2014. 04. 25. International Scientific Conference “Development in Machining” DIM 2014, 24-25 April 2014 Cracow Poland Study on surface quality and electrode wear in EDM technology MIKÓ Balázs; DRÉGELYI-KISS Ágota; POÓR Attila Óbuda University 1 DIM 2014 - miko.balazs@bgk.uni-obuda.hu EDM – Electric discharge machining The thermal energy of the electric spark remove the material Electrically conductive materials Independent from the hardness of the workpiece No mechanical load and deformation Electrode material: copper, graphite, other Aim of the research Study The surface quality and the Electrode wear. In case of different Electrode material and Process parameters. 2 DIM 2014 - miko.balazs@bgk.uni-obuda.hu 1 2014. 04. 25. Test part and tools 1.2343 (x38CrMoV5-1) 52-54 HRC pocket size 15x7.5 mm Cu 3 Copper (Cu 99.9%) Graphite (Gr Meusburger Q60) Gr DIM 2014 - miko.balazs@bgk.uni-obuda.hu Test devices Ingersoll Gantry 400 Mitutoyo SJ-301 surface roughness measurement unit Mitutoyo PJ-H3000F measuring projector Minitab v14 4 DIM 2014 - miko.balazs@bgk.uni-obuda.hu 2 2014. 04. 25. DOE Four parameters Electrode material (MAT): Required surface quality based on VDI 3400 (VDI_r): 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, Spark distance (SD): copper (Cu 99.9%) or graphite (Gr Meusburger Q60), 0.20 mm, 0.25 mm, 0.30 mm, Depth of cavity (DC): 1 m, 2 mm, 3 mm. 23-1 DOE plan was used with two centrum points 32 sets 5 DIM 2014 - miko.balazs@bgk.uni-obuda.hu DOE The measured and calculated parameters are the next: Surface roughness parameters: Ra, Rz, Machining time (MT), Material removal rate (MRR), MRR = ] Electrode wear rate (EW). EW = 6 [ volume _ of _ material _ removed _ from _ workpiece mm3 / min time _ of _ machining volume _ of _ material _ removed _ from _ electrode [%] volume _ of _ material _ removed _ from _ workpiece DIM 2014 - miko.balazs@bgk.uni-obuda.hu 3 2014. 04. 25. Ra VDI/Ra DC ? SD Rz MT E MAT MRR EW Main effect analysis Regression analysis Statistical analysis 7 … ANN DIM 2014 - miko.balazs@bgk.uni-obuda.hu Results #1 - Ra Cu 8 Gr DIM 2014 - miko.balazs@bgk.uni-obuda.hu 4 2014. 04. 25. Results #2 – Ra / Rz 9 DIM 2014 - miko.balazs@bgk.uni-obuda.hu Results #3 – MRR / Machining time 10 DIM 2014 - miko.balazs@bgk.uni-obuda.hu 5 2014. 04. 25. Results #4 – Electrode wear rate 11 DIM 2014 - miko.balazs@bgk.uni-obuda.hu Results #5 – Main effect plots ! ! ! ! ! ! 12 ! DIM 2014 - miko.balazs@bgk.uni-obuda.hu 6 2014. 04. 25. Results #6 – Regression analysis ln T = 3.44 - 0.629 ln Ra + 0.769 ln VRWp - 0.668 MAT Predictor Coef SE Coef T P Constant 3.4364 0.3414 10.06 0.000 ln_Ra -0.62856 0.05854 -10.74 0.000 ln_VRWp 0.76864 0.06317 12.17 0.000 MAT -0.66842 0.05556 -12.03 0.000 S = 0.157145 R-Sq = 93.5% R-Sq(adj) = 92.9% Ra - required surface roughness VRWp - removed volume of the workpiece MAT – 0 – Copper electrode 1 – Graphite electrode 13 Cu Gr DIM 2014 - miko.balazs@bgk.uni-obuda.hu Results #6 – Regression analysis ln Ra_m = - 0.364 + VRWp + 0.597 MAT Predictor Coef Constant -0.3644 ln_Ra 0.7635 ln_SD 0.6140 ln_VRWp 0.2714 MAT 0.59672 S = 0.269086 R-Sq 14 0.764 ln Ra + 0.614 ln SD + 0.271 ln SE Coef 0.7262 0.1002 0.2963 0.1082 0.09514 = 80.1% T P -0.50 0.620 7.62 0.000 2.07 0.048 2.51 0.018 6.27 0.000 R-Sq(adj) = 77.1% Cu Gr DIM 2014 - miko.balazs@bgk.uni-obuda.hu 7 2014. 04. 25. Results #6 – Regression analysis MRR = - 13.3 + 4.72 RA_d + 42.3 SD + 0.0179 VRWp + 9.57 MAT Predictor Coef SE Coef T P Constant -13.286 2.473 -5.37 0.000 RA 4.7178 0.4122 11.44 0.000 SD 42.349 8.649 4.90 0.000 VRWp 0.017902 0.003745 4.78 0.000 MAT 9.5746 0.6836 14.01 0.000 S = 1.93356 R-Sq = 93.3% R-Sq(adj) = 92.3% 15 Cu Gr DIM 2014 - miko.balazs@bgk.uni-obuda.hu Results #6 – Regression analysis ln EW = 1.64 - 0.334 ln VRWp - 0.143 ln Ra + 0.687 MAT Predictor Coef SE Coef T P Constant 1.6428 0.5607 2.93 0.007 ln_VRWp -0.3342 0.1037 -3.22 0.003 ln_Ra -0.14278 0.09613 -1.49 0.149 MAT 0.68729 0.09124 7.53 0.000 S = 0.258066 R-Sq = 71.3% R-Sq(adj) = 68.2% 16 Cu Gr DIM 2014 - miko.balazs@bgk.uni-obuda.hu 8 2014. 04. 25. Conclusion The electric discharge machining has a very wide range of application and perspective in booth die and mould manufacturing and part manufacturing. The accuracy, productivity and the cost control there are the centre of developments. Based on our research the EDM process with copper electrode shown Good capability for produce accurate surface roughness, Small and constant wear but Long machining time. The graphite electrode has Higher material removal rate (short machining time), Higher wear speed and wear rate and Produce higher surface roughness. 17 DIM 2014 - miko.balazs@bgk.uni-obuda.hu Thank You for Your Attention Dr MIKÓ Balázs PhD, Associate professor, Deputy-head of the Institute Óbudai University Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering Institute of Material Science and Manufacturing Engineering Add.: Tel.: Fax: E-mail: H-1081 Budapest Népszínáz u. 8. +36-1-666-5408 +36-1-666-5480 miko.balazs@gbk.uni-obuda.hu The authors appreciate the company Koop 55 LtD and Jozsef Poór, Hungary, for enabling this work and for providing workpieces, electrodes and testing. CIII-SK-0067-09-1314 ADVANCES IN MACHINING - innovation trends for joint education and research - part 2 18 DIM 2014 - miko.balazs@bgk.uni-obuda.hu 9