248 The Advantages of an STS Approach Over a Typical Textbook Dominated Approach in Middle School Science Gilsun Lima Pusan National University Stuart 0. Yager Bethel College Robert E. Yager University of Iowa Two sections of middle school science were taught by two longtime teachers where one used an STS approach and the other followed the more typical textbook approach closely. Pre- and post assessments were administered to one section of students for each teacher. The testingfocused on student concept mastery, general science achievement, concept applications, use of concepts in new situations, and attitudes toward science. Videotapes of classroom actions were recorded and analyzed to determine the level of the use of STS-teachingstrategies in the two sections. Information was also be collected that gave evidence of and noted changes in student creativity and the continuation of student learning and the use of it beyond the classroom. Major findings indicate that students experiencing the STSformat where constructivist teachingpractices were used to (a) learn basic concepts as well as students who studied them directly from the textbook, (b) achieve as much in terms of general concept mastery as students who studied almost exclusively by using a textbook closely, (c) apply science concepts in new situations better than students who studied science in a more traditionalway, (d) develop more positive attitudes about science, (e) exhibit creativity skills more often and more uniquely, and 09 learn and use science at home and in the community more than did students in the textbook dominated classroom. Science-Technology-Society (STS) is an example of needed reform in science education which has a 25 year history (Aikenhead, 1980; Bybee, 1985; Hurd, 1986; Roy, 1985; Solomon & Aikenhead, 1994; Yager, 1996). STS has been amajor effort in the United States since its formal inclusion as one of Norris Harms' foci for improving science education. He used it as one of the organizers for his National Science Foundation (NSF)-supported Project Synthesis (Harms, 1977). The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA; 1990) developed an official paper on STS as the 80's unfolded in recognition of its promise for improving science learning. Two Search for Excellence monographs reported on several national exemplars of STS in schools in the U.S. (Penick & Meinhard-Pellens, 1986). The recommendations for changes in science teaching elaborated in the NationalScience Education Standards (National Research Council [NRC], 1996) coincide. well with the NSTA list ofteaching strategies defined as the STS approach. STS continues as a major reform initiative in the U.S. and even more so around the world during the decades that have followed. STS efforts were underway in several European countries before STS became a major focus in the United States. Two national programs have existed in the United Kingdom for several years; both are active and sponsored by the Association for Science Education in the United Kingdom. The first of these was Science and Society (Lewis, 1981) and the second was called Science in a Social Context (Solomon, 1983). Projekt Leerpakketontwikkeling Natuurkunde (PLON) is a well-established STS program in the Netherlands (Eijkelhof, Boeker, Raat, and Wijnbeek, 1981). SciencePlus is a curriculum development in Canada that enjoys widespread use in most provinces in the middle schoolyears Atlantic Science CurriculumProj ect (ASCP, 1986, 1987,1988). STS as a term was coined by John Ziman (1980) in his book Teaching and LearningAbout Science and Society. Ziman identified several courses and titles and special projects that had many common features. All were concerned with a view of science in a societal context-a kind of curriculum approach designed to make traditional concepts and processes found in typical science and social studies programs School Science and Mathematics STS Approach * // more appropriate and relevant to the lives of students. In 1990 theNSTABoard ofDirectors unanimously adopted its position statement on STS. This statement biiefly defined STS as the "teaching and learning of science and technology in the context of human experience," which indicates a focus for STS as an approach for teaching and learning, as opposed to a curriculum framework. The full statement indicating the kind ofspecific teaching advocated andthe leaming it invokes defines nine essential features of the STS approach to teaching science used in this study. It has appeared in all NSTA handbooks each year since, including the latest one. Those features include - Student identification of problems with local interest and impact. * The use of local resources (both human and material) to locate information that can be used inproblemresolution. * The active involvement of students in seeking information that canbe applied to solve real-life problems. • The extension oflearningbeyond the class period, the classroom, and the school. * Aview that science contentis more than concepts which exist for students to master for tests. * An emphasis upon process skills which students can use in their own problem resolution. * An emphasis upon career awareness especially careers related to science and technology. • Identification ofways that scienceand technology are likely to impact the future. * Student autonomy in the learning process as individual issues are identified and approached. (NSTA, 2005, pp. 23 8-240) These nine features characterize the STS approach to teaching used in the experimental section of this study. Much research has been reported since Ziman coined the term STS. Yager's (1996) monograph from SUNY Press documenting STS as reform includes a review of the fieldin internationally and in the advantages provided for student learning. Certainlythe works ofrSolomon andAikenhead (1994) have addedmuch to the historical record and the reform agenda. Solomon and Aikenhead's review, other works by Totten and Pedersen, (2004), Cutcliffe (2001), and Cheek (2006) have helped define the field and the research undertaken to date. This study is a case study of how two teachers helped gather data about the results of STS teaching in miiultiple "domains," including concept, process, attitude, 249 creativity, applications, and worldview (proposed by McCormackandYager(1989).It exemplifies some ofthe major advances resulting from STS efforts in the U.S. Many STS programs utilize societal issues as course organizers. Some emphasize technology, meaning the inclusion of questions about the human-made world, as opposed to only questions about the objects and events encountered in the natural world (i.e., pure science). Many major reform efforts and most new textbooks now include technology as a vital part of science content and often as an entree to more traditional science concepts. Of course, too many equate technology to the use of computers with instruction. Such views are far from the broad field of technology - a discipline in its own right with its own set of national standards. The International Technology Education Association (2000) standards linkwell withlthe science standards developed over a 4-year period by the NRC (1996). These moves to include technology openly in school.science programs indicate a complete reversal of the reforms of the 60s, where science "known to scientists" defined the organizers and the content comprising new courses. The first was the Physical Science Study Committee physics, which was conceived and underway before the Soviet launching of the first Sputnik. But this move into space hastened the funding of many curriculum efforts designed to improve and update K-12 science materials. Mastery of basic science concepts was the major outcome and the primary indicator of student achievement. Yet most of these efforts never considered the effects of teaching nor the actions of students outside the classroom as forms of evidence to indicate that real learning had occurred. Critics ofthe STS approach to science teaching are concerned that students will learn fewer basic science concepts and that general science achievement will suffer (Kromhout & Good, 1983). After all, muchless time is spent with the concept domain per se- at least less time with mastery for the •sake of mastery or mastery with the assumption that students first need to know certain concepts and skills before they can become involved with problem resolution. Many STS enthusiasts argue that involving students withrelevant, student-centered, current, real world issues is where reform must begin. Engaging students in problem resolution, regarding situations where interests and motivation exist from the start, is believed to be necessary if the needed reforms are to be successful. Hofstein and Yager (1982) and Yager (2004) have argued that science classrooms organized around social issues results inmore students gainingan understanding of,an appreciationfor, and facilitywiththe use ofmajor Volume 106(5), May 2006 STS Approach 250 science concepts and process skills in-their own lives. This position is based on the idea that students must choose to learn on their own in order to learn (Starnes & Paris, 2000). Another effort beginning in the 60s was a specific focus on science as inquiry. Most reform efforts emphasize inquiry as a goal, the processes scientists use, as well as a form of content (philosophy, history, and sociology of science). All of these foci on inquiry are elaborated directly in the National Science Education Standards(NSES). Again, these positions and views of inquiry are central for STS and start with investigations based on student questions and student identified issues. Science can be defined as inquiries into the objects and events found in nature. Interestingly, inquiry has been a stated goal for science teaching for over a century in U.S. schools. However, as Hurd (1978) observed, ithasbeen an elusive goal and one not readily attained (p. 62). Yet the kind of teaching defined by the NSTA position paper regarding STS and the teaching advocated in the NSES both encourage direct involvement of all students in all four phases of the scientific experience, (inquiry), namely, 1. Formulating questions about the objects and events found/observed in the natural world. 2. Offering explanations for the objects and events encountered (hypotheses formulation). 3. Testing for the validity of explanations offered. 4. Communicating the results to others. STS is a reform that utilizes these features of the scientific enterprise. There is emerging evidence suggesting that.STS is the most attractive and successful approach to meeting these elusive goals. For many, STS has become a broader view of science - making it more than a review of the maj or concepts characterizing the major disciplines. A focus on inquiry is also defined in the NSES, not only as processes used by scientists, but also a form ofteaching skills advocated and akind of content that includes the history, philosophy, and sociology of science. It is basic to STS and illustrates that itis not be an add-on to existing courses or curricula. It characterizes a broader view of science content, noting a relationship to technology, and casts science as a human endeavor - as opposed to it being described-as an accumulated body of knowledge classified into maj or disciplines, includingbiology, chemistry, physics, and earth science. Background of the Study Two teachers in a Midwestern middle school were introduced to STS by the NSTA Search for Excellence program, and were both involved in searches for exemplars with respect to inquiry. Moreover, both were active professionally and had volunteered for action research projects. Conversations among the authors resulted in an action research effort that involved two sections of middle school students for a semester-long study - with one teacher following the STS approach while another section (taught by the second teacher) remained tied to the textbook and the stated science curriculum forthe school. Of course, the fact that the two teachers (Beth-STS and ElaineTextbook Dominated) were different introduced an uncontrolled variable. However, both teachers wanted ownership and neither felt that the added data collection could be accomplished in all sections and with equal numbers experiencing science as STS and/or as a textbook dominated experience. These are limitations of the study results and indicate needed caution in interpreting the results. (BothBeth and Elaine professed similar philosophies; (e.g., student centeredness, the importance of inquiry, attention to the new standards being advocated, and the importance of collaboration). Beth and Elaine were collaborators. Both were interested in what would happen in terms of studentlearning as the effects ofthe two approaches to teaching were studied. The two teachers typically worked closely together to prepare materials for laboratories, establish grading policies, and construct quizzes and unit evaluations (often three per grading period), as well as 9week and semester examinations. Bothwere committed to the district curriculum-in fact, both were leaders in its development. But both began to question their standard approaches to teaching science. Both were concerned with declining interest on the part of students and the failure to note any indicators that the major goals for science in the NSES were being met when theirs remained closely and rigidly tied to the course structure. Both were willing to change but also took seriously the idea of action research and the importance ofhaving evidence for success in a climate of the calls nationally for research-based studies on which decisions about learning, grading, and teaching changes could be made. Beth had 21 years of teaching experience (as opposed to Elaine with only 12) and was more interested and involved with local/community issues (even though these were seldom made part of her science teaching). She was extremely active in community organizations and causes and was a well-known "citizen activist."Beth and her studentsbecame concerned with the proposed site for anew sanitary landfill inthlfeir School Science and Mathematics / STS Approach town. Initially, Beth was going to depart from the textbook for one of her class sections for a 3-to 4- week unit. However, the extent of the problem and the interest of her students resulted in its continued focus on the local project for the better part of a year (one full semester was the source for the data reported in this study). The two teachers kept in close communication regarding their teaching. Elaine chose one of her classes, amorning section, Which corresponded well.to the "STS-to-be" section.in terms of time of day, gender balance of students, family socioeconomic status, gradepoint range, and class performance means. School counseling staff could find no statistically significant differences with respect to socioeconomic status, diversity, gender, grade averages, or scores on standard examinations among the students enrolled in the two class sections comprising the STS and textbook sections taught by Beth and Elaine. Data from the two sections were collected over one full semester, with both sections completing the same examinations and providing other types of evaluation data. They had generally acted together 'in planning the science course for at least a decade. There was no animosity, no hesitation, no competitiveness; both were interested in the outcome of their action research - inreality two case studies ofthese teachers with their respective students trying to meet the goals of their curriculum they had both developed over several years. Although some data from the two teachers had been collected and used as improvements were sought over a 2-year period, the teachers were pleased to be partners in a more carefully planned action research study, each with one of their science sections over the course of one semester with specific data collected from students and parents in the two sections. The teachers,-principal, director ofcounseling, and the university science education research team (who was involved with the NSTA Search for Excellence Program) agreed that the action research project would focus on the following research questions: 1. How does the learning of students who study science with a typical textbook dominated approach compare with students who experience science With an STS teaching approach in terms of specific mastery of science concepts? 2. How do students who study science with a typical textbook dominated approach compare with students who have experienced science in an STS "- teaching approach concerning student ability to apply scitrce concepts in new situations, development of 251 more positive attitudes toward science, andthe exhibition of specific creativity skills? 3. How does teaching in the two classrooms differ in terms of teaching strategies exhibited and practiced by the teachers involved with the STS and textbook sections? 4. What do parents and othercommunity members report about student use of their science learning outside their class? How do these differ for students in the textbook dominated approach when compared with those who experience science in the STS section? Procedures It is important for readers to keep in mind that this is an action research report- in one sense a qualitative case student effort. The idea for the study came from the two middle schoolteachers, who sought help from university science educators in terms of defining STS and in terms of ways of collecting information for the study. It was not primarily an experimental studyposed by researchers who defined their research questions, proposed a design, and selected validated and reliable research instruments. This is a report of what two teachers were able to do with two sections of their students - one following the textbook closely - the other using a community controversy as an organizer. In a real sense this is a report of two case studies with a comparison ofresults. At the same time quantitative data were usedfor grading and for interpretation of the comparison of the teaching and resultant effect on student learning in the two sections. Research Question I was approached by identifying basic concepts from the chapters inthe textbook. Generally, short quizzes. were administered almost weekly which focused on major constructs from the science curriculum,(textbook). Ten such quizzes from a previous year were administered as pretests - and again at the end of the semester - and were used as a measure of 'concept mastery. General achievement was measured by analyzing -scores on a semester exam, which was given to all grade level students initially as a pretest and as a posttest at the end of the semester. No attempt was made to classify the items andtobe concerned withvalidity, reliability, or the other concerns typically considered forresearch instruments. This semester exam was one used in previous years and, hence, was ready to use as a pretest and again 5 months later as aposttest, which provided an indication of general science achievement. Of course, these procedures are also limitations for using the results reported for the study. Volume 106(5), May 2006 252 STS Approach complex thinking thatmade the questions, explanations, Research Question 2 focuses on application of and tests viable. It was important to analyze the concepts to new situations, development of positive rationale provided by students to be sure studentswere attitudes, and the exhibition of creativity skills. Applicathinking, as opposed to doing what teachers wanted or routinely were tion of concepts to new situations merely repeating what they had been told. Complex collected and encouraged. Many class discussions thinking was defined as suggestions by students about ended With teacher questions (sometimes assigned for questions, explanations, and designs for testing the future class periods) concerning how the concepts and validity of their explanations in terms of uniqueness skills seemingly mastered (either by class discussions (how often other students listed similar ideas) and the framed by the textbook, or through laboratory exercomplexity (how difficult it was for teachers and cises, or by information gathered during the STS efforts students to even see the connections and uses proposed associated with the landfill controversy) could be used by some students). in completely new situations. Both teachers agreed that Four research assistants were used to collect elseskills or concepts, ideas, use to student ability concerning the aspects of creativity that information evidence where (i.e., in new settings) was important These assistants were experienced observed. be could that real learning had occurred. Often, both teachers Teacher Evaluation Model Science Expert the using in reviewed the "big idea" that emerged and requested (ESTEEM) instrument (Burry-Stock, 1995) for their students to keep records of how these ideas could be own dissertation research. Two had worked directly used in new contexts. This was easier to justify in the with Burry-Stock in validating and refining the instruSTS section, since often the students followed up on ment initially. Information from all students in both activities and designednew ones that were unrelated to sections were combined so that the research assistants the textbook outline. Almost weekly, students were were unaware in which section the students had askedtoTrespond to teacherinquiries about such use of experienced their school science. ideas and skills beyond the activities and ideas considQuestions arose concerning the use of specific ered in class - often without applicability beyond the strategies that STS purports to utilize. These teaching classroom and a given testing period. were likened to the strategies that Brooks strategies Attitude was periodically checked in connection andBrooks (1993) used to define constructivist teachwith each module/unit/chapter that resulted in a maj or ing..Burry-Stock (1995) validated an instrument (ESexamination. The attitude questions were developed TEEM) which the teachers selected as a means of the by from items in the Third Assessment of Science notingthe degree ofconstructivist approaches inuse in National Assessment ofEducational Programs (NAEP) discussions and in laboratory situations. The instrument in 1978. The attitude questions include a listing of includes 18 observable features that collectively define favorite classes and the relative placement of science constructivist teaching approaches. Burry-Stock has courses, teachers, and career plans. The items propublished extensively concerning the development and vided information for all students concerning their use of this measurement tool. Its use here characterrelative reactions about science as a vocation, a subject izes most previous research by giving an indication of in school, and something scientists do, as well as actual teaching practices reported by students, teacher reactions to their science teacher and classroom. groups, and "expert" constructivist teachers. de(1963) Torrance Creativity was defined as The teachers agreed to videotape frequent class scribed it in his seminal work in this area. The act of and to ask science education research assissessions questioning itself is considered a mark-of a creative partners in the action research to provide as tants person. Further, questions are considered basic (a first professional interpretation ofthe 18 constructivist feastep) to science itself. Creativity is also required in tures comprising the ESTEEM instrument. The teachproposing possible answers to questions (sometimes called hypotheses). A third level of-creativity is -in- ers selected one discussion period and one laboratory periodfor each unit/module/ chapter for such videotapvolvedwith devising tests for determining the validity of ing. For this study four sets of videos were collected at the explanations. Students were routinely confronted midpoint for each 3-4 week unit (two in discussion with discrepant events about which they were asked to format and two in a laboratory format) as a way of generate questions, explanations, and ways they would noting general differences in use of Constructivist determine the validity of the explanations. In all these practices by the two teachers in the two instructional instances, the questions, explanations, and tests were situations. Videotapes were reviewed by at least four analyzedwith an indication of the uniqueness of each. familiar with ESTEEM. They had wrked researchers the of This was accepted by noting the frequency School Science and Mathematics I, .1 STS Approach with practice videos until at least a 90% agreement conceminginterrater reliability was attained. A sample of videotapes were then researched by different reviewers who had been a part of the team to check on a sampling of all instruments to reach general agreement. After initial cooperative efforts produced results that were similar 90% of the time, periodic checks were made by 10% of the actual videotapes to provide greater confidence in the reported scores with the ESTEEM catagories. Help was requested and arranged by administrators and counselors in surveying parents, involved community activists, and other staff in the school concerning relative impact and use of science outside the classroom to accomplish Research Question 4. Parents were all selected from those who attended at least one parent-teacher conference or who had contacted the school (administrator or counselor) concerningthescienceprogram. Communitymembers included school board members, leaders of civic groups, and active members of the Chamber of Commerce. Some of these leaders recommended others in their groups who had school-age students in the middle school ofthe district. Such surveys were conducted at the end of each 9-week grading period and included all science sections and teachers. For this study only the parents of students in the two sections are reported for analyzingthe differences among students in the STS vs. the textbook sections. Much information was gained from surveys, collected during teacher/parent conferences, PTA meetings, and other meetings concerning school programs. Following is a list of basic questions directed at parents and community leaders: Parents: 1. Is there any evidence that your child enjoys science? 253 2. Does he/she use any ofthe concepts and/or skills in taking actions at home? 3. What kind of evidence does your child provide concerning the impact of science this year in school? Community: 1. Do you have any indication of impact and use of school science among middle school students from our local school? 2. Have there been any community improvement projects about which youth in our local school have contacted you? 3. Are you aware of any school or local news reports about success with science study in our local school? Do you assess the impact of such extensions of learning outside of the classroom and the school? Results Table 1 shows the changes in student achievement betweenpretests and posttests on a sampling ofquizzes and unit examinations at the end ofthe 9-week grading period. A semester examination for general achievement was given as a pretest during the opening week of school in the fall; the posttest was the semester exam given to all students in both the STS and textbook sections. Significant growth was found with both measures for students in both the STS and textbook sections. Table 2 shows the pre- and posttest results for student application of,new concepts and the pre-post changes in student attitudes concerning their science study. There are significant changes for both textbook and STS students. Interestingly, hgwveyer, the attitude change for the textbook students is negative. Tables 1 and 2 provide the data that respond to Research Questions 1 and 2. Table 1 Comparisonsof Pre- and Posttest Scores in STS and Textbook Class Sections in Terms of Student Concept Mastery and General Achievement. Variable Pretest SD Posttest Mean ,SD 9.15 1738 1.0 2.5 17.12 31.58 8.85 17.54 1.2 2.6 16.96 33.08 4.3 Mean T P 1.0 3.0 42.36 39.47 .000** .000** 1.3 31.68 26.93 .000** .000**a STS approach (N= 26) Basic concepts General achievement Textbook approach (N=26) Basic concepts General achievement '*p<.01• a indicates a decrease in mean score Volume 106(5), May 2006 I STS Approach 254 Table 2 Comparisonsof Pre- and Posttests in STS and Textbook Class Sections in Terms of Applications of Concept and Development of Positive Attitudes Toward Science Posttest Pretest Variable STS approach (N= 26) Applications of concepts considered Attitude toward science Textbook approach (N= 26) Applications of concepts considered Attitude toward science T P SD Mean SD Mean 11.04 7.65 1.5 1.0 18.38 8.88 1.6 0.8 15.20 6.91 10.35 8.15 1.8 1.0 16.54 7.00 1.7 0.9 14.29 7.50 .000** .000** .000** .000**a **p<.O1 aindicates a decrease in mean score Table 3 presents a compari,son of results for STS and textbook students in the twc sections. There is no significant difference in the co ncept mastery for students in the two sections eitl ler in terms of what happens regarding the growth cf basic concepts measured by quizzes and unit exam s at the end of 9-week grading periods. Similarly, thebre were no significant differences between STS and te:xtbook students on the changes found between pre- an .d posttest administration of the semester exam. Teachers also compared ressults on random repeat ofposttest with quizzes 3 weeks after the initial administration.None of these revealed significant differences between STS and textbook stu dents. Apparently, the mastery ofbasic concepts was st atistically the same for both students in the STS and te•Ktbook sections. Tables 2 and 3 indicate the advantage of the STS approach over the textbook ap]?roach in terms of the Table 3 Comparisons Between STS anc Textbook Class Sections in Terms of Student Con cept Mastery, General Science Achievement, Concept Application of Concepts, and More Positive Attitu,,des Toward Science Sumof Variable Square .0003 Basic Concepts GeneralAchievement 23.20 Applications of 4220 Concepts AttitudesToward 55.61 Science **p<.0 1 df F 1 1 .00 3.80 .986 .057 1 14.92 .000 ** 1 111.18 .000 ** P development of more positive attitudes toward science and science study. Students inthe STS section developed significantly-more positive attitudes. Table 4 provides information gained from students in the textbook and STS sections regarding student suggestions for use of the concepts studied in new settings. Four major areas of the course structure were used, namely force, motion, structures, and design. The numbers of uses suggested by STS students were significantly greater for students in the STS section. Further, these uses that research assistants selected as'unique were far greater for students in the STS section. All evaluations were scored by research assistants without kriowledge of which approach was experienced by students. The students in the STS section were more successful in providing ideas foruse ofconcepts innew contexts and many more offered unique ideas. Table 5provides informationregarding comparison of creativity skills, exhibited by STS and textbook students at the end of each 9-week grading period. It is apparent that the STS students asked more questions, offeredmore explanations, andproposed more tests for the validation ofthe explanations than did students in the textbook section. Further, more STS students asked questions, offered explanations, and suggestedways of testing for the validity of the explanations than did students in the textbook sections. , Appendix A provides information about the 18 features of constructivist teaching identified byBurryStock (1995) in her ESTEEM rubric. Appendix B includes two figures illustrating the contrasts between the two sections of students during a class discussion (Figure 1)and a laboratory (Figure 2). Itis apparent that STS classrooms provided more evidence thadt constructivist practices were in use. There "were School Science and Mathematics A4 255 STS Approach Table 4 Student Generated Uses of Basic Concepts in New Situations for Students Enrolled in STS and Textbook Sections TextbookApproach Total Number Number of Unique/ of Uses ComplexUses STS Approach TotalNumber Number of Unique! of Uses ComplexUses Force Motion Structures Design 1 1 6 5 1 0 6 9 23 2721 33 8 11 0 0 Table 5 Creativity Skills Exhibited by the Students in STS and Textbook Sections Creativity Skill Measure TextbookApproach Studentsb Instances* STS Approach Instances* Studentsb Questions raised perclass period Unique questions raised per class period Explanations Unique explanations Tests for validity of explanations Unique tests of validity of explanations 31 11 23 9 10 3 19 8 18 7 8 3 11 2 3 1 0 0 8 2 3 1 0 0 anumber equals total provided during class period bnumber equals number of students offering them differences observed by a team of research assistants who were asked to.evaluate the practices as evidence that the teaching approaches used by the two teachers were different. Table 6-provides a summary ofthe data to respond to Research Question 4. The data arose from surveying parents, other teachers who taught students in the two sections, administrators and counselors, andPTA members and other community leaders. More STS students were identified as providing evidence of the impact of science studies in the following situations: "*Additional activities carried out outside the classroom. "*Contacts with expeits outside the school for information. "*Conversations at home concerning experiences in science. classes. "*Actions taken in the community at large. "*Writing editorials for school and communitynews. "*"Workingwith community organizations. "*Participating in public debate. tLdents 'in the STS section were. notably more successfu•uin "• Generating ideas for use of science concepts in new situations. "*Using creativity skills, including questioning, proposingpossible explanations. "*Devising tests for the validity ofthe explanations generated. "• Using community resources. "* Conversing about science at home. "*Taking actions in the community as a result of science study. A review of videotaped classes - both discussion andlaboratory sessions - illustrated that the teacher in the STS section was more ."constructivist" in her approach to teaching. Discussion The results from this action research study indicate that students can learn asmuch about science concepts -while involved with a seemingly unrelated local issue as the course organizer - as do students who focus almost completely on concept mastery and use of typical laboratory activities suggested in a textbook..It Volume 106(5), May 2006 STS Approach 256 Table 6 Relative Impact of Science Learning Outside the Class for the Students in STS and Textbook Sections Learning/Using Science Outside the Class' Science-related activities carried on outside of classroom Contacts with experts for information Talking about science at home Taking actions in community Editorials in local newspapers Appearances at government boards Instances of work in community organizations Times participated in public debates STSApproach Numberof Numberof Students Instances TextbookApproach Numberof Numberof Students Instances 38 31 43 21 22 20 10 5 10 10 5 6 13 16 10 12 0 1 0 1 17 9 20 9 3 2 2 1 aEach.figure is based on activities during a 9-week span of time as reported to school counselors who distributed surveys to parents and local youth organizations and community leaders. should be kept in mind, however, that the STS teacher helpedprepare the concept quizzes and exams and tried to prepare her students for success. She tried hard to relate the ideas and concepts to direct experiences the students had while being detectives at work on the community landfill controversy. After a full semester of work with non-textbook science for the STS section, the general science achievement of students was not significantly different between those enrolled in the textbook and STS sections, as measured by a semester examination prepared by the two teachers. More importantly, in the case of the application of concepts, students in the STS section were significantly more adept than were students in the textbook section. Apparently, the STS approach-provides more experiences with the application of concepts as a part of the regular classroom experiences and with the extension of science study and involvement with activitiesbeyond the classroom and the textbook. Students in the STS section were able to suggest and describe uses of concepts in new contexts. They were also more successful in proposing uses that were judged to be more unique and more complex. Students in thetextbook sectionwere unsuccessful in suggesting uses for the ideas and skills characterizing their school science experiences. Another advantage of the issue-oriented STS approach was the. significantly more positive student attitudes concerning science. The usual decrease in attitude following school study of science as reported in several studies (Hueftle, Rakow, &, Welch, 1983; National Assessment of Educational Progress, 1978; Yager, 1985) did not occur when students were involved with issues characterizing the STS approach. In fact, the attitudes were significantly more positive than they were initially. Perhaps too few have assumed that school science canresultin increasingpositive attitudes among students about science. The STS -approach seems to offer exciting possibilities -for schools and teachers interested in the affective domain and the development ofmore positive attitudes. Similar results have been reported by Yager and Tamir (1995) and Yager and Weld (1999). Students in the issue-oriented section asked more questions, followed up on them, and contributed more unique questions than did students in the standard textbook section. Since these are viewed as features of student creativity, it is argued that the changes in frequency of student questions and the quality of their questions represent other major advantages of the STS approach when the students in the two class sections are compared. Certainly proposing explanations for their own questions and suggesting ways to test their validity illustrate knowledge of the nature of science among students in the STS section. The observations indicate that the STS students in this study exhibitedmore qualities ofgood citizenship; they extended sciencebeyondthe classroom and school; they were more involved withtheir studies and continued learning. These features provide evidence of the merits of the STS approach - at least as evidence.Vdy this one small study. There is evidence that st,;izy in the School Science and Mathematics J1 257 STS Approach STS formatresults in meeting the four goals for science education as advanced in theNSES. The goals indicate that all students should: "*Experience the richness and excitement of knowing about and understanding the natural world; "*Use appropriate scientific processes andprinciples in makingpersonal decisions; "*Engage intelligently inpublic discourse and debate about matters of scientific and technological concerns; and "*Increase their economic pioductivity through the use ofthe knowledge, understanding, and skills of the scientifically literate person in their careers. (NRC, 1 9 9 6 , p. 13) The results and the statistical analyses permit some generalizations - at least as they pertain to this one situation. Although both teachers had similar backgrounds and had worked together in planning and teaching middle school science, there is still no assurance that it was the skill of the teacher in using the STS approach that resulted in the differences on the several measures. Further, each teacher practiced her unique teaching style, enthusiasm, and philosophy. It can be assumed that teacher actions and practices are important in determining real learning in both the STS and textbook sections. Perhaps it will take more evidence and more experiences to encourage even more teachers and schools to use the advantages that the STS approach and constructivist teaching may-provide. More need to see the power that a real life local context can play in gaining mind engagement and involvement among students. It is important to note the features used to characterize the so-called STS approach and effective constructivist practices, as well as the changes in 'teaching advocated by the NSES. It certainly will take more evidence before STS will be the megatrend that Roy (1985) saw it to be for the new millennium more than a decade ago. STS has been found in this study to assist in student learning ofscience in four of the six learning domains as identified by McCormack and Yager (1989) and by Yager (1996). The STS approachresulted in significant concept mastery but not more than what was achieved "with more traditional methods in a textbook dominated classroom. However, applications, creativity, and more positive attitudes are three domains in which the students'studying science with an STS approach displayed significant gains over students experiencing traditional textbook1dominated teaching. No information was collected in this study for the process and world view domains per se. However, Wilson andLivingston (1996) and Kellerman and Liu (1996) reported significant advantages in these two domains for students studying in STS classrooms. Obsorne's (2003) study focusing on student gains in better understanding of science also suggests the power of using issues as organizers in addition to using other STS teaching strategies. Similarly, Lederman, Abd-El-Khalick, Bell, and Schwartz (2002) have summarized the research with regard to teaching that suggests that it can result in students learning a more accurate view of science and moreuse ofknowing about the nature of science. Again, this was not a primary focus for this study. However, such learning-provides still another advantage for using the STS approaches for meeting other important goals central to the NSES. Interpreting the results ofthis study suggest caution since only two teachers from one school were involved. Further, the effects of the specific teacher strategies varied and may contribute to some of the results, unless one defines even more precisely the different teaching that typically differentiates STS and textbook dominated classrooms. Nonetheless, these strategies are those listed in the NSES, and they also parallel the NSTA list defining the STS approach. They are not unlike the features Burry-Stock used in defining constructivist classrooms. Other cautions in interpreting the results of the study are the tests in which the assessments in the concept domain were determined. They were all teacher prepared and/or those suggested by the textbook publishers. Many of them simply required duplication of skills taught or remembering definitions and explanations. In many ways they were typical tests that followed closely what the-textbook (and the teacher involved) suggested. Similarly, the general achievement examination was a teacher prepared semester test. No validity and reliability indicators were available. Certainly it is important not to generalize too much from this one study involving but two teachers in one school district. Summary and Conclusions Limitations of the study were indicated in the introduction and with the description ofthe design of the action research undertaken. However, it is important again to indicate these problems before reviewing what the reported results reveal. The results of this study should be used with some care in providing encouragement for all who want to depart from standard use of science textbooks and standard course outlines. There is'evidence that concept Volume 106(5), May 2006 STS Approach 258 mastery is not lost when students explore and act on their own as part of class projects. Most importantly, STS students can apply the science concepts that they seemto know innew situations betterthan can students who use typical textbooks extensively. This is impressive evidence that STS students really know; they can use the information and skills on their own innew situations. The development of more positive attitudes suggests that benefitsin the affective domainmayresult. 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Electronic, mail may be sent via Internet to yagers@bethelcollege.edu - Appendix A Comparisons between STS and Textbook Teachers in Terms of Constructivist Teaching Practices Using the ESTEEM Rubric Constructivist Trait STSApproach Discussion Average Lab Average ofBoth TextApproach Discussion Average Average Lab ofBoth Category I: Facilitatingthe LearningProcessfrom a ConstructivistPerspective A. Teacher as a Facilitator 4.50 4.00 4.33 B. Student Engagement in Activities 5.00 5.00 5.00 C. Student Engagement in Experiences 4.00 4.00 4.00 D. Novelty 4.00 4.00 4.00 E. Textbook Dependency 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.00 3.50 2.50 2.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 233 1.67 333 233 2.00 Category II: Pedagogy Related to Student Understanding F. Student Conceptual Understanding 4.00 G. Student Relevance 5.00 H. Variation of Teaching Methods 3.50 I. Higher Order Thinking Skills 4.00 J. Integration of Content & Process Skills 4.50 K. Connection of Concepts &.Evidence 5.00 3.00 2.50 2.00 2.00 2.50 1.50 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.662.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.67 Category III: Adjustments in StrategiesBased on Interactionswith Students L. Resolution of Misperceptions 4.50 4.00 4.33 M. Teacher-Student Relationship 5.00. 5.00 5.00 N. Modification of teaching Strategies to 3.50 4.00 3.67 Facilitate Student Understanding 2.50 3.50 2.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 233 3.33 t1.67 Category IV.- Teacher Knowledge of Subject Matter .Use of Exemplars 4.00 P. Coherent Lesson 3.50 Q. Balance.Between Depth 3-50 & Comprehensiveness R. Accurate Content 4.00 4.00" 4.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 4.00 333 4.00 4.67 4.67 5.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 3.67 3.67 3.67 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.67 2.67 5.00 4.33 3.00 2.00 2.67 Volume 106(5), May 2006 STS Approach 260 Appendix B Figures Figure. 1. Comparisons between STS and textbook section with respect to STS teachingpractices used during class discussions. STS vs. Textbook for Discussion 6 W3 2 S TS 0 0 A B CD E F G H I J K L M NO P Q R Indicators Figure 2. Comparisons between STS and textbook sections with respect to STS teachingpractices used during an activity-based class sessions. STS vs. Textbook for Lab 04- ~ -*-Textbook w 0 2- 02 A B C D E F G H I J K LMNO PQ R Indicators A I'l School Science and Mathematics COPYRIGHT INFORMATION TITLE: The Advantages of an STS Approach Over a Typical Textbook Dominated App SOURCE: School Science and Mathematics 106 no5 My 2006 PAGE(S): 248-60 WN: 0612100758007 The magazine publisher is the copyright holder of this article and it is reproduced with permission. Further reproduction of this article in violation of the copyright is prohibited. To contact the publisher: http://www.ssma.org/ Copyright 1982-2006 The H.W. Wilson Company. All rights reserved.