Radiation hard design in CMOS image sensors Bart Dierickx, Caeleste CPIX Workshop 15-17 sept 2014, Bonn Outline • Introduction • Design for total dose Total ionizon dose TID Displacement damage DD • Design for single events SEU single event upset SEL single event latch-up • Take home message 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 2 Introduction TID total ionizing dose DD displacement damage SEU single event [upset...] SEL single event latch-up Take home message Introduction About us Background in Radhard CMOS design 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 3 About us Founded 2006 Mechelen, Belgium 17p Mission and business model Supplier of Custom designed Beyond “State of the Art” Image sensors 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors space X-ray scientific TOF no specialties category 4 Caeleste radhard background Where we come from Historical contribution to radhard and cryo design for space (ISOPHOT..., OISL, STAR250, HAS...) Background in design for particle physics and X-ray integrating and photon counting detectors Close relationships with foundry technologists Expertise in circuit & device physics & technology Present Routine radhard design (TID, TnID, SE, SEL) Proton & SE hard pixels ROICs and image sensors 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 5 Heritage OISL 2000 first >10Mrad QX 2010 Analog domain 2-energy “color” X-ray photon counting 1989 1992 XYW event detector RD-19 SOI-CMOS 29 September 2014 ISOPHOT FIR ROIC 1989 SEU hard wo TR 2013 wafer scale X-ray radhard design in CMOS image sensors STAR250/1000 2003 6 Disclaimer • This paper focuses on design countermeasures, while understanding the damage mechanism itself • This is not a design course. Details of actual designs are not shown • Technology countermeasures, temperature effects, annealing not treated • No guarantee on effectiveness of techniques, nor of IP freedom 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 7 Introduction TID total ionizing dose DD displacement damage SEU single event [upset...] SEL single event latch-up Take home message TID total ionizing dose also referred to as IEL ionizing energy loss 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 8 TID Radiation: Primarily X, γ, but essentially all particles Dominant effect : Creation of positive space charge in the SiO2 (SiN) dielectric layers Also: increase of interface states at Si-SiO2 interface Effect on CMOS circuits: Moderate shift of Vth, μ degradation and 1/f noise increase Parasitic S-D leakage via STI/field in nMOSFETs resulting in large dissipation and malfunction 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 9 TID Effect on CMOS pixels: Moderate offset shift and 1/f noise increase Lateral shunting between pixels Lower gain and increased PRNU Increased average Idark and DNSU Most publications are describing this last effect 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 10 Design countermeasures • Buried diodes as the general way to reduce dark current • Avoiding the parasitic source-drain leakage in nMOSFETs • Several case-by-case other measures 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 11 TID-hard CMOS Regular transistor Leaks when STI/field inverts 29 September 2014 Annular transistor: No path over STI/field radhard design in CMOS image sensors H-gate transistor: Leakage path over STI/field is blocked by P-implant 12 The “CES” IR ROIC Fully radhard & cryo77K UMC018 Digital: DARE library Analog: CaelesteRH >>1Mrad, not tested yet ESA consortium Caeleste+Easics+Selex 2014 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 13 4 SAR ADCs, detail 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 14 Digital logic, detail 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 15 Caeleste RH library CaelesteRH as compared to SotA Available in 3 technologies, porting is standardized Full analog & mixed mode Very high TID & TnID hardness Very high SEL hardness Very high SEU hardness wo TR <20% increased Cin and power <50% area increase Normal Caeleste mixed mode Caeleste RH 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 16 TID Gamma Radhard pixels LAP2010 device TID of gamma 60Co Idark [e-/s] Gamma TID Tower TSL018 2011 10000 1000 Compared to published SotA 10 TID [kGy] 0.01 29 September 2014 100000 0.1 2009innocent1 2009innocent2 2009innocent (HAS) 2000bogaert/dierickx 2002dierickx (STAR250) LAP default LAP DS LAP DX LAP XS 100 100 10 1 1 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 10 100 1000 17 TID Gamma ≠ Electrons LAP2010 device factor increase Idark [] 100 Tower TSL018 10 devices; many pixels per device TID of • 300keV electrons • 1.2/1.3 MeV gamma 60Co 1E+08 Silicon 1E+07 10 e-/H+/α range or photon absorption [µm] 1E+06 1E+05 e- PPD 1E+04 e- FD 1E+03 γ PPD 1E+02 γ FD 1E+01 electrons 1 protons 1E+00 0 1E-01 1E-02 1E+03 10 20 1E+04 1E+05 29 September 20141E+06 photons 30 1E+07 40alpha 50 60 [kRad 70 Si] radhard 1E+09 design 1E+10 in CMOS image sensors 1E+08 initial energy [eV] 80 Effect on • Buried PPD • Surface FD 18 DD displacement damage Introduction TID total ionizing dose DD displacement damage SEU single event [upset...] SEL single event latch-up Take home message also referred to as “NIEL” non-ionizing energy loss 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 19 DD Radiation: HE particles: protons and heavier Dominant effect : Non-elastic displacement of Si atoms Often creating an initial vacancy+interstitial Effect on CMOS pixels: Point-wise heavily leaking diodes, hot pixels Often blinking “RTS” dark current pixels 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 20 Photodiode redundancy? Proton/Neutron/other_particle displacement damage in the photodiode creates “hot” or “RTS” pixel SE creates flash No way to remove or calibrate this? Suppose we split the pixel in 2...100 parts. The defect will reside in only one Redundancy? Readout all, remove the defect part’s signal and average. Take a weighted maximum voltage by winner take all circuit or sourcefollower 29 September 2014 confidential 21 Photodiode redundancy RESET RESET SELECT SELECT PPD/2 PPD/2 FD/2 FD TG PPD FD/2 TG RESET Column Column PPD/2 US patent US8426828 Introduction TID total ionizing dose DD displacement damage SEU single event [upset...] SEL single event latch-up Take home message SEU single event [upset] Also SEE, SEFI, SET, SEGR, SEB ... () SEL is separately treated 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 23 SEU Radiation Sometimes X, γ, e-, but rather much heavier particles Dominant effect : Creation of instantanous + or – charge packet sufficient to toggle a latch Effect on CMOS and CMOS pixels: register or memory loosing information flash seen by the photodiode 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 24 SEU The loss of bits in SRAM cells or Flip-flops electrons 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 25 SEU Mechanism • Particle deposited charge packet charges one node of a latch to the oppisite logic value 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 26 Flipping the invertor @t0 3.3V VDD VSS +++++++++3.3V +++++++++++++- 0V Flipping the invertor @t0+0.5ns 3.3V VDD VSS 2V + - -- - - 3.3V + ++ + +- + +- + + +- + - Hole drift/diffusion Electrons drift/diffusion SEU countermeasures • • • • • Shield against particles Make vulnerable volume small Make vulnerable node capacitance large Triple (and other froms of) redundancy Detectability, read-back, re-upload 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 29 Introduction TID total ionizing dose DD displacement damage SEU single event [upset...] SEL single event latch-up Take home message SEL single event latch-up SEL SEL Radiation Protons and rather even heavier particles Dominant effect : Creation of instantanous + or – charge packet sufficient to initiate a PNPN latch-up Effect on CMOS: Circuit collapsing and potential destruction due to excessive supply current 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 31 Bulk CMOS has an annoying thyristor VDD VSS 0 3.3 ... ... 3.3 0 NPN PNP Bulk CMOS has an annoying thyristor VDD VSS 0 3.3 ... ... 2.5 0.8 NPN PNP Attention: these two resistors are physically partly the same This external element model is imperfect! Thyristor = 2 * BJT VSS NPN VDD Q PNP Threshold for ignition: Q, C Conditions for sustaining: , R 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 34 Modeling SEL Quantitative compact (=SPICE) model? Much better: a 3D device simulator. What lacks: value for series resistances Series resistances in E, B, C. Can estimate it from techology data. Pay attention that “resistance” applies to majority carriers. Base resistance is thus over/underestimated and partly uncorrelated Emitter and Base resistances partly overlap: Emitter current increases IR drop of Base. What lacks: models of the parasitic BJTs : must eventually “measure” that. Start with default value (100...1000) for “qualitative” estimate. 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 35 Design countermeasures Avoid ignition minimize sensitive volume maximize C/Q: increase node capacitances Avoid sustaining Maximally reduce the series resistance in the thyristor Between the nWELL and pWELL: guard rings metallically tied to VDD/VSS Avoid proliferation nWELLs (actually the well not being the substrate) should be fragmented. So that the latchup remains confined: when one section latches, the general supply voltage does not collapse. 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 36 Design style Classic CMOS design style VDD=nWELL Metal guardring around wells Rails in the middle VDD=nWELL VSS=substrate VDD=nWELL VSS=substrate 29 September 2014 VSS=substrate radhard design in CMOS image sensors 37 VDD=nWELL VSS=substrate VDD=nWELL VSS=substrate VDD=nWELL VDD=nWELL VSS=substrate 29 September 2014 VSS=substrate Mirrored rails radhard design in CMOS image sensors 38 Technology measures Avoid the thyristor SOI, FinFET Reduce the bipolar feedback Poor BJTs Trenches Low sheet resistances Epi wafers (p- on p++ or n- on n++): reduces 1 Base resistor Increased recombination → reduces minority current and increases Idark Reduce the pick-up Small charge collecting volume in the Bases 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 39 Triple well... The number of possible thryristors increases 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 40 Good to know nMOS-only or pMOS-only circuit parts cannot latchup. A standalone BJT does not latchup 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 41 SEL and vulnerable nodes How much charge is deposited on a vulnerable node 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 42 Vulnerable volume @t0 VDD VSS ++++++++++++++++++++++- Vulnerable volume @t0+10ps VDD VSS ++++++ + - - +++- ++++++++- Vulnerable volume @t0+0.5ns VDD VSS + ++ + recombination -- - + ++ - + +- + +- +- + - Net node charge as function of time the nWELL case electrons Substrate electrons diffuse into depletion layer then drift into nWELL Electrons diffuse to nWELL VDD tie Holes in nWELL diffuse into depletion layer then drift into substrate Holes drift out of depletion layer to substrate Electrons drift into nWELL Event time ~10ps ~1ns How to estimate Q? LET linear energy transfer Heavy ions are commonly described by amount of energy lost per unit track length = Linear Energy Transfer Linear Energy Transfer Energy loss per unit path length dE/dx= MeV/cm Divide by material density = MeV.cm2/mg LET of 100 MeV.cm2/mg corresponds to charge deposition of 1pC/μm = 6E6 e-/h+ How does LET spectrum relate to the real space environment? A measure for the heaviest ions/events that can be expected Says nothing about number of particles or probability 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 47 e-h+ pairs per µm 100 MeV.cm2/mg ≈ 1pC/µm = 6Me-h+/µm This is a linear function, thus 50 MeV.cm2/mg is still 3 million charges/µm. deposited e-h+/µm in Silicon [e-h+/µm] For reference /µm 1,E+06 e: e-/µm α: 4E6 eh, max @1MeV H+: 30000 eh, max @80keV β (and γ): <5000 e-h+ h+: e-/µm 1,E+05 alfa: e-/µm 1,E+04 1,E+03 More energy: less charges! 1,E+02 29 September 2014 1,E+04sensors 1,E+05 radhard design in CMOS image 1,E+06 1,E+07 1,E+08 1,E+09 48 1,E+10 actual energy [eV] Voltage drop assuming instantanous charge deposition Minimal junction size and capacitance 1fF & 1µm: 6000 e- = 1V Electrons (hence gamma) cannot create Vforward Protons can (marginally) ignite LU Proton SEL hard junction? 5fF & 1µm: 30000 e- = 1V. Yet, shallow angle? 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 49 electrons Net node charge as function of time Maximum effect alfa LET 100 MeV.cm2/mg Maximum effect proton Worst case threshold for SEL Maximum effect electron / gamma <1GeV time ~10ps ~1ns Introduction TID total ionizing dose DD displacement damage SEU single event [upset...] SEL single event latch-up Take home message Take home message conclusions 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 51 Take home CMOS imagers can be made hard against TID, SEL, SEU etc by design TID: avoid field leakage SEL: reduce bipolar feedback SEU: vulnerable volume & circuit redundancy Photodiode hardening for SE and displacement damage remains a question • Photodiode redundancy? 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 52 Thank you 29 September 2014 radhard design in CMOS image sensors 53