Outline Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects Axel Hutt Department of Physics, University of Ottawa, Canada 2007 Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects Outline Outline 1 PDEs are IDEs The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization 2 Finite propagation delay Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models 3 Summary Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects Outline Outline 1 PDEs are IDEs The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization 2 Finite propagation delay Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models 3 Summary Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects Outline Outline 1 PDEs are IDEs The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization 2 Finite propagation delay Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models 3 Summary Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization Outline 1 PDEs are IDEs The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization 2 Finite propagation delay Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models 3 Summary Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization Let us assume a 1D spatial domain with characteristic spatial interaction range ξ ∂V (x, t) ∂t = Z ∞ −∞ K (x − y )V (y , t) dy → ∂ Ṽ (k , t) = K̃ (k )Ṽ (k , t) ∂t with spatial Fourier transforms K̃ (k ), Ṽ (k ) and interaction kernel K (x) . 1 −|x|/σ For K (x) = 2σ → K̃ (k ) = 1+σ12 k 2 = 1 − σ 2 k 2 + σ 4 k 4 + · · · ∂ Ṽ (k , t) ∂t ∂V (x, t) → ∂t = K̃ (k )Ṽ (k , t) ≈ (1 − σ 2 k 2 )Ṽ (k ) = V (x, t) + D ∂2 V (x, t) , D = σ 2 ∂x 2 relation between integral-differential equation (IDE) and partial differential equation (PDE) Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization K(x) x spatial domain Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization More general: Z ∞ −∞ K (x − y )V (y ) dy = Kn = ∞ X ∂V (x, t) ∂ 2 V (x, t) ∂nV ··· + K2 (−1)n Kn n = K0 − K1 ∂x ∂x ∂x 2 n=0 Z ∞ 1 x n K (x) dx n! −∞ If K (x) = K (−x) : K2n+1 = 0. −|x|/σ 1 : K0 = 1, K2 = σ 2 , K4 = σ 4 For K (x) = 2σ R∞ 2 4 V (x,t) V (x,t) → −∞ K (x − y )V (y ) dy = V + σ 2 ∂ ∂x + σ 4 ∂ ∂x + ··· 2 4 If Km ≈ 0 for m > n, then n gives the order of spatial interaction. Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization Outline 1 PDEs are IDEs The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization 2 Finite propagation delay Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models 3 Summary Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization The reaction-diffusion equation ∂V (x, t) ∂t ∂V (x, t) ∂t = h[V (x, t)] + Z ∞ −∞ K (x − y )V (y , t) dy = h[V (x, t)] + K0 V (x, t) + K2 ∂ 4 V (x, t) ∂ 2 V (x, t) + K ··· 4 ∂x 2 ∂x 4 ≈ h[V (x, t)] + K0 V (x, t) + K2 ∂ 2 V (x, t) (RD equation) ∂x 2 ∂ Ṽ (k , t) = h̃[Ṽ (k , t)] + (K0 − K2 k 2 )Ṽ (k ) ∂t P n with ∞ n=4 (−1) Kn Ṽ (k ) small compared to first terms → necessary condition : |Kn+2 k n+2 | < Kn k n for n ≥ 2 (convergence of series) Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization The reaction-diffusion equation |Kn+2 k n+2 | < Kn k n → σ < k for exponential kernels If there is a maximum wave number km , then the spatial range is limited to σ < 1/km . Reasons for maximum wave number: coarse-grained spatial field with unit length 2π/km characteristic spatial range ξ phase transition at a critical wave number RD equation: V̇ = h̄[V ] + D ∂2V for D < 1/km2 ∂x 2 Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization The Swift-Hohenberg equation ∂V (x, t) ∂t = = h[V ] − Z ∞ −∞ K (x − y )V (y , t) dy aV (x, t) − bV 3 (x, t) − K0 V (x, t) − K2 ∂ 2 V (x, t) ∂ 4 V (x, t) − K4 ∂x 2 ∂x 4 re-scaling in space and time: ∂V (x, t) ∂t = „ «2 ∂2 εV (x, t) − V 3 (x, t) − 1 + V (x, t) ∂x 2 ε = 4K4 (a − K0 )/K22 + 1 Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization The Swift-Hohenberg equation the necessary condition: ∂ n+2 V ∂nV | < |Kn n | for all n ≥ 4. n+2 ∂x ∂x For the Gaussian kernel : 2 2 1 n+2 K (x) = √ e−x /2σ : σ 2 < km2 2πσ |Kn+2 2 > 4th order (σ >4+2) σ=2.3 σ=2.5 σ=1.8 2 (σk) n 4th order (σ <4+2) 2 2nd order (σ <2+2) 1 0 2 4 6 order n Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization The Free Energy the Swift-Hohenberg equation may be derived from an energy functional : ∂V (x, t) ∂t = − F = Z δF [V ] δV ∞ −∞ dx „ «2 1 4 ∂2 V (x, t) + V (x, t) 1 + V (x, t) 4 ∂x 2 Considering the IDE, we obtain Z Z ∞ 1 ∞ dy K (x − y )V (x, t)V (y , t) F = dx W [V (x, t)] + 2 −∞ −∞ Z ∞ ∞ ∂nV 1X (−1)n Kn n = dx W [V (x, t)] + 2 ∂x −∞ n=0 „ « Z ∞ ∂ 2 V (x, t) ∂ 4 V (x, t) 1 = K0 V (x, t) − K2 − K dx W [V (x, t)] + 4 2 ∂x 2 ∂x 4 −∞ with δW [V ]/δV = −h[V ] Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization further the Free Enery is a Lyapunov function: « „ Z ∞ dF [V (x, t)] ∂V 2 < 0 =− dx dt ∂t −∞ Another model: The Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation Z ∞ “ ” ∂V (x, t) = h[V ] − dy K (x − y )V 2 (y , t) + L(x − y )V (y , t) ∂t −∞ → ∂V (x, t) ∂t = −ηV − ∂V 4 (x, t) ∂V (x, t) ∂ 2 V (x, t) − − V (x, t) ∂x 2 ∂x 4 ∂x asymmetric spatial interaction K (x) = −K (−x) of order 1 symmetric spatial interaction L(x) = L(−x) of order 4 no Free Energy and no Lyapunov function known Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization Outline 1 PDEs are IDEs The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization 2 Finite propagation delay Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models 3 Summary Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization Importance of IDE formulation bridge between two more or less distinct active reserach fields: neural fields based on IDEs pattern formation in physical/chemical/biological systems based on PDEs enrichment of fields by each other: treatment of nonlocal interactions and propagation delays in PDE-systems possible, well-studied in neural fields nonlocal interactions e.g. modeled in plasma physics by ∂T ∂T ∂ ∂T χ(T , with nonlocal diffusivity χ = ) ∂t ∂x ∂x ∂x finite propagation speeds in diffusion systems, e.g. Cattaneo-equation Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models Outline 1 PDEs are IDEs The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization 2 Finite propagation delay Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models 3 Summary Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models The infinite propagation speed in diffusion systems diffusion equation: ∂2ρ ∂x 2 ∂ρ ∂t = D initial condition: ρ(x, 0) = δ(x) → ρ(x, t) = √ Axel Hutt 2 1 e−x /4Dt 4πDt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models Outline 1 PDEs are IDEs The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization 2 Finite propagation delay Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models 3 Summary Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models The Cattaneo-equation (Carlo Cattaneo, 1948) The continuums equation in 1D: ∂ρ ∂t = Cattaneo: flux obeys Φ = ∂ρ ∂t = → parabolic PDE ∂Φ ∂x ∂ ∂ρ ∂ρ + κ2 −κ1 ∂x ∂t ∂x ∂2ρ ∂ ∂2ρ κ1 2 − κ2 ∂x ∂t ∂x 2 − Then Φ = Φ = « „ κ2 ∂ Φ 1+ κ1 ∂t ≈ 1 1− κ2 ∂ κ1 ∂t → hyperbolic PDE Axel Hutt « „ κ2 ∂ ∂ρ −κ1 1 − κ1 ∂t ∂x ∂ρ −κ1 ∂x −κ1 ∂ρ ∂x κ2 ∂ 2 ρ ∂ρ ∂2ρ + − κ1 2 = 0 κ1 ∂t 2 ∂t ∂x Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models Outline 1 PDEs are IDEs The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization 2 Finite propagation delay Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models 3 Summary Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models Extention of IDE by finite propagation delay novel idea: considering finite propagation delay in IDE K(x) x spatial domain Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models Extention of IDE by finite propagation delay ∂V (x, t) ∂t = h[V ] + Z ∞ −∞ K (x − y )S[V (y , t − |x − y | )] dy c with nonlinear function S[V ] and propagation speed c. Linear treatment with constant stationary state V0 and V (x, t) ∼ eλt+ikx Z δh δS ∞ →λ = + dxK (x)e−λ|x|/c e−ikx δV δV −∞ Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary Extention of IDE by finite propagation delay for large but finite propagation speeds, it is exp(−λ|x|/c) ≈ 1 − λ|x|/c and λ+ 1 Kn = n! Z ∞ λX (−ik )n Pn c = n=0 ∞ dx x n K (x) −∞ , ∞ δh δS X + (−ik )n Kn δV δV n=0 Z ∞ 1 Pn = dx |x|x n K (x) n! −∞ In the case of a Gaussian kernel K (x) = 2 2 √ 1 e −x /2σ : 2πσ Kn ∼ σ n , Pn ∼ σ n+1 Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models Outline 1 PDEs are IDEs The basic idea Specific PDE-models Importance of generalization 2 Finite propagation delay Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models 3 Summary Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary The RD equation consideration of terms up to the third order of σ: K0 = 1 r 2 σ P0 = π c → ∞ : λ = −D 2 k 2 , , σ2 , K3 = 0 2 r 2 3 P1 = 0, P2 = σ π K1 = 0, K2 = field u(x,t) 0.4 -1 0 1 λ(k) σ=2.0 wave number k 0 0.3 0.2 -0.5 0.1 0 k m=1 -5 0 5 0.4 wave number k 0 -20 0.3 0 20 λ(k) σ=0.1 0.2 -100 0.1 0 -5 0 space x Axel Hutt 5 Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary c<∞: propagation delay τ λ= −Dk 2 p 1 + τ (1 − σ 2 k 2 ) 2/π , τ = σ/c, τth = √ √ π/3 2 unstable stable τth 1 wave number k Axel Hutt 2/σ Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary The extended RD equation ∂V +τ ∂t r 2 π « „ ∂V ∂2V ∂2 =D 2 1 + σ2 2 ∂x ∂t ∂x activity V(x,t) at x=8 initial activity V(x,0) 0.04 0.4 τ=2.08x10 -5 τ=10 0.02 -3 0.2 measurement point 0 -8 -4 0 4 space x 8 Axel Hutt 0 0 30 time t 60 Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary relation to Cattaneo-equation „ « ∂2 ∂V ∂V + τ α 1 + 2D 2 ∂t ∂x ∂t = D ∂V ∂t = D 1 + ατ ∂V ∂t = with Φ = ∂2V ∂x 2 „ « ∂ ∂2V 1 − 2ατ ∂t ∂x 2 ∂Φ ∂x 2Dατ ∂ ∂V D ∂V + − 1 + ατ ∂x 1 + τ ∂t ∂x − → equivalence to Cattaneo-ansatz hyperbolic equation : 2ατ ∂2V ∂V D ∂2V + =0 − ∂t 2 ∂t 1 + ατ ∂x 2 Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models The extended Swift-Hohenberg equation consideration of terms up to the 5th order of σ: K0 = −1 r 2 P0 = − σ π , , σ4 σ2 , K4 = − 2 8 r √ 2 3 2 P2 = − σ , P4 = − √ σ 5 π 3 π K2 = − c < ∞, τth = 1/7α ε<0 unstable delay τ 4/α λSH = stable 1/α τth 1 „ « 4 ∂4 ∂2 ∂V ∂V − τα 1 + 2 2 + ∂t ∂x 3 ∂x 4 ∂t „ «2 ∂2 = εV − V 3 − 1 + V ∂x 2 ε>0 delay τ 4/α 1/α τth (ǫ − 1 + 2(σk )2 − (σk )4 )/2 1 − τ α(1 − 2(σk )2 + 4(σk )4 /3) unstable stable ε− 1 ε+ scaled wavenumber l Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary Basic idea The Cattaneo equation The novel idea Application to specific models The extended Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation λ -1 1 wave number l „ « ∂V ∂2 ∂V − τα 1 + 4 2 ∂t ∂x ∂t delay τ = −ηV − τth -1 -0.5 stable stable stable ∂V ∂V ∂2V − −V ∂x 2 ∂x ∂x unstable 0 0.5 scaled wave number l 1 Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects PDEs are IDEs Finite propagation delay Summary Summary integral-differential equations generalize some partial differential equations advantages: natural consideration of nonlocal interactions natural consideration of finite propagation speeds extention of reaction-diffusion equations, the Swift-Hohenberg equation and the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation by finite propagation delay effects large but finite propagation speeds in diffusion systems yield Cattaneo-equation Axel Hutt Generalization of PDEs and finite propagation speed effects