.98 GPM(0.13-0.64 m 3 /h) •Radius: 22-32ft.(6.71-9.9 m) L20VH 1/2" Brass Impact Sprinkler Used primarily in undertree permanent systems. Excellent frost protection sprinkler giving superior distribution patterns. Exceptionally strong drive due to the patented self-flushing wedge drive arm which allows for low precipitation rates required for tight and problem soils. January 25, 2006 January 25, 2006 Precipitation Rate for Selected Nozzle Capacity and Sprinkler Spacing 14VH 1/2" Brass Impact Sprinkler Used in undertree, overtree, overvine and row crop solid set and permanent systems. Excellent frostprotection/irrigation sprinkler. Patented self-flushing nylon "V" wedge makes it a strong-driving sprinkler, even with the smallest nozzles. January 25, 2006 Primary Applications: 1/2" Full Circle, Brass, Wedge Drive Impact Sprinkler Features and Benefits: •Patented, self-flushing wedge drive •Durable brass die-cast arm •Stainless steel springs and fulcrum pin •Chemically resistant washers •Two-year warranty •Wedge drive runs on smaller nozzles and lower pressures •Self-flushing design reduces wear from grit •Corrosion and grit resistant •Built to last Models: •14VH Specifications: •Bearing: 1/2" Male NPT, Brass •Trajectory Angle: 23 degrees •Operating Range: 20-80 psi(1.4-5.5 bar) •Flow Rate: .56-2.68(0.14-0.61 m 3 /h) •Radius: 29-39 ft.(8.85-11.90 m) Sprinkler Spacing (ft) Gallons per minute/sprinkler 2 3 30 X 30 .21 .32 30 X 40 .16 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 .24 .32 40 X 40 .18 .24 .30 40 X 50 .14 .19 .24 .29 50 X 50 .12 .16 .20 .24 .32 .13 .16 .19 .26 .32 .13 .16 .21 .27 .32 .14 .18 .23 .28 50 X 60 60 X 60 60 X 70 .34 January 25, 2006 7 Can microirrigation provide frost protection?? Microsprayer Frost Protection in Vineyards by G. Jorgensen, B.M. Escalera, D.R. Wineman, R.K. Striegler, D. Zoldoske and C. Krauter CATI Publication #960803 Targeted microsprinklers were compared to conventional sprinklers in a commercial vineyard during the springs of 1993 and 1994. Data collected and presented here indicated that targeted microsprinklers provided frost protection similarly to conventional sprinklers, but with 80 percent less water used. January 25, 2006 January 25, 2006 Experimental design Microsprayers were installed in every vine row and mounted 0.56 m (22 in) above the cordon on every other stake, approximately 3.6 m (10.5 ft) apart. A two-hectare (5 ac) block of microsprayers was compared to an adjacent sprinkler block. The sprinkler block included a typical design and installation for commercial coastal vineyards. January 25, 2006 Frost Protection at Drip Flow Rates The PULSATOR (the Wade Rain family of irrigation products) is an innovative irrigation and frost protection tool. Its low flow rate makes it the ideal choice for frost protection in fields with drip irrigation. For new installations, the PULSATOR's unique features make it a good choice for both irrigation and frost protection. January 25, 2006 Frost protection tested to below 26° F. •Water savings - uses only 12-15 GPM per acre. •Utilizes existing drip hydraulic system. No separate mains, valves or pumping system required. •Direct conversion of existing drip system mains and submains possible. •Water applied continuously to vines, not at 30-45 second intervals as with permenant sprinklers. •Reduces soil saturation and run-off. •Allows access to field for equipment •Easy installation, variety of mounting options. •Unique Y-mount allows for irrigation of cover crops between rows. •Ideal for IPM programs. January 25, 2006 January 25, 2006 8 Can you change your regular sprinkler system to provide frost protection? • Systems can be designed so that the nozzles or risers can be quickly changed to allow higher rates of water to be applied as needed however, these systems may have to operate with a variable flow rate pumps and have the pipe system and other components designed for higher flow rates. January 25, 2006 Double systems • Sprinkler system for frost protection • Drip line under mulch for efficient supplemental irrigation and chemical delivery to the plant roots. January 25, 2006 Other freeze protection methods Heaters • Trapping the heat that is radiating from the ground with clear plastic or similar materials, • Moving the plant to a sheltered location, • Directly providing heat via light bulbs. • Anti-transpirant sprays -- Cloud Cover is one brand -- will provide a couple of degrees of protection if applied at least a few hours before you expect frost. • Keeping plants well-watered is important in freezing weather. Container plants are especially vulnerable to the desiccating effects of freezing. January 25, 2006 January 25, 2006 Wind machines January 25, 2006 Poly houses January 25, 2006 9 Mulching Irrigation - Soil Application • It is estimated that wetting a soil prior to a freeze can provide 2 degrees F of protection. The water contains heat that is released, and a wet soil allows heat to be continually drawn from lower depths during the night. January 25, 2006 January 25, 2006 Ground maintenance A weed-free, firm, moist soil can add 1 to 4 degrees of protection during a radiational frost/freeze event. Soils that are dry, freshly cultivated, or covered with live or dead grass give the opposite effect. Growers should make every effort to properly prepare the orchard floor in early fall for maximum release of radiant heat during freeze events. Mowing the orchard floor grass to a height not exceeding 2 inches is recommended. January 25, 2006 Sprays for frost protection (not tested at UF) • Materials acting as growth inhibitors, penetrating agents, antitranspirants, nutritional sprays, bactericides, and hormones have been used with some success in crops, such as pear, apple and peach. However, the variability in subtropical tree response to many of these materials has limited commercial acceptance. • Bacteria residing on cold-sensitive plants initiate ice formation. The ice formed in or on plants spreads rapidly, causing mechanical injury. By controlling the ice nucleating bacteria, tests have shown temperatures may drop 2-4 ºF below critical levels without plants showing damage. January 25, 2006 Chemicals--Cryoprotectants and Antitranspirants Several commercially available forms of cryoprotectants and antitranspirants have been studied for their ability to provide freeze protection to fruit crops, and none has proven effective thus far in providing consistent protection. Some of the latest chemicals to be tested include formulations of non-ice-nucleating bacteria used in foliar sprays to nullify the effects of ice-nucleating bacteria. These latter chemicals have shown promise, but no recommendations are available yet. January 25, 2006 Automatic frost monitoring and alarm systems Provide early warning by: text message to your mobile activation of: sirens, strobe lights and irrigation systems January 25, 2006 10 Be ready • • • • • • • • Reinstall suction lines and check primers on the pumps. Test and service the pumping unit Replace filters and have spare filters available. Treat diesel tanks for water and algae. Check lines and sprinklers in the field for leaks and clogged nozzles and proper rotation. Check water pressure on ends of distant lines. Make sure drainage in and around fields is adequate. Make sure roadways around and through the field will withstand traffic at night during irrigation ( the soil will be wet!). Have a high-intensity spotlight ready to plug into the truck to check sprinkler operation. January 25, 2006 Be ready • Have rain suits and boots available for everyone responsible for checking the irrigation system. • Have wires or drill bits available to unclog nozzles. • Have tools and replacement parts that are necessary to exchange nozzles and/or sprinklers. • Put shielded minimum thermometers in cold, average, and warm areas of fields. • Hang some ribbons on trees or poles around fields to detect slight breezes. January 25, 2006 Please visit us at: Be ready • Identify a good source of agricultural weather information and watch it closely. • Consider subscribing to a weather service that issues freeze warnings. • Consider purchasing a monitor that calls you when the temperature gets low. • Consider purchasing a hand-held wind meter or anemometer to measure wind speed. • Consider purchasing a sling psychrometer to measure wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures, relative humidity, and dew point. January 25, 2006 http/ January 25, 2006 Thank you for your attention Questions??? January 25, 2006 11 Frost and Freeze Protection Workshop MISSION John Jackson - IFAS Extension Larry Treadaway – IFAS FAWN Andy King – IFAS FAWN To Provide Accurate & Timely Weather Data to A Wide Variety of Users Locations Current Data Wind Direction Select Those You Want Graph Data Minimum Temperature Estimator “Brunt” Brunt” COLD PROTECTION TOOL KIT Wet Bulb Shut Off What is your critical temperature?____ For help see Critical temperature determination Now SELECT A TOOL Minimum temperature guidance Forecast tracker for FAWN sites Evaporative cooling potential Wet bulb shut off time Critical Temperature Dormancy or Quiescence Tissue – fruit/leaves Experience – Plant condition – hurricane damage!! – Variety/Rootstock – Market Ownership Forecasts National Weather Service Private – Media: TV, cable – Service: web base, one to one Directly from Internet Extension service Pin Point Forecasts • NWS generated • For an area 3 miles square • Can select by GPS or point and click Minimum Temperature Guidance Select a NWS Fruit Frost Location or a FAWN Site Select a County To Obtain a National Weather Service 7 day forecast The roll over number indicates how many NWS Fruit Frost Stations and FAWN sites are in the county Seven Day Forecast Hourly Track Temperature Forecast Tracker for FAWN Sites Select a FAWN Site Evaluate down side risk Pierson Forecast Tracker 80 70 What is evaporative cooling risk – Wet bulb – Wind 60 50 NWS FAWN Critical Temp 40 30 20 10 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 Easy choice when forecast is below critical temperature Difficult when forecast is for critical temperature Time Evaporative Cooling Risk Low Maximum temperature difference between air temp and wet bulb =<1 F Maximum wind speed =< 5 mph Moderate Maximum temperature difference between air temp and wet bulb 1 to 2 F Maximum wind speed 5 to 8 mph If wind <5 mph then move to Low: If wind >8 mph then move to Moderate Strong Maximum temperature difference between air temp and wet bulb 3 to 4 F Maximum wind speed 9 to 12 mph If wind <9 mph move to Mild: If wind > 12 mph move to Strong High Maximum temperature difference between air temp and wet bulb 5 to 6 F Maximum wind speed 12 to 15 mph If wind <12 mph move to Moderate: If wind >15 mph move to High Extreme Maximum temperature difference between air temp and wet bulb >6 F Maximum wind speed >15 mph Conclusion Special thanks to SWFWMD Cold Protection Tool Kit can save $ $ saved means water conserved! For additional assistance County Weather Watch Provide feed back – Pros and cons – Improvements and problems FAWN (Florida automated weather network Chill/Frost/Freeze Protection Bob Stamps, Ph.D. University of Florida/IFAS Department of Environmental Horticulture Mid-Florida Research & Education Center 2725 S. Binion Road, Apopka, FL Mechanisms of cold damage Freeze/frost protection Extracellular freezing Plant factors – Water moves out of cell • Desiccation ensues Intracellular freezing – Ice forms inside the cell Environmental factors • Fatal Plant physiology Cultural practices Select more cold tolerant species and Fertilizing cultivars – Example: Aglaonemas • Silver Queen – damaged at 40ºF for 24 hours • Stars – undamaged – Complete balanced fertilization – Reduced application rates in the fall Watering – Well-watered media prior to cold event Pruning Delay/prevent new growth – Avoid fall pruning – Reduce fertilization, especially nitrogen – Avoid late summer/fall pruning Plant health – Disease- and pest-free plants 1 Cryoprotectants Cryoprotectants Any agent added to living tissue that reduces susceptibility to cold injury, but does not act as a growth regulator – Antidesiccants – Ice nucleation active (INA) bacteria inhibitors • Pseudomonas erwinia, ice formation at 30ºF • Treat with P. syringae Adkar Cloud Cover – Crystallization inhibitors – Freezing point depressors Cryoprotectants Cryoprotectants Ficus leaves killed (%) Treatments Hibiscus leaves killed (%) 28.4 ºF 26.2 ºF 24.8 ºF Treatments 28.4ºF 26.2ºF 24.8ºF Control 0 0 61 Control 0 0 30 Cryo-Tec 0 75 83 Cryo-Tec 0 0 40 Vapor Gard 0 0 22 P. syringae 0 7 67 3-18-18 (1%) 0 63 81 Cryo-Tec + P. syr. 0 0 88 3-18-18 (6%) 0 12 61 P. syr. + Cryo-Tec 0 0 80 Hummel, 1984 Cryoprotectants Hummel and Teets, 1986 Black currant fruit set DEPEG – dodecyl ether of polyethylene Mean fruit set (%) glycol DMSO – dimethyl sulfoxide GLY – glycerol PVP – polyvinylpyrolidone No frost Frost Control 81.2 a 59.0 b DEPEG 80.7 a 79.8 a0.01 Wilson and Jones, 1980 2 Site selection for cold protection Freeze/frost protection Location Techniques/methods suitable for use in the – Good air drainage, no low spots – Lee side of large water bodies – Under canopies (oak trees, etc.) for radiation freezes – Have wind barriers for advective freezes (fences, etc.) – Group plants by cold sensitivity open and non-enclosed structures (for example, shadehouses) Freeze/frost protection methods (except those using heaters) in poly-clad shadehouses and greenhouses Heat transfer Ways to reduce heat loss Convection – Transfer of heat by the Reduce convective heat loss (air flow) movement of masses of heated liquid or gas (e.g., air). Radiation - Transfer of heat from one object to another without the need for a connecting medium. Conduction – Heat is transferred trough the material, i.e., through the molecules. – Windbreaks, shelterbelts and crop covers Shelter belts and windbreaks Characteristics of shelter belts and windbreaks Shelterbelt Most effective if the porosity is between 48 – Plants (usually trees) used to reduce wind flow and possibly serve as cut crops • Usually consists of multiple rows of vegetation Windbreak – Structures that reduce wind speed • Fences, walls, etc. and 55% – Less density is not as effective and greater density protects less area Should be 30–50 feet longer than the width of the area being protected Reduction of wind speed from 50–60% over a distance of 4 to 7 times the height on the lee side 3 Shelter belts Advantage Windbreaks Disadvantages – Reduced wind speeds – Effective during advective freezes – Ability to serve as a source of revenue • Cuts, biomass, etc. – Good longevity – Ineffective (or harmful) during radiational freeze events – Loss of growing space (less of a factor if generating revenue) – length Crop covers/frost blankets Advantage Disadvantages – Reduced wind speeds – Effective during advective freezes – Little loss of space – Rapid implementation – Ineffective (or harmful) during radiational freeze events – Difficulty disposing of materials – Reduced longevity compared to most shelter belts – Cost of materials and construction Crop covers Relatively inexpensive but time consuming to deploy Effectiveness depends on thickness, porosity and composition Polypropylene film Ways to reduce heat loss Liners and coverings Reduce radiational heat loss – Barrier to radiation loss • Mulch to protect below ground plant part – Also provides weed control, moisture retention • Mulch to protect above ground plant part – Disease concerns, especially trunks • Natural barrier using trees • Crop covers/frost blankets, foams • Icing of shadecloth 4 Crop covers (weight in oz/yd2) Temperature Reduce radiation loss to the sky 45 43 41 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 25 none 0.6 oz 1.5 oz freezing 8:30 10:30 12:30 2:30 4:30 6:30 Time Crop covers Polypropylene film The shorter the crop the easier to protect Glass and fiberglass reinforced panels block radiational heat loss (95–99%) However, polyethylene and polypropylene do not (unless water forms a film on them) – Wind speeds lower – Heating less volume If possible, avoid contact between covers and plant foliage Water for cold protection Water for cold protection Water applied using overhead irrigation Research on reducing water application rates has been used since the 1960s to protect crops from cold damage (Harrison et al., 1974). needed to cold protect crops in shadehouses was started in the early 1980s (Stamps and Chase, 1981; Stamps and Mathur, 1982). 5 Heating/cooling values for water Phase change BTUs/gallon Heat capacity No 8.3/°F Heat/fusion Yes 1,200 Heat/vaporization Yes 8,100 Heat/sublimation 9,300 Yes Using water for cold protection - disadvantages Requires large amounts of water Can cause large, temporary declines in water levels Using water for cold protection - disadvantages Using water for cold protection - disadvantages Leaching of nutrients and pesticides Weight of ice formed may damage plants May cause saturation of soil in crop root If not continuous, may increase damage zone that leads to root death and disease development Is not always effective, especially for protecting immature foliage Why water? Cold protection using water Inexpensive Easy to implement Effective in some situations Even flowers can be protected if supported to prevent breakage If enough water is being applied, the ice will be clear. Otherwise, the ice will be cloudy. 6 Water for heating Water applied in non-crop areas Placement of water Sprinklers and rewetting times Dual irrigation systems for screenhouses/shadehouses Dew point in cold protection Fog Water vapor in the air absorbs infrared radiation and can slow the rate of temperature fall Fog can provide significant frost protection High dew point reduces radiant heat losses from a plant and the temperature falls slowly Low dew point is associated with rapid reduction in temperature Fog When to turn irrigation on? Outside: When the wet-bulb temperature approaches the critical temperature of the crop being protected – Conserves water, saves fuel ($), reduces equipment wear and tear ($) Inside: Before air temperatures reach the critical temperature for the crop 7 Psychrometers When to turn irrigation off? Outside: When the wet-bulb temperature exceeds the critical temperature of the crop being protected and/or the ice starts melting – Conserves water, saves fuel ($), reduces equipment wear and tear ($), allows one to get to bed sooner Inside: When the water is no longer needed to maintain temperature above the critical temperature Temperature sensor placement Rewetting intervals Sprinklers should rewet foliage about once every 20 seconds (3 rpm) Sensor in same location and at same height as crop canopy – Radiational, convective and conductive heat tranfers – Exposure to night sky and wind movement important – allows use of reduced water application rates – alternatively, maintains higher temperatures using the same amount of water Temperatures 10' above the crop may be up to 8°F higher – From leaf to air may be 9 °F – Implications for sensor placement – Location critical Rules of freeze protection with water Apply water uniformly Apply fast enough to keep ice wet all the time Apply enough water to protect the plant Dual irrigation system for cold protection (shadehouses) Benefits – Obviates the need to buy, put up, take down and dispose of plastic sheeting – Only shades the crop temporarily – Reduced ice formation and damage – Allows equal cold protection using less water – Enables the maintenance of higher temperatures using the same amount of water – Facilitates the use of intermittent applications 8 Over-the-shade sprinkler system Impact sprinkler – Senninger 3023 – 5/32" nozzles 30 H 60 foot rectangular pattern (maximum spacing) 1.5 feet above the top of the shadehouse Pressure of 40 psi Gravity drain Infrared temperatures “Sky” temperatures through iced shadecloth are similar to those through a tree canopy – +25ºF, not -5ºF (night sky can be -94ºF to -454ºF) Dual irrigation system Reduced irrigation run-times and water volumes applied by about 80% compared to conventional systems (continuous water application) No crop cover (irrigation rates in inches/hour) Combining sprinkler irrigation and crop covers Crop cover – 0.6 oz/yd2 42 42 36 81 5 64 5 73 0 60 0 51 5 43 0 13 0 81 5 73 0 60 0 Time 64 5 51 5 43 0 34 5 30 0 30 21 5 32 30 34 5 34 32 30 0 34 0.12"/hr 0.21"/hr 0.29"/hr freezing 38 21 5 36 Temperature 40 0.12"/hr 0.21"/hr 0.29"/hr freezing 38 13 0 Temperature 40 Time 9 Crop cover – 1.5 oz/yd2 Combustion Charcoal briquets 42 0.12"/hr 0.21"/hr 0.29"/hr freezing 38 36 34 32 81 5 73 0 60 0 64 5 51 5 43 0 34 5 30 0 21 5 30 13 0 Temperature 40 Time 10 1 READING THE SIMPLIFIED PSYCHROMETRIC CHART FOR FROST PROTECTION Ray A. Bucklin and Dorota Z Haman Agricultural and Biological Engineering University of Florida Psychrometrics is the study of the physical and thermodynamic properties of air-water mixtures. Some terms used in psychrometrics are: • • • • • • • • Dry air - Air not containing any water vapor. Moist Air - A mixture of dry air and water vapor. Air Mixture - A mixture of dry air and water vapor. Dry Bulb Temperature - The temperature measured by an ordinary thermometer. Wet Bulb Temperature - The lowest temperature to which an air mixture can be cooled solely by the addition of water. Dew Point Temperature - The temperature at which moisture starts to condense from air cooled at constant pressure and humidity ratio. Humidity Ratio - Weight of water vapor in pounds per pound of dry air or grains of water vapor per pound of dry air or kilograms of water vapor per kilogram of dry air expressed as a decimal. This quantity may also be called Absolute Humidity. Relative Humidity (RH) - The ratio of actual water vapor pressure to the vapor pressure of saturated air at the same dry bulb temperature. RH is expressed as a percentage. Reading a Psychrometric Chart Learning how to read a psychrometric chart will help to understand how relative humidity and air temperature can be used to predict freezing and frost conditions and how it can be used as a tool to time the use of frost protection methods. In this introduction to psychrometrics, you will learn the relationships between dry bulb temperature, relative humidity, wet bulb temperature and dew point temperature and how to use the chart and any two of these properties to determine the other two properties. These properties are needed when you need to calculate: 1) the time to turn your irrigation system on 2) the time to turn your irrigation system off and 3) the danger of frost damage. The psychrometric chart is used in many other calculations related to heating or cooling of the air. For example, it is used for sizing air conditioning equipment The composition of atmospheric air is variable, particularly with regard to the amount of water vapor. The amount of water vapor in the air in Florida varies from around 1% by volume under cold dry conditions to above 5% during hot, humid summer months. Dry air has a defined composition of: 2 Substance % By Volume Nitrogen 78.09 Oxygen 20.95 Argon 0.93 Carbon Dioxide 0.03 A moist air mixture is defined as a mixture of dry air and water vapor. A psychrometric chart is a graphical representation of the thermal and physical properties of moist air. There is no set format for psychrometric charts and charts from different sources vary in format and in the parameters plotted on the charts. This publication will deal with a chart specifically developed as an aid for managing the use of frost protection methods. The frost protection psychrometric chart deals with the relationships among dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, dew point temperature and relative humidity. Other charts often deal with additional values including absolute humidity, specific volume and enthalpy. Refer to the psychrometric chart shown in Figure 1. Observe the vertical lines on the chart having numbers along the bottom. These lines represent "dry-bulb" temperatures, which are the temperatures measured by an ordinary thermometer. All points falling on a given vertical line will be at the same dry-bulb temperature. Figure 1. Psychrometric Chart 3 EXAMPLE 1 Locate the vertical line for 340F dry-bulb temperature on a psychrometric chart. Solution: Figure 2. Dry Bulb Line. Relative humidity is defined as the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor present in a moist air mixture to the partial pressure of the water vapor that would be present if the moist air were completely saturated at the same temperature and pressure. Relative humidity is a measure of the amount of moisture that the air contains compared to the amount of moisture it would contain if it were saturated. The curved lines that radiate from the lower left of the chart to the upper right are the "Relative Humidity" (RH) lines. The uppermost curved line is the 100% RH or "saturated" line. 4 EXAMPLE 2 Find the intersection of the 34oF dry-bulb temperature vertical line and the 70% relative humidity curved line. Solution: Figure 3. Intersection of 34oF Dry Bulb Line and 70% RH Line. The wet-bulb temperature is defined as the lowest temperature to which an air mixture can be cooled solely by the addition of water. The process of cooling an air mixture with the addition of water and with no removal of heat is called "evaporative cooling". The wet-bulb temperature is the temperature you feel when stepping out of a swimming pool when the wind is blowing. Under this situation, the skin temperature drops to the prevailing wet-bulb temperature of the air as long as the skin is covered with a thin film of water while exposed to a breeze. The wet-bulb temperature is the lowest temperature that air can be cooled to by evaporative cooling. It is the wet-bulb temperature, not the relative humidity, that determines to what temperature air can be cooled by the evaporation of water. When using sprinkler methods for cold protection, it is important to remember that when sprinklers are first turned on, the air temperature will be cooled to the wet bulb temperature. 5 On the psychrometric chart, the wet-bulb temperature lines slope upward to the left. The psychrometric sketch in Figure 4 shows the wet-bulb temperature of a moist air mixture when the dry-bulb temperature is 34oF and the relative humidity is 70%. Figure 4 Wet Bulb Line for 34 F Dry Bulb Temperature and 70% Relative Humidity. The dew point temperature of a moist air mixture is the temperature at which condensation in the form of frost or dew first begins to form. Condensation will form on the outside of a glass tumbler filled with iced water because the temperature of the glass surface is lower than the dew point temperature of the air in the room. Therefore, some of the water vapor in the moist air mixture condenses on the outside of the glass tumbler. If the dew point is above freezing, then dew will form and if the dew point is below freezing, frost will form. The dew point is closely related to the nighttime low temperature on still nights. When the air temperature drops to the dew point, energy is added back to the air as frost or dew forms and the temperature stabilizes at the dew point temperature. The dew point temperature is directly related to the actual quantity of moisture in the air and does not change much throughout a day unless a weather front moves through an area and adds or removes large amounts moisture. So the dew point temperature measured during daytime hours can be used as an estimate of the nighttime low temperature. The charts shown in this publication list dew points on the right hand side of the chart. The dew point temperatures on some charts may be located on the saturation curve of the psychrometric chart. The psychrometric sketch below in Figure 5 shows the general location of the properties we have covered. 6 Figure 5. Dry Bulb, Wet Bulb, Relative Humidity and Dew Point Lines on Psychrometric Charts for Dry Bulb Temperature of 34°F and Relative Humidity of 70%.. EXAMPLE 3 Determine the dew point temperature and wet-bulb temperature when the drybulb temperature is 380F and the relative humidity is 65%. Solution: Dew point temperature is 27.80F Wet-bulb temperature is 33.80F Many psychrometric charts display a quantity known as the humidity ratio or absolute humidity. Humidity ratio lines are parallel to dew point temperature lines, so be careful to read the dew point temperature scale, not the humidity ratio scale. The four psychrometric properties of dry-bulb temperature, relative humidity, wet-bulb temperature and dew point temperature have been defined above. Given any two of these psychrometric properties, the other two properties can be always determined. It is often necessary to interpolate between lines to estimate the value of a property of a moist air mixture. You should always be able to interpolate to at least 1 or 2% accuracy on the property values. 7 EXAMPLE 4 Use the chart on the last page of this publication to find the following values: (a) Find the wet-bulb temperature of a moist air mixture when the dry-bulb temperature is 36oF and the relative humidity is 30%. (b) Find the wet-bulb temperature of a moist air mixture when the dry-bulb temperature is 36oF and the relative humidity is 90%. (c) Determine the dry-bulb temperature of a moist air mixture when the relative humidity is 70% and the wet-bulb temperature is 350F. (d) Determine the relative humidity of a moist air mixture when the dry-bulb temperature is 370F and the wet-bulb temperature is 330F. (e) Determine the dew point temperature of a moist air mixture when the dry-bulb temperature is 360F and the relative humidity is 80%. Solution: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 27.3°F Wet Bulb Temperature 34.9°F Wet Bulb Temperature 38.70F Dry Bulb Temperature 66% Relative Humidity 30.60F Dew Point Temperature FROST PROTECTION The dew point temperature and the wet bulb temperature can be used to estimate the potential for frost and to determine the best time to turn on sprinklers for frost protection. Unless a weather front is causing cold air to move into an area, the nighttime low temperature is governed by the heat lost to the sky and the dew point temperature. The dry bulb temperature falls at night as heat radiates to the sky. If enough heat is lost, the dry bulb temperature will fall until it reaches the dew point temperature. When the dew point temperature is reached, the dry bulb temperature stabilizes as moisture starts condensing from the air in the form of dew or frost. So if you know the dew point, you can estimate the lowest possible night time low air temperature. However, it is always important to remember that plants can be cooled to temperatures lower than the air temperature by radiation losses from plant surfaces particularly on clear nights with low humidity. Plants can be protected from frost damage by the use of sprinkler methods, but sprinklers must be turned on at the correct time to avoid cold damage by evaporative cooling and to conserve water. When sprinklers are first turned on, the air around the sprinklers will be cooled to the wet bulb temperature. If the wet bulb temperature is 8 below 32°F, then cold damage can result from the use of the sprinkler system. The correct method is to start the sprinklers when the wet bulb is at 34°F. To avoid damage to plants. Sprinklers can be started at wet bulb temperatures above 34°F, but no additional cold protection will be provided and excessive water will be used. EXAMPLE 5 The chart in Figures 6 illustrates how psychrometric charts can be used to manage frost protection methods. Figure 6 shows the effects of turning sprinklers on at a dry bulb temperature of 34°F for two conditions. For both conditions, as heat is lost from the air, the dry bulb temperature drops along a path following a constant dew point line until sprinklers are turned on at Points 2 and 5.After sprinklers are turned on, the dry bulb temperatures drop along constant wet bulb lines until the air is saturated at the 100% relative humidity line. For the first condition starting at Point 1, the air around the sprinkler will be cooled to 33.2°F and plants will be safely protected; however for the second condition, starting at Point 4, the air will be cooled to 31.7°F and plants could suffer cold damage. Figure 6. Path on psychrometric chart as temperature drops and sprinklers start. PSYCHROMETRIC CHART (Next Page) 9 Fact Sheet HS-121 June 1994 Cold Protection Methods1 L.K. Jackson and L.R. Parsons2 INTRODUCTION TO YOUNG TREE COLD PROTECTION Protecting young trees from cold damage is a difficult task which has been complicated by several factors in the last decade. These complications include a significant increase in the number of young trees planted over the last several years, increases in cost of fuel, equipment and labor and an increase in the number and severity of freezes. The problems of young tree care, a shortage of trees and increasingly frequent freezes have generated a new interest in protecting young citrus trees from possible damage by cold. Since young trees are small and occupy a relatively small percentage of a planted grove acre, protection by most active means is not particularly effective. This is especially true of heating with fossil fuel sources which are now quite expensive in addition to being inefficient for young tree protection. Wind machines could be considered for protection, but their use is limited to calm nights with temperature inversions and the cost of acquisition and operation of this equipment could not be economically justified for non-bearing groves. Irrigation for cold protection is a possibility and is now widely used in many young groves where properly designed and maintained microsprinkler systems are in place. Such systems require uninteruptible power sources to avoid problems of electrical blackouts. Many young citrus trees are placed in a situation where active cold protection measures are difficult, if not impossible, and growers have to rely upon passive means of cold protection. Some of the more important passive cold protection measures include cultivar and rootstock selection, site selection, clean cultivation, pre-freeze irrigation and the use of banks and wraps. COMPARISON OF METHODS High fuel cost has made grove heating during freeze nights prohibitively expensive except for high value crops. Wind machines are effective under some conditions, but they require maintenance and need a strong temperature inversion for optimum effectiveness. Fog can provide protection, but light winds can blow the fog away from the grove and obscure nearby roadways. High volume overhead sprinkler irrigation has been used effectively on limes and avocadoes in south Florida where temperatures do not normally go far below freezing. In central and north Florida, where temperatures are usually colder, overhead sprinklers should not be used on large citrus trees because the weight of the ice formed can break off limbs and cause tree collapse. With overhead systems, all leaves are wetted and susceptible to damaging evaporative cooling during low humidity or windy freezes. Many trees were killed in the windy 1962 freeze when overhead sprinklers were used. Because of the cost of fuel, microsprinkler irrigation 1. This document is Fact Sheet HS-121, a series of the Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Revised: June 1993. Publication date: June 1992. Revised: June 1994. 2. L.K. Jackson, professor, extension horticulturist, Department of Fruit Crops; L.R. Parsons, professor, extension water resource specialist, Department of Horticultural Sciences, Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred, Florida, a branch campus of the University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. Trade names, where used, are given for the purpose of providing specific information. They do not constitute an endorsement or guarantee of products named, nor does it imply criticism of products not named. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. For information on obtaining other extension publications, contact your county Cooperative Extension Service office. Florida Cooperative Extension Service / Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences / University of Florida / Christine Taylor Stephens, Dean Cold Protection Methods Page 2 is rapidly becoming the preferred method for providing cold protection. This type of irrigation works particularly well for resets and the lower trunk and branches of young trees. However, once microsprinkler irrigation has begun, it must be continued until the grove temperature rises above freezing. If irrigation stops before then, the trees will likely be more damaged than if the irrigation continued. Banking very effectively provides cold protection to the trunks of young trees. However, banks are time consuming to erect and can produce some pest and cultural problems. The grower can avoid some of these problems by using tree wraps, which can be left on for an extended period of time once installed. While tree wraps as a whole are effective for cold protection, they are not as effective as banking. Protection varies greatly depending on the type of tree wrap used. Table 1 compares energy requirements for the various methods of cold protection discussed here. SOIL BANKING Soil banking (Figure 1) consists of placing a mound of soil around the tree’s trunk to protect the bud union and trunk from cold. It is one of the most efficient cold protection methods for young trees and has been used with success for many years. Banking principles Since the soil stores heat from the sun during the day and releases it at night heat deep in the soil moves up to the surface by conduction and is lost to the air by radiation. By mounding soil around the trunk of a tree (banking), heat is conducted through the soil and into the protected area of the young tree. Thus, banking protects by conduction and insulation as well. When to bank A definite answer to the question of when to bank has not been derived. It would be most efficient if trees were banked the day before a freeze, but the state of the art of weather forecasting does not permit this luxury. Growers in much of south Florida do not bank at all since that area has such a low cold damage probability. However, growers in the north and much of central Florida realize the high probability of cold damage and routinely bank young trees in the fall as a regular production practice. A good rule of thumb is to try to have all trees banked by November 15 for Figure 1. Soil bank the northern areas and no later than mid-December for the rest of the state. Making the Bank Banks can be constructed with a shovel or hoe, a blade on a tractor or similar tool, or with a banking machine. Build them as high as reasonable, up into the scaffold limbs whenever possible. Higher banks afford more protection, but they also require more labor and expense to build. Use only soil which is free of weeds, sticks, bags or other trash as these will invite damage from insects and disease. Watch banks carefully during the winter since wind and rain may erode them. Rapid recovery of freeze-damaged trees will be the payoff for a good banking job. Unbanking Trees can be safely unbanked as soon as the danger of cold weather has passed. In most areas this will be in mid or late February. If banks remain on the trees too long in warm weather, disease and insect problems increase and there is danger of a Cold Protection Methods Page 3 physiological bark sloughing disorder (sweating) which can quickly kill the young tree. Unbanking should be supervised just as closely as banking to prevent tree damage from careless equipment operation. Also, care must be taken to ensure the bank is removed completely and the soil carefully leveled around the young tree. Leaving too much soil around the tree trunk may encourage foot rot in the susceptible scion portion of the tree. 1. Soil banks must be put up before danger of cold and removed as soon as possible after the threat of cold has passed. 2. Labor to build banks is expensive. 3. Hot periods during winter months may necessitate early removal of at least a portion of the bank before the danger of cold is over. 4. Construction of banks is often hindered by weeds or in the case of larger trees, overhanging limbs. Banking Hazards Soil Bank Summary Tree Damage Careless operation of equipment may break limbs, skin trunks and even destroy trees. Equipment operators must be conscientious and well-trained if the operation is to be a success. Broken limbs and skinned trunks should be treated with a good water-repellent pruning paint or fungicide before being covered with soil. Some mechanical equipment used for banking removes considerable soil from a relatively small area, resulting in damage to roots near the soil surface. The use of such equipment should be avoided or care should be taken to make sure damage is minimized. Diseases and Insects Fungal disease can sometimes be a problem when trees are banked. Placing soil on the susceptible scion portion of the young citrus tree may predispose the plant to foot rot if conditions are optimal for development of the fungus. Application of a suitable fungicide before banking will help reduce the incidence of foot rot. Ants and termites may sometimes become a problem in banks, particularly if there is trash in the soil used to construct the banks. Problems such as these can be dealt with as they occur or a preventive insecticide can be sprayed at the time of banking. Many growers routinely spray trees with a suitable insecticide-fungicide mixture just before banking as an insurance measure. One hundred gallons of spray should treat 400 to 600 trees if properly applied. Banking Considerations These factors should be taken into consideration before choosing banking as a cold protection method: Advantages 1. Excellent insulating value (12 - 15° above air temperature in most cases) 2. Sprout inhibitor 3. Conforms well to large or irregularly shaped trees 4. No cost for material, only labor Disadvantages 1. Must be constructed and taken down seasonally 2. Difficult to maintain 3. Occasional problems with bark sloughing and foot rot 4. Moderate insect and disease problems 5. Must be removed after freeze damage to allow regrowth 6. Labor cost is expensive TREE WRAPS Theory of Cold Protection Tree wraps are most useful in protecting young citrus trees during mild to moderate freezes or in traditionally warmer locations within the state. Tree wraps protect only the trunk, and consequently leaf loss can occur during moderate or severe freezes. Wraps work by delaying, but not preventing, heat loss from the tree trunk as air temperatures decrease. Temperatures under tree wraps generally are 0° to 6°F higher than air temperatures, depending on the type of wrap. However, the tree produces and stores very little heat, and during severe freezes of long durations the temperatures under most wraps will approach air temperatures. Wraps are most effective during freezes of short durations where temperatures drop rapidly. They are less effective, however, during freezes where temperatures decrease slowly and remain low for protracted periods. The effectiveness of the wrap is related to the insulating value of the wrap material. Consequently, wrapping trunks with Cold Protection Methods thin-walled materials is ineffective for temperature control, while thicker insulating materials are more effective. Wrapping Most tree wraps, unlike soil banks, can be attached anytime during the year and left on the tree throughout the year or even for several years. However, some types of wraps, like those made of poor insulating materials or clear plastic, may damage or even kill the tree due to excessive daytime trunk temperatures during the summer. When freeze damage occurs, wraps should be removed or pushed down to allow for growth of new shoots. Wraps should be properly positioned and fastened around the trunk for best results. It is important to cover the entire lower trunk, especially at the base. Page 4 freeze, heat of fusion is released which can generate considerable heat. When this heat is released within the confines of an insulating material, and next to the tree trunk, it can be quite effective. Types of Tree Wraps Selection of the proper tree wrap for a particular grove depends on a number of factors including cost, ease of installation and probability of freeze damage. For example, growers in northern regions of the state should choose wraps with good insulating qualities, while growers in warmer southern locations may opt for less costly, thinner wraps. Tree wraps also inhibit sprouts and protect trunks from herbicide and mechanical damage. Consequently, no one wrap is best for all situations. Fiberglass Wrap The advantages and disadvantages of fiberglass wrap (Figure 2) are discussed below. Heating Effects Insulating materials are used extensively in most tree wraps to provide cold protection. Since insulation holds heat in, protection is provided by slowing down the loss of heat from young tree trunks, thus making them warmer. However since there is very little heat stored in the trunk of a young citrus tree, wraps utilizing insulation alone have limited effectiveness. Dormancy Effects The degree of dormancy of young citrus trees is a function of environment, and measures to slow the growth of trees usually results in dormancy and a better ability to tolerate low temperatures. Insulating materials in some cases may help to keep tree trunks cool during daylight hours resulting in greater dormancy and an increased tolerance to low temperatures. Though not substantiated by research, the principle is confirmed by observation. Possible effects of light on tree dormancy is speculative but observations support the theory. Trees wrapped with opaque materials rarely sprout under such wraps because light is excluded. Sprouting is evidence of growth and lack of dormancy, so materials which block light may help to contribute to tree dormancy. Figure 2. Fiberglass wrap Use of Liquids Some wraps utilize pouches of liquid (usually with an ice nucleator in solution) to furnish additional heat inside the wrap, next to the tree trunk. When liquids Cold Protection Methods Page 5 Advantages Advantages 1. High insulating value (3 - 6° above air temperature) 2. Moderately durable 3. Sprout Inhibitor 4. Can be pushed down to allow for regrowth following a freeze 5. Inert, will not hold water for long periods of time, rarely causes foot rot problems 6. Moderately inexpensive 7. Conforms well to large or irregularly shaped trunks Disadvantages 1. More difficult to install and handle than some other wraps 2. Moderate ant problems 1. High insulating value (3 - 6° above air temperature) 2. Moderately durable 3. Sprout Inhibitor 4. Moderately inexpensive 5. Moderately easy to handle and install 6. Conforms well to large or irregularly shaped trunks Disadvantages 1. May become waterlogged, particularly if used with irrigation 2. Sunlight deteriorates some wraps 3. Foot rot is an occasional problem 4. Must be removed after freeze damage to allow regrowth Polyurethane foam The advantages and disadvantages polyurethane wrap (Figure 3) are listed below. Figure 3. Polyurethane foam wrap of Rigid Polystyrene Foam (Thick-Walled) Listed below are the advantages and disadvantages of thick-walled rigid polystyrene foam (Figure 4). Cold Protection Methods Page 6 Figure 4. Thick-walled rigid polystyrene foam Figure 5. Thin-walled rigid polystyrene foam Advantages Advantages 1. Very high insulating value (4 - 8° above air temperature) 2. Very durable 3. Moderate sprout inhibitor 4. Will not hold water, rarely foot rot problems 5. Easy to handle and install 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Low to moderate durability Sprout inhibitor Will not hold water, no foot rot problems Inexpensive Moderately easy to handle and install Disadvantages Disadvantages 1. Expensive 2. Moderate ant problems 3. Must be removed after freeze damage to allow for growth 4. Subject to loosening by animals, may fit poorly on irregularly shaped trunks 1. Low insulating value (0 - 2° above air temperature) 2. Moderate to severe ant problems 3. Must be removed after freeze damage to allow regrowth 4. Not suited for large, rapidly growing trees, may fit poorly on irregularly shaped trunks Rigid Polystyrene Foam (Thin- Walled) Closed Cell Polyethylene Foam Below are listed the advantages and disadvantages of thin-walled rigid polystyrene foam wrap (Figure 5). Discussed below are the advantages and disadvantages of closed-cell polyethylene foam (Figure 6). Cold Protection Methods Page 7 5. Easy to handle and install 6. Some models use irrigation water supply tube inside for extra protection. Disadvantages 1. Moderately expensive 2. Ant problems are severe in some areas 3. Must be removed after freeze damage to allow regrowth 4. May cause bark sloughing and fit poorly on large or irregularly-shaped trunks MICROSPRINKLER IRRIGATION Overhead, high-volume sprinklers have been used successfully in citrus nurseries for years as a means of cold protection. Recently, there has been interest in using low-volume microsprinklers to protect young trees in the field; however, success varies with the type of system, application rates, type of freeze (advective vs. radiative), and severity of the freeze. Theory of Protection Figure 6. Closed-cell polyethylene foam Advantages 1. Moderate insulating value (2 - 4° above air temperature) 2. Moderately durable 3. Sprout inhibitor 4. Inert, will not hold water, rarely causes foot rot problems. Water protects young trees by transferring heat to the tree and the environment. The heat is provided from two sources, sensible heat and the latent heat of fusion. Most irrigation water comes out of the ground at 68° to 72°F, depending on the depth of the well. In fact, some artesian wells provide water of 80°F or more. As the water is sprayed into the air, it releases this stored (sensible) heat. However, by the time the water reaches the tree it has lost most of its energy, particularly for low volume microsprinkler systems. Consequently, the major source of heat from irrigation is provided when the water changes to ice (latent heat of fusion). As long as water is constantly changing to ice the temperature of the ice-water mixture will remain at 32°F. The higher the rate of water application to a given area, the greater the amount of heat energy that is applied. The major problems in the use of irrigation for cold protection occur when inadequate amounts of water are applied or under windy (advective) conditions. Evaporative cooling, which removes 7.5 times the energy added by heat of fusion, may cause severe reductions in temperature under windy conditions, particularly when inadequate amounts of water are used. In addition, most irrigation systems will not protect the upper portion of the canopy. Cold Protection Methods Types of Microsprinkler Systems A number of low-volume microsprinklers which can be used for cold protection of young citrus trees are currently available. As with tree wraps, no one system is best for a given grove situation. Remember that microsprinkler irrigation is primarily used to irrigate trees, and practical irrigation designs may not necessarily provide optimum cold protection. Again, cost, ease of operation, and especially probability of freeze damage should be considered when selecting an irrigation system. However, the key to successful cold protection using any microsprinkler system is providing a continuous and adequate volume of water directly to the trunk of the tree. This is particularly true during advective freezes where water may be blown away from the trunk. It is generally advisable to place the emitter northwest of the tree, approximately 1 yard or less from the trunk. Emitters should be attached to risers for greatest tree trunk protection. Improper placement or inadequate spray coverage will greatly lessen the effectiveness of the irrigation. A 90° spray pattern which concentrates the water on the trunk and lower limbs gives cold protection superior to a 360° or 180° pattern. Inverted cone sprinklers positioned above the wrap in the tree also give adequate protection. The volume of water applied depends on the amount of cold protection required. Generally, 10 gallons per hour (gph) applied directly to the trunk in a 90° pattern will provide adequate cold protection during most freezes. Wraps Plus Irrigation This combination of cold protection measures provides protection by insulation plus heat of fusion from water freezing on the wrap, and in some cases, water actually being piped through the wrap to provide even more protection. Spraying water on wraps in sufficient volume and without interruption will theoretically not allow temperatures to fall below 32°F. Furthermore, if ground water is piped through the wrap prior to spraying it externally, additional protection could be provided. When used in combination with adequate irrigation most tree wraps provide cold protection to the trunk. However, only wraps with high insulating characteristics provide protection when irrigation is discontinued due to a power outage or break in the irrigation lines. A combination of tree wraps and Page 8 microsprinkler irrigation provides low cost insurance against such problems. COLD PROTECTION USING HEATERS The greatly increased cost of fuel has practically eliminated heaters from the growers cold protection strategy. However, heaters can still be cost effective when used to protect high-value citrus cultivars. Using Heaters Orchard heaters provide heat by direct radiation and convection. Stack heaters give out 25-30 percent radiant heat, which moves along a straight line from the heater to the trees. Air around the immediate area of the heater is heated by convection; some of this heat is lost if it rises above the level of the orchard. Because of the need for fuel-burning efficiency and pollution reduction, orchard heaters have evolved to the upright stack design. Vaporizing pot-type stack heat (for example, jumbo cones and return stacks) have the advantage of low initial cost, maneuverability, and versatility. However, fuel can be lost due to spillage, leakage, and boiling of fuel left in the heaters after they are extinguished. Labor requirements for lighting and refueling heaters are high, and an additional crew is frequently needed to refuel heaters if several nights of freeze protection are required. Compared to individual stack heaters, centralized pressure fuel systems burning diesel fuel and liquid propane are more fuel-efficient and offer considerable labor savings. Fuel storage for any heating system is a big expense and environmental liability. Energy Saving Tips 1. Maintain heaters in good working order. Periodically clean the stacks for most efficient burning of fuel and to keep emissions within the standards specified by air pollution laws. 2. Have sufficient thermographs or thermometers throughout the grove area. 3. Large groves can generally be heated more efficiently than small groves. To protect grove borders, additional heaters must be placed along the edges of the grove, especially on north and west sides. 4. Calculate temperature drop vs. time throughout the night to better determine when heating should be started. 5. It is important to light heaters one to two degrees above the lethal temperature of leaves or Cold Protection Methods blossoms and buds. If fruit is to be protected, begin protection one or two hours after the critical freezing temperature of fruit has been reached, since the fruit has more mass than buds and cools more slowly or use a thermometer to determine the internal temperature of the fruit. 6. It is frequently possible to stabilize temperatures during the initial phase of protection by lighting every other row of heaters or by lighting central systems and then turning the pressure down. Additional heaters can then be lit or line pressure can be raised slightly to maintain the temperature in the grove as temperatures drop outside the heated area. 7. Many small heaters generally provide more efficient heat distribution than a few large ones. This point became particularly important with higher fuel costs. The additional capital outlay of a greater number of heaters could be returned through more efficient orchard heating. 8. Be familiar with cold areas in your grove so that heaters in those areas can be lit first. Minimizing Heating Requirements Selecting the proper temperature for lighting heaters or starting any system of cold protection can affect fuel savings. For example, using climatic data for Bartow, Florida, protecting a grove nine out of ten years at 28°F. would require at least 26 hours of heating per winter. However, if the crop would tolerate 24°F., the grower would only have to heat five hours, using one-fifth as much fuel. Citrus fruit will withstand temperatures of 28°F for approximately two hours. But leaves and twigs (fruiting surface) will often withstand 24°F or lower. With the uncertain future of fuel supplies, growers may seriously consider only protecting the fruiting surface of the tree and allowing the fruit to freeze. The fruit may still be used for processing if it is harvested within a week to ten days following the freeze. Leaf freezing points are a good estimate of the temperature at which leaves twigs and wood freeze. Often, twigs and leaves will freeze at or near 24°F in the early fall, but may withstand 22°F or slightly lower temperatures during mid-winter. WIND MACHINES Wind machines offer some excellent advantages in cold protection because they minimize labor requirements, consume less fuel per acre protected and require less fuel storage than heaters. They are permanently located in the grove and have a low Page 9 operational cost per acre. Fuel requirements for wind machines are about 10 gal/hr or 1 gal/acre/hr compared to 10-35 gal/acre/hr with heaters. These advantages must be weighed against the disadvantages of rather high capital costs and the failure of the wind machine to provide adequate cold protection under all conditions. Wind machines are dependent on having an inversion--that is, warmer air at approximately 40-50 feet above the orchard. A temperature inversion of at least 5° difference is necessary and an inversion of 10-15°F makes the wind machine very effective. They are most beneficial when located in low pockets where they mix cold, heavy air, which settles there, with warmer air above. In general, one can use the rule of thumb that 10 horsepower is required to protect one acre. Usually, one wind machine is required for each 10 acre block. However, the increase in temperatures are highest nearest the machine and decrease toward the edge of area protection. Heaters can frequently be used near the edge of the area protected to remedy this situation. Start wind machines when temperatures are two to three degrees above the lethal temperature. Because of the low cost of running a wind machine, plus the fact that it can only raise the temperature a few degrees, it is necessary to start the wind machine early. It is very important that wind machines be run Cold Protection Methods Page 10 at the rpm specified by the manufacturer, since they provide considerably less protection when operated at a lower speed. Helicopters are sometimes used as a cold-protection device, if they are stationed nearby. Otherwise, they are too expensive. They are utilized as a large, moving wind machine. When helicopters are used effectively, a number of temperature monitors are required in the grove to determine the coldest areas and the frequency of passes the helicopter must make. Monitors should turn on a light when temperatures reach a critical value. Rapid refueling or more than one helicopter may be necessary since protection cannot be halted once temperatures are below the critical point. Heating in conjunction with wind machines provide better protection at lower cost than heaters alone. For example, an orchard requiring 35 heaters per acre without the use of wind machines would require 15 heaters per acre with wind machines. Heaters plus wind machines and good air temperature inversions would permit heaters to be used less than half the time, which would reduce fuel consumption and increase the heater’s life span. Table 1. Energy requirements of various cold protection methods for young citrus trees Fuel Consumption Method gal/hr/acre BTUs/hr/acre (in thousands) Heaters 20 - 40 2,800 - 5,600 Wind machines 0.5 - 1.5 70 - 210 High volume sprinklers 0.25 - 0.75 35 - 105 Low volume sprinklers 0.10 - 0.25 14 - 35 Source: T. R. Mee BUL201 Cold Protection for Nursery Crops1 Dewayne L. Ingram, Thomas Yeager, Rita L. Hummel2 develop depends upon the severity of the exposure and the environmental parameters after the exposure. Winter temperatures are frequently low enough Continued cool temperatures and high humidity after to cause cold injury to tropical, subtropical and an exposure to cold may slow the symptom occasionally temperate plants that are produced in development, while high light intensity and warm Florida. This publication provides information for temperatures may accelerate symptom ornamental plant producers regarding symptoms of development. cold injury, plant adaptation to cold, environmental conditions leading to cold injury and methods to alter Chilling the environment to avoid or minimize cold injury. Many chilling-injury symptoms are common to Cold injury includes damage from temperatures other stresses such as drought stress, root rot diseases, above and below freezing. Many tropical and phytotoxicity to chemicals, heat stress and light herbaceous plants do not adapt or harden to withstand stress. General symptoms of chill injury to plant freezing temperatures and may be injured by leaves, stems and fruits are listed below: temperatures below 10°C (5°F). Injury caused by low temperatures above freezing is chill injury and 1. Surface lesions, pitting, large, sunken areas and damage caused by freezing temperatures is freeze discoloration. These symptoms have been injury. reported on several orchids. Cold Injury Symptoms Cold injury symptoms usually occur after exposure to critically low temperatures, not during the cold exposure. Direct injury is inflicted at a cellular level and the response of plant tissues to this injury is revealed through visual or measurable symptoms. The rate at which these symptoms 2. Water-soaking in tissues results from disruption of cell structure and release of cell solutes into spaces between cells, and is commonly followed by wilting and browning. 3. Internal discoloration (browning) of pulp, pith, and seed. 1. This document is BUL201, one of a series of the Environmental Horticulture Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Original publication date December 2001. Visit the EDIS Web Site at 2. Thomas H. Yeager, associate professor and extension woody horticulturist, Environmental Horticulture Department, Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville FL 32611; Dewayne L. Ingram, professor and former extension horticulturist; Rita Hummell, Associate Scientist, Horticulture, Ornamentals (Research). WSU Puyallup Research and Extension Center, 7612 Pioneer Way E., Washington State University, Puyallup, WA 98371-4998 The use of trade names in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information. UF/IFAS does not guarantee or warranty the products named, and references to them in this publication does not signify our approval to the exclusion of other products of suitable composition. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. For information on obtaining other extension publications, contact your county Cooperative Extension Service office. Florida Cooperative Extension Service/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences/University of Florida/Christine Taylor Waddill, Dean. Cold Protection for Nursery Crops 4. Accelerated rate of senescence (natural death), but with otherwise normal appearance. 5. Increased susceptibility to attack by fungi and bacteria not commonly found on the plant. 6. Slowed growth, or limited growth flush. This symptom may be difficult to detect without non-chilled plants for comparison or a thorough knowledge of normal growth rate. Freezing Symptoms of freeze injury could include desiccation or burning of foliage, water-soaked areas that progress to necrotic spots on leaves, stems or fruit and death of sections of the plant or the entire plant. Close examination of woody plants several days or weeks after freezing may reveal a dead or weakened root system or split bark on stems or branches. Obvious symptoms on plant foliage may not be present until after the plant has been stressed by warm temperatures. A hot, bright day could increase transpirational water loss beyond the ability of injured roots or stem conductive tissue to replace. Subsequent symptoms might include wilting and/or desiccation, as caused by direct drought stress. Plant Response to Freezing Temperatures When considering new plant material for use in the landscape or as a possible nursery crop, cold hardiness should be determined. Hardiness indicates a plant's resistance or ability to adjust to cold stress in order to tolerate freezing temperatures. The timing and degree of cold hardiness is determined by environmental conditions and the genetic makeup of a particular plant. Inherent, genetic potential is the first limiting factor in development of hardiness, with plant species and genotypes within species differing in their tolerance to cold. Most tropical plants fail to develop hardiness regardless of preconditioning environmental conditions. Some species are always killed by freezing while others tolerate temperatures as low as –196°C (-320°F) in midwinter. 2 The geographic source of a plant plays an important role in the timing of hardiness. Northern plants sensitive to daylength start to cold harden sooner in autumn than southern plants when grown on the same site. Therefore, selection of seed or cutting stock of desired plants from cold hardy genotypes is an important consideration. Plant reaction to environmental conditions leading to increased cold tolerance is called cold acclimation, and plant reaction to environmental conditions resulting in less tolerance to cold is called cold declamation. Although in more northern climates acclimation occurs primarily in the fall and declamation in the spring, rapid changes in plant cold tolerance occur throughout the fall, winter and spring months in Florida as environmental conditions change rapidly. Environmental factors, such as daylength, temperature, nutrition, water availability, light intensity and physiological maturity of a plant or plant part are known to play a role in cold acclimation. Once the effect of these environmental factors on cold acclimation is understood, sound cultural practices directed toward increasing cold tolerance can be developed. Generally, plant growth slows or ceases before cold acclimation begins. Decreasing daylength provides the primary stimulus or trigger for cold acclimation in many plants. Phytochrome, a light-receptive sensory pigment in leaves and bark, detects decreasing daylengths of autumn and initiates biochemical and physiological changes that slow vegetative growth and increase cold acclimation. Plants that react primarily to daylength slow growth at approximately the same time each year, regardless of temperatures. Temperature is the primary stimulus for cold acclimation in some subtropical plants such as citrus. However, in most plants there is an interaction between photoperiod and temperature on plant growth and development, and the most rapid cold acclimation is produced by short photoperiods and low temperatures. Plants should withstand cold best if fertilized with a balanced ratio of plant nutrients that produce optimum growth (Pellet and Carter), but the rate of fertilization should be reduced slightly in fall and Cold Protection for Nursery Crops winter to reflect the lower nutrient requirement during the cold months. Plants under severe nutrient deficiencies or plants receiving nutrients at near toxic levels do not withstand cold or recover from cold injury as well as plants with properly balanced nutrition. Moderate drought stress can result in increased cold tolerance in some plants by slowing growth and initiating dormancy. Many plants native to the dry plains respond to this treatment because in nature the plants are commonly subjected to dry conditions before the onset of winter. Although water stress may increase cold tolerance in some plants, such stress may result in an unacceptable decrease in quality of plants such as azaleas. The maximum cold tolerance level is seldom reached in Florida, even with temperate plants, because of the loss of hardiness during extended warm periods in winter months. Plant metabolic activity slows during extended cold periods, but a period of warm temperatures can stimulate rapid declamation. Temperature seems to be the primary environmental factor controlling declamation and plants can reacclimate if a subsequent slow temperature drop occurs. A rapid temperature drop following a warm period, a common event in Florida, may produce injury and death to plants. Evaluation of cold hardiness is further complicated because different tissues and organs of the same plant may display varying degrees of hardiness. Flower buds are often damaged by freezes while vegetative buds or stem tissues are uninjured. Plants grown for their floral display may be hardy, but if their flower buds are killed every year, they will be unsatisfactory for landscape use. Leaves of broad-leaved evergreens may be injured by cold yet the stems remain unharmed. Root tissues are less resistant to freezing injury than stem tissues, with young roots being more sensitive to cold than mature roots. Stems and leaves of Pyracantha coccinea 'Lalandii' acclimated to –26°C (-15°F), and mature roots to –17°C (1°F), while young roots failed to survive below -50C (23°F) (Waist and Steponkus). Lack of old resistance in roots is not usually a problem in field production or in the Florida landscape, however, it may be the limiting factor to 3 winter survival of containerized plants when prolonged freezing temperatures occur. Plants that survive freezing temperatures must either avoid or tolerate the formation of ice in their tissues. The primary mechanism by which plants avoid freezing is supercooling. Supercooling occurs when the plant's temperature drops below its freezing point without ice formation. Even pure water will supercool. The lowest subfreezing temperature recorded before ice formation is the supercooling point. Unfortunately this point is not a constant value but varies for repeated tests on the same solution. Under field conditions supercooling generally allows nonacclimated plants to avoid freezing when temperatures in the -1 to –3°C (31 to 26°F) range occur. Cold-resistant plants tolerate water freezing in their tissues as long as the ice crystals form between cells (extracellular freezing) and not inside them (intracellular freezing). Extracellular ice formation is the type of freezing encountered in nature and is tolerated by hardy plants in their cold-acclimated state. Intracellular freezing disrupts the cell and is always fatal. Generally, freezing rates in nature are too slow to allow intracellular freezing. Cooling rates of 2°C per minute or faster are required for intracellular freezing, and slower cooling allows sufficient time for water to move through the surrounding membrane and form ice crystals in extracellular spaces. Thus at the cellular level, the requirements for freezing resistance in any hardy plant are the avoidance of intracellular freezing and the tolerance of extracellular freezing. Principles of Heat Transfer Heat loss by plants involves heat transfer which should be understood before formulating and evaluating cold protection methods. Heat may be transferred by conduction, convection or radiation. Convection Convection is the process of heat transfer within a fluid or air that results in mass motion of molecules in that fluid or air. Heat is transferred from air at the soil surface to air above the earth by convection. Air becomes lighter when heated and rises to be replaced Cold Protection for Nursery Crops by heavier, cooler air. This mass motion of air is called convective mixing and explains why air just above the earth's surface does not become extremely hot on a sunny, summer day. Radiation Radiation is the process of heat transfer from one object to another without the aid of a transfer medium. The sun's rays heat the earth's surface and can burn human skin by radiant heat transfer. The surfaces in a greenhouse are warmed by absorption of short wave solar radiation. These surfaces reradiate heat to the air above them as long wave or infrared radiation. Environmental Conditions Leading to Cold Injury Cold conditions in Florida are a result of cold air masses moving down through more northern states and pushing into Florida. Temperatures associated with these fronts depend upon where the pressure systems originate and the rate at which they move into Florida. Environmental conditions created by these cold fronts can be categorized into one of two general types: moist air with considerable cloud cover or dry air and clear skies. Windy conditions can accompany either of these conditions, and wind is an important consideration in developing plant-protection strategies. Daily temperature fluctuations are greatest when clear skies exist. Solar radiation warms the earth's surface during the day and air temperatures of 16 to 21°C (60 to 70°F) are common even though the minimum temperatures at night may be less than –1°C (30°F). This large fluctuation is primarily due to radiation cooling. Radiational cooling occurs primarily at night when the heat absorbed by the earth's surface during the day is reradiated into the atmosphere. Air at or near the soil surface is warmest during day and coldest during night under such conditions. Heat lost from surfaces by radiational cooling moves away from the earth's surface by convective mixing. The soil continues to lose heat until it is colder than the air just above it; then the soil absorbs heat from the air. The existing condition is a cold air layer near the earth's surface with a rapidly cooling soil surface. The warmest air may be from a few feet to one 4 hundred feet above the soil surface. Plant leaves close to the ground may sustain freeze injury even through the temperature a few feet above the leaves is above their freezing point. This condition is called a “temperature inversion" because it is an inversion of normal daytime conditions where the warmer air is near the ground. Moist air and cloud cover reduce the fluctuation of daily air temperatures. Cloud cover reduces the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth's surface during the day, and heat radiating from surfaces on a calm night is absorbed by clouds and reradiated back to the earth's surface. The primary cooling process of plants and other objects during cloudy, calm, cold weather is conduction of heat from the leaf to the colder air surrounding it. Leaf temperature generally is not lower than the air temperature in these conditions. Wind increases the rate of temperature drop. A 5- to 10-mph wind on a cold, cloudy night constantly replaces the warmer air on leaf surfaces with cold air, and this accelerates the rate of heat loss from the leaf. A temperature gradient will develop between the leaf and the air if the air is calm and the rate of heat loss from the leaf would be reduced slightly. Wind on a clear night prevents or reduces the formation of an inversion layer by mixing the warmer air above the crop with colder air at the crop surface, thus slowing the rate of leaf temperature drop. The lowest temperatures occur in Florida when cold, dry (clear skies) air masses move rapidly across the United States and into Florida. Generally, as such a cold front moves from north Florida to south Florida, the temperature of the air mass increases, but the amount of temperature increase depends upon how fast the front is moving. Clear skies at night greatly increase the chance of crop injury by allowing considerable radiational heat loss from the crop environment. The terms frost injury and freeze injury are often confused. The injury mechanism in both is the freezing of cellular water, but freeze injury can take place even if frost is not present. Frost occurs when the dewpoint of the air (the temperature at which air is saturated with water) is reached at freezing temperatures. Air can hold less water vapor as it gets Cold Protection for Nursery Crops colder. When the dew point occurs at freezing temperatures, the water vapor in the air changes to ice crystals on exposed surfaces. When the air contains a lot of moisture, the dew point may be reached before freezing temperatures occur and water vapor will condense as a liquid on exposed surfaces. Dew may freeze after it has condensed on leaf surfaces if the air temperature drops below freezing, but this type of ice formation is less damaging to plants. When the humidity is very low, freeze injury can occur without frost. Freezes without frost are often called “black frosts." Measuring Environmental Conditions Proper measurement of environmental conditions is essential for predicting or assessing plant response and for optimum management of plant protection systems. Temperature is the most important environmental parameter to be measured by the nursery manager. However, temperature measurements related to relative humidity and wind speed and direction can provide the manager with more insight into current and expected conditions. Relative humidity is the quantity of water vapor present in the atmosphere, expressed as a percentage of the quantity which would saturate the air at the same temperature. Relative humidity helps to determine how rapidly temperatures drop. It also affects plant response to cold temperatures and influences how well specific protection systems work. Air with a high relative humidity will resist temperature change more than dry air, and plant water lost to desiccating winds will be lessened by high relative humidity. Relative humidity sensors and recorders are available in a wide range of prices and accuracies. One practical way of measuring relative humidity at a given temperature is with a wet-bulb thermometer. A wet-bulb thermometer has a bulb covered with a moist muslin bag, thus lowering the measured temperature by loss of latent heat through evaporation. The lower the wet bulb temperature compared to the dry bulb temperature, the lower the relative humidity. 5 Care should be taken to purchase high quality thermometers which should be routinely calibrated in an ice water bath. Electronic sensors such as thermocouples and thermisters can be purchased or made to sense a temperature at a particular point. Microprocessors are available that can be programmed to scan a large number of temperature sensors at predetermined time intervals and record the temperatures. Methods Used for Cold Protection Water Used for Cold Protection The unique physical properties of water as a vapor, liquid or solid make it a primary factor in plant protection from freezing or chilling temperatures. As water cools at temperatures above freezing, "sensible" heat is released. Actually, 1000 calories of heat energy are released as 1 liter of water is cooled from 3°C to 2°C (8.3 BTUs /gallon/°F). A BTU, British Thermal Unit, is defined as the heat required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water 1°F or to raise 816 grams of water 1°C. As water cools from 16°C (60°F) to a liquid at 0°C (32°F) 16 kcal per liter (232 BTU's per gallon) of water are released into the surrounding environment. Fogging, flooding and sprinkling (at temperatures above freezing) use the sensible heat in water to moderate temperature drop in the nursery. When water changes from a liquid to solid state (ice), a tremendous amount of energy is released. This energy is called the "heat of fusion" and is equal to 80 kcal per liter or 1200 BTU's per gallon. Sprinkling when air temperatures are below or approaching 0°C (32F) is sometimes called icing and uses the heat of fusion to provide cold protection for plants. Sprinkling Sprinkling for cold protection is becoming increasingly popular in Florida nurseries. It can be used to moderate temperatures above freezing because of sensible heat in water and can maintain plant leaf temperature at 1 to 2°C degrees or more. Sprinkling should continue until after thawing or the wet bulb temperature rises above freezing especially if windy, dry conditions prevail. Evaporative cooling Cold Protection for Nursery Crops occurs because heat energy is lost to the atmosphere as water changes from a liquid to a vapor. Do not rely on a household window thermometer to monitor leaf and air temperatures. The water must be delivered uniformly with allowances for changes in wind velocities and direction. Wind adversely affects the sprinkler distribution pattern and causes the heat from the heat of fusion to be lost by evaporation. This means that up to seven times the amount of water used for a freeze on a calm night must be applied to compensate for heat loss due to evaporation and conduction when a 5- to 10-mph wind exists. The greatest disadvantage of sprinkling is breakage of plant limbs due to ice weight. Easily broken container plants may be placed on their sides and iced to prevent breakage, but should be placed upright as soon as possible after the freeze. Sprinkling for freeze protection can be used effectively in Florida. Plants do not have to be repositioned, and there are no structures to erect, therefore the reduced labor requirements for sprinkling is an advantage. However, frequent sprinkling may leach nutrients and/or cause waterlogged soils or container media which may result in plant stunting or death. The large amount of water required for this practice could be a limiting factor in some areas of Florida. Water applied to aisles of shade structures or greenhouses increases the moisture content of the air and soil surrounding the plants (increases wet-bulb temperatures), thus slowing the rate of temperature drop. The water absorbs heat during the day which is released slowly at night. The water should be applied in late afternoon of a warm day. Sides of adequately constructed shade houses can be covered with ice by sprinkling on freezing nights to reduce the effect of wind. Fog Fog also retards the loss of heat from soil and plant surfaces to the atmosphere. Natural fogs create a barrier to radiant heat loss much like clouds, although their effectiveness varies with the size of the suspended water particles. Fog can provide up to 6 4°C (8°F) of protection outdoors during radiational cooling. Applying ground water with an average temperature of 21°C (70°F) to a shade house or greenhouse can create a ground fog if the ground surface is several degrees cooler than the water. This applied water adds heat to the plant environment and/or buffers temperature change by increased humidity. Fogging is most effective in an enclosed structure such as a greenhouse or partially enclosed structure such as a saran house but must be uniformly distributed. Temperatures can be elevated as much as 5°C (9°F) in these unheated structures. High pressure, low volume systems are the best means available to create a uniform fog. A low volume system dramatically reduces water requirements compared to sprinkling. Air Movement for Cold Protection Wind machines have been used for many years in citrus and vegetable industries and recently in the ornamental industry as a means of cold protection. Wind machines are only effective in the advent of radiational freezes characterized by winds less than 5 miles per hour. Denser cold air settles in low areas resulting in temperature strata with warm air above the cold. Wind movement can disturb this inversion existing on calm nights. This forced air movement will mix the cold and warm air resulting in warmer air surrounding the plant. Air movement also helps distribute and circulate heat added by orchard heaters or other sources. Cold Protection Structures Structures for cold protection are used to prevent plant desiccation caused by winds associated with severe freezes, to trap heat present and to contain supplied heat energy. They should be constructed to withstand high winds and minimize heat loss. These structures are expensive because of construction materials and required labor for movement of plants in and out as the conditions or seasons change. Florida nursery operators should analyze nursery production systems for each plant species, the risk of cold damage and the projected dollar return before investing in structures for cold protection. Certain Cold Protection for Nursery Crops high value crops warrant structures specifically for cod protection, but in other cases, dual purpose structures should be considered. A structure used for shading in summer often can be used for cold protection during winter. Structures can be constructed of wood, galvanized pipe, conduit, PVC pipe, or concrete reinforcing rods and cost will be the overriding factor in determining which to use. Sizes of structures depend on size of plants to be protected, growing bed width and length, and the production system used. Detailed plans for various greenhouses and cold frame structures can be obtained from the Extension Agricultural Engineer through your local cooperative extension agent. A common winter protection structure is the quonset type constructed of bent galvanized pipe. Half-inch pipe joints are used for bows which are placed inside larger pipe studs that protrude 15 cm (6 inches) from the ground. This results in a house 4.3 meters (14 feet) wide and 1.8 meters (6 feet) tall. The bows are usually 61 cm (2 feet) apart and the house is usually long enough to accommodate common-size polyethylene. One purlin down the center is adequate for support. Similar construction with PVC pipe bows also has become popular due to reduced costs of PVC pipe. The house should be oriented in a north-south direction to distribute the light uniformly within the structure. A clear polyethylene covering (4 to 6 mil) is usually pulled over the ends and secured along the sides. A door at one or both ends facilitates entry. Venting may be done by raising the plastic on the side opposite prevailing winds and closing during cold weather. Frames for such permanent structures are usually built on a portion of the container production area and plants from areas adjacent to the quonsets are crowded into these structures to reduce the number of houses needed. The irrigation system for the container production area is usually not flexible enough to use to irrigate plants enclosed in these quonsets and expensive hand watering may be required. One may elect to construct small, lightweight, portable structures which can be placed over beds of cold-sensitive plants during cold weather and 7 removed during warm weather. Such portable structures may be small quonsets constructed of conduit, PVC pipe or concrete reinforcing rods covered with concrete reinforcing wire for support. They should be wide enough to span a bed 1.8 to 3.0 meters (6 to 10 feet) long. Quonsets made to stack on top of each other will facilitate storage. Polyethylene coverings can be attached to wooden strips at the bottom of each side. A small piece of plastic may be secured over ends of the structures and opened during the day for ventilation. Portable quonsets have definite advantages to the nonportable galvanized pipe structures since plants are not repositioned and the structure may be removed for watering. Winter temperatures in Florida are not consistently low enough to warrant placing plants on their sides in structures and covering with Styrofoam™ or polyethylene material for the entire season. Nursery operators might consider placing high-value container plants on their sides in the event of a severe freeze. The plants may then be covered with 1 or 2 mil of polyethylene, Styrofoam™ or other insulating material supported just above the plants so the cover is not in direct contact with the foliage. The insulating material should be removed and the plants placed upright after the freeze. Shade structures are most effective in providing protection during cold weather with little air movement. Saran structures may raise the ambient temperature under them 1 to 2°C (2 to 4°F) by reradiated heat radiating from the ground and objects within the structure. Lath houses are less efficient than saran structures at reradiating heat, but both provide some cold protection. Sides of shade structures may be covered with water during freezing conditions since the ice forms a windbreak. Care should be taken that ice loads do not crush the structure. Some shade structures are designed so they can be covered with polyethylene film during winter months or when cold weather is expected. Plants may be placed in cold frames for protection from rapid temperature fluctuations. Small plants, such as liners, can be set upright in the frame while larger plants (1 gal. etc.) may be placed on their side. Placing larger plants in the frame is an expensive operation, and one should contemplate Cold Protection for Nursery Crops placing the plants on their sides and covering in the field rather than transporting to a cold frame. In either case, the plants should be placed upright as soon as cold weather passes. Frames may be economical for protection of liners which were propagated and/or held in the frame through the winter. Cold frames may be covered with polyethylene, Styrofoam™ or other insulating materials placed over the plants to trap radiant heat. Polyethylene or other light transmitting covers with a southern exposure permit solar radiation to warm the structure. The frame covering should be removed on warm days to prevent excessive heat build up. Supplementary Heat Air temperatures inside unheated quonsets made of a single layer of plastic are usually about 3°C (5°F) warmer than outside air on a cold night. This small temperature differential can be critical to the survival of many plants, however, supplemental heat ensures that plant environment temperatures are above critical levels. Adding heat to an enclosed structure is more feasible than heating an outside growing area with orchard heaters, but energy costs may prohibit the heating of any woody ornamental growing area. If outside heating is used, it should be combined in combination with other protection techniques such as wind movement, fog or some barrier created to reduce radiant heat loss. The decision to add supplemental heat must be based on crop value and rate of return on investment. Heat sources for structures include solar radiation, well water and boilers fired by oil, gas or wood. Solar heating systems, warm water units and unheated well water circulation offer the greatest potential for Florida woody ornamental growers. Nursery operators should consult their Water Management District personnel before installing unheated well water circulators. Several passive solar heating designs are available that collect the sun's rays and store this heat energy in some medium like stone or water. The heat collected during the day is then circulated in the structure at night. Circulation of warm water (43 to 54°C, 110 to 130°F), not hot water, in enclosed growing and/or storage areas has gained popularity in recent years. Warm water is more economical than forced-air heat 8 to keep plant environments above a critical minimum temperature. This water often is circulated through PVC pipe installed in some material like sand or concrete under plant containers. Well water temperatures in Florida during winter months range from 20 to 24°C (68 to 75°F). A system has been designed and tested at the Agricultural Research Center in Monticello, Florida that circulates unheated well water through PVC pipe in a propagation cold frame. This system kept the minimum cold frame soil temperature above 12°C (54°F) and the minimum air temperature above 8°C (46°F) while outside temperatures were below –7°C (20°F) for several hours. Minimum soil and air temperatures in cold frames without this water circulation system were 4°C (40°F) for the same time period. The decision to add heat to the plant growing environment must be based on economics. Costs and returns for a given heating system, structure and crop plant must be known or estimated before a system is constructed or an existing system is used. Treatment of Plants After Cold Stress The environment to which plants are subjected after cold stress affects the degree of injury and rate of symptom development. Importance of post-exposure environment varies with the severity of cold stress. Plants exposed to temperatures below their cold tolerance level will not recover, however, damage to plants exposed to near critical temperatures may be influenced by post-stress handling. Intense light, low humidity and high temperatures following chilling of some tropical plants result in increased water loss through transpiration. Extreme water stress can develop if the chill exposure has disrupted water absorption, temporarily or permanently. Root systems of plants in field production are seldom frozen in Florida, but roots of container-grown plants can be frozen for several consecutive hours. Clear skies are common when extremely low temperatures occur in Florida. Sunny conditions on mornings after night freezes can result Cold Protection for Nursery Crops in rapid transpiration (water vapor loss) as leaves are warmed, but the soil/root mass may be frozen and unable to provide ample water to leaves, resulting in excessive water stress and leaf desiccation. Symptoms may not occur for several days and may be manifest as marginal leaf scorch or overall browning. Watering container-grown plants can thaw the growing medium/root mass and allow water absorption and transport to the leaves. Excessive water, however, can leach nutrients and cause root injury by waterlogging the growing medium. Cold injury to roots may not be evident until spring when plants are stressed by high temperatures. Failure to initiate a spring growth flush may be the only visual symptom of winter injury and little can be done to minimize the effect of winter injury at this time. Weakened or injured plants are more susceptible to disease attack, so growers should increase frequency of inspection and implement a preventative fungicide program if justified. Increased shade may also reduce heat or water stress during recovery periods. Justification of such efforts should be determined on an economic basis. References Harrison, D., J. F. Gerber, and R. E. Choate. 1974. Sprinkler irrigation for cold protection. University of Florida, IFAS, Technical Circular 348, p. 19. Levitt, J. 1980. Response of plants to environmental stress. Volume I. Chilling, freezing and high temperature stresses. Academic Press, NY, NY. p. 23-290. Pellett, H. M. and J. V. Carter. 1981. Effect of nutritional factors on cold hardiness of plants. Horticultural Reviews 3: 144-171. Wiest, S. C. and P. L. Stephonkus. 1976. Acclimation of Pyracantha tissues and differential thermal analysis of the freezing process. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 101: 273-277. Wright, R. D. 1977. Physiology of plant tops during winter. Proc. Int. Plant Prop. Society. Vol. 27: 287-290. 9 ENH1 Cold Protection of Ornamental Plants1 Dewayne L. Ingram and Thomas H. Yeager2 Winter temperatures in Florida are frequently low enough to cause cold injury to tropical, subtropical, and occasionally temperate plants not adapted to Florida climatic conditions. Tropical plants and summer annuals do not adapt or harden to withstand temperatures below freezing and many are injured by temperatures below 50°F (10°C). Subtropical plants can harden or acclimate (become accustomed to a new climate) to withstand freezing temperatures and properly conditioned temperate plants can withstand temperatures substantially below freezing. Freezing conditions occur annually in north and central Florida, while below freezing temperatures are rare for south Florida. Freeze probabilities for various locations in Florida are published in IFAS Bulletin 777, Freeze Probabilities in Florida. Freezes can be characterized as radiational or advective. Radiational freezes or frosts occur on calm, clear nights when heat radiates from the surfaces of objects into the environment. These surfaces can become colder than the air above them due to this rapid loss of heat or long wave radiation. When the air is moist, a radiant freeze results in deposits of ice or frost on surfaces. Dry radiational freezes leave no ice deposits but can cause freeze damage. Plant damage from a radiational freeze can be minimized by reducing radiant heat loss from plant and soil surfaces. Advective freezes occur when cold air masses move from northern regions causing a sudden drop in temperature. Windy conditions are normal during advective freezes. Although radiant heat loss occurs during an advective freeze, the conditions are quite different from a radiational freeze. Plant protection during advective freezes is more difficult. The ability of plants to withstand freezing temperatures is affected by temperature fluctuations and day lengths prior to a freeze. A gradual decrease in temperature over a period of time increases the ability of plants or plant parts to withstand cold temperatures. A sudden decrease in temperature in late fall or early winter usually results in more damage than the same low temperature in January of February. Short durations of warmer temperatures in midwinter can deacclimate some plants resulting in bud break or flowering. Deacclimated plants are more prone to freeze injury. Preconditioning of tropical plants to withstand chilling temperatures has not been well documented. 1. This document is ENH1, one of a series of the Environmental Horticulture Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Original publication date June 1990. Reviewed October 2003. Visit the EDIS Web Site at 2. Dewayne L. Ingram, professor and former extension horticulturist; Thomas H. Yeager, associate professor and extension woody horticulturist, Environmental Horticulture Department, Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville FL 32611. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function with non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A. & M. University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating. Larry Arrington, Dean Cold Protection of Ornamental Plants Cold injury can occur to the entire plant or to plant parts such as fruits, flowers, buds, leaves, trunks, stems or roots. Many plant parts can adapt to tolerate cold, but fruits and roots have little ability to acclimate or develop cold tolerance. Cold injury to roots of plants in exposed containers is a common occurrence and usually is not evident until the plant is stressed by higher temperatures. Leaf and stem tissue will not survive ice formation inside the cells (result of rapid freeze) but many plants can adapt to tolerate ice formation between cells. One type of winter injury is plant desiccation or drying out. This is characterized by marginal or leaf tip burn in mild cases and totally brown leaves in severe cases. Desiccation occurs when dry winds and solar radiation result in the loss of more water from the leaves than can be absorbed and/or transported by a cold or frozen root system. Root systems in the landscape are seldom frozen in Florida, but potting media in small containers in north Florida can be frozen for several consecutive hours. WHAT TO DO BEFORE THE FREEZE Homeowners can take steps to help acclimate plants to cold temperatures and to protect plants from temperature extremes. These steps range from selection of a proper planting site to alteration of cultural practices. Planting Site Selection The microclimate of a location is determined by factors such as elevation, landform, surface reflectivity, soil properties, degree of canopy cover, proximity of structures or plants, and the general solar heat exchange model. Temperature fluctuation can differ from one location to another, even within a residential landscape. Thus, existing microclimates and/or possible modifications of microclimates should be considered when choosing the planting site for cold sensitive plants. Tender plants should be planted in a site with good air drainage, and not in a low area where cold air settles. Arranging plantings, fences, or other barriers to protect tender plants from cold winds improves cold protection, especially from advective 2 freezes. Poorly drained soils result in weak, shallow roots which are susceptible to cold injury. Proper Plant Nutrition Plants grown with optimal levels and balance of nutrients will tolerate cold temperatures better and recover from injury faster than plants grown with suboptimal or imbalanced nutrition. Late fall fertilization of nutrient deficient plants or fertilization before unseasonably warm periods can result in a late flush of growth which is more susceptible to cold injury. Plants in Florida landscapes should be fertilized four times per year. Landscape plants in north and north central Florida should be fertilized in March, June, September, and December. Plants in south and south central Florida should be fertilized in February, May, August, and November. One to 1 1/2 pounds (454 to 681 grams) of 6-6-6 or 8-8-8, or 1/2 pound (227 grams) of 12-4-8 or 16-4-8 should be applied per 100 square feet (9 square meters) of planting area for the first three applications per year. A decrease in the amount of fertilizer applied in the fall is necessary because plant nutrient consumption declines during the colder season. Plants grown in colder portions of the state require one-third to one-half the standard fertilization rate in the fall, and two-thirds the standard rate should be applied in the warmer sections of Florida. Shading Tree canopy covers can reduce cold injury caused by radiational freezes. Plants in shaded locations usually go dormant earlier in the fall and remain dormant later in the spring. Tree canopies elevate minimum night temperature under them by reducing radiant heat loss from the ground to the atmosphere. Shading from early morning sun may decrease bark splitting of some woody plants. Plants that thrive in light shade usually display less winter desiccation than plants in full sun. But plants requiring sunlight that are grown in shade will be unhealthy, sparsely foliated, and less tolerant of cold temperatures. Windbreaks Fences, buildings, and temporary coverings, as well as adjacent plantings, can protect plants from Cold Protection of Ornamental Plants cold winds. Windbreaks are especially helpful in reducing the effects of short-lived advective freezes and their accompanying winds. Injury due to radiational freezes is influenced little by windbreaks. The height, density, and location of a windbreak will affect the degree of wind speed reduction at a given site. Water Relations Watering landscape plants before a freeze can help protect plants. A well watered soil will absorb more solar radiation than dry soil and will reradiate heat during the night. This practice elevated minimum night temperatures in the canopy of citrus trees by as much as 2°F (1°C). However, prolonged saturated soil conditions damage the root systems of most plants. Other Cultural Practices Avoid late summer or early fall pruning which can alter the plant hormonal balance resulting in lateral vegetative budbreak and a flush of growth. This new growth is more susceptible to cold injury. Healthy plants are more resistant to cold than plants weakened by disease, insect damage, or nematode damage. Routine inspection for pests and implementation of necessary control measures are essential. Contact your County Extension Office for information on pest identification and recommended controls. Methods of Protection Plants in containers can be moved into protective structures where heat can be supplied and/or trapped. Containers that must be left outdoors should be protected by mulches and pushed together before a freeze to reduce heat loss from container sidewalls. Leaves of large canopy plants may be damaged if crowded together for extended periods. Heat radiating from soil surfaces warms the air above the soil or is carried away by air currents. Radiant heat from the soil protects low growing plants on calm cold nights, while tall, open plants receive little benefit. Radiant heat loss is reduced by mulches placed around plants to protect the roots. For perennials, the root system is all that needs to be 3 protected since the plants die back to the ground annually. Coverings protect more from frost than from extreme cold. Covers that extend to the ground and are not in contact with plant foliage can lessen cold injury by reducing radiant heat loss from the plant and the ground. Foliage in contact with the cover is often injured because of heat transfer from the foliage to the colder cover. Some examples of coverings are: cloth sheets, quilts or black plastic. It is necessary to remove plastic covers during a sunny day or provide ventilation of trapped solar radiation. A light bulb under a cover is a simple method of providing heat to ornamental plants in the landscape. WHAT TO DO DURING A FREEZE Ornamental plants can be protected during a freeze by sprinkling the plants with water. Sprinkling for cold protection helps keep leaf surface temperatures near 32°F (0°C) because sprinkling utilizes latent heat released when water changes from a liquid to a solid state. Sprinkling must begin as freezing temperatures are reached and continue until thawing is completed. Water must be evenly distributed and supplied in ample quantity to maintain a film of liquid water on the foliage surfaces. Irrigation for several days may water soak the soil resulting in damaged root systems and/or plant breakage due to ice build up. Consult Extension Circular 348, Sprinkler Irrigation for Cold Protection, for more technical information on this subject. WHAT TO DO AFTER THE FREEZE Water Needs Plant water needs should be checked after a freeze. The foliage could be transpiring (losing water vapor) on a sunny day after a freeze while water in the soil or container medium is frozen. Apply water to thaw the soil and provide available water for the plant. Soils or media with high soluble salts should not be allowed to dry because salts would be concentrated into a small volume of water and can burn plant roots. Cold Protection of Ornamental Plants Pruning Severe pruning should be delayed until new growth appears to ensure that live wood is not removed. Dead, unsightly leaves may be removed as soon as they turn brown after a freeze if a high level of maintenance is desired. Cold injury may appear as a lack of spring bud break on a portion or all of the plant, or as an overall weak appearance. Branch tips may be damaged while older wood is free of injury. Cold injured wood can be identified by examining the cambium layer (food conducting tissue) under the bark for black or brown coloration. Prune these branches behind the point of discoloration. Florida homeowners enjoy a vast array of plant materials and often desire a tropical or semitropical appearance to their landscapes. Plants are often planted past their northern limit in Florida, although microclimates differ dramatically. Tropical and subtropical plants can be used effectively in the landscape, but they must be protected or replaced when necessary. A combination of tender and hardy plants should be planted in order to prevent total devastation of the landscape by extremely cold weather. 4 Cold Protection of Leatherleaf Fern Using Irrigation Dr. Robert H Stamps Mid-Florida REC - Apopka 2725 South Binion Road Apopka, FL 32703-8504 Essentially all commercial irrigation of leatherleaf fern is done using overhead irrigation systems that use impact sprinklers because these systems can be used to cold protect this subtropical crop during freezes. There are several methods and techniques that can be used to minimize the amount of water necessary for cold protecting this crop. See Reference 23 for additional cold protection information not covered below. Sprinklers Frost protection impact sprinklers having faster rotation rates (2 to 3+ revolutions per minute [rpm]) than conventional impact sprinklers (1 rpm) have been shown to provide equivalent cold protection using about 50% less water than when using conventional sprinklers (Reference 24). Dual Irrigation Systems Shadehouses equipped with two irrigation systems, one to apply water to the shade cloth and one to apply water to the crop, can be used to decrease the amount of water needed to cold protect leatherleaf fern during freeze events and to reduce the amount of crop damage during advective freezes. The over-the-shade cloth irrigation system is run just long enough to wet the cloth sufficiently so that ice can form and seal the openings. Icing of the shade cloth reduces advective and radiational heat losses. Determining When to Start/Stop Irrigation During mild radiation freezes where temperatures drop slowly over the course of the night, growers can watch for the onset of frost formation on the crop and start irrigating when frost first starts to develop. An additional technique growers can employ is to monitor immature fronds and start irrigating when the tender exposed fronds at the top of the crop canopy first begin to stiffen up, but before ice forms that causes plant damage. Fronds located in the coldest parts of the fernery should be monitored. (See Additional Factors to Consider for another water-saving technique to use during mild, calm freeze events.) During more severe freezes, irrigation water applications for cold protection should start when wet bulb temperatures in the shadehouse or hammock reach 34°F (1°C) and stop when wet bulb temperatures rise to that same temperature, or slightly higher if it is windy. Additional Factors to Consider 1 During moderate to severe freezes, irrigation water is usually applied continuously to the crop; however, intermittent water application can successfully be used to cold protect leatherleaf fern during mild radiation freezes when ambient temperatures stay in the upper 20s (above -3°C). Careful monitoring of leaf temperatures and/or leaf surfaces for unfrozen water can be used to determine when to apply additional irrigation water. As long as there is a significant amount of water on the foliage in the liquid state, additional water application is unnecessary. As the water turns to ice, heat energy is released. When the supply of liquid water on the foliage gets low due to ice formation, additional water is applied. This technique is most practical for growers with one fernery or only a few ferneries located near one another. Windbreaks and shelterbelts, when used in conjunction with irrigation water, can be beneficial in reducing cold damage during windy (advective) freezes by reducing air movement. However, temperatures inside shadehouses (prior to being cold protected) are often colder than temperatures outside shadehouses during radiation freezes. Most freeze events in Florida are the radiation type where lack of air mixing is the problem. Under these calm conditions, windbreaks and shelterbelts can make the temperature inversions caused by the stagnant air movement worse. Therefore, windbreaks that can be opened and closed are preferred so that they can be left open as long as possible during radiation freezes and closed up prior to advective freezes. 2 ENH841 Chilling Injury in Tropical Foliage Plants: I. Spathiphyllum1 J. Chen, L. Qu, R. J. Henny, C. A. Robinson, R. D. Caldwell, Y. Huang2 The genus Spathiphyllum, commonly known as Peace Lily, has about 36 species. Most species originate in Central and South America, but two have their native habitat in the Malay Archipelago. Because of their elegant white spathes, deep green foliage, and ability to tolerate low light, Peace Lily has become one of the most popular ornamental foliage plants. Spathiphyllum, like most other foliage plants with tropical origin, is sensitive to chilling temperatures. A chilling temperature can be any temperature that is cold enough to cause injury but not cold enough to freeze the plant, usually ranging from just above 32oF to 59oF. Chilling injury has been a significant cause of losses in foliage plant production, transportation, and interiorscaping. A general consensus among growers nowadays is that Spathiphyllum is relatively chilling resistant compared to other foliage plants such as Aglaonema. As a result, comparatively little attention has been given to maintaining appropriate greenhouse temperatures for this plant in winter and early spring. Also, limited information is available on how Spathiphyllum responds to chilling temperatures. A systematic evaluation of foliage plants in response to chilling temperatures has recently been initiated in our program. Here is a summary of chilling responses of 15 Spathiphyllum cultivars with emphases on chilling injury symptoms and cultivar differences in chilling resistance. Chilling Injury Symptoms Chilling injury initiated from leaf tips and edges and progressed inwardly, with injured leaf areas becoming necrotic, then turning black, and, finally, drying up completely. Symptoms appeared within 24 hours for 'Mini' and 5 days for '5598' after initial exposure to 38oF. Degree of the visual injury ranged from minor necrotic lesions on leaf tips or edges to the complete death of plants, depending on cultivars, when exposed to 38oF. In general, mature leaves were more sensitive to chilling than young leaves. Prolonged exposure to either 38oF or 45oF caused more injury than a shorter 1. This document is ENH841, a series of the Enviromental Horticulture Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Science, University of Florida. First published: September 2001. Please visit the EDIS website at 2. Jianjun Chen, Assistant Professor, Plant Physiologist, Luping Qu, former Postdoctoral Research Associate, R. J. Henny, Professor, Plant Geneticist, Cynthia A. Robinson, former Biological Scientist, and Russell D. Caldwell, Biological Scientist; Yingfeng Huang, visiting Professor at Environmental Horticulture Department, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Mid-Florida Research and Education Center, Apopka, FL 32703. Authors appreciate Agri-Starts, Inc. and Twyford Plant Laboratories, Inc. for providing plant materials for this evaluation. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. For information on obtaining other extension publications, contact your county Cooperative Extension Service office. Florida Cooperative Extension Service/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences/University of Florida/Christine Taylor Waddill, Dean. Chilling Injury in Tropical Foliage Plants: I. Spathiphyllum period of exposure at these temperatures, and injury was more pronounced at 38oF than at 45oF. Therefore, chilling injury can be lessened if preventative actions are taken to reduce either the severity or the duration of chilling, or both, during production. No visual injury occurred in plants exposed to 52 F. However, when growth indices (Growth index = [(canopy's widest width + width perpendicular) ÷ 2] x plant height) were measured 45 days after chilling, they were found to be smaller than those of the controls (Table 1), suggesting that plant growth was actually affected by chilling exposure. This could explain why some cultivars recover slowly in spring even when temperature becomes optimal and nutrient supply is adequate. o Table 1. Growth index of eight Spathiphyllum cultivars 45 o days after exposure to 52 F for 5 or 10 days in contrast to that of control plants. Days Being Chilled 2 Cultivar Differences in Chilling Resistance Distinct chilling resistance exists among Spathiphyllum cultivars with leaf area injury ranging from 2.5% to 100%. Based on the percentage of injured leaf areas, resistant cultivars are '5598', 'Annette', '0597-3', and 'Debbie'; moderately resistant: 'Viscount' and 'Classic Viscount'; intermediately resistant: 'Little Angel', 'Petite', and 'Connie'; sensitive: 'Vicki Lynn', 'Starlight', and 'Lynise'; and highly sensitive: 'Mini', 'UF576-14', and 'UF474-1' (Table 2). In summary, chilling injury in Spathiphyllum can be either visible or invisible. Visible injury ranging from necrotic lesions to complete plant death occurred when plants were exposed to 38oF or 45oF for 5 days. The reduction or delay in plant growth mainly reflects invisible injury when Spathiphyllum is exposed to 50oF. Cultivars differ significantly in resistance to chilling. Using resistant cultivars may reduce the chance of chilling injury in production and transport as well as decrease greenhouse heating costs. y 5 10 5598 370.5 223.8 200.2 Annette 283.1 227.8 181.7 Debbie 276.3 249.9 200.6 Viscount 350.6 301.9 181.5 Little Angel 265.5 215.3 199.5 Cultivar Connie 502.9 332.9 308.5 5598 2.5 Lynise 474.8 424.9 387.1 379.8 194.5 202.3 Annette 0597-3 3.0 6.1 Debbie 9.0 Cultivar 0 Mini z 2 Growth index (cm )=[(plant width 1 + plant width 2) ÷2] x plant height. y Control plants grown in a shaded greenhouse with a temperative range of 18°C to 32°C (64.4°F to 89.6°F). Compared to Aglaonema cultivars, which are often visibly injured at 50oF, Spathiphyllum cultivars indeed appear to be more resistant to chilling temperatures. Growers, however, should be particularly aware of the invisible effect of chilling in Spathiphyllum, which may be wrongly diagnosed as insufficient fertilization or other culture practices. Table 2. Classification of chilling responses of 15 Spathiphyllum cultivars based on the percentage of injured o leaf area three days after exposure to 38 F for five days. % injured leaf area Classification of chilling resistance Resistant Viscount 16.0 Moderately Classic Viscount 16.8 resistant Little Angel 34.4 Intermediately Petite Connie 35.7 35.9 resistant Vicki Lynn Starlight 56.7 58.3 Sensitive Lynise 60.2 Mini 95.5 UF576-14 100.0 UF474-1 100.0 Highly sensitive ENH843 Chilling Injury in Tropical Foliage Plants: II. Aglaonema 1 Jianjun Chen, Richard W. Henley, Richard J. Henny, Russell D. Caldwell, and Cynthia A. Robinson2 Aglaonema, commonly called Chinese Evergreen, is a member of the family Araceae and comprises 21 known species that are native to southeast Asia where they grow in the humid, heavily shaded tropical forest (Huxley, 1994). Cultivated in the East for centuries, Aglaonema was believed to bring fortune to life and probably was introduced to the western world in 1885 (Brown, 2000). Currently, Aglaonema are among the most popular tropical ornamental foliage plants because of the attractive foliar variegation, low light and humidity tolerances, and few pest problems. A major limitation in the production of Aglaonema is chilling injury when plants are exposed to temperatures from just above 32°F to 59°F (Chen, et al., 2001; Fooshee and McConnell, 1987; Henley, et al., 1998; Hummel and Henny, 1986). Chilling injury to Aglaonema may also occur during shipment, retail display, and interior decoration (Blessington and Collins, 1993; Griffith, 1998; Joiner, 1981). With recently increased release of Aglaonema cultivars, hybrids with different variegation patterns, showy petiole and stem colors, and varying growth habits have become available (Cialone, 2000). However, the response of these new cultivars to chilling temperatures is largely unknown. This report intends to summarize chilling injury symptoms in Aglaonema and cultivar differences in resistance to chilling temperatures. Twelve Aglaonema cultivars were grown in 8” pots under greenhouse conditions. After attaining marketable sizes, these plants were chilled at 35°, 45°, and 55°F for 24 hours in walk-in coolers. Chilling injury symptoms were characterized and percentages of injured leaves were determined daily for the next 10 days. Since Aglanomena's aesthetic appearance is directly related to foliage color and quality, any damage on leaves, regardless of severity, can greatly reduce its ornamental value in the market place (Chen, et al., 1998; Henley, et al., 1998). Therefore, the percentage of injured leaves was the primary parameter used to determine the sensitivity of cultivars to chilling temperatures. Chilling Injury in Aglaonema Dark and greasy patches appeared between midvein and leaf margin on the upper surface of leaves two days after chilling at 35°, 45°, or 55°F. Injured areas or individual patches were irregular, 1. This document is ENH843, a series of the Environmental Horticulture Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Science, University of Florida. First published: October 2001. Please visit the EDIS website at 2. Jianjun Chen, Assistant Professor, Plant Physiologist; Richard W. Henley, Professor Emeritus; Richard J. Henny, Professor, Plant Geneticist; Russell D. Caldwell, Biological Scientist; and Cynthia A. Robinson, former Biological Scientist at the University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Environmental Horticulture Department and Mid-Florida Research and Education Center, Apopka, FL 32703. The authors appreciate the Sunshine Foliage World, Zolfo Springs, FL and the Butler's Nursery, Miami, FL for providing initial plant materials, and also Verlite Co., Tampa, FL for providing Vergo Container Mix A. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. For information on obtaining other extension publications, contact your county Cooperative Extension Service office. Florida Cooperative Extension Service/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences/University of Florida/Christine Taylor Waddill, Dean. Chilling Injury in Tropical Foliage Plants: II. Aglaonema varying from 10% to 80% of the entire leaf area. If injured areas totaled less than 40%, leaves could stay alive for months; whereas if more than 40%, leaves could became yellow and finally abscised. The number of leaves injured continuously increased for up to 10 days, but no further injured leaves appeared 10 days later. Leaves of different maturity expressed dissimilar responses to chilling temperatures. Mature and old leaves appeared to be much more sensitive to chilling than young leaves. Among the injured leaf totals, mature leaf injury ranged from 45% to 100% and old leaves from 14% to 53%, but young leaf injury was only 0% to 6% depending on cultivar (Table 1). 2 chilling, with 30, 43, and 68% of leaves injured at 55°, 45°, and 35°F 10 days after chilling. 'Maria', a cultivar well known for its chilling resistance, was not the most resistant one tested. Ten days after chilling at 35°F, 32% of 'Maria's' leaves were injured, but there was no discernable injury on 'Emerald Star', 'Stars', or 'Jewel of India'. 'Emerald Star', 'Stars', and 'Jewel of India' were the most chilling resistant cultivars. In addition, 'Black Lance' and 'Green Lady' appeared to be slightly better than or at least equal to 'Maria' in chilling resistance. Cultivation of the resistant cultivars will reduce chilling injury and energy used for heating during production. Table 2. Percentages of injured leaves of 12 Aglaonema cultivars 10 days after 24-hour chilling at 35°F, 45°F, or 55°F. Table 1. Percentages of leaf injury categorized by leaf z maturity 10 days after 24-hour chilling at 35°F. Leaf maturity Cultivar Chilling temperature Young Mature Old Cultivar Emerald Star 0.0 0.0 0.0 Emerald Star 0.0 0.0 0.0 Stars 0.0 0.0 0.0 Stars 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jewel of India 0.0 0.0 0.0 Jewel of India 0.0 0.0 0.0 Black Lance 0.0 100.0 0.0 Maria 0.0 66.6 33.4 Black Lance 18.3 12.0 0.0 Green Lady 1.0 46.6 52.4 Maria 32.0 8.3 0.0 Green Majesty 0.0 60.2 39.8 Green Lady 34.0 9.0 0.0 Royal Queen 0.0 46.9 53.1 Green Majesty 50.0 17.3 4.7 Moonshine 2.5 50.1 47.4 Silver Queen 4.7 54.4 40.9 Royal Queen 51.0 34.1 14.0 Manila Pride 0.0 85.6 14.4 Moonshine 54.0 10.0 2.0 Silver Frost 6.5 45.4 48.1 Silver Queen 68.3 37.7 29.7 Manila Pride 73.0 15.3 13.3 Silver Frost 80.0 4.7 0.0 z Young: the most recently fully expanded leaves up to and including the newest unfurled leaf; mature: leaves immediately below the young leaves down to the old leaves; and old: about three to four basal leaves. The sum of the percentage of injured young, mature, and old leaves equals to 100%. Cultivar Differences in Chilling Resistance Cultivars were significantly different in resistance to chilling temperatures (Table 2). 'Silver Queen', one of the most popular cultivars in the foliage plant industry, was extremely sensitive to 35°F 45°F 55°F Cultivars also differ in their sensitivity to critical chilling temperature, i. e. a temperature at which chilling injury occurs (Table 2). For example, 10 days after chilling, 'Silver Frost' had no injury at 55°F and only 5% leaf injury at 45°F, but 80% of the leaves were injured when exposed to 35°F. A similar pattern occurred in 'Maria' and 'Green Lady'. In contrast, 'Silver Queen' and 'Royal Queen' had 30% and 14% injured leaves, respectively, 10 days after chilling at 55°F. Implications are that critical Chilling Injury in Tropical Foliage Plants: II. Aglaonema chilling temperatures of 'Silver Frost', 'Maria', and 'Green Lady' are around 45°F, whereas critical temperatures of 'Silver Queen' and 'Royal Queen' are above 55°F. Critical chilling temperature distinctions are potentially important in Aglaonema production because growers will be able to manage their greenhouse temperatures based on cultivar-dependent chilling temperature sensitivity ranges. In summary, chilling injury in Aglaonema was characterized by dark and greasy-appearing patches on injured leaves. Young leaves appeared to be more resistant to chilling temperatures than either mature or old leaves. Significant chilling resistance exists among Aglaonema cultivars, a genus considered extremely sensitive to chilling temperatures. 'Emerald Star', 'Stars', and 'Jewel of India' withstood exposure to 35°F without injury, whereas 'Silver Queen' was injured at 55°F. In addition, cultivars differed in their sensitivity to critical chilling temperatures. Use of resistant cultivars may greatly reduce the chance of chilling injury during production and transportation and also conserve energy used for greenhouse heating. However, if chilling-sensitive cultivars must be grown, greenhouse facilities should allow for maintaining temperature above 60°F. Literature Cited Blessington, T.M. and Collons, P.C. 1993. Foliage Plants: Prolonged Quality, Postproduction Care and Handling. Ball Publishing, Batavia, IL. Brown, D. 2000. Aroids: Plants of the Arum Family. Second Edition. Timber Press. Portland. OR. Chen, J., Henley, R.W., Henny, R.J., Caldwell, R.D., and Robinson, C.A. 1998. A simple leaf-assay method for evaluating Aglaonema sensitivity to chilling temperatures. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 111:43-46. Chen, J., Henny, R.J., McConnell, D.B., and Nell, T.A. 2001. Cultivar differences in interior performances of acclimatized foliage plants. Acta Horticulturae 543:135-140. 3 Cialone, J. 2000. New Chinese evergreen cultivars for the interiorscape. Ohio Florists' Assoc. Bull. No. 847:1, 9-10. Fooshee, W.C. and McConnell, D.B. 1987. Response of Aglaonema 'Silver Queen' to nighttime chilling temperatures. HortScience 22:254-255. Griffith, L.P. 1998. Tropical Foliage Plants: A Grower's Guide. Ball Publishing, Batavia, IL. Henley, R.W., Henny, R.J., and Chen, J. 1998. Chilling injury on twenty Aglaonema Cultivars. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Conf. 43:117-121. Hummel, R.L. and Henny, R.J. 1986. Variation in sensitivity to chilling injury within the genus Aglaonema. HortScience 21:291-293. Huxley, A. 1994. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. The Macmillon Press Ltd, London. Joiner, J.N. 1981. Foliage Plant Production. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. ENH-92 Treating Cold-Damaged Palms1 Alan W. Meerow2 Cold weather slows down the growth of palms, reduces the activity of the roots, and often weakens the plant to the point where a disease can become active and kill the palm. Severe cold damage from frost or freezing temperatures destroy plant tissues and may severely reduce water conduction in the trunk for years. Often the only above-ground portion of a cold-damaged palm that is still alive is the protected bud. As warmer weather returns, primary or secondary plant pathogens often attack weakened plants through damaged tissue. Possible Preventative Action The secondary plant pathogens that cause death of the bud soon after freeze damage are, in most cases, bacteria that are present on healthy palm tissue at low levels, but become a problem only after the damage is received. Consequently, there may be value in applying a preventative spray of fungicidal copper before freezing temperatures are reached in order to reduce these bacteria populations to the lowest levels possible. This strategy has not been tested, however, under controlled conditions. It is evident that palm tissue deficient in one or more essential plant nutrients is less tolerant of exposure to freezing temperatures. Thus, it is important that palms receive a balanced fertilization in late summer or early fall to insure that foliar nutrient levels are near optimum as winter approaches. Protecting the Damaged Palm While Waiting for Warm Weather Figure 1. Severe cold damage. To avoid attacks by primary or secondary plant pathogens, it is important that steps be taken to insure protection of the healthy bud until active growth resumes. 1. This document is ENH-92, one of a series of the Environmental Horticulture Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Original publication date December 1992. Reviewed October 2003. Visit the EDIS Web Site at 2. Alan W. Meerow, associate professor, Palm and Tropical Ornamentals Specialist, Environmental Horticulture Department, Ft. Lauderdale Agricultural Research and Education Center (AREC), Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville FL 32611. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function with non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A. & M. University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating. Larry Arrington, Dean Treating Cold-Damaged Palms Remove the cold-damaged portion of the leaves. Leaves should not be completely removed if they are green (even if they are spotted from the cold). The green intact portions of the palm are important to assure adequate photosynthesis during the recovery stage. Disease Control 1. Immediately after pruning, spray the palms with a fungicide containing copper at the recommended rate. The use of fungicide is recommended only for palms not bearing edible fruit. Include a spreader sticker. 2. Repeat the copper spray 10 days after the first treatment or use another broad spectrum fungicide. Contact your county agent for current fungicide recommendations. In all cases, these sprays must cover the damaged tissue and healthy bud thoroughly. Copper sprays should not be repeated more than twice because of the possibility of copper phytotoxicity. 3. Palms growing in containers may benefit from a soil drench of fungicides that suppress root diseases. Contact your county agent for current recommendations of available fungicide formulations. 4. Occasionally, cold damage is so severe or disease has already progressed to the point where the spear leaf becomes loose and pulls out easily. With these palms, there is still a chance of recovery if the meristem (growth point) is alive. To treat these palms, remove as much dead and decaying material from around the bud as possible so it can dry out. Drench with a copper fungicide in the bud using the force of the sprayer to clean out the bud as much as possible. Follow up ten days later. Nutrients Warmer weather promotes rapid growth and this helps the palms recover. After the two initial sprays, a monthly application of soluble nutrients should be applied to the leaves. The following formulation has been tested by the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Other products containing similar nutrients should work equally as well: 2 • 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon per gallon S.T.E.M.® (Peter's Soluble Trace Element Mix) Spreader sticker Cryptic Cold Damage Palms that were severely damaged during the winter should be watched carefully during the subsequent spring and summer seasons. Damage to embryonic leaves within the bud may not show up until those leaves emerge (as much as six months to one year after the freeze). If leaves emerging during the spring and summer months appear deformed, partially, browned or otherwise abnormal, this may be indicative of this type of damage. In most cases, the palm will grow out of this later in the season. Figure 2. deformed, partially, browned or otherwise abnormal. Freeze damage to conducting tissue in the trunk may limit the ability of the palm to supply water to the canopy of leaves. Unlike typical broad-leafed trees, palms have no ability to regenerate conducting tissue in the trunk. Sudden collapse of some (or even all) of the leaves in the crown during the first periods of high temperature in the spring or summer after a winter freeze may indicate that this type of trunk damage has occurred. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done to remedy this, and loss of the palm will be inevitable. Conclusion The above steps will help reduce loss from cold damage and speed up recovery. Nutrient sprays should continue into the summer if the plants are young or newly established in the landscape. Older palms will benefit from a soil application of a Treating Cold-Damaged Palms granular palm fertilizer in the spring that is repeated every three to four months. 3 ENH80 Low Temperature Damage to Turf1 L.E. Trenholm2 Injury to warm-season turfgrasses often occurs when temperatures drop below 20°F (-6.7°C). In general, major winter injury to turfgrass is caused by the following: 1) tissue desiccation, 2) direct low temperature kill, 3) diseases, and 4) traffic effects. For example, damage from the 1989-90 freeze can probably be attributed to poor cultural practices which weakened turf and made it more susceptible to injury or death from low temperatures. Subsequent damage may also have resulted from effects of traffic on frozen turf. Reasons for Temperature Damage Most warm-season grasses have very poor cold tolerance ratings when compared to cool-season grasses. Due to lower fall temperatures and reduced daylengths, warm-season grasses enter a state of dormancy, evidenced by brown, dead shoot tissue, which is maintained throughout the winter in north Florida. In central Florida, a growth and metabolism reduction, rather than an actual dormancy, may be seen. This death of shoot tissue or lack of growth does not generally indicate that the grass is not going to recover; instead, this is a natural state and provides protection for the grass when faced with cold temperatures. In cases of severe freezing temperatures, some grasses may suffer irreversible damage, and use of these grasses should be limited to warmer climates. For instance, St. Augustinegrass, which generally exhibits poor cold tolerance, is not used as extensively in north Florida as other grasses, and is used less as you progress into northern Georgia. Cultural factors that tend to promote cold injury include: poor drainage (soil compaction), excessive thatch, reduced lighting, excessive fall nitrogen fertilization, and a close mowing height. The weather pattern preceding a severe and sudden cold wave also influences a turf's low temperature tolerance. In general, if turf has had several frosts prior to a drastic temperature drop, it has been better `conditioned' to survive. The 1989-90 cold snap in much of north and central Florida was preceded by three to five frosts. These helped increase carbohydrates and proteins in plants that enabled crown tissue to withstand cold temperatures without severe membrane disruption. The freezes that occurred in the early 1980s did not have these preconditioning periods, resulting in severe damage. In this case, grasses were still green, and protective crown tissue was succulent and therefore susceptible to cold temperatures. Shaded areas may suffer more intense cold damage. Shade (low light intensity) prevents normal daytime soil warming; therefore, these areas stay colder for longer periods of time, and more low 1. This document is Fact Sheet ENH-80, a series of the Environmental Horticulture Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. First published: May 1991. Revised: May 2000. Please visit the EDIS web site at 2. L.E. Trenholm, Assistant Professor, Extension Turfgrass Specialist, Environmental Horticulture Department, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. For information on obtaining other extension publications, contact your county Cooperative Extension Service office. Florida Cooperative Extension Service/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences/University of Florida/Christine Taylor Waddill, Dean. Low Temperature Damage to Turf 2 temperature damage may occur. Shade also reduces the plant's ability to produce carbohydrates needed for increased cold tolerance. Regardless of turfgrass species selected, the following management practices can help minimize cold temperature damage. Traffic (foot or vehicular) may further increase injury to cold damaged turf. Traffic should not be allowed on frozen turf until the soil and plants have completely thawed. Syringing the area lightly prior to allowing traffic on it will help reduce frozen turf injury associated with traffic. Recently planted (sprigged, sodded, or seeded) grasses can expect to be more severely damaged by cold. Because roots are less developed and shoot tissue more tender, overall stress tolerance is reduced in just-planted grasses. To minimize cold damage, particularly in north Florida, delay fall planting of grasses until spring or early summer. In south Florida, grasses may be planted year-round, but care should be taken to protect immature turf from occasional cold temperatures. Assessing the Extent of Injury Symptoms of direct low temperature damage includes leaves that initially appear wilted. They may subsequently take on a water-soaked look, turning whitish brown and then progressing to a dark brown. Damaged leaves are not turgid and tend to mat over the soil, often emitting a distinct putrid odor. Areas hardest hit are usually poorly drained ones such as soil depressions. If you suspect your grass has experienced cold damage, take several 4 to 5 inch diameter plugs from suspected areas and place them in a warm area for regrowth. A greenhouse or warm windowsill should suffice. Observe these for 30 days or until growth resumes. If good regrowth occurs, then little damage is assumed. If regrowth is absent or sporadic, then some degree of damage was sustained. Selection of Cold-Hardy Grasses Within the warm-season grasses, the most cold-hardy species is zoysiagrass, followed in descending order by bermudagrass, bahiagrass, centipedegrass, seashore paspalum, carpetgrass, and St. Augustinegrass. Within these species, there are different degrees of cold tolerance between cultivars. For instance, centipedegrass cultivars 'Oklawn,' 'Tifblair,' and especially 'TennTurf' have good cold tolerance. In St. Augustinegrasses, 'Raleigh,' 'Bitterblue,' 'Seville,' and 'Jade' generally exhibit the best cold tolerance, while 'Floratam,' 'Floralawn,' and 'Floratine' are more susceptible to cold temperatures. Management Practices to Minimize Cold Damage Fertility can also influence cold tolerance. Late season (late September in north Florida, after mid October in the central and southern regions) application of nitrogen will promote shoot growth in the fall, when the grass growth and metabolism are slowing down. Fall shoot growth will deplete carbohydrate reserves, which help the grass regrow from any stress, and tender shoots are less able to tolerate adverse conditions such as cold. Therefore, late-season application of nitrogen is not recommended. Potassium fertility in the fall has been shown to enhance cold tolerance and promote earlier spring greenup of grass. Application of potassium at the rate of 1/2 to 1 lb. per 1000 square feet is recommended for the last fertilization of the year. Effects of shade can increase cold damage. Because shaded areas do not become as warm as areas in full sun, injury in these areas may be more severe. Compacted soils also remain cooler than well-drained areas, which increases the probability of cold temperature damage. See Environmental Horticulture and Soil and Water Science Department factsheets for more information on relieving soil compaction. Increasing mowing height can reduce cold injury in a number of ways. First, it will promote deeper rooting, which is one factor always associated with greater stress tolerance. It will also allow for production and storage of more carbohydrates late in Low Temperature Damage to Turf the summer. In addition, higher mowing heights can create a warmer micro-environment due to extra canopy cover provided by longer leaf tissue. Because cold damage may initially resemble drought stress, people sometimes feel that additional water may be needed. Overall, correct irrigation practices can alleviate many stresses faced by turf, but as the grass goes into dormancy, water needs are reduced. Spring Greenup Unless your turfgrass has been subjected to unusually cold or freezing temperatures for long periods, or your management practices have augmented the effects of the temperatures, your grass should begin to green up as temperatures and day lengths increase in the spring. At this time, recommended fertility, irrigation, and mowing practices should be resumed for the best health of your lawn all season. 3 HS968 Protecting Blueberries from Freezes in Florida 1 P.M. Lyrene and J.G. Williamson 2 Dormancy and Cold Hardiness Most temperate zone plants, including blueberry, enter a dormant period during late fall and winter characterized by no growth and greatly reduced metabolic activity of above ground parts. This dormant condition is a defense mechanism which enables plants to survive cold. The development of dormancy and cold hardiness is a gradual process which begins in late fall or early winter in Florida. In response to shorter days and lower temperatures during the fall, growth of blueberry plants slows, dormancy begins to develop, and cold hardiness increases. Even before cold temperatures occur, blueberries develop a certain amount of cold hardiness. Exposure to cool temperatures greatly accelerates dormancy development and increases cold hardiness. Later in the winter, as temperatures continue to drop, cold hardiness continues to increase. Fully dormant blueberry plants are quite cold hardy and seldom suffer serious damage from cold weather in Florida. Once fully dormant, a blueberry plant must be exposed to a period of cool temperatures before it will break dormancy and grow normally the following spring. This is a result of its chilling requirement. Each cultivar has its own characteristic chilling requirement. The amount of chilling that blueberry plants receive in Florida varies considerably from year to year. Temperatures needed to satisfy the chilling requirement are generally considered to be between 32°F and 45°F. However, keeping track of chill hours is more complicated than merely recording the number of hours between 32°F and 45°F. Exposure to one hour of temperatures either slightly above or below the optimum chilling temperature can result in some chill accumulation. The farther from the optimum temperature, the smaller the fraction. At temperatures below freezing, no chilling accumulation occurs. Loss of accumulated chilling can occur with exposure to very warm temperatures. Temperatures between 32°F and 45°F appear to be most effective at satisfying the chilling requirement of blueberries, but temperatures between 45°F and 55°F contribute something to chilling and temperatures above 70°F between mid-November and mid-February probably negate some chilling. Another factor which can affect chill accumulation in blueberries is the presence of leaves during chilling. Blueberry plants in Florida often retain some of their leaves throughout much of the winter, especially in southern Florida. These plants 1. This document is HS968, one of a series of the Department of Horticultural Sciences, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Original publication date: May 2004. Please visit the EDIS Web site at 2. P.M. Lyrene, professor, and J.G. Williamson, professor, Horticultural Sciences Department, Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Employment Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. For information on obtaining other extension publications, contact your county Cooperative Extension Service office. Florida Cooperative Extension Service / Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences / University of Florida / Larry R. Arrington, Interim Dean Protecting Blueberries from Freezes in Florida will not accumulate chilling as quickly as defoliated plants. Once chilling is satisfied, warm temperatures cause vegetative and floral buds to initiate growth. In Florida, most blueberry cultivars initiate flower bud growth before vegetative bud growth. As flower buds pass through the developmental stages from dormant buds to fully open flowers, they become more susceptible to cold. Experiments suggest that swollen rabbiteye flowers (Spiers stage 3) can withstand temperatures as low as 25°F, but some may be killed at 21°F, or lower. Buds which had opened to the point where individual flowers were distinguishable can be killed by temperatures of 25°F, and buds with expanded corollas are often damaged or killed at 28°F. Even a slight freeze can cause severe damage to fully open flower buds. Freezes and Freeze Protection Freezes during February, March, and April are a much greater problem for Florida blueberry growers than was anticipated 20 years ago. With a shift toward earlier-ripening cultivars, both rabbiteye and southern highbush blueberry crop losses from freezes have increased significantly. This is compounded by the fact that many blueberry plantings have been established in cold pockets to take advantage of soils that are higher in organic matter. Today, freezes are probably the number one production problem for Florida blueberry growers. Several factors affect the severity of damage to blueberry plants, flowers, and fruit in particular freezes. Some of these factors are fairly well understood; others have received little study. Temperature, Wind Speed, and Dew Point A low dew point is always worse than a high dew point. Dry air loses heat faster after sunset. Water vapor in all levels of the atmosphere radiates heat to the earth's surface and partially off-sets the heat being lost by radiation from the ground. Moist air increases the amount of frost formed and increases the amount of latent heat released in the field at night. If the air is very dry and there is not much wind, flowers can become several degrees colder than the air, and low humidity increases evaporative cooling 2 when irrigation is run. Wind can be bad or good. If overhead irrigation is being applied, wind is a serious problem, because it increases evaporative cooling, removes heat from the field, and interferes with the even distribution of the water. If water is not being applied, the wind is beneficial. It prevents formation of a cold pool of air near the ground beneath the inversion and it prevents the flowers and berries from becoming colder than the air that surrounds them. On still nights, flowers and berries lose heat faster than the air and become colder than the air. Open blueberry flowers have sometimes survived temperatures as low as 26°F when the wind blew steadily through the night with no calm periods, whereas flowers in the same stage of development are often killed at 28°F when there is little or no wind and the dew point is below 26°F. Plant Tissue and Stage of Hardiness Young blueberry plants are sometimes damaged in field nurseries during late fall and winter if they have not been properly hardened. New spring vegetative flushes can be killed by the same temperatures that kill open flowers and fruit. Completely dormant branches and flower buds are very cold-hardy in midwinter. However, any January warmth promotes growth and expansion of the flower buds, and some loss of hardiness accompanies each subsequent stage of flower bud development. Styles, ovary tissue, ovules, corollas, and pedicels are similar in their freezing points, but some marginal freezes may kill the styles but not the corollas, or the ovules but not the ovaries. The relative sensitivity of these organs seems to vary from one freeze to another. A partial crop can sometimes be rescued by spraying gibberellic acid on the ovaries of flowers whose styles or ovules have been killed by marginal freezes. However, GA-rescued fruit develop slower, produce smaller berries, and ripen later than fruit with viable ovaries which makes the rescued crop much less profitable for Florida growers who rely on high prices for early-market fresh fruit. If the dew point is high, and the temperature is only slightly below freezing, open blueberry flowers may be heavily coated with frost with no damage to any flower parts. On the other hand, if the air is dry, flowers may be killed with no frost on the plants, even on still nights. Protecting Blueberries from Freezes in Florida Physical Conditions in the Field Pine bark mulch culture can lower the air temperature at flower level in blueberry fields by as much as 5°F on calm nights with low dew points. Pine bark beds on hillsides with excellent air drainage would probably be less problematic. If the dew point is high, the pine bark has less cooling effect. The effect of thoroughly wetting the pine bark the afternoon before the freeze has not been studied. Dry soil and any weeds, alive or dead, lower the temperature in the field. Any object in the field on which frost can form, might be expected to lower the temperature of the blueberry plants by contributing to the dehydration of the air during the night. Dry soil lowers the temperature compared to wet soil by two mechanisms. First, dry soil provides little moisture to replenish the water vapor that is lost from the air by frost formation. This allows the temperature and dew point in the field to continue to fall after dew and frost begin to form. Second, dry soil conducts heat poorly from the warm depths of the soil to the cold surface. Wet soil has been reported to have a temperature conductivity approximately 8 times greater than that of dry sand. The lay of the land, with respect to elevation and air drainage patterns, greatly affects field temperatures on calm nights with low dew point, but is less important as the wind and/or dew point increase. Weather Conditioning Before the Freeze The ability of citrus leaves and stems to harden in response to several weeks during which night temperatures fall below about 50°F before a freeze is well known. Experienced blueberry growers are convinced that blueberry flowers and flower buds at all stages of development also have some ability to increase their cold hardiness in response to cold days preceding the freeze. This phenomenon merits further study in blueberry. Blueberry Variety It has long been known by growers that flowers and developing flower buds of rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium ashei Reade) are less cold hardy than highbush buds and flowers at the same stages of development. Among southern highbush cultivars, which are advanced-generation interspecific hybrids 3 between a deciduous, northern blueberry species (Vaccinium corymbosum from New Jersey) and an evergreen blueberry species from the Florida peninsula (V. darrowi Camp), there appears to be wide variation in flower bud cold tolerance. Just prior to anthesis, the range in killing temperatures of flowers of different varieties at similar stages of development in the field appears to be on the order of 2 or 3°F. Passive Freeze Protection Several strategies can be used to reduce crop loss from freezes. Some are more practical than others. Cultivar Selection The freeze risk to a blueberry crop can be reduced greatly by planting cultivars that flower late. For example, late-flowering rabbiteye cultivars such as Powderblue, Brightwell and Tifblue seldom suffer significant crop damage from freezes at the research farm in Gainesville. However, over a period of many years at the same location, Sharpblue, Misty and other early-flowering southern highbush cultivars averaged losses over 60% unless they were protected with overhead irrigation. Unfortunately, late-flowering cultivars tend to ripen later than those that flower early, and, at present, cultivars that ripen before prices fall around May 20 usually flower before the last hard freezes on north Florida farmland. Site Selection Both advective and radiation freezes have damaged blueberry fruit and flowers in Florida. Advective freezes occur when a cold air mass moves rapidly into Florida, usually accompanied by moderate to high winds. During an advective freeze, temperatures at a particular latitude in Florida tend to be similar from farm to farm. The exception might be for areas located immediately down wind from a large lake, which could be a few degrees warmer than surrounding areas. During an advective freeze, temperatures are gradually warmer the farther southeast you are in peninsular Florida. The farther south and east, the less likely it is that temperatures will be low enough to freeze berries while the wind is blowing. This is important because the combination Protecting Blueberries from Freezes in Florida of wind and freezing temperatures is the hardest situation to combat when cold protecting blueberries. Radiation freezes occur on clear, cold nights when there is little or no wind. Heat is radiated from the Earth to the open sky. Under these conditions, large temperature differences can develop over short distances due to differences in elevation. Hill tops may be 5 to 10 degrees F warmer than low ground at the same latitude. Hilltops in the northern part of peninsular Florida may be warmer than cold pockets 200 miles farther south. Traditionally, Florida blueberry farms have been planted on low, cold land because soils there are high in organic matter. There is increasing interest in planting blueberries on high ridge land, circumventing the soil problem either by growing plants in pine bark, or by adding enough peat to the soil to obtain good growth. 4 indicated by the table. In Alachua county, blueberry crops have occasionally been lost between February 20 and March 20, even in fields protected with overhead irrigation at a rate of 0.2 inches per hour. Temperatures of 26°F combined with 15 mph winds and low humidities exceed the protection capabilities of such a system, even though the same amount of water would protect flowers down to 18°F with no wind. Pruning If done at the right time of the year, pruning can delay flowering by 1 to 2 weeks. Growers who often lose their crops in freezes can delay flowering by pruning immediately after harvest and providing conditions that promote vegetative growth during summer and fall. Flower buds produced on vigorous shoots that result from pruning in late May and early June will mature later in the fall and flower later the following spring. Freeze Protection Methods Overhead irrigation systems, designed for freeze protection with diesel, rather than electric, pumps are the most widely used and practical method of reducing blueberry fruit losses to freezes in Florida (Fig. 1). Large volumes of water must be pumped to get good protection. The number of gallons per minute needed to protect one acre depends on the temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, and the design of the system. Table 1 adapted from Gerber and Martsolf (Circular 287, Florida Agricultural Extension Service) attempts to describe the relationships between minimum temperature/windspeed combinations and water application rates needed for protection during a freeze. However, this table does not consider the water vapor content of the air. With unusually dry air, higher water application rates will be needed than Figure 1. Blueberry field protected with overhead irrigation during a freeze. Some growers have designed systems that can be quickly altered to deliver 0.4 inch of water per hour by changing riser heads. A practical system might be able to deliver 0.25 inch per hour over 10 acres or 0.4 inch per hour over 6 acres. In most years, the entire 10 acres could be protected. In years with severe late freezes, 4 acres could be allowed to freeze so that the other 6 acres could be given maximum protection. Before installing an irrigation system, seek advice from an irrigation specialist. Protecting Blueberries from Freezes in Florida Best use of an irrigation system for freeze protection requires experience and close attention to the weather. Blueberry flowers and fruit will not freeze if temperatures in a weather bureau shelter located alongside the plants at the same height as the flowers stay 32 degrees F or above. Frost on the grass between the rows does not necessarily mean that flowers are damaged since on humid nights, frost can form when temperatures in the weather shelter are as high as 36 degrees F. With a clear sky and no wind, a thermometer placed open to the sky will read about 2°F colder than the same thermometer at the same height in a weather shelter. By placing several thermometers throughout a blueberry field, one can learn a lot about the temperature distribution patterns in that field during radiation freezes. If or when to turn on the irrigation system during a cold night can sometimes be difficult decisions to make. The answer depends on such factors as the capabilities of the irrigation system, state of development of the crop, relative humidity, temperature, and wind speed. Some of these factors can not be predicted with certainty. The following guidelines should be helpful in most but not necessarily in every situation. First, the system should not be used on nights where the temperature-wind combination produces conditions more extreme than the system was designed to handle. Refer to a reliable forecast and Table 1 to determine whether or not the system should be used. Calm Nights If there is no wind predicted and a decision is made to run the system, it is usually turned on when a thermometer, hung under the open sky from a bare branch in the coldest part of the field reaches 32°F. However, if the dew point temperature is below 25°F, the system should be turned on at 34°F, which will probably be only about half an hour before the temperature reaches 32°F. The temperature has a great tendency to fall to within 1 degree of the dew point on clear, calm nights. If the dew point is 26°F or lower and frost forms on flowers or berries, they will be killed. If the dew point temperature is 30°F or above and frost forms on flowers or berries, they may not be damaged. During the morning following 5 the freeze, if there is no wind and the sun is shining brightly, the irrigation can be turned off when icicles are falling rapidly from the plants and have been falling for more than half an hour. Never turn off the irrigation before icicles are falling no matter what the temperature. If the dew point temperature is below 20°F, continue running irrigation until the shaded air temperature rises to 40°F. If it is windy and the dew point is 26°F or below, do not turn off the irrigation until most of the icicles have fallen. Windy Nights For windy freezes, the decisions about whether or not to run irrigation become complicated. Table 1 provides guidelines for determining the amount of water required to protect fruit at various temperature/wind speed combinations. However, the values in Table 1 assume normal relative humidity. If relative humidity is very low, as sometimes happens when a cold dry air mass moves into Florida, the values in Table1 may underestimate the amount of water needed for adequate freeze protection. Paying attention to the dew point temperatures during various nights of freeze protection will help take the mystery out of why crops are sometimes saved when it seemed too cold and windy and why crops may be lost when it seemed they should have been saved. Overhead Irrigation the Afternoon or Evening Before a Freeze Experienced fruit growers have long known that irrigating their fields the afternoon before an expected freeze can sometimes reduce the damage caused by the freeze. There are four situations in which this practice is potentially useful to blueberry growers. First Situation It is a calm afternoon, and minimum temperatures are forecast to be on the borderline between damaging and safe. A wet ground may allow Protecting Blueberries from Freezes in Florida the grower to avoid having to turn on the system during the night. In such situations, even minimum overhead irrigation during the night should be effective in preventing damage, but there are disadvantages to irrigating on frost nights, and being able to avoid a run is highly desirable. If the temperature does become critical during the night, a wet ground will reduce the probability that damage will occur before the system is turned on. Second Situation The dew point is low and the wind speed is expected to be erratic during the night. Or, temperatures are expected to fall to or below the damaging point with light winds, with a rising wind expected later in the night. Even though a rising wind in the night is frequently bringing in colder, drier air behind a secondary cold front, the effect may be to raise the temperature of the blueberry flowers, as cold surface air is mixed with warmer air above the inversion and the wind raises the flower temperature to the temperature of the surrounding air. On some occasions, growers may be able to protect the crop with overhead irrigation before the wind increases, but lose the crop due to evaporative cooling after the wind begins. On the other hand, dry plants might have survived the cold wind without damage, but could not survive the lower temperatures that occurred before the wind broke the inversion. On some such nights, fields that have been thoroughly wet late in the afternoon before the freeze have escaped damage because a higher temperature was maintained before the wind began, whereas crops were lost in dry fields that were not irrigated at all and in fields in which irrigation was run throughout the night. Third Situation The grower lacks sufficient pumping capacity to protect the entire acreage against a freeze of the expected severity. A decision is made to change the sprinkler heads to a larger orifice diameter in half of the field and close off the valve to the other half. It may be possible to reduce damage in the half that cannot be irrigated during the night by thoroughly wetting the soil during the afternoon before the freeze. 6 Fourth Situation This may be the most common situation in which growers could improve their crops by adopting a practice that is seldom being used at present. Frequently, during January and early February, after blueberry flower buds have begun to swell in response to warm periods in the winter, a freeze will occur in which the dew point is so low, the air so cold, and the probability of some wind during the night so high that no experienced grower would choose to run the irrigation at night for fear of causing massive damage from evaporative cooling, frozen emitters, broken branches, and uprooted plants. Furthermore, many of the flower buds may still be quite dormant, and will survive if nothing is done. Frequently, in late January, the flower buds may show a wide range of developmental stages. For example, 20% of the buds might be killed if the temperature falls to 24°F, an additional 20% will be killed if it falls to 21°F, an additional 20% will be killed at 18°F, and 20% would survive 16°F. A low-risk strategy for the grower would be to thoroughly wet the ground the afternoon before freezing temperatures began, with the goal of raising minimum temperatures in the field by two or three degrees and reducing the fraction of the crop lost. Because fruit prices are often higher in years with light crops, and because blueberry plants can sometimes partially compensate losses in fruit number by increasing fruit size, saving part of the crop could be quite rewarding for the grower. Alternative Freeze Protection Methods Wind machines and helicopters have been used to some extent to protect blueberry crops from freezes in Florida. Both are based on the fact that on clear calm nights a strong temperature inversion develops, in which temperatures within 6 feet of the ground may become much colder than temperatures 50 to 100 feet above the ground. By mixing these air layers, wind can raise the temperature near the ground by about 4°F, the exact amount varying with the strength of the temperature inversion and the effectiveness of the air mixing. On nights with wind, wind machines and helicopters cannot warm an orchard because no temperature inversion develops. Protecting Blueberries from Freezes in Florida Many windy freezes occur in Florida during January and February which usually coincides with the southern highbush bloom period. A single wind machine will normally provide a maximum heating of about 5°F over an area of about 10 acres. The cost of installing and maintaining a wind machine is fairly high, but the cost of running one is comparatively low, about eight gallons of gasoline per hour. A single helicopter can provide a similar degree of heating over an area of about 40 acres, so long as it is constantly flying. A problem with helicopters, apart from their high cost, is how to keep them continuously in the air on freeze nights. Scheduling problems, pilot fatigue, mechanical breakdowns, and the need to refuel can interrupt service. Wind machines are commonly used in some fruit producing areas of the World. They are seldom used on blueberries in Florida but might be practical at the south end of the production area in Florida. Orchard heaters, which burn fuel oil, were widely used to protect citrus trees from freezing before fuel prices became prohibitive. They are also effective, but expensive, in protecting blueberry crops. On a still night, 24 grove heaters per acre will heat a citrus grove by about 5°F. These heaters burn a gallon of fuel per hour and fuel costs can be over $300 per acre for a single night. High fuel costs have prevented widespread use of grove heaters for freeze protection in Florida blueberries. 7 Protecting Blueberries from Freezes in Florida 8 Table 1. Suggested overhead irrigation application rates for cold protection of blueberries under different wind and temperature conditions. Minimum Temperature Expected Wind Speed in M.P.H. 0 to 1 2 to 4 5 to 8 10 to 12 Application Rate (inches/hour) 1 27 °F 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.1 26 °F 0.10 0.10 0.14 0.2 24 °F 22 °F 0.10 0.12 0.16 0.24 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.6 20 °F 0.16 0.3 0.6 0.8 18 °F 0.20 0.4 0.7 1.0 15 °F 0.26 0.5 0.9 --- Dry air accompanied by wind will require higher application rates than indicated for a given temperature/wind speed combination. From Gerber and Martsolf, Extension Circular 287, Florida Agricultural Extension Service. HS911 Frost and Freeze Protection for Vegetable Crops Grown in Florida in the BMP Era1 Eric Simonne and George Hochmuth2 This publication is one of a series entitled Fertilizer and Irrigation Management in the BMP Era. This series is divided into nine principles described in the Introduction Chapter (HOS-897). This publication is part of Principle 5, "Irrigation Amount Must Reflect Crop Water Use ... No More, No Less." BMP implementation requires a global approach to production management. However, for presentation purposes, each aspect of vegetable production is described in a separate publication. Protecting crops from occasional frost and freezes has been a continual problem for vegetable growers throughout Florida. Several options are available including sprinkler irrigation, soil banking, row covers, raising water table, and cover crops. Working Definition Frost and freeze protection consists of various methods to protect plants from damage from freezing temperatures. Frost and Freeze Protection - Things to Do • Water freezes at 32° F, while most fleshy plant tissue freezes at lower temperatures (approximately 28° F). Know the temperature threshold below which crop damage will occur. • The best method of frost-freeze protection is proper site selection. Visualizing the flow of cold air, as if it were water, and its possible buildup in low spots or behind cold air dams is the most effective site selection method. If a site has good cold air drainage, then it is likely a good production site as far as frost-freeze damage is concerned. • Use soil banking (covering the crop with soil) for crops such as potatoes which have large energy reserves in the seed piece to grow out from the soil covering. • Early melons, sweet corn, or beans may be planted in a small trench to protect seedlings from frost by the warm surrounding soil mass. 1. This document is HS911, one of a series of the Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Publication date: January 2003. Please visit the EDIS Web site at 2. Eric Simonne, assistant professor, George Hochmuth, center director, NFREC-Quincy, Horticultural Sciences Department, Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, 32611. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. For information on obtaining other extension publications, contact your county Cooperative Extension Service office. Florida Cooperative Extension Service/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences/University of Florida/Christine Taylor Waddill, Dean. Frost and Freeze Protection for Vegetable Crops Grown in Florida in the BMP Era • When possible, use high beds to prevent the crop from being exposed to water logging conditions when overhead irrigation is used for frost protection. • Row covers (crop covers) can be used for frost and freeze protection. Depending on the thickness of the cover, protection to 25° F is possible. • Sprinkler irrigation uses the heat released when water changes from liquid to ice to warm the air around the plant leaves. Water must be continuously provided to protect the plant. Enough water must be used to compensate for all heat losses. Sprinkler irrigation is less effective under windy conditions. • Monitor crop nutritional status after repeated frost protection since mobile nutrients may leach or their oxidation state may have changed. • Follow weather advisory reports; know air temperature and wind factor when deciding to freeze protect. Irrigation System Design for Freeze/Frost Protection - Things to Do • Design the irrigation system for high uniformity of water application. Wind adversely affects the uniformity of water applied through an overhead sprinkler system. • The sprinkler pattern should overlap the adjacent sprinkler pattern down the laterals and between the laterals about 50% for adequate coverage for winds up to 13 km/hr (8 miles/hr). The spacing of the sprinklers must be closer in the areas where high winds may be frequent. • Sprinklers should rotate at least one revolution per minute. • Brass sprinklers should be used since they operate with greater consistency and less susceptibility to stoppage due to freezing. • Use diesel pumps since electric pumps are prone to power outages. • Temperature, humidity, and wind velocity affect the rate of water application necessary for cold protection. Water applied at too low a rate can cause more damage than no protection during a freeze. The system must be designed to apply a sufficient rate of water to protect the plant. Table 1 gives guidelines regarding water application rates as related to wind velocity and temperature. Table 2 gives guidelines regarding precipitation rate for selected nozzle capacity and sprinkler spacings. By using Table 1 and Table 2, you can find the appropriate sprinkler size and spacing for adequate water application for certain climatic conditions. Things to Avoid: Potential Pitfalls • Do not run frost/freeze protection when temperatures are so low that water may freeze inside the irrigation system. • Do not run the injection system intermittently for frost protection. Other Considerations • Formation of a “milky-white” ice without icicles and incomplete coverage of the plant indicate too low a rate of water application. Clear ice and icicles are usually an indication of successful cold protection. • Row covers can also be used to promote early maturity and increase yields of vegetables in cooler production areas. • Row covers will cost about $750 to $1000 per acre, but most materials can be used for at least two or more seasons. Additional Readings Row Covers for Commercial Vegetable Culture in Florida, Circ. 728, Fla. Coop. Ext. Ser., IFAS, Univ. of Fla. Row Covers for Growth Enhancement, HS716, Fla. Coop. Ext. Ser., IFAS, Univ. of Fla. 2 Frost and Freeze Protection for Vegetable Crops Grown in Florida in the BMP Era Cold Protection by Irrigation: Dew Point and Humidity Technology, HS76, Fla. Coop. Ext. Ser., IFAS, Univ. of Fla. Uses of Water in Florida Crop Production Systems, Circ. 940, Fla. Coop. Ext. Ser., IFAS, Univ. of Fla. Principles and Practices of Irrigation Management for Vegetables, AE260, Fla. Coop. Ext. Ser., IFAS, Univ. of Fla. Sprinkler Irrigation for Cold Protection, Circ. 348, Fla. Coop. Ext. Ser., IFAS, Univ. of Fla. 3 Frost and Freeze Protection for Vegetable Crops Grown in Florida in the BMP Era 4 1 Table 1. Application rate recommended for cold protection under different wind and temperature conditions. Expected Minimum Temperature Wind Speed (MPH) 0 to 1 2 to 4 5 to 8 Application rate (inches/hour) 27 F 0.10 0.10 0.10 26 F 0.10 0.10 0.14 24 F 0.10 0.16 0.30 22 F 0.12 0.24 0.50 20 F 0.16 0.30 0.60 18 F 0.20 0.40 0.70 15 F 0.26 0.50 0.90 1 Ext. Circular 287, Florida Agricultural Extension Service, by Gerber and Martsolf Table 2. Precipitation rate for selected nozzle capacity and sprinkler spacings. Sprinkler Spacing (ft.) Gallons Per Minute/Sprinkler 2 3 30 x 30 .21 .32 30 x 40 .16 .24 .32 40 x 40 .18 .24 .30 40 x 50 .14 .29 .24 .29 50 x 50 .12 .16 .19 .24 .32 .13 .16 .19 .26 .32 .13 .16 .21 .27 .32 .14 .18 .23 .28 50 x 60 60 x 60 60 x 70 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 .34 HS-931 Microsprinkler Irrigation for Cold Protection of Florida Citrus1 L. R. Parsons and B. J. Boman2 Introduction Millions of boxes of fruit and thousands of acres of citrus trees have been lost in freezes and frosts. Oranges are usually damaged when the fruit are exposed to temperatures of 28°F or lower for 4 hours or more. As the temperature gets colder or durations below 28°F get longer, damage to fruit, leaves, twigs, and eventually large branches increases. More than nearly any other factor, freezes have caused some of the most dramatic changes in fruit supply, availability, and price. Thus, any method that provides some cold protection can be of major importance to citrus growers. Many cold protection methods have been used over the years. These methods include heaters, wind machines, fog generators, high volume over-tree irrigation, and low volume undertree microsprinkler irrigation. High fuel cost has made grove heating during freeze nights prohibitively expensive except for high value crops. Wind machines are effective, but they require maintenance and need a strong temperature inversion for optimum effectiveness. Fog can provide cold protection, but light winds can blow the fog away from the grove and obscure nearby roadways. In south Florida where temperatures do not normally go far below freezing, high volume over-tree sprinkler irrigation has been used effectively on limes and avocados. In central and north Florida, temperatures are usually colder, and over-tree sprinklers should not be used on large citrus trees because the weight of the ice formed can break off limbs and cause tree collapse. With overhead systems, all leaves are wetted and susceptible to damaging evaporative cooling during low humidity or windy freezes. Many trees were killed in the windy 1962 freeze when overhead sprinklers were used because of evaporative cooling of wetted leaves. Low volume undertree microsprinkler irrigation is an alternative method for partial frost protection and can be more affordable than other methods (Fig. 1). Microsprinklers have proven effective during several freeze nights in central Florida tests. In addition to frost protection, microsprinklers can provide effective year-round irrigation. Microsprinklers, or spray jets, are small, low volume irrigation sprinklers that discharge 5 to 50 1. This document is Fact Sheet HS-931, one of a series of the Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Publication date: November 2003. Please visit the EDIS Web site at 2. L. R. Parsons, professor, Horticultural Sciences Department, Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred and B. J. Boman, associate professor, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department, Indian River Research and Education Center, Ft. Pierce. Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Gainesville, FL 32611. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. For information on obtaining other extension publications, contact your county Cooperative Extension Service office. Florida Cooperative Extension Service/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences/University of Florida/Christine Taylor Waddill, Dean. Microsprinkler Irrigation for Cold Protection of Florida Citrus gallons/hour. In citrus groves, the most commonly used spray jets discharge from 5 to 25 gallons/hour and cover a diameter of 5 to 21 feet. Usually 1 or 2 microsprinklers per tree are installed at the ground level or on short risers. Unlike overhead sprinklers, microsprinklers do not commonly wet leaves and branches above a height of about 3 feet and do not usually cause serious limb damage. 2 evaluate the risks and benefits and successfully use irrigation for cold protection. Heat of fusion The heat that is released when liquid water freezes to solid ice is called the heat of fusion. The amount of heat generated when water freezes is 1200 BTUs/gallon or 80 calories/gram of water frozen. As long as enough water is continuously applied to a plant, the heat generated when water freezes can keep the plant at or near 32°F (0°C). This is the principle used by strawberry, fern, or citrus nursery growers when they apply high volumes of water by sprinkler irrigation to protect their plants. At least 0.25 inch/hour or more is required for cold protection. With very low temperatures, low humidity, or high winds, more water must be applied to get adequate protection. Many citrus nurserymen need to apply water at rates of 0.40 inches/hour or higher. Heat of vaporization Figure 1. Ice on young citrus as a result of microsprinkler irrigation for freeze protection. How Irrigation Works for Cold Protection Various forms of irrigation have been used for frost and freeze protection for many years. When used properly, water can provide partial or complete cold protection for a number of crops. On the other hand, improper use of water can increase cooling or ice loading and cause greater damage than if no water were used at all. Because water can provide protection in one situation and cause damage in another, it is important to know what principles are involved in cold protection. To better understand what can happen when using water during a freeze, several commonly used terms need to be understood. With a knowledge of these terms, one can better The heat lost when water changes from a liquid to water vapor is called the heat of vaporization. At 32°F, the heat of vaporization is about 8950 BTUs/gallon or 596 calories/gram of water evaporated. Note that the heat of vaporization is about 7.5 times greater than the heat of fusion. This means that to maintain a stable situation when both freezing and evaporation occur, for every gallon of water that evaporates, 7.5 gallons of water need to be frozen to balance out the heat in the grove. Anything that promotes evaporation, such as low humidity and high wind speed, will promote overall cooling. If the water application rate is high enough on the trunk of a young tree, it will be protected by the ice formation. However, on the edge of and outside of the iced zone, temperatures will not be maintained at 32°F, and those parts will probably be damaged or killed. Therefore, usually the tops of young trees or branches above the iced zone are more severely damaged after a freeze. Dry bulb temperature (Tdb) The dry bulb temperature is the temperature of the ambient air, which is the same thing as the normal air temperature read with a grove thermometer. Microsprinkler Irrigation for Cold Protection of Florida Citrus 3 Wet bulb temperature (Twb) The wet bulb temperature is defined as the lowest temperature to which air can be cooled solely by the addition of water. An example of wet bulb temperature is the temperature one feels when coming out of a swimming pool on a windy day. As long as a surface is wet while in the wind, its temperature will drop to the prevailing wet bulb temperature of the air. The wet bulb temperature is between the dew point and dry bulb temperatures and normally closer to dry bulb than the dew point temperature. When the air is saturated with water vapor, the relative humidity is 100%, and all three temperatures (dew point, wet bulb, and dry bulb) are equal (Fig. 2). Humidity Humidity refers to the amount of water vapor in the air. There are various ways to express humidity, but the most commonly used terms are relative humidity and dew point temperature. Relative humidity (RH) Relative humidity is the percentage (or ratio) of water vapor in the air in relation to the amount needed to saturate the air at the same temperature. Although commonly used, relative humidity is not the best measure of humidity because it depends on the air temperature. Warm air holds more water vapor than cool air. Example: Compare the amount of water vapor in air at 40°F and 70% RH to air at 90°F and 70% RH. Using Fig. 2, enter the graph at 40°F on the horizontal axis and go straight up until midway between the 60% and 80% RH curves. Then read the weight of water vapor in 1 lb of dry air on the left vertical axis - about 25 grains. Following the same procedure for 90°F and 70% RH, the weight of water vapor in 1 lb of dry air is about 150 grains, or 6 times as much. Hence, the warmer air in this example holds about 6 times more water vapor than the cooler air even though both have the same RH. Figure 2. Psychrometric chart showing effects of relative humidity and dry bulb temperatures on dew point temperatures. Dew point temperature (Tdp) The dew point temperature is the temperature at which dew begins to form or the temperature at which water vapor condenses to liquid water. It is also the temperature at which air reaches water vapor saturation. A common example of condensation is the water that forms on the outside of a glass of ice water. This happens because the temperature of the glass surface is lower than the dew point temperature of the ambient air in the room. Thus, some of the water vapor in the surrounding air condenses on the outside of the cold glass. When referring to cold protection, dew point is one of the better ways to describe the humidity or amount of water vapor in the air. When the dew point is below 32°F, it is often called the frost point because frost can form when the temperature is below freezing. The dew point is important on freeze nights because water vapor in the air can slow the rate of temperature fall. With a relatively high dew point on a cool night, radiant heat losses from a grove are reduced, and the temperature may be expected to fall slowly. But if the dew point is quite low, the temperature can be expected to fall rapidly. Water vapor absorbs infrared radiation. Water droplets or fog are even more effective radiation absorbers than water vapor. Therefore, fog can reduce the rate of temperature drop on a frost night. In addition to affecting the rate of radiation loss, the dew point is often a "basement" temperature, and Microsprinkler Irrigation for Cold Protection of Florida Citrus 4 the air temperature will not go much below it unless drier air moves in. The reason for this is that when dew condenses or ice forms, heat is given off. The amount of heat from condensation is the same as the heat of vaporization (about 8950 BTUs per gallon or 596 calories per gram of water) because vapor is changing to liquid water. This heat release during condensation slows the rate at which the air temperature drops. If dew forms, water vapor is condensed from the air, and the humidity or dew point of that air is lowered. This is how the evaporation coil in an air conditioner removes water vapor and dehumidifies the air. Dew point temperatures are commonly higher on the coasts than they are inland. In the central Florida citrus belt (e.g. near Lake Alfred), dew point temperatures on a moderate frost night can be in the vicinity of 20 to 30°F. On more severe freeze nights, dew point temperatures can be 10°F or lower. For example, in the damaging Christmas 1983 and January 1985 freezes, dew point temperatures in Lake Alfred approached 5°F, which is exceedingly low for central Florida. Figure 3. Wet bulb, dry bulb, and dew point temperature o relationships for wet bulb temperatures less than 40 F. When wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures are known, Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 can be used. (Fig. 4 for Twb < 40°F and Fig. 5 Twb 40-60°F). Locate Tdb on the bottom axis and go up to the curve with the measured Twb. The dew point temperature (Tdp) is read from the vertical axis value from the intersection of the Tdb and Twb lines. Example: For the following temperatures, determine the dew point temperature. Tdb = 60°F Twb = 46°F Using Fig. 4, locate 60°F on the bottom axis and go up to the Twb = 46°F curve. The value of Tdp can be read from the vertical axis as 30°F. If Tdb and the relative humidity (RH) are known, Tdp can be determined from Fig. 5. Locate Tdb on the bottom axis and go up to the line that represents the measured relative humidity. Tdp is read from the Figure 4. Wet bulb, dry bulb, and dew point temperature o relationships for wet bulb temperatures from 40-60 F. vertical axis value from the intersection of the Tdb and RH lines. Microsprinkler Irrigation for Cold Protection of Florida Citrus 5 Psychrometer A psychrometer is a device used to determine atmospheric humidity by reading the wet bulb and dry bulb temperatures. The wet bulb thermometer is kept wet by a moistened cotton wick or sleeve. With a psychrometer, one determines how much cooler the wet bulb is than the dry bulb and then calculates humidity by using appropriate graphs or tables. "Psychros" comes from the Greek work meaning "cold," and hence a psychrometer measures humidity by determining how much colder the wet bulb thermometer is than the dry bulb thermometer. Figure 5. Relationships between dry bulb temperature, relative humidity, and dew point temperature. Example: For a dry bulb temperature of 45°F with a relative humidity of 50%, determine the dew point temperature. For an accurate reading, the wet bulb thermometer must have air moving over it. With a sling psychrometer, air flow is created by rotating the two thermometers through the air by hand (Fig. 6). The sling psychrometer consists of two liquid-in-glass thermometers. One thermometer measures the air (dry bulb) temperature while the other one measures the wet-bulb temperature. After the wick is dipped in distilled water, the sling psychrometer is whirled around using the handle. Select Fig. 5 (for relationships between Tdb, RH, and Tdp). Enter the figure on the bottom axis at Tdb = of 45°F and go straight up until the RH = 50% line is intersected. Read the Tdp from the vertical axis as Tdp= 32°F. Wind chill Wind chill refers to the cooling effect of moving air on a warm body and is expressed in terms of the amount of heat lost per unit area per unit of time. Wind chill was developed to estimate heat loss rate from humans and other warm blooded organisms. It does not apply to plants or vegetation. Even though wind chill does not apply to plants, wind can remove heat from a grove rapidly. In a windy freeze, temperature of a dry leaf is usually fairly close to air temperature. If the leaf is wet and water is not freezing on it, the leaf can theoretically cool to the wet bulb temperature. Thus, the length of time a grove will be at low temperatures can be longer on a windy night than on a calm one. Thus, more damage can potentially occur during a windy freeze. Figure 6. Operation of sling psychrometer to obtain wet and dry bulb temperatures. Water evaporates from the wick on the wet-bulb thermometer and cools the thermometer due to the latent heat of vaporization. The wet-bulb thermometer is cooled to the lowest value possible in a few minutes. This value is known as the wet-bulb temperature. The drier the air is, the more the thermometer cools and thus, the lower the wet-bulb temperature becomes. With a fan ventilated psychrometer, a fan blows air across the two thermometers. Fan ventilated psychrometers cost Microsprinkler Irrigation for Cold Protection of Florida Citrus 6 more than sling psychrometers, but they are more convenient to operate on freeze nights. Sling psychrometers work well at temperatures above freezing, but are more difficult to operate at temperatures below freezing. The reason for this is that at temperatures much below freezing, the water on the wet bulb freezes, releases its heat of fusion, and raises the wet bulb temperature to around 32°F. Eventually, it is possible to get a "frost" wet bulb temperature if one rotates the sling psychrometer long enough. A battery powered fan psychrometer avoids some of the problems of a sling psychrometer but it may take 20 minutes or more to get a valid wet bulb temperature when the air is below freezing. A slightly different chart is used for humidity calculations when the wet bulb sleeve has ice on it. Effectiveness of Microsprinklers Microsprinkler irrigation is more effective for cold protection when high volumes of water are used. A system that delivers the maximum amount of water per acre and is practical or affordable is best for frost protection. Irrigation rates of 2000 gallons/acre/hour or 33.3 gallons/acre/minute are recommended. This can be accomplished with one 20 gallon/hour jet or two 10 gallon/hour jets per tree in a grove with 100 trees/acre (Fig. 7). If there are 200 trees per acre, then one 10 gallon/hour jet is adequate. Rates below this level will provide some protection but not as much as higher rates. Application rates of 3000 gallons/acre/hour or more are more effective at lower temperatures. At high application rates, average warming with spray jets at a 4-foot height is only 2 to 3°F. Spot readings have occasionally shown temperature increases of 4°F or more, but 1°F or less is also common during freeze nights. At heights greater than 8 feet, warming is usually less than 1°F. When compared to a non-irrigated area, lower volume systems provide slight warming, but higher volume systems (2000 gallons/acre/hour) provide more warming. Low irrigation rates can provide some, although not much, protection on calm frost nights. While a small amount of water can provide a little protection, it is generally best not to go below 10 gallons/hour/tree. Emitters that put out less than 10 Figure 7. Gallons per acre per hour of water available for freeze protection based on microsprinkler discharge rate (ranging from 8-20 gph per tree) and tree planting density. gallons/hour usually have small orifices that can plug easily. If a jet next to a tree is plugged, that tree will suffer more damage or may be killed. Example: Determine the gallons per hour per acre available for freeze protection for a block that has 1 microsprinkler/tree that discharges 12 gph. Trees are planted at a 12 ft in-row and 24 ft across-row spacing. Determine the number of trees/acre trees/ac = 43,560 ft2/ac x 1 tree/(12 ft x 24 ft) = 151 trees/ac Calculate gal/hr/ac gal/hr/ac = 151 trees/ac x 12 gal/hr/tree = 1812 gal/hr/ac or, use Fig.7 Enter the figure on the bottom axis at a density of 151 trees/ac and go straight up until the 12 gph line is intersected. Read the per acre application rate from the vertical axis as 1800 gal/hr/ac. Microsprinkler Irrigation for Cold Protection of Florida Citrus Microsprinklers can provide some protection to leaves and wood, particularly on the lower and inner part of the canopy. A dense canopy tends to retain heat from the soil and provide better protection than a thin canopy. Damage will commonly be seen on the outer and upper parts of the tree after severe freezes. Since fruit is more sensitive to cold temperatures than leaves or wood, microsprinklers generally do not protect the fruit. At higher volumes, spray jets will help protect fruit a little better than no irrigation, but generally microsprinkler irrigation is best for tree protection rather than fruit protection. There is a limit to the effectiveness of microsprinklers. Factors such as tree health, rootstock, and cold acclimation affect tree survival. Depending on volume of water applied, the lower limit of effectiveness for microsprinkler irrigation is around 17°F. The lower parts of young trees have been protected to even colder temperatures, but damage usually increases as it gets colder. Young Tree Protection with Microsprinklers Microsprinklers have been effective in protecting the bud union and lower portion of young trees. In young trees, the microsprinkler protects the lower trunk by the direct application of water. When water freezes, it releases heat. If the application rate is high enough, the freezing water will maintain the trunk at a temperature near 32°F. The spray jet must be close enough to the young tree so that water sprays directly on the trunk and lower part of the tree. Recommended distances between the trunk and the jet are 1 to 2.5 feet. If the jet is too far away from the young tree, wind can blow the water away. If the water freezes before it hits the tree, milky white ice can form on the tree. Protection under milky ice is usually not as good as under clear ice. During most Florida freeze nights, the wind comes from the north or northwest making it best to put the jet on the north or northwest (upwind) side of the tree. In this position, the wind will carry the water into the tree and not blow it away from the tree. It is common for protection to be seen only in the iced zone on young trees. Damage commonly occurs, particularly in severe freezes, above the iced 7 zone or where no water was run. Figure 8 shows a row of green trees where microsprinklers were run during a freeze and a freeze-damaged brown tree where no water was run during the freeze. Young trees are usually more sensitive to cold and do not retain heat as well as mature trees. Therefore, protection down to 17°F cannot always be assured even if the tree is in good health. Figure 8. Green trees protected with microsprinkler irrigation run during a freeze night. The dead tree received no irrigation during the freeze. Insulating tree wraps placed around the trunks of young trees slow the rate of temperature fall. Tree wraps alone provide some trunk protection. Tree wraps in combination with microsprinkler irrigation provide even better cold protection insurance. If the irrigation system fails during the night, the tree wrap (particularly if it is a good insulator or has enclosed water pouches) can slow the temperature drop and protect the tree longer. Operation of Microsprinklers on Freeze Nights For cold protection, a microsprinkler system must be designed to provide water to the entire block or grove all at once. An irrigation system that can apply water only to smaller zones is not satisfactory for freeze protection. Hence, a system designed for freeze protection is initially more expensive to install because it handles a larger volume of water. Compared to higher pressure overhead systems, microsprinklers operate at relatively low pressures of 20 to 25 psi. Because of this low pressure and the small openings in the emitters, spray jets can freeze Microsprinkler Irrigation for Cold Protection of Florida Citrus up if they drop below 32°F before the water is turned on. Hence, the water should be turned on before the temperature reaches 32°F so the jets do not freeze. On frost nights, it is recommended that microsprinklers be turned on when the air temperature reaches 36°F. Be careful of thermometer placement, because in low-lying cold pockets, the ground surface can be below 32°F when it is 36°F at the thermometer location. When spray jets ice up, they are very difficult to thaw and usually the emitters must be replaced in the field. Once the microsprinklers are turned on, the system must keep running all night. If the system stops or fails when the temperature is below 32°F, it will be very difficult to restart the system because the emitters can rapidly freeze up. The situation becomes especially critical for young trees if the system fails when the temperature is below freezing. Shortly after the water stops spraying on a young tree, the trunk temperature can drop to the wet bulb temperature. If the irrigation system stops, the trunk can rapidly drop below the actual air temperature by evaporative cooling. Thus, more tree damage can occur than if the jets were never turned on. Even if the system has only stopped for a short time, many of the emitters probably will have frozen and it will be difficult to get the entire system fully operational again. Because of evaporative cooling, damage can be greater to trees in the area where a system stopped during a freeze night than where the system kept operating continuously. Do not turn off a system when the temperature is near the critical tree killing temperature. If the pumping system is unreliable or if the pump is electrically driven in an area that commonly has electrical interruptions on freeze nights, it may be wise to convert to a more reliable system. In the morning, when the temperature warms up, it is not necessary to wait until all the ice has melted before turning off the system. When the wet bulb temperature is above 33°F, the system can be safely turned off with no damage to the trees. At temperatures below freezing, it is possible for the wet bulb to read 32°F and actually be warmer than the dry bulb thermometer. This occurs because the water in the wick freezes, releases the heat of fusion, and 8 raises the wet bulb temperature to 32°F. Therefore, one should wait until the wet bulb temperature reaches 33°F before turning off the irrigation system. Generally speaking, if the air temperature (dry bulb) has risen to 40 or 45°F, the irrigation system can be turned off safely. If the grove contains only mature hardened off trees, the system can be turned off at 40°F. Under the most adverse conditions of low dew point and high wind, the grower may want to wait until the temperature is above 45°F. If it is a two-night freeze and the daytime temperature never gets above 40°F, then the system should be run continuously throughout the day and into the second night. If drainage or water conservation is of major concern, the system can possibly be turned off slightly before 40°F under less severe non-windy conditions, but that increases the freeze damage risk. Why Microsprinklers Provide Cold Protection Several factors contribute to the cold protection effectiveness of microsprinkler systems. Most well water in Florida is around 68 to 70°F. This warm water contributes a small amount of sensible heat to the grove at it drops from the initial temperature to 32°F. When temperatures drop below freezing, the latent heat of fusion is released when the water freezes. Depending on the amount of ice that forms, the heat released can raise temperatures in the lower part of the canopy. Water has a high heat capacity and can store a fair amount of heat. Therefore, a moist soil can hold more heat than a dry soil. Microsprinklers can also raise the dew point or frost point temperature in the grove. When the temperature drops to the frost point, heat is released as the water vapor is converted to ice crystals. When the grove air temperature reaches the dew point temperature, the rate of cooling slows down because heat is released as the water vapor in the air condenses. It has been suggested that microsprinklers can provide some protection above the spray zone because moist air rises and condenses higher up in the canopy. The heat of condensation (8950 BTUs/gallon) may help warm the upper canopy and protect more of the tree. Microsprinkler Irrigation for Cold Protection of Florida Citrus Depending on the dew point temperature, microsprinklers can sometimes create fog on cold, calm nights. Fog is beneficial for frost protection and if the fog is dense enough and the droplets are of the proper size, the rate of cooling can be slowed since fog can act like a blanket and reduce the rate of radiation loss. Similarly, clouds (which consist of water droplets) can act like a blanket and slow radiation loss. Operation on Windy Nights Like other methods used for citrus cold protection, microsprinklers are less effective during windy or advective freeze nights. They provide little or no protection to mature trees. There is a risk when using water during windy or low humidity freezes. When dew point temperatures are low and winds are high, high evaporation rates can occur and cool the wetted part of a tree below the air temperature. This happened in the windy 1962 freeze. Where overhead sprinklers were used, evaporative cooling occurred and trees were killed. The heat lost by evaporative cooling is approximately 7.5 times greater than the heat gained by ice formation. The irrigation application rate on the wetted area influences the level of protection. A higher application rate can protect trees to lower temperatures. One way to increase the application rate is to reduce the spray pattern size. This can be done by changing a 360° full circle spray pattern to a half circle (180°) or quarter circle (90°) pattern. This essentially doubles or quadruples the application rate by concentrating the amount of water on a smaller area. With a higher application rate, the protection level is better. Because of changing winds, a half circle cap may do a better job of directing water into the young tree than a quarter circle cap. Summary Undertree microsprinkler irrigation is an affordable alternative to other forms of cold protection. It does not provide complete protection and generally will not protect fruit. Weak trees will receive little or no protection. On calm nights, microsprinklers have given partial protection to healthy and well-hardened trees down to 17°F. On 9 windy severe freeze nights, little if any protection will be provided for mature trees, and only higher volume systems will provide protection for the lower portion of young trees. References Buchanan, D. W., F. S. Davies, and D. S. Harrison. 1982. High and low volume under-tree irrigation for citrus cold protection. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 95:23-26. Parsons, L. R., T. A. Wheaton, N. D. Faryna, and J. L. Jackson. 1991. Elevated microsprinklers improve protection of citrus trees in an advective freeze. HortScience 26(9):1149-1151. Parsons, L. R. and T. A. Wheaton. 1987. Microsprinkler irrigation for freeze protection: Evaporative cooling and extent of protection in an advective freeze. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 112:897-902. Parsons, L. R., T. A. Wheaton, D.P.H. Tucker, and J. D. Whitney. 1982. Low volume microsprinkler irrigation for citrus cold protection. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 95:20-23. HS120 Cold Damage Symptoms on Citrus1 L.K. Jackson2 TREE COLD INJURY The extent of cold injury to citrus depends on a number of factors, and its expression may occur over an extended period of time. Factors involved include type and severity of freeze, location, tree dormancy, tree vigor, scion and rootstock, crop load and grove and soil conditions. Citrus is essentially not injured unless ice is formed in the tissues. Ice formation is usually accompanied by disruption of cell membrane which produces the damage. Ice in the leaves is indicated by dark water-soaked areas on the surface. Such areas may or may not turn brown after thawing. Completely frozen, killed leaves appear bleached brown in color. New succulent growth, when frozen, will often turn blackish in color instead of brown upon thawing. Leaf fall within a few days indicates that the wood is likely not killed, while leaf retention on the twigs usually indicates wood kill. Wood damage can be checked by scraping the outer layer of bark. Apparently green tissue in most (but not all) cases indicates live wood, and brown tissue, dead wood. Totally frozen trees will be covered with curled and brown leaves within 2 to 3 days of the freeze. Ice may also occur in wood and result in bark splits, particularly in young trees. Such splits may be extensive in larger trees resulting in serious trunk injury. Trees may also develop freeze cankers -- local areas of bark killed on the limbs and trunks. Scraping the bark away will reveal dead phloem areas. Such cankers will frequently appear in the crotches and on exposed limbs particularly following advective freezes. In future years such limbs may die or break off as a result of the canker. New growth developing on freeze-damaged trees following freezes will often collapse as the wood behind the growth dies. Hence the recommendation not to initiate pruning operations until the extent of the damage is determined. Varieties such as Pineapple oranges and Murcotts, when heavily laden with fruit, will often sustain severe freeze damage while similar trees when lightly cropped or without fruit following harvest, will tolerate freezes well. dark water-soaked areas. 1. This document is Fact Sheet HS-120, a series of the Department of Horticultural Sciences, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Publication date: June 1992. Reviewed: June 1994. 2. Larry K. Jackson, professor, extension horticulturist, Department of Horticultural Sciences, Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC), Lake Alfred, a branch campus of the University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function with non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A. & M. University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating. Larry Arrington, Dean Cold Damage Symptoms on Citrus 2 freeze and shortly after, cutting the fruit progressively from the outside to the inside starting at the stem end will show the amount of ice formed and its location. The deeper the ice, the greater the severity of injury. The frozen area will eventually dry out leaving the injured fruit partially hollow and lighter in weight than sound fruit of comparable size. Juice loss occurs over a period of several weeks with the extent of loss being dependent on damage severity and weather conditions following the freeze. The formation of white crystals of hesperidin on the membranes of the fruit is also a symptom of freeze injury but in no way detracts from its eating quality. Leaf fall. bark splits. Temples. freeze cankers. FRUIT INJURY Fruit severely injured during a freeze may drop over time but usually its external appearance is not significantly changed. Temples and grapefruit are particularly susceptible to drop, while oranges are often retained on the tree for longer periods. Certain cultivars such as Murcotts and grapefruit may show dark or reddish-brown depressions, pockets, or pitting on the peel surface. Blemishes in the form of pitting may occur on the peel of grapefruit as a result of low, but nonfreezing temperatures, known as "chilling" injury. Following severe freezes, fruit usually show extensive internal injury which progresses with time. Thin-skinned fruit usually show greater internal injury than thick-skinned cultivars such as grapefruit. The first evidence of freeze injury is the presence of water-soaked areas on the segment membranes with the juice sacs or vesicles in injured areas subsequently becoming dry and collapsed. During the pitting. extensive internal injury. INFRARED PHOTOGRAPHY At the present time aerial color infrared (ACIR) photography can detect freeze damage in both foliage and fruit. Knowing the amount of freeze damage in foliage can help the experienced citrus grower estimate the amount of limb dieback. Using ACIR Cold Damage Symptoms on Citrus hesperidin. photography after a freeze to determine the location and amount of freeze damaged fruit can be extremely important to a grower. Within hours, instead of days, a grower can determine in which groves or sections of groves fruit must be picked quickly for processing. Fruit in the remaining sections of the groves can be held on the trees for a better price. 3 HS935 Chilling Injury of Grapefruit and its Control1 Mark A. Ritenour, Huating Dou and Greg T. McCollum2 Chilling injury (CI) is a physiological disorder that is occasionally reported on fresh citrus shipments from Florida. It is most often characterized by areas of the peel that collapse and darken to form pits (Fig. 1). Pitting is not targeted to the oil glands. Less severe symptoms may show up as circular or arched areas of discoloration or scalding. Symptoms of CI are typically more pronounced after fruit are warmed to room temperature following exposure to the chilling temperature. CI symptoms generally require at least 3 to 6 weeks to develop at low (e.g. 40oF) shipping and storage temperatures. Chilled fruit are also more susceptible to decay than are non-chilled fruit. CI is often confused with another physiological disorder called postharvest pitting (PP) that is caused by low-oxygen concentrations (< 9%) within waxed fruit and is visible as collapsed oil glands. PP requires only 2 to 4 days for symptom development after waxing and appears in fruit held at warm (> 50oF) temperatures. Packers and shippers should keep in mind several factors that influence if and to what degree grapefruit develop CI. Figure 1. Symptoms of chilling injury on grapefruit. Temperature Effects on CI Depending on other predisposing factors, grapefruit storage and shipment below 50oF can cause severe CI. Studies show that CI is most severe when fruit are stored at temperatures from 38 to 40oF compared with storage at higher or lower temperatures. Though holding fruit at temperatures above 50oF greatly reduces the potential for CI, it can 1. This document is HS935, one of a series of the Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Publication date: July 2003. Please visit the EDIS Web site at 2. Mark A. Ritenour, assistant professor, IRREC-Ft. Pierce, CREC-Lake Alfred, Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, 32611; Huating Dou, Florida Department of Citrus, Lake Alfred Fla.; Greg T. McCollum, USDA, Ft. Pierce, Fla. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. For information on obtaining other extension publications, contact your county Cooperative Extension Service office. Florida Cooperative Extension Service/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences/University of Florida/Christine Taylor Waddill, Dean. Chilling Injury of Grapefruit and its Control also lead to the development of severe PP in waxed fruit. Thus, storage of waxed grapefruit at 45oF may often represent the best compromise to minimize the occurrence of both disorders. Preconditioning fruit for 7 days at 60oF can greatly reduce CI, but this may promote severe PP if fruit are preconditioned after the wax application. The conditions fruit experience during degreening can reduce grapefruit susceptibility to CI. Time of Season In Florida's climate, fruits are most susceptible to CI early (October-December) and late (March-May) in the season. The fruit usually become more resistant to CI during mid-season (December-March), but the specific time of year when the fruit become resistant fluctuates from season to season. 2 “breathe” (e.g. carnauba). However, too little gas exchange leads to off flavors (anaerobic respiration) and increased PP. Waxing also reduces water loss, thus slowing the development of CI symptoms. Fungicide Fungicides such as thiabendazole (TBZ), benomyl, and imazalil reduce CI in citrus fruit. These generally have less of an effect on reducing CI development than waxing or use of modified atmospheres. Canopy Position and Sun Exposure Fruit from the sun-exposed, exterior canopy are more susceptible to CI than the shaded fruit from inside the canopy. Even the sun-exposed side of exterior fruit is more susceptible to CI than the shaded side of the same fruit. Heat Treatments Intermittent Warming Though intermittent warming (e.g. warming fruit to room temperature 1 day a week) has been reported to reduce CI development, it is usually not practical with large quantities of fruit under commercial conditions. Relative Humidity High relative humidities (e.g. > 95%) reduce the development of CI symptoms by reducing water loss from the fruit. Water loss dehydrates the cells resulting in their collapse and the development of pitting associated with CI. Waxing and Modified Atmospheres Storing citrus fruit in low O2 (possibly not effective for grapefruit) or high CO2 concentrations (e.g. 10%) reduces CI. Increased CO2 generated by the use of semipermeable film packages sometimes reduce CI, but the effect disappears on grapefruit harvested after the trees bloom. Waxing reduces CI, but the effect appears to depend on the gas permeability of the wax and the CO2 buildup within the fruit. Waxes that restrict gas exchange (e.g. shellac) reduce CI more than do waxes that Heat treatments, such as dips or sprays in hot water, have been shown to reduce CI. A range of treatments involving longer exposure to relatively cooler temperatures (e.g. 2 minutes at 127oF) or shorter exposure to higher temperatures (e.g. 15 seconds at 140oF) have been tested. However, fruit response to heat treatments (e.g. temperatures resulting in injury vs. CI resistance) has not yet been determined under Florida conditions. What Packers Can Do to Reduce CI • Do not hold fruit at chilling temperatures. However, when PP is a potential problem on waxed fruit, storage and shipping temperatures of 45oF should be considered as a compromise to minimize the occurrence of both CI and PP. • Be particularly cautious of holding grapefruit at low temperatures early and late in the season when grapefruit are most sensitive to CI. • Remember that use of more “breathable” waxes (e.g. carnauba) may reduce the CI protection commonly observed when using less gas-permeable waxes (e.g. shellac). On the other hand, use of waxes with lower gas permeability may result in the development of PP. Chilling Injury of Grapefruit and its Control • Be more cautious of holding organic or “chem-free” fruit at low temperatures because potential CI protection from TBZ and/or imazalil will be absent. • Maintain relative humidity at 85% to 90%. At relative humidities above 90%, fiberboard cartons deteriorate. If fruit are stored in plastic or wood bins, maintain relative humidity between 90% and 98%. 3 HS982 Dwarfing and Freeze Hardiness Potential of Trifoliate Orange Rootstocks1 James J. Ferguson and Jose Chaparro2 Commercial nurseries, growers, and homeowners who produce or grow citrus trees north of Gainesville should use a freeze hardy rootstock such as trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata) or one of its hybrids. Trifoliate orange is in the same taxonomic group as other types of citrus like oranges (Citrus sinensis) and grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) but it is in a different genus. It is not really an "orange" in the common sense of the word. on trifoliate orange rootstock are also reduced in size, especially when Flying Dragon, a selection of trifoliate orange, is used. While Flying Dragon has shown some promise as a freeze hardy and dwarfing rootstock, questions often arise about its rootstock genetics, rootstock/scion interactions, and cultural practices that can affect tree size. Accordingly, the purpose of this fact sheet is to discuss these issues as they relate to trifoliate orange rootstocks, especially Flying Dragon. Other commercial citrus rootstocks also have trifoliate orange parentage. Carrizo citrange is a hybrid of Washington navel and trifoliate orange. Swingle citrumelo is a hybrid of Duncan grapefruit and trifoliate orange. The leaves of trifoliate orange and of other rootstocks with trifoliate orange parentage have "trifoliate" or compound leaves divided into three leaflets or sections (Fig. 1). Trifoliate orange trees produces seedy, round, golf-ball size fruit (Fig. 2) that are not edible. These trees have the potential to survive low temperatures and, when used as a rootstock, can impart some freeze hardiness to scion trees grafted onto it. Trifoliate orange is also deciduous, shedding its leaves in the winter. Most citrus varieties propagated Figure 1. Compound leaves of trifoliate orange and related rootstocks are divided into three leaflets. 1. This document is HS982, one of a series of the Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Publication date: October 2004. Please visit the EDIS Web site at 2. James J. Ferguson, professor, Jose Chaparro, assistant professor, Horticultural Sciences Department, Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, 32611. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Employment Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. For information on obtaining other extension publications, contact your county Cooperative Extension Service office. Florida Cooperative Extension Service / Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences / University of Florida / Larry R. Arrington, Interim Dean Dwarfing and Freeze Hardiness Potential of Trifoliate Orange Rootstocks 2 California, where dwarfing citrus rootstocks have been widely used, 8-to-12-year-old navel and Valencia oranges, Minneola tangelos, and Dancy tangerines on Rubidoux trifoliate orange rootstock at different sites ranged from 10 to 14 feet tall. Comparable trees on Pomeroy trifoliate rootstock were predicted to be 15-20% taller, about 12 to 17 feet. Using an interstock between the rootstock and the scion, done more successfully with apples than with citrus, can also reduce tree size. However, in some cases, interstock effects on tree size can be counteracted by rootstock effects. For example, a Hamlin sweet orange scion on a Flying Dragon interstock on a vigorous Volkamer lemon rootstock was 30% larger than Hamlin with a Flying Dragon interstock on a less vigorous rootstock, Carrizo citrange. Figure 2. Seedy fruit and stem of a trifoliate orange selection called Flying Dragon. Find the dragons in the twig. How Does Dwarfing Occur? For commercial growers and homeowners, a dwarf tree is simply one defined by convention as being about 5 to 6 feet tall at maturity. This particular tree height is somewhat arbitrary and is based mostly on comparison to a standard-sized tree which is usually about 15 to 20 feet tall at maturity. In other words, a common grapefruit or sweet orange tree on "standard" or non-dwarfing commercial rootstocks will reach a 15 to 20-foot height at maturity, while a tree on Flying Dragon may grow to only "dwarf" size. Commercial citrus growers have been interested in dwarfing rootstocks for citrus because small tree size allows a higher tree number or density per acre, fewer if any hedging and topping (pruning) costs, and easier fruit harvesting on smaller trees. A number of factors can influence tree size, but for most commercial citrus cultivars, research has shown that tree size can be greatly modified by selecting an appropriate rootstock. For example, trifoliate orange rootstock selections have been generally divided into two groups based on flower size. Trees on small-flowered trifoliate orange selections like Rubidoux are typically 15 to 20% smaller than trees on large-flowered selections like Pomeroy. In Environmental factors like soil type, mild drought, soil salinity or alkalinity, marginal growing sites, or climate can affect tree size. Trees on trifoliate orange rootstock are often smaller-sized when grown in deep, sandy soils even with irrigation. On better soils, these trees grow slowly but reach standard size. In Australia, deliberately infecting trees with the citrus exocortis viroid, a virus-like pathogen, has dwarfed trees but this procedure has not been widely adapted on a commercial scale because of potential risks and uncertainties related to using this pathogen. For example, in Florida, trees deliberately infected with citrus exocortis sustained greater freeze damage than comparable trees that were not infected. Growth hormones like auxins and cytokinins have been used to reduce tree size and have decreased internode length (the gap between successive points of attachment of leaves on a stem) and increased lateral shoot development. Other cultural practices like growing otherwise standard rootstock/scion combinations in small pots will result in a dwarfed tree, but if such trees were transplanted into the home landscape or a commercial citrus grove, they could grow into standard size trees. To cite another example, bonsai, usually ranging from 2 inches to about 3 fee tall, are not genetically dwarfed plants but are standard size plants kept small by pruning Dwarfing and Freeze Hardiness Potential of Trifoliate Orange Rootstocks branches and roots, repotting, and pinching off new growth. Small-leafed ornamentals like camellias are commonly used for bonsai but Flying Dragon rootstock, with its downcurved thorns and sinuous or winding growth habit, might also make an interesting bonsai specimen. Characteristics of Trifoliate Orange Rootstock Trifoliate orange is suitable for use in cool climates where maximum freeze hardiness can be developed. Freeze hardy rootstocks, like trifoliate orange, acquire freeze hardiness at 70°F day temperatures/50°F night temperatures whereas the less freeze hardy rootstocks do not acquire freeze hardiness until 50°F day/30°F night temperatures occur. During the fall and winter, cooler temperatures occur more frequently in northern than in central or southern Florida, but even in north Florida, unseasonably warm temperatures higher than 70°F day/50°F night cited above can reduce the freeze hardiness of trifoliate orange rootstocks. Trifoliate orange therefore may not be a consistently freeze hardy rootstock. Given acclimating temperatures as unbudded seedlings, trifoliate orange rootstock is much more freeze hardy than most commercial citrus rootstock and scion cultivars. Trees on trifoliate orange rootstock also tend to be more freeze hardy than trees on other commercial rootstocks. Fully acclimated two-year old trifoliate orange seedlings survived 3°F temperatures in Georgia and Owari satsumas on trifoliate orange rootstock survived 14°F temperatures in Louisiana. Interestingly, trees on Flying Dragon rootstock have not been shown to be more freeze hardy than trees on other trifoliate orange types. In one study examining the effects of rootstocks on freeze hardiness of navel oranges in California with minimum temperatures of 18°F and a long preceding period of freeze-hardening temperatures, trees on Flying Dragon were similar to trees on Pomeroy and Rubidoux trifoliate orange rootstocks. Note also that when severe freeze damage does occur to trees on trifoliate orange rootstock, they recover more slowly than trees on more freeze sensitive but more vigorous rootstocks like rough lemon. 3 Trifoliate orange is a satisfactory rootstock for most sweet orange cultivars, especially navels but fruit size for grapefruit scions on trifoliate orange rootstocks may be relatively small. When trifoliate orange is used as a rootstock for mandarins and mandarin hybrids, bud union incompatibility has been reported. Trees budded on trifoliate orange produce excellent fruit with high soluble solids, good juice color and a smooth thin peel. Fruit also holds well on the tree. However, fruit, especially for the fresh market, can be small because of heavy fruit set. When used as a rootstock, trifoliate orange can produce a standard tree size, about 15 feet tall, on clay and loamy soils and on shallow soils but does not develop a deep or widely ranging root system and consequently is not drought hardy. On deep, sandy Ridge soils, trees on trifoliate orange do not grow rapidly, making it a good candidate for close plantings with irrigation. It is poorly adapted to saline or calcareous conditions but is useful under wet conditions because of resistance to Phytophthora foot rot. Tree stunting and rootstock bark scaling associated with citrus exocortis and citrus blight, a decline of mature trees, are perhaps the most serious diseases affecting this rootstock. Some trifoliate orange selections are tolerant to citrus nematode but all selections are susceptible to burrowing nematode. Performance of trees on Flying Dragon rootstock may be similar to the above with tree size variability discussed in following sections. Polyembryony and Nucellar Seedlings The genetics of trifoliate orange rootstocks are complex and may explain differences in the size of trees grafted onto these rootstocks, especially Flying Dragon. Citrus and related species are unique because of the frequent occurrence of polyembryony (one seed producing a number of embryos or seedlings) and nucellar embryony (seedlings genetically identical to the mother plant as opposed to zygotic seedlings which inherit genetic characteristics from both parent plants). Rootstocks that are strongly nucellar produce a high percentage of nucellar seedlings whereas weakly nucellar rootstocks can produce a significant percentage of both nucellar and zygotic seedlings. In one report, using seed from Dwarfing and Freeze Hardiness Potential of Trifoliate Orange Rootstocks Flying Dragon trees grown in four different locations, the frequency of zygotic seedlings ranged from 0 to 75%. Researchers also found that the percentage of Flying Dragon nucellar and zygotic seedlings fluctuated greatly from year to year on the same tree. When producing citrus nursery trees, nurserymen select rootstock seedlings for uniformity and discard any that are off-types that vary in characteristics like internode length, leaf size, shape and color, growth rate, foliage density, and branching. Such non-uniform or off-type seedlings probably developed from zygotic embryos (Figs. 3, 4, 5 and 6). If these off-types were used as rootstocks and grafted with a scion cultivar like Valencia orange, the resulting trees may not produce fruit of as uniform a quantity and quality as that same fruiting cultivar grafted onto comparable nucellar rootstock seedlings. Rootstock disease susceptibility could also vary. Although off-type rootstock seedlings should generally be avoided, they may have potentially interesting characteristics. Figure 4. A closer image of plant A in Fig. 3. Although the specific mechanism for dwarfing is not clearly understood, when used as both a rootstock and as an interstock, it has been suggested that Flying Dragon tissue may bind or inactivate translocation of a growth regulator produced by its roots. Further research may focus on identifying and transferring dwarfing factors to other rootstocks with more desirable traits. Figure 3. Flying Dragon seedlings from the same source. Note variability in stem height and relative straightness of stems and thorns. The important point is that the occurrence of polyembryony and nucellar seedlings varies in trifoliate orange rootstocks. This variation can explain why Flying Dragon as a rootstock seedling and as a rootstock/scion combination can include both nucellar and zygotic seedlings and can produce both trees of standard size and trees of varying size, including dwarf trees. Environmental factors like soil conditions can also affect growth, tree size, and yield. Selected research on tree size, tree density per acre and yield of different scion cultivars on Flying Dragon rootstock is presented in Table 1. Figure 5. A closer image of plant B in Fig. 3. 4 Dwarfing and Freeze Hardiness Potential of Trifoliate Orange Rootstocks Figure 6. A closer image of plant C in Fig. 3. This appears to be a true-to-type genetic dwarf while the other plants may be off-types. 5 Dwarfing and Freeze Hardiness Potential of Trifoliate Orange Rootstocks 6 Table 1. Selected research on growth and yield of scions on Flying Dragon rootstock (FD). Experiment Results Country (Publication date) Mandarins, oranges and grapefruit on sour orange rootstock with a FD interstock 11-year-old trees with an FD interstock were 1/3 smaller and had higher yield efficiency than trees without the interstock. Italy (1989) Minneola tangelo on Cleopatra mandarin rootstocks with four interstocks, including FD and two budding methods FD and other interstocks had no effect on tree height as compared with the same scion on the same rootstocks. Florida (1992) Mandarins and grapefruit on sour orange, Rangpur lime, and other rootstocks with a FD interstock planted deeply, assumably to induce interstock rooting to control tree size after early vigorous growth with the sour orange rootstock 6-year-old trees trees with a FD interstock were 30-50% smaller. Trees planted at a 3 x 3 16 ft. spacing had a 1.6 ft. tree volume and 67 lbs/tree yield. Israel (1992) Minneola tangelo on nine rootstocks, including FD 3.5-year-old Minneola tangelo trees on FD rootstock were 30% shorter (4.7 feet) than Minneola tangelos on Cleopatra mandarin rootstock (6.8 ft). At 5 years old, trees could be planted at 333 583 trees/acre, 5X more than a conventional orchard at 1.8X greater costs and 5.2 X greater production. Florida (1992) Lemons on FD 12-year-old trees had 1/3 the canopy volume of trees on sour orange rootstock with fruit yield of 441 lbs/tree. Trees were 11.5 ft. tall. Argentina (1996) Sweet oranges, mandarins, and Clementines on FD Varying dwarfing capacity affected by scion and soil characteristics. Irregular canopy growth and poor production over extended periods. Italy (1999) Oranges, lemons, and Clementines on FD High density plantings on FD at 6.5 x 6.5 ft spacings did not result in increased yields per unit area compared with conventional planting. FD did not restrict growth of vigorous lemon scions. Italy (1992) Sweet orange on FD 9-year-old trees were 6 feet tall and @ 4.5 ft in width. California (1982) Pineapple sweet orange and Ruby grapefruit 5-year old pineapple sweet orange and Ruby grapefruit trees (15 x 20) on Flying Dragon rootstock were 3.2 and 4.0 feet tall, respectively, compared with the same scions on Carrizo citrange which were 6.6 and 6.0 feet tall, respectively. Florida (1980) Valencia on FD 4-year-old trees (averaging 4 feet tall and three feet wide) averaged 71 fruit per tree compared with trees of the same age on a vigorous rootstock, rough lemon (10 feet tall and 7 feet wide) averaging 541 fruit per tree. California (1986) Valencia on FD 5-year-old trees (6 feet tall and 6 feet wide) California (1979) 8 citrus cultivars on FD New Caledonia (1999) (South Pacific off Australia) HS118 Recovering From Freeze Damage1 L.K. Jackson, D.P.H. Tucker and T.R. Fasulo2 Tree dormancy at the time of a freeze is probably the most important factor which influences the susceptibility of citrus to freezing temperatures. Citrus trees are evergreen, never become fully dormant and cannot withstand temperatures as low as those tolerated by deciduous trees. Cold weather preconditioning induces a degree of dormancy in citrus if it comes gradually. Trees in active growth are more severely injured by cold than those which are somewhat dormant. One of the best ways to lessen cold injury and to hasten recovery from cold damage is to maintain healthy trees. Follow cultural practices that tend to induce dormancy in the early winter and strive to maintain this dormancy until all cold weather has passed. Ability to recover from cold damage depends largely on tree vigor. Weak trees showing disease, insect damage, or nutrient deficiency symptoms are usually the ones most severely damaged and slowest to recover. The leaves first become slightly flaccid as they thaw and, if injury is not too severe, they gradually regain normal turgidity and recover. Seriously frozen leaves, however, gradually collapse and dry out, this is accelerated by warm, sunny days immediately following a freeze. The youngest leaves are most easily injured, but all leaves may be killed in a severe freeze. If twigs are seriously frozen, the leaves dry out and remain attached for several weeks. However, the damaged leaves are shed rather promptly if the twigs and larger wood are not seriously injured. Cold damage on trunks and larger branches may appear as splitting or loosening of the bark. Certain areas, especially at or near crotches, are particularly sensitive. Localized damage to patches of bark on the trunk and larger limbs (cold cankers) are often mistaken for gummosis, since these may exude gum at a later date. CARE OF BEARING GROVES SYMPTOMS OF COLD DAMAGE Citrus leaves commonly assume a drooping or wilted appearance during periods of low temperatures, but remain firm and brittle if frozen. Rules for the care of citrus trees that have been injured by cold must be flexible and varied. Time of year at which the cold occurs, condition of the trees at time of injury, and weather conditions immediately 1. This document is Fact Sheet HS-118, a series of the Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Publication date: June 1992. Revised: June 1994. 2. L. K. Jackson, professor, extension horticulturist, Department of Fruit Crops, Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred, Florida; D. P. H. Tucker, professor, extension horticulturist, Department of Horticultural Sciences, Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred, Florida; T. R. Fasulo, associate in entomology, entomologist, Department of Entomology and Nematology, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. The use of trade names in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information. It is not a guarantee or warranty of the products named, and does not signify that they are approved to the exclusion of others of suitable composition. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Employment Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. For information on obtaining other extension publications, contact your county Cooperative Extension Service office. Florida Cooperative Extension Service / Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences / University of Florida / Larry R. Arrington, Interim Dean Recovering From Freeze Damage leaves. trunk. larger limbs. following injury will influence to a marked degree the type of treatment to use. The natural reaction after a freeze is to do something right away. Actually there is very little that can be done at that time, as it is impossible to determine the full extent of injury. Twigs and branches may continue to die for a period of several months to as long as two years following a severe freeze due to latent damage to the bark and wood which may not be apparent soon after a freeze. Citrus trees on which twigs and branches have been killed by cold should receive extra care during the following season. Thus, a "wait and see" attitude is best. Fertilization Fertilizer should be applied at the regular time, but the amount of fertilizer should be reduced in proportion to the amount of tree damage. A reduction 2 in the pounds of nutrients per acre may be in order where twigs and limbs have been damaged, especially if it is obvious that there will be a light crop. For example, if 1/2 of the tree has been killed then 1/2 the regular fertilizer should be applied. However, it is best to treat these trees as young trees in that the total amount of fertilizer should be applied in 3 to 4 applications. Trees which experience a top-kill will also lose a portion of their root system. Therefore, there is no point in over-fertilizing. Another factor to consider is whether fruit will be produced in the year following a freeze. For example, trees suffering 10%-15% wood loss should receive a regular nutritional application as fruit will be produced that year. Trees suffering 50%-60% wood loss will not produce fruit that year and the nutritional program should be adjusted accordingly. Research has produced no definite guidelines in this area as yet, so the production manager still must make his decision based upon the local situation. Nutrient deficiency symptoms may be intensified in freeze-damaged trees due to the drain entailed by the large amount of growth necessary to replace lost foliage. Thus, a post-bloom nutritional spray of copper, zinc, and manganese usually will be beneficial to new growth and tree condition. After a freeze trees will continue to lose some initial flush as die-back continues. It is important not to apply nutritionals until a canopy has been established to catch it. Apply potash and nitrogen to increase leaf size because trees tend to produce small leaves for a few years after suffering total leaf loss. Irrigation Irrigation during warm periods in the winter following cold injury should be avoided because it may induce new growth which might be damaged by later freezes. If freeze-damage occurs early in the winter and soil moisture is adequate, it will be well to delay irrigation in hopes of delaying tree growth until the danger of additional freezes has passed. On the other hand, trees that put forth new growth should not be allowed to wilt for the lack of water. In this case, growth has commenced and withholding water will only retard subsequent growth. Recovering From Freeze Damage 3 Pruning CARE OF YOUNG TREES Cutting dead wood from bearing trees which have suffered heavy damage should not be done until late spring or summer following the injury. This delay is desirable since it is difficult to determine the actual extent of injury until new growth commences. It is well to remember when pruning that all cuts should be made into living wood and, where possible, at crotches, leaving no stubs or uneven surfaces. It is advisable to remove heavy brush from the grove immediately following the pruning operation. Slight Damage Weed Control Weed control will be essential to rapid recovery from freeze-damage, as weeds will compete heavily with the trees for available moisture, nutrients, and, in some cases, light. Weed populations should be at low levels following a freeze which will provide growers with a good opportunity to get many troublesome species under control. Disease Control Greasy Spot Control After a Freeze With loss of foliage, growers cannot afford to lose any of the new flush. Because of the lost foliage, the year following a freeze will probably have three to four major flushes. Fungicide applications in July and September may be needed. Melanose Control Following a Freeze Melanose control after a freeze is still a difficult decision for the production manager to make. If fruit is expected that year a fungicide application may increase pack-out. Even on non-fruiting trees one or two fungicide applications should probably be made to help prevent infection of some new flush. However, the percentage of leaves with melanose will still be very high. Only weekly applications would provide complete control and this is not economically advisable. If you are applying a nutritional spray, you should certainly include copper. If damage is slight and there are some leaves and green twigs above the bank or wrap, no special steps need to be taken. Trees in such instances have sufficient living wood to develop new tops. Even so, the banks or wraps should be removed from a few trees and the trunks inspected to see that the bark is firm. This process should be repeated at weekly intervals as damaged trees often "sweat" in the bank or wrap and may be attacked by a fungus that can quickly damage or kill a young tree. Heavy Damage If the tree has been killed to or into the bank or wrap, it may be a good practice to remove the entire bank or wrap, or at least a portion of it, to expose live tissue to sunlight and air. Otherwise, the bark beneath the bank or wrap may soften and slough off, resulting in complete loss of the tree. The extent of this operation will depend upon the acreage involved and the manpower available. When trees are unbanked or unwrapped, it will be necessary to rebank or rewrap them when freezing temperatures are forecast. Banks or wraps should be again removed as soon as the danger of cold has passed. This process may need to be repeated several times before the winter is over. Trees That Were Not Banked Trees that were not banked at the time the cold came should not be banked until the next forecast of freezing temperatures. It is useless and often detrimental to bank trees immediately following a freeze, as they are likely to "sweat" in the bank and be more severely damaged than if unbanked. Wait until the forecast of additional freezing temperatures to bank. Cultural Practices If tree damage is slight, exert every effort to keep the young tree as dormant as possible. If heavy damage has occurred, in addition to removing the banks, it may be necessary (depending on conditions) to water the trees. Pruning, fertilization, and spraying should be delayed until the danger of subsequent freezes has passed. Recovering From Freeze Damage 4 FC36 Cold-Hardy Citrus for North Florida 1 Julian W. Sauls & Larry K. Jackson2 Introduction The Florida citrus industry is about 400 years old, having been started with the settlement at St. Augustine and other areas along the St. Johns River. The industry was centered in north-central Florida until the big freezes of 1894-95 caused it to move further south. Today, there are over 340,000 hectares (850,000 acres) of citrus growing in peninsular Florida - all south of Gainesville and most of it south of Leesburg. Recurring severe freezes have limited attempts to grow citrus outside the current citrus belt. The home grower is at a disadvantage with regard to climate in trying to grow citrus in north and west Florida. It will freeze every year. In fact, there is a 60-80% probability that -5°C (24°F) will occur each year, a 40-60% probability of -7°C (20°F) and a 20% probability of -9°C (16°F). Such temperatures are not conducive to growing most citrus, as citrus species are basically subtropical or tropical crops. The duration of freezing temperatures can be more critical than the minimum temperature. For example, serious damage may not occur during a brief drop to -5°C (24°F), but could result after several hours at -3°C (26°F). Moreover, previous exposure to cold increases the plant's ability to withstand cold. As the days shorten and nights get cooler, plants slow active growth and attain cold-hardiness. Satsuma may withstand -9°C (15°F) in January when it is completely dormant and hardy, but it may be seriously damaged at -3°C (26°F) in mid-November. Cold Protection The home fruit grower cannot control the climate, but there are certain other factors he can change which will influence the chances of survival of a citrus tree in north and west Florida. Moreover, there are several steps he can take to modify the immediate microclimate of a citrus tree and thus enable it to withstand freezing temperatures. The first consideration is the selection of the proper variety. Kumquats and satsuma are the most cold-hardy, edible forms of citrus available and both will normally survive in north and west Florida. Moreover, trifoliate orange is the most cold-hardy of all citrus and an excellent rootstock for the others, as it will convey its hardiness to the scion variety budded on it. Thus, kumquat and satsuma budded on trifoliate orange rootstock are the hardiest 1. This document is FC-36, one of a series of the Department of Horticultural Sciences, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Date revised : March 2000. Please visit the EDIS Web site at 2. Julian W. Sauls & Larry K. Jackson, Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, 32611. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Employment Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. For information on obtaining other extension publications, contact your county Cooperative Extension Service office. Florida Cooperative Extension Service / Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences / University of Florida / Larry R. Arrington, Interim Dean Cold-Hardy Citrus for North Florida combinations available. These will be discussed in more detail later. The next consideration is planting site. Cold air drains downhill, so higher elevations will be somewhat warmer than sites at the bottom of a hill or slope. Usually, the south and southeast sides of a lake or other body of water will be warmer than the north side or sites with no water nearby. Planting on a slope or south of a body of water affords some cold protection. The average residential lot does not normally permit such consideration, however. Planting on the south side of and at the correct distance from the house is almost a must. Most freezes and wind drift are from the north and northwest, thus the house will act as a windbreak, forcing the cold air up and over the house and citrus trees, leaving the area near the south side somewhat warmer. The house itself radiates considerable heat, part of which will be absorbed by adjacent plants, thus warming them. Overhanging trees absorb heat radiated from plants and the ground, reradiating some of it to the ground. This is a temperature advantage, but growing citrus beneath other trees is not entirely satisfactory due to poorer growth and lower yields. The soil under and around a citrus tree should be completely free of weeds, grass or mulch during the winter. Grass or mulch on the soil acts as an insulator, hence solar heat is prevented from entering the soil during the day and less heat is stored for release from the soil at night. A clean packed surface allows maximum heat absorption during the day and maximum heat radiation at night. Moreover, moist soil will absorb more heat than dry soil, so trees should be thoroughly watered 2-3 days before a bad freeze is predicted. Finally, good tree health and nutrition will help the tree withstand freezing temperatures. Follow recommended cultural practices and fertilization to maintain the trees in the best condition. Fertilization, spraying and pruning should end in August or September in order to allow the trees to harden off completely before severe freezes are encountered. 2 Once the foregoing factors have been considered and the citrus trees are planted, the dooryard fruit grower must provide additional cold protection to the trees during severe freezes. Young citrus trees should be banked for the first 3-5 winters until the tree is large enough to better withstand cold. Banking is simply a technique in which clean, surrounding soil is pulled up in a mound around the tree to cover the bud union and lower trunk. Thus, even if exposed parts of the tree are completely killed, the bud union under the bank will still be alive to grow back in the spring. Consult your local County Extension Office for full details on banking. Additionally, trees may be covered temporarily with blankets, quilts, paper or other material as further protection against hard freezes. However, such materials should be removed each morning to allow the trees to take full advantage of incoming solar radiation. Cold-Hardy Citrus Trifoliate orange can withstand the lowest temperature of all citrus when it is mature and fully dormant, followed by kumquat, satsuma, calamondin, sour orange, mandarin, sweet orange, grapefruit, shaddock, lemon, lime and citron. Grapefruit, shaddock, lemon, lime and citron are not recommended outside the commercial citrus belt of Florida, so they will not be considered further in this fact sheet. Some sweet oranges, some mandarins and calamondin have sufficient cold-hardiness to be grown north of the commercial citrus belt, but south of a line drawn from the mouth of the Suwannee River through Gainesville to Green Cove Springs and then up the St. Johns River to the ocean (Figure 1). They can be successfully grown in this area in most years. Sweet Oranges Varieties of sweet oranges [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck ] which can be grown in this area are navel, 'Hamlin' and 'Parson Brown.' These oranges mature in the early to late fall so that fruit would normally be harvested before a severe freeze would be expected. Cold-Hardy Citrus for North Florida 3 The fruit is small and oblate, with a flattened or depressed blossom-end. The peel is yellow to yellow-orange, very thin and smooth, easily separable at maturity. There are 5-9 segments, the axis is small and semi-hollow. The flesh is orange-colored, juicy and acid. The seeds are few, with green cotyledons. The fruit holds well on the tree. Calamondin can be propagated by seed and by cuttage, although seedlings may not fruit for several years. It does not require a rootstock and is itself a suitable rootstock for kumquats. Figure 1. These varieties are discussed in detail in another fact sheet, so consult the local County Extension Office for more information. The preferred rootstock is trifoliate orange for maximum cold-hardiness, with sour orange being second choice if trifoliate orange is not available. The most prominent citrus fruit which are sufficiently cold-hardy to grow throughout north and west Florida are satsuma and kumquats. Mandarins Satsuma The mandarins (Citrus reticulata Blanco) and mandarin hybrids for this area include 'Dancy' tangerine, 'Orlando' tangelo, 'Robinson' tangerine and 'Cleopatra' mandarin. All but 'Cleopatra' are discussed in another fact sheet, so consult the local County Extension Office for more information. The preferred rootstock for cold-hardiness is trifoliate orange, but sour orange or 'Cleopatra' mandarin will be easier to find. 'Cleopatra' mandarin is used as a rootstock for other citrus in the commercial industry; thus it may be available only as seedling trees. Its fruit are bright orange-red, typically mandarin, and somewhat acid. Its principal value in dooryards is for ornament, as it is attractive and bears fruit year round. Calamondin North and West Florida The satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marcovitch) apparently originated as a chance seedling in southern Japan sometime before 1600 A.D. It is now grown in subtropical areas throughout the world, but the most important industry is in Japan where the satsuma accounts for the majority of the citrus planted. Satsuma can be grown in the U.S. from Florida to Texas along the Gulf Coast and in Arizona and California. Satsuma is the most cold-tolerant of commercial citrus, with mature, dormant trees having survived -9°C (15°F) without serious injury. Consequently, it is adapted to regions that are too cold for other citrus, as it has not proven commercially acceptable in milder regions of the subtropics. The calamondin (Citrus madurensis Loureiro) can substitute for other acid citrus. It is widely grown as an ornamental in Florida and California. Calamondin is particularly attractive as a container plant and is used extensively throughout the U.S. as a house plant. It originated in China and is widely distributed throughout the Orient. There are several groups or varieties of satsuma, although the majority are 'Owari' or varieties which arose from 'Owari' by bud mutation. 'Silverhill' is a nucellar seedling selection of 'Owari' which was named in Florida about 1931 and it appears identical to 'Frost Owari' in California. Satsumas propagated in Florida may be called 'Owari', 'Silverhill,' or simply satsuma. Calamondin is mandarin-like in many respects, but also resembles kumquats. The tree is dwarf and bushy, being quite showy when laden with mature fruit. It is nearly thornless, with small, broadly oval leaves. The satsuma tree is moderately vigorous, medium-small, very productive and markedly cold-resistant. Greatest cold-hardiness is attained on Cold-Hardy Citrus for North Florida trifoliate orange rootstock, which also causes some dwarfing of the tree. The fruit is medium-sized, medium-oblate to subglobose, slightly necked and virtually seedless. The peel is thin and leathery, easily separable from the fruit and bright reddish-orange in color, although good peel color may not develop until after fruit maturity. There are 10-12 segments, which are loosely separable, around a hollow axis. The flesh is orange-colored, tender and juicy. The juice is quite sweet, with moderate sugars and low acid content; quality is excellent. The fruit matures in October-November but holds poorly on the tree, becoming puffy and losing quality so that it must be picked promptly. The fruit stores well after harvest. The Kumquats The kumquats (Fortunella spp.) are undoubtedly of Chinese origin, the Nagami variety having been introduced to Europe and the U.S. from China in the middle of the last century. Other varieties were introduced into the U.S. around the turn of the century. Kumquats are most widely grown in China, Japan, Taiwan and Malaysia. Kumquats are primarily grown for ornament in California and the Gulf Coast states and for use of the fruit in the gift-package trade in Florida. The fruit may be eaten fresh, peel included, but it is most frequently preserved as marmalade or candied whole fruit. Kumquats exceed even satsuma in terms of cold-hardiness, being able to sustain -12°C (10° F) when fully dormant. Active growth occurs only at relatively high temperatures, so the plants remain semi-dormant during late fall, winter and early spring in warm temperate climates. They normally bloom long after citrus and cease active growth earlier in the fall, which contributes to their cold-hardiness. The plant is a shrubby evergreen tree, rarely 3 m (10 feet) tall, densely branched with few or no thorns. The leaves are small and simple, with hardly any petiole wings. Trifoliate orange is the preferred rootstock for kumquats grown in cold regions, which further reduces tree size. 4 The fruit are generally small, globose, obovate or oblong to oval. The fruit are very showy, being borne in large numbers, yellow to bright reddish-orange in color. The peel is medium-thick, fleshy, tightly adherent, aromatic and spicy. The seeds are few, with green cotyledons. The flesh is yellowish-orange, moderately acid, and has little juice. The axis is small and solid. The fruit matures in the fall and holds well on the tree without appreciable loss in quality. There are 4 varieties of kumquats grown in Florida: • Nagami (oval) kumquat [F. margarita (Lour.) Swing.] is the most popular. Its fruit are oval, 3-4 cm (1 1/4-1 3/4 inches) long, about 2/3 as wide. The fruit have 2-5 seeds and are pleasantly flavored, with deep peel color. • Meiwa (large round) (F. crassifolia Swing.) is a large and round kumquat with a thick peel and sweet taste. The fruit are commonly 2 1/2-3 1/2 cm (1-l 1/2 inches) in diameter and nearly seedless. • Marumi (small round) [F. japonica (Thumb.) Swing.] is round, smaller than Meiwa, rarely exceeding 2 1/2 cm (1 inch) in diameter, with 1-3 seeds. The peel is thinner and somewhat sweeter than Nagami, but the flesh is somewhat acid. The tree is usually more thorny than either Nagami or Meiwa. • Hongkong [F. hindsii (Champ.) Swing.] has the smallest of all true citrus fruits, being hardly more than 1 cm ( 1/2 inch) in diameter. Its fruit are round with relatively large seeds. They are virtually inedible, being quite tart. The plant is very small and thorny. Other Citrus In addition to satsuma and kumquats, both of which should be readily available in nurseries, there are a couple of other types of citrus which have excellent cold-hardiness. 'Changsha' tangerine is very much like the satsuma which it resembles greatly. The fruit itself is about the size of a satsuma, with bright orange peel. The quality is not as good as satsuma and the fruit is very seedy. The tree is a bit more upright-growing Cold-Hardy Citrus for North Florida than satsuma and is probably more cold-hardy than satsuma and kumquat, having been observed growing and fruiting as far north as Ft. Worth, Texas. Little is known about 'Changsha' in Florida, as it apparently is not propagated commercially. There are a few specimen trees around the state and it seems to do well in Gainesville. It comes true from seed and the seedlings will produce within a few years. 'Thomasville' citrangequat is a hybrid between trifoliate orange, sweet orange and kumquat which was developed about the turn of the century in attempts to combine the cold-hardiness of trifoliate and kumquat with the quality of sweet orange. It is as cold-hardy as kumquat, having fruited in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. The fruit is medium-small, globose to oval, orange-yellow, seedy and somewhat acid until fully mature. The trees are vigorous and thorny, with mainly trifoliolate leaves. It is doubtful that this variety is available as it apparently is not being propagated at the current time. 5 HS 885 Your Florida Dooryard Citrus Guide - Selecting A Citrus Tree for Your Climate1 James J. Ferguson2 Cold Tolerance Except when cold fronts swoop down from the Arctic, Florida has a mild subtropical climate. For this reason the most important factor in selecting your dooryard citrus tree is your geographic location, especially in terms of cold tolerance. Example: Coastal counties and areas near Lake Okeechobee have traditionally suffered less freeze damage than other parts of Florida. However, citrus trees, even in these areas, occasionally suffer freeze damage. and, with some care, regrow damaged tree canopies within several years to bear crops at pre-freeze levels. Now, let me tell you about the horticultural and environmental factors that affect cold tolerance. Cold tolerance in citrus is influenced by these factors: • rootstock • scion • fruit load • temperatures preceding a freeze. Of course, other factors like tree size, intended use (fresh fruit or juice), capacity of tree to store fruit on the tree for an extended harvest period, drought tolerance, and resistance to pests and diseases are important and will be discussed. Although no major freezes have occurred since 1989 (at this writing), six major freezes from 1981 to 1989 killed or damaged thousands of acres of citrus trees. Chances are, severe freezes will occur again in Florida. In spite of this, homeowners throughout Florida, using current strategies for cold protection, can bring their dooryard trees through most freezes Most rootstocks can be placed in one of three general groups according to their relative effect on cold tolerance. • Trees on rough lemon, Rangpur lime, Volkamer lemon, Milam, Palestine sweet lime and Citrus macrophylla are the least cold tolerant. But because of their vigor, they recover rapidly if not severely damaged or subjected to succeeding freezes in one winter or over several years. 1. This document is HS 885, one of a series of the Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Originally printed in hardcopy, 1995. Publication date: August, 2002. Please visit the EDIS Web site at 2. James J. Ferguson, professor, Horticultural Sciences Department, Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, 32611. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to race, color, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. For information on obtaining other extension publications, contact your county Cooperative Extension Service office. Florida Cooperative Extension Service/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences/University of Florida/Christine Taylor Waddill, Dean. Your Florida Dooryard Citrus Guide - Selecting A Citrus Tree for Your Climate • Trees on sweet orange and Carrizo citrange induce intermediate cold tolerance. • Trees on sour orange, Cleopatra mandarin, trifoliate orange and Swingle citrumelo are the most cold tolerant. However, trees on sour orange rootstock are susceptible to strains of a widely spread virus disease (tristeza) and are not readily available. Finally, a given rootstock's cold tolerance is highly dependent on environmental conditioning. The best example is trifoliate orange. As a seedling it is very cold hardy and even sheds its leaves like a deciduous tree. Trees budded on this stock develop their superior cold hardiness only after being exposed to temperatures that induce cold hardiness: 70° F day/50° F night for about two weeks before a freeze. The least cold-tolerant rootstocks don't become cold tolerant until temperatures reach 45° F day/26° F night. Since soil and air temperatures in the warmest areas of Florida often do not reach the 70° F day/50° F night temperature range in the winter, even the most cold tolerant rootstocks may not be exposed to temperatures that induce cold tolerance. In such locations normally cold tolerant combinations like tangerines on Cleopatra mandarin rootstock may be damaged as much as Valencia orange on rough lemon rootstock. A note on cold tolerance: If your citrus trees develop cold tolerance after several weeks of cool weather, extended, unseasonably warm fronts can work in reverse, stimulating new tender growth and canceling newly acquired cold tolerance. The scion influences cold tolerance even more than rootstock. If you plan to raise citrus, you should know there are inherent differences in cold tolerance among scion cultivars regardless of the rootstock. Mandarins, as a group, are the most cold tolerant, followed by sweet oranges and grapefruit. Lemons and limes are very susceptible to cold. Post-freeze observations in Florida, Texas, and California have clearly shown that the scion influence is greater than that of the rootstock during freezes preceded by favorable cold-hardening conditions. However, rootstocks also have a measurable effect on cold tolerance. 2 Scion/Rootstock Selection Scion/rootstock combinations, with their advantages, disadvantages, and regional recommendations are listed in Appendixes A, B and C. You will find it worth your time to review this information. Pollination Many citrus cultivars are self-fertile: they produce fruit when self-pollinated. However, many mandarin cultivars require a different pollenizer cultivar to set a crop of fruit. Pollenizer cultivars must have four qualities to be potentially successful: • a bloom period that overlaps with the main cultivar, • consistent annual production of a good crop of flowers, • cold-hardiness the same as the main cultivar, and • the capacity to be self-fruitful. Pollenizer cultivars should not require cultural practices that differ widely from the main cultivar. For example, Minneola tangelos and Temple oranges or (pollenizer cultivars) are susceptible to scab, a fungal disease controllable with copper sprays, whereas Orlando tangelos and Sunburst tangerines (main cultivars) are usually not susceptible. Sunburst tangerines are also very susceptible to mite damage whereas other commonly used pollenizers are not. Commercially, pollenizers are planted no further than the third tree row or approximately 60 to 90 feet from the main cultivar, so use this as a guide if you plan to plant any of the cultivars listed in Table 1. Another alternative may be to graft pollenizer cultivars onto the main cultivar to produce a “fruit salad” tree, which bears fruit of different cultivars. If you do this, you may have to prune more vigorous scions, like lemons, more frequently to maintain balanced growth of different scion cultivars on the same tree. Also remember to remove all mature fruit Your Florida Dooryard Citrus Guide - Selecting A Citrus Tree for Your Climate from the pollenizer cultivar to promote a good bloom the following year. A note on flowering and fruit set: Citrus trees flower and produce fruit in response to environmental stress. In the tropics, drought during the dry season provides the stress. In Florida, cold weather (day temperatures between 50° to 64° F and night temperatures between 46° to 55° F) usually provide this stress. Winter temperatures in Florida can hasten or delay the bloom period that normally occurs in March-April. The time (number of weeks) that citrus trees are exposed to cool weather can also affect the intensity of flowering. However, when late winter freezes kill tender blossoms, few, if any, fruit may be produced, except from erratic late blooms. In temperate climate zones north of Florida, potted citrus should also be exposed to cold - but not freezing - temperatures before you bring these trees inside for the winter. 3 Your Florida Dooryard Citrus Guide - Selecting A Citrus Tree for Your Climate Table 1. Pollenizer cultivars for important self-incompatible citrus cultivars. Main Cultivar Pollenizer Cultivar Minneola Nova Orlando Robinson Sunburst Minneola U U U U U Nova ? U S S S Orlando U S U S S Robinson U U S U U Sunburst 1,2 3 S S S S U 2,4 S S S S S 1,2,5 U U U U U Temple Murcott S=Satisfactory; U=Unsatisfactory; ?=Unknown 1 Tends to alternate bearing Scab Susceptible 3 Produces too little pollen unless used as the main cultivar 4 Much more sensitive to freeze damage than the other cultivars 5 Bloom does not overlap any of the other cultivrars 2 Note: No sweet orange or grapefruit cultivar is considered a satisfactory pollenizer, even though some seedy cultivars of oranges are slightly effective. 4 Examples of Instruments Used For Measuring Atmospheric Conditions during Cold Weather* * Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not imply approval or the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable. Life Science Place Rapid Order - Catalogs View Shopping Cart Ordering Catalogs Fisher Catalog Promotions FAQ's Laboratory Supplies New Literature Life Science New Products ChromatographyCenter New Suppliers Safety Preparedness Health & Safety Events Calendar HealthCare Fisher Science Education Quality Systems What's New Life Science Fisher Safety Education Dollar Rules Catalog Rules Homeland Security and Fisher Service Division Legal & Privacy Science Education Schedule Contact Us GSA Suppliers Support Inside Fisher Home Fisherbrand* Traceable* Radio-Signal Hygrometer/Thermometer Monitor humidity and temperature from up to 100 ft. away—even outdoors catalog tips Fisher Catalog > Hygrometers > Fisherbrand* Traceable* Radio-Signal Hygrometer/Thermometer product search ● ● ● more options > substructure search > ● ● items: 0 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Temperature and humidity readings are transmitted to main unit from remote sensor module To use, place the main unit on desk or benchtop; the remote sensor in area to be monitored Remote sensor displays current temperature and humidity and also transmits readings over a range of 65 to 100 ft. (20 to 30m)† to main unit Jumbo display (11/8 in.) on main unit can be read up to 25 ft. (7.6m) away Main unit can receive signals from up to three remote sensors on three user-selectable channels Readings are updated every 30 seconds and display temperatures in your Remote Sensor Module choice of °C or °F (left) transmits readings to Trend indicators show rising or falling humidity and temperature main unit (right) from up Minimum and maximum memory display allows monitoring of conditions to 100 ft. (30m) away. over a period of time An alarm can be set (in increments of 1% RH and 1°C/°F) to sound when humidity or temperature falls outside set parameters Relative humidity range is 25 to 90% RH with a resolution of 1% over the entire range; accuracy is ±2% at mid-range and ±4% at ends of range Switchable thermometer range is -20° to +60°C and -4° to +140°F with 0.1° resolution and accuracy of ±1°C (1.8°F) To assure accuracy, an individually numbered ISO 17025 certificate is supplied indicating instrument traceability to standards provided by NIST Manufactured from high-impact, chemical-resistant ABS plastic Includes one main unit, one remote sensor module, flip-open stand, wall-mounting brackets, and Velcro* strips for attaching sensor to almost any surface Main unit measures 3/4L x 41/4W x 41/2 in.H (2 x 11 x 11cm) and weighs 6 oz. (170g) Remote sensor module measures 3/4L x 21/3W x 31/2 in.H (2 x 6 x 9cm) and weighs 3 oz. (85g) Unit operates continuously for eight months on two "AA" batteries and two "AAA" batteries (included) Characteristics Fisherbrand* Traceable* Radio-Signal Remote Hygrometer/Thermometer, Main Unit with Remote Sensor Module Cat. No. 14-648-52 Qty. Price Each for $65.63 †Depending on location. Accessories: ● Fisherbrand* Remote Sensor Module for Traceable* Radio-Signal Remote Hygrometer/Thermometer ● Fisherbrand Remote Sensor Module w/External Probe for Traceable Radio-Signal Remote Hygro/Thermo ● Fisherbrand SS Thermometer Probe for Traceable Radio-Signal Remote Hygrometer/Thermometer ● Fisherbrand Thermometer Probe in Bottle for Traceable Radio-Signal Remote Hygrometer/Thermometer (1 of 2)1/19/2006 9:05:35 AM - Catalogs ordering | catalogs | what's new | suppliers | inside fisher support | help | sitemap | contact us * trademarks | legal & privacy Copyright © 2005 Fisher Scientific International server: fscweb2:80 (2 of 2)1/19/2006 9:05:35 AM Life Science Place Rapid Order - Catalogs View Shopping Cart Ordering Catalogs Fisher Catalog Promotions FAQ's Laboratory Supplies New Literature Life Science New Products ChromatographyCenter New Suppliers Safety Preparedness Health & Safety Events Calendar HealthCare Fisher Science Education Quality Systems What's New Life Science Fisher Safety Education Dollar Rules Catalog Rules Homeland Security and Fisher Service Division Legal & Privacy Science Education Schedule Contact Us GSA Suppliers Support Inside Fisher Home Fisherbrand* Traceable* Pocket Hygrometer/Dew Point/Thermometer · Fast response time catalog tips product search 06-664-37 · Minimum/maximum for all readings · Humidity, dew point, temperature display Fisher Catalog > Temperature Recorders > Fisherbrand* Traceable* Pocket Hygrometer/Dew Point/Thermometer more options > substructure search > items: 0 Compact design includes an electronic capacitance polymer film sensor that is not affected by condensation. Relative humidity range is 20.0 to 100.0% RH with resolution of 0.1%. Accuracy is ±3% RH mid-range to ±5.5% RH elsewhere. Both dew point and temperature ranges are -20.0° to 50.0°C and -4.0° to 122°F with resolution of 0.1° and accuracy of ±1°C. Typical full-range response is a fast 30 to 60 seconds. ...more - 06-664-37 Characteristics Cat. No. Hygrometer/Dew Point/Thermometer, Fisherbrand , Traceable , Pocket Qty. 06-664-37 ordering | catalogs | what's new | suppliers | inside fisher support | help | sitemap | contact us * trademarks | legal & privacy Copyright © 2005 Fisher Scientific International server: fscweb2:80 9:07:43 AM Price Each for $92.16 - Life Science Place Rapid Order - Catalogs Promotions FAQ's Laboratory Supplies View Shopping Cart New Literature Life Science New Products ChromatographyCenter New Suppliers Safety Preparedness Health & Safety Events Calendar HealthCare Fisher Science Education Quality Systems Ordering Catalogs What's New Science Education catalog tips product search S68617 more options > substructure search > items: 0 Life Science Dollar Rules Fisher Safety Education Catalog Rules Homeland Security and Fisher Service Division Legal & Privacy Science Education Schedule Contact Us GSA Support Inside Fisher Home Suppliers Remote Alarm RH/Temperature Monitor Fisher Science Education Catalog > Temperature Monitors > Remote Alarm RH/Temperature Monitor > Details Features remote ambient RH/temperature sensor with a 7 ft. (2.1m) cord. ·Place sensor inside a desiccator, refrigerator, drying, or other environmental chamber; view RH or temperature with minimum/maximum readings on the LCD monitor ·Selectable °C or °F, minimum/maximum temperature, and RH alarms; audible alarm will sound when parameters are exceeded - ·20 to 99% relative humidity range with 1% resolution and ±4% full scale accuracy ·-10° to +50°C (-14° to +122°F) temperature range with 0.1°C/°F resolution and ±1°C (±2° F) accuracy ·Dimensions: 3/4L x 23/4W x 41/8 in.H (2 x 7 x 10.5cm) S68617 ·3 oz. (85g) total weight ·Place on a benchtop or mount on wall ·Five-year manufacturer's warranty Cat. No. Qty. S68617 Price Each for $47.00 ordering | catalogs | what's new | suppliers | inside fisher support | help | sitemap | contact us * trademarks | legal & privacy Copyright © 2005 Fisher Scientific International server: fscweb2:80 9:10:09 AM - Life Science Place Rapid Order - Catalogs View Shopping Cart Ordering Catalogs Fisher Catalog Promotions FAQ's Laboratory Supplies New Literature Life Science New Products ChromatographyCenter New Suppliers Safety Preparedness Health & Safety Events Calendar HealthCare Fisher Science Education Quality Systems What's New Life Science Dollar Rules Fisher Safety Education Catalog Rules Homeland Security and Fisher Service Division Legal & Privacy Science Education Schedule Contact Us GSA Suppliers Support Inside Fisher Home Fisherbrand* Traceable* Economy Digital Anemometer/Thermometer Measures outside wind speed, air velocity in hoods, and gas movement in ducts catalog tips product search more options > substructure search > items: 0 Fisher Catalog > Anemometers and Flowmeters > Fisherbrand* Traceable* Economy Digital Anemometer/Thermometer > Details Unit will also display temperature of air being measured. Temperature range of 32° to 140°F and 0° to 60°C with resolution of 0.1°F or °C. Designed for heavy use and easy, accurate operation; unit will provide years of reliable readings. Instrument has four preset ranges: 0.4 to 30mps with a resolution of 1mps; 1.4 to 108kph with a resolution of 0.1kph; 80 to 5910fpm with a resolution of 10fpm; and 0.8 to 58.3 knots with a resolution of 0.1 knots. Individually serial-numbered Traceable Certificate is provided from an ISO 17025 calibration laboratory accredited by A2LA. It indicates traceability to standards provided by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). - Accuracy is ensured by low-friction, precision ballbearing vane that rotates freely in low and high velocities. Reading is updated instantaneously. A HOLD switch "freezes" display to capture and record readings. Rugged ABS case is chemical and shock resistant, and has handy flip-open bench stand for easy monitoring. Extra-large LCD display is 3/4 in. high (1.9cm); can be read from 15 ft. (4.6m). Ordering Information: Comes with low-friction ball01-241 bearing vane, nine-volt alkaline battery, carrying case, NIST-traceable certificate, and instructions. Unit is 6L x 3W x 11/4 in.H (7.6 x 15.2 x 3.2cm). Handle length, 21/2 in. (6cm); wind-vane diameter, 23/4 in. (7cm). Cable length is 4 ft. (1.22m). Weight, 14 oz. (397g). Cat. No. Qty. 01-241 Price Each for $273.69 ordering | catalogs | what's new | suppliers | inside fisher support | help | sitemap | contact us * trademarks | legal & privacy Copyright © 2005 Fisher Scientific International server: fscweb2:80 9:11:50 AM