mihtyn zyxt x郊r ¦aEe dŸ綞i¦r §Aa峘¤` 讚©Nl ¦Wy §e m ¤x 膜k哅e` d

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mihtyn zyxt
Parashat Mishpatim
Reading For Shabbat - Triennial Year II
Shemot (Exodus) 22:4-23:19
1st Aliyah - Avraham (Chesed)
¦ e dŸ½xir¦ Aa§ Îz ¤̀ ÆgNl© W
y¦ e§ mx¤k¤½ ÎFe` d´¤cÜ
y ÆW
¦ ra©
§ i i³¦Mk 4
q :m«Nl¥ W
y© i§ Fen­ x§ Mk© a¬©hinE
¥ e Eed²¥cÜ
y a¬©hin¥ x®¥g`© d´¥cU
y§ Aa¦
Fe`´ d­n̈T̈wd© Fe`¬ W
½¦ b l´©k¡`«p¤ e§ ÆmivŸ¦ w d³¨`v«§ n̈Ee W
y ¥̀¹ `v¥̧ zÎi«
¥ Mk¦ 5
z¥ i¦ Îi«Mk¦ 6 q :dẍ« r¥ Aa§ dÎz
© ¤̀ x­¦ra§ O
n© d© mNl¥½ W
y© i§ m´¥NlW
y© d®¤cV̈
yi®¦`d̈ zi´¥Aan¦ a­©Ppbª e§ xŸ½nW
y§ l¦ Æmil¦ k¥ ÎFe`« s¤q³¤Mk Eedr¥¹ xÎl
¥ ¤̀ W
a½P̈p©Bbd© Æ`v¥ Ö
ni¦ `³ŸlÎm` ¦ 7 :m¦i«p̈W
y§ m¬¥NlW
y© i§ a­P̈p©Bbd© `¬¥vÖ
ni¦ Îm`¦
Fecï­ g²©lẄ
y `¬ŸlÎm`¦ mi®¦dŸl¡`d̈« Îl ¤̀ z¦i­©AadÎl©
© rAa«© a¬©xw¦§ pe§
y¿ Îl©r rW
y© Rt¤¿ Îxa© Cc§ ÎlM̈kÎl«r© 8 :Eed«r¥ x¥ z¤k`¬¤ln§ Aa¦
© i x³¤W
y £̀ dc̈À a¥ £̀ ÎlM̈kÎl©r dn¹̈ l§ U
y© Îl©r dU
y¤̧ Îl©r xFenÂg£ÂÎl©r
ª W
y¦ x©§ i x³¤W
y £̀ m®¤di¥pW
y§ Îxa© Cc§ `Ÿ­aï midŸl¡
½¦ `d̈« c©µ
r d½f¤ `Eed́ÎiMk¦
t q q :Eed«r¥ x¥l§ m¦i­©pW
y§ m¬¥NlW
y© i§ midŸl¡
½¦ `
4. If a man shall cause a field or vineyard to be eaten, and shall put in his beast, and shall
feed in another man’s field; of the best of his own field, and of the best of his own
vineyard, shall he make restitution. 5. If fire breaks out, and catches in thorns, so that
the stacks of grain, or the standing grain, or the field, be consumed with it; he who
kindled the fire shall surely make restitution. 6. If a man shall deliver to his neighbor
money or utensils to keep, and it is stolen from the man’s house; if the thief is found, let
him pay double. 7. If the thief is not found, then the master of the house shall be brought
to the judges, to see whether he has put his hand to his neighbor’s goods. 8. For every
kind of trespass, whether it be for ox, for ass, for sheep, for garment, or for any kind of
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lost thing, which another challenges to be his, the cause of both parties shall come before
the judges; and whom the judges shall condemn, he shall pay double to his neighbor.
2nd Aliyah - Yitzchak (Gevurah)
yÎFe` xFeW
¬ ÎFe` xFeņ£g Eedr¥¹ xÎl
¥ ¤̀ W
yi`¸¦ ÁoY
z¥ i¦ Îi«Mk¦ 9
:d«¤̀ Ÿx oi¬¥̀ d­ÄaW
y§ p¦ ÎFe`« x¬©AaW
y§ p¦ ÎFe`« z²¥nEe xŸ®nW
y§ l¦ d­n̈d¥ Aa§ Îlk̈e§
Fecï­ g²©lẄ
y `¬ŸlÎm`¦ mdi¥
¤½ pW
y§ oi´¥Aa Ædi¤ d§ Y
z«¦ dÀëŸdi§ z´©raª W
y§ 10
aŸ¬pB̈bÎm`¦ e § 11 :m«Nl¥ W
y© i§ `¬Ÿle§ ei­l̈r̈Aa§ g¬©wl̈e§ Eed®¥rx¥ z¤k`´¤ln§ Aa¦
c®¥r Eed´¥̀ a§
¦ i s­¥xḦ
h¦i sŸ¬xḧÎm` ¦ 12 :ei«l̈r̈a§ l¦ m­¥NlW
y© i§ FeO
n® r«¦ n¥ a­¥pB̈bi¦
t :m«Nl¥ W
y© i§ `¬Ÿl d­ẗx¥H
h§ d©
9. If a man delivers to his neighbor an ass, or an ox, or a sheep, or any beast, to keep;
and it dies, or is hurt, or driven away, no man seeing it; 10. Then shall an oath of
Hashem be between them both, that he has not put his hand to his neighbor’s goods; and
its owner shall accept this, and he shall not make it good. 11. And if it is stolen from him,
he shall make restitution to its owner. 12. If it is torn in pieces, then let him bring it for
witness, and he shall not make good that which was torn.
3rd Aliyah - Ya-akov (Tiferet)
ei¬l̈r̈Aa§ z®¥nÎFe` x´©AaW
y§ p¦ e§ Eed­¥rx¥ m¬¦rn¥ W
yi²¦` l¬©`W
y§ i¦ Îi«k¦ e § 13
y© i§ `´Ÿl FeO
n­ r¦ ei¬l̈r̈Aa§ Îm` ¦ 14 :m«Nl¥ W
y© i§ m¬¥NlW
y© FeO
n­ rÎoi
¦ ¥̀
yi`À¦ d´¤Y
zt© i§ Îi«k¦ e § 15 q :Fex« k̈U
y§ Aa¦ `­Äa `Eed½ xi´¦kÜ
FeNl­ dP̈p¬¤xd̈n§ i¦ xŸ²dn̈ Dd®Ö
nr¦ a´©kẄ
ye§ dÜ
y­ẍŸ`Î`Ÿl« x¬¤W
y £̀ d²l̈EezAa§
y§ i¦ s¤q´¤Mk Fel® Dd´Ÿ
zz¦ l§ d̈i­¦a`¨ o²¥̀ n̈i§ o¯¥̀ n̈Îm` ¦ 16 :d«Ẍ
y`¦ l§
yÎlM̈k 18 :d«¤Iig© z§ `¬Ÿl d­ẗX
y¥ k© n § 17 q :zŸlE
« ezAa§ d© xdŸ­
© nMk§
q :z«n̈Eei zFen¬ d­n̈d¥ Aa§ Îmr¦
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13. And if a man borrows anything from his neighbor, and it is hurt, or dies, its owner
being not with it, he shall surely make it good. 14. But if its owner is with it, he shall not
make it good; if it is a hired thing, it came for his hire. 15. And if a man seduces a virgin
who is not betrothed, and lies with her, he shall pay the bride’s dowry, and make her his
wife. 16. If her father refuses absolutely to give her to him, he shall pay money according
to the dowry of virgins. 17. You shall not suffer a witch to live. 18. Whoever lies with a
beast shall surely be put to death.
4th Aliyah - Moshe (Netzach)
x¬¥be § 20 :FeCc« a© l§ d­F̈edi«l© i¬¦Y
zl§ Aa¦ m®ẍ¢g«ï mi­¦dŸl¡`«l̈ g¬¥
© aŸf 19
:m¦iẍ« v§ n¦ ux¬¤̀
¤ Aa§ m­¤zi¦id¡ mi¬¦x¥bÎi«Mk¦ EePp®¤vg̈l§ z¦ `´Ÿle§ d­¤pFezÎ`Ÿl«
® ` d­¤Ppr© z§ d¬¥Ppr© Îm` ¦ 22 :oEePp« r© z§ `¬Ÿl mFezï
­ e§ d¬p̈n̈l§ `Îl
© M̈k 21
d´ẍg̈e § 23 :Fez« ẅ£rv«© r­©nW
y§ ¤̀ r© Ÿ¬nẄ
y il©½ ¥̀ Æwr© v¦
§ i wŸ³rv̈Îm`¦ i´¦Mk
§ e zFep½ n̈l§ `© Æmk¤ iW
y¥ p§ Eei³ d̈e§ ax®g̈¤
¤ Aa m­¤kz§ ¤̀ i¬¦Y
zb§ x«©d̈e§ iRt½¦ `©
n½ r¦ Æip¦ r̈«dÎz
¤ ¤̀ iO
nÀ¦ r© Îz ¤̀ d´¤el§ Y
z© | s¤q´¤MkÎm` ¦ 24 t :minŸ
«¦ zi§
lŸ¬ag̈Îm` ¦ 25 :KjW
y¤ «p¤ ei­l̈r̈ oEen¬ iU
y¦ zÎ`
§ Ÿl« d®¤W
yŸpMk§ Fel­ d¬¤id§ zÎ`Ÿl
i´¦Mk 26 :Fe «l EePp¬¤aiW
y¦ Y
z§ W
yd© `Ÿ¬AaÎc©r Lj®¤rx¥ z´©nl§ U
y© lŸ­Aag§ Y
Ædïd̈e§ aM̈k½ W
y§ i¦ d´¤O
nAa© FexŸ®rl§ Fezl̈
­ n§ U
y¦ `e¬¦d DdC̈c½ a© l§ ÆdŸzEeqk§ `e³¦d
:i¦p`«¨ oEe¬PpgÎi«
© Mk¦ i­¦Y
zr§ n«
© Ẅ
ye§ il©½ ¥̀ w´©rv¦
§ iÎi«Mk¦
19. He who sacrifices to any god, except only to Hashem, he shall be completely
destroyed. 20. You shall not wrong a stranger, nor oppress him; for you were strangers
in the land of Egypt. 21. You shall not afflict any widow, or orphaned child. 22. If you
afflict them in any wise, and they cry to me, I will surely hear their cry; 23. And my
anger shall burn hot, and I will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows,
and your children orphans. 24. If you lend money to any of my people with you who is
poor, you shall not be a creditor to him, nor shall you lay upon him interest. 25. If you
take your neighbor’s garment as a pledge, you shall deliver it to him by sundown; 26. For
that is his only covering, it is the garment for his skin; Where shall he sleep? and it shall
come to pass, when he cries to me, that I will hear; for I am compassionate.
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5th Aliyah - Aharon (Hod)
jL¬ z«§ `¥
¨ ln § 28 :xŸ«`z̈ `¬Ÿl Lj­ O
n§ r© a§ `i¬¦U
yp̈e§ l®¥Nlw© z§ `´Ÿl mi­¦dŸl¡` 27
yr£ Y
z«© ÎoMk¥ 29 :i«lÎo
¦ Y
z¤ Y
z¦ Lji­¤pÄa xFek¬ Aa§ x®¥g`© z§ `´Ÿl Lj­ r£ n§ c¦ e§
i­¦pin¦ X
y§ d© mFe¬IiAa© FeO
n½ `Îm
¦ r¦ d´¤id§ i¦ Æminï
¦ z³©ra§ W
y¦ Lj®¤p`Ÿvl§ Lj­ xŸ§ W
y« l§
Ædẗx¥h§ d³¤cV̈
yAa© xÜ
y¸ äEe i®¦l oEeíd§ Y
z¦ W
¤ wÎiW
y¥ p§ `© e § 30 :i«lÎF
¦ e pY
z§ Y
y `­V̈
yz¦ `¬Ÿl 1 23 q :FezŸ« ` oEek¬ l¦ W
y§ Y
z© a¤l­¤Mkl© Eelk¥½ `Ÿz `´Ÿl
:q«n̈g̈ c¬¥r zŸ­id«§ l¦ rẄ
y½ ẍÎmr¦ ÆLjc«§ ï zW
y¤ ³Ÿ
zÎl`© `e®Ẅ
zŸ²h§pl¦ axÎl©
À¦ r d´¤pr£ zÎ`Ÿl
e§ zŸ®rẍl§ mi­¦AaxÎi
© x£
«¥g`«© d¬¤id§ zÎ`Ÿl «¦
i´¦Mk 4 q :Feai
« x¦ Aa§ x­©Ccd§ z¤ `¬Ÿl l ¾c̈e § 3 :zŸ«H
hd© l§ mi­¦Aax© i¬¥x£g`«©
q :Fe «l EePp­¤aiW
y¦ Y
z§ a¬¥W
yd̈ d®¤rŸY
z FexŸ­ng£ Fe`¬ Lj² a¦
§ iŸ«` xFeW̄
y rºBb© t§ z¦
aŸf́r£ n«¥ ­Ÿ
zl§ c«© g̈e§ Fe`½ V̈
yn© zg´©
z Æua¥ Ÿx LjÀ £̀«p©ŸU
y xFeń£g d º¤̀ x§ zÎi«
¦ Mk¦ 5
t :FeO
n« r¦ aŸ­fr£ Y
z«© aŸ¬fr̈ Fel®
27. You shall not revile the judges, nor curse the ruler of your people. 28. You shall not
delay to offer the first of your ripe fruits, and of your liquors; the firstborn of your sons
shall you give to me. 29. Likewise shall you do with your oxen, and with your sheep;
seven days it shall be with his dam; on the eighth day you shall give it to me. 30. And
you shall be holy men to me; nor shall you eat any flesh that is torn of beasts in the field;
you shall throw it to the dogs.
Chapter 23
1. You shall not raise a false report; put not your hand with the wicked to be an
unrighteous witness. 2. You shall not follow a multitude to do evil; nor shall you speak in
a cause to incline a multitude to pervert justice; 3. Nor shall you favor a poor man in his
cause. 4. If you meet your enemy’s ox or his ass going astray, you shall surely bring it
back to him again. 5. If you see the ass of one who hates you lying under its burden, you
shall refrain from leaving it with him, you shall help him to lift it up.
6th Aliyah - Yoseif (Yesod)
w®g̈x§ Y
z¦ x¤w­¤W
yÎxa© Cc§ n ¦ 7 :Feai
« x¦ Aa§ Lj­ p§ Ÿ«ia¤̀
§ h¬©RtW
y§ n¦ d²¤H
hz© `¬Ÿl 6
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`´Ÿl cgŸ© W
y­ e § 8 :r«Ẅ
yẍ wi­¦Ccv§ `Î`
© Ÿl« i¬¦Mk bŸ½x£dY
z«© Îl«`© ÆwiCc¦ v© e§ i³¦wp̈e§
x­¥be § 9 :mi«wi
¦ Cc¦ v© i¬¥xa§ Cc¦ s­¥Nlq© i«e¦ mig½¦ w§ Rt¦ x´¥Eer© i§ ÆcgŸ© X̧
yd© i³¦Mk g®¨Twz¦
m­¤zi¦id¡ mi¬¦x¥bÎi«Mk¦ xBb¥½ d© W
yt¤´¤pÎz ¤̀ ÆmY
z¤ r§ c© i§ mY
z¤À `© e§ u®g̈l§ z¦ `´Ÿl
zt§ q© `«¨ e§ Lj®¤vx§ `Îz
© ¤̀ r´©x§fY
z¦ mi­¦pẄ
y W
ye § 10 :m¦iẍ« v§ n¦ ux¬¤̀
¤ Aa§
ÆEelk«§ `¨ e§ DdY
zÀ̈ W
y§ h§
© pEe dP̈p´¤hn§ W
y§ Y
z¦ zri
º¦ a¦ X
y§ d© e § 11 :Ddz̈« `E
¨ ea« Y
z§ Îz ¤̀
Lj­ n§ x§ k© l§ d¬¤U
yr£ Y
z«© ÎoMk¥ d®¤cV̈
yd© z´©Iig© l­©k`ŸY
z m¾ẍz§ i¦ e§ LjO
n¤½ r© i´¥pŸia¤̀
i­¦ria¦ X
y§ d© mFe¬Iia© Ee LjiU
y¤½ r£ n«© d´¤U
yr£ Y
z«© Æminï
¦ zW
y¤ ³¥W
y 12 :Ljzi¥
«¤ fl§
:x«Bb¥ d© e§ Lj­ z«§ n̈ £̀ Îo¤Aa W
y¬¥tP̈p¦ie§ LjxŸ½¤ng£ e«© ÆLjxF§ eW
y« gE
© epÀ ï o©r´©nl§ zŸ®AaW
y§ Y
mi³¦dŸl¡` mW
y¥̧ e§ Eex®¥nẌ
z¦ m­¤ki¥l £̀ iY
z¦ x¬©§ n`Îx
¨ W
y¤ £̀ lŸ²kaE
§ e 13
t :Lji«Rt¦ Îl©r r­©nẌ
yi¦ `¬Ÿl EexiMk½¦ f§ z© `´Ÿl Æmix¦ g£̀
6. You shall not pervert the judgment of your poor in his cause. 7. Keep far from a false
matter; and do not slay the innocent and righteous; for I will not justify the wicked. 8.
And you shall take no bribe; for the bribe blinds the wise, and perverts the words of the
righteous. 9. Also you shall not oppress a stranger; for you know the heart of a stranger,
seeing you were strangers in the land of Egypt. 10. And six years you shall sow your
land, and shall gather in its fruits. 11. But the seventh year you shall let it rest and lie
still; that the poor of your people may eat; and what they leave the beasts of the field
shall eat. In like manner you shall deal with your vineyard, and with your olive trees. 12.
Six days you shall do your work, and on the seventh day you shall rest; that your ox and
your ass may rest, and the son of your maidservant, and the stranger, may be refreshed.
13. And be mindful of all the things that I have said to you; and make no mention of the
name of other gods, neither let it be heard from your mouth.
7th Aliyah - David (Malchut)
x¼ ŸnW
y§ Y
z¦ z» FeSvO
n© d© b´©gÎz ¤̀ 15 :d«p̈Ẍ
yAa© i­¦l bŸ¬gŸ
z milb̈
½¦ x§ W
y 14
¤ Æcr¥ Fenl§ Ljzi
À¦ Ee¦ v¦ x´¤W
y £̀ Mk«© zFeSv¹ n© lk`Ÿ
©¸ Y
z Áminï
¦ z´©ra§ W
:m«ẅix¥ i­©pẗ Ee`¬ ẍ«i¥ Î`Ÿle§ m¦i®ẍv§ O
n¦ n¦ z̈`´v̈ï FeaÎi
­ Mk¦ aia½¦ `«¨ d̈
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b³©ge§ d®¤cV̈
yAa© r­©x§fY
z¦ x¬¤W
y £̀ LjiU
y¤½ r£ n«© i´¥xEeMkAa¦ ÆxivT̈
¦ wd© b³©ge § 16
:dc«¤ V̈
© n¦ Lji­¤U
yr£ nÎz«
«© ¤̀ Lj¬ Rt§ q§ `¨ Aa§ d½p̈Ẍ
yd© z`´¥vAa§ Æsq¦ `«¨ d̈
| oŸ¬c`«¨ d̈ i­¥pRt§ Îl ¤̀ Lj½ xE§ eḱ§fÎlM̈k Æd ¤̀ ẍ«i¥ d®p̈Ẍ
yAa© mi­¦nr̈Rt§ W
y 17
oi¬¦lïÎ`Ÿl« e§ i®¦ga¦
§ fÎmCc© u­¥ng̈Îl©r g¬©Aaf§ zÎ`
¦ Ÿl « 18 :d«F̈edi§
zi­¥Aa `ia¾¦ Ÿ
z Lj½ z´n̈
§ c§ `© ÆixE
¥eMkAa¦ ziW
yÀ¦ `x ¥ 19 :x¤wŸ«AaÎc©r i­¦BbgÎa¤
© lg«¥
n« `¦ a¬¥lg£ Aa«© i­¦cBb§ l¬¥X
ya© zÎ`
§ Ÿl« Lji®¤dŸl¡` d´F̈edi§
14. Three times you shall keep a feast to me in the year. 15. You shall keep the Feast of
Unleavened Bread; you shall eat unleavened bread seven days, as I commanded you, in
the time appointed in the month Abib; for in it you came out from Egypt; and none shall
appear before me empty; 16. And the Feast of Harvest, the first fruits of your labors,
which you have sown in the field; and the Feast of Ingathering, which is at the end of the
year, when you have gathered in your labors from the field. 17. Three times in the year
all your males shall appear before Hashem Elohim. 18. You shall not offer the blood of my
sacrifice with leavened bread; nor shall the fat of my sacrifice remain until the morning.
19. The first of the first fruits of your land you shall bring into the house of Hashem your
Elohim. You shall not boil a kid in its mother’s milk.
x¼ ŸnW
y§ Y
z¦ z» FeSvO
n© d© b´©gÎz ¤̀ 15 :d«p̈Ẍ
yAa© i­¦l bŸ¬gŸ
z milb̈
½¦ x§ W
y 14
¤ Æcr¥ Fenl§ Ljzi
À¦ Ee¦ v¦ x´¤W
y £̀ Mk«© zFeSv¹ n© lk`Ÿ
©¸ Y
z Áminï
¦ z´©ra§ W
:m«ẅix¥ i­©pẗ Ee`¬ ẍ«i¥ Î`Ÿle§ m¦i®ẍv§ O
n¦ n¦ z̈`´v̈ï FeaÎi
­ Mk¦ aia½¦ `«¨ d̈
b³©ge§ d®¤cV̈
yAa© r­©x§fY
z¦ x¬¤W
y £̀ LjiU
y¤½ r£ n«© i´¥xEeMkAa¦ ÆxivT̈
¦ wd© b³©ge § 16
:dc«¤ V̈
© n¦ Lji­¤U
yr£ nÎz«
«© ¤̀ Lj¬ Rt§ q§ `¨ Aa§ d½p̈Ẍ
yd© z`´¥vAa§ Æsq¦ `«¨ d̈
| oŸ¬c`«¨ d̈ i­¥pRt§ Îl ¤̀ Lj½ xE§ eḱ§fÎlM̈k Æd ¤̀ ẍ«i¥ d®p̈Ẍ
yAa© mi­¦nr̈Rt§ W
y 17
oi¬¦lïÎ`Ÿl« e§ i®¦ga¦
§ fÎmCc© u­¥ng̈Îl©r g¬©Aaf§ zÎ`
¦ Ÿl « 18 :d«F̈edi§
zi­¥Aa `ia¾¦ Ÿ
z Lj½ z´n̈
§ c§ `© ÆixE
¥eMkAa¦ ziW
yÀ¦ `x ¥ 19 :x¤wŸ«AaÎc©r i­¦BbgÎa¤
© lg«¥
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n« `¦ a¬¥lg£ Aa«© i­¦cBb§ l¬¥X
ya© zÎ`
§ Ÿl« Lji®¤dŸl¡` d´F̈edi§
14. Three times you shall keep a feast to me in the year. 15. You shall keep the Feast of
Unleavened Bread; you shall eat unleavened bread seven days, as I commanded you, in
the time appointed in the month Abib; for in it you came out from Egypt; and none shall
appear before me empty; 16. And the Feast of Harvest, the first fruits of your labors,
which you have sown in the field; and the Feast of Ingathering, which is at the end of the
year, when you have gathered in your labors from the field. 17. Three times in the year
all your males shall appear before Hashem Elohim. 18. You shall not offer the blood of my
sacrifice with leavened bread; nor shall the fat of my sacrifice remain until the morning.
19. The first of the first fruits of your land you shall bring into the house of Hashem your
Elohim. You shall not boil a kid in its mother’s milk.
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