P.1 Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits Testing and Design for Testability 張順志 (Soon-Jyh Chang) Department of Electrical Engineering National Cheng Kung University Email: soon@mail.ncku.edu.tw Outline NCKU/EE Overview of VLSI testing Mixed-Signal Circuits Testing Mixed-Signal Circuits Design-for-Testability Summary P.2 S.J.Chang P.3 What is Testing? NCKU/EE S.J.Chang VLSI realization process Customer’s need (specifications) 1. Design House 2. Foundry 3. Foundry or Testing House 4. Packaging House 5. Testing House IC Design Wafer Manufacturing Wafer Testing Packaging Final Testing Shipping Testing: The process of determining whether a system is functioning correctly or defective. P.4 Why Testing? NCKU/EE S.J.Chang The IC fabrication process is not perfect! Catastrophic defects Underetched Via Blocked Etch Imperfect photographic printing & doping process Focused ion beam (FIB) micrograph of metal traces on an IC Why Study Testing? P.5 (1/2) NCKU/EE S.J.Chang Economics! Reduce test cost (enhance profit) 1 second of test time equals 3 to 5 cents. 5 second test program @ 4 cents per second times one million devices per quarter costs USD 800,000 per year. “Rule of Ten”: Defects detected during Wafer Packaged chip Board System Field Cost 0.01 – 0.1 0.1 – 1 1 – 10 10 – 100 100 – 1000 Why Study Testing? P.6 (2/2) NCKU/EE S.J.Chang Economics! Shorten time-to-market (time-to-volume) Profits depends on having product available at the right time. Testing provides the means of maximizing product yields in the shortest possible time. 100% Revenue Yield Testing 0% Time Principle of Testing NCKU/EE P.7 S.J.Chang Input Patterns ---11 ---00 ----... -------10 Stored Correct Response Output Response Digital Circuit 10--00------... ----01--- Comparator Test Result The quality of the tested circuit will depend upon the thoroughness of the test vector Exhaustive testing for a 3-input AND gate takes 8 test patterns Why Testing is Difficult? NCKU/EE S.J.Chang Consider a 32-bit adder P.8 65 inputs, 33 outputs: 265 = 36,893,488,147,419,103,232 patterns Using 10 GHz ATE, would take ≈ 116.98 years Problems to think A 32 bit adder (combinational) A 64 bit counter (sequential) A 1Gb memory A 108-transistor CPU Combinational + sequential + memory A mixed-signal processor Combinational + sequential + memory + analog So, Testing Cost Will Soon Be A Big Problem NCKU/EE P.9 S.J.Chang Testing cost vs. manufacturing cost Source: ITRS Roadmap, 2002 Outline NCKU/EE Overview of VLSI testing Mixed-Signal Circuits Testing Mixed-Signal Circuits Design-for-Testability Summary P.10 S.J.Chang P.11 Analog/Mixed-Signal ICs NCKU/EE S.J.Chang Transistors/Chip 106 System-on-chip 105 Mixed signal ASIC 104 103 102 Dedicated interface components MSI off-the-shelf components 101 Low Medium High Modems LAN Transceivers Consumer audio Video interfaces Codecs Servo … Volume P.12 Trend: Mixed-Signal System-on-Chip NCKU/EE S.J.Chang Digital I/Os Ref Analog Inputs Amp ADC Power Management DSP Clock & Timers Ref DAC Amp Analog Outputs Interface Mixed-signal ICs surpassed the global microprocessor market last year (2005) [SIA] The worldwide mixed-signal IC market is expected to reach $42.7 billion by 2007, representing a large 24% increase over the $34.4 billion mixed-signal IC market in 2004 P.13 Features of Mixed-Signal ICs Development NCKU/EE S.J.Chang Analog circuit contains fewer devices, whereas the digital part contains millions of devices High expenses both time and money on designing and testing of analog subcircuits Absence of tools for analog and mixed-signal test development Testing in Digital Domain NCKU/EE P.14 S.J.Chang Fact: Most of complicate digital ICs can be test in few seconds today. Structural based tests Test faults rather than function There are fruitful research results to alleviate the difficulties Fault simulation Automatic test pattern generation (ATPG), Design for Testability (DfT), Built-In Self-Test (BIST), … Analog Circuits Testing Difficulties NCKU/EE P.15 S.J.Chang Continuous time and amplitude signal Analog circuits are nonlinear in nature Complicated cause-effect relationship Absence of suitable fault model Mainly functional (specifications) based test. Product Costs for a Mixed-Signal ICs NCKU/EE P.16 S.J.Chang [ITC’2002] For complex MS ICs, testing is becoming one of the major cost factors in the over-all IC product costs. With the introduction of DfT techniques digital test costs came down. Analog test costs will dominate the product costs. P.17 A Beirf Summary of Mixed-Signal ICs Testing NCKU/EE S.J.Chang Expensive test equipment Long test time Long test developing time Test Costs ↑↑↑ To reduce test cost, the recently strategies are Reduce test items Employ low cost tester Computer aided test development Various Circuit Types and Specifications P.18 (1/2) NCKU/EE S.J.Chang Analog and mixed-signal circuit types Amplifier, comparator, filter, signal/reference generator, sensor/meter, transceiver (driver, transmitter, receiver, …), converter (ADC, DAC, VFC, …), … Analog and mixed-signal circuit specifications DC specifications: gain, offset, drift, INL, DNL, … AC specifications: unit-gain frequency, bandwidth, CMRR, … Transient specifications: rise/fall/settling time, glitch, jitter, … Others: operation range, I/O impendence, noise figure, power dissipation, temperature sensitivity, … Various Circuit Types and Specifications NCKU/EE P.19 (2/2) S.J.Chang Example: ADxxxx datasheet Analog front end for cable: 2x8bits ADCs, 1x10bits ADC, 1x12bits ADC, 1x12bits DAC (224 MHz, BW=65MHz) Datasheet gives 140 analog parameters Reduce Test Items NCKU/EE P.20 S.J.Chang Characteristic observation inference test design approach [TCAD, 1999] Structural fault based specification reduction methodology [JETTA, 2002] Alternate test methodology [TCAD, 2002] Specifications of initial N devices are measured using conventional test set-up Measurement data is taken for same set of N devices on alternate test set-up Model/Mapping Functions are built from measurements to specifications using statistical analysis Subsequent devices are measured on the alternate test set-up and models are used to estimate the specifications Test by Low Cost Tester NCKU/EE One of the promising approaches to reduce test cost. In order to move to a low cost tester, P.21 S.J.Chang Design for Testability (DfT) and/or Built-In Self-Test (BIST) techniques, and their corresponding control mechanism are necessary. Outline NCKU/EE Overview of VLSI testing Mixed-Signal Circuits Testing Mixed-Signal Circuits Design-for-Testability Summary P.22 S.J.Chang Design for Testability (DfT) Built-In Self-Test (BIST) NCKU/EE Many DfT techniques largely reduce the test cost for digital circuits. Scan design, memory BIST, … Today, many CAD tools support DfT features. Recently, many researchers toward to alleviate the difficulties of analog testing by using DfT techniques. Isolation (bypassing) Loop around SW-OPAMP Oscillation test strategy P.23 S.J.Chang Isolation (Bypassing) NCKU/EE P.24 S.J.Chang Normal Test functional block 1 Test functional block 2 Analog function Analog function sel1 sel2 Most used currently Switch (multiplexer) should be designed carefully P.25 Loop Around NCKU/EE S.J.Chang voice Modulator RF sel2 voice Demodulator Downconverter RF sel1 Example CODEC, RF/IF Test Switch (multiplexer) should be designed carefully Fault masking SW-OPAMP P.26 (1/2) NCKU/EE S.J.Chang Switched-Opamp C= 1: regular opamp C= 0: power-off opamp VDD M5 C M10 M7 M8 V- M1 M2 V+ Cc Vo M6 5uA M3 M4 VSS M9 C SW-OPAMP P.27 (2/2) NCKU/EE S.J.Chang Test strategy C=1: normal operation test C=0: reconfiguration test Example R5 C1 C2 C3 =111 C1 C2 C3 =100 C1 C2 C3 =000 R2 C1 R1 C2 R3 R4 HPO C1 R7 R6 LPO BPO C2 C3 Oscillation Test Strategy P.28 (1/2) NCKU/EE Partitioning CUT into functional building blocks Converting each building block to an oscillator Defects cause deviations in oscillation frequency S.J.Chang Oscillation Test Strategy P.29 (2/2) NCKU/EE S.J.Chang Example Continuous-time state-variable filter Excellent for hard and large deviation faults Challenges No universal rules to transfer DUT into oscillator No trivial relationship between the oscillation frequency and the specification under test P.30 Practice NCKU/EE S.J.Chang Analog circuit designers design perfect circuits. No one dare to change it. vs Sourced from: Prof. CC Su So, What Should We Do … NCKU/EE S.J.Chang Incorporate DfT features at a early design stage Analog design engineer(s) + test engineer(s) P.31 Analog design engineer(s) who know(s) the knowledge of DfT issues Develop easy-to-use test platform (including tools) Outline NCKU/EE Overview of VLSI testing Mixed-Signal Circuits Testing Mixed-Signal Circuits Design-for-Testability Summary P.32 S.J.Chang Summary NCKU/EE S.J.Chang AMS testing requires specialized approaches and experienced engineers because of the large varieties of signals, functions and circuits. Mystification Testing is an expensive process that drives up the cost of ICs without adding any new value to the final product. Testing cannot change the quality of the individual ICs; It can only measure quality if it already exists. ⇒ Testing is not necessary! P.33 Demystification Guarantee IC quality and reliability Enhance IC yield Infrastructure IP: design-for-yield Thank You NCKU/EE P.34 S.J.Chang Thank You for Your Patience!