NREL/TP-210-4567 . UC Category: 270 . DE92001154 NREL/TP--210-4567 DE92 __---- NREL Preprint 001154 _--- r the 22nd IEEE lists Conference Materials Science and Engineering Division E. Nelsen, Editor National Renewable Energy Laboratory (formerly the Solar Energy ResearchInstitute) 1617 Cole Boulevard Golden, Colorado 80401-3393 A Division of Midwest Research Institute Operated for the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-83CH10093 Prepared under Task No. PVllll October 1991 On September 16,1991, the Solar Energy Research lnstltute was designated a national laboratory, and its name was changed to the Natlonal Renewable Energy Laboratory. NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States government. 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PREFACE This document contains preprints of papers prepared by photovoltaic scientists at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and collaborating researchers for the 22nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. The conference was held on October 7-10, 1991, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The NREL work described here was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC%!-83CHlOO93. Approved for National Renewable Energy Laboratory Materials Science and Engineering Division . .. 111 CONTENTS Papers in this document are listed below according to the order in which they were presented. Late news papers appear after the scheduled presentations. Some papers including NREL coauthors are not available in this publication; those that are included appear after the papers with NREL primary authors. y-i& Pas No. Cost-Reduction Technology for High-Efficiency Photovoltaics: Research Issues and Progress J.PBenner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l-1 The U.S. DOE/NREL Polycrystalline Thin Film Photovoltaic Project K. Zweibel, H.S. Ullal, R.L. Mitchell, and R. Noufi . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-l Physical, Chemical and Structural Modifications to Thin-Film CuInSe, Based Photovoltaic Devices J.R. Tuttle, M. Contreras, D.S. Albin, and R. Noufi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-l A Study of ITO/CdS/CuInGaSe, Thin Film Solar Cells K. Ramanathan, R.G. Dhere, and T.J. Coutts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-l Optical Characterization of CuInSe, Solar Cells Obtained by the Selenization Method R.G. Dhere, K. Ramanathan, and T.J. Coutts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5- 1 Optical Band Gap and Lattice Constant of Cd,Zn,,SeyS,-YThin-Film Alloys for Heterojunction Photovoltaic Cells R, Noufi, J. Tuttle, D. Albin, M. Contreras, J. Carapclla, A. Mason, and A. Tennant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 Preparation and Characterization of Polycrystalline, r.f. Sputtered, CdTe Thin Films for PV Application F. Abou-Elfotouh, M. Soliman, A.E. Riad, M. Al-Jassim, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-l andT.Coutts Advanced High-Efficiency Concentrator Tandem Solar Cells M.W. Wanlass, T.J. Coutts, J.S. Ward, K.A. Emery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-l Status of the Photovoltaic Manufacturing Technology (PVMaT) Project C.E. Witt, L.O. Herwig, R.L. Mitchell, and G.D. Mooney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1 The Effect of Microstructure and Strain in In/Cu/Mo/Glass Precursors on CdS/CulnSe, Photovoltaic Device Fabrication by Selenization D.Albin,J.Carapella,J.Tuttle,andR.Noufi .,............................... - iv 10-l CONTENTS (Continued) Me No. Fundamental Research in Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Materials: Program Perspective B.L. Sopori and J.P. Benner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-I Hydrogen in Silicon: Diffusion and Defect Passivation B.L. Sopori, K.M. Jones, X. Deng, R. Matson, M.M. Al-Jassim, S. Tsuo, A. Doolittle, and A. Rohatgi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-1 Hot Spot Susceptibility and Testing of PV Modules E.C. Molenbroek, D.W. Waddington, and K.A. Emery . ‘. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-1 Weathering Degradation of EVA Encapsulant and the Effect of Its Yellowing on Solar Cell Efficiency F.J. Pem, A.W. Czandema, K.A. Emery, and R.G. Dhere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-1 Minority-Carrier Lifetime of Polycrystalline CdTe in CdS/CdTe Solar Cells R.K. Ahrenkiel, B. Keyes, L. Wang, and S. Albright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-1 High-Efficie:cy Heteroepitaxial InP Solar Cells M.W. Wanlass,T.J. Coutts, J.S. Ward, andK.A.Emery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-1 ASTM Photovoltaic Standards Development Status C.R.Ostenvald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-1 Design of a Fiber Optic Based Solar Simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-1 B.L.SoporiandC.Marshall Interim Qualification Tests and Procedures for Terrestrial Photovoltaic Thin-Film Flat-Plate Modules R. DeBlasio, L. Mrig, and D. Waddington . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-1 The U.S. DOE/SERI Amorphous Silicon Photovoltaics Program B.L. Stafford, W. Luft, B. von Roedem, R. Crandall, and W. Wallace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-l Effects of Helium Dilution on Glow Discharge Depositions of a-Si,,Ge,:H Alloys Y.S. Tsuo, Y. Xu, I. Balberg, and R.S. Crandall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-1 Pilot Production of 4 cm* ITO/InP Photovoltaic Solar Cells T.A.Gessert,X.Li,T.J. Coutts,andN. Tzafaras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-1 Modeled Performance of Monolithic, 3-Terminal InP/Ga&q,,,As Concentrator Solar Cells as a Function of Temperature and Concentration Ratio C.R. Osterwald, M.W. Wanlass, J.S. Ward, B.M. Keyes, K.A. Emery, T.J. Coutts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-1 CONTENTS (Concluded) Title Effect of Base Doping on Radiation Damage in GaAs Single-Junction Solar Cells K.A. Bertness, B.T. Cavicchi, S.R. Kurtz, J.M. Olson, A.E. Kibbler, and C. Kramer.. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-l InP Concentrator Solar Cells J.S. Ward, M.W. Wanlass, T.J. Coutts, K.A. Emery, and C.R. Osterwald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-l Back Surface Fields for GaInP, Solar Cells D.J. Friedman, S.R. Kurtz, A.E. Kibbler, and J.M. Olson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-l Controlled Light-Soaking Experiment for Amorphous Silicon Modules W. Luft, B. von Roedem, B. Stafford, D. Waddington, and L. Mrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-l A Numerical Analysis of PV Rating Methods K. Emery and S. Nann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-1 . vi COST REDUCflON TECHNOLOGY FOR HIGH-EFFICIENCY PHOTOVOLTAICS: RESEARCH ISSUES AND PROGRESS J. I’. Benncr National Renewable Energy Laboratory (formerly the Solar Energy ResearchInstitute) Golden, Colorado . arsenide(&As). indium phosphide (InP), and combinations of thesematerials and related alloys. (These alloys are generally called III-V alloys becausetheir constituent elementsare from columns III and V of the periodic table.) The common feature in all high-efficiency solar cells is the crystalline perfection of the active semiconductor materials. ABSTRACT In the past two years, the long-awaited performance of advanced III-V basedphotovoltaic (PV) technologies has been realized. Concentrator cells in several configurations have exceeded 30% conversion efficiency, and single-junction devices have exceeded25% efficiency under standardone-sun conditions. Thin-film submodules have surpassed 20% efficiency. These accomplishmentsare due in part to NREL’s (formerly SERI) consistent, long-term support of research to understand and control the preparation of materials for these cells: However, the focus of this research is now shifting. Industry’s decision to invest in the development of production processestests not only on its perceptions of the market, but also on its confidence in the expected performance of the factory. This paper will provide an overview of the Department of Energy (DOE) PV program’s researchon III-V solar cells directed toward establishing the baseof technology necessary to design lower cost production processes and improve the reliability of manufacturing projections. While most of the program’s work is focussed on manufacturing issues and cost reduction for lower-efficiency technologies, the crystalline technologies’ path to high efficiency serves two important purposes. First, high efficiency is the program’s hedge should the targets for the balance-of-system(BOS) costs prove unattainable. Second,it is generally accepted that utilities seek high-efficiency technologies in all power generation options and will therefore prefer, possibly even demand,high-efficiency modulesfor their PV applications. In megawatt-scale PV systems, high-efficiency PV modules can command a premium price. This tends to create some confusion. It is convenient to assume that the higher-efficiency modules must necessarily be significantly more expensive to produce. In this paper, we shall examine the possibility that known prc~~ssesthat have achieved highly efftcient PV devices need not be significantly more expensive than their lower-efficiency counterparts. Through this examination, the critical researchareasand programobjectives of NREL’s Crystalline Materials and Advanced Concepts Program will becomeevident. INTRODUCTION A key strategy within DOE’s National Photovoltaics Program Five Year Plan (1) is to minimize the risk of program failure by maintaining, despite budget fluctuations and other influences, multiple paths to the ultimate goal of providing cost-competitive solar-generatedelectric power. As a result, the targets for module performance are very broad. Within this decade, technology improvements are intended to yield modules of 10%~20%efficiency with the cost, stability, and other characteristics needed to build systems generating electricity for less than $0.2O/kWhr. This target range encompassesall current PV technologies. from amorphousand polycrystalline thin films. through crystalline silicon, and concentrator modules. With a little more time, ongoing research is expected to increase the upper end of the range to better than 25% efftciency. HIGH EFFICIENCY, THE DlRECT LOWER COST PATH TO Them are a number of models for growth in PV industry, applications and annual sales.The ultimate goal of all of these is to reach “energy significance”, a point at which them are many gigawatts of PV generating capacity with much of it located in large installations. All analysesof large installations point out that high-efficiency modules can support a much higher cost. The module cost per square meter of a 20% efficient module can obviously be at least twice that of a 10% efficient module and still produce the sameprice per watt. In large systems,the high-efficiency module carries an additional premium value becausethe samefield can produce much more. energy. The resulting savings in BOS cost add directly to the allowable module cost. A simplified expression, derived from DeMeo’s equation (2). is shown as follows: Experimental and theoretical evidence indicates that crystalline PV materials will be needed for advanced solar celts designed to reach the upper end of the efficiency target range. Many types of solar cells have demonstrated high-efficiency performance, namely flat-plate cells of at least 20% efftciency and concentrator cells of 30% or higher efficiency. These have been fabricated in silicon, gallium l-l COE = tc,+qJ -------_-Efficiency known that the cost of the active layer of semiconductor needed for effective solar cells is less than 10% of the cost target for any thin-film module, including GaAs (4). Crystalline GaAs technology has demonstrated thin-film, submodule efficiencies of more than 20% (5); still, the raw-materials costs are not significantly higher than those projectedfor other thin-film options and are far less than those encountered in wafered crystalline silicon modules. This technology, called cleavage of lateral epitaxial films for transfer (CLEW, also demonstratesthat relatively large areas of single-crystalline, thin-ftlm semiconductorscan be applied to glass and that cells incorporating these films can be interconnected with module-level cell interconnection processing, also a key cost-reduction step for thin-film modules relative to wafered silicon photovoltaic technology. (l+i)FCR -------- + (~.Ol(, S. where COE= Cost of electricity in $/kWh C,= PV module cost per unit area C,= BOS cost per unit area i= indirect capital cost factor FCR= Fixed charge rate S= Annual incident energy Efficiency is the systemefiiciency, including not only the module performanceunder standardconditions but also module heating, wiring, and mismatch losses. The value of 0.016 is calculated from assumed costs of power conditioning, operation, and maintenance. The challenge is to develop technologies that can produce crystalline films without consuming a crystalline GaAs wafer. Heteroepitaxy of GaAs on germanium is an important first step. Solar cells in this system routinely yield efficiencies as high as those of the best homoepitaxial devices. Many methodshave been identified for preparing thin, single-crystal semiconductor films on glass (6,7,8,9). We also have established that high-efficiency does not absolutely Rquire defect-free single-crystal materials. Experiments in specially designedGaAs sampleshaving controlled dislocation densities in the range from ld crns2 to more than IO8 cmm2 demonstratedvery little loss in cell performancefor materials better than 16 cms2(lo), as shown in Figure 1. Continuing progressin GaAs/Si heteroepitaxial technology may reach the needed quality level. With advances in zone melt recrystallization (ZMR) silicon, near-single-crystal, <loo> oriented films can be prepared by lateral growth without seeding (11). Such films might eventually serve as the low cost substrate for high-efficiency, thin-film silicon or GaAs modules. One of the first observationsstemming from thesesystems studies is that the value of high-efficiency modules is resilient under changing economic assumptions. Table 1 shows changesin cost/performancetargets(calculated by the Electric Power ResearchInstitute) that have occufied just in the last year. Another observation is that the area-relatedBOS cost used to estimate the allowable module costs in Table 1 is $50/m2. This value is much less than the BOS costs today. Thus, while $50/m2 is a widely excepted target, it is a target nonetheless. If area-related BOS costs actually only fall to $70/m’. then another $20/m2 must be shavedoff the allowable module costs. “High efficiency is the most direct path to lower cost” was one of the major conclusions of DOE’s Energy Research Advisory Board several years ago. Actually achieving high efficiency in experimental devices is the first stepon that path. Table 2 lists the highest-efficiency, compound semiconductor solar cells measured by NREL or Sandia National Laboratories. REDUCING OF SUBSTRATE Several theoretical analyses (12,13) indicate that even semi-crystalline materials can reach efficiencies in excess of 20% provided the density of mid-gap electronic statesis held to less than 1013cmJ. This correspondsto a grain diameter of about 1 cm assuming high-quality intragrain properties and COSTS High-efficiency PV like all other approaches, needs significant advances in cost-reducing technologies for production. The basecost of any product is establishedby the value of the materials used to produce it. It has long been Table 1. Cost/PerformanceTargets For Fixed Flat Plate Systemsat $O.O8/kWhCOE. 1989dollars. Southwest U.S. site ‘Module Efticiency (%I 10 15 20 25 May 1990 (3) April 1991 (2) (%lm2) 40 85 130 175 Wm2) 27 66 105 143 103 10) 5 6 7 108 LXsldbtion deo,sity (:Om-“) Figure 1 GaAs Cell Efficiency versus Dislocation Density l-2 109 Table 2. High-Efficiency, Cornpound Semiconductor Cell Type Awn V,, Solar J,, Cells* FF Efficiency Source (cm2) (mV) (mh/cm2) (%) ml 4 16 4 1 1011 27.6 83.8 4034 6.6 79.6 four rerminnl 822 19.7 62.2 23.3 21.0 25.8 10.1 Kopin Kopin Boeing/Kopin S. Chu( 1985) 4 4 0.2 0.3 4 1022 1035 1038 891 25.1 24.3 28.7 25.5 77.7 878 29.3 85.4 17.6 21.9 Kopin ASEC SERI Spire Spire 28.7** 27.5 31.8 27.5 27.6 34.2,’ 31.0*+ 30.2 Spire SERI SERI SERI Varian Boeing Sandia SERI Thin Film: GaAs cell GaAs submodule Gahs stackedon CuInSe2 poly-GaAs/poly-Ge Epitaxial Single Junction: GaAs/ with AlGahs window GaAs/Ge with AlGaAs window GaAs/GaAs with GaInP window GaAs/Si InP/lnP homojunction Concentrator 28.2 27.6 87.1 85.3 86.4 25.7 Cells:** single-junction Gabs 200 single-junction GaInAsP (1.l S eV) 171 899 three terminal monolithic InP/GaInAs (0.75 eV) 50 monolithic GaInP/GaAs 1 2292 13.6 182.5 monolithic AIGaAs/GaAs 1 2403 13.96 83.4 100 stackedGaAs on GaSb stackedGaAs on Si 500 stackedGaAs on GaInAsP (0.95eV) 40 :* V, = open-circuit voltage, J,, = short-circuit current, FF = fill factor Re-calibration at Sandia will likely result in down-grading of theseefficiencies by 4 % Of course,this minimum entry level of production corresponds to enough cells to supply more than 50 MW of concentrator modules annually. no grain boundary passivation. Each order-of-magnitude reduction in grain boundary recombination center density achieved by passivation treatment reduces the grain diameter requirement by the sameamount. Even with the advancesin hydrogen passivation in silicon and sulphide surface passivation in III-V materials, grain diameters of at least 100 pm appearto be the minimum acceptabletarget for materials with crystalline properties. REDUCING CELL FABRICATION Simplifying the device structures needed to achieve high efficiency is also an important area for development. A major drawback to the mechanically stacked cells is that most production stepsmust be repeatedfor each of the cells in the stack. Arguments have been that overall yields will be improved because only the subcells passing electrical inspection will proceed on to final assembly, However, this seemsto imply that the yield in the subcell lines must be too low lo be viable in cost effective manufacturing. The monolithic cascade devices represent a significant simplification in device design needed for manufacturability. The epitaxial growth step is more complex than that needed for single-junction, but the balance of the process is nearly identical. Advanced concepts for further improving the performance of single-junction cells may. lead to further simplification with no performance penalty. COST One of the first terrestrial products using high-efficiency technology is likely to be ultra-high-efficiency concentrator cells. It has been shown that advancing the technology to larger wafer sizes, while maintaining a wafer throughput of more than 1000 per week, results in a significant reduction in production cost (14). Costs are added for each piece going through each processing step. Many of the steps are performed at the wafer level. Larger wafers yield a larger divisor, the number of solar cells per-wafer, to reduce the per-cell cost of all of the processing steps before the wafers are diced. At this scale of production, 30% efficient GaAs cells for operation in 1000x concentratorscould cost less than half the target price (15) neededto reach DOE mid-term goals. Thin cell designs, using back-surfaceoptical reflection OT optical confinement, are in initial stagesof evaluation for III-V solar cells. As in advanced silicon cell designs, if all other loss mechanismhave been minimized, reducing the volume of l-3 the cell to reduce bulk recombination can give higher open circuit voltages and efficiencies. The reflector can bc madeby growing alternating layers of semiconductors with different indices of refraction, known as a Bragg reflector (16.17). Or, in thin films such as CLEW, a simple coating is all that is needed. Spire has already obtained more than a 20.tnV increase in open-circuit voltage by using a Bragg reflector in a l-pm-thick GaAs cell. A more speculative, but potentially more substantial, improvement might be realized through the nature of the recombination event in high quality GaAs. Recombinationis not necessarilya toss in GaAs, provided that the material quality is sufficient that radiative recombination is the dominant mechanism. If the photon emitted by this process can be confined and re-absorbed, a process called photon recycling, then the effective minority carrier lifetime of the material becomesmuch longer. Photon recycling might open a new range for high- efficiency device performance. A final area for device development is in designing structures that retain high- efficiency performance when produced in less-than-ideal material. The thin structures possessthis feature to someextent. Other structuresare under evaluation that may be even more tolerant (18). REDUCING FI!,M DEI’OSITION COST The largest component of the production cost of high-efficiency solar cells today is the cost of epitaxy. There are many reasons for this. The largest MOCVD reactor is a batch systemcapable of coating substrateswith a total areaof nearly a third of a square meter. This is more than adequate for large-scale concentrator cell manufacturing, but a continuous deposition systemwit1 eventually be neededif costeffective flat-plate modules are to be produced. Eleven dollars buys only one gram of trimethylgallium (TMGa) containing about 25 cents worth of pure gallium. If demand was measuredin metric tons, insteadof kilograms as neededtoday, suppliers indicate that TMGa cost could drop to 70 cents per gram. Equipment and expenses needed to provide a safe production environment for the use of large quantities of compressed toxic gases and pyrophoric sources add to the burden. Large-scale PV plants may need to generate the reactants on site to improve safety, minimize material costs, and potentially benefit from improved control of epitaxy. These needs are being addressedby the research program. Colorado State University, for example, is investigating the remote-plasmagenerationof arsine and arsine radicals and the use of these species for GaAs crystal growth (19). As an added benefit of this research,they have obtained epitaxy at growth temperaturesunder 3OO“C,which may be of use for heteroepitaxy on siticon or other substrates with a large mismatch in their thermal expansion coefficients. Ultimately, for large-area crystalline thin films, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) apparatus such as that used in amorphous silicon production may be needed for III-V materials. Perhapsmuch of the substratemanipulation and gas handling technology could be adapted to III-V production if the program has provided an adequate technology base of reaction chemistry, surface interactions and other basic mechanisms. It is important to recognize that CVD is a current PV production process. It can be cost-effective for future PV products as well. Table 3 provides a summary of CVD costs estimated using the Solar Array Manufacturing Industry Costing Standards (SAMICS) and Interim Price Estimation Guidelines (IPEG) techniques developed for the DOE program a decadeago (20). While the absolutenumbers are open to debate,the major difference is that the consumable sourcescost more for thin-film GaAs than for silicon. CONCLUSIONS The approachin high-efficiency researchwill continue to be to develop technologies needed for the cost-effective production of crystalline-film-based products. White the vision of the project is focussedon advanced flat-ptate modules, at any time the market warrants corporate entry, much of the technology is directly applicable to producing ultra-high-efficiency concentratorcells. Cost reduction in the high-efficiency technologies requires a three-prongedattack. First;increasing the efficiency is still the most direct path to lowering the cost of PV modules provided that the additional device sophistication doesn’t add cost. The focus of high-efficiency cell research will be to simplify the &vice structures and to design structures which a more tolerant of less-than-idealmaterials. The secondprong is to improve the technologiesfor crystal growth. Production cost factorsrelated to large-area uniformity, yield, process safety and source utilization efficiency are. in fact, inseparable from the more esoteric scientific issues such as thermal geometry, reaction chemistry, crystallographic orientation effects, spinodal decomposition, and interdiffusion. Finally, an improved technology and new conceptsare neededto eliminate the cost of consuming a crystalline substrate. Greatersophistication in crystal growth than is apptied today underlies all threeof these paths. This work was performed under Contract No. DE-ACO2-83CH10093to the U. S. Departmentof Energy Table 3. IPEG/SAMICS Analysis of Chemical Vapor’ deposition Costs* ($/m2 estimate for 1 p deposited thickness, 2x106 m2/yr production rate) PECVD a-S MOCVD TCO MOCVD CaAs 20 40 40 Equipment Factory area Labor Consumables Utility 2.76 0.15 0.26 0.44 1.50 1.57 0.11 0.17 0.28 0.20 1.57 0.11 0.17 12.86 0.20 Total cost 5.11 2.32 14.90 Growth rate (as) l PECVD=plasma-enhanced CVD, MOCVD = MetalorganicCVD REFERENCES 7. 8. 9. U.S. Department of Energy, May 1987, National Photovoltaics Promam Five Year ResearchPlan 1987-1991,DOE/CH10093-7,Washington, D.C. E. A, DeMeo, Proceedingsof the Tenth Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1991). p. 1269. E. A. DeMeo and others, Conference Record of the 21st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Cotiference. (Il:El!, New York, 1990), p. 16. J. Stone and others, Conference Record of the 171h IEEE Pbotovoltaic Specialists Conference (IFEE, New York, 1984), p. 1178. R. W. 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Benner and others, Proceedingsof the Biennial Congressof the International Solar Energy Society Vol. 1 (Permagon,New York, 1991). p. 46. Chamberlin, J. L., and D. L.King, Conference Record of the 21st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. j (IEEE, New York, 1990), p. 870. P. D. Dapkus private communication, 1987. S. P. Tobin, S.-M. Vernon. M. M. Sanfacon, A. Mastrovito, this conference record. S. M. Durbin and J. L. Gray, this conference record. B. G. Pihlstrom, L. R. Thompson, G. J. Collins,(l991), Solar Cells, Vol. 30, p. 415. Jackson, B. and others (1983). Advanced Photovoltaic Module Costing Manual, SERI/TR-214-1965. DE84G00029. THE U.S. DOE’NREL POLYCRYSTALLME THIN FILM PHOTOVOLTAICS PROJECT Kenneth Zweibel. Harin S. Ullal, L. Witchell. Rommel Noufi Richard National RenewableEnergy Laboratory Golden, CO 80401,USA Tei: (303) 231 7141. Fax: (303) 231 1030 ABSTRACT Theoreticalefficiencies are 23.5% for CIS and 275% for CdTe (1). In a similar way, module stability also appearsto be excellent (se-e results below), with two SiemensSolar IndustriesCIS modules.for example,measured at 99.8% and 97.5% of their original efficiencies after almost tOO0days of outdoor testing at NREL. During the last eighteen months, pmgress in polycrystalline thin films facilitated by the U.S. Department of Energy/National Renewable Energy Laboratory (U.S. DOE&XL) program has included (1) acceleratedgroti.of the U.S. industrial infrasuucture suppotting CuInSq (CIS), CdTe and Si-film; (2) achievementof a record thin-film CIS power module (4 ft’t apertureareaefficiency of 9.7% verified by NREL: (3) improved apertureareaefficiency of 8.1% verified by NFUZLfor a thin Nm CdTe module of areanear 1 ft$ (4) progressin improved CIS/Mo adhesion:(5) a breaktbmugh total area thin filq CdTe solar cell efficiency of 13.4%verified by NOEL; and (6) continuedsuccessof multiyear outdoorstability tests of prototype CIS and CdTe modules. These and other technical resultsare summarizedin this paper.In addition. *wewill describe a U.S. DOE/NREL-hmded competition for university research subcotmacts designed to strengthen the technical base of polycrystallIinethin flllns. 16 U.S. OOE Module Eilictency Goal I 15%1 14 212 5 ARC0 Solar (CIS) - * 0 Solarex(a-Si. not light-soaked) c] Photon Energy (CdTe) $10 .a, &’ 8 iTI 2 6 G 24 2 -l980 1985 1990 Calendar Year INTRODUCTION Notes: All mcuules 1000 cm2 areaor more: aSi elliclenaes pmr 10llgnt-mauoeadegraaaton All awnwe areas Figure 1 Substantialtechnicalprogresshasbeenmadeduring the last eighteen monthsin the researchand developmentof polycrystalline thin film solar cells and solar power modules, facilitated by the U.S. DOE/NREL program.The major technical achievementsinclude ( 1) acceleratedgrowth of rhe U.S. industrial infrastructure supporting CuInSe, (CIS). CdTe xtd Si-film; (2) achievementof a record thinfilm CIS power module (4 fi?) aperture area efficiency of 9.7% verified by NREL; (3) improved apemrreareaefficiency of 8.1% verified by NREL for a thin film CdTe moduleof areanear 1 ft$ (4) pqress in improvedCiS/?vfoadhesion:(5) a breakthroughtotal area thin film CdTe solar cell efficiency of 13.4%verified by NREL; and (6) continuedsuccessof multiyearoutdoor stability testsof prototype CIS and CdTe modules. These remarkable technical results are summarized in this paper. Additionally. we will describe a U.S. DOWEL-funded competition for university researchsubconnacts designedto sttengthenthe technical baseof polycrystalline thin film projects. Progress in thin film photovoltaic module efficiencies However, the strengths of the polycrystalllne thin films remain somewhatobscure becauseprogressin the laboratory and at the prototypemodule level still needsto be translatedinto successwith manufactured products. We will complete our paper with a discussionof the status and issues associatedwith this necessary uansition. U.S. INFRASTRUCTURE Progress in developing CIS. CdTe and Si-films continuesto be very stung. ~Manyof the technical goals (module efficiency, stability, cost) associatedwith attaining truly low cost PV (under 6 cents&WI? system cost) appearto be achievable by these technologiesgiven existing researchtrends.Figure 1 shows the relative progressof the thin films towards high-efficiency, 1-e modules. Such progress should continue, since cell efficiencies are still rising. and the ultimate pmcticul efficiencies of these materials are 16%-18%. 2-l Technical achievementsin the late 1980ssuch as the 11% l-h! CIS module (2) made by the then r\RCO Solar (now Siemens Solar Industries)led to an increasein interestin polycrystailine thin films. Oneof the critical barriers to the progress of thesetechnologieswas the narmwnessof their industrial base.In CIS. only the then ARC0 SolarmadeCIS modulesand few other corporateentities wereeven capableof making efficient CIS cells (i.e., only International Solar EIectric Technology (ISET) and Boeing Aerospace).The situation was similar for CdTe: one company was ending its participation (AMETEK) and another, Photon Energy, was extremely small and resource-timited.In the case oi CdTe. but Mt CIS. there were nonU.S.companiesof significance: BP Solar in England and Matsushita Battery in Japan.In the caseof Si-fii, there was only one small company with a serious commitment. AstroPower. Thus, a major focus of increased U.S. DOE/NREL funding to support polycrystaUine thin films was to strengthen the corporate infras~cnUe Of thesetechnologies.This was doneby a competitive procurement during 1990. mainly through adding hinds to underfunded. resource-limited efforts such as those at ISET, AstmPower and Photon Energy, and by allowing the entry of new participants such as Solar Cells Inc. (CdTe), Solarex (CIS) and Martin &Marietta(CIS). Table 1 providesa summaryof t,heindustrial “parmers”tit U.S.DOB/NRELis funding to acceleratethe progress in polycrystallIne thin IiIm weI3 as the goals of their three-yearsubcontracts. areas.However, from the standpointof overaIl technical progress,it is hard to argue charin most ways the SIemensSolar CIS power moduie is the most significant achievementin thin fiIm PV. No other moduleof anything like its size comescloseto ir in efficiency. Figure 2 is the NREL-measuredI-V curve of this module,showing its apemne area (3883 cm*) efficiency of 9.7%. The relevant parameterswere: maximum power,37.7W; ocen-circuit voltaPe.24 v; short-circuit current. 2.44 amps:and fill f&, 0.644. - 3.01 TABLE 1 Module Development Goals for Industrial Partners iSET Siamens Sofar Solarex Martin Manetta ClJltlSc2 Cu. In SounerlngSelenlratlon. 119’0ettnxncy- 900 cm’ Cu. In Sounenn~Selen~zat~on. t2.N eftiuency-3900 cm2 Cu. In. Se Elemental Sourtermg. 12% efficiency-900 cm: Rotatmg Cylindrical Magnetron Spultermg. 8% etficlency-900 cm’ Photon Energy Solar Cells Inc. Sotaymg. :2.5% etliaency-3900 cm2 Close Spaced Subbmatlon. 10% elfrlency-i200 AstroPower Silicon Films Thtn S&con 6lms on Ceramic Subsrrales. 12?6 effrlency-1200 cm- ceTe Cd P sE 1.0 a k = 0.5 0 The government/industrypannershipsof Table 1 can be viewed as complementaryto presentor potential U.S. DOE/NREL-fundedPV Manufacturing Initiative subcomractparmerships.The subcontracts of Table 1 ail concernthe developmentof successfulprototyperhin fti modules.Issuesof moduledesignandefficiency. and prototype processes,are the focus. In contrast.PV Manufacturing Intitiative parmershipsareintendedto takePV manufacturingtechnologiesrhat are successfulaf the prototype level and optimize them for lowest cost. The annual U.S. DOE/NREL furding of the subcontncts in Table 1 is about S42OOK.with another 01900K cost-share contribution from the companies.Thus rhe totai invesunentover the three-yearsubcontmctswill be about $18 million. In addition, we have one other industrial subcontract.with Martin Marietta. Their goals are to investigaterotating cylindrical magnetrondeposirionof copperand indium (for CIS) andcadmiumandtellurium (for CdTe). as well as some work in CdTe elecuodeposition. -0.5 I -5 Area = 3883 cm2 ISC= 2.44 Amp Voc = 24 Volts FF = 0.644 6 ^, ’ I I I I 5 10 15 20 : Voltage (V) Figure 2 Light I-V characteristics of a Siemens Solar CIS power module PHOTON ENERGY CdTe -MODULE ,Mostrecently. NREL has verified a Photon Energy CdTe module with an apermreareaefficiency of 8.1%. The module size is 832 cm’ and was measuredoutdoors at NREL’s tesf facilities. The insolation at the time of measurementwas 1018 W/m’ and temperature33 ‘C. The I-V curve of this 8.1% efficient module is Until this fiscal year, we were not able to addressthe infrastructural weakness of polycrystalllle thin film research at universities. However. we have under way a competition for university subcontractssupporting CdTe and CIS research.We expectto fund about six subcomractsat the $lOOKlevel each.In addition, we have tie ongoing university subcontracts(totaling about %830K) at Colorado State U&e&y. Institute of Energy Conversion (University of Delaware) and University of Toledo. Thus the breakdownof our funds in FYI992 will be about 75% for industry and 25% for universities. In addition. we fund an in-house ‘NREL effort of about S33COKannually. shown in Figure 3. The module parameterswere: maximumpower, 6.8 W: open-circuit voltage, 21 V; short-circuit cunmt, 0.59 amp, and fill factor, 0.54. IMPROVED CIS/Mo ADHESION (ISET) Inremational Solar Electric Technology(ISlX) makesefficient CIS solar cells (115%. total area verified by i4REU by selenizationof Dunn precursorfilms. Analysis by Sites suggeststhat the junction properriesof the ISET CIS cells (in termsof diode quality factors. recombiition currents) are as good or bette.rthan any other ClS devices and comparableto those needed for 15% cells (3). Like others involved in CIS fabrication especially rhose who use selenization.ISET hasencounteredadhesionproblemsat its CIS/Mo interface.In December1990.ISET appliedfor a Europeanpatenton an innovative solution to the adhesionprobiem:the depositionof a very thin telhuium layer (10-500angstmms)betweenthe MOandthe CIS. ISET claims in its patentsthat this layer reduces adhesion problems significantly and also tmtlu in a device with improved SIE,MENS SOLAR CIS POWER kt0DlJ-N Of the numerousadvancesof the last eighteenmonths,perhapsthe most significant was the achievementof a near-lo% encapsulated. CIS power module by SiemensSolar Industries. Becausethin film modules come in many sizes. it is somewhatdifficult to develop perspectiveabout the relative imponanceof their efficiencies and 2-2 1.2 GlasJTOlCdSlCdTe P Effect of CdSThickness $ a Glass/TO/CdS/CdTe/C/Metal -z 0.48 5 = 0.32 a t 3 0.16 . 0 0.2 ’ v FF = 0.54 Eff = 8.1% ,.A.-. 0.01.1..... 0.3 0.4 8 12 16 Voltage (Volts) 20 : Light I-V characteristics of a Photon Energy CdTe module perfbmmce (4). By adding the Te layer, ISET was able to increase the flexibility with which they addedsubsequentCu. In (and Ga. if desixui) layers. For example, they prefer to deposit ln and then Cu. the revelseof the previous conventional order (5). They believe that the pmsenceof a Te layer allows the better depositionof iridium in terms of avoiding “balling up” of the indium (which degradesthe uniformity of the final film). The piogmss at ISET ln finding a wotitable solution to the CIS/Mo adhesion problem. and the subsequentimprovement in their cell efficiencies. is a significant conuibutlon to the progressof ClS technology. Figure 3 :* -* .- I 0.5 1 0.6 I 0.7 I 0.8 0.9 I 1.0 Wavelength(pm) Quamum efficiency plots of thin film CdTe solar ecus Figure 4 4 .L- 19.5mAlcm’ The Chu msult was achieved using an innovative solution-growth CdS depositionprocess.Chu producedhigh-voltage cells using this solution-growth method with his own Cd’Te(madeby close-spaced sublimation) as well as with Photon Energy CdTe materials(up to 890 mV). The consistencyof thesehigh voltagessuggeststhat much of the improvedefficiency can be attributedto Chu’s solution-grown C&3 mther than the CdTe. Coniinnation of this requires further verification. Chu’s solution-grown CdS is not yet optimixed for omical thinness;this will be a focus in upcoming months.with the aim of achieving total amasolar cell effi&enciesover 15%. Gtass/TO/CdS/CdTe/ClMetaI 7+-y ADVANCES I& CdTe CELL EFFICIENCIES: THE CHU BRRAKTHROUGH . Several tecorclCdTe cell efficiencies were reportedduring the last year and a half (3). In somecases,however. rhesereporrswere not validated by independent measurements.In specific cases, for instance. questions concerning excessive current densities suggest that the reported efficiencies were lnaccumte. On the other hand, NREL did measurecells from Photon Energy and then from T. L. Chu at the University of South Rotida that surpassedpreviously verified standards.In May 1991. Photon Energy produceda small ama (0.3 cm’, cell with exceptionally high current density (26.2 mA/cn+). This cuirent density, which is about9lX of the theoretical maximum for CdTe, was achieved by using an optically thin CdS htyek The Eeli had a quamum &kiency 6180% at 400 mn wavelength(Figum4), a~trbt@ndic&ion Witmuch ofthe improved cment came‘fromreducing the absorptio?rof‘photonswith energies above‘ihz Cds band gap. . Area Jsc Voc . FF Eff . = = = = = 1.2 cm2 21.93 mAkm2 0.84 Volt 0.7264 13.4% i I ! ThW weelm‘later. T. ‘L. Chu (a s&tier NT&L subcontractorof &6fdn .Energy at University of South Florida) substantially sulpasseaUrePhoton Energy result. ahd &I a way that suggestschat Ii&her progms a&l be reladvebyeasy. Cttu achieved 13.4% cell e@lckncy (total-atea= I .2cm,z~Flgute5) verified -byM&L. but did so by +each@ very high voltages and fill f-m. ln his recordcell, the voltage was 840 mV. and the till factor was 72.6%. h another Chu cell (12.6% efficient), the fill factor was 74.6%. the highest kmxvn CdTe fiu factor. Yet the curmnt densitiesin thesecells were moderate (about 20-22 mA/cm*), leaving plenty of room for improvement. 0.0 1 I I 0.2 0.4 0.6 Voltage (Volt) I 0.8 1.0 Light I-V characteristics of a high efficiency thin film CdTe solar cell OUTDOOR TESTS AND STABILITY ISSUES Figure 5 Although intrinsic device stability appears good with aU polycrystallii thin films. there are issuesat the module level rhat require attention as these technologiesmove into me market. For instance,CIS and CdTe are sensitive to chemicals used in sealing modules,so various approachesneedto bedevelopedfor minimizing chemicalinteractions.CdTe cells andmodulesam sensitiveto water 2-3 vapor, so careful sealing is a necessity.Issues with CIS modules tend to be associatedwith specific layers: e.g., undesirableMoSe layersthat impedecurmntflow betweeninterconnectedZnO andMO contacts and defectsand adhesionissuesassociatedwith &MOand US interfaces.Thus the achievementof a 30-year life for these technoIogies appearsto require attention to specific processing details as well as careful module design and sealing. OTHER HIGHLIGHTS Other key advancessponsoredby the U.S. DOENREL ptognun during the last eighteenmondtsinclude progressat AstroPower (SiF&n), Georgia Institute of Technology (CdTe celI MOCVD), University of South Florida (CdTe cell IMOCVD). and in-house To this date, the results of outdoor tests on Siemens Solar CIS modules are extremely promising. NRBL has testedonly two CIS modules,but both have beenoutdoorsfor almostthree years.Based on our most recent measurement.the two modules are producing power at 99.8% and 97.5% of dteir original levels (Figure 6, reference 6). These measurementswen taken outdoors at near standardconditions, which accountsfor someof the scatterin the data. The aperture-amaeffiiencles of the modules were near 8%. Thus it appearsthat the intrinsic stability of thesemodulesls not an issue.For CIS. any remainingstability issuesare likely to be process and design specific. 10.0 CIS Modules AstroPowet’sPmductI is currently in the manufacturingstagewith a capacity of 0.5 MW for FYI991 with plans to expand it to 2-3 Mw in FY1992. In the U.S. DOEJNREL subcontract program. -Power ls developing elemenmof their product II and Pmduct III technology. EssentialIy in product II,- a metallutglcal barrier depositedon the low-cost conducting ceramic substratesb being developed. This also semesas an optical mtlector to enhancethe shott-circuit curtent and improve * cell efficiency. In addition+the thicknessof the Si-film will be reduced to less than 50 microns. product III will be a monolithlcalIy integratedmodule fabricatedon an insulating ceramicsubstrate. The module size is 1200cm’ and is shown in Figure 8. Qassical interconnectschemesusedin other polycrystalllne thin film technology an being used in the developmentof Product III. For more information on AstmPower, seefor example,reference7. 26 ‘I 7.01 0 loo 200 300 Outdoor 400 500 Exposure 600 700 800 9oa - -Efficiency 1 - 2 Efficiency - - Voltage 1 *Voltage 2 19 (Oays) Stability performance of CIS modules tested outdoors at SERI under load and open-circuit conditions Figure 6 ‘Ilk? outdoor test results for Photon Energy CdTe mod&s are promising but some issuesremain. As can be seen from Figure 7 (outdoor tests, near standardconditions), several Photon Energy modules have shown good stability over reasonably long periods outdoors. However, other modules (not shown) have degraded somewhat Photon Energy believes that the instability of rhses modulesis dependenton the encapsulationandedge-sealingscheme. They have tried several of thesedesignsduring the coumeof their testing. Thus it may be expectedthat Photon Energy moduleswiU improve as theseissuesare dealt with successfully. I:ir CdTe . 5.oc Monolithically integrated Si-Film on insulating ceramic substrate Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT) and the Univenity of Soudt Florida (USF) both have improvedthe performanceof their rhin film CdTe solar cells deposited by the metal organic chemical vapor deposition(MOCVD) technique. Total areaefficiencies in the range of lo%- 11%have beenverified by NREL. Cells wem subjectedto the CdC& chemicaltreatmentsand heat ueatmentsof 42OV for 20 minutes. Further improvements ate expected by reducing the thicknessof the CdS film and improving the contacts to the high resisdvity CdTe absorberlayers. Figure 8 Modules lg n-layer p-layer 1 I --9466 . --6711.m98981 - -6711-3la980 g 4.5 m 2 l z 4.0 t - 3-~------A Figure 7 *178/9172 -2OW9173 3.5 1 a90 9 . l AA961191 74 Institute of Energy Conversion(IEC) at the Univemity of Delaware has reported fabricating 10% small-atea CIS devices by the selenization method using hydrogen selenide. Also, 7% efficient smaIl-amadevices have been reported by depositing Cu. In. Se layers and heat treating in excess Se aanosphen. From their 10 11 12’9Oli91 2 3 4 O~taoor Exposure (Monlns) Stability performance of CdTe modules tested outdoors at SERI 2-4 modeling studies,IEC has concludedthat the open-circuitvoltage of CIS SO~U&IS C-t be solely describedby a Shockiey-Read-Hall (SRHI recombination mechanism.ln the caseof CdTe solar cells, the device operatesas a p-n heterojunctlonwith curtent dominated by SRH recombination ln the junction @on of the Cdl’e device. IEC has also concluded that the 2nTe:Cu contacts ln an n-i-p stmcture are the mon stable than either Au or C&Au contacts. The emphasis of the in-house CIS program in the last year has been on understanding the phase behavior and mictosuucture of the Cu/In pmcursor used for selenixadon in order to learn how to enhance the quality of CIS films for optimum device efficiency. In selenization, fabrication of a precursor structum containing mainly Cu and In deposited onto a MO-coated substrate precedes the actual selenixation step. A correlation of the Cdb precursor microstructure with the post-selenized CIS film and device characteristics is then very desirable. To this end, a diffusion-controlled mechanistic model of alloy formation for thermally evaporated CuAn precursors is developed and will be presented separately in these proceedings. For co-evaporated films, the inter ,)mtxn&r microstructure is dominated by the compositional and substrate temperature dependence of Cu&e precipitation at grain boundaries and free surfaces. The con crystallite is exclusively stoichiomeuic. or Cu-poor, with little deviation from optimal valency and with the chemically soluble Cu.&e (&0.15) minor phase accounting for the Cu-excess in Cu-rich film compositions. The inua granular microsuucture of a nearstoichiometric grain is a phase-separatedmixture of ordered chalcopyrite and disordered sphalerite. with CySe (x=0.5,-1.0. 1.5. 2.0) minority phase inclusions. Off-stoichiomeuic Cupoor film compositions additionally contain isolated grains of the chalcopyrite-variant ordered-vacancy compound CuIn,Sq,. The goal of this work is to ultimately optimize the fabrication process by deliberate modification and better control to achieve higher quality CIS films and devices. TRANSlTION for alI the stepsof module production, other challenges include designing successful encapsulation schemes, confirming reliability with outdoor and accelerated tests, and developing market acceptance for these untried and relatively inefficient (6%-g%) PV modules. In addition, environment, safety and health issues such as plant safety, plant waste disposal, and related matters must be fully addressedfor the first time. In pamUe1, the technologies must stiB progress toward higher efficiencies (10%15% modules) if they are to make the kind of impact on global energy production that we in the U.S. DOE/NREL program believe is possible. The tendency during this period of transition will be to underestimate the difficulties and also to underestimate the progress. The latter is a matter of pemeption associated with the fact that the necessary progress will occur in manufacture. with few outward rewards except--once every few years--the introduction of a new or better product. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported by the U.S. DOE under contract # DE-ACO2-83CH10093. REFERENCES 1. J. R. Sites, “Separation of Voltage Loss Mechanisms in Polycrystalline Solar Cells,” 20th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Las Vegas, NV, September 2630, 1988 2. K. W. Mitchell, C. Eberspacher, J. Ermer, D. Pier. “Single and Tandem Junction CuInSq Cell and Module Technology,” 20th lEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Las Vegas. NV, September X-30. 1988 3. I. R. Sites, “Role of Polycrystallinity in CdTe and CulnSc, Photovoltaic Cells.” Annual Subcontract Report April 1990 - March 1991 (XC-O-10046-1), Solar Energy Research Institute, Golden, CO, 22 pp, 1991 wriift~ 4. B. M. Basol and V. K. Kapur, “Improved Group I-IIIVl, Semiconductor Films for Solar Cell Applications,” European Patent Application, HOlL31/02,3l/l8. Publication # WO 9005445, December 1990 (applied) 5. B. M. Basol and V. K. Kapur, “Group I-III-VI, Semiconductor Films For Solar Cell Application,” U.S. Patent # 5.028.274, July 2, 1991 6. L. Mrig, “Outdoor Stability Performance of Thin Film Photovoltaic Modules,” 26th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Boston. MA. August 4-9. 1991 7. K. Zweibel and A. M. Barnett, “Polycrystalline Thin from Film Photovoltaics.” in Fuels and Electricity Renewabie Sources of Energy, R. Williams (ed). Island Press, Washington, DC (in press); prepared for the U.N. Conference on Global Climate Change, Brazil, 1992 TO MANUFACTURING Although three of the participants in the U.S. DOE/NREL Polycrystalliie Thin Films Photovoltaics Project (Siemens Solar Industries, Photon Energy, and AstroPower) were winners in the most recent (1990) PVUSA Emerging .Moduie Technology 2 (EMT-2) competitions, none have yet delivered the required 20 kW PV systems. The developmental work that exists between the achievement of an excellent prototype and true manufacturing is quite significant. This is the source Of the delayed delivety of 20 kW PV systems. The three technologies in question (CIS, CdTe, Si-film) have reached an excellent level of laboratory success;however, the transition to true production has only recently begun. NREL is suppordng these technologies during this transition, but we recognize that delays and unexpected problems are natural. For example. besides the obvious need to finalize a set of effective Processes 2214 IEEE Photovoltaics PHYSICAL, Specialists CHEMICAL, Conference, Las Vegas NV act 7-11, 1991 AND STRUCTURAL MODIFICATIONS BASED PHOTOVOLTAIC DEVICES TO THIN-FILM CuInSe2 John R. Tuttle, Miguel Contreras,David S. Albin, and Rommel Noufi National RenewableEnergy Laboratory (formerly the Solar Energy ResearchInstitute) Golden, c01ofado ABsTRAcr Two approachesto the modification and improvement of CuInSez-based photovoltaic devices are investigated. The inanporatioll of wide gap CulnS~-based alloys at the interface is discussed The results are inconclusive but suggestthat the choice of alloy systemsis critical. The growth of enhancedgrain thinfilm CuInSq is accomplishedin two manners. The properties of the films are consistentwith that requiredfor device fabrication. INTRODUCTION Present state-of-the-art CuInSe2 thin-film photovoltaic devices exhibit efficiencies exceeding 14% (1). This record efficiency has been attained through a proprietary process thaw in part, relies on a solid-state chemical reaction between mixed Cu and In metal precursors and F&Se gas to form the C&Se;! absorber. The alternate fabrication technology of physical vapor deposition (PVD) has,at besk produceddevices with efficiencies exceeding 11% (2) with a CuInSg absorber and 12% with a Cu(In,Ga)Sea absorber (3). A common result of these vastly different approachesis the realization of high short-circuit current densities (JEcL 40 mA/cmZ) due to the nearly complete optical absorption and carrier generation within the field region of the absorber. Therefore, the primary factor in attaining higher efficiencies lies in the increasesof the open-circuit voltage (V,) parametezfYom~44OmVtogreaterthan5OOmV. Theincreaseis likely linked to the improved electronic nature of the absorber mateaialfabricatedby the selenizationprocess.This issueis being addressedby co-workers in thesepmc&ings. The objective of this work is to use the flexibility of the PVD technology to investigateprocessesaimedat improving upon the present stateof the art. The common objective in the various scenariosis to push the V, parameterabovepresentbarriersusing both novel and conventional methods while still maintaining the near-optimalJscvaluespresentlyrealized. In this paper, we discuss two approachesto realizing this goal: 1. Band gap enhancementand chemical modification of the near-interfaceregion by introducing CuInSeZ-basedalloys. 2. Material quality improvement via grain-size enhancement andchemical modification. We will report on the incorporation of Zn- and Alcontaining~oysasanintermediatelayerbetweenthewindowand absorber. Additionally, we will describeseveralapproachesto the growth and characterizadonof polycrystalline thin-film CulnSe2 with observable crystallite. sizes of 2-10 times that of devicequality films grown by conventional techniques. The results 3-l suggestthat the latter approach should be emphasizedover the former until a better understandingof the multinary alloy material systemsis reached. EXI’ERIMENTAL APPROACH The classical picture of the p-n heterojunction device depicts the metallurgical junction as a position of maximum recombination, i.e.. the location of type conversion from the ptype absorber@ase)to the n-type window (emitter). Experience with actual CdS/C!uInSe2devices suggeststhat this is not so; further investigation (4) indicates that the CulnSe2 base-near the junction is inverted. Carrier collection, therefore,is accomplished entirely within the base, thus elevating the importance of the CuInSez quality in this region. Similarly, Turner et al. (5) have reported that the V,, of CuInSeZ-based cells is limited by recombination in the spacecharge. Our objective is to reducethe recombination, either by inserting a wide-gap layer in the space charge of the CdS/CuInSezhetero-interface,or by improving the lifetime of the semiconductorin this region. Experimentally, CuInSez-based thin-film absorber structuresare fabricatedby PVD of the constituentelementsunder a vacuum of 1O-6 torr. The wide-gap interface layers are fabricated by alloying CulnSeZ (EB = 1.0 eV) with either the binary ZnSe (2.65 eV) or the temaries CuGaSe2 (1.64 eV), CuAlSe (2.65 eV), or CuInS2 (1.53 eV) during the final minutes of the deposition (Table 1). Each alloy systemmay be examined on the basis of required alloy content, phase stability, and anion/cation exchangecharacter. Previousreportscan be found in the literature on the Cu(In.Ga)Se;!system (6.7), so we will focus here on the Al and Zn systems. The CuIn(Se.S)z system is presently under investigation and will be reviewed in a future publication. Table 1. List of potential alloy partnersto CulnS~. c Compound &SC CuAlSe~ Band Gap Alloy Content (eV) (%) 2.65 2s 2.65 2s Concerns Ailw< dwe natureunknown . .2h dopingvs. allaying l l l a-2 1.67 60 Al reactivity with SC Unsabk compound .WCUChEXWld 27% Gauppu limit l cuIns2 1.s3 IS l Anion exchange supcdor l GOOdStnad-aloncftbSUbU ; A parameterof importancewhen evaluating the quality of a thin-film semiconductor is the carrier lifetime. The relationship between carrier lifetimes (711,rp) and the device performancefor CuInSea-based solar cells has been derived via parametric modeling studies. The resultsof device modeling studiesreported herearebasedon the solar cell computermodel ADEPT developed at Purdue University. The code uses a simple single-level recombination model with the level located at mid-gap for the CdSKuInSe2 system. The absorption coefficients and other material parametersare generally derived from the literature. For carrier lifetime and mobility parameters, where data for polycrystalline thin films are scarce,adjustmentsare madein such a mannerthat simulation resultsreflect actualdevice data The results are plotted in Figure 1 for the CuInSe2/CdS device structure, where a ~a,, = 3.4x10-9 s is representativeof evaporatedmaterial. The data suggestthat enhancing the carrier lifetime will have beneficial effects. Extensive work in the Si material system (8) derives a direct relationship between carrier lifetime and the grain size. An analysis of the C&-I&J system(9) further deducesa direct relationship between V, and grain size. Our approach, therefore, is to engineer thin-film CuInSe with enhanced grain sizes and test their suitability in a device application. becauseof the presenceof excess Cu2Se. We have taken the following approachesto producing devicequality films of similar morphologies: 1. Using the morphology of thesefdms as a growth surface for active layers 2. Converting the existing photo-inactive material to photoactive materid by a vapor-phaserecrystalhmtionprocess. Unfortunately. the very nature of the substratesurfaceon which thesefilms are fabricatedmakesdevice fabrication difticult We have thereforechosento evaluate thesefilms in the following 1. Performing compositional analysis by electron probe for microanalysis (EPMA) to relate the actual and intended bulk compositions,and qualitatively examining the compositional gradientnearthe film surfaceby variable beam-energyprobing 2. Performing compositional depth profiling by Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) to examine the near-surface region for conditions favorable with device fabrication (i.e., a Cu-poor region with low net carrier concentrationsrequired for chargedepletionand field generation) 3. Using scanning electron microscopy to examine polycrystalline thin-film morphologies for enhanced grain growth 4. Using x-ray diffraction of as-deposited and powdered films to identify major and minor phases and to examine preferredorientation. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION We have previously reported(6) enhancedV, in Al- and Ga-containing alloys of CuInSe2. Each alloy system,however, exhibits unique deficiencies. In the quatemary isoelectronic alloys. CuInt-y(Ga,Al)ySe2. phase.instabilities for Ga contents greaterthan 50% and Al-alloy sensitivity to 02 and moistureresult in a generally poor spacecharge region and therefore lossesin current and nonoptimal gainsin voltage. lo-‘0 l# 16 16’ 16 Carrier Lifetime (aec) lo* Figure 1. The relationship betweencarrier lifetime and the V, and &vice performance in CuInSe2/CdSsolar cells as modeledby the ADEPT code. Experimentally, thin-film CuInSeZ is fabricated by a variety of processes,including PVD. selenization. and reactive sputtering, and can be found within a range of “crystallite” sizes between 0.1 and 1.0 pm. The thin-film morphology and microstructure has been studied extensively as a function of the fabrication process for the PVD process (10). This study concludes that the primary factor dictating the resulting film morphology is the relative activity of Cu and In during film growth, and that the secondary factors are the nature of the substratesurfaceand its temperature. Cu-rich films depositedon glass surfaces at 500 ‘C closely emulate the morphology and microstructure of Cu$le. We have been successfulat producing CuInSe2thin films with unique morphologiesand crystallite sizes on the order of 2.0-10.0 Pm. The electronic properties of the films, however, are unsuitable for photovoltaic applications 3-2 Introducing the binary ZnSe into the cuIn&~~ matrix, on the other hand, may have the opposite effect; the single-cation semicondnctmsgenerally contain fewer mid-gapdefectstatesthan do theii ternary analogs. Additionally, the presenceof Zn in the spacecharge region of a CuInSe2 device.will contribute to the region’s type conversion from p-type to n-type. Zn. however, is a quick diffuser and will be difficult to localize to the near-interface region. Moderate Zn contents (< 50%) may also fall withii the two-phaseregion of the ZnSe-CuInSq phasefield, which will not be beneficial for our purposes. Our latest attemptsat fabricating devicescontaining these alloys haveproducedmixed results,but we have learnedaboutthe dynamicsof the alloy formation. Figures2 through 4 presentdata on modified devices in which -1000-2000 A of the alloys (20% ZnSe, 12% CuAlSe2) were introduced at the CdS/CuInSe2 interface. The implication is that Zu and Al are incorporatedinto the absorber in observably different manners. For example, secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) (Figure 2) depth profiling reveals Zn diffusion well into the bulk of the absorber while Al maintainsthe profile of the depositionmcipe-. behaves in a similar manner to a standard CuInSe2 device, whereasthe device containing the (C!uIn)l&n&e2 alloy (Figure 4b) exhibits a deep burled junction with an extensive n-type region. Cu(In,Al)Se2 CuInSe2 MO I . . ... .. - -..__- -----.. 1 1 CdS Depth (elm) Figure 2. SIMS depth profile of two CuInSe2 device stmctnres. One contains 1000 A of CuIr@.saAl&t2Se2, while the other contains NOOA of ~q4(~u~.n)~.~2. BecauseAl is sensitive to air and moisture,we fabricateda series of samples with a pure CuInSe2 cap on top of an Alcontaining alloy. what is, we compareda device with 2000 A of a 12% alloy (CuIno,atQUo.t2Se2) at the interface with a device containing 1000 A of a 24% alloy capped with ‘1000 A of CuInSe2. In Figure 3, the relative spectral response these modified devices is presentedin comparisonwith a standardthinfilm CdS/CuInSe2 device. The device incorporating the homogeneousAl-alloy layer (sample D) exhibits a shift in the onset of absorption and alloying well into the bulk, while the device incorporating the burled layer of Cu(In,Al)Sg (sampleC) doesnot display such a shift in the absorptionedge. (4 MO Zn(CuIn)Se2 1 CuInSe2l 1 CdS (b) Fig. 4 Electron Beam Induced Current linescans depicting charge collection profile of two modified CuInSg-based SOhU CdS COnadXting the (a) cUh().8g&.12Se2 and (b) Figure 3. Relative spectral response of a standard CdSIcuTnSe2device.(A) and three alloy device structures: (BY mm A ~a1.6zno4se2 attheinterface; (c;wy ; CuInu.7eAlo.24Se2 buried layer; (D) ~.88&12% (c~h.f@O.4~2 attheimf&~- Sample B, which contains -1000 A of the Zn-containing ~oy,issimilarinthatthereisno&~leshiftintheabsorption edgeof the absorber. The enhanuadresponsein the near-infrared region. however, suggests a wide space charge region. This is likely caused by the type conversion of the Cu-poor CuInSe2, which exists in these structures near the junction, by Zn substituting on Cu vacancies. This phenomenon is observed in the electron-beam-induced-current(EBIC) line scansof Figure 4, where the signal represents the charge collection profile of the device. In Figure 4a. the device comaining Ct,h,,,.a~lt,J$Q 3-3 d“p- Thus, we see a general consistency between the SIMS, sjxctral response,and EBIC analysis that suggeststhat both alloy systemsrequire additional work to produce highquality devices. Part of this work is to determine the single-phase region of the CuInSepZnSe alloy system. preliminary optical characterlxation identifies the Zn-minima boundary of the single-phase field at -5.5%ZnwithanEa=1.09eV. Detem&ationoftheZn-maxima boundary is presently under way. on C~Q& . In the bilayer approach to thin-film cuInse2 device faknicaw film layas with siflcatltly different Cu contentsare sequentially depot&d With the possible 22nd IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference, Las Vegas NV exception of the boundary layers, homogenization occurs via Cu and/or In diftitsion and the bulk composition becomesa weighted averageof the individual layers. There is a narrow range of bulk compositionsthat producedevice-quality material, and it generally must be Cu-poor. In our first approachto enhancedgrain growth, this phenomenon of Cu interdiffusion is an important consideration. We have prepared a series of four samplesin which the first thin-film layer is the binary CqSe deposited on glass at 500%. This layer is followed by a seriesof layers of decreasing Cu content at substratetemperaturesbetween 350X! and 5OO’C. The intended average composition may be calculated and compared to that measured by EPMA. Table 2 and Figure 5 summarize the results of this series of films. For reference purposes,a standardbilayer devicequality film will exhibit only slight (112) preferred orientation with a total peak intensity of 4000-8000counts/s. Table 2. Summary of enhancedgrain growth on CuZSe. Ott 7-11, 1991 Several items of interest may be extracted from the data. There is a general progressionin grain sixe from the Cudeficient sample(841) to the Cu-rich sample(844), but the continuity of the morphology is generally pear in this series.with the exception of 844. We can atmbute this to a threshold thickness above which the morphology of the baselayer is lost. The possible exception to this may be sample 840. Its recipe was nearly identical to that of 847 except that it was cooled following the C!@e deposition. The resulting orientation was nearly monocrystalline with a (112) peak height of 140,000counts/s. A final observation is the high orientation of the Cu-poor sample 841. In previous studies (11). we have observed either random or (220) preferred orientation in Cu-poor compositions. Thii suggeststhat we have the ability to convert monocrystalline Cu-rich thin films to an overall Cu-poor composition without losing the potential benefits of e&anced m growth. Our best effort to date in this series is shown in Figure 6 aud exhibits the type of morphology we have targeted Crystallite sizes are on the order of 5.0 pm with a smooth surface texture. The cracking, however, will present a problem for device fabrication. The cracking may result from the thermal mismatch betweenthe Cu$e baselayer and the 7059 glasssubstrate. Tofurtherunderstandthemauuialpmperdesandthenature of the growth process, we performed extensive Auger analysis. The analysis consisted of surface and near-surface surveys on crystallite surfaces, edges, and within a crack between the structures (Figure 7). and a depth profile at a location within the crystallite boundaries(Figure 8). The elementalsensitivity factors used to calculate the atomic percent of the Cu. In, and Se constituentsare determinedby forcing the composition within the bulk to equal that measuredby the EPMA. This method lacks sensitivity to changesin the material matrix at surfaces,but it is adequatef&our analysis. Fig. 6’ SEM micrograph of surface morphology of large grain thin-tilm CuInSe2. The resaltssuggestthat the crystallite surfacesare deficient in In and/or rich in Cu, relative to the bulk. The crystallite boundary is also Cn-rich relative to the bulk This is consistent with previous studies (11). where we concluded that the mechanismof thin-film growth is related to the precipitation of CuzSe at grain boundaries and f&e surfaces. Within the bulk of Fig.5 scanllin g electron micrographsof thin-tihn samples descrii 844. in Table 2. (a) 841, (b) 847, (c) 840, and (d) 3-4 22nd IEEE P&otwoltpics Specialisb Conference, Las Vegas NV the m we have beon successful at generating a compositional gradieataptothesllrface(Figme8).~~ofwhichwas disegsed earlier. Device fabrication, however, has been unstlccessNduetoshnntingandhigh&reais~attheback contact. We &e presently working on reproducing these moxphol~onwrx3actillgs~.. act 7.11, 1991 bulk compositional changes resulting frrim the vapor exposure. Table 3 describesthe processing wndltlons for several of these films. The change in overall wmposilion ill&cam . nmpmtingInint.otbefilm. Figme%.~ thesurfaceand be. little difference in the crystallite size among the selecti samples.with the exception of run #77, where the very Cu-poor natureofthesurfacepmducesa”mottled”appearance. Thenature ofthecrackingisdifferentthandescribedearlierinthattbey a@araswnnectedratherthandlsconnt?ctedgrowthplanes. This may be moreconduciveto the fabricanon of devices. Table 3. Summaryof vapor-phaserecrystallization se&s. I I Run No. at.% Cu In, Se CAM Time,Temp (min. ‘c) FinalCompo&on tCu/In/Se) Figure 7 Augtr wmpositional analysis of sampledepicted in Figure 6. The top number representsa surface survey and the bottom number a survey following two minutes of sputtaing. (A) Brain tops srti edge, 03 grain top. and(D)crwkbetweengrains. 74 50 1.0, 4.0 10, 300 42.2 J 14.5 J 43.3 84 50 2.0, 8.0 30, 500 26.1 J 24.7 J 49.2 85 40 2.0, 8.0 20, 500 26.1124.5 J 49.3 76 30 2.0, 8.0 20, 300 16.5 J 29.9 J 53.6 77 30 2.0. 8.0 30, 400 15.4 J 30.9 / 53.7 86 30 2.0, 8.0 14 500 26.3 / 24.4 I 49.3 I 7050 I alus ---- 0 40 20 Sputter Time 60 (min) Figure 8 Auger wmpositional depth profile of bulk grain region of thin-film sampledepictedin Figure 6. Vanor phase recrvstallixation Our analysis of Cu-rich thin-fihn CuInSe2 deposited on glass at 5oo’C shows a direct relationship between excess Cu content above 25% and the resulting crystallite sixe and degreeof preferred orientation. The microstructoral model for this material system suggeststhat the exoessCuexistsintheformofCu2Seatgrain~undariesandfree surfaces. X-ray diffraction has identified the majority Cu2Se phase as cubic with nearly identical lattice parametersto that of CulnSq (11). We may therefore imagine a processby which the Cu2Se is exposed to In and Se activity at elevated temperatures and is feaystallhed into CuInSez. This hasbeenaccomplishedin a process whereby CuzSe was exposed to 2.0 and 8.0 A/s of In and Se, respectively, for 15 minutes at 5oo’C under I@6 torr of vacuum. The chalwpyrite phasewas identified by powder X-ray diffraction. We report here on a series of films fabricated with Cu wntents ranging from 30-50 at% Cu (i.e., 1867% Cu2Se) and crystallite sixes ranging from 2 to 5 ltnr. We have systematically varied the recrystallization parameters (i.e., In and Se impingement flux, substratetemperature,and exposure time, and characterized the resulting fihns on the basis of morphology and I 1okx Fig. 8 SEM micrographs of selected films from Table 3. (4 74, @I 77. (-3 84, and (4 86. I Wearei&reskdinexamimngthemodeand&greeofIn . lnanporationduringthevapor~onprocess. InFigure 9, Auger compccitionai depth profihs of selectedsamplesprovide insight into the matter. The vastly different sputter times are cansedbydifferentsputteringratesosedtoprobethefihn. The signal fluctuations at the rear of the fihn are artifacts causedby penetration to the glass substrate. In Figure 9a. we examine a pure Cu2Se film exposed to In and Se activity at 500% for 15 min. The indium has penetrateduniformly throughout the bull, converting a portion of the Cu2Se to CttIrrS~, as detected by powder XRD. The completepenetration of In is aiso observedin samples84-86 (Table 3 and Figure 9d). In this series, the most Cu-rich film was processedfor 30 min., while the least Cu-rich fihnwasprocessedfor1Omin. Thetlnalproductineachcase was a fihn with a slightly Cu-rich uniform wmnosition. o-9 (a) DWh (run) Dwth (rm) 0.0 1.0 2.0 a.0 CONCLUSIONS We have wnsidered two approaches to improving CuInSq-based solar cell technologies. Modifying the nearink&ceregionwithwi&-gapaIloysofCuIasqandeither%Se orcuAI!+presenkaninter&ingchahengebecauseoftheitature~ of the wmpounds. Superior resplk with Cu(In~)S& are attaimdwfienthealloyisceppedoffwitha~layer.?fCnInSe2. ZnSepesentsaaniqueprobleminthatitmay~~alloy~~ar dope the C!uhrS~ host, depending on the avaiIabiity of Cuvacancies for the latter phenomenon. Of the two, the incorpm&onofAIiseasiertocontroL The altemative is to improve the quaiity of the thin-ftim material via grain size enhancementprocesses. We have been successful at producing devicequality thin-film CuInSe2 with observed crystallite sixes of 2-10 pm. We have also been successfulatconvertingdaematerialfrofnitsas-depositedc11-rlch form to Cu-poor by a vapor-phase recrystal&ation method. Future work will emphasize the measurement of transport propertiesandthefabri&onofdevices. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank A. Tennant, A. Mason, A. Franz. J. Dolan and A. Duda for technical assistance. This work was supported by SERI under Contract No. DE-ACOZ83CH10093to the U.S. Departmentof Energy. REFERENCES 1) I6 4* 34 ;2 2 0 ~""'~"'~"' Q.................In........... ‘.B 0 6 2 '0 20 Sputter 40 60 lima 80 (min) 10 Sputter 16 2) 20 Tln~4 (min) Fig. 9 Auger electron spectroscopy depth profiles of a variety of enhanced-grain thin-films of CuInSeZ as descrlbedinTable3. In Figures 9b-d, we examine a seriesof fii subjectedto the recrystallization processat different temperaturesto elucidate the relationship between In diffusion and substratetemperature. Samples77 and 84 were eachprocessedfor 30 min. at 400-C and 5OO’C,respectively, while sample 76 was processedfor only 20 min. at 300-C. Samples 76 and 77 exhibit similar diffusion profiles and compositional gradients near the film surface, while sample84 exhibits a uniform composition throughouf suggesting a temperature threshold above 400-C for rapid In diffusion. Sample77 also implies a upper (lower) iimit on the inwrporalion of In (Cu content). This stoichiometry is approximately that of the v phase,CuIn;ZSe3.5. of the In$?q-Cu$3e phasediagram. KRD. however, has only weakly i&tit&d the presenceof this phasein the recrystalhred films. Our future efforts in attaining enhancedgrain growth in thin-film CuInSe2 will focus on optimizing the processes describedhere on conducting substrates. We-havealso begun to characterizethe transportpropertiesof thesefilms, and the results are very enwuraging. The goal is to correlate grain size with the enhancementof canier lifetimes anddevice V,. 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) K.W. Mitchell and H.I. Liu, Proceedings 20th IEEE Photovoltaic Svecialists Conference. Las Vegas. NV 1988 (IEEE, New Y&k, 1989) pp.-1461-1468. ” ’ K.W. Mitchell, C. Eberspacher, J. Ermer, and D. Bier, Proceedings20th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 1988 (IEEE, New York, 1989) pp-- 13841389. W.E. Devaney, W.S. Chen, J.M. Stewart- R.A. Mickelson, IEEE Trans.Elec.Devices,37,1990, p.428. R.J. Schwartz and J.L. Gray, Proceedings 2Zst IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference,Kissimme. FL, 1990 (IEEE, New York, 1990) p. 570. G.B. Turner, R-I. Schwartz, and J.L. Gray, Proceedings 20th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference,Las Vegas, NV 1988 (IEEE. New York, 1989) p. 1452. J.R. Tuttle, M. Ruth, D.S. Albin, A. Mason, and R. Noufi, Proceedings of the 20th IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 1988 (IEEE, New York, 1989) p. 1525. R.W. Birkmire, W.N. Shaferman, R.D. Varrin, Jr., Proceedings of the 2Zst IEEE Photovoitaics Specialists Conference, Kissimee, FL, 1990 (IEEE, New York, 1990) p. 550. H. C. Card and E.S. Yang, IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, 24(4). 1977,p. 397. L.L. Kazmerski, Solid State Electronics, 21. 1978.p.1545. J. R. Tuttle, Ph.D. Dissertation, May 1990. J.R. Tuttle, D.S. Albin, and R. Noufi, Solar Cells, 34 1991, pp. 21-38. A STUDY OF ITO/CdS/CuIn~2~1‘EIIN FILM SOLAR CELLS I<. Rnmnnothnn, R. G. Dhcre, and T. J. Coutls Nalionnl Rrnewahle Energy I,ahoratory (Formerly lhr Solar Energy Research Institute) Golden, Colorado ABSTRACT Solar cells were fabricated on evaporated CuInGaSez thin films by depositing thin CdS layers from aqueous solutions and subsequently depositing indium tin oxide (ITO) by dc sputtering. The CdS thickness was varied, and its effect on device quality was studied. The blue response of the cells showed improvement when a thin CdS layers was used, but the cell performance was affected by shunt leakage. Using a thick, solution-grown CdS layer, devices with 8.3% efficiency were fabricated. INTRODUCTION CuInSez and CuInGaSez based thin film solar cells have demonstrated improved efficiencies in recent years (1, 2). The incorporation of thin, solution-grown CdS films and the use of ZnO as a transparent conducting oxide (TCO) layer are considered to be the major contributing factors for these improvements. In the CdS/CuIn(Ga)Se~ heterojunction, it is necessary to limit the CdS thickness to an absolute minimum so that the short wavelength light in the range of 350 to 500 nm can be transmitted into the absorber and subsequently collected. Appreciable gain in the short-circuit current density has been achieved using this approach (1). Solution-grown CdS films, typically less than 50 nm thick, possess the unique properties of being continuous at such thickness levels and also being able to coat the rough surfaces of CuInSe;! films conformally. Other CdS deposition processes, such as physical vapor deposition, are not capable of meeting this requirement. One of the problems associated with the use of such a thin CdS layer is the possibi1it.y of a direct contact between the conducting TCO subsequently deposited and the CuInSe2 film at the regions not covered by CdS. This results in tosses due to shunt leakage. The preferred TCO in CuInSe~ cell fabrication is ZnO. This is because the ZnOICuInSe2 junction itself is a reasonably good rectifying junction. A previous work (33 has shown that ZnO is indeed more effective in minimizing shunt losses than other transparent conductors such as ITG. In these experiments, evaporated CdS layers several microns thick were used in conjunction with a highly conducting IT0 layer. The effect of including a thin, solution grown CdS layer remains to be established. IT0 is still an attractive transparent conductor because its technology is more advanced and its physics is well understood. For these reasons, a systematic study of the ITO/thin CdS/CuIn(Ga)Se2 devices was undertaken. EXPERIMENTAL The CuInGaSe2 thin films used in this study were supplied by lloeing Aerospace and Electronics Company. These films were grown by the elemental coevaporation method on molybdenum-coated alumina substrates (1). The Ga content in the films was approximately 7 at. 9%.Three samples were used to fabricated devices, and some variation in the cell parameters can be attributed to the differences in the CuInGaSex film properties. CdS thin films were grown from an aqueous solution containing CdClx, NHdOH, NH,Cl and thiourea at 80°C. Deposition parameters were optimized to yield CdS films of 60-70 nm in one run. Also, the films were grown slowly to ensure maximum coverage. Thicker films were produced by multiple coating of the substrate. In all cases, the iilms were also deposited on a clean glass substrate so that the optical properties, film thickness, and refractive index could be obtained. The refractive index of the films deposited on quartz substrates, as measured by ellipsometry, was generally lower than the reported value for the bulk, indicating that the films were somewhat porous. AS hydroxide inclusions tend to lower the refractive index, films with an index less than 2.0 were The thickness values obtained by discarded. ellipsometry were found to be consistent with the thickness of CdS in CuInSez as inferred from the interference color. After the growth of CdS, the samples were annealed in air at 200-220% for 15 min. Our approach to the deposition of IT0 differs from that reported by Shafarman et al. (31, but it is similar to the one developed by Boeing for ZnO (1). The IT0 layers were deposited by dc magnetron sputtering in an argon and oxygen atmosphere. The initial 40 nm of IT0 was sputtered under a high oxygen partial pressure to yield a highly resistive (MWsq), highly transparent layer. This layer is intended to act as a blocking contact to CuInSex The second IT0 layer of 40 nm thickness was depos’ited at a predetermined oxygen pressure to produce a conducting layer (200 Wsq). The IT0 thickness was not optimized to losses. Standard minimize reflection phot.olithographic procedures were used to defil;e the grid pattern. Ohmic contact to the IT0 was obtained hy electroplating gold. The total area of the devices was 0.25 cm2 and a total of nine devices were fzthricntcd on a area of 1 in2. RESULTS 0.02 ’ I I I I --I 1 First, the eFfect of varying the CdS thickness on the reflectance of CuInSe2 film is shown in Figure 1. The CdS thickness values are approximate estimates. Also, some variation in the refractive index of the films was noted. The bare CuInSez film has an average reflectance of 15% in the spectral range of interest. Applying a 70 nm thick CdS film imparts a dark blue color to the surface and reduces the reflectance to about 5% at 600 nm. This is the characteristic of a single-layer, antireflection coating. As the CdS film thickness increases, the reflectance shifts to longer wavelengths with minimum concurrent changes in the visual appearance of the sample. The data show the sensitivity of the reflectance to the thickness of the CdS layer. This becomes even more important after the TCO layer is added. Figure 2 shows the light 1-V characteristics of three cells with varying CdS thicknesses. The external quantum efficiency curves are presented in Figure 3. Table 1 summaries the parameters of all the cells. In device #769, the CdS thickness was 40 nm. Shunt leakage and series resistance losses caused a Figure I. Rrllcc~anccl 0f CulnSrZ film with CdS coatings of’vario~ls thirkncsscs. a. Inlc-oattd: b. 70 nmi c. 100 nni: d. 120 nni. 100 90 -2 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 Voltage (VI 0.4 0.6 200 400 600 800 1000 Wavelength (nm) 120 1400 Figure 3. External quantum efficiencies of ITO/CdS/CulnGaSeP cells. The CdS thicknesses are: #759 (40nm). #1217 I150 nm) and #1220 1,750 nml. FigIn-e 2. Light I-V characteristics of ITO/CdS/CulnGaSe2 cells. ‘fhc CdS thicknesses are: # 759 (40 nm). # 12 17 (150 nm) and # 1220 (350 nni). 4-2 Table 1. A comp3risnn Cell Parameter #759 CdS thickness voc (VI Jsc (mA cms2) Fill factor EfIiciency (70) * 40 nm 0.488 26.67 0.35 4.6 ol’ I.ho cell pnramctcrs * SERI data, AM 1.5 Glol~al, 1000 W #1217 150 nm 0.395 29.01 0.43 4.9 ~11-2, #1220 350 nm 0.516 ‘26.42 0.61 8.3 total area 0.25 cm2 thickness is less than this response is improved but it diode quality. Thicker CdS properties, but much of the CdS. reduction of the fill factor; these can he attributed to the ITO/CuInGaSez contact areas and the ITO/CdS interface, respectively. The external quantum efficiency (Figure 3) shows the effect of thin CdS. Current collection is observed down to 300 nm. The maximum quantum efficiency (QE) is only 70%, indicating that the reflection losses and a wavelength independent recombination mechanism combine to reduce the QE. The diffusion length in the nbsorher appears to be poor, as inferred from the low QE at I-ong wavelengths. When the CdS thickness is increased to 150 nm (device #1217), a reduction in the short wavelength response is ohservcd (Figure 3). The loss mec&misms in this cell are similar to the first device. In device #1220, the CdS thickness is 350 there is no collection for nm. As expected, wavelengths below 500 nm, as this part of the spectrum is absorbed in the CdS layer. However, the open circuit voltage and the fill factor have improved significantly. In fact, these are close to the ones reported by Devaney et al. (1) for their hest device. Reflection and recombination losses are also significant in -this cell and t.hey reduce the short circuit current density and QE. value, short wavelength occurs at the expense of films yield good junction useful light is lost in the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank K. Emery for providing the cell performance data, W. Devaney of Boeing Aerospace and Electronics Company for the samples, and X. Li for assistance in cell fabrication. This- work was performed under Contract No. DEACO2-83CII10093 .to the U. S. Department of Energy. REFERENCES 1. W. E. Devaney, W. S. Chen, d. M. Stewart, and R. A. Mickelsen, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 37. 428 (1990). 2. K. W. Mitchell, C. Eberspacher, J. Ermer, and D. Pier, Proc. 20th IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference, Las Vegas, NV; 1988, p. 1384. CONCLUSIONS From the above results, it appears that good quality CuInSe.z- devices can be fabricated using solution ~-grown CdS and IT0 as the transparent conductor if the CdS thickness-is at least-150 nm. When the CdS 3. W. N. Shafarman and R. W. Birkmire, Proc. 20th IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 1988, p. 1515. 4-3 OPTICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF CuInSe9 SOLAR OBTAINED -- BY THE SELENIZATION METHOD --.--_._. CELLS R. G. Dhrre. K. Ramanathan and T. J. Coutts National Rcnrwnhle Energy Laboratory (Fornicrly Ihr Solar Energy Rrsrnrch lnslit~ilr) Goidrn. Colorado 80401. Tel :(FW3)23 I- 177 1. Fnx:(303)23 l- 1381 lnlrrnnl 1%.M. 13asol and V. K. Kapur tonal Solar Electric Technology lnglrwood, California 9030 1. ABSTRACT A systematic. step-by-step analysis of the optical characteristics of the ZnO/CdS/CuInSez solar cells prepared by the selenization technique is reported. The CuInSez layer was found to be rough. with a surface feature size of approximately 0.7-l pm. The final featrlre size of the cell after ZnO deposition is approximately 0.8 pm. The texturing provided by Cult&z and ZnO and the index matching combine effectively to reduce reflectivity of the the ZnO/CdS/CulnSez structure to about 5% over the entire spectral range. An esl.itnatc of the losses in the window layers and their cffcct on cell performance is provided. INTRODUCTION Polycrystalline CuInSe2 thin film solar cell has become one of the leading candidates for large scale terrestrial W applications. CuInSez thin films have been prepared by various techniques such as sputtering (1). elemental coevaporation (2). compound electroplating (3), and the two-stage process (4). Even though all of these techniques produce reasonable CulnSez films. only the films prepared by co-evaporatlon of elements and the two-stage process have resulted in devices with high conversion efficiency. The structure of a high efficiency CuInSe2 solar cell consists of a glass or alumina substrate, the back contact. a CuInSe:! film, a window layer. and a finger pattern. The window layer consists either of a thick, evaporated Cd(Zn)S film. or a thin Cd(Zn)S layer followed by a transparent conducting oxide such as ZnO. The use of a thin Cd(Zn)S layer (usually obtained by the solution growth technique, also called dip coating or chemical growth) and a transparent conductive ZnO film redudes the optical losses associated with the window layer of a thick Cd(Zn)S/CuInSez structure. Junctions formed between solution grown CdS films and CulnSez layers obtained by the selenization method have also been found to be of better quallty (4). These junctions displayed low diode quality factors and high open circuit voltage values (5.6). In this paper we present an optical analysis of the ZnO/CdS/CulnSe2 devices. in which the CulnSe2 films were prepared by the selenization technique and the CdS layers were grown by the solution growth method. EXPERIMENTAL Glass substrates were sputter coated with approximately 2 pm thick MO layers. Cu and In films were sequentially deposited on the MO coated substrates in an electron-beam evaporator with a four-pocket hearth.The thicknesses of the Cu and In layers were 0.2 pm and 0.47 pm. respectively. Selcnization was carried out in a IlzSe+Ar mixture at 400° C. CdS films were deposited by the chemical solution growth method in an aqueous bath containing a Cd salt. a complexing agent, and thiourea as the sulfur source. The devices were completed by depositing ZnO films by a metal organic chemtcal vapor deposition (MOCVD) technique using diethyl zinc as zinc source. Two sets of samples (set 529 and 530) were prepared for analysis. The main difference between these two sets was the thickness of the ZnO layer (Table-l). Starting with the CuInSez films, optical data were obtained as each overlayer (CdS and ZnO) was deposited. CdS and ZnO films were also deposited on witness glass substrates for the optical analysis of the individual layers. Table 1. Structural cc11 ID 529 530 Parameters CdS thickness nm 70-80 80-90 for the ‘ko Sets ZnO thickness w 2.5 1.3 Optical measurements were performed on a Cary 2300 spectrophotometer equipped with an integrating sphere. Reflectance was corrected using the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NW? reflectance standard as the reference. Transmittance was corrected for the 0% and 100% shifts. Integrated and diffuse reflectance and integrated transmittance through the film. were measured. Sample thicknesses were obtained using proillnmetry. Wavelength, nm the ZnO films deposited on glass substrates is presented in Figures 3a and 3b for the two sample sets. It Is clear that the surface feature for sample # 529 is - 0.5 pm and that the feature size of the sample # 530 is much smaller than the feature size of Sample #529 which can be deduced from the reflectance data presented here. Srnnning Electron Microscopy (SEM) studies have confirmed thls observation and demonstrated that the surface roughness of the ZnO films increased with the thickness. Because of the increase in the surface roughness, these films became milky for thicknesses above 1.5 pm. When similar reflectance measurements were made on ZnO/CdS/CuInSe2 structures, the overall surface feature size was found to be about 0.8 pm. The integrated reflectance. on the other hand. was found to be reduced to -5% in the entire spectral range of interest as can be seen in Figure 2. Optical losses caused by device reflectance and absorption in each of the window layers are shown in Figure 4. Absorption losses in CdS and ZnO layers were computed from the integrated reflectance and transmittance measured on the films deposited on glass substrates. Figures 5a and 5b present the data on the expected reduction in the device performance based on the optical loss analysis presented in Figure 4 for two devices #529 and #530. The data were obtained by multiplying the AM1.5 global Ffgure 1. Reflectance of CulnSez/Mo/glnss film 530, (a) integrat.rcl reflectance (1,) diffuse reflectance. RESULTS The diffuse component of the reflectance Is expected to be dominant. for wavelengths smaller than the feature size of the surface. Therefore, in a reflectance measurement, the wavelength at which the total reflectance becomes equal to the diffuse reflectance is a good indicator of the surface feature size. Integrated and diffuse reflectance measurements performed on the CuInSe2 film of sample set #530 are presented in Figure 1. It is observed that the two reflectance data diverge for the wavelengths greater than 0.7 pm. Indicating that the layer is textured, with an average surface feature size of approximately 0.71.0 pm. We have observed similar behavior in the CuInSe2 film of the sample set #529. The optlcal measurements performed on the CdS films deposited on witness glass substrates showed indicating that negligible diffuse reflectance, these layers were specular. Reflectances of the CdS/CuInSez/Mo/glass structures exhibited no change in the surface feature size, although the overal integrated reflectance was reduced from about 17 % to the 4%- 14O/brange, as can be seen in Figure 2. This reduction is due to the antireflection effect provided by the refractive index match between CuInSez(N-3) and CdS(N-2 for the solution grown films). The reflectance of Wavelength, nm Figure 2. Integrated reflectance of CuInSez film and the structures after CdS and ZnO coating for set 530. 5-2 spectrum photon density with the optical loss in the wavcicngth range of 320-1200 nm. A quantum efficiency of unity was assumed for these calculations. Calculated short circuit current densities (mA/cm2) for the two ceils indicatrd in i’lgrlrr 5. tmmi on the opl.Iral losses arc prcscntrd in Table 2. Current densities calculated here are tllc nriivc arca vaiucs and lhev do not inciudc the losses drle to grid shadowing. ” q ZnO Absorption Waveirngl h. nm Figure 3a. Integrated (a) anti difftlse (b) reflectance of ZnO film 529 on a glass subsfmlr. Wavelength. nm Figure 4. Optical losses in device 530 due to various loss mechanisms. d z 3 0.06 DISCUSSION Wavelength. From the data presented in Table 2. reduction in Jsc due to the ceil reflectance is in the range of 2-2.5 mA/cmz. Thus, natural texturing of the CuInSe2 layer. texturing of the ZnO window layer. and the index matching combine to provide sufficient lowering of reflectance losses. Therefore, the use of an additional antireflection coating is not necessary in these ceils. For the present device structure. the major loss of performance arises due to absorption in the ZnO window layer. In the case of device #530 with a ZnO thickness of 1.3 pm, the current density loss amounts to nearly 7 mAjcm2. For a ZnO thickness of 2.5 pm (device #529). the current density loss due to ZnO absorption increases to 12 mA/cm2. These results demonstrate that a significant improvement in the performance of ZnO/CdS/CuInSe2 solar cells could be achieved by nm Figure 3b. Integrated (a) and diffuse (b) reflectance of ZnO film 530 on a glass substrate. 5-3 1 q Jsc loss dur to reflccflon q ‘Jqr loss due to ZnO absorption ,Jsc loss d11r fo CtlS nhsorptm fl <JRrloss d11c to CdS atxmrplion Jsc aftrr nbovc losses q •J Jsr loss dllc to rrtlcction m Jsr loss due to ZnO absorption 0 q 1 -. Jsc aftrr ahvr losses 0.8- 0.8 “E T2 0.6 J g v 0.4 0.2 0 Wavelength, nm Figure 5(b). Estimated Jsc for cell 530 consfdering various loss mechanisms. Figure 5(a). Estimaled Jsc for cdl 529 considering various loss niechanisms. Table 2. Calculated Devices Considering Cell ID 529 530 Current Various Densities for Optical Losses. Jsc wif.h no losses. Jsc with reflection loss, mA/cm2 mA/cm2 45.93 45.93 43.84 43.38 further optimization of the ZnO electro-optical properties. Loss due to the absorption in the CdS layer is in the range of 3.5-4 mA/cma which can be further reduced by using thinner CdS films. IIowever. the assumption that the photons absorbed in the CdS layer are lost may not be valid because the photo-carriers generated in CdS may be collected due to their proximity to the junction and the J .w with refl +ZnO absorption toss, mh/cd I 1 1 31.84 36.43 Jsc with refl + ZnO and CdS absorption losses, mA/cm2 28.49 32.57 as CdS layer is completely depleted due to Its high resistivity. We have not considered the shadowing losses due to the front grid coverage in our calculations. In the cells considered here. these amount to approximately 7O/6. Uslng an optimized grtd design, It may be possible to reduce such losses to under 5%. More recent cells fabricated by the selenlzation method have already yielded higher 5-4 eflIciencles by employing the findings of this st~ldy (6). Further improvements arc possible if the lossrs, especially due to t.he ZnO ahsnrption. are mtnimixed. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The allthors would ltke to. thank A. Ilnlntli for the help In device fabrication. This wnrlc is supported by the U.S. Department of’ Encrjiy imtirr Contract No. DE-X02-83CJ I 10093. REFERENCES I). J. A. Thornton and T. C. Lommasson. Cells, 16. 165 (1986). Solar 2). W. E. Dcvaney. R. A. Mickelsen. and W. S. Chen, Proceedines of the 18th IEEE Photovo&& Smcialists Conference. Las Vee;is NV(Octuber 1985) IEEE. New York. (1985). 173%1734. 3). R. N. Bhattacharya and K. Rajeshwar, Solar Cells, 16. 155 (1986). 4). 13. M. I3nsol and V. K. Kaput-, Solar Cells, 30. 143 ( 1991). 5). X. X. Mu. R. A. Sasala. and J. R. Sites, presented at the 22nd IEEE Photovoltafc Specialists Confcrencc. Las Vegas. NV(October 1991). 6). B. M. Basal, V. K. Kapur and A. Malanl. at the 22nd IEEE Photovoltaic presented Specialists Conference, Las Vegas, NV(October 1991). 5-5 -,TIIIN-FILM()YS FOB Rommel Nouft, John Tuttle, David hlhin. hli~url ~ontrcras, Jeff Carapella.Alice Mason, and Andrew Tennnnt Natirlnnl Rrnewable Energy Laboratory (Formerly the Solar Energy ResearchInstitute) 1617 Cnlc nlvd., Golden, CO 80401-3393 USA Tel: (303) 231-7310, Fax: (303) 231-1381 ABSTRACT We describethe fabrication and characterizationof thinfilm quaternaryalloys of CdxZnt-xSeyS~-yfrom combinationsof the II-VI binaries. We measureoptical band gaps and lattice constants of the quatemary alloys by spectrophotometry and x-ray diffractometry. respectively, as a function of composition. The optical band gaps range from 1.68 to 3.66 eV, and the lattice constants range from 5.41 to 6.05 A. The work is directed at presenting a matrix of optical band gaps and lattice constantsfor the quatemary alloys, from which one can choose a junction partner for a given absorber in a heterojunction photovoltaic cell. INTRODUCTION The heterojunction partner materials in CulnSe:! (CIS) and CdTe solar cells are as critical as the absorber itself in determining the performance of the cell. Recognizing the importance of this window layer and the fact that it can be deposited on an already formed absorber,or vice versa, we set out to fabricate and characterizethe quaternaryCd,Znt.,Se,S t-y thin-film alloys. It is important to note that in this work, we deal with solid solutions that include substitution between both anions and cations. This allows flexibility to tailor the optical band gap and the lattice constant for optimal lattice matching lo the absorber. The valence and conduction bands of ZnS, CdS. ZnSe, and CdSe are assumedto be composedfrom the localizcfl electronic p-states around the anion and s-states around the cation (I). Therefore.,it is expected that the mixed cation-anion systemshave contributions to the band gap shift from both the valence and conduction bands (2). This flexibility allows for changesin the chemistry at the interface. In achieving low resistivity by doping, most II-VI semiconductor compounds usually exhibit electrical compensationof the introduced donor or acceptorimpurities by intrinsic defect centers of the opposite conductivity type. We have attempted to dope the CdxZny.,SeySt.y system with In, Ga. and F and did not succeedin achieving a reproducible wide range of resistivity. However, in some applications, layers less than 500 A thick are applied asjunction partnersto the CuInSeZ films, and thus resistivity is not of great concern. EXPERIMENTAL Several alloy compositions of the Cd,Zn I-,Se,S tmy quatemary were preparedfrom the binary systemsof CdS-ZnSe 6-l and CdSe-ZnS at a substrate temperature of 2ooOC. Optical band gaps were measured for films 5000 A thick grown on 7059 glass, using a Beckman spectmphotometerequipped with an integrating sphere to measurediffuse and total reflectance, and scattered and total transmission. Lattice constants were extracted from x-ray diffraction (XRD) measurementsof films 2pm thick using a Rigaku Dmax vertical goniometer and controller systemwith a rotating Cu anodex-ray generator. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 1 shows the relationship of the flux to the resulting composition of the quaternary films producedfrom the two systems,ZnSe-CdS and ZnS-CdSe. The deviation of the actual composition from that expectedfrom the flux is due to the different sticking coefficient and decomposition/reconstitution rates of each binary at a substrate temperatureof 2OOY. The composition of those films was obtained by electron probe for microanalysis. CdSe ZnSe 1. 0. 0. 0. 4 m 1 0. 2 - l 01 0.0 , Zr IS I 0.2 I I 0.4 I I 0.6 I Ild 0.8 l ** 1.0 CdS Fig. 1 Flux of the binaries vs actual composition of the quatemaries. The absorption spectra for the samples represented in Figure 1 are plotted in Figures 2 and 3 as a2 vs. energy so as to extract the primary direct transition energy. The data show that someof the films exhibit more than one optical transition. This indicates that the fihns may not be single phase. Ilowcvcr, the nature of the phase separation is inconclusive from the optical data analysis. Figures 4 and 5 show the XRD spectra for the hinarie% and quaternary alloys. IJndcr the fahricatmn condition5 specified above, these films appearto hc multiphase. with the cubic phasepredominant. As a consequence,extraction of the cubic lattice constant, (a,), was somewhat difficult in certain compositions. and thus deviated the most from the calculated values (seeTable 1). In order to examine the variations betweenexperimental and calculatedvalues of both energy gap and lattice constant,we have plotted the optical band gaps and lattice constants of the above samplesas a function of composition (x and y) in Figure 6a and 6b, respectively. The calculated values are derived using the equation proposed by Moon et al. (3) for quatemary alloys described by the chemical name CdxZnt .,Se,S t -y. The data is summarizedin Table 1 and suggestsseveralanomalies. Fig.2 a2 vs. Energy for the CdSe-ZnSsystem. Thin films fabricated in the ZnS-CdSe system, on the other hand, exhibit observable band gap enhancementrelative to the calculated values. This is somewhatcontra-indicative of mixed phasebehavior since it is expected that one of the phaseswill exhibit a lower optical band gap. It may be indicative of localized strain effects resulting from incomplete alloying. The presenceof mixed phasesis more likely in the CdSe-ZnSsystem as this systemis expected to be partially miscible. This results in a range of composition in which a single-phasesolid solution is unstable. There exists an empirical relationship between the excess free energy of mixing a number of II-VI pseudobinary systemsand the relative difference in the cubic lattice parameters of the two componentsof the alloy (4). A quatemary alloy parameter such as band gaps and lattice constants for CdxZnl.xSeySt-y can be described by a surfaceQ(x,y) in which x and y define the composition plane (5) as seenin Figure 7. The boundary conditions are defined by the four ternary systems: Cd(SeS), (CdZn)Se, (CdZn)S, and 20 21 22 23 2. 23 28 27 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 2e Fig.4 XRD spectra of selected compositions for the CdSe-ZnS system showing a systematic shift in 28 correspondingto shift in the lattice constants. Fig.3 a* vs. Energy for the CdS-ZnSesystem. 20 2, 22 A .;. The difference between calculated and experimental values of the optical band gap and lattice constant is generally small in the ZnSe-CdS system, likely within the experimental error. It is expectedthat thesefilms are nearly single phasedue to the small structural variations betweenthe end-point binaries. “sn ’ ie io il i 3.3 i4 is Fig.5 XRD spectraof selectedcompositionsfor the CdSZnSe system showing a systematic shift in 28 correspondingto shift in the lattice constants. 6-2 X Table 1. Summary of the data. Measured Calcutated I% P Y E; h’ --. 1.00 2.64 5.68 2.67 5.76 0.03 -0.09 %n(SeS). In Figure 7. the band gap and lattice constantcontours arc ralrnlatcd using the equations proposedby Moon et al. (3). The input to the equations for the lattice constants and bowing parametersare taken from Ido (6). We superimposeon the plane the experimental, flux, and actual composition of the films to show their positions in relation to the calculated values and in relation to the lattice parameterof (XnSe2 (5.78 A). It is obvious, when we examine the data, that obtaining an alloy composition with predetermined zrlse I I I 0.00 0.26 0.41 0.47 0.87 0.72 0.67 2zTkz-z c&e I t I zns 1.00 0.46 0.21 0.08 0.00 1.00 0.57 0.38 0.33 o.cKl 2.39 2.28 2.27 2.30 5.74 5.78 5.77 5.78 2.33 2.24 2.21 2.29 5.74 5.76 5.77 5.78 0.06 0.04 0.05 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 24 1.66 2.51 2.92 3.26 3.64 5.82 6.09 5.69 5.60 5.50 5.43 2‘3 1.70 2.31 2.62 3.07 3.67 5w 6.05 5.74 5.59 5.53 5.41 0.0s 0.02 0.20 0.10 D.21 B.02 RQQ 0.04 -0.05 0.01 -0.02 0.02 composition to fit a specific lattice constant and band gap is difficult becauseof the complexity of the alloy formation and the presenceof multiphases. For lattice matching between CuInSez and the CdxZnt-xSe,S tsy alloy, we only need to look for those compositionsalong the tie-line defined by the lattice constantfor CuinSeZ (5.78 A>. A range of compositions with band gaps between 2.46 and 2.16 eV satisfy the lattice-matching criteria. The higher band gap composition will contribute to a higher short-circuit current becauseof awider light energy transmission window, while the lower band gap composition can contribute to the current by allowing more photons to be absorbed and, hence,carriers to be generatedclose to the junction. This carrier generationin proximity to thejunction may benefit the device by localized defect passivation. The latter requires a very thin layer of this composition. The two compositions defined above are shown in Figure 7 with the cross-hair symbols and consist of the approximate stoichiometry Cdu.9Znu. t S and Cdo.sZno.sSwSo.3. , ZnSe CdSe ZnS CdS Fig.7 Energy band gap and lattice constant contours of the CdxZnl-xSeySl-y quaternary alloys calculated asper reference3. Superimposedon the contours ate, the lattice constant for CuInS~, and the flux and composition of the thin film samples from Fig. 1. The cross-hair symbols signify the optimum compositions as described in the text. X Meeeured 0 Calculated Fig.6 Variation in (a) the measuredand calculated band gap (Eg) vs composition, and (b) the measured and calculated lattice constant (ao) vs composition, for the CdSe-ZnS and Cd!&ZnSe systems. 6-3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work was performed under Contracr No. DE-AC02-83CHlfJO93IOthe U. S. Departmentof Energy. REFERENCES 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) J. L. Bitman, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 8, 35 (1959). A. Congiu. P. Manca, and A. Spiga, Nuovo Cimm, 5B. 204 (1971). R. L. Moon, G. A. Antypas, L. W. James,JmElectron. &&.L, 3,635 (1974). L. M. Foster. J. Electrochem. Sot 121. 1662 (1974). T. H. Glisson, J. R. Hauser. M. i Littlejohn, and C. K. Williams, J, Electron. Mater,, 7, 1 (1978). T. Jdo,,I. Electron, Mater., 9, 869 (1980). J’REJ’ARATION.AND CHARACJBRJZATJON Or: J’OLYCRYSTALLJNE rf SPU-J-JERED CdTe THJN FnMS POR PV APPLJCATJON F. Abou-Elfotouh, M. Soliman, A. E. Riad*, M. Al-Jassim, and T.Coutts National RenewableEnergy Laboratory (formerly the Solar Energy ResearchInstitute) *Virginia Polytechnic Institute and StateUniversity determine various materialsparametersthat influence the device ABSTRACT Jn this work, CdTe films were sputter deposited from a CdTe performance. These include the type and concentration of the target using a 2 in. rf planer magnetron S-gun system that dominant defects, interface states, and deep trap levels. A minimizes electron bombardment of the film surface.The as successful method of preparation of p-CdTe thin films must be grown films were polycrystalline and consistedof a closepacked capableof yielding high quality material, and be capableof mass array of preferentially oriented single-crystal grains of 0.5-2.0 producing devices with high conversion efficiency at low cost. pm in size. Most grains were oriented with their [IOO], ]llO] Preliminary results indicated that CdTe thin filtns with and I1 111axes aligned perpendicularly to the substratesurface. appropriate electro-optical and structural properties can be After heat treatment,the cartier concentrationswere 1016 1018 achieved by rf magnetron sputtering. The purpose of this paper cm-j, and Jifetimes were approximately lo-10 s. CdS/CdTe is to report on the preparation of rf magnetron sputtered CdTe heterojunction devices were prepared using rf sputtered CdTe polycrystalline thin films and on their electrical, optical, and pofycrystalline film. .A conversion efficiency of 6.7% was structural properties. Despite the fact that sputtering from a measured.The Voc and Jsc values ate 0.7 V and 2LlmAI cm2 compound semiconductortarget has commonly beenrejectedas respectively. This preliminary result indicates that sputtering a meansof preparing semiconductor films, the proJxrrtiesof the from CdTe target, which has commonly been rejected as a films fabricated so far appear to be satisfactory for making device fabrication devices after a post deposition heat treatment. Jx&ystalline technique, may have potential for thin-film CdTe cell production. EXPERJJvlENTALMJI?J’JJODS JJ’JTRODUCJ’JON P-type polycrystalline CdTe thin films, doped with either Cu or To date, CdTe/CdS poIycrystaiJinethin-film heterojunction solar 02. were deposited (on various substratesincluding glass and cells and modules have demonstratedefficiencies in the 12-1396 alumina) using a 2in. rf magnetron sputtering S-gun system. range (l-3). Among t-hemethods used to prepare the p-type This electrode systemis free from electron bombardmentof the CdTe thin films involved in these junctions are electro- film surface. A typical deposition rate of I-20 pm/h was deposition(3). physical vapor deposition (4), close spaced obtained with an r-f power of 50-500 W. The substrate was sublimation (S), and screenprinting and sintering (6). The CdTe placed off-center from the target and positioned close to the material properties and junction behavior have been found to target (2-5 cm). The sputtering parameters were 2 mT for depend strongly on the method of depositing the CdTe films as pressure,an Ar gas flow of 3 SCcm and a substnte temperature well as on postdeposition heat treatments(7). The latter in the range 150”-4OO’C. The sputtering duration dependedon the required thicknessof the film. The chemical compositions of the polycrystalline CdTe films were measuredwith a CAMECA electron microprobe(wavelength dispersive X-ray spectrometry) and a Physical Electronics Model SPO scanning Auger microprobe. JJigh resolution photoluminescence(PJ.,)emission spec~rnwere obtained at different temperatures(10-300 K) using the 6471 A Ar laser line at different excitation powers (10-50 mW unfocused).Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray measurementswere used to study the crystallinity, grain size, and morphology of the film material. JJeterojunction devices were prepared by sputtering CdTe on glass substrates coated with indium tin oxide (JTO) and thermally evaporated Fig. I As grown CdTe polyctystalline film structure. CdS supplied by R. Berkmire at the Institute of Energy Conversion(lEC). The devices were heatedat 4OO”c,and etched selectedareadiffraction patternsof single grains indicate that the twinning occurs perpendicularly to the <1 11>-zincblende in Br/methanol before deposting the Cu/Au.back contact. directions. Current density-voltage (J-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurementswere cartied out on thesedevices. RESULTS Carrier concentrations in the range 10*6- l@ cm-3 have been Structural J+oDerties measured(Table l), together with a lifetime of approximately Many CdTe thin films have been examined using TEM. main- 10-10 s. view investigation revealed the grain size and individual crystallographic orientation of the grains. Furthermore, X-ray The PL emission from the CdTe film,V- I surface(most resistive analysis (EDS) was usedin the TJZMto study the distribution of material) is shown in figure 2a, in which room temptratum band the copper dopant. In general, these polycrystaJline(as grown) to band transition at 1.63 eV was observed for the first time in films are composed of a close-packed array of single-crystal CdTe poJycrystalJinethin films. grainr of dimension 0.25-2.0 pm (oxygen-doped),and0.3-4 pm for Cu-dopd material (Figure 1 ). TabJe1.Elect&al propertiesof thtee different as deposited Jr has been observed that the individual CdTe crystallites grow CdTe films with a preferred crystallographic orientation. Most often the [ 1001. [l 101and [ 1111CdTe axes are aligned perpendicularly to Sample Grain Mobility Cartier Resistivity Carrier No. Size [cm2/V set] Type [ohm-cm] Concentration the substrate surface. Atomic resolution images have shown V 1 v2 v3 that the predominant type of structural defects are coherent microtwin boundaries. Both the real spaceelectron imagesand 7-2 2.8 4.9 3.0 11.5 46.3 55.6 P P P 81.34 0.014 14.98 6.6x1015 9.6~1017 4.5x 1016 650 800 650 800 Wavelength(nm) Wavelength(nm) Fig2n PI, emission from rf sputteredCdTe polycrystnlline film heforeheattreatment. Fig.2b PL emission from the rf sputteredCdTe polycrystalline film of figure 2n after high temperatureannealing. This figure alsn demonstratestransition at 1.58eV due to bound atmosphere. The radiative recombination levels at I.52 eV exciton emission associated with Vctt. Annealing the film at high shown in Figure 4. on the other hand , were observed only in tempratrtres (370-480%) enhancesthis peak (Figure 2h). The oxygen-doped CdTe films. PJ.specmlm of CdTe polycrystalline fiims consists of emission from two different energy regions. The near-bandedge emission These defect levels are consideredthe major defect responsible is attributed to free and bonnd exciton transitions and was found for the p-type doping. Jn addition, indicative of the stnlcture perfection (8) as well as stoichiometry responsible for band-gap levels that are also identified as deviations. The lower energy emission, on the other hand, is acceptors. In comparison. Cu atoms in the p-type CdTe can he nttrihuted to donor-acceptor recombinations (9) involving Cu involved in the formation of two defectsor complexes thnt have Clr at Cc1 sites are and oxygen or their complexes with Vc(t. The exact peak location, however, depends on the film resistivity as detemlined r (eV) / 1.465 hy the electrical activity of the dominant defects. Determination I of the origin of the defect levels in CdTe films was hosedon the r 1.42(eV) change in the PI, peak position and intensity with measuring temperatureand excitalion power. A wide range of chemical compositions and doping concentrationin CdTe films was also investigated. Figure 3 shows the PI, emission spectrum of Cd-rich film ( CdRe = I. I) doped with Cu. Several donor-acceptortransitions nttrihuted to defect impurity complexes associatedwith Cu. Cd, II 740 I II.1 700 I 1 a20 Wavelength I 1 860 1 900 (nm) and Te are demonstrated.Most of thesepeaksare enhancedand hecame sharper after high temperature annealing in N2 Fig. 3 PL emission from Cu dopedCdTe film. 1 940 24 1.4 Energy 1.5 FF = 51.0% 1.6 WI 0.0 Fig.4 PI. emission from Oxygen dopedCdTe film 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Voltage (v) Fig.5 J-V relation from CdS/CdTecell preparedfrom rf sputteredCdTe heen identified as donors. The composition of thesecomplexes is not determined yet. Therefore, further work is under way IO correlate PI, data with the type of conduction in the CdTe and improving this device performanceand thus for establishing rf CdS/CdTejunction behavior. This includes the effect of various sputtering as a viable techniquefor the production of CdTe solar post-depositionheat heatmentsthat am. crucial to the CdS/CdTe cells. In order to improve the performance of thctf sputtered device performanceas well as the defect statesdominating both CdTe devices, it is essentialto obtain CdTe films with optimum the CdTe layer and its interfacewith CdS concentrationof the pmper defectsthrough optimization of both ered CdTe Devicg the deposition condition and he post- deposition herI beatmuM CdSICdTe heterojunction devices were prepared using rf good quality back contact, and window layer must be sputteredCdTe polycrystalline film. A conversion efficiency of developed). 6.7 ‘7nwas measured.The V, and Jscvalues are 0.7 V and 21. I mA/ cm* respectively. The J-V relation of this device is The C-V depicted in Fignre 5. heterojunction device are pnsented in Fig. 6 in the form of C-* characteristics obtained on the CdS/CdTe vs. V. It is clear that the capacitanceis independentof voltage at A numerical analysis computer programhas beendeveloped for high frequencies (> SO0kHz) confirming a p-i-n junction typ. modelling of theseheterojunctiondevices. This program is used In comparison. a dispersion is found in the lower frequency for numerical determination of the spectral response, photo- nnge(<SOOkllz). Therefore, the presenceof an interfacial layer current, and performance characteristics of the CdS/CdTe with high density of statesis confirmed. system (including J-V. V,, J, and output power P,,,,) in terms of the present measured CdTe and CdS material parameters. ACKNOWEDGMENT Based on the materials properties measuredto date, a device The authorswish to thank R. nirkmire and co-worker at IFC for efficiency in excessof 8% is expected.The difference between the fabrication of the CdS/CdTedevices and the supply of CdS the measuredand computedefficiencies is attributed IO the poor films. This work is performed under Contract No. DE-ACOZ- characteristicsof the device backcontact.Ample room exists for 836~10093 to the U.S. Departmentof Energy. 74 2. I-J. Matsumoto. K. Kurubayashi, H. Uda, Y. Komatsu. A. Nakano, and S. Ikegami. sol., 1I, 367 (I 984). +5OOkHr 010OkHz M b x N 0 3. G. C. Morris , P. G. Tanner. Proc. 21s 1EEE PV SC Conf. IEEE, New York, 575 (1990) . 4. Paul Sharps, A.L.Fahrenbruch. A. Lopez-Otero. and R. 11. Bube, Proc. 21a IEEE PV SC Con& IEEE, New York, 493 (19m. 0 4- 0 5. T. L. Chu, S. S. Chu. K. D. Han, and M. Mantravdi. b @JEEE PV SC Qf.&. IEEE New York, 1422 (1988). ?- I 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 vd%le M Pig.6 Capacimnee-Loltagecharacruistics showing C2-vs-V dependenceof CdS/CdTe heterojunction. REFERENCES I. S. P. Albright, B. Ackerman, and 1. F. Jordan, IEEE Trns. n. Dev., 37.434 (1990). 6. N. Suyama,T. Arita. Y. Nishiyama, N. Ueno, S. Kitamura, and M. Murozono, proC. @ IEEE PV SC Conf,, IEEE, New York, 498 (1988). 7. B. N. Baron, R. W. Birkmire. J. E. Phillips. W. N. Shafarman, S. S. Hegedus, and B. E. McCandless. NREL Golden. Co., Rep. No. SERlfl-211-4133, (1991) 8. Z. C. Feng. M. G, Burke, and W. J. Choyke, ADDI. Phvs, u 53, (2). I28 (1988). 9. N. C. Taylor. R. N. Bicknell, D. K. Blanks, T. II. Myers, and J. F. Schetzina. J. Vat. Sci. and Technoi. A, 3. 1.76 (1985). ADVANCED HIGH-EFFICIENCY CONCENTRATOR TANDEM SOLAR CELLS M. W. Wanlass, T. J. Coutts, J. S. Ward, K. A. Emery, T. A. Gessert, and C. R. Osterwald National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) (formerly the Solar Energy Research Institute) Golden, Colorado, USA ABSTRACT Using the modeling results as a basis, two novel concentrator tandem cell structures that utilize lowband-gap bottom cells have been investigated. The structures involve a combination of practical and idealized design considerations. The lattice-matched Ga,InI~,AsyPI~y/lnP system has been chosen for bottom cell fabrication in both tandems because it offers highquality bulk and heterointerface properties as well as a wide range of band gaps (0.75 - 1.35 eV) in the near IR. Both mechanically stacked and monolithic structures have been considered and the top and bottom cells have been treated as independently connected subcells in this preliminary work. The first tandem consists of a mechanically stacked combination of a GaAs top cell above a 0.95-eV-CaInAsP bottom cell, which is the optimum bottom-cell band gap for terrestrial concentrator tandems, according to the modeling results. The quaternary bottom cell composition is given by x=0.25 and y=O.54. A three-terminal, monolithic, latticematched combination of an InP top cell on a 0.75-eVGalnAs bottom cell constitutes the second tandem design under study. For this tandem, the bottom cell composition Hereafter, is Gao.471n0.s,As. GaO.zs inO.,s As,,, P,,, and Gao.47 ln,s3 As are referred to as GaInAsP, and GaInAs, respectively. Computer modeling studies of two-junction concentrator tandem solar cells show that infrared (IRIresponsive bottom cells are essential to achieve the highest performance levels in both terrestrial and space applications. These studies also show that medium-bandgap/low-band-gap tandem pairs hold a clear performance advantage under concentration when compared to highband-gap/medium-band-gap pairs, even at high operating temperatures (up to 100°C). Consequently, two novel concentrator tandem designs that utilize low-band-gap bottom cells have been investigated. These include (1) mechanically stacked, four-terminal GaAs/0.95 eVGaInAsP tandem, and (2) monolithic, lattice-matched, three-terminal lnP/0.75 eV-GalnAs tandem. In preliminary experiments, terrestrial concentrator efficiencies exceeding 30% have been achieved with Methods for improving the each of these designs. efficiency of each tandem are discussed. INTRODUCTION In the past, we have used computer modeling studies to provide guidelines for designing novel twojunction, concentrator tandem solar cells (1, 2). These studies have shown that operation under concentrated solar illumination produces a profound effect on the optimum band gap values for the top and bottom subcells. Specifically, the modeling calculations suggest that optimally designed concentrator tandems typically have much lower subcell band gaps than their one-sun The previous modeling work was counterparts. concerned with independently connected, two-junction terrestrial concentrator tandems. In the present paper, we have extended the modeling to include seriesconnected devices, as well as operation under the AM0 spectrum. As shown later, in the section describing the modeling results, we conclude that IR-responsive bottom cells are essential in all cases to achieve high-performance two-junction concentrator tandem cells. All of the device structures discussed in this paper were grown by atmospheric-pressure metalorganic vaporphase epitaxy (APMOVPE). The epitaxial growth, device processing, and characterization procedures used in this work have all been described previously (2, 3, 4). In the remainder of this paper, we discuss our latest computer modeling results and conclusions along with descriptions and performance data for the novel concentrator tandem cells mentioned above. COMPUTER MODELING The basic framework of our computer model has been outlined previously (1, 2). However, in the most recent set of calculations, we have effected two minor modifications to the model to make the results more useful for practical purposes. The ultimate application of these results is to aid in designing high-performance 8-I concentrator technologically tandem cells attractive materials. In the model, the equation current density, given by that and in electrical series. The series-connected ce!ls were modeled with top cells that were both optically thick and optically thin. With optically.thin top cells, we assume that the subcell currents can be forced to match at a value that is the average of the subcell currents obtained for the corresponding case using an optically thick top cell. This can be achieved by reducing the thickness of the top cell to allow photons with energies greater than the top cell band gap to pass into the bottom cell. The assumption is justified because we have set AEQE=l for wavelengths 2500 nm. incorporate for the reverse-saturation J0=pT3 exp(-Eg/kT) in which the pre-exponential factor p depends on the band gap and, possibly, the temperature. In this equation, T is the absolute temperature, E, is the band gap at temperature T, and k is the Boltzmann constant. The band-gap dependence of B at 25’C has been determined by obtaining a best fit to the reversesaturation current density derived from illuminated current-voltage data for state-of-the-art solar cells measured at our laboratory. The latest fit covers a wide range of band gaps (O-75-1.93 eV) and has the following form J3=3.165 expJ2.912 Iso-efficiency contours at an operating temperature of 50°C. are shown in Figures la-lf for the abovementioned cases. After reviewing the contour plots, it is clear that IR-responsive bottom cells are necessary in all cases to attain high performance levels. This is particularly the case for tandems operated under the direct spectrum. Generally, bottom cells with band gaps in the 0.6-l .2 eV range are required. For series-connected tandems, thinning the top cell to achieve matched subcell currents has no effect on either the band gap coordinates for maximum efficiency or the need for IRresponsive bottom cells for high performance. This procedure simply allows series-connected devices to attain higher efficiencies with lower top cell/bottom cell band-gap differentials. The overriding conclusion from the modeling results is that two-junction concentrator tandem cells require IR-responsive bottom cells for high performance in both terrestrial and space environments. E, (eV)J Am-*K-3 Data from twelve high-performance cells with different direct band gaps were evaluated to determine J3. However, due to a lack of experimental data at different 8 is assumed to be temperature temperatures, independent in the present calculations. We plan to include the temperature dependence of J3 in the model when sufficient data become available, however, we do not feel that the conclusions drawn from the present study will be affected. We repeated the modeling calculations using an operating temperature of 100°C to see if higher temperatures would effect the above conclusion. The resulting data (not given here) show that the conclusion remains unchanged. Hence, bottom cells with higher band gaps are not required for high-temperature operation. As we have mentioned in previous work (1, 21, this result is due to a significant improvement in the temperature coefficient of efficiency for low-band-gap cells when operated under concentration. Realizing that it is physically impossible to achieve unity absolute external quantum efficiency (AEQE) at very short wavelengths due to reflection and absorption losses in practical cells, we have included a blue response in our model that rolls off for photon wavelengths less than 500 nm. The form for the blue response was modeled after data obtained from a high-efficiency (24.8%, one-sun global spectrum, 25OC) GaAs cell fabricated by Spire Corporation (5). in the model, the AEQE decreases monotonically to 0.915, 0.781, and 0.394 at wavelengths of 450 nm, 400 nm, and 350 nm, respectively. The AEQE is set to unity for wavelengths 1500 nm. It is interesting to note from the contour plots that medium-band-gap/low-band-gap tandem pairs are heavily favored over high-band-gap/medium-band-gap pairs for high performance, in all cases. This observation has important implications for tandem cell research. For example, tandems utilizing GaAs fEp-1.42 eV @ 5OW bottom cells (e.g., AIGaAs/GaAs and GalnP/GaAsL which have been heavily researched in recent years for are at an extreme concentrator applications, performance disadvantage when compared to tandem combinations such as GaAslGalnAsP and InPICalnAs. The lower-band-gap tandems have the potential to outperform the higher-band-gap combinations by five to eight percentage points at 50°C, depending on the The modeled tandem cell efficiencies have been calculated as a function of the top and bottom cell band gaps and for various appropriate operating conditions. For terrestrial tandems, we used the direct spectrum (ASTM E 891, 1000 Wm-2 total irradiance), 500 suns concentration, and at a temperature of 50°C. Space tandems were modeled at 50X under 100 AM0 (6) suns. Additionally, the calculations were repeated using an operating temperature of 100°C for the same spectra and respective concentration ratios. For both spectra, we considered subcells that were connected independently 8-2 incident spectrum and subcell connectivity. performance advantage exists at 1OO’C. are shown in Figure 4. The cell has an efficiency of 9.4% at 30.6 suns under the direct spectrum, 25OC. The high values of the open-circuit voltage (V,,) and FF (0.658 V and 82%, respectively) are particularly noteworthy for this low-band-gap cell. A similar GaAs/GalnAsP MECHANICALLY STACKED, FOURTERMINAL TANDEM SOLAR CELLS A schematic diagram of the GaAs/GaInAsP mechanically stacked tandem concept is given in Figure 2. The GaInAsP bottom cell is grown lattice matched on an InP substrate and uses InP as a window layer to An n/p doping passivate the emitter surface. has been used to minimize the configuration emitter/window sheet resistance and emitter grid contact Positioned on the bottom cell surface is an resistance. Entech prismatic cover to eliminate optical losses due to Reference 4 contains further details of grid obscuration. the GaInAsP cell construction. As shown in the diagram, the quaternary bottom cells have been tested under IRtransparent GaAs filters and also under actual GaAs concentrator cells grown on IR-transparent GaAs In both cases, the GaAs-based top structure is substrates. mirror smooth on the front and back surfaces with appropriate antireflection coatings (ARCS) on each of the surfaces. We have been successful in a preliminary attempt to fabricate actual GaAs/GalnAsP mechanically stacked tandem cells. The cells have been tested under concentration using an aperture to define the illuminated cell area. Efficiency versus C data for our best stacked tandem are shown in Figure 5. The performance of the GaInAsP bottom cell in the stack was hampered somewhat by the use of the aperture because only about one-third of the total area of the bottom cell was illuminated during the measurement process. Likewise, the quality of the GaAs concentrator top cells that were used in the stack are far from state of the art. Despite the obvious deficiencies in the stacked device, the tandem efficiency still exceeded 30% for C values ranging from 30-100. A top cell/bottom cell current-voltage data composite for the GaAs/GalnAsP tandem at peak efficiency is given in Figure 6. At 39.5 suns, the top cell is 23.1% efficient and the bottom cell has an efficiency of 7.1%, yielding a tandem efficiency of 30.2%. With improvements in the top cell quality, stacking procedure and optical coupling into the bottom cell, we feel that concentrator tandem efficiencies approaching 40% may be achieved in the future. Efficiency versus concentration ratio (Cl data for a high-efficiency GaInAsP concentrator cell under a GaAs filter are shown in Figure 3. The efficiency data show the expected increase as C is increased initially (compared ‘to the modeled performance data) and then exhibit a broad plateau at about 9.4% for C in the 20-130 range. The fill factor (FF) data show that the cell becomes seriesresistance limited at about 30 suns, thus prohibiting further efficiency gains for higher values of C and resulting in the broad efficiency plateau. It is clear that GaAsfiltered GaInAsP cell efficiencies exceeding 10% at C 2100 could be achieved through a reduction in the cell the modeled cell series resistance (R,). Furthermore, performance data suggest that the efficiency could improve by l-2 percentage points at low values of C even with the present value of R,. An analysis of internal quantum efficiency and absolute external quantum efficiency data for these cells (not given here) shows that the majority of the discrepancy between the modeled and measured efficiency data is due to external optical losses. Therefore, improved optical coupling techniques Nevertheless, the should lead to higher efficiencies. present efficiency boost offered by the GalnA.sP cells is substantial and immediately useful in tandem stacks. The illuminated current-voltage concentrator cell at peak efficiency NREL-grown GaInAsP cells have also been applied as bottom cell components in series-connected, threejunction AIGaAs/GaAs/GalnAsP tandem cells fabricated by researchers at Varian Research Center, Palo Alto, Calif. These tandem cells are designed for one-sun AM0 conditions and are described in a related paper presented at this conference (71. InP/GalnAs MONOLITHIC, THREE-TERMINAL SOLAR CELLS TANDEM The InP/GalnAs monolithic, three-terminal tandem cell was originally conceived for space applications because it has several advantages, including a radiationresistant InP top cell (3). However, it may also be very useful in terrestrial concentrator applications because it has a high modeled efficiency. The tandem performance AM0 under terrestrial conditions is presented ‘here. performance data and temperature coefficients for the subcell performance parameters have been presented in a recent paper (8). data for a GaInAsP under a GaAs filter 8-3 An illustration of the lnP/GalnAs tandem cell construction is shown in Figure 7. The device consists of twelve epitaxial layers, which are deposited in a continuous growth sequence. The lattice-matched, monolithic structure consists of three major components, including the GalnAs bottom cell, a middle contact region, and the InP top cell. The details and function of each of these components have been outlined previously The three-terminal cell utilizes a two ‘?vel, (3). interdigitated top/middle contact grid system and a contact on the back surface of the InP substrate. The Entech prismatic cover on the cell surface is an integral part of the tandem design because it directs all of the incoming photons away from the top cell gridlines and middle contact trenches and onto the InP top cell surface. In Figure 8, concentrator efficiency data are shown for a high-efficiency InP/GalnAs tandem cell. The GalnAs bottom cell has performance characteristics that are extremely close to the limits predicted by computer modeling, which suggests that further improvements in the GalnAs junction quality appear unlikely. The InP top cell also performs quite well, reaching a broad efficiency peak of 23% over the 20-40 suns concentration range. As C approaches 100 suns, the InP top cell becomes series-resistance limited which results in a broad tandem efficiency maximum that approaches 32% from lo-50 suns. The concentrator short-circuit current density (J,,) versus V,, data have been used to determine the ideality factors (n) for the top and bottom cell junctions. For the InP cell, n = 1.02; for the GalnAs cell, n = 1.03. These values reflect that both junctions are of excellent quality. Further improvements in the tandem cell efficiency are still possible. A reduction of R, in the InP top cell would allow the tandem to operate at a higher efficiency at higher concentration ratios. Discussions of this problem and its solutions are given in companion papers presented at this conference (9, 10). Passivation of the InP emitter surface would lead to higher top cell efficiencies (3). Solutions to these efficiency-limiting problems are being pursued and concentrator terrestrial efficiencies ~35% appear possible for this tandem design. the series resistance order of magnitude. A composite current-voltage data plot for the InP/GalnAs tandem at peak efiiciency is given in Figure 9. At 50 suns concentration, the top and bottom cell efficiencies are 22.9% and 8.9%, respectively, which add up to a tandem efficency of 31.8%. This result marks the first time that a monolithic tandem cell has exceeded 30% efficiency. Realistic modeling calculations (10) show that efficiencies close to 35% (250 suns, direct spectrum, 25/C) could be achieved with this tandem by reducing We wish to thank Mark O’Neill at Entech, Inc. for helpful discussions regarding the installation of Entech prismatic covers on the various concentrator cells. Support for this work was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract No. DE-ACOZ83CH10093 and the Naval Research Laboratory under Interagency Agreement No. RU-1 1-W70-AD. of the InP top cell by roughly one SUMMARY Computer modeling studies have shown that IRresponsive bottom cells are required to achieve the highest efficiency two-junction concentrator tandem solar cells in both terrestrial and space environments over a broad temperature range. Based on this conclusion, we have investigated two promising tandem cell designs that incorporate low-band-gap bottom cells: (1) mechanically stacked, four-terminal GaAs/GalnAsP tandem, and (2) monolithic, three-terminal InP/GalnAs tandem. The preliminary performance results for these designs corroborate the modeling predictions and are very encouraging because both types of tandems have exceeded 30% efficiency at mild concentration ratios under standard terrestrial measurement conditions. Under a GaAs filter, GaInAsP concentrator cells have efficiencies as high as 9.4% at concentrations of 20-130 suns. With a reduction in R, and improved optical coupling, efficiencies exceeding 10% are anticipated for these cells in the future. Preliminary GaAs/GalnAsP mechanically stacked tandems have achieved efficiencies as high as 30.2% at 39.5 suns. By improving the GaAs top cell quality and the tandem stacking procedure, tandem efficiencies approaching 40% may be achievable at higher solar concentrations. Monolithic InP/GalnAs tandem cells have reached efficiencies of 31.8% at 50 suns. This is the first report of a monolithic tand.em cell with an efficiency greater than 30%. The GalnAs bottom cell has near-theoretical performance at low concentration ratios however the InP top cell efficiency could be improved substantially with a passivated emitter and an improved ARC. If the top cell cell series resistance were reduced, efficiencies exceeding 35% could be realized by operating at high concentration ratios. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 8-4 REFERENCES 1. M.W. Wanlass, K.A. Emery, T.A. Gessert, G.S. Horner, C.R. Osterwald, and T.J. Coutts, Solar Cells, 27, 1989, 191-204 2. M. W. Wanlass, C.R. Osterwald, 1991, 363-371 3. M.W. Wanlass, T.A. Gessert, G.S. Horner, K.A. Emery, and T.J. Coutts, Proc. NASA Conf. Soace >y, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, Nov. 7-9, 1989, 102-116 4. M.W. G.S. 21 st 172-l 5. S.P. Tobin, S.M. Vernon, S.J. Wojtczuk, C. Bajgar, M.M. Sanfacon, and T.M. Dixon, Conf. Rec. of the 21 st IEEE Photovoltaic Soecialists Conf., 1990, 158-162 6. C. Wehrli, Extraterrestrial Solar Spectrum, Physical Meteorological Observatory and World Radiation Center, tech rep. no. 615, Davos-Dorf, Switzerland, July 1985. 7. B-C. Chung, G.F. Virshup, M. Klausmeier-Brown, M.L. Ristow, and, M.W.Wanlass, Plenary Session 2, these proceedings. 8. M.W. Wanlass, J.S. Ward, T.J. Coutts, K.A. Emery, T.A. Gessert, and C.R. Osterwald, Proc. NASA Conf. Soace Photovoitaic Research and Technologv, NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, May 7-9, 1991, p. 16-l. 9. J.S. Ward, M.W. Wanlass, T.J. Coutts, K.A. Emery, and C.R. Osterwald, Late News Session, these proceedings. 10. C.R. Osterwald, M.W. Wanlass, J.S. Ward, B.M. Keyes, K.A. Emery and, T.J. Coutts, Oral Session 9A, these proceedings. J.S. Ward, K.A. Emery, T.A. Gessert, and T.J. Coutts, Solar Cells, 30, Wanlass, J.S. Ward, T.A. Gessert, K.A. Emery, Horner, and T.J. Coutts, Conf. Rec. of the IEEE Photovoltaic Soecialists Conf., 1990, 78 AMO, 100 suns, 50°C 2.0 P”~‘~“‘;r”““““““‘\““1”‘1”4”~ 2.0 1.9 1.9 5 1.8 2 4 1.7 u s 2 0 u z 2 1.6 7 1.6 m” z 1.5 z 1.5 c8 1.4 I-8 1.4 1.3 1.8 1.7 1.3 1.2 2.0 1.9 1.9 5 1.8 * 4 1.7 u 5 1.8 i?! 4 1.7 u 7 1.6 m” 2 2 1.6 z 3 1.5 1.5 ld I-tit 1.4 I-8 1.4 qmax = 36.5% Series Connected qmx = 42.0% Series Connected 1.3 7 -b 1.9 1.9 5 1.8 2 i$ 1.7 u p 1.8 2% i3- 1.7 u 2 1.6 m” z 2 1.6 z 3 1.5 1.5 I-E 1.4 c0” 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.5 Bottom Cell Band Gap (eV) Bottom Cell Band Gap (eV) Fi ures la-lf. Corn uter modeled iso-eiiiciency si %ered represent re Pevant operating conditions 0.7 contours for two-junction concentrator tandem cells. The six cases conand subcell connectivity -options ior terrestrial and space applications. 8-6 ARC IR-transparent GAS -Filter or Cocentrator I 80 - I I 60- I 20 i ; v,: 0.6577 V I I,: 531.8 mAcm-’ 1 FF: 82.0 % 1T 9.4 % i-- ----------- I ARC 7.5 F5 5 u Entech cover ARC and grid 0.2-l .5 pm n+-InP window 0.2 pm n+-GaInAsP emitter I II- r t nn 7” 0 -- 4 urn p-CaInAsP base 0.4 pm p&P -2Ok’ buffer -0.2 ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ t ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ 1 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Voltage (VI Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the GaAsKalnAsP mechanically stacked tandem cell concept. Details of the GainAsP bottom cell construction are shown. The GaInAsP cells have been tested under an IR-transparent GaAs filter and also in actual tandem cell stacks. Figure 4. Current-voltage data for a GaInAsP cell at peak efficiency under concentration (30.6 suns, direct spectrum, 25Q 35 c 30 a 25 ; 20 .z 2 z 0.6 1 10 Concentration 100 f 15 - -v-s I Top Cell A Modeled Ebt. Cell 10 Concentration 1000 Ratio Ratio Figure 5. Efficiency versus concentration ratio data for a mechanically stacked GaAs/Gal,nAsP concentrator tandem cell. The modeled efficiency versus concentration ratio data for the GaInAsP bottom cell are also included. Figure 3. Efficiency versus concentration ratio data for a high-efficiency GaInAsP concentrator cell under an IRtransparent, AR-coated GaAs filter. Also shown are the fill factor data for the same cell along with the modeled efficiency, assuming no resistance losses, as a function of the concentration ratio. 8-7 V,: I : f;: V 60 GaInAsP 0.6264 V 556.7 mAcmm2 80.7 % 7.1 % ‘s 50 : 40 > 30 I I I I Tandem q: 130.2% I GaAs V,: 1.096 V I,,: 990.3 mAcmS2 FF: 83.5 % ll: 23.1 % *Tandem = Top Cell A Modeled Bat. Cell 0 B0tth-nCell GaAs 1 10 100 Concentration 1000 Ratio Figure 8. Efficiency versus concentration ratio data for a high-efficiency InP/GalnAs monolithic tandem cell. The modeled efficiency data, assuming no resistance losses, for the GalnAs bottom ceil are also given. Voltage (V) InP Composite current-voltage data for a Figure 6. GaAs/GalnAsP mechanically stacked tandem cell at peak efficiency under concentration (39.5 suns, direct spectrum, 25OC). GatnAs v,: I,: FF: 11: 0.9733 v 1416 mAcmS2 83.3 % 22.9 % loo c v,: I,: FF: II: 0.4448 v 1321 mAcm-’ 75.7 % a.9 y. 1 I 80 0 --t---------l Tandem n: 31.8% -20 tIII’IIIIIII’lIIi)IL’I1lJ -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 +- 0.8 1 .O Bottom cell Voltage (V) Figure 9. Composite current-voltage data for an InP/ GalnAs tandem cell at peak efficiency under concentration (50.0 suns, direct spectrum, 25W. Figure 7. Cross-sectional schematic of the InP/GalnAs monolithic, three-terminal tandem solar cell. Important features include( 1) two-level, interdigitated top/middle grid contacts, (2) middle contact that is common to both subcells, and (3) an Entech prismatic cover, which eliminates optical losses due to grid obscuration and IOSS of top cell area. 8-8 STATUS OF TI1E PI1OTOVOLTAIC MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY (PVMaT) PROJECT C. Edwin Witt, NREI.; I,loyd 0. llerwig, U.S. Department of Energy; Richard I,. Mitchrll, NRIX; G. David Mooney, NREL Nntional Rcncwablc Energy Laboratory (formerly the Solar Energy ResearchInstitute) Golden, Colorado ABSTRACT The Photovoltaic Manufacturing Technology (PVMaT) project is a government/industry photovoltaic manufacturing R&D project composed of partnerships between the federal government (through the U.S. Department of Energy) an4 membersof the U.S. PV industry. It is designed to assist the U.S. PV industry in improving manufacturing processes, accelerating manufacturing cost reductions for PV modules, increasing commercial product performance, and generally laying the groundwork for a substantial scaleup of U.S.-based PV manufacturing plant capabilities. The project is being carried out in three separatephases, each focused on a specific approach to solving the problems identified by the industrial participants. These participants are selected through competitive procurements. Furthermore, the PVMaT project has been specifically structured to ensure that these PV manufacturing R&D subcontract awards are selected with no intention of either directing funding toward specific PV technologies (e.g., amorphoussilicon, polycrystalline thin films, etc.), or spreading the awards among a number of technologies (eg. one subcontractin each area). Each associatedsubcontract under any phase of this project is, and will continue to be, selected for funding on its own technical and cost merits. Phase1 of this project, the problem identification phase, was completed in early 1991. Phase1 competitive bidding was open to any U.S. firm with existing manufacturing capabilities, regardless of material or module design. Twenty-two subcontractsof up to $5OJXJOeach were awarded. Phase2 is now under way. This is a sohttion phase of the project and addressesthe problems of specific manufacturers. Subcontracts for the first Phase 2 solicitation, called Phase 2A, will be awarded in early FY 1992. Phase 2A was open only to participants in Phase1. The envisioned subcontractsmay be up to three years in duration and will be highly cost-shared between the U.S. government and U.S. industrial participants. A second,overlapping, and similar process-specificsolicitation (Phase 2B) is planned to follow soon and will be open io all U.S. PV manufacturing companies. A third portion of the project, called Phase 3, is also under way though slightly behind Phase2. In Phase 3, becauseof the general interest to industry, some general issues related to PV module development will be studied through various teaming arrangements. The PVMaT project’s ultimate goal is to ensure that U.S. industry retains and extends its world leadership role in the manufacture and commercial development of PV componentsand modules. The activities to date have received outstanding support, and the level of interest in participation is exceptional. THE PVMaT PROJECT A decadeago, U.S. companieshad captured60% of the international market for PV modules. Today, that share has dwindled to less than 35%. To help reversethis declining trend in U.S. competitiveness, DOE initiated the PVMaT project, a five-year, three-phase,$55million technology transfer program that is expected to reduce PV manufacturing costs and expand U.S. production capacity [ 1,2]. This paper will focus mainly on the description of the PVMaT Project and a description of the work carried out under Phase 1. Phase 1 The Phase 1 portion of the PVMaT,project. the problem identification phase,was completed in early 1991. This work involved competitive bidding that was open to any U.S. fmn with existing manufacturing capabilities, regardlessof material or modnle design. Early in 1991 the competitive selection process for this phase was completed with 22 subcontracts being awarded Each of these subcontracts was funded at a level of up to $50,000 and a duration of three months (see Table 1). The problems identified by the researchin this phase representedopportunities for individual industrial participants to improve their manufacturing processes,reducemanufacturing costs, increase product performance,and support a scaleup of These U.S.-based manufacturing plant capabilities. opportunities have since been detailed in the approaches suggestedby theseorganizations for Phase2 research. It is not anticipated that another Phase l-type solicitation will occur. The procurement under this phase was only meant to precede and support the first Phase2 solicitation. Phase 1 subcontracted research included five subcontractors working on flat-plate crystalline silicon technology, ten on flat-plate thin-film modules (one on thin- Tnbie 1. PVMaT Phase 1 Suhcontrnrtars Subcontractor Location Spire Corporation Astropower. Inc. Solarex Corporation SiemensSolar Industries WestinghouseElectric Corp. Silicon Energy Corporation GlasstechSolar, Inc. Global Photovoltaic Spec. Alpha Solarco, Inc. Photon Energy, Inc. Energy Conversion Devices Mobil Solar Energy Corporation Entech, Inc. Boeing Aerospace Solar Kinetics, Inc. Chronar Corporation Crystal Systems,Inc. Iowa Thin Films Technology Solar Cells, Inc. Kopin Corporation Solar Engineering Applications Spectrolab.Inc. Bedford, MA Newark, DE Rockville. MD Camiuillo, CA Pittsburgh, PA Chatsworth, CA Golden, CO Canoga Park, CA Cincinnati, OH El Paso,TX Troy, MI Billerica, MA Dallas, TX Seattle, WA Dallas, TX I.awrenceville. NJ Salem, MA Ames, IA Toledo, OH Taunton, MA San Jose, CA Sylmar, CA will allow for a reduction in slicing costs and an improvement in their material utilization, thus reducing wafer cost. Westinghouseis a manufacturerof dendritic web solar cells. Researchersare working on reducing material and process costs for the dendritic web process. Westinghouse rexcarchunder Phase1 of the PVMaT project identified several problem areas for improving their process. Among these are (1) increasing the growth rates, average crystal area, and productive furnace time; (2) using stacked diffusion, (3) manufacturing larger cells and modules; (4) increasing module efficiency by 1.4% absolute using surface passivation, improved antireflective coatings, and cell textutixation; and (5) optimizing module design using the bifacial conversion characteristicsof dendritic web solar cells. Solarex Corp. presently manufactures both polycrystalline silicon cells and thin-film, single-junction, amorphous silicon (a-Si) modules. Solarex research under Phase1 of the PVMaT project identified several problem areas for improving their polycrystalline silicon process. Among these are (1) improvements in cell efficiency (from present 12516.5%) through improved control of crystal growth, (2) a more efficient use of materials via increasedprocessyields, (3) a reduction in labor through automation, and (4) a reduction in module materials costs, particularly framing. The fifth company in this group is Sietnens Solar Industries. Siemensis presently the world’s largestproducer of PV with products including single-ctystal silicon and thin-film copperindium diselenide (CuInSG modules. Siemensresearch under Phase1 of the PVMaT project identified several problem areasfor improving their single-crystal silicon process. Among these are improvements in (I) Czochralski c-Si growth, (2) existing wafer sawing technology, and (3) cell processing and module fabrication. film crystalline silicon, five on amorphoussilicon, and four on polycrystalline thin films), six on concentratorsystems,and two working on general equipment/production options. Flat-Plate Ctvstalline Silicon Modules. Crystalline silicon (c-Si) is the most common semiconductor material for PV devices. With Phase1 PVMaT support, five companiesare detailing the problems of this technology. This group of crystalline silicon researchorganizations includes Mobil Solar Energy Corp. of Billerica, Massachusetts;Crystal Systems,Inc. of Salem, Massachusetts; Westinghouse Electric Corp. of Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania; Solarex Corp. of Rockville, Maryland; and SiemensSolar Industries of Camarillo. California. Flat-Plate. Thin-Film Modules. Modules madeof thinfilm materials have inherent cost advantages,including the use of less semiconductormaterial and integratedmanufacturing for cells and modules. However, at present, prices for a-Si modules are comparableto those of crystalline silicon. Gther promising thin-film technologies-such as CuInSe, cadmium telluride (CdTe), thin-film silicon. and gallium arsenide-are rapidly approaching commercialization. Mobil Solar is a major manufacturer of c-Si modules using the edgedefined film-fed growth (EFG) method. Mobil researchers are presently supplying a 180 kW-ac array to Photovoltaics for Utility-Scale Applications (PVUSA), a major demonstrationproject in California. Mobil Solar researchunder Phase1 of the PVMaT project identified several problem areas that can be addressedto improve their processand reduce their silicon material usageby 50%. Among these are (1) reducing material usage by decreasingwafer thickness to an 8 mil (200 pm) thickness, (2) increasing laser cutting throughput, and (3) improving the wafer mechanical quality. Ten U.S. companiesreceived Phase1 support to identify potential cost reductions for thin-film module manufacturing: one working in thin-film crystalline silicon. tive that are concentrating on a-Si, and four that have focused on polycrystalline thin films. AstroPower is a manufacturer of (and the only organization that is focusing on) thin-film crystalline silicon solar cells. AstmPower researchunder Phase1 of the PVMaT project identified several problem areas for improving their process. Among these are (1) improving the production rate and quality of their proprietary silicon Blm, (2) improving cell efficiency, (3) reducing material cost, (4) reducing labor cost Crystal Systems, Inc. is a manufacturer of crystalline silicon ingots, bars, and wafers. Crystal Systems research under Phase1 of the PVMaT project identified several problem areasfor improving their process. Among theseare optimizing the fixed abrasive slicing technique (FAST) technology. This 9-2 through automation, and (5) increasing production capacity, thereby reducing the cost per unit. Additionally, four organizations focused on polycrystalline thin films. This group of researchorganizations includes Siemens Solar Industries of Camarillo, California; Boeing Aerospace & Electronics of Seattle, Washington; Photon Energy, Inc. of El Paso,Texas; and Solar Cells, Inc. of Toledo, Ohio. The five a-Si researchorganizations include Glasstech Solar. Inc. of Golden, Colorado; Iowa Thin Films Technologies, Inc. (ITF) of Ames, Iowa; Energy Conversion Devices (ECD) of Troy, Michigan; Silicon Energy Corp. of Chatsworth, California; and Cltronar Corp. of Lawrenceville, New Jersey. Siemens Solar Industries, as previously stated, is presently one of the world’s largest producer of PV crystalline silicon products. They also have a major research project in thin-film CuInSe, modules for which they have a planned production of 20-kW in deliverable modules under the PVUSA project. Siemensresearchunder Phase1 of the PVMaT project identified several problem areas for improving their CuInSe, process. Among these are (1) improving materials use efficiency, and (2) increasing yield and CuInSe, module efficiency through automation. GlasstechSolar, Inc. is a manufacturerof single-junction a-Si photovoltaic modules. They are presently using a proprietary glass-in/panel-outconcept for the in-line processing of 40 cm x 120 cm a-Si modules. Glasstech research under Phase 1 of the PVMaT project identified several problem areas for improving their process. Among these are (1) the incorporation of a vertical, double-sided reactor, (2) enhanced electrode and gas flow designs. (3) improved back contacts and tin-oxide layers, and (4) improved module designs. ITF is a producer of monolithic a-Si modules on a continuous polymer substrateusing automatedprocessing. ITF research efforts under Phase 1 of the PVMaT project have identified several problem areas for improving their process. Among these are (1) developing a roll-to-roll deposition capability for the a-Si and ZnO layers, (2) developing scteenprintable etching stepsfor the top conducting contact layer, and (3) reducing the cost of the substratematerial. ECD presently manufactutes continuous, roll-to-roll. singk-junction, a-Si a!loy devices. The roll-to-roll process produces a complete solar cell structure on flexible stainlesssteel webs, 1,000 feet long and 14 inches wide. ECD research under Phase 1 of the PVMaT project identified several problem areas for improving their process. Among these are (1) incorporating narrow-band-gap material to improve conversion efficiencies and stability, (2) incorporating proprietary microwave plasmachemical vapor deposition CVD manufactnting technology for high ptoduction throughput and higher gas utilization, and (3) reducing the cost of materials and assembly labor through new product designs and automation. Silicon Energy Corporation is a manufacturer of multiple-junction thin-film a-Si photovoltaics and is doing business as the Utility Power Group (IJPG). The UPG has a 300-kW/year production facility dedicated to internal R&D activities and various DOE PV projects. UPG researchunder Phase 1 of the PVMaT project identified several problem areas for improving their process. Among these are (1) optimizing the automation of their manufacturing line, (2) improving and reducing the material required for encapsulation, and (3) introducing maI-time processing and quality control to their production line. Tlte ftfth company in this group is Clrronar Corporation, a manufacturer of thin-film a-Si PV devices. Their research under Phase1 of the PVMaT project identified severalproblem areas for improving their process. Among these ate the implementation of automation for cost reductions. Boeing Aerospace is a supplier of thin-film solar cell manufacturing systemsand a researchorganization working on the development and scaleup of processing for CuInGaSe, modules. Boeing researchunder Phase1 of the PVMaT project identified several problem areas for improving their process. Among these are (1) uniform large-scale evaporation soutces for the constituent elementsCu. In, Ga, and Se, (2) a high-yield processfor depositing ultra-thin cadmium-zinc sulfide (CdZnS) conformal coatings onto CuInGaSe, films for highquality heterojunctions,and (3) scaledup aqueousdeposition processes and novel low-temperature organometallic chemical vapor deposition techniques. Two companiesare investigating improvementsto CdTe technology. The lirst, Photon Energy, is a manufacturer of CdTe/CdS cells and modules using low-cost, high-throughput, production-line scalable spray processes. They are presently scaling up for the production of 20 kW of 4-ftr CdTe modules, deliverable under the PVUSA project. Photon Energy research under Phase 1 of the PVMat project identified several problem areas for improving their process. Among these are (1) reducing labor cost through processautomation, (2) improving module efficiency, and (3) reducing material usage through improved equipment designs. I The fourth in the thin-film group, and the secondCdTe company, is Solar Cells, Inc. (SCI), who is a development/manufacturing company producing large-area, thin-film PV modules for utility generating systems. They am developing the technology for a high-throughput manufacturing line to produce 60 x 120 cm thin-film CdTe PV modules deposited by close-spacedsublimation (CSS). SC1 research under Phase1 of the PVMaT project identifkd severa!problem areas for improving their process. Among these are (I) investigating problems associatedwith uniform CSS deposition of large-areamodules, (2) developing equipment for very-highthroughput deposition, 3) developing patterning techniques for large-area modules, and (4) developing cost-effective encapsulation techniques. (I) optimizing two specific multijunction concentratordesigns based on discrete GaAs and Ge cells, (2) improving manufacturing yields, and (3) developing larger, more emcient MOCVD growth systems.- Concentrators. Concentrator modules use lenses to intensify the sunlight falling on banksof small, highly efficient cells, which reduces semiconductor material costs per unit of output. R&D issues include optimum cell packaging and assembly,concentratoroptics, and low-cost tracking arrays and support structures. Manufacturing cost reductions would occur primarily through automatedassembly. The sixth company in this research group, Solar Kinetics, Inc., is a manufacturer of several crystalline silicon concentr;ttor systemswith a 200-600 kW/year capacity. Solar Kinetics research under Phase 1 of the PVMaT project identified several problem areas for improving their process. Among these are (1) designing and developing prototype tooling to demonstrate low-cost injection molding of pointfocus Ftesnel lenses, (2) detailed design of a I-MW manufacturing plant, and (3) preparing a detailed design for a 5-MW automatedmanufacturing plant for 100-Wconcentrating PV modules. The six concentrator companies working in this area include Alpha Solarco, Inc. of Cincinnati, Ohio; Solar Engineering Applications (SEAC) of San Jose, California: Kopin Corporation of Taunton, Massachusetts;Entech, ~IIC.of Dallas, Texas; Spectrolab,Inc. of Sylmar, California; and Solar Kinetics, Inc. of Dallas, Texas. Alpha Solarco, Inc. is a manufacturer of highconcentration PV modules. Researchersare presently installing a second-generationsystem on the world’s largest automated two-axis solar tracking structure to produce low-cost electric power for utilities. Alpha Solarco research under Phase 1 of the PVMaT project identilied several problem areas for improving their process. Among these are (1) developing and testing new manufacturing designs, methods and materials for cell and module assembly;(2) designing a prototype automated PV cell assemblyline; and (3) developing production controls and training proceduresfor a prototype assembly line. Other Phase 1 Activities. Two Phase 1 participants are targeting improvements to their commercial lines of manufacturing equipment. This diversified group includes Global Photovoltaic Specialists, Inc. (GPS) of Canoga Park, California; and Spire Corporation of Bedford. Massachusetts. GPS is a PV company that provides the equipment and knowledge for building integrated turnkey factories. GPS is presently investigating the installation of a fully automated. computer-integratedproduction line in the United States. GPS researchunder Phase1 of the PVMaT project identified several problem areas for improving their process. Among these ate (1) improving the characteristics of the semicrystalline cast wafers; (2) introducing processessuch as spray-on diffusion sources,dual antireflection coatings. and ink-jet metallization printing; and (3) developing and integrating all of the requirements for full automation using computer integrated manufacturing. SEAC is a manufacturer of IOX concentrator systems using one-sun cells with a 14-MW/yr extruded lens manufacturing facility in place. SEAC researchunder Phase1 of the PVMaT project identified several problem areas for improving their process. Among thesearc (1) investigating the problems associatedwith, and the potential of, adding module housing sides to lens extrusions, and (2) significantly reducing labor cost by automating the process. Kopin Corporation is a manufacturerof high-efficiency thin-film GaAs concentrator cells with a 22-MW/yr prototype production capability presently in place. Kopin researchunder Phase1 of the PVMaT project identified several problem areas for improving their process. Among these are (1) designing a tandem cell structure for 1000X concentrators; (2) improving thin-film cell processmanufacturing; and (3) integrating either a chemical removal process,called chemical epitaxial liftoff, or the cleavage of lateral epitaxy for transfer (CLEW process into their cell fabrication process. The second company in this group, Spire Corporation, is a major manufacturer of PV test and module production equipment. They also presently have small-scale production activities for high-efficiency silicon modules, and material researchin compound semiconductorsand a-Si. Spite research under Phase1 of the PVMaT project identified severalproblem areas for improving their process. Among these are (1) developing module processing equipment that will handle thin (c 200 pm) c-Si wafers, (2) increasing automation, (3) increasing processing rates, and (4) increasing processing yields. Entech, Inc. is a manufacturerof concentratormodules. Entech is presently producing 3 ft x 10 ft modules using largearea one-sun cells with line-focus Fresnel lenses. Entech’s researchunder Phase1 of the PVMaT project identified several problem areas for improving their process. Among these are (1) working with key vendors to improve the products they supply to Entech, and (2) dramatically reducing labor cost and increasing yield by automating the assemblyprocess. Phase2 Phase2 of the PVMaT project is now under way, with an expectedduration of five years. It will consist of multiple competitive procurements over this period, and subcontracts awarded under any of thesesolicitations may be of up to three years in duration. The first solicitation under this phase, 2A, was open only to those organizations that tcccived awards in the Phase 1 solicitation. The award selection process is just being completed, and subcontractnegotiations ate expected to Spcctrolab, Inc. is a leading supplier of GaAs and Si solar cells and panels to the PV industry. Spectrolab research under Phase1 of the PVMaT project identified severalproblem areas for improving their process. Among these are 9-4 be under way soon. This phase of the PVMaT project is considered the solution phase and will primarily addressthe process-specific problems that the manufacturers identified under Phase 1. The subcontractsenvisioned under this phase are expected to be highly cost-shared between the U.S. government and U.S. industrial participants. A second, overlapping, and similar process-speciftcsolicitation is planned to follow in about a year. Future solicitations under Phase2 of PVMaT will be open to all organizations. Therefore, organixations that .were not ready for the first Phase 2 procurement cycle (that is now in its negotiation stage) will have another chance to participate in the solution phaseof this project. identify the R&D appropriate under Phase 2 of this project. Under Phase2, selectedcompanieswill develop and implement solutions to their manufacturing problems. The final selection of successfulbidders under this phaseis now being cat-tiedout, and the award of research subcontractsis expected to begin soon. It is anticipated that as many as six subcontractswill be awarded under this phase, in which successfulbidders will be supported for as long as three years as they realize improvementsto their manufacturing processes.As with most PVMaT projects, these companies will be expected to costshare their work. Future activities in the PVMaT project are expected to inclttde an additional solicitation focusing on company-specific problems (open to all U.S. firms, including those who weren’t yet ready for the Phase 1 call for proposals). Additionally, a Phase3 solicitation is scheduled for releasein early 1992 for subcontracted teamed research on module-related R&D problems common to several PV manufacturers. The PVMaT activities to date have received outstanding support, and the level of interest in participation is exceptional for this project. Phase3 There are generic R&D problems in the PV industry that are relatively common problems to the industry as a whole, a number of companies, or the design and deployment of PV systems. The PVMaT project will address these generic problem areas through a teamed research approach. A solicitation on this type of generic manufacturing technology is scheduled for release in early 1992. Participants for this generic researchmay come from either a consortia of industrial companies, individual companies, a university or group of universities, combinations of companies and universities, or other groups with special capabilities for solving a particular problem. These researchorganizations will focus on modulerelated R&D problems found to be common to several PV manufacturers. They will also work in tandem with material and component manufacturers to help strengthen the PV industry. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A number of persons are involved in developing and implementing this project, including Robert H. (Bud) Annan, David Hasti, Rick Sellers, Scott Sklar, Donald Schueler, and Jack Stone. This work was performedunderContractNo. DE-ACOZ 83CH10093 to the U.S. Departmentof Energy. REFERENCES CONCLUSIONS The long-term goals of the PVMaT project are (1) to assist U.S. industry in retaining and extending its world leadership role in manufacturing and commercially developing PV equipment, components,and systemsand (2) to encourage the investment of U.S. capital in U.S. PV manufacturing R&D and large-scaledomestic manufacturing facilities. Phase 1 of this project has beencompleted,with each company identifying and developing a specific set of R&D areasthat addresstheir specific process problems. In I? 1991, a competitive solicitation was directed toward these Phase 1 participants to 9-5 1. Witt. C.E.; Herwig, L.O.; and Mitchell, R. “Progress of the Pltotovoltaic Manufacturing Technology (PVMaT) Project.” Proceedingsof the 26th Intersocietv Enerav Conversion Entrineerinp: Conference, August 1991, Vol. 5, p. 79. 2. Herwig, L.O.; Witt, C.E. “Photovoltaic Manufacturing Technology Project (PVMaT) Goals, Plans. and Status.” Pmceedinas of the Biennial Cottatess of the International Solar Enerw Societv, August 1991,Vo!. 1, Part II, p. 709. THE EFFECT OF MICROSTRUCTURE AND STRAIN IN ln/Cu/Mo/Glass PRECURSQRSON CdS/Ct&&o PHOTOVOLTAIC DEVICE FABRICATJON BY SE_LENIZATION D. Albin, J. Carapella, A. Duda, J. Tuttle, A. Tennant, and R. Noufi National RenewableEnergy Lahoratory (NREL). Golden, Colorado (formerly the Solar Energy ResearchInstitute) and B. M. Basol International Solar Electric Technology (ISET), Inglewood, California ABSTJWCf Fabrication of CuInSeZ polycrystalline thin films by selenization can be considered a two-step process: the fabrication of a “precursor” structure consisting of In and Cu depositedonto a molybdenum-coatedglass substrate,followed by a thermal anneal in JJzSe. Deftnite correlations were observed between the initial state of the precursor, i.e., immediately following deposition by thermal evaporation, and the resulting device Jzrformanceafter selenization. In addition, the following were also a function of the precursor history-: 1) melting kinetics of the Jn/Cu layers, 2) air-annealing sensitivity of the final device. and 3) shifting of the spacecharge region. Of interest to long-term device reliability was a definite correlation between the precursor thermal history and molybdenum film strain as quantitatively measuredby x-ray diffraction. Final device VW was directly related to the grain size of selenizedprecursors. ~ODUCTJON Selenization is one of a variety of processesused to form CuInSe2 (CJS) thin films for subsequent photovoltaic CdSKuJnSe2 and/or ZnO/CdS/CuJnSe2device fabrication (I). EFsentially, the processconsistsof two steps: 1) the fabrication of a pm-selenization or what we term a “precursor” structure containing copper, indium, and sometimesgallium (hereafter referred to as a In/Cu/Mo/Glass structure) deposited onto a metallic-coated (typically molybdenum) glass substrateand 2) chemical transformation of this precursor to CuJnSeZ by subjecting the metallic-alloy stack to a selenium-containing environment. The first step involves the deposition of indium onto copper with a slightly Cu-poor stoichiometry of Cu/ln I 0.95 using several techniques, including electrodeposition (2.3). evaporation (4). and magnetron sputtering (5). Recent modifications to the processinclude the use of gallium at the CJS-MOinterface (6) (reportedly for adhesion control), direct incorporation of elemental selenium into the precursorstructure (7). and recently, completely inverting the structure, ie., Cu/Jn/Mo/Glass,where a thin tellurium layer is usedto promote In wetting of the MO (8). 10-l Ubiquitous to the current literature about selenization is a lack of emphasis relating the initial step of this two-step process (i.e., the Jn/Cu/Mo/Glass precursor) with final device performance. In one of the earliest attempts, tokhande and Hodes (9) showed that indium loss during selenization, attributed to JnZSetransport, was determined by the type of indium-containing phasepresent.with CuJn alloys being more susceptible to this transport mechanism than pure indium. Subsequently,Dittrich et al. (19) characterizedthe Cu-In phase behavior for thermally evaporated material as a function of substratecooling and selenization in elemental selenium vapor in which selenization was observed to involve the relatively quick transformation of Cu. In, and Cut tlng to the CuxSe and JnxSebinaries followed by the diffusion-rate-limited growth of CIS. In a recent paper by Basal et al. (1 I), a correlation was suggested between elemental indium (present in electrodeposited precursors but absent in evaporated precursors)and large grain growth which subsequentlyresulted in higher device efficiencies basedon electrodeposited(>iO%) versus evaporated (-7%) films. Perhaps the most significant finding reported recendy is that of Eberspacher,et al. (12) in which a correlation is clearly shown between BIm adhesion (largely determined at the precursor stage) and CJS module performance under environmental cycling. This single observation, more than any other, mandates a thorough understandingof the tirst stepof this two-step process. EXPERJMENTAL PROCEDURES General De&n Three distinctly different Jn/Cu/Mo/Glass precursors (labled precursor A, B, and C), regarding the initial degree of alloying and morphology were preparedat NOEL and subjected to Jixed selenization and device fabrication conditions. To insure relevant results, all precursor selenization mentioned in this paper was performed at JSET under fixed process conditions conducive to good efficiency devices. Roughly, this consisted of subjecting the Jn/Cu/Mo/Glass layers to a flowing Argon and H2Seatmosphereat 40 ‘C for about J h. Molybdenum-coated (-8500 A thick) soda-lime-silica (SLS) glass substrates used in this study were supplied by JSET. In addition, to investigate any effects associated with improper coefficient of thermal expansion, a, mismatch, precursorswere also fabricated on Mo-coated (-2.5 urn thick) Coming 7059 glass substrates.although theselatter precursors went not selenized. Device fabrication was conducted at NREL and consisted of evaporating within the same run, 8OOOA of intrinsic (highly resistive) CdS followed by 2.5 pm of Jn-doped (highly conductive) CdS onto the as-received,selcnized films. Aluminum pads and photolithography then defined six smallarea (0.042 cm2) devices on each selenized film. Device current-voltage (J-V) characteristicsat AM I .S conditions and spectralresponsemeasurementswere then performedon these “as-selenized”precursors. Parallel to device fabrication, additional Jn/Cu/Mo/Glass precursorswere analyzedimmediately after the In and Cu layers were evaporated (hereafter referred to as “as-fabricated), and following thermal annealsin vacuum at 400°C for various times (referred to as “as-annealed”precursors). “Designs” of precursorsA, B, and C are as follows: Precursor A - representsa precursor in which we attemptedto minimize the degree of alloying by depositing In onto an unheatedlarge-grain (I -2 pm) Cu base. Fabrication consisted of depositing 2fMMlA of CII at 2 A/sonto a MO/Glasssubstrate heated at 450 “C to promote Cu grain growth followed by substratecooling to approximately 15°Cbeforedepositing 4600 A In at 4.7 A/s. PrecursorB - representsa precursor in which we promote some alloying by depositing Jn onto a smaller grain (looO-20Ot’1A> Cu base. Fabrication consisted of depositing 2000 A Cu at 2 A/sonto an unheatedMO/Glasssubstratefollowed immediately by 4600 A of In at 4.7 A/s. Precursor C - represents a precursor in which we promote complete alloying by depositing both In and Cu at a substrate temperatureof 2OB’C; approximately 47” C above the in-rich eutectic temperature.Film thicknessand rateswere identical to those above. X-rav Diffraction Techniaues Verifying the extent of alloying in precursorsA, B, and C was initially hindered by a Jack of pubiished phase and experimental x-ray diffraction (XRD) data regarding this binary system. The recent phase diagram by Subramanian and Laughlin (I 3) suggeststhe following possible Jn/Cu precursor intermetallic phasesat T I400 “C: I) a 6 phase,existing as a single phase between -28.9 to 30.6 at.% In with nominal composition of Cu7InJ; 2) a TVphase,existing as a single phase between -33 to 38 at.% In with approximately five different temperature-dependent polymaphs and nominal compositionof CupIn or possibly CuteJng; and 3) a monoclinic structure, Cut tlng (45 at.% Jn), existing with limited or no tolerance for compositional variance. In contrast to these reported equilibrium phases, the only intermetallic phasesreported in the Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards(JCPDS) sets J-38 were CuqJn (#2-I 188; 20 at.% In), Cugln4 (#2-l 178;. 30.7 at.% In), Cu7ln4 (#26-522-523; 36.4 at.% In), and a believed Culn phase (#35-l 150; SOat.% In). Due to this lack of agreement between equilibria diagrams and XRD data, combined with literature reporting the presenceof metastablephasesin this and the similar hg-In system (14, 15) and in thin film couples in general(16). we compiled our own seriesof theoretical powder patterns for a number of new phases in this system. These patterns included the monoclinic Cut tlng (first identined by Dittrich, et al. (10); tetragonal Culn2 (which was previously and incorrectly reported by us as an unknown FCC structure (17) and due to the similarity in processing is probably the reported Culn phase of Simic, at al.(18)); hexagonal CuZIn; and triclinic Cu7ln3. Single crystal parameters for these calculations were obtained from Dr. H. Dittrich of the lnstitut fur Sonnenenergie und Wasserstoff-Forschung in Stuttgart, Germany. XRD measurementswere performed with a Rigaku Dmax system using step scan parameters of O.OY/step incrementsand 4 s/stepcounting timesover a 29 rangeof IO0to , 90’. Beam power was nominally 60 mA at 40 kV with variations in beamintensity normalized betweensamplesusing a barepolycrystalline alumina standard. Initially, phase analysis was performed using the molybdenum (1 IO) peakas an internal calibration for 28 values of 545’; however, it becameapparentthat the d-spacing and width (full width at half maximum net intensity JFWHMJ) associatedwith this peakdependedon the thermal history of the precursor. The observed MO peak distortion appears to be directly related to strain in that layer. As shown at the top of Figure 1,-shifts and broadeningof the peakcan be explained by a combination of evenly and unevenly distributed strain, E, in the film. Also shown in Figure 1 is an example of this effect when comparing an as-fabricatedprecursordeposited on MocoatedSLS (bottom trace) and a similar precursordepositedon MO-coated 7059 glass (top trace), both precursors having identical thermal history. Shifts in the MO peaks were subsequently measuredrelative to other non-MO paks which did not exhibit any broadening, i.e.. Cut tlng, and CuJn2.Note that in the event of film compression,a contraction of planes oriented perpendicular to a substrate,will, due to the Poisson effect, result in a dilation of the d-spacings parallel to the substrate. Consequently, film compression can result in an indication of plane difarionrather than shrinkage when film strain is oriented parallel to the substrate. RESULTS AND DJSCUSSION XRD Philsr;Behavior and MnarhnlnerEffr&ts The initial phase make-up (phase type and distribution) and morphology of the precursor was determined by the process conditions associatedwith the thermal evaporation process,in particular the substratetemperatureand deposition rate. The initial degree of alloying could easily and reproducibly be controlled. PrecursorA was found to contain elemental Cu. In, and the nonequilibrium Cult12 phase. Precursor B contained only CuJn2and Cu. PrecursorC contained Cult Jngand free 10-Z The lack of alloying betweenIn and Cu is short-lived in the caseof precursor A. Within a matter of days, all free In in precursor A will react with Cu to form the Culnz phase such that the final pattern appearslike that of precursor B. Timedependent effects were not observed in the other precursors. Phase transformation in precursor A was monitored quantitatively by measuring the net peak intensity ratio of the CuIn2 (21 I) and In (101) peaks. A relation between this ratio and the appropriate mole fraction, F, of In transformed to CuIn2 was then obtained by theoretically modelling the XRD patterns of a seriesof combinations, each containing different amounts of the two phases. In this fashion, differences in xray scattering efficiency between In and CuIn2 were incorporated into the determination of F (an empirical calibration curve is impossible given the metastability of the CuIn2 phase). The resulting calibration was as follows: Molybdenum F= = 7.1 x IO-3 + 0.4092 Y + 0.572 Y2 , X(CuIn?) X(CuIn2) + X(In) where 41.0 38.0 44.0 Figure I. The fleet of strain, &, on XRD line position (dllo), and width (FWHM) both theoretically (top figure) and as observed(bottom)for InKuJMoJGlass precursors. In. XRD patterns for each of these precursors are shown in Figure 2. Also shown in this figure is the XRD pattern for a precursorin which In and Cu were coevaporatedin a 1:1 atomic flux ratio onto an unheated substrate. Although not selenized, this case is interesting in that two intermetallics, Culnz and what we believe to be Cu2In. were formed. 32.0 36.0 I(CuIn~) I(CuIn2) + I(Indium) , (1) X is the mole fraction, and I is the net peak intensity for the In (101) and CuIn2 (21 I) peaks. The value of F obtained as a function of time was then modelled with various solid-state rate expressions(19) including: 26 28.0 Y= 40.0 28 Figure 2. XRD patterns for as-fabricatedprecursors A, B, and C. Top pattern is of an as-fahkated precursor not-studied in this paper but shown as another variation available for possible selenization. 10-3 l-dimensional diffusion-limited: F2=(k/rqt 2-dimensional diffusion-limited: (1-F) In (1-F) + F = (k/r2) t 3-dimensional diffusion-limited: [l-(l-F)tn]2 = (k/r2) t 2dimensional (shrinking cylinder) reaction-limited: [I-(I-F)‘J=(k/r)t 3-dimensional (shrinking sphere)reaction-limited: [I-(I-F)‘B] = (k/r) t The best fit model corresponded to that of a 3dimensional reaction-limited case. This model as well as that of the 3-dimensional diffusion-limited case is shown in Figure 3 where it is obvious that the transformation of In+Cu --> CuIn2 is reaction-rate limited. Also shown in this figure for the reaction-limited case are two sets of data; one set obtained by continuously scanningover the rangeof 30” to 55” 29 using the same sample, and one set of data obtained by each time scanning a new, previously unmeasured sample. The sensitivity of alloying to x-ray heating dramatically demonstrates the ease at which this phase transformation proceeds. The phasemake-up of asiannealed (30 min. in vacuum at 400 “C) precursors was similar, regardless of the initial phase make-up and consisted of CuttIn and In as predicted by the equilibrium phasediagramexcept that the Cul tIn9 phase could be formed at lower than indicated temperatures(-1OOV). Surfacemorphologies of as-fabricated,as-annealed,and as-selenizedprecursorswere very much different. The o.otl 1000 . time m 2000 ’ 3000 IO.0 4oou morphology at eachstagefor each precursoris shown in Figure 4. The nonwetting behavior shown for the as-annealedsamples appears10correlate linearly with the degree of alloying. The observed effect was reproducible hut only after long exposure of the as.fahricntecl precursors to air kforc annealing. which suggests a connection between oxidation atid lhe beading behavior. Final selenkd CIS grain size did not vary linearly with alloying however. Grain growth was largest for :ISselenized precursor R, with slightly smaller grains obtained with as-selenizedprecursor C. A significant decreasein grain size was observed for as-selenized precursor A. Grain size variations cannot be due lo Cu-content. as is the case for evaporated fibs (20). hecnuseall as-selenizcd compositions were slightly O-poor. I-V Device Measurements_ (min) The best device efficiency, 118, was iniGally mcasumd on as-selenizedprecursor R (moderately alloyed) followed hy precursorA (least alloyed) and then precursorC (most nlloycd). Precursor A Precursor B Precursor C Figure 4. Surface morphologies of as-fabricated (left colrimn; 8000 kX), as-annealed (middle column; 2000 kX), and as-selenized(right column; 8000 kX),for precrrrsors A (top row), B (middle row), and C (bottom row). 10-4 Average B% (basedon six small-areadevices per precursor) was 9.32%. 7.5396, and 6.62% respectively. Corresponding average values for V,. Jsc, and fill factor were as follows: precursor B (0.425 V, 33.4 mh/cm*, 65.8%); Precursor A (0.373 V, 33.1 mA/cm*, 60.9%); and precursor C (0.349, 32. I1 mA/cm2, 59.0%). AI this point, a linear correlation between the degree of precursor alloying and device performance is not evident, although the results indicate that the initial state of the precursor affects device performance. More noticeable was the stability behavior associatedwith each device as a function of alloying. Figure 5 tracks V, and q% as a function of time and annealing. After several weeks,q% had decreasedfor as-selenizedprecursorsA and B while B% had increased for devices based on precursor C. These changes were mainly due to similar changes in V,. with the largest sensitivity to air anneals exhibited by precursor C, the most alloyed precursor. In general, devices fabricated by selenization exhibit excellent stability (12) and the results shown here are probably indicative of a lack of optimization between our NREL fabricated precursors and the selenization processin use at ISET. Nevertheless,after some stability was attained, device efftciency was directly proportional to alloying: the more alloyed the starting precursor, the better the device efftciency. In addition, an increase in grain size (as seen in Figure 4). resulted in higher Voc: precursor B - 0.424 V; precursor C - 0.4 14 V; and precursorA - 0.367 V. SDectralResDonse A correlation between the degree of alloying and the spectral response behavior of as-selenixed precursors was observed in the blue and near-infrared (NIR) regions of the quantum efficiency vs. energy curves. As shown in Figure 6, as alloying increased (precursor A to B to C). quantum yield decreasedin the high energy (blue) region while simultaneously increasing in the low energy (NIR) region. This behavior suggestsa shifting of the space-chargeregion away from the junction towards the Mo/CIS interface. LJnlike the previous correlations basedon I-V measurements,this behavior should be less obscured by adhesion and strain effects in the film and more readily indicates a true dependence of the device performance on the initial state of the as-fabricated In/Cu/Mo/Giass precursor.It is unclear why the CIS absorption edge energy decreaseswith decreasedalloying of the precursor (shown in the figure insert). One possibility for the lower energy edgeof as-seleniredprecursorA may be the presenceof band-tailing resulting from excessivenative defects. Energy(eV) Figure 6. Variation of quantum efficiency as a frtnction of precursor alloying (precursor A - lecut alloyed; precursor R moderately alloyed; precrusor C - most alloyed). The jigtire insert highlights tire responsenear the bandgapof the CIS. Film Straia J . *. Aflsr 30 o-oA, Orown min Air Anneal . . . . Atlsr 10 Atlsr 5 days min Air Antl*Sl . Atier 2 wks As mentioned previously, significant distortion of the MO (I IO) diffraction peak (in both FWHM and dttu) was observed as a function of the precursor thermal history. Peak distortions were less in precursors fabricated on the ISETsupplied MO-coated SLS glass substrates compared to precursors fabricated on MO-coated 7059 glass substrates, partly because of differences in MO layer thickness. Peak distortion was measuredfor as-fabricated,as-annealed,and asselenizedprecursors(only FWHM measurementsfor the latter), the results of which are shown in Figure 7. The accuracy of FWHM measurementswas ~.01” 26 while accuracy for the (110) strain measurementswas based on an error in dt tu of approximately fl.o()l A. The (110) peak strain, ~(1to), was calculatedaccordingto the following eqtation: .I Allsr 10 mln Air AlWlSSl Figure 5. Variation of small-area &vice eflciency (bottom) and V,, (top) with time and thermal anneals for precursors A, B, and C. 10-5 when the SLS subctratea are used. The fatter anomaly is beqt explained by considering points 1 and 2 in Figure 7. The thermal history of each is identical, the only difference king the glass substrate on which the precursor is fabricated and the thickness of the Mo layer. As shown simplilied in the model of Figure 9. the large Q of the SLS glass and resulting pretension of the MO layer when heated lo 2OW’C results in a lower value of compressive strain (due to the high Q of the alloy) in the final as-fabricatedprecursor. (2) where du”straimd was set at the JCPDS value (#4-809) of 2.225 A and d strained was measured using either CuIn2 (21 1) or Cul llng (020) peaks as an internal standard. g * ‘0 r 3 ------.._____ Precursor A Precursor B x 1 tl tar Prec c Figure 8. Coefficients of thermal expansion for various materials plotted as a fitnctinn of their melting temperatwe. Vauesof Q for the e1ement.r and CIS were obtainedfrom rejk. (2 I) and (22) respectively. SLSand 7059glaw Q values were obtainedfrom technical literature srqplied by the ven&w. -2.0 I Precursor A Precursor B Precursor c Figure 7. Molybdenum (1 IO) peak distortion (FIVI1M (top} and e( 1IO) strain (bottom))for us-fabricated, ns-annealed,and asselenized (SIS substrates only) precursors A, t3, nnd C. The effect of thermal history on observedstrain is explained in the textfor points I-6. The observed Mo peak distortion is undoubtedly due to the large a mismatch that exists between Cu alloys and the MO/Glass substrate.This disparity in 01 is shown in Figure 8, which also includes o! values for a variety of other materials. Note that as the melting temperature, I’,, of the material decreases,there is a gradual increase in 01 due to decreased interatomic bonding. Consequently, the a of Cu-In alloys may be even higher than that of Cu (16.6 x I O-6 (“Q-l), because the alloys have lower T,. Also note that the a of 7059 glass (4.6 x 10-6 (“C)-1) actually matches the MO layer (5 x 10-h (“Q-l) better than does the SLS glass (9 x IO-6 (“C)-I), even though Figure 7 would seem to indicate that MO films are strained less 10-6 Additional features of Figure 7 can he explained in much the same fashion. For instance. why does the asannealed precursor B exhibit more strain (larger FWriM) than the as-fabricated precursor (points 3 and 4) when the reverse is observed for precursor A (points 5 and 6)? Again the answer lies not so much in the degree of alloying but rather on the thermal history of the precursor. The as-fabricated precursor R is never heated and as such should exhibit the least strain while the as-annealed precursor R is subjectedlo the strain associated with cooling the Cu-In alloy, which consequently puts the MO layer into a highly compressive state. In the cace of the asfabricated precursor A, rhe Cu layer is deposited at 450°C and remains as a solid during the entire cooling process. The asannealed precursor A however, contains a liquid phase between the 4WC soak and the In eutectic al 153OC and consequently imparts less compression to the Mo layer during cooling. The above discussions are all based on the premise that struc~um somehow manifests itself stress in these multi-layer as strain in the MO layer alone. At first, this appears preposterous since bulk Mo has a much higher Young’s modulus than either Cu or In and therefore. is less likely to be the layer to’deform. However, peak broadening has only ken observed for the MO peaks and never for the alloy or CIS peaks in our diffraction patterns. This localization of strain in the MO layer has also been confirmed recently by Nomarski microscopy observationsof strained MO aggregatestructuresin CIS depositedon a variety of substrates(22). Poinl 2 in Fig. 7 hint 1 in Fig. 7 Mo dqxdtd mlo Glnss Sllhslma T=RT(ZT”C) CU-In Alloy dcpitcd a12000C < .1.61 1 lo"-03(mmp .__.. -.. -..-. . _. m Cu.In Allny Ea Moiyhdcnum Ill-Cu/MdGlaSS PlCClaSOl Cmlcd to RT Tc=153”C (a H 17 x IO 6-6) (a = 5 x 10 “-6) Figure 9. A simple mechanistic model for expluining the difference in ftlm srrain (quulitativeiy) measuredfor points I and 2 in Figure 7. Finally, with regards to the strain found in as-selenized films, there appearsto be a good correlation betweenfilm strain (FWHM) measurementsand final device efficiency, i.e., an increase in the MO (1 Ift) FWHM correlated with higher device efficiency. It is intuitive that strain will be present in any thin film layer structure consisting of materials with different a values, as long as there is good adhesion between the layers, In the event of poor adhesion, strain relaxation is expected. Consequently, an indication of strain in as-selenized films is probably an indication of good adherence although the magnitude of that strain should be minimized for improved reliability. CONCLUDING REMARKS The initial stateor microstructureof the In/Cu/Mo/Glass precursor can significantly affect final device performance. Effects which can largely be attributed IO the initial microstructure include the final as-selenizedmorphology (and resulting V, dependence), systematic changes in spectral response,melting behavior, and air-annealing sensitivity. The presenceof film strain (and consequently adhesion) must also take into account the more significant effects associatedwith processing,in particular, the thermal history of the precursor. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was performed under Contract DE-ACGZ83CfllOO93 to the U.S. Department of Energy. The authors thank individuals at the Institute of Energy Conversion, in particular SandeepVerma, Rob Birkmire. Rohert Varrin, Jr., and Frasier Russell for their help in corroborating someof the study results and for general discussions. REFERENCES 1. K. Zweibel, H.S. Ullal, and R.L. Mitchell, Proc. 21st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists’ Cont. 1990, IEEE, New York, 4% (1990). 2. V.K. Kapur, B.M. Basal and ES. Tseng, Solar Cells. 21, 65 (1.987). 3. V.K. Kapur, IJ.V. Choudary, and A.K.P. Chu. 1J.S. Patent 4.S81,108, (1986). 4. B.M. Basal and V.K. Kapur. ,&I. Phvs. L&. 54 (19), 1918 (1989). 5. J.H. Ermer and R.B. Love, U.S. Patent 4.798.660, 1989. 6. G. Pollock and J. Ermer, European Patent 8930818.3, (1989). 7. C. Eberspacher,J. Ermer and K. Mitchell, European Patent 89311197.3, (1989). 8. B.M. Basal and V.K. Kapur, U.S. Patent 5.028.274, (1991). 9. C.D. Lokhande and G. Hades.Solar Cells. 21,215 (1987). IO. H. Dittrich. U. Prinz, 1. Szot and H.W. Schock, in W. Palz, G.T. Wrixon and P. Helm (eds.), Proc. Ninth E.C. Photovoltaic Solar Enerev Conf,, Kluwer. Dordrecht, 163 (1989). 1I .B.M. Basal and V.K. Kapur, m& Specialists’ Conf,, 1990, IEEE. New York, 546 (1990). 12. C. Eberspacher,J. Ermer, C. Fredric, C. Jensen,R. Gay, D. Pier, and D. Willett, Proceedinesof the 10th Euronean Lisbon, Portugal, P-e, 1991. 13. P.R. Subramanian and D.E. Laughlin, Bulletin of Alloy PhaseDiagrams. 10 (S), 554 ( 1989). 14. W. Keppner, R. Wesche,T. Klas, J. Voigt and G. Schatz, Thin Solid Films, 143,201 (1986). 15. Z. Marinkovic and V. Simic, Thin Solid Films, 195. 127 (1991). 16. U. Gosele and K.N. Tu. 1. ADD]. Phvs. 53 (4). 3252 (I 982). 17. D.Albin. G.Mooney. J. Carapella, A. Duda, 1. Tuttle, R. Matson, and R. Nouti, Solar Cells, 30.41 (1991). 18. V. Simic and Z. Marinkovic, ,!, Les-~, 72, 133 (1980). 19. A. Blazek. Thermal Analvsis, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, ~64-65 (1972): 20. D.S. Albin, Ph.D. Dissertation, University Microfilms international, (1989). 21. R. Weast and M. hstle, eds., mdbook of Chem&rv and Phvsics. 60th ed. CRC Press,Inc., Boca Raton, (1979). 22. L. Margulis. G. Ifodes, A. Jakubowicz. and D. Cahen. L &I. Phvs. 66 (8). 3554 (I 989). FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH IN CRYSTALLINE SILICON PHOTOVOLTAIC PROGRAM PERSPECTIVE MATERIALS: Bhushan L. Sopori and John P. Benner National Renewable Energy Laboratory (formerly the Solar Energy Research Institute) Golden, Colorado 80401 ABSTRACT This paper identifies the directions and goals for future research in crystalline silicon materials for high-efficiency solar cells. Currently. the substrates produced by technologies of commercial interest have lower chemical purity and crystal perfection than those of microelectronics-grade wafers. The material quality of these substrates can be improved by post-growth treatments that can be incorporated in the cell fabrication process schedule. Such treatments, applicable to low-cost single- and polycrystalline substrates, include impurity gettering, defect passivation, and defect annihilation. Development of these processesrequires a better understanding of point-defect phenomena involving interactions of defects and impurities. The future program must also include research toward the growth of substrates in thin film configurations which are mom tolerant of less-than-ideal crystalline quality and can exploit light trapping and passivation of surface and bulk defects; The research objectives for achieving DOE goals for the cost effectiveness of silicon solar cells are defined. BACKGROUND Low-cost crystalline silicon substrates, obtained from ingots or grown in sheet (ribbon) form, ate now extensively used for the commercial production of solar cells. The efficiencies of these cells typically range between 12% and 14% under one-sun illumination. Higher efficiencies obtained in the laboratory have been a result of applying a host of processes that are not well understood. A considerable effort in fundamental research is necessary to understand these complex processes to a degree where they can be included in a commercial cell processing schedule. Results to date have shown that a variety of phenomena can be exploited to improve the quality of low-cost substrates and, hence, yield cell efficiencies of 16% to 18%. These processes include gettering, defect passivation, and defect annihilation. Impurity gettering by phosphorous diffusions or aluminum alloying has been proposed to improve the performance of polycrystalline silicon solar cells (1,2). Hydrogenation by techniques such as radio frequency (RF) plasma or low-energy ion implantation have been applied to produce passivation of crystal defects and of some impurities. The passivation effect is more pronounced for lower-performance cells, typically when the cell efficiency is less than 12%13% (3.4). A significant reduction in the defect density can be brought about by suitable hightemperature annealing processes ($6). Although, the basic approaches of post-growth treatments are known, the details of such complex mechanisms are not well understood. It is recognized that these processes can be strongly influenced by point defect phenomena. It is the purpose of the NREL silicon research program to develop such an understanding to a degree that can allow these processes to be incorporated into celi fabrication. Other approaches that can lead to higher-performance cells involve improvements in the crystal growth techniques. Recent studies suggest two cost-effective approaches in crystat growth that offer promise for producing high-efficiency substrates. First, improvements in magnetic Czochralski (MCZ) and Czochralski (CZ) growth may reduce the need for post-growth treatments for material enhancement. Initial evaluations of MCZ wafers indicate that these substrates can be processed to fabricate cells with efficiencies comparable to those on float zone material (7.8). It has also been proposed that MC2 material may be produced at costs comparable to that of CZ material. Likewise, there are some renewed efforts to optimize CZ growth for growing solarquality silicon. Further studies are needed to characterize these substrates and evaluate their potential for high-efficiency celis. Second, new growth technologies may be developed to produce crystaIIine silicon in configurations compatible with advanced thin-cell designs. It has been recognized that by providing effective light trapping and surface passivation these devices can yield cell efficiencies in the 16%-l 8% range with the material quality of the current polycrystalline substrates. However, the growth of silicon films with thicknesses of about 50 pm may require a supporting substrate to facilitate handling during film growth and in subsequent cell processing steps. Clearly, the choice of such a substrate depends on the role of the substrate in the overall cell design. In general, such a composite film/substrate structure must satisfy many compatibility requirements in addition to being cost effective. There are other possibilities, including the growth of the film on a temporary substrate followed by transfering the film to a different substrate to act as a support for the solar cell (9). In either case, the presence of the substrate can influence the quality of the film material and the performance of these devices. 11-l . RESEARCH DIRECTION . . The NREL crystalline silicon materials research program will foster a strong interaction with the photovoltaic industry and assist the industry by carrying out fundamental research on the following crucial topics: Novel Concerts for the Growth of Thin Silicon Films for High Efficiency Solar Cells Detailed Characterization of Photovoltaic Silicon Substrates It is expected that the research will address thin-film growth for high-efficiency cell designs using novel approaches. Of particular interest are thin silicon films in configurations that can be compatible with optical confinement, surface passivation, and hydrogenation for defect passivation. Topics under this research task include It is clear that future research will require an in-depth analysis of the characteristics of commercial substrates, as well as of material grown by improved CZ and MCZ methods. Such analyses will include the characterization of defects, impurities, residual stresses, and other pertinent information that can be deemed essential in controlling solar cell performance. Various aspects of substrate characterization are . l . . . . . The spatial variation of the defects The nature of the defects in the bulk of the material A quantitative determination of the influence of defects and impurities on solar cell performance A determination of the concentration of various impurities in the substrate. . Basic ProDetties Related to Imuuritv Diffusion and Imouritv-Defect Interactions in Silicon . . . . . These aspects of research are expected to benefit future development work by strengthening the understanding of the basic mechanisms that affect processesthat can (i) enhance the quality of the low-cost substrates and (ii) provide alternate novel methods for growing thin-film silicon for high-efficiency solar cells. This research is expected to address the basic issues that can be applied for post-growth quality enhancement of low-cost silicon, and it addresses basic research into the issues that influence the quality of silicon growth in the novel thin-film regime. It is expected that high-efficiency solar cells can be fabricated by incorporating such processes in the commercial scale, thus assisting in meeting the goals of the Department of Energy’s Photovoltaics Program. The diffusivity of silicon self interstitials and vacancies The diffusivity of hydrogen in substrates containing crystal defects Gettering and the release of impurities by defects An enhanced diffusion of hydrogen by point defect injection Defect annihilation by point defect injection Gettering aided by point defect injection An improvement in the minority carrier lifetime by thermal processes involving point defect injection. NREL is now evaluating of proposals submitted under a solicitation for research in these areas. The resulting research subcontracts are anticipated to be awarded by February 1992. This work was performed under Contract No. DE-ACOZ83CHlOO!?3 to the U.S. Department of Energy. Develoument of Post-Growth Oualitv Enhancement Techniaues Improving of the material quality of photovoltaic silicon is necessary to fabricate cells of efftciencies in the 164-l 8% range in the near term. Various mechanisms that can be exploited are . Impurity gettering using extrinsic as well as the intrinsic approaches Novel thin-film configurations for silicon solar cells Novel growth concepts Film substrate interface effects on impurity diffusion into the film The characterization of the photovoltaic properties of thin silicon films. SUMMARY Some concepts of solar cell processing for improved cell performance can benefit from a knowledge of the basic Of particular properties of point defects and impurities. interest are processes involving point defect injection or extraction, which can significantly alter the diffusion of a variety of impurities in the silicon lattice. Consequently, it is important to investigate processes in which point defect phenomena can be applied to enhance the materials characteristics during the device fabrication processes. Such processes, which must be compatible with standard solar cell fabrication schedules, include . . Defect passivation by methods such as hydrogen implantation Defect annihilation using thermal annealing Techniques for improving the minority carrier lifetime. 11-2 REFERENCES I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. S. Narayan, S.R. Wenham and M.A. Green, A~pl. Phvs. J&t&. 48, 1986, p. 873. S. Martinuzzi, H. El Ghitani, D. Sarti, and P. Torchio, Conference Record of the 20th IEEE Photovoltaics bcialists Conference, 1988, p. 1575. J.W. Corbett. J.L. Lindstrom, S.J. Pearton, and A.J. Tavendale, Solar Cells. 24, 1988, p. 127. H. Yagi, Conference Record of the 21st IEEE Photovoltaics Suecialists Conference, 1988, p 1600. B.L. Sopori, J. Benner, and J.D. McBrayer, 21st IEEE PVSC, 1990, ~653. L.A. Verhoef, S. Roorda, W.C. Sinke, and R.J.C. Van Zoligen, Conference Record of the 20th IEEE Photovoltaics Soecialists Conference, 1988, p. 1551. T. Higuchi, ADD]. Phvs. Lett., 53, 1988, p. 1850. S. K. Pang, J. Electrochem. Sot., 137, 1990, p. 1977. R.P. Gale, Conference Record of the 20th IEEE Photovoltaics SDecialists Conference, 1988, p. 446. 11-3 HYDROGEN IN SILICON: DIFFUSION AND DEFECT PASSIVATION BhushauL. Sopori, Kim M. Jones,XiaoJun Deng, R. Matson, M. AI-Jassim and S. Tsuo National Renewable Energy Laboratory (formerly the Solar Energy Research Institute) GoIden, Colorado Alan Doolittle and A. Rohatgi Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia in silicon, passivation mechanisms and undesirable effects of hydrogen in silicon. In order to take full advantage of hydrogenation, it is important to know several aspects of hydrogen in silicon including ABSTRACT This paper discusses the nsults of our studies on hydrogen diffusion and the passivation of crystal defects and impurities in single and polycrystalline silicon obtained from several different vendors. We show that enhanced diffusion of hydrogen can occur in some of these materials, both in the bulk and along grain boundaries, with an effective diffusivity of about an order of magnitude higher than previously reported ;values. Hydrugen incorporated for defect passivation can induce defects in silicon. We discuss these defects and their recombination characieristics, and propose that these defects pose the ultimate limit on the degne of improvement manifested by a cell. The observed behavior of hydrogen plays an important role for defect passivation in solar cells and can be explained on the basis of point defect interactions with hydrogen. We describe a back-side hydrogenation technique for solar cell passivation that takes advantage of the enhanced diffusion mechanism and circumvents many drawbacks of the front-side hydrogenation. . . . how hydrogen can be most effectively and efficiently introduced in solar cells and in a state that is most beneficial the effects of impurities in siticon on hydrogen diffusion and defect passivation the influence of hydrogen-induced defects on solar cell performance In this paper, we report results of our studies on hydrogen diffusion and defect passivation in single and polycrystalline silicon, aimed at understanding the above-mentioned issues. We show, for the first time, that the bulk diffusivity of hydrogen in some polycrystalline silicon can be higher than that in float zone (FZ) wafers. This result is contrary to the general belief that the diffusivity of hydrogen is highest in FZ material. We will discuss probable explanations of this effect, and its application for solar cell passivation. We will also describe hydrogen-related defects. In particular we will identify the difference between defects caused by the surface damage due to ion momentum, and those induced by high concentrations of hydrogen in the silicon lattice. Again, we will show for the first time that hydrogen-induced defects can produce deleterious effects on the cell performance, thus, limiting the effectiveness of hydrogen passivation. ._~ EXPERIMEN’iAL PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION Hydrogen in silicon is gaining increasing technological importance because of its ability to passivate defects both at the interfaces ( e.g Si-SiO,> and in the bulk. However, the behavior of hydrogen in silicon is quite complex because hydrogen can interact with the silicon lattice, with the crystal defects as well as with impurities in silicon. The syn&rgistic effects arising from these activities are only beginning to be understood. However, it is now known that hydrogen can interact with the shallow impurities such as B, Ga, and Al to deactivate their acceptor behavior, passivate dangling bondi arising from lattice discontinuities such as surfaces or at the crystal defects, and passivate deep levels due to metallic impurities (l-9). The photovoltaic community has primarily focussed on the bulk defect passivation aspect of hydrogen in silicon, which, in itself, has been largely on a qualitative basis. It is well established that hydrogen can passivate some solar cells as manifested by improving their performance, but it is not known why the improvement occurs only for low performing devices. Furthermore, there is insufficient and conflicting information on the basic parameters such as the difisivity of hydmgen and its dependence on the impurities Silicon substrates were obtained from different vendors and included single crystal Czochralski (CZ) and FZ, polycrystalline ribbons. and cast wafers. In some special cases, samples grown by the same technique, but with different impurities, were obtained. Samples were characterized prior to hydrogenation in terms of carbon and oxygen concentrations, xesistivity, and nature of defects and grain boundaries. All samples were slurry polished in a way that leaves no surface damage, and then hydrogenated in a Kaufman ion system. The samples were implanted typically at 250 “C with ion energies between 0.5 and 2 keV. Cun-ent densities ranged between 0.2 and 0.6 mAlcm2 with the resultant flux densities in the range of 5 x 10’7/cm2. The implanted samples were analyzed as follows: planar and crosssectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM and XTEM) 12-1 characterization of these detects has been done (lo,! I). we find that these defects are in a disc-like configuration and lie in ( 111) planes and are elongated along [I IO] directions. Figure 2a shows a (001) planar view TEM image of such a platelet. It is seen that such a platelet exhibits a contrast identifying a core-like structure associated with the defect. Figure 2b is a lattice image of such a shuctun?, indicating a loss of contrast associated with the defect core. We believe that the co? represents the entrapment of hydrogen or an aggregate of vacancies or both. As discussed in a later section, the region of surface defects has ve high concentrations of hydrogen, typically from 1019to 1dr ’ cm3, which is considerably higher than the solubility limit of hydrogen in silicon. It is thus conceivable that the hydrogen trapped at the defect core could be molecular in nature. The platelets are seen to extend deep into the bulk of the material (deeper than the surface damage described above). The tendency of the platelet formation appears to be related to the impurities in silicon. For example, low-oxygen/low-carbon materials have a higher tendency to generate platelets. At this time, we do not have sufficient data to determine if the propensity for platelet formation depends on the crystal orientation. It should be pointed out that under the same conditions of implantation, the samples having lower concentration of oxygen exhibit deeper penetration of defects. This can be seen from a comparison of Figures la and lb; the oxygen concentrations of these samples am 5 ppma and 20 ppma, with the penetration depth of platelets - 2 and - 0.6 pm, respectively. to anaiyze the defects induced by hydrogenation and to determine the depth of hydrogen diffusion as described later in the paper; Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic (FTIR) analysis was done to determine interactions of hydrogen with silicon and boron; secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) for hydrogen and boron profiling; scanning ellipsometery to characterize hydrogenated surfaces: resistivity measurements; defect analysis by chemical etching; and electron beam induced current (EBIC) analysis. Similar experiments were repeated with deuterium, particularly for SIMS profiling; this technique has higher sensitivity for deuterium, thus, it has the capability to measure deeper profiles. In addition, we have used a new approach to determine, semiquantitatively, deep hydrogen profiles. In this method samples are selected to have bulk dislocations so that the implanted hydrogen can segregate at the defect sites. The probability of segregation is related to the hydrogen concentration. The segregated hydrogen can then be observed under a TEM. Therefore, this method allows us to determine semiquantitative depth profiles of hydrogen deep inside the bulk of the substrate. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of our experiments will be described in the following sections. 1. Hydrogen defects In addition to producing its own defects, hydrogen interacts with extended defects, such as dislocations, in the material. TEM analysis shows that hydrogen can segregate at dislocation sites, as seem in an XTEM photograph of Figure 3. Qualitatively, we have observed that hydrogen segregation occurs mainly at dislocation nodes and is more pronounced at “clean” dislocations. However, no segre ation is observed if the hydrogen concentration is below 101% /cm’. We have analyzed hydrogen defects at the implanted surface as well as in the bulk. Defects due to hydrogen implanted at low energies in silicon may be divided into three categories: surface damage, defects extending into the bulk, and defects due to hydrogen interaction with the extended defects such as dislocations. The near-surface damage is believed to he caused by the combined effects of energetic ions and high surface concentrations of hydrogen. Figure la is a cross-sectional transmission electron microscope (XTEM) micrograph of a sample showing typical structure of the defects due to surface damage caused by implantation at 1.5 keV for 30 min. These defects appear as dislocation loops, stacking faults, and hydrogen entrapment (shown by the mow in the figure). FTIR analyses of h drogenated samples show absorption peaks around 2100 cm- 7 due to Si-H coordination. However, after polishing off 0.5 pm from the surface to remove the damaged layer, the absorption peaks are strongly diminished. This analysis also shows that optically active hydrogen is predominantly confined to the near-surface damaged region. The depth of the surface damage clearly depends on the ion energy; the higher ion energy results in deeper damage. An important issue related to hydrogen defects is to identify whether the hydrogen defects have a significant effect on the performance of the cell. Our EBIC studies have shown that the hydrogen-induced surface damage results in a high surface recombination velocity, indicating that hydrogen does not passivate self-induced defects. These results can be derived from Figure 4, which shows EBIC signals on a Schottky diode. The Schottky diode was fabricated on a region in which a part of the surface was implanted and the rest was masked during the implant. The signals a,b, and c, shown in Figure 4. are taken at electron beam energies of 10. 20, and 30 keV, respectively (at different amplifications). It is seen that at 10 keV the relative EBIC signal is lower on the hydrogenated side than on the masked side. As the energy is increased the signal from the hydrogenated side increases relative to the masked side. These results indicate a high surface recombination at the hydrogenated surface but a passivation below the surface. Likewise, platelets can be The near-surface region also shows a preponderance of “platelets”. Figure lb is an XTEM micrograph of another sample implanted under the same conditions as those in Figure la, showing “platelets” extending into the bulk of the material. These defects have been postulated earlier and a limited 12-2 ‘imaged by EBIC contrast, thus identifying them to be high carrier recombination regions. We have not been able to effect of hydrogen segregation at the determine the dislocations. These results have two important implications: (i) In a conventional front-side hydrogenation, the formation of similar defects is expected. Being close to the junction, these defects are expected to have a pronounced compensatory effect on the solar cell performance. Clearly, this effect can be minim&d if hydrogen for passivation is intmduced from the back side of the ceil. (ii) Defects induced in the bulk of the cell can limit the improvement in the minority carrier diffusion length. We believe that these effects, mlated to the defects induced by hydrogen, are one of the limiting mechanisms of the effectiveness of the hydrogenation process. 2. We have studied hydrogen diffusion in the bulk as well as along grain boundaries. A comparison of hydrogen diffusion in different materials of about the same resistivity ihows a unique featurt: the hydrogen diffusion can be very deep in some polycrystalline wafers as compared to that of highquality FZ wafers of the same resistivity. Figure 5a shows a SIMS profile of hydrogen implanted at 1.5 Kev in a single crystal FZ wafer; the profile is similar to that published in the literature (1). Figure 5b is a corresponding SIMS profile of a silicon ribbon of the same tesistivity and implanted in the same run. It is seen that the diffusion profile in the ribbon is extended deeper into bulk (data taken within one grain). Due to limitations in the SIMS measurement of hydrogen, we have carried out an extensive analysis using deuterium implantation. These measurements also showed that deeper diffusion of deuterium occurs in the ribbon samples as compared to the FZ and CZ wafers. Depth of diffusion within large grains was found to be the same or even man than along the grain boundaries (determined as described below). Hydrogen Diffusion The mechanisms of hydrogen diffusion play an important role in understanding passivation of solar cells as well as developing production-compatible processes that can employ hydrogenation for imprbving solar cell efficiency. It is expected that, solar cells being bulk devices, would require hydrogen to enter the entire bulk for an effective passivation. One can determine the typical duration of a hydrogenation process from the data on hydrogen diffusivity available in literature. Unfortunately, the= is an enormous scatter in the .experhnental values of the diffusivity of hydrogen. in silicon. There are a number of reasons for the large variations in these values, which are related to the fact that hydrogen diffusivity depends on a number of parameters: . Substrate parameters such as Esistivity, type of dopant, and presence of other impurities; . Surface concentration of hydrogen, the temperature during hydrogen diffusion, and the method of hydrogenation. Previous results have shown that diffusivity of hydrogen is higher in FZ silicon than in CZ when doped with the same dopant of the same concentration. It is also found that hydrogen diffuses faster in some grain boundaries; however, to date there is no suitable explanation for this observation (12). It is generally accepted that hydrogen diffusivity at temperatures below 500°C follows: Dt = 4.2 x 10” exp ( - The most convincing evidence of deep diffusions was obtained by exploiting hydrogen segregation at the dislocation sites as a semiquantitative detector for hydrogen depth profiles. Selected samples were examined in cross-section with ‘I’EM to determine the degree of hydrogen segregation. Figure 6 is an XTEM micrograph of a ribbon sample showing hydrogen segregation manifested as “bubble-like” structures associated with dislocations. The sample was implanted at 1.5 keV at 250 ‘C! for 30 min. A decreasing concentration of hydrogen is manifested as a reduction in the number and size of hydrogen “bubbles” below the surface. The segregation characteristics depicted in Figure 6 represent an approximate hydrogen concentration of 10”/cm3 at a depth of 20 pm. In comparison, a similar concentration of hydrogen is reached at a depth of about 4 pm below the surface in FZ wafers of the same resistivity. This implies that the diffusivity of hydrogen in the ribbon sample is enhanced by a factor of 25. We believe that this is the first observation indicating a higher diffusivity of hydrogen in the bulk of a polycrystalline silicon than in the FZ wafers. Although the exact mechanism of this enhanced diffusion is not well understood at this time, we believe that it is similar to that which causes enhanced diffusion along some grain boundaries or dislocations. It is, however, important to recognize that the diffusion shown in Figure 6 is a bulk diffusion. In order to understand some similarities and differences between the enhanced bulk diffusion and the grain boundary diffusion, we have also investigated hydrogen along grain boundaries. In general, there are many common features in the enhanced bulk diffusion and the grain boundary diffusion. These include segregation effects, impurity dependence, and oxygen related effects. The effect of oxygen on the diffusion of hydrogen along a grain boundary may be seen in Figures 7a and 7b. These figures an XTEM micrographs showing hydrogen segregation along the grain boundaries of two different substrates implanted under the same conditions. The oxygen concentrations of the materials in Figures 7a and 7b are: <l ppma and 20 ppma, respectively. A deeper diffusion 0.56 eV -__-_-__) cm2 .S-’ kT This typically yields a vaIue of e 10“’ cm2.S’ for hydrogen diffusivity in silicon (13) . Using this value for diffusivity one can determine the typical duration of a hydrogenation pmcess to be several hours, which is clearly not acceptable for a commercial process. 12-3 is seen in Figure ?a as compared to that in Figure 7b. This result is similar to the deeper bulk diffusion occurring in FZ than in CZ wafers. From this type of behavior one may conclude that hydrogen diffusion is not purely interstitial and that a vacancy mechanism is involved in the enhanced diffusion. The mechanism of enhanced diffusion is clearly important for solar cell applications since solar cells are bulk devices and we are striving to diffuse hydrogen through the entire thickness of the wafer. Some of the unique features of hydrogen diffusion observed in this study are: . . . Hydrogen diffusion in the bulk appears to be strongly enhanced (compared to a single crystal silicon) in some substrates, with a diffusivity approximately an order of magnitude higher than published value. In some cases hydrogen decoration in XTRM was observed more than 50 pm from the hydrogenated surface. This behavior of hydrogen can be explained on the basis of point defect interaction with hydrogen and is clearly important in making hydrogenation a commercial process. Oxygen in silicon appears to retard diffusion of hydrogen. Low temperature FJlR spectra of hydrogenated samples of the same resistivity (implanted under the same conditions) show inverse correlation between hydrogen and oxygen peak amplitudes. Correlation between hydrogen diffusion and carbon concentration was not observed. Our data show that in some polycrystalline substrates the enhanced diffusivity will favor the hydrogenation process by reducing the implantation times to be only about 15 min. for hydrogen to penetrate through the entire wafer. 3. State of hvdroeen We have determined that a significantly large fraction of implanted hydrogen stays in an electrically and optically inactive state. As described in the Hydrogen Defects section, the IR absorption peaks related to Si-H coordination were not observed below a certain depth, even though hydrogen was present in fairly high concentrations (as observed by decoration). Likewise, we do not observe any measurable change in the resistivity after hydrogenation. This observation implies that boron deactivation is not significant. during our process. We have, however, observed an new phenomenon of out-diffusion of boron during hydrogenation. Such an outdiffusion occurs from a thin region near the surface. Figure 8 is a boron concentration profile, measured by SIMS, of the sample whose hydrogen profile is shown in the Figure 5b. It indicates a boron out-diffusion depth of about 0.5 pm. Deeper out-diffusions have been observed in some other substrates. In general, there is a good correlation between the hydrogen diffusion depth and the out-diffusion depth of boron. Since boron diffusion is assisted by interstitials and vacancies, boron out-diffusion may be explained by invoking point defect supersaturation near the surface. This result is clearly important for front-side hydrogenation becausea change in the boron profile near the junction can have a significant effect on the dark characteristics of a solar cell. It should he pointed out that formation of a surface inversion due to hydrogenation has been reported previously; however, it has been thought to be a manifestation of the donor type of behavior due to surface damage (14). Hem, we propose boron out-diffusion to be a factor contributing to the surface inversion. 4. Defect Passivation Although the mechanisms of passivation are not well understood, it is known that hydrogen can be present in silicon in a variety of states, and thus capable of many different interactions (15.16). It is clear from our results that hydrogen also interacts with point defects, presumably forming a highly mobile complex. We believe that hydrogen associated with defects and impurities as a passivating species is in dynamic equilibrium with the total hydrogen content. If so, then in a hydrogen passivation process, it is sufficient to ensure that the minimum concentration of hydrogen in the bulk of the cell is above that of the density of states due to defects and impurities. BACK-SIDE HYDROGENATION TECHNIQUE It is clear that the influence of hydrogen-induced damage and the dopant out-diffusion can be minimized if hydrogen is implanted from the back side of the cell. However, back-side hydrogenation requires that hydrogen diffuse rapidly through the thickness of the cell, typically 300 pm, in order to be effective in improving the junction properties. Such a technique has many other advantages that can make it well suited as a production-compatible process (17). In a commercial cell fabrication schedule back-side hydrogenation may be implemented prior to metallization, making the entire back side available for hydrogenation. Various steps needed for such a process are illustrated in Figure 9. The solar cell is implanted from the back side and then coated with a thin layer of aluminum, typically about 2ooO thick. The aluminum is then alloyed in an optically heated furnace. similar to a Rapid Thermal Anneal (RTA) process. This step drives hydrogen deeper into the cell and also dissolves the damaged region to produce a Si-AI alloy to form an ohmic contact. In addition, it compensates for the out-diffusion of boron discussed in the Figure 10 shows the tffect of such a previous section. hydrogenation process on a row of solar cells. The figure shows the open circuit photovoltage of the devices before (solid line) and after (dotted line) the hydrogenation process. A The back-side hydrogenation can also be readily applied to finished solar cells, provided the back-side metallization is in a gridded configuration to allow access for hydrogen to enter silicon through open areas. Figure 11 shows the effect of hydrogenating such a finished cell on the spectral response of the cell; for comparison, the other parameters of the cell, 12-4 before and after the hydrogenation, are also indicated. From this figure, it is seen that the impro+ement in the cell response is primarily due to an increase in the long-wavelength response, indicating an increase in the minority carrier diffusion length due to the passivating effect of hydrogen. Experiments on defect passivation in solar cells (using our back-side hydrogenation process on finished cells) indicate that the increase in celf perfbrmance due to hydrogenation also depends on oxygen concentration. Cells containing high concentrations of oxygen (typically above 20 ppma) do not show significant effect of passivation. Results to date also indicate that hydrogen-induced defects could possibly set a limit on the degree of passivation in a solar cell. Clearly, in high efficiency cells one may expect that hydrogen-induced defects may even lower the cell performance. Our experiments have shown that impurity/defect passivation in silicon solar cells is possible even for cells with initial efficiencies greater than 12% if the substrate has low oxygen content, typically less than 20 ppma. We also suggest that hydrogenation could be applicable to single crystal solar cells if deep diffusions can be performed, provided that the iriitial cell performance is limited by the impurities/defects. during a process that is required for solar cell fabrication. in particular, we believe that processes that produce a supersaturation of inter&i& at the surface and a vacancy supersaturation in the bulk is likely to produce an enhanced diffusion of hydrogen and an out-diffusion of boron. However, such a process should also occur at relatively low temperatures where the passivation mechanisms are stable. These arguments clearly explain passivation observed in nitride deposition using Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition. Acknowledgement: The authors are very grateful to John Benner of NREL for his support and interest in this project. This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-83CHlOO93 5. References 1. S. J. Pearton,I. W. Corbet$and T. S. Shi. Appl. Phys. A43. 153 (1987) See pertinent articles on hydrogen in silicon in Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen in Cfystailine Silicon, eds. J.C. Mikkelsen, Jr., S. J. Pearton. J. W. Corbett and S. J. Pennycook,MRS Plttsburg, 1986. J. I. Pankov, D. E. Carlson, J. E. Berkeyheiser and R. 0. Wance,Phys. Rev. L&t., a, 2224 (1983). C. T. Sah, J. Y. Sun and J. J. Tzou, Appl. Phys. Lett., G 204(1983). M. Stavola. S. J. Pearton.J. Lopata and W. C. DautremontSmith, Appl. Phys. Lett., 3.1086 (1987). S. Martinuzzi,M. A. Sebbar and J. Gervais, Appl. Phys. Lett., 47, 376(1985). T. Zundel. A. Mesli. J. C. Muller and P. Siffert, Appl. Phys. A 4& 31(1989). N. M. Johnson, C. Herring and D. J. Chadi, F’hys. Rev. L&t., & 769 (1986). A. J. Tavendale and S. J. Pearton, J. Phys. C16, 1665 (1983). S. J. Jeng, G. S. GeMein and G. J. Scilla. Appl. Phys. la, $$1735(1988). N. M. Johnson, F. A. Ponce, R. A. Street and R. J. Nemanich. Phys. Rev. B.S.4 166(1987). L. Kazmexsld,Proc. 18th IBBB PVSC, 993(1985). T. Ichimiya and A. Fund&i, Int. J. Appl. Rad. Isot., l9373(9168) T. Thou. Z. Radzhnskl, B. Pamailc,G. Rozgonyl and B. L. Sopori, Appl. Phys. Let& s, 1985 (1991). J. C. Muller, Y. Ababou, A. Bad&Ii. B. Courcelle, S. Unamuno. D. Salles and P. Siffett, Solar Cells, II. 201 (1986) C. H. Seager and D. S. Ginley, J. Appl. Phys..$& 1050(1981). B. L. Sopori, J. Appl. Phys., $4,5264 (1988). 2. 3. CONCLUSION We have described some characteristics of defects produced by low-energy hydrogen implantation. The surface damage, consisting of dislocation loops, stacking faults, and trapped hydrogen, are related to the ion energy as well as hydrogen concentration at the surface. It is shown that the near-surface region also develops a preponderance of “platelets,” which are disc-shaped structures that reside in (111) planes and are elongated along [l 101 directions. We have also shown that hydrogen can segregate at dislocation nodes, and have exploited this feature to determine, semiquantitatively, the hydrogen profiles deep in the bulk. It is determined that hydrogen-induced defects exhibit high carrier recombination. It is proposed that this mechanism could limit the effectiveness of hydrogen for improving solar cell performance. We have shown that enhanced bulk diffusion of hydrogen can occur in some polycrystalline substrates, with a diffusivity of at least an order of magnitude higher than that in FZ wafers. We have shown that such an enhanced diffusion is similar to that taking place along some grain boundaries. It is also seen that hydrogen diffusion can be retarded by certain impurities. A back-side hydrogenation techniques is described which requi~s only 15-30 min. to produce effective passivation and minimizes the effect of hydrogen-related defects. Our results of enhanced hydrogen diffusion point out that deep diffusions of hydrogen can occur if the process used for hydrogenation is accompanied by injection of suitable point defects. This opens up the possibility of introducing hydrogen 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Figure 1. Figure 2. TEM micrographs showing : (a) [Oil] plan view of a platelet having a core surrounded by a disc-like st~cture, and (b) a lattice image of the platelet. Figwe TEM micrograph a dislocation. XTEM micrographs of the near-surface damage due to a hydrogen implant at 1.5 keV for 30 minutes, showing: (a) dislocations and hydrogen entrapment (indicated by arrow), and (b) stacking faults and platelets (indicated by the arrow). 12-6 3. showing h*rogen segregation at to” t .._ I-l~I~~I-I~l_I~l~~~-L~.l-J-I-LLL 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 Depth (microns) 3.5 4.0 Depth {microns) Figure 5. Ffgure 4. EBIC scans of a schottky diode showing relative responses under different electron beam voltages fmm implanted and unimplanted regions. 12-7 SIMS profiles of hydrogen implanted at 1.5 keV on hvo different substrates, (a) FZ wafer, and (b) ribbon. Figure 6. An XTEM micrograph showing observation of deep diffusion of hydrogen by hydrogen segregation on dislocations Figure 7. 12-8; Grain boundary diffusion observed by XTEM in samples of (a) low. and (b) high oxygen concentrations. 610 _....._..-..___-._--.--- IOM _ _. _.-. _ (4 r a. before implant 4. alter implnnl 600 10’9 oc f 10’8 .E .g 10’7 it t2 10’6 3 10’5 560 10’4 0 I 7 8 9 10 Cell Number Figure 8. SIMS profile of bomn showing due to hydrogen implantation. out-diffusion of boron Figure 10, Effect of hydmgen implantation on the V,, of solar cells. Solid and dotted circles correspond to before and after hydrogenation. Figure 1 I. Spectral responses of a finished after hydrogenation. I c i 1”’ P-type substrate Hydrogenated surface Alloy Al by optical processing Figure 9. A schematic of the back-side hydrogenation process 12-9 solar cell before and 1fOT SPOT SUSCEf’TIfflLfTY AND TESTfNG OF PV MODULES E. Molenbmek. D.W. Waddington, K.A. Emcry National Renewable Energy Laboratory (formerly the Solar Energy Research Irwti~r~tc) Gnklen. Colorado I.aboratory (JPL) (3) and Underwriters LaboTatnry (4) developed an’ intmsive test, in. which individual cells are reverse biased in the dark or under reduced ilhimination. The Joint Research Center in Jspra. Jtaly under the auspices of the Commission of the European Communities develapd a nonintrusive test under a simulatot, in which cells in the modules are shaded (5). Various national and international standards organizations are developing module qualification procedures involving hot spot. susceptibility. Because cnrrent hot spot tests were developed specirtcrlty for crystalline silicon modules. these tests should be mevaluated for use in evaluating amorphous silicon and other thin-film material systems. The first goal was to investigate and compare the behavior of amorphous silicon (a-Si) and crystalline silicon (c-Si) modules under reverse biasing. This study addressed the basic question of what is hot spnt heating, what causes it and how can it be simulated? The experiments done on the a-Si and c-Si mndules show that the procedures for the different hot spot tests have problems as far as cell selection arid determination of the test conditions are concerned. ARSTRACT Localized heating nr hot spots in a photnvaltaic module can occnr by any combination of cell failure, inrerconnection failure, partial shading. and variation in the photncurrent from, cell to cell (mismatch). To probe the sensitivity for hot spot heating of commercial amorphous silicon and crystalline modules, several intrusive and nonintrusIve experiments have been performed. In the intrusive experiments each cell in several commercial amorphous silicon modules was evaluated separately acd in groups for localized heating effects. Damage in amorphous silicon mod$es occurred under reverse-bias conditions in the dark above a 5-20 mAcm-2 cell current density at the interconnection between cells. Shading can cause a larger temperature rise than current mismatch. For the monolithic amorphot!s silicon modules investigated the current mismatch between each cell was substantial, but the temperatnre rise was negligible because of the rather low shunt resistance. What is Hot Snot lleatine? INTROIXICTION llot spot heating occurs when a cell in a string of series connected cells is negarively biased and dissipates power in the form of heat instead of producing electrical power. This happens when the current produced by a given cell is lower than the string current. This can occur when the cell is shaded. damaged, or simply generates less current One example of mismatch is given in than the module. Figure I, which shows a thermal image of a short-circuited crystalline module. The temperature of the mismatched cell is about IttY~ versus SfPC of the rest of the module. When a single cell in a series string generates less current than the module, localized heating will occur because the current flowing through each cell in the string must be equal. Figure 2 shows a module operating under standard test conditions with a voltage at maximum powet of Vmp and Localized heating (hot spot) of photovoltaic modules has been documented since the early spacecraft days (1). It was.argued that cell failure, interconnection failure, or partial shading by parts of the spacecraft could cause cells to heat np and possibly damage. In 1979, damage due to hot spot heating was observed at test sites at Mead, Nebraska and Arlington, Texas (2). At Mead, a hail storm caused cells IO crack. which in turn. caused some cells to become reverse biased and heat up. At Arlington. hot spot heating occurred after the modules, each with a bypass diode, were shortcircuited for washing and inspection. In the past years, several tests have been developed to test the ability of a photovoltaic (PV) module 10 withstand hot spot heating. When bypass diodes are used to limit the reverse bias voltage across a module to less than I V hot spot heating is minimized. Standards have been developed to determine the degne of hot spot heating when bypass diodes are properly installed in a module. The Jet Propulsion current at maximum power of Imp with a single shaded cell in the series string. Because of Kirchoff’s voltage and current laws the shaded cell will operate at a voltage of -V’ and current of Imp, causing power to be dissipated in the cell 13-1 60°C 80°C 70°C .rmnlphnus l l l man-cryslat . 0 Si l l .$ 0.5 Figure I. Thermogram of a mismatched short-circuited mono4 8 B 2 cell in a module. -10 Figure 2. Reverse 0 5 10 -5 Modulc or ccl1 vohagc (V) I-V mismatched module. equal to V’+ Imp. cell voltage module curve type-B of a partially cell and I-V 15 l fl shaded voltage at the maximum to be type-A in the dark is at -V,p power point (V,p) I 0 Reverse bias I-V curves of a “typical” commercial crystalline and an amorphous silicon module. or AMORPHOUS A cell is considered e.. -I -2 Rcvcrsc hias vohagc (V) of the if the with a A cell is also type-A if the cell voltage and the current is less than Imp. SILICON UNDER REVERSE BIASING The behavior of crystalline silicon modules under reverse biasing (7,8) has been well studied, but little information has been published on amorphous silicon (9). The intrusive hot spot test in wide use was developed by JPL (3). In this. test wires are attached to individual cells. The advantage of this method is that the I-V characteristics of each cell can he known for positive as well as negative voltages under varying degrees of illumination. As can be seen from Figure 3, amorphous silicon behaves differently from For the six crystalline silicon under reverse biasing. in he dark at -V’ is greater than the illuminated current equal 10 Imp. -3 m Based upon the resuhs af this study the worst possible condition of hot spot heating is to completety shade a single cell. To minimixe these effects the array should be mounted to avoid dust or snow collection on the module, and shadows from objects in the foreground should not obscure a single cell. The term current mismatch refers tn any mechanism that can cause a reduction in the short-circuit current of a cell compared to other cells in the series string. Manufacturers of crystalline silicon cells and modules sort ttieir cells by current at a fixed voltage in order to minimire hot spot heating and optimize module power production. If a cell degrades because of a crack or other intrinsic mechanisms, the current mismatch may be severe enough to damage the encapsulation. 20 curve l a Figure 3. -IS D The reverse characteristics of a type-A cell are voltage limited. A cell is considered to be type-B if -V’ is less than V,p. The reverse characteristics of a type-B cell are current limited. A type-B cell often has a low shunt resistance or has been damaged. Two typical examples of reverse current-voltage (I-V) curves for commercial crystalline and amorphous silicon modules are given in Figure 3. amorphous silicon modules from three manufacturers when the number of cells in series exceed 15, the cells can all be considered to be type-B (9). This is nor surprising because of the relatively low shunt resistances of the a-Si modules. Most amorphous silicon modules are fabricated by depositing amorphous silicon on tin oxide coated glass. The individual cells are defined by a scribing process. In the intrusive hot spot test, electrical contacts are made to each test cell, and a negative voltage is applied in the dark or under reduced The power dissipation for any given faulty or shaded cell depends on series-parallel configuration of cells in a module (h). In general, increasing the number of cells in series increases the power dissipation and increasing the number of cells in parallel decreases the power dissipation of the faulty cell. 13-2 iiluminaGon. depending on whether it is a type-B or a type-A cell. Jlowevet; the individual cells in many thin-film technologies like*amorphous silicon are very difficult to contact without damaging. For the commercial amorphous silicon modules evaluared. electrical contacC1 to the individual cells was made to the back of the cells. Because the aluminum back contact thickness is approximately 1 pm and a single scratch. would destroy the.cell, great caution was required. Two wires, one at each end, were attached tq the back of every cell with silver epoxy that cured at room temperature. Localized heat@ because of current crowding was measurable but small because the &II length w.9 JO cm and the use of. two wires, one at each end, minim&d these effects. By reverb biasing individual cells in the dark, it was found that the voltage never exceeded the value of -7 to -8 V. At lhi4 voltage. only the.current still rises. The current level at which damage occurred varied widely, from 0.5 Jsc to 2 I,, or SO-Z& mA (for 1 by 10 cm culls). Damaged In 24 of the 37 damaged &Is from two different manu’facturers, damage started at the cell interconnection. Jnspection of the damaged region under a microscope showed that the damage developed right next to the third scribe line. Figure 4 shows an example. One possible explanation of this phenomenon is the following: Wheti the third scribe line is made, the laser beam causes the a-Si near the scribe line to crystalliirz to some extent (JO). Because c-Si has a much higher dark condtictivity than a-S& these parts may act as shunt paths and break down earlier because of the high current density. Another possible reason ‘that damage occurs at the interconnection is that ihe particular shape of the interconnection causes the current to concentrate at the edge. This would mean that other thin-film solar cells that are made in the same way might have the same problem. In case the damage did not start at the cell interconnection, usually pinholes develop (small light spots with a diameter of less than a millimeter). During reverse biasing, sometimes small light emitting spots were observed, which could lead to the formation of pinholes. Jn the case of crystalline silicon, this has been associated with avalanche breakdown (7). As is evident from the temperature profile of a reverse biased cell, the power dissipation is very nonuniform. Reverse biasing of a module with 30 cells in series clearly shows this nonuniformity (see Figure 5). Because temperature is the important factor that determines whether the module will be damaged or not, it is interesting to know how much the local temperature rise will be at a given current level. Therefore, several cells and modules were reverse biased and their maximum temperature as a function of the current was measured. The advantage of reverse biasing whole modules is that 30 cells are probed at a time, so that there is a tiasonable chance that all possible cell qualities are represented. The disadvantage is that the Glass Figure 4. Scribe lines viewed from the aluminum back, 25X. whoie module is heated instead of one celi, but because the heating is locali;rxd, the hot spot temperature will probably not be influenced very much by the other cells. El 22°C fl24”C i 26°C Figure 5. Thermal image of a reirerse biased amorphous silicon module in the dark showing hot spots. The maximum temperature Bp a function of the curtent is depicted in Figure 6 for commercial I-!? amorphous silicon on glass modules from three different manufactures. figure 6 shows that for modules of manufacturers A and B, the temperature rise is moderate, even at the short-circuit current level, which is about 350 mA. In the module of manufacturer A, several pinholes developed. The range of temperatures fell within the range given in the literature earlier (9). A much greater temperature rise was observed for the module from manufacturer C. Visible damage was done to several cells, but not to the encapsulation. Measurement of the 1-V curve after the damage had occurred showed no anomalies. The fraction of the cell that was damaged was so small that the power reduction was less than the resolution of the measurement system (-1%). was done by temperature reverse manulacturcr A l manufacturer B eizo n A - n Bm- n j u Z 80: g 60 l A l m A l ee 40 l e l l l l 20 / 0 so loo 150 200 250 300 350 Revcrsc bias current (mA) Figure 6. Reverse biasing amorphous silicon 4w cell that gave the highest 450 of three l-ft2 commercial modules, at room temperature. temperature Is,. However, two small pinholes. showed hot spot test was also performed was selected. The 4 -ftz module some more damage, After middle. Measurement probably anomalies. two more of -the I-V One of manufacturer at one end as well weeks curve nothing showed C as in the had changed. some degradation; all due to the Staebler Wronski effect, but no The encapsulation, glass on glass as well as glass on polymer, weeks of exposure was not damaged. the result ias SKJCON After three more still the same. UNDER REVERSE BJASJJ’JG totai irradiance of la40 Wm-2, global light. As part of a nonintrusive hot spot test every cell in the module was individually shaded with black tape and the maximum temperature was measured. The maximum temperature that each of the 30 cells achieved when shaded as a function of fhe reduced current is shown in Figure 7. The reduced current is defined as the short-circuit current of the module after the illumination of one of the cells in the module has been reduced by shading. The module short-circuit current is tbe module current under uniform illumination. The current at maximum power for the module was 3 A,.giving 10 type-A and 20 type-B cells in the module shown in Figure 7. Figuti 8 shows the temperature rise for as a function of percentage of the area shaded for one of the type-A cells in the module evaluated in Figure 7. With the uniform shading I’ n - type-A o- 8 190 T! 1 170 - on a few modules. For amorphous silicon, three modules of three different manufacturers were placed outside. Cell selection ’ -&e-B if n mm j:;; m short- circuiting a a-Si module does not show cells that are hotter than the rest, as does short-circuiting crystalline silicon modules. This is because the shunt resistance is so low that hardly any power dissipation can take place. It also implies that, in the case of mismatch, when the cell is illuminated, the current distribution is more uniform than under complete shading. An outdoor until After one week of outdoor !a All these experiments were performed in the dark or under shading. Could mismatch of amorphous silicon also lead to a significant temperature rise? Measurement of the short-circuit currents of 20 cells in a submodule (a module without encapsulation) showed that the lowest Jsc can be than the module module as in Figure 7. The exposure, nothing had happened to the 1-ft2 moduk of manufacturer B. The l-ft2 module of manufacturer A showed E2lO 5% to 8% lower whole Crystalline silicon modules from two manufacturers with 30 cells in series were evaluated. A module was illuminated with a filtered Ar-arc (Vortek simulator) to a A manufacturer C 0 the became visible, cell in every module was shaded. CRYSTALLINE l biasing differences n n l irn mm m : I p110 ) , Jsc=3.28A i3 90 4 E b Imp’ 70 - I I . ’ I. ’ . . . ’ . . . 2.5 2 Short-circuit current with one cell shaded Figure 7. Maximum temperature for each of connected c-Si cells shaded individually in a module as a function of reduced short-circuit current. WI --1.5 ’ a transhlcent cellophane filter was placed over the entire cell while in the case of nonuniform shading the light was completely blocked from part of the cell. Figure 9 compares the results of this experiment for a type--A ceil from the n10th1lc in Figure 8. In the JPL, block V procedure (3). type-h cells are tested by applying a voltage equal to the negative of the maximum power voltage (-Vmp) and adjusting the inadinnce level until the current is equal to the current at the maximum power point (Imp). This situation for an intrusive test can hr translatrd into a nonintrusive test by applying shading to a cell in a short-ciicuited. AlIly, illuminated module. until the current is equal to Imp. Ilnwever. in standnrdixcd l nonintrusive tests such as the one given in reference 4, type-A cells are partially shaded with opaque shading. These two situations are not equivalent, as shown in 0 l a ’ . ’ . m l 0 m mm . n -m w tl 10 20 so 6n 70 30 4n Fcrccnt ofccll shadowed no 90 100 Figure 8. Reduced short-circuit current (W) and maximum localized temperature (0) as a percentage of the cell area that is shaded. SUMMARY Translucent shading .- OF HOT SPOT TESTS The a-Si modules from manufacturers A and B exhibited neither degradation in the I-V characteristics nor physical damage. In the modules from manufacturer C, some visihle pinhole damage occurred with the nonintrusive test but the decrease in performance was insignificant. Several of the type-B cells in the crystalline-Si module from two different manufacturers showed small cracks and bubbles in the rear encapsulation after continuous one sun illumination; the module shorted and one cell completely shaded. This implies that these modules would fail the nonintrusive hot spot test in reference 4. With proper siting of a PV array, the shading of only one cell in a module should not occur. The hot spot tests assume that the worst case of heating of type-A cells occurs when the module current is increased to the maximum power current (I,,,). It is true that the maximum power dissipation for the entire cell is greatest at the maximum power point. However, in the case of partial shading, the power dissipated per unit area is not uniform. In fact, the smaller the illuminated area, the higher power dissipated per unit area in the illuminated region of the cell. The maximum temperature rise in a shaded module is determined by region with the maximum power dissipated per unit area and not the total power dissipated. Figure 9 shows that the tempemture rise as a function of the fraction of the total cell area shaded varies from 50 - 140°C. n m 4 / 2.65 2.1 Short-circtlit 2.75 2.8 2.84 2.9 current (A) with one cell partially shaded Figure 9. Comparison between partial shading uniformly mduced ilhlmination (W). (0) and For the c-Si modules investigated, the temperature rise in type-A cells is below the damage threshold, regardless of whether translucent or opaque shading is applied. For the crystalline modules investigated. unlikely to occur lfowever, provided these conclusions that the reverse and failures amorphous silicon, PV due to hot spot heating bypass diodes are are employed. are based on the assumption bias across a module will not exceed -I V (a bypass dinde is installed). The array design influences the pnssihility and severity of hnt spot heating. Therefore, a hot spot test should take into account evaluating what simulating these mismatch cnuld go wrong circumstances. can occur in short-circuit could lead to long term degradation. hot spot immediately. test is to detect this array design by in a certain Some conditions. However, problems design heating that and due to Maybe this the aim of the arise almost ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thiv work was supported hy the Department contract No. DE-hCO2-13CIIIOO93. of Energy under REFERENCES I. 2. 3. PA. Make and K.I.. ilnnson. !%~r~~$b Intersoc. EnK @IV. Ene. Conf., Washington. DC, 1969. Am. Inst. Chrm. Eng. New York, 575, (1969). S.t?. Forman. M.P. Themelis. Proc. 14th IEEE motvoltric Suecirlists’ Conf.. San Diego, CA, IEEE, New York. 1214. (19gO). f&ck V Solar Cell Module Desien and Test Specification for Intermediate Load Applications, JPL internal document 5101-161. Jet Propulsion 1.abnratory, Pnsadcna, CA, (February 19111). 4. &alification Test Procedure for Photovoltaic Jvlodule~, Commission of the Commrmities standard specification number 502, issue 1, (1984). _5 . &u&trd for Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules and P,lnels. Underwriters Lnbomtories number UL 1703, Augnst 1. 19116, Underwriters Laboratories Inc.. Research Triangle Park, NC (1986). M.M. Alkaisi and N.A. Aldawody, Solar Cells, 28, 11, (1990). J.W. Bishop, Solar Cells, 26, 335, (1989). C. Gonznlex, R.W. Weaver, R.G. Ross, R. Spencer, J.C. Amett, Proc. 17th IEEE Photovoltaic Soecialists’ Conf., Kissimmee, FL, IEEE, NY, 1984, 668, (1984). C. Gonzalez and E. Jetter, Proc. 10th IEEE f-i. 7. 8. 9. 10. Photovoltaic Soecialists Conf., Las Vegas, NV, IEEE, New York, 1041, (1985). S. Yamaxaki, K. ltoh, S. Watabe, A. Mose, K. Urata, K. Shihata, and Il. Shinohara. Proc. 17th IEEE Photovoltaic Snecialists’ Conf.. Kissimmee, FL, IEEE, New York, 206. (1984). 13-6 WEATHERING DEt;RAI)ATION OF EVA ENCAI’SULANT AND TItE EFFECT OF ITS Yt$L!.~)\VINt: ON SO1 AH <‘FI I F,FFICIKN(:Y --..---L”F12 F..I. tkrn. A.W. t’zuxlrrua. K.A. Emery. and R.G. Dhcre N:rticmnl Rcnrwnhlr Energy I.ahoratory (ftrrmrrly tbr Solar Energy Rpsrarch Institute) Golden, Colorado ABSTRACT The encapsulant materials provide optical coupling, mechanical support, electrical isolation, physical isolation/ protection. and thermal conduction for the solar cell assembly (4.5). EVA copolymer (33% vinyl acetate) is extensively used for crystalline Si-based PV module encapsulation. EVA is formulated and processed to provide the desired mechanical strength and stability (4,5). The processed EVA contains a 65% to 70% gel content (degree of cross-linking), 0.30 wt % Cyasorb (IV 531 (a UV absorber identified as “Cyasorb” here), and two antioxidants (4-6). Upon weathering degradation. the EVA between the cover glass plate and solar ceils in PV modules tnay hecome discolored. In previous papers, we studied tbe structural effects and relationship among the extent of degradation, gel content, and Cyasorb concentration in EVA (6.7). In this paper, we etiphasize more the effect of EVA yellowing an the solar cell efficiency. After five or more years of weathering, the dcgradntion of ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) encapsulant in photnvoltaic (PV) modules resulted in a yellow to dark brown color. Degraded EVA shows a substantial increase in the gel content and a large to complete loss of the ultraviofet ((iv) ahsorbcr, Cyasorb UV 531. The EVA discoloration is causrd by the formation of polyconjtigated (C=C), double hontls of various lengths. Acetic acid and other volatile organic cnmpnnents arc also produced from the photothermal decomposition of the EVA. The solar cell efficiency was reduced by --9% by a light yellow brown EVA and -50% by a dark brown EVA. WMthered PV modules with dark brown EVA nlsn show a -.SO% decrease in efficiency. EXPERIMENTAL EVA Materials In the past two decades, significant imprnvemcnts in the efficiency and reliability of new semiconductor tnnterials for PV devices and modules have resulted in PV becoming an increasingly viable energy alternative. While efficiency improvements in large-area CulnSq, CdTe. and a-Si-based thinfilm PV modules are increasingly promising. single-crystal (and polycrystalline) Si-based PV modules have been the most dominant products widely used. Typical efficiencies of these PV modules range from about 11% to 14% (1). A long-term stability of over 20-30 years for all types of PV modules is one of the requirements to be cost-cnmpctitive. and Analvticat Procedure The EVA materials we studied, our analytical procedures. and the analytical instruments we used are essentially the same as those reported previously (6.7). The laminated and cured EVA in PV modules that are stored in the dark fnr six years remains clear. Clear and discolored (degraded) EVA samples were cut from PV modules weathered outdoors for more than five years. The Cyasorb concentration (wt %) and gel content (8) are the two crucial measurements of EVA degradation (6). Measurement However, some Si-based modules deployed nutdoors for five years or more develnp a light yellow, to yellow-brown, to dark brown color. depending on their locations, use tetnperature. and configuration. A common factor in these discolored modules is their use of EVA films as the encapsulant. The consequence of the EVA weathering degradation can be significant. For example, Gay and Berman reported that EVA browning resulted in a -30% loss in the annual energy output from the six-megawatt PV systems at the Carrisa, California, power plant (2). A detailed study on the module pcrfnrmance of the Carrisa PV systems revealed that the EVA degradation is highly nonunifnnn from module to module, and that the average module power otttpttt is 35.9% below that of the initial The mismatch between neighboring .modules, rating (3). caused by nonuniform EVA degradation, cnntributed an additional power loss of 11 .l%. of the Effect of &A Yellowine on Sutar Cells Efficiency The effect of EVA discoloration on solar cell efficiency was evaluated as before (6). using a calibrated Spectrolab X-25 solar simulator. Quantum efficiency (spectral response) was measured on a computerized system with periodic (440 Hz) monochromatic light directed through one of an array of lontn band-pass interference filters. The lower wavelength limit was 290 nm. In both cases, the virgin or degraded EVA films were pressed above the reference solar cells with or without adding a cover glass above the film. Similar measurements were also perfomd for a solar cell specimen (26 cm’) taken from a broken PV module. The I-V performance of three large PV modules was measured on a Spire Model 240A solar sitnulatnr. 14-1 RESIJI.TS EVA Degradation AND DISt:IISSION and Discoloration Figure I shows the results nbtaincd from nnnly-rinp: a large number of non-degraded and field-drgratlrcl EVA samples. The gel content increased substantially from (is%70% in virgin EVA to gS%-88% in clear degradrd EVA, to 90%-92% in light yellow EVA. to 96%-97% in yellow-brown and dark brown EVA, while the Cyasorh concrnlration ticcreased concomitantly during the degradation prncesc. No Cyasorh was observed in the extensively drgratlcd EVA. When the Cyasorb concentratinn dropped bcinw.abnut 0.21 WI %, the EVA films became discolored (6). As the cxtcnt of degradation increased, the color darkened from light yellow. to yellow. to yellow-brown. and to dark brown. The EVA degradation across each solar ceil unit on weathered PV modules was not uniform. The Cyasorb concentration was much lower and the gel content was higher in EVA from over the central region than from over the cell edges (6.7). No nnliceable change in either the gel content or the Cyasorb rnncentration was observed in EVA samples taken from unweathered mndules from similar incations. ‘lhe EVA mostly rrmnined clear around the cell edges and in Ihe areas between nrighhoring solar ceils. in addition tn the discnlnration, acetic acid and volatile organics were present in the &graded EVA. 1 _ 100% Arbltrnry Exient 01 EVA degradation (?G) Figrrre 1. The Cynsorb IIV S3i concentration. pi content. and EVA cnlor at different extents of degradation, summarixd from the results of analyzing a large number of undegraded and field-degraded EVA samples. The actual degradation is nnt known except for the virgin EVA. Figure 2 compares the transmission spectra for virgin and degraded (to various degrees) EVA samples. As the cnlor on the EVA darkens. more UV and visible light is absorbed. The yellow-browning of degraded EVA is caused by the formation of poiyconjugatcd carbon-carbon double bnnds (pdyenes) (6.7). The discolored EVA iuminesces strongly upon illumination by UV and visible light. In fact, the extent of EVA degradation can he detected directly using flunrescence analysis from the shift in the emission peak position (from shnrter to longer wavelengths in the 500-650 nm region) and the increase in peak intensity (6.7). intense acetic acid odors and other volatile organic components were detected when the wealhered PV modules were cut open. The presence of acetic acid is significant. In various simulated degradation experiments. acetic acid was produced from EVA exposed to UV light at 45°C or healed in the dark at 130°C. Acetic acid has been found tn catalyze EVA yellow-browning from 8S’ lo 130°C. A detailed discussion will be given elsewhere (7). 200 300 400 500 600 700 8 Wavelength (nm) Figure 2. Transmission spectra measured for (1) a clear EVA film. (2) a light yellow-brown EVA liim. (3) a darker yellow-brown EVA film, (4) a brown EVA film, and (4) a darker brown EVA film. Samples #I. #4. and #5 were iaminated in two glass plates and exposed to an RS4 sun lamp at 90°C for ifi00 h. Samples #2 and #3 were taken from weathered PV modules. In summary, weathering degradation of the EVA encapsulant in PV modules results in an increased gel content, a loss of the UV absorber, a yellow-browning of the EVA, and the production of acetic acid and volatile organic components (6). Effects of EVA Discoloration 1 0.01 0.0 ’ on Solar Cell Efticiency The effect of yellow-browning on the light transmitsion is shown in Figure 2 for samples that are clear to dark brown EVA. The effect of EVA yellow-browning on the electrical performance and quantum efficiency (spectral response) was obtained using single-crystal Si reference ceils with and without a degraded EVA sample laid over them. The results are given in Tables 1 and 2(h). respectively. Table 1 gives the measured ripen--circuit voltage (V,). short-circuit current densily (J,), maximum power (P,,,,,). and calculated loss (45) for two virgin clear<and two degraded yellow-brown EVA films. When covered with a virgin clear EVA film. the Si cell lost about 6.7% in J, and 0.8% in P,,,,,. However, the loss increased lo l2%-14% in J, and 14%16% in P,., with the 14-2 yellow-brown EVA films. The loss in V, was reInlively small. In effect, the Si cell’s 11.6% efficiency changed to 10.7% with the virgin EVA and 9.7% with the yellow-hrown EVA; this corresponds to a net loss of 9.3% of its original efficiency when the EVA color changed from clear to yrllnwbrown. These effects also appear clearly in the rclativr quantum efficiency ratios to the bare Si refcrcncc cell, as S~OWII in Fi8ure 3. The spectral responses for the two virgin cured EVA films are virtually identical, with a cutoff hrlow 360 nm from the absorption of Cyasorb. For the two degraded yrllowbrown EVA films that differ slightly in color, the spectral responses begin at about 290 nm because of the absence of Cyasorb. Because of light absorption by polyenrs, the spectral response is lower between 360 and about 900 ntn than thar of the virgin EVA (Figure 2, curves 3 and 4). As the EVA color became dark brown, the change in measured cell efficiency increased. Table 2(A) shows the results obtained for two dark brown EVA samples with or without a 7059 glass plate pressed tightly onto the EVA over the reference Si cell. For comparison, a solar cell specimen taken from a broken PV module with dark brown EVA was also similarly analyzed. With the dark brown EVA, a nearly SO% loss in P,,, was observed; this is -35% greater than that for the yellow-brown EVA seen in Table 1. The large difference is simply because the dark brown EVA absorbs more UV and visible li8ht (Figure 2) than does the yellow-brown EVA (6.7). The presence of a cover glass plate reduced the P,,. an additional 2%. For the solar ceil specimen, the measured efficiency for the three tape-defined areas ranged from 3.0% to 4.4% (see Table 2B). further supporting our earlier conclusion that the degradation of EVA is non-uniform across the cell surface (6). More importantly, the measured efficiencies 650 650 are 67%-77% lower than the typical 13%-14% efficiency of new 4”x4” mini-modules made by the same manufacturer. The decrease is 17%-27% greater than the changes measured with dark brown EVA films alone (see Table 2A). suggesting that other factors such as increased series resistance may have also contrihutrd to the efriciency drop. This argument seems to be supported hy a fill factor of ahout 0.50 as compared to a fill factnr of about 0.70 for new mini-modules. The relative spectral responses measured for the variously degraded EVA samples are compared in Figure 4. Tahle 1. Eflect of EVA Yellowing on the I-V Performance of a Single-Crysfal Si Reference Solar Cell’ Sample EVA V, 09 No EVA 0.474 39.87 A9918 0.470 1529X P C:% V, 37.21 3.74 0.84 6.67 0.79 0.471 37.23 3.75 0.63 6.50 0.76 Yellow- I 0.466 35.0 3.48 1.69 12.21 1428 Yellow-2 0.465 34.5 I 3.41 1.90 l 250 Figure 3. Relative quantum efficiency measured for a single-crystal Si reference solar cell covered with virgin clear (curves #I and #2) and degraded yellow-brown (curves I 450 I I f 650 Wavelength (nm) 650 Fipre 4. Quantum efficiency crystal Si reference solar cell, with virgin cured EVA A9918, with yellow-brown EVA. and dark brown EVA. Curves #I 100%. Curves #2 and #3 are #3 and #4) EVA films. The spectral responses an ratioed to that for the bare Si reference cell. The virgin EVA films are EVA A9918 (curve #I) and EVA 15295P (curve #2). The two degraded EVA films differ slightly in color. 14-3 Loss (a) in J, P,,,, 13.44 16.01 An aperture of 0.35 cm* was used over a single-crystal Si reference solar cell for the measurements. The EVA film was placed beneafh the aperture. No cover glzs was used on top of the cell or EVA. The loss (Q) would lx slightly larger if a cover glass were used. The P,, loss (%) would be about 7% less than the values shown if they were corrcctcd for Ihe light scattering (see text). Data for Yellow-l and Yellow-2 are identified as samples #2 and #3 in Pigurc 3 and Yellow-2 as sample #3 in Figure 4. al/II: Wavelength (nm) J,’ (mA/cm*) I I 1050 I.250 measured for (I) a single(2) the cell in (1) covered (3) the cell in (1) covered (4) a solar cell specimen with and #4 are normalized to normalized to curve #l. Table 2. Effect of Dark Rrawn EVA on the I-V I’erhrtnante of (A) a Single-Crystal Si Rcferentc War (‘cl’ and (R) a Sotar Cell Specimen EVA changed from clear to yellow-brown and -42% when it changed to dark brown. While the integrated reflectance measured for the solar cell specimen is about 35% lower than that for a dark brown EVA with a smoother Si-side surface (Figure 5h). this small difference is not sufficient to adversely affect the interpretation of results in Table 2. (A) Two dark brown EVA films peclcd fmm tlcgrntlrtl PV mtwlulcs -.-..-----. - ._.. . _ .-.. _-- _ I.ozc t%) in P Sample VCC J, (mhlcm’) m”’ EVA 09 (mW) V, J., P,,, ----. . ~.-_ ..-. __ 3.54 ----.-___0.398 22.54 Si Cell Brown-1 + slideb 0.347 0.341 13.15 12.64 1.X0 1.70 12.81 14.32 Bmwn-2 + slide’ 0.345 0.343 13.21 12.76 1.79 1.72 13.32 41.39 13.82 43.39 .----~ Effect of EVA Discoloration 41.66 4915 4.3.92 5l.S 4944 51.41 (B) A solar ccl1 specimen with dark hmwn EVA’ SW No. Area (cm*) V, (V) I 0.170 2 3 Jnc Pmm Fill -- Efficiency Factor c47,) (mhlcm’) (mW) 0.330 26.62 0.746 0.50 4.4 0.190 0.325 21.A2 0.665 0.50 3,s O.lh3 0.308 20.16 0.489 0.48 __-.__ 3.0 * The results shown in the tahlc arc not atljustrd for the loss of light transmission thmuglr the EVA film due to light scnltrring fmm rhc coarse Si-side surface. SW text for clctails. Data fnr Pmwn-I are identified as sample #3 in Figure 5(a). ’ A glass plate was pressed tightly on top of the EVA film. An aclive aperture area of 0.967 cm* was used for the mcasuremmts. ’ The solar cell .specimen (26 cm*) was taken fmm a hmkcn PV module with dark hmwn EVA and the supcrstratcs and substrates intact. The three areas were detincd by black tape. Contacts were made by soldering wires to the fmnt and back huslinrs. on PV Module Performance The effect of EVA discoloration on module I-V performance was atso evaluated for three PV modules of the same type (33 4”x4” cells). The EVA color ranged from light yellow to dark brown. The shunt and series resistances were determined from dark I-V measurements. Table 3 summa&es the results. The original data on the I-V performance and resistances are unavailable, which prevents an accurate interpretation of the data. However. the results seem to suggest that an increase in the EVA yellow-browning is related to a decrease in the shunt resistance and an increase in the series resistance, which in turn results in a corresponding decrease in the fill factor and hence the efficiency. The losses in fill factor and efficiency in the yellow-brown and dark brown EVA modules are about 50% when compared to a typical fill-factor value of about 0.70 and an efficiency of 210% for a new module of the same configuration. Our results on three modules are in good agreement with the field results obtained at the Carrisa Plains power plant, where EVA yellow-browning caused an averape 36% loss in power output (2) and where some modules with mirror-enhanced configuration lost nearly 70% more than average peak power (3). 0.20 - (4 *' #---. \ B/c-- \ 1 II , /' / , , __---_ O.lO- One concern in our measurements of efficiency and spectral response is the accuracy offset by light scattering from the textured surface of EVA films, and the extent of noncoupling between the EVA and the reference Si cell. This concern is particularly important for the dark brown EVA films (used for measurements in Table 2A) that have a coarse surface side after being forcefully removed from the micro-pyramidically etched surface of the Si solar cells. The light-scattering effect was assessed from the integrated reflectance measurements from 250 to 1250 nm for a virgin clear EVA sample, a yellowbrown EVA sample, two dark brown EVA samples (one of them with a coarse R-side surface as described above and the other with a smoother Si-side surface). and the solar cell specimen. The nsults are shown in Figure 5. Figure S(a) shows that the integrated reflectances are nearly identical for the virgin clear and yellow-brown EVA films (about 7%). and double that for the dark brown EVA with a coarse Si-side Therefore, the measuted solar cell performance surface. parameters in Tables I and 2(A) should be corrected by 7% and 14%- 15% of their listed values, respectively. Accordingly, the corrected decrease in solar cell efficiency is -8.6% when HC 2 ------A 1 L 2 0.20- (b) b 2 E o.ool 250 , , 450 1 I 650 I I 850 I 1 1050 I 1: Wavelength (nm) Figure 5. Integrated reflectance measured for (a) a virgin EVA A9918 film (curve #I). a yellow-brown EVA film (curve #2), a dark brown EVA film (curve lt3) with a coarse Si-si& surface, and (b) a dark brown EVA with a smoother Si-side surface (curve #I) and a solar cell specimen (curve #2). 14-4 Table 3. Electrical Performance Measured using a Spire Simulator and Resisfances Determined from Dark I-V Data for Three Weathered PV Modules* Mod. EVA V, cold w I, Pm,, IN (W) All Fartnr .~ - -___..Hf. R,, R,. (%) (kohm) (Ohm) -__--_ -___ A II ycl 6.7.5s 1.217 34.0 0.10 9.34 I.35 0.109 B yel-hm 6.733 6.428 16.35 0.38 4.49 0.577 o.sox C drk bm 7.047 6.137 IS.99 0.37 4.41 0.123 0.499 to about SO%, depending from the degradation. on the extent of EVA discoloration ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors thank R. DeBlasio for his interest in this work and S. Rummel and E. Beck for their technical contributions. This work is supported by the Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-ACU2-83CHlOO93. REFERENCFS The three mndulcs were of the same type. and e,wh conlnins 33 4”x4” squnm SolN cclla. b II yel = light yellow. ycl-hm = yellow-brown. dfk hm = dark hmwn. l 1. 2. CONCLUSIONS We have reported that weathering degradation of the EVA encapsulant in PV modules results in an increase of copolymer cross-linking, a large decrease in CJV absorber concentration, the production of acetic acid, and a yellow to dark brown color. The discoloration results from the formation of polyenes of various lengths. The polyenes absorb UV and visible light and luminesce in the visible region; thus, they may partially compensate for the loss of solar cell efficiency due to reduced light transmission. The light-absorbing nature of polyenes reduces the net solar cell efficiency from about 9% 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. J. P. Thornton. R. DeBlasio, and K. Zweibel, Energy Engineerinp, 87, 1990, pp. 63-79. C. F. Gay and E. Berman, Chemtech. March f990, pp. 182- 186. A. L. Rosenthal and C. G. Lane, Proc. PV Module Reliabilitv Workshop, Oct. 25-26, 1990. Lakewood, Colorado, SERl/CP-4079, pp. 217-229. C.G. Gebelein, D.J. Williams, and R.D. Deanin, ed.. polvmers in Solar EnerEv Utilization, ACS, Washington D.C., 1983, Ch. 22 and 23, pp. 353-385. E. Cuddihy, C. Coulbert. A. Gupta and R. Liang. & Plate Solar Arrav Proiect Final Rewrt. Vol. VII--Module Encapsulation. JPL publication 86-31, DOWJPL-1012-125. 1986. F.J. Pem and A.W. Czandema. Solar Cells, in press. F.J. Pem and A.W. Czandema, to be published. JvllNORITY-CARRIER LIFETIME OF POLYCRYSTAM CdTe IN CdS/CdTe SQI AR CFI & R.K. Ahrenkk 8. M. Keyes, and L. Wang National Renewable Energy Laboratory (formefiy the Solar Energy Research fnstitute) Golden, Colorado and S. P Albright Photon Energy, Inc. El Paso, Texas of these devices could be improved if the minority ABSTRACT carrier lifetime in the p-CdTe is increased. Our technique provides a way to easily monitor minorityPhoton Energy, Inc. has produced CdSKdTe carrier lifetime while developing the processing solar cells by a low-cost, spray technology. The technology. NREL-measured efficiency of the best device is 12.7% at air mass 1.5. For the first time, the minority-carrier EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES lifetime of the polycrystalline CdTe grains was measured by time-resolved photoluminescence. The A schematic of the Photon Energy backwall longest measured lifetimes were over 5 ns and were device is shown in Figure 1. The devices have the material found in large grain (-4pm). high-density backwall configuration of glass/tin oxide/n-CdSI near the CdSlCdTe interface. p-CdTe/electroda with deposition on a glass substrate. INTRODUCTION The improvement of low cost solar cells for flat plate applications is one of the goals of the national photovoltaics (PV) program. The improvement of device efficiency using low-cost processing technology is a key component of the program. Thinfilm CdSXdTe devices are one of the more promising candidates for low cost. large-area, terrestrial applications. The ultlmate device efficiency is intimately related to the minority-carrfer lifetime of the polycrystalline material. We wish to maximize the electron lifetime in the polycrystalline p-CdTe base of the device while not substantially increasing the processing costs. The measurement of electrical parameters of polycrystalline materials is more complex than of Minority-carrier lifetime is single crystal materials. especially difficult to determine in pofycrystalline semiconductors. Here we will describe the first direct in measurement of minority-carrier lifetime polycrystalline CdTe using a laser technique. The technique has been widely used for the lifetime analysis of crystalline semiconductors but this is the first report on its application to polycrystalline materials. This technique’ is a form of time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) that is called timecorrelated single photon counting2J. It is a contactless, optical technique that is capable of measuring the minority-carrier lifetime in small (-several pm2) areas and of making plan view lifetime maps of the material. We analyze the data in terms of models that provide bulk minority-carrier lifetime and surface recombination data. Here we measured the minority-carrier lifetime of the p-CdTe of a number of devices. This study enabled us to understand many of the important electronic processes which control device performance and efficiency. The performance ltacts Ii-0 i;dS Figure 1. 15-l Schematic of the solar cell and the measurement conflguratlon Early work1 on these devkes repotted an AM1 efficiency of 6.7%. Recent devices2 have demonstrated AM1 efficiencies of 12.7% as measured at SERI. These CdTe films were ail prepared by the Photon Energy proprietary. low cost spray technology and were fabricated with a variety of additives. The device is fabricated by first depositing indfum tin oxide (ITO) on a glass substrate followed by n-type CdS (-1~10~~ cm-s). This was followed by the deposition of a Mlevel p-type CdTe layer that was about 6ym thick The initial layer was composed of a high density CdTe layer with an average grain size of about 3pm. The ffnai layer consisted of a variable grain size (l-4pm) composite of low density material (about 2/3 theoretical density). Capacitancevoftage measurements on the heterostructure indicated an effective carder concentration of about 2x1015 cm-s. The additives included compounds containing arsenic, selenium, zinc, and sulfur, which were analyzed for possible passivation of the grain surface recombination. Some PV devices, that were measured by the timeresolved PL technique, were also measured for efficiency and correlations noted. The PL was excited by a pulsed dye laser wavelength that was tuned to 600 nm and was therefore transmitted by the gfass/CdS window layer and completely absorbed by the CdTe layer. Photoluminescence spectroscopy measurements were run on all devices prior to the ltfetime measurements. The band edge PL peaked at about 1.47 eV and was reasonably strong in most devices that we measured. The PL lifetime measurements were made when the spectrometer was tuned to the peak wavelength of the PL. Some devices were made without the back graphite electrode so that the back CdTe grains could be optically excited. Thus we measured the lifetime in the large-grain, dense CdTe and the smaller grain, porous CdTe of the upper (back) layer. The TRPL response of the CdTe grains in these two regions was quite different as will be shown. RECOMBINATION THEORY The recombination processes in semiconductor devices have been extensively reviewed in the iiterature. These included bulk radiative recombination producing light emission and Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH) recombination at deep defect levels. in addition, SRH recombination at surfaces and interfaces is described by a surface recombination velocity. In a polycrystalline semiconductor, the grain boundary recombination velocity is the relevant parameter. The band-to-band radiative recombination processes in semiconductors in terms of a bulk recombination rate R are expressed as follows: R=Bpn s-l. Van Roosbroeck and Shockieys derived a reiattonship between the absorption spectrum a(E) and the Bcoefficient. Because CdTe and GaAs both have a direct band structure, comparable band gaps, and similar a (E), we have assumed that the B-coefficients are comparable. We will define the excess minority-carder density as An = n-no. After pulse excitation, one may show4 that the PL intensity varies with time as: IPLW = An(r,t)dv where V is the volume of the semiconductor which contains excess carriers. in this case, V is the volume of a particular grain in the polycrystalline film. The PL intensity then tracks the excess minority-carder dens&y in time allowing a measurement of lifetime. The excess carrier density is An and defining the majoritycarder density as N, one can write the radiative recombfnatfon rate as: - B (np-nf) = -B (f&An +An2) 3) In low injection (An << NA), one can easily show that the radiative lifetime is ~/BNA. in high injection (An >> NA), the solution of Equation 2 is: An(t) = Ano 1 +BAnot 4) Here Ano is the the excess minorftycarrfer den&y generated by the laser pulse. The PL decay in this case is nonexponential and is called bimolecular decay. The semiconducting material may also contain SRH defects in the volume and at the surface. The surface SRH defects will be described in terms of a surface recombination velocity (S). The total bulk iifetime ~6 is given by: 1 1 -=-+‘50 OR 1 %RH GRAIN BOUNDARY RECOMBINATION Recombination mechanisms in poiycrystaiiine semiconductors have been analyzed by a number of researchers. Very early worW3,7 developed models for Other grain boundary recombination in silicon. researcherss.9 have developed models of poiycrystalline solar cells incorporating grain boundary recombination. 1) To incorporate the grain boundary recombination, one must assume a geometrical model and solve the time-dependent diffusion equation in that particular geometry. Here we represented the grain boundary as a sphere of radius with a surface recombination velocity where B is a constant that is dependent upon the band structure of the semiconductor. To our knowledge, the The B B coefficient has not been published for CdTe. value is well known for GaAs and is about 2 x lo-10 cm-s 15-2 S. Here we used a spherical coordinate system (r, 0. $J) and equated the diffusion current and recombination currents at the surface as a boundary condition. A Beers law absorption in the spherical grain was incorporated into the model to- give An&.@, the initial excess minority-carrier density, after the laser pulse is absorbed. The solutions to the diffusion equation are : -&=&+DG 12) For small values of S (Sa/D < 1). one can solve equation 8 to find the effective PL lifetime: 13) At large values (S a/D >> l), the solution to equation 8 is ko - n/2a and therefore: c c A,exp(-Dk&J) n-0 m-0 x jnl(~~Prn(~S 0) An(O) = exp(-t/te) f-5) and Pm are the mth spherical Bessel function and Legendre polynomial, respectively. Also D is the minority-oarrfer diffusion coefficient and Amn is determined by the initial value of An&,@. By integrating over the polar angle’ 9. we eliminate all terms except the m = 0 term and get: 00 An(r,t) =exp(-Uru) c n-0 A, jo(k,r)exp(-Dk$) 7) The quantity kn is a solution to the transcendental eigenvalue equation that comes from the boundary condition on S. .,_ $=9-g In the situation described by equation 14, the lifetime is limited by the diffusion transit time to the gram surfaces and only depends on the minority-carrfer dfffusivity. Figure 2 is a plot of equation 12 versus the grain boundary S with grain radius a as a parameter and D = 20. A range of four grain sizes is used corresponding to the sizes in this polycrystalline CdTe. The p-type doping of the grains is about 2x1015 cm-s. Using the B-coefficient of GaAs, the radiative lifetime in this doping range is about 1 ps which is the value used for sg here. We see from the figure that the surface recombination will dominate the lifetime unless the S value is less than 104 cm/s. This calculation will be discussed further in relationship to the data. tan(k,a) = &- loo0 The n = 0 solution lies in the first or second quadrant with fJ < koa < R. The higher order solutions to the eigenvalue equation 8 lie in quadrants 3 and 4, etc. It is easy to show then that the solutions to the argument kn increase rapidly with n. By integrating An(r,t) over the volume of the grain according to equation 2, one calculates the total PL intensity as afunction of time: An(t) = exp(-tits) c Cnexp(-Dkzt) tl=O 9) Here Cn is An times the integral of j,(knr) over r. The n&l term dominates at long times. t>l_ 100 z c 'O c-, 1 grain diameter .l .Ol AC& Dk: Dx* S (cm/s) 10) Flgure 2. Mlnortty-carrler Iltetlme of a gratn In ns versus the sur’tsco recomblnetlon velocity wlth gmln m&s a 18 a pammeter And therefore: An(t) = Coexp(-the) exp(-Dk$t) 14) 11) From equ&fon 11, one can see that the lifetime at times is greater than that of equation 10: Photolum&escence Soectrurct The room temperature PL spectrum of the largegrain and small-grain sides of the CdTe film were obtained prior to measuring the TRPL. The TRPL data are only useful if one is measuring the band-to-band recombination luminescence. Typical PL spectra of a higher quality solar ceil is shown in Figure 3. The primary light emission emanates from the strong band gap transition of CdTe that peaks at 1.47 eV. Curve A is from a front surface (adjacent to the CdS) that is the large-grain region. Curve B is from a back surface (small grain area adjacent to the contact) and is about one order or magnitude weaker. The minority-carrier lifetime is larger in the front surface than in the back surface. This result will again be verified by the TRPL data. l Small grab by the laser. At longer times (t :, 12.5 ns). the extended PL “tail” is related to delayed or secondary !IJminescence. This signal is produced by electrons that are first trapped, reemitted to the conduction band, and then recombined with holes to produce photons. These trapping effects will be discussed in a later section. (x10) 0.0 12.5 25.0 t (ns) Flgure 4. 1.25 1 .so 1.75 EW Figure 3. The photolumlnesconce spectrum of the polycrystaltlns Cdl0 using SW nm laser l xcttatlon. The Iargo gnln snd 8malt gmln response In photon counts Is shown. Our measurements on a number of solar cells always indicated a larger lifetime for the front-surface CdTe than for back-surface grains. Many solar cells had front-surface lifetimes in the 1 to 1.5 ns range and subnanosecond back surface lifetimes and will not be reported here. As noted, some of these devices were made without the back contact so that the small grain regions could be analyzed by TRPL. Figure 4 shows low injection data from the best device that was measured. The decay is generally very nonexponential indicating a variety of recombination rates within the CdTe film. Nonexponential behavior is expected because of the variation in grain size when grain boundary recombination is dominant. This follows from equations 12, 13, and 14. The data from the larger, dense-grain CdTe shows a lifetime of 5.67 ns after the excitation pulse is followed by slower decay at longer times. The initial decay represents the signal from the smallest grains in the grain recombination model. The decay times found here are surprisingly large for a polycrystalline film. The initial back surface lifetime of this device is 2.0 ns. indicating a smaller average grain size. We believe that the initial part of the decay represents the primary radiative decay in the grains being excited TRPL response (photon counts vsmus ttmo) ot the large-graln end smrti-gnln mgtons at lowlnjectkn As noted, the low injection radiative* lifetimes (l/BN) are relatively large compared to the measured values. If one assumes that grafn boundary recombfn nation is the dominant mechanism, the Me!fn?a fs by equation 12. We will assume that the pnm&enI fzt surface grain radius Is 2.0 pm and determine S from Figure 3. From the measured valueof %pc; thereoomt& nation velocity is calculated to be 5x104 uWs with a - 2 )lm. These S values are surprfsingfy smafl compared to For what one might estimate for a grain surface. example, the S of bare GaAs has been measured at about 1xl 07 cm/s. Our preliminary measurements of lifetime in single crystal CdTe also indicates that S is relatively large. The low-injection lifetime has a nonexponential decay component. This is easily accounted for by realizing that a distribution of grain radii are being analyzed by the measurements. A more exact analysis would use a model of a weighted distribution of grain radii. The net lifetime is then a sum of the lifetimes of equation 12 multiplied by the population factor for that grain radii. A complementary scanning electron micrograph of the specific area being analyzed will aid that analysis. Lifetime measurements were made as a function of laser power. As the power density was increased beyond a certain limit, the initial lifetime begins to decrease, and a bimolecular decay described by equation 4 becomes evident. These data on the same device are shown in Figure 5. Calculations of the initial An using the laser energy per pulse and the absorption coefficient of CdTe indicate that the Ano may easily 15-4 exceed 10” cm-s at our higher laser powers. The majority-carrier density was depleted in grains near the CdS interface and is less than the background doping. Therefore, the onset of high injection conditions will occur at fairly low light levels in this material. The decrease of lifetime, as seen in Figure 5. is easy to explain by high-injection effects. The high-injection, bimolecular response was seen whenever the radiative recombination rate exceeded the grain boundary rate. K. A fit of the two data points to exp(-AEIKT) form indicates that AE is on the order of 20 meV and therefore a very shallow trap. A more rigorous data fit would take into account the conduction band density of states and the variation of Fermi level with temperature. One might suspect that a continuum of surface states exist that interact with the electron as the Fermi level changes with temperature. The initial decay, on the other hand, becomes faster as the temperature is decreased. The data of Figure 7 show the inifial high injection decay at 300 K and 77 K. The effective lifetime decreases from 2.0 ns at 300 K to 0.5 ns at 77 K. This is the expected behavior for radiative recombination in direct band-gap semiconductors. As the B-coefficient increases inversely with temperature11 (B m T-1.6) the radiative recombination rate increases accordingly and dominates the low-temperature lifetime. As the high-injection lifetime is controlled by B, this temperature behavior substantiates the high injection explanation of the data. t W m Flgure 5. hieh 1. 308 K 1 TAPL response (photon counts versus time) of the large-grain and smell-grab regions at highlnjectlon The delayed PL response was clarified by the temperature effects shown in Figure 6. For thermally activated processes, the “lifetime” increased as the temperature was lowered. Delayed emission or phospho- \ 7 = 0.51 ns 0 2 4t(ns)6 7 = 402 ns 1 . 0 Figure 7. 100 at grain boundary passivation were certain compounds to the p-CdTe. The compounds containing arsenic, selesulfur. However no significant changes found as a result of any of the above DISCUSSION Flgure 6. The delayed phololumlnescence or phosphorescence regimes (photon counts versus time) of the CdTe at 300 K and 77 K lo The lnltlat photolumlnescence response (photon counts versus time) of the same CdTe device at 300 K and 77 K Attempts made by adding additives were nium, zinc, and in lifetime were additives. t ;tG, 6 OF RESUiTS We have focused here on the best material found after measuring a number of devices. Devices made from this deposition had AM1 efficiencies of 8.7% to 9.0%. The open-circuit voltage (V,,) of these devices is a better indicator of basic performance because the back contact appears to vary in quality on the same set of devices. The V,, of the l-2 ns devices ranged from 0.75 to 0.79 volts. This compares well with the best’* reported device of 0.83 V. However, the short-circuit rescence1° was produced when electrons are emitted from traps and radiatively recombine. The “lifetime” in this case reflects the emission rate from traps. The behavior is indicative of a trap emission rate that varies as exp(-AEIKT) where AE is the trap depth. Here, the lifetime is 31.5 ns at 300 K and increases to 402 ns at 77 15-5 SUMMARY The TRPL technique has proven to be a very powerful diagnostic tool for CdS/CdTe solar cell fabrication. The technique has provided, for the first time. information about the recombination processes and lifetime measurements in polycrystalline grains of CdTe. Our best film showed a low-injection lifetime of over 5 ns. The minority-carrier lifetimes in many films were much larger than might be expected in a polycrystalline semiconductor. The technique provides a quick, contactless estimate of the CdTe film quality. Future work will correlate the minority-carder lifetime with the morphology and cell performance. Work will be undertaken to analyze surface state passivation. Our work indicates that either larger grain sizes or surface state passivation will be needed to achieve higher open circuit voltage. 11. H. Karamon, T. Masumot, and Y. Makino. J. ehus, 57, (1985); p. 3527. 12. c f”l 1Ssa (Solar Energy Research Institute, Golden, Colorado, 1991). p. 110. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was performed under Contract No. DEAC02-83Ch10093 to the U. S. Department of Energy. REFERENCES 1. V.P. Singh, R.H. Kenney, J.C. McClure, S.P. Albright. B. Ackerman and J. F. Jordan, of the 19th IFFF PB . . -IEEE. New York, 1987); p. 216. 2. mc Pros (Solar Energy Research Institute, Colorado, 1QQO),p. 115. 3. Golden: W. ,van Roosbroeck and W. Shockley, Phvs. 94, (1954); p.1558. 15-6 HIGH-EFFICIENCY HETEROEPITAXIAL InP SOLAR CELLS M. W. Wanlass, T. 1. Coutts, 1. S. Ward, and K. A. Emery National Renewable Energy Laboratory (formerly the Solar Energy Research Institute) Golden, Colorado, USA ABSTRACT High-efficiency, thin-film one-sun and concentrator InP solar cells grown on GaAs substrates are reported. A novel, compositionally graded heterostructure is used to grow high-quality InP layers. One-sun cells have AM0 efficiencies as high as 13.7% at 25°C (equivalent to 15.7% under the global spectrum). For the concentrator cells, at 2S°C, a peak conversion efficiency of 18.9% under 71.8 AM0 suns has been achieved. Under the direct spectrum, the equivalent efficiency is 21.0% at 88.1 suns. At 80X, the peak AM0 efficiency is 15.7% at 75.6 suns. These are the highest efficiencies yet reported for InP heteroepitaxial cells. Temperature coefficient data for the concentrator cells are also presented. Approaches for further improving the cell performance are discussed. INTRODUCTION InP solar cells are particularly attractive for space applications due to their resistance to radiation damage and demonstrated high energy conversion efficiency under the AM0 spectrum (1, 2). Single-crystal InP wafers, however, have characteristics that make them generally undesirable for solar cell fabrication and operation. These include high cost, high fragility, high mass density, and low thermal conductivity. Thus, in order to promote the widespread use of InP cells in space it is critical that techniques are developed for fabricating high-efficiency, thin-film InP cells. Three approaches are currently under investigation for solving this problem and they include cleavage of lateral epitaxial film for transfer (CLEFT) (31, using a bulk InP wafer, chemical separation (4) from an tnP wafer, and heteroepitaxy onto single-crystal materials with more desirable characteristics. Of the three options, heteroepitaxy may prove to be the preferred choice because, ultimately, large-area thin films of InP may be too difficult to handle and process on a large scale. Furthermore, it is uncertain whether the InP bulk substrates used in the CLEFT and chemical separation processes will actually be reusable. Heteroepitaxial cells have the advantage of being fully compatible with existing cell processing technologies as well as being based on mature, single-crystal wafer technologies in materials such as Gags, Ge and Si. Due to the large differences in lattice constant and thermal expansion coefficient between InP and the above-mentioned materials, problems generally arise that inhibit the growth of high-quality InP heteroepilayers. For example, the lattice constant mismatch is 3.7% between InP and GaAs and 7.5% between InP and Si. Such large mismatches result in high mechanical stresses in the resulting epilayers, which in turn, lead to the generation of a high density of defects. The defects include dislocations, stacking faults, and even microcracks. Several techniques have been investigated for reducing the density of defects in the InP layers, thereby reducing their deleterious effects. These have included thermally cycled growth, post-growth annealing, and inclusion of an intermediate GaAs layer for the case of InP grown on a Si substrate. Limited success has been realized with these procedures and InP epilayers with dislocation densities of -3 x 108 cm-2 and minority carrier lifetimes of -1 ns or less in undoped material are reported for the best cases when grown on GaAs substrates (5). Unfortunately, InP layers with these properties are of insufficient quality for the fabrication of high-efficiency solar cells. Using post-growth annealing, the highest efficiency for InP cells grown directly on GaAs substrates is 10.8% (one-sun, AMO, 25°C) (6). Even lower efficiencies have been reported for InP cells grown on Si substrates (7). In previous work (81, we reported on the use of a novel structure for the growth of high-quality InP epilayers on substrates such as GaAs, Ge, and Si. A full description of the device structure concept is given in reference 9. The structure utilizes a compositionally graded Ga,ln,,As layer disposed between the bulk substrate and the InP device layers. This serves to reduce substantially the dislocation density in the InP device layers when compared to the conventional techniques discussed above. In this work, substrates of GaAs and GaAs/Si were placed side by side in the growth reactor and identical structures were deposited on each. The resulting InP epilayers were then characterized using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron-beam-induced current (EBIC), and photoluminescence-decay (PL-decay) lifetime techniques to assess the defect density and n+/p shallow homojunctions minority carrier lifetime. were grown into the InP layers and solar cells with grids designed for one-sun operation were processed from the structures grown on the GaAs substrates only. Additionally, structures with three different Ga,In,-,As graded layer thicknesses (8, 12, and 20 Pm) were grown and characterized; however, the InP material and solar cell quality were essentially independent of the thickness With this structure, dislocation chosen in this range. densities of 3 x 107 cm-z and minority carrier lifetimes of over 3 ns were achieved in the InP layers using either Furthermore, the InP GaAs or CaAs/Si substrates. epilayers were completely free of microcracks in both cases, which is an extremely important result for highquality solar cell fabrication. InP solar cells with one-sun efficiencies of 13.7% (AMO, 25°C) and 15.7% (global, 25°C) were fabricated on GaAs substrates using an 8 pmthick Ga,In,.,As graded layer. Unfortunately, pinholes in the InP layers grown on the GaAs/Si substrates, resultine from surface contamination prior to growth, precluded the fabrication of cells in this case. However, it seems reasonable to assume that InP cell efficiencies similar to those achieved using GaAs substrates should be possible on 5i substrates due to the similar dislocation densities and minority carrier lifetimes observed in the InP layers grown on either substrate type. in the remainder of this paper, we describe the epitaxial growth, fabrication, and characterization of concentrator heteroepitaxial InP solar cells grown on GaAs substrates, using a compositionally graded intermediate structure similar to that described above. The cell performance has been determined as a function of the concentration ratio and the operating temperature. We have also investigated the behavior of the cell performance parameter temperature coefficients as a function of the concentration ratio. The details of this work are described in the sections that follow. DEVICE STRUCTURE A schematic diagram of the heteroepitaxial (HE) InP solar cell structure grown on a GaAs substrate is given in Figure 1. The structure is initiated with a thin buffer layer of p-GaAs, which is then followed by the p-Ga,ln,-,As linearly graded layer (LGL), which has a thickness of 8 pm for the results reported here. The LGL is followed by a buffer layer of Gaoe4, In,,, As, which is lattice matched to InP. The InP solar cell layers are finally deposited at the top of the structure and these comprise a high-efficiency n+/p shallow homojunction (SHJ) cell structure. (In Figure 1, BSFL is an acronym for back-surface field layer.) A back contact of pure Au is applied to the exposed bottom surface of the GaAs substrate. The top grid contact on the surface of the InP cell emitter is also composed of pure Au. A two-layer antireflection coating is deposited on the front surface of the cell structure and an Entech prismatic cover is also incorporated into the structure to allow for a high top-contact-metallization coverage Further details of the device structure are (-20%). discussed below. EXPERIMENTAL The heteroepitaxial solar cell structures were grown by atmospheric-pressure metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy (APMOVPE), using a specially designed, radiofrequency (RF)-heated vertical reactor vessel (101, which yields highly uniform epilayers. The growth system is a home-built, run-vent type and uses palladium-purified hydrogen as the carrier gas through the main mixing manifold and through each of the metalorganic source cylinders. The primary reactants used in the growth ..A process included trimethylindium, trimethylgallium, pure phosphine, and pure arsine. The sources for p- and ntype doping were diethylzinc and SOO-ppm hydrogen sulfide in hydrogen, respectively. Zn-doped p+-GaAs wafers oriented 2O oif the (100) were supplied by Sumitomo Electric, Inc. and used as substrates. These were loaded directly into the growth reactor as received from the vendor (i.e., without any pre-growth cleaning or etching steps). Prior to growth, the GaAs substrates were heated to 7OO“C for 10 min with arsine flowing into the reactor vessel. Growth was then carried out at a constant The structures were grown at a temperature of 650°C. rate of 75-175 nm min-l in a continuous sequence of without stop-growth periods at the steps (i.e., heterointerfacesj. A typical growth run takes about 2.5 h, including the time required for warm-up and cool-down of the reactor vessel. The entire process is controlled and monitored using’s home-built, PC-based control system. 16-2 The epitaxial structures were then processed into completed concentrator solar cells, using conventional techniques. Ohmic, low-resistance contacts were made to both the back surface of the p+-GaAs substrate and the n+-InP emitter surface, using electroplated AU as deposited. The back surface of the GaAs substrate was etched in 1% by volume bromine in methanol for 5 min at room temperature prior to applying the metallization. The top contact and device mesa geometries were defined by photolithographic techniques, using positive photoresist. The top contact grids were specially designed to accommodate an overlying Entech prismatic cover, which was originally designed for concentrator GaAs solar cells (11). A center-to-center grid line spacing of 127 pm was used, and the individual grid lines have a cross-sectional area of -125 pm2 (-25 pm wide by -5 pm high), A busbar is included at both ends of the grid lines in this design to allow for the simultaneous placement of test probes at both ends. This aspect of the grid design results in better performance under concentration. Through the use of the Entech cover, it is possible to cover -20% of the cell surface with the grid metallization without incurring any photocurrent losses due to grid obscuration. This allows for ample grid metallization on the cell, which results in low electrical power losses within the top contact. As such, the Entech cover has proven to be a very important component in the fabrication of highefficiency concentrator cells. Electrical isolation of the individual cells was accomplished by etching moats through the n+/p InP junction with concentrated HCI. A two-layer antireflection coating of ZnS (-55 nm) followed by MgF, (-95 nm) was then deposited on the front surface of the device wafer. The concentrator cells were completed by installing the Entech cover. A typical array of completed heteroepitaxial InP concentrator cells is shown in Figure 2. The effect of the Entech cover is also illustrated in this figure. Each individual cell has an area of 0.0746 cm* which is computed by subtracting the areas of the two busbars from the total device mesa area (this is a standard area definition for concentrator solar cells) (12). The performance of the concentrator cells was characterized by measuring the absolute external quantum efficiency (AEQE) as a function of temperature as well as the illuminated current-voltage characteristics as a function of the temperature and the concentration ratio. The latter data sets were used to calculate the dependence of the cell performance parameter temperature coefficients on the concentration ratio. ‘The measurement techniques have been described previously (13). All of the results reported here are referenced to the AM0 spectrum (14). A discussion of the cell performance is given in the following section. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Initially, the current-voltage characteristics for the cells were measured as a function of temperature under one-sun AM0 conditions in order to obtain the necessary information for evaluating the efficiency under concentration (i.e., the one-sun short-circuit current (I,,) is needed to calculate the concentration ratio for concentrator measurements). To within experimental of temperature. error, we found I,, to be independent The AEQE data shown in Figure 3 illustrates why I,, is temperature independent. As expected, the InP band edge shifts to longer wavelengths as the temperature increases, and one would normally expect an increase in I,, due to this effect. However, a concomitant decrease in the short- and mid-wavelength response is also observed for these devices as the temperature increases, which offsets any increase in I,, due to the band gap shift. Thus, I, remains essentially constant as the temperature is increased. Note that the blue response for these cells is relatively low. This characteristic is typical of SHJ solar cells that have a high surface recombination velocity. We have shown in previous work that graded emitter doping profiles can be used to improve the blue response in these cells (15). However, a technique for effectively passivating the emitter surface needs to be developed in order to realize InP cells with near-theoretical performance characteristics. The HE InP cell performance was then tested as a function of the temperature and the AM0 concentration ratio, and the results from these measurements are shown (Figure 4) in Figures 4 and 5. The AM0 efficiency increases rapidly at low concentration ratios and then reaches a broad plateau for concentration ratios of -40 or more. At 25“C, the cells have efficiencies of close to 19% over a broad range of concentration ratios. This value decreases to -16% as the temperature is increased to 80°C. The broad plateau in efficiency can be understood by examining the open-circuit voltage (V,,) and fill factor (FF) versus concentration ratio data given in Figure 5. The behavior of V,, is as expected. In fact, when the V,, data are plotted against In (concentration ratio), a straight line is obtained. However, the FF data indicate that the cells quickly become series-resistance limited as the concentration ratio is increased beyond -20 suns. Additionally, this effect appears to be enhanced as the operating temperature is increased. An analysis of the resistance components contributing to the overall series resistance for these cells shows that the emitter sheet resistance is primarily responsible for limiting the concentrator cell performance. A lower emitter sheet resistance or a smaller grid line spacing will be necessary to improve this aspect of the ceil performance. The broad plateau in efficiency versus concentration ratio is seen to be due to offsetting effects of the V,, and FF as the concentration ratio increases. Current-voltage data for an HE InP concentrator cell at peak efficiency are shown in Figure 6. At 250~ the efficiency reaches 18.9% under the AM0 spectrum at 71.8 suns. As shown in Figure 4, the peak efficiency at 8O“C is 15.7% at 75.6 suns. Under the direct spectrum at 25’C, the peak efficiency is 21 .O% at 88.1 suns. These values are very encouraging and demonstrate that HE inP cells have the potential to reach high efficiencies at high concentration ratios and high temperatures. Additionally, these results show that the HE cell efficiencies improve dramatically when operated under concentration. Using the data shown in Figures 4 and 5, we have calculated the temperature coefficients for the HE InP cell performance parameters as a function of the concentration ratio. As a basis for comparison, we have also fabricated homoepitaxial (HO) InP concentrator solar cells on single-crystal InP substrates with junction structures that are similar to those used in the HE InP Similar concentrator measurements and cells. temperature coefficient calculations have been performed for the HO InP cells. In Figure 7, we compare the V,, temperature coefficients for the two types of cells At low as a function of the concentration ratio. concentration ratios, the HO cells clearly outperform the HE cells. However, at high concentrations, the HE cell temperature performance improves substantially and approaches that oi the HO cells. This result highlights an additional advantage of operating the HE cells under concentration. realize higher efficiencies at high concentration ratios. SUMMARY High-efficiency heteroepitaxial InP solar cells have been fabricated on GaAs substrates using a novel, compositionally graded, intermediate layered structure. One-sun cells have AM0 efficiencies as high as 13.7% at 25’C. The concentrator cell performance has been characterized as a function of the temperature and the AM0 concentration ratio. Peak concentrator AM0 efficiencies of 18.9% at 71.8 suns, 25X, and 15.7% at 75.6 suns, 80°C, have been obtained with these cells, which are the highest efficiencies yet reported for InP heteroepitaxial solar cells. It has also been shown that the conversion-efficiency temperature coefficient for these cells improves substantially as the concentration ratio is increased. The advantages of operating the HE InP cells under concentration include reduced cell area, higher conversion efficiencies, and improved temperature performance. The cell performance is presently limited by three main loss factors: (1) recombination at the surface of the emitter layer, (2) high emitter-layer sheet resistance leading to reduced FF values at high concentration, and (3) high density of threading dislocations in the active cell layers. Improvements in any of these areas will lead to increased cell efficiencies. Technologically, it would be important and immediately useiul if the results obtained in this work for InP cells grown on GaAs substrates could be duplicated using Si substrates. Such a result would make HE InP cells a viable contender for space power applications, and efforts toward this goal are currently under way. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Efficiency and FF temperature coefficient data ior the HE tnP cells as a iunction oi the concentration ratio are plotted in Figure 8. The data indicate that the temperature periormance of the FF actually degrades with increasing concentration. This behavior is linked to the series-resistance problems discussed previously. Nevertheless, the temperature periormance of the conversion efficiency actually improves as the concentration ratio is increased due to the behavior of the V,, temperature coefficient (shown in Figure 7). The temperature coefficient of efficiency would improve much more rapidly with concentration if the cell series resistance were reduced. This problem remains as an important one to solve for these devices in order to Support for this work was provided by the U.S. Department oi Energy under contract No. DE-AC0283CH10093 through an award from the NREL Director’s Development Fund. REFERENCES 1. M. Yamaguchi, Shibukawa, 2. V.E. Haven, and S.M. Vernon, 21 st Conf., 141 (1990). 16-4 A. Yamamoto, and A. Jap. I. Apol. Phvs., 23, 302 (1984). C.J. Keavney, Record C. Uemure, IEEE Photovoltaic Conf. Soecialists 3. R.W. McClelland, C.O. Bozler, and J.C.C. Fan, Appl. Phvs. Lett., 37, 560 (1980). 4. M.B. Spitzer, Conf. B. Dingle, Record J. Dingle, and R. Morrison, 21st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conf.. ‘I96 (1990). 5. S.M. Vernon, ‘Karam, M.M. C.J. Keavney, Al-Jassim, E.D. Gagnon, N.M:Haegel, N.H. V.P. Mazzi, and C.R. Wie, Proc. Mat. Res. Sot. Svmo., 198, 163 (1990). 6. C.J. Keavney, Spire Corp., private communication, (Mar. 1991 I. 7. C.j. Keavney, Record S.M. Vernon, 20th IEEE and V.E. Haven, Photovoltaic Conf. Soecialists _ Conf.. 654 (19881. 8. M.M. Al-Jassim, R.K Ahrenkiel, .Olson, and S.M. Vernon, Back Contact M.W. Wanlass, J.M. Schematic diagram Figure 1. structure on a GaAs substrate. Proc. Mat. Res. Sot. Svmp., of the HE InP solar ceil 198, 235 (1990). 9. M.W. Wanlass 4,963,949 10. M.W. and P. Sheldon, U.S Patent No. (Oct. 16, 1990). Wanlass, U.S. Patent No. 4,649,859 (Mar. 17, 1987). 11. M.J. O’Neill, 12. 1987). Terrestrial Report 13. M.W. U.S. Patent Photovoltaic ERDA/NASA/l Wanlass, T.A. Gessert, No. 4,711,972 Measurement 02277/l J.S. Ward, (Dec., Procedures, 6, (June, 1977). K.A. Emery, T.J. Cows, and C.R. Ostetwald, Solar Cells, 30, 363 (1991). 14. C. Wehrli, Extraterrestrial Meteorological Solar Soectrum, Observatory and World Center, tech. rep. no. 615, Davos-Dorf, Physical Radiation Switzerland, (July 19851. 15. M.W. Wanlass, Coutts, Norman, G.S Horner, Plan-view photomicrograph of a typical array Figure 2. of HE InP concentrator cells. The cell in the center of the micrograph has an Entech cover properly installed. T.A. Gessert, and T.J. Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on InP and Rel. Mat., OK, U.S.A.; March 1989, 1144, 445-458, SPIE (1989). 16-5 950 , , 81 z 850 sl rs 800 P Wavelength Voltage **.* Fill Factor I 0 (nm) AEQE data for an HE InP concentrator 25°C and 8OT. Figure 3. - 79 - 78s 77 50 Iif 1 76z 600 F?s,9s,3U.H8 80 - 650 0 - 20 I I I - 75 - 74 I 73 40 60 80 100 AM0 Concentration Ratio 120 Figure 5. Open-circuit voltage and fill factor data for an HE InP concentrator cell as a function of the operating temperature and AM0 concentration ratio. cell at 19 18 I I AMO, 71.8 suns, 25T I I I V 06 0.902 v 2588 mAcm-2 ll: 18.9% I I I 14 13 12 20 Figure 4. concentrator temperature 40 60 80 100 AM0 Concentration Ratio .2 120 AM0 conversion efficiency data for an HE InP cell as a function of the operating and AM0 concentration ratio. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Voltage (VI Figure 61 Current-voltage data concentrator cell at peak efficiency AM0 illumination. 16-6 0.8 for an HE InP under concentrated HE InP cell / I 0 20 I I 40 60 I AM0 Concentration I 80 100 Ratio 120 Figure 7. Open-circuit voltage temperature coefficient data as a function of the AM0 concentration ratio for HO and HE InP concentrator cells. -2800 -500 -. -600 y -2900 : E 3% -3000 6 & ?T 32 = -3100 ;z b 0 < *. -. -. *. -700 -800 -900 .. -. *. -. $ -3200 & r; % 6 & ‘0 $ =.LL -1000 -3300 -1100 0 Figure 8. temperature concentration 20 40 60 80 100 AM0 Concentration Ratio AM0 conversion 120 efficiency and fill factor, coefficient data as a function of the ratio for an HE InP concentrator cell. ASTM PHOTOVOLTAIC STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT STATUS CR. Ostcrwald National Renewable Energy Laboratory (Formerly the Solar Energy Research Institute) Golden, Colorado USA (titled Photovoltaic Electric Power Systems) of ASTM technical main committee E44 (titled Solar, Geothermal, and other Alternative Energy Sources). Other subcommittees of E44 deal with subjects such as wind energy conversion, solar thermal systems, materials performance, and geothermal E44.09 currently has responsibility for energy conversion. nineteen standards and draft documents that fall roughly into three categories: photovoltaic (PW reference cell calibration, device and module characterization, and module environmental testing. At the present time, there are four reference cell calibration standards: one for secondary cells and three for primary cells. A reference cell packaging standard that specifics physical characteristics is currently being revised. Eight standards and draft documents cover cell and module characterization, includingsolarsimulation, electrical performance, spectral response, linearity, spectral mismatch, and module insulation resistance and ground path continuity. Finally, module environmental tests cover: temperature and humiditycycling,solar-UVweathering, marineenvironments, and hail resistance. Tables 1 and 2 list the exact titles and current status of all standards and draft documents that fall under the responsibility of E44.09. All adopted E44 standards can be located in reference (2). ABSTRACT ASTM technical subcommittee E44.09, titled Photovoltaic Electric Power Systems, has been developing consensus standards for photovoltaic measurements and characterization for both cells and modules since 1978. This paper presents a brief summary and lists the current status of each of the E44.09 standards and draft documents. fNTRODUCTION ASTM is a well-known nonprofit organization devoted to the development of voluntary full consensus standards for materials, products, systems, and services. Although ASTM standards are primarily used in the United States, they are also widely used and referenced throughout the world. ASTM standards are developed by technical committees whose members represent producers, users, consumers, and general interests. All participation by members is voluntary and therefore standards developed by ASTM committees reflect the desires of organizations that feel the content of standards is important for their business. ASTM technical committees are generally organized into subcommittees charged with developing standards for a particular problem or technical area. One special category of ASTM standards is test methods that produce numerical results. ASTM requires such standards to have a precision and bias statement that presents the results of an interlaboratory intercomparison (known as an interlaboratory study, ILS, in ASTM standard language) of the test method. New test methods may state that an intercomparison is pending, but cannot be reapproved after the first five years until the intercomparison is completed. Several E44.09 standards are in this category, and the subcommittee is attempting to organize several intercomparisons that will need industry participation for completion. These intercomparisons will cover reference cell calibrations, spectral response measurements, and module and cell performance measurements. ASTM standards must pass ballots at three separate levels before they are approved: subcommittee, main committee, and finally at the ASTM society level. Any negative votes must be resolved according to ASTM rules before a document can proceed to the next level. A negative vote that is ruled persuasive requires thatthe ballot process begin again at the subcommittee level. Negative votes can be ruled not persuasive by the subcommittee or main committee if a twothirds majority agree. Every ASTM standard must be reapproved every five years. If a standard is not reapproved, it must either be revised or balloted for removal as a standard (1). ASTM subcommittee E44.09 has been involved in developing and revising industry-consensus standards for photovoltaics since 1978. E44.09 indicates subcommittee 09 17-1 Table 1 Status of E44.09 Standards status Title Standard No. for Solar Simulation Standard revised and adopted in 1991 E 927-91 Standard Specification Photovoltarc Testing for Terrestrial E 948-83 Standard Test Methods for Electric& Performance of Non-Concentrator Terrestrial Photovoltaic Cells Using Reference Cells Standard revised, title changed, needs ILS prior to ballot E 973-91 Standard Test Method for Determination of the Spectral Mismatch Parameter Between a Photovoltaic Device and a Photovoltaic Reference Cell Standard revised and adopted in 1991 E 1021-84 Standard Test Method for Measuring the Spectral Response of Photovoltaic Ceils Standard revised, needs ILS prior to ballot E 1036-85 Standard Methods of Testin Electrical Performance of Nonconcentrator Terrestria $ Photovoltaic Modules and Arrays Using Reference Cells Standard revised, title changed, needs ILS prior to ballot E 1‘038-85 Resistance of Standard Practice for Determinin Photovoltaic Modules to Hail by 7mpact with Propelled Ice Balls E 1039-85 Standard Method for Calibration and Characterization Non-Concentrator Terrestrial Photovoltaic Reference Cells Under Global Irradiation E 1040-84 Standard Specification for Ph sical Characteristics of Non-Concentrator Terrestrial b hotovoltaic Reference Cells Currently E 1125-86 Standard Test Method for Calibration of Primary Non-Concentrator Terrestrial Photovoltaic Reference Cells Using a Tabular Spectrum Standard to be revised, needs ILS prior to ballot E 1143-87 Standard Test Method for Determining the Linearity of a Photovoltaic Device with Respect to a Test Parameter Revision has passed subcommittee ballot E 1144-87 Standard Test Method for the Calibration of Non-Concentrator Terrestrial Photovoltaic Reference Cells Under Direct lrradiance Standard to be ballotted for withdrawal Fall 1991 (replaced by E 1125) E 1171-87 Standard Test Method for Photovoltaic Modules in Cyclic Temperature and Humidity Environments Standard revised, needs adoption of Draft 196 prior to ballot E 1328-90 Standard Terminology Energy Conversion New standard adopted in 1990 E 1362-90 Standard Test Method for the Calibration Nonconcentrator Terrestrial Photovoltaic Reference Cells Relating to Photovoltaic Solar of. Secondary 17-2 ‘- of Standard revised, changed~to test method, needs adoption of Draft 196 prior to ballot Standard revised, title changed, needs KS prior to ballot being revised New standard adopted in 1990 Table 2 Status of E44.09 Draft Documents status Title Draft No. 191 R8 Standard Test Method for Saltwater Immersion and Corrosion Testing of Photovoltaic Modules for Marine Environments Passed subcommittee ballot, needs adoption of Draft 196 before proceeding 192 R4 Standard Test Method for Natural and Artificial Solar Radiation Weathering Tests of Nonconcentrating Photovoltaic Modules Currently 196 R3 Standard Test Methods for Insulation Integrity and Ground Path Continuity of Photovoltaic Modules Simultaneous sub-main committee ballot Fall 1991 198 RO Standard Test Method for Saltwater Pressure, Immersion, and Tern erature Testing of Photovoltaic Modules for Marine Pnvironments New title, no draft yet developed 199 RO Standard Test Method for Wet Insulation Resistance of Photovoltaic Modules Currently CELL AND MODULE CHARACTERIZATION under revision under revision tors. Performance measurements are reported at Standard Reference Conditions (SRC), that specify the measurement spectral irradiance, total irradiance, and temperature. SRCs can be 25”C/lOOO Wm2, Nominal Operating Cell Temperature (NOCT)/800Wm2, or specified by the user. Measurements that deviate more that specified amounts from SRC are corrected back to SRC. Procedures for measuring NOCT and temperature and irradiance correction factors are included in the test methods. STANDARDS This specification classifies solar simulators according to their spectral match to the global reference spectrum, their temporal stability, and their spatial uniformity. This test method is used to determine electrical performance parameters of solar cells such as efficiency, maximum power, open-circuit voltage, and short-circuit current in a solar simulator. Spectral errors due to the simulator are corrected using spectral mismatch (see E 973). El143 This test method describes a way of quantifying nonlinearities in PV device parameters by performing a linear least-squares fit through the origin. Draft 196 This draft document provides methods of testing the ground-path continuity, insulation resistance, and insulation leakage current of a module (insulation leakage current is commonly called hi-pot or high-potential testing of insulators). All of the module environmental tests reference this document as part of the before-and-after characterization tests (see module environmental testing section). Because ASTM regulations require a standard to be adopted before it can be referenced in another standard, balloting of the module environmental tests at the main committee level must wait until draft 196 is approved. This test method standardizes the calculation of the spectral mismatch parameter between a test device and a reference device. It sets requirements on spectral irradiance measurements and shows how to correct spectral measurement errors. E 1021 Spectral response/quantum efficiency measurements on solarcellscan beperformedwith this tcstmethod. It places restrictions on allowable measurement procedures in order to eliminate the most common errors in these measurements. E 1036 These test methods are analogous to E 948, the cell performance measurement, but are applied to modules and arrays instead. Light sources included in the test methods are natural sunlight, steady-state simulators, and pulsed simula- Draft 199 This draft standard is to be used for measuring the insulation resistance of a module while the module is wet. It is considered to be a much more sensitive test of the module 17-3 . insulation than the dry insulation measurements. The test is performed by either immersion of the entire module or by immersion of a module edge in a surfactant solution and measuring the resistance between the liquid and the shorted module leads. REFERENCE CELL CALIBRATION MODULE ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING STANDARDS All of the module environmental tests are structured as a series characterization tests prior to the particular environmental exposures, with a repetition of the characterizations following the exposures. These tests have their roots in thesocalled jet Propulsion Laboratory’s BlockVteststhatwere used to qualify lots of modules for block purchases. STANDARDS Reference cells are classified to be either primary or secondary. Primary reference cells are calibrated in sunlight against a wide-spectral-range detector, while secondary cells are calibrated against a primary reference cell in either sunlight or a solar simulator. E 1038 This standard tests the ability of modules to withstand hailstorms by propelling ice balls onto the module surfaces. For a given ice ball size, a free-fall terminal velocity is combined with a selected windvelocitytoobtain therequired ice ball speed needed. E 1039 This primary procedure is designed for silicon reference cells calibrated against a global pyranometcr. Atmospheric conditions measured with a sunphotometer must be within specified ranges. Spectral corrections are not used. The procedure applies only to silicon devices because the restricted ranges were selected to minimize the spectral errors over the silicon spectral response range. El171 Two separate tests are contained in this standard, a thermal cycling test and a humidity-freeze cycling test. The humidity-freeze cycle consists of 20 hr at 85”C, 85% RH, followed by a 0.5 hr -40°C freeze period, with a total of 10 cycles. Thethermalcyclingtesthasatotalof 2OQcycl.esofthe module temperature ramped between -40°C and 90°C. El125 Draft 191 This draft specifies a marine environment test intended for modules designed to be deployed on or near shorelines. A 48 hr seawater immersion test followed by a 21 day 9O”C, 85% RH corrosion test. This primary calibration is called the tabular calibration method because spectral errors are corrected using a tabular spectral irradiance of the solar spectrum at the time of the calibration. Reference cells are calibrated against a pyrheliometer, or, for reduced error, an absolute cavity radiometer. Although the measurements are performed under direct normal solar irradiance, the results can be numerically corrected to any desired reference spectrum. Draft 192 This document contains three separate solar-UV weathering tests. All three simulate three years of exposure at southern U.S. latitudes. The first is a 36 month outdoor exposure, the second an accelerated outdoor exposure using concentrators, and the third an indoor accelerated exposure that uses Xe arc lamps. E 1144 This primary calibration is very similar to E 1039, the silicon global calibration procedure, but is calibrated against a pyrheliometer rather than a global pyranometer. It therefore gives reference cells calibrated to the direct reference spectrum. Because of lack of use and because it has been largely replaced by E 1125, the subcommittee has decided to withdraw this standard. To withdraw a standard a ballot must pass each of the three balloting levels. Draft 198 This draft is the pressure-immersion-temperature (PIT) test that was developed by the U.S. Coast Guard for modules intended for offshore floating aid-to-navigation power applications. The tests use a cyclic hot-and-cold pressurized immersion in seawater that simulate modules being underwater for periods of time because of wave action. E 1362 This test method specifies the secondary calibration procedure where the test cell is calibrated against a primary cell. Spectral errors are corrected using the spectral mismatch parameter. 17-4 E 1040 This specification for reference cells. E 1328 Termscommon document. recommends physical characteristics Preparation of this paper was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-ACOZ83HC10093. KEFERENCES to E44.09’s standards aredefined in this E 891 and E 892 Two other standards that are the responsibility of subcommittee E44.02 on environmental parameters are referenced many times by E44.09 documents are E 891 and E 892. These specify the direct normal and global reference solar spectral irradiances. 1. ASTM Technical Committee Officer Handbook, ASTM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1985. 2. 1991 Annual Book of Standards, Vol. 12.02, ASTM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1991 (revision published annually). 17-5 DESIGN OF A FIBER OI’I-IC l3&ED SOLAR SIMULATOR Bhushan I,. Sopori nncl Craig Marshall National Renewable Energy Laboratory (formerly the Solar Energy Rrsrarch Institute) Goklen. CO gO4O I iwmwx A new solar simulator is described which camhines three light sources to produce an output beam that can closely match a desired solar spectrum. The three selected light sonrces are srritably filtered, nud their output beams RIP mixed hy ~WYWS of a trifurcated, mndomi7ed liher cable to produce a highly uniform intensity d&ibution of the output benm. 7lte criteria for selecting sauks, filters, and other optical elements, required to prodnce an AMI. spectrum are discussed. 711~ output spectrum is cornpilnd with the reference AM 1.5 spectral irradiance, and the results of single and multijnnction solar cells tested under this simulator are compatPd with those from other simdntors. IHl-RODUCTlON To date. the commercial solar simulators use R single light sounze, typically a xenon a: lamp, to deliver a beam of crdlimated light that rpproximately matches a desired solar spectrum. A host i$ such simulators, with a variety cif O~II~III are available for both commercial and power ratings, labomtoty testing of solar cells (1‘2). Although the spectral output of a xenon arc lamp“bas perhaps the most desirable envelope of any single light source for simulating a solar specmlm, the output from a xenon arc lamp cannot he wsecl directly because (i) the output of the lamp contains intense emission lines that cover n wide range of the s~ctrun~. particularly the wavelength range between 0.8 and 1.2 1lm. and (ii) the UV region of the output spectrrnn is too rich RS Manufacturers have designed compared to even AMO. proprietary notch filters to rednce UV and IR contents of the OUtput. Consequently, a variety of optical filters are often Further necessary to produce a useable spectrnm. improvements in the spectral matching can be produced hy using a water caviry. However, even rfter extensive filtering, the xenon arc lamp has several disadvantages: (i) the output ntains stmng emission liner, (ii) the peak of the envelope of the xenon ~pechum is not located at the same wavelength as that of the solar spectrum, and (iii) the absorption spectrum of the liquid water cavity, typicnlly used with such a simulator, is not :he same AS that of the water vnpor. Although a well-filtered simulator is adequate f6r the majority of generi+Infrpose testing of .solar cells, accurate testing requires that appropriate corrections he made corresponding to spectral mismatch between the simulator outpnt and the standati solar spectrum, (e.g., AMI, AMI 3. etc). This procedure involves making an additional mrasuiement of the spectral response of the cell and identifying a suitable reference cell that can he used to set the light intensity in the test plane. The methodology for this process has been well established. but it is recognized that such corrections are also approximate (3). A more serious need for an accurate simulator has arisen in testing mttltijnnction cells where a current mismatch hetween vnrhtts cells, due to mismatch between the refmnce md the simnlator spectra, can pro&ice large errors, particularly jn the Ii11 factor of the cell. Some of these difftcultier can be circumvented by employing a procedure which uses IWO different beams to independently excite each cell. Ilowever, it has kcome clear that the desired degree of spectral accuracy cannot be nchieved hy .a single source. To reduce the complexity of such rneasnrennnts, attempts are made tr, develop simulators cspahle of mulching the desired reference spectrnm with much better precision. This endeavor has led to the fabricrtiun of two-sntmz sirnuIatnr.c consisting of a filtered xenon arc and a tungsten lamp which have clearly demonstrated the capability for significantly Modifications to the improved onlput spectra (4,5,6). Spectrolab x-25 hy an integrating optics package have also Recently, we have altowed a more precise match (7.g). proposed that an accurate match to AMO or AM13 can k produced by combining output of three pmperly selected light sources (9). One of the methods proposed to *‘mix” light from three sources involves using a randomized, trifurcated optical f&r cable. In n previous paper, we hrve shown that three &II in UV, visible, and IR contents, soirrce-beams, respectively, an sufficient IO produce a spectrum well matched ro AM13 [ASTM E892 t3lobat]. in this pafur, we de.scribe the essential design featuns of such a simulator and compare test data of solar cells with the results obtained mler other simulators. We also descrlk Improvements on the previous 18-l system that can yield a superior spectrum than previously described. These improvements involve (a) A new combination of filters, aud (b) the use of two sources to deliver three beams. whereas the UV leg consists of fused silica fikrs dispersed in a glass mahix. 71te glass and the silica fikrs are 25.1 pm and St?.8 ftm iii diameter, respectively. The output from tk com111on leg of the fiber is passed through the autpul aperture. A,,, and collimaled hy the lens. 1,. The aperture A, serves to control the intensity in the test plane. Notice that the oulput l~aiir eiiinnntea from nearly f!!Nl fikrs. ench of which acts as one element of an opIicni integrator, resulting in an exceedingly high nniformity of the ontpttt beam. PRINCIPLE OF 7-l lE NEW SlMUl,ATOR The major objective of our simuiatnr is to produce closely matched spectrum for solar cell testing that: I. 2. 3 -. 4. 5. a Obviates tk need for spectral mismatch correcGons Simplifies cell measurements to Ihe extent that only a few minutes are required to carry out accura1c cell measurements Does not require determination of the spectral response of the cell Does not require a reference cell which closely matches the test cell Makes testing a multijunction cell AS simple as a single-junction ceil The basic irincipie of the simulator is as follows: the light kains, ultraviolet (UV), visible (Via). nnd infrared WV, from suirahiy selected source-filter combinations, are focussect onto the input ends of a trifurcated, randomized optical fiber cable. The optical fikr combines these beams 10 produce an output kam of linearly superposed inputs. 771e randomized nature of tire fiber ensures that the intensity distribution of each kam in rhe out.put of rhe fiber is the same. Furthermorr, since each branch of the fiber cable consists of ahout 2@0tI individual fibers, the system is cnpable of prcwh1cirrg beam uniformity equivalent to that of a 2000element optical integrator. SYS’IEM CONFIGURAI-ION f;igun I is a schematic of our &er optic simulator. it con&r of two light sources - a xenon arc lrmp and a lungslen filament lamp. The xenon arc lamp is configured to produce two beams which .serve as UV and Vis sources. Ibis arrangement, shown in Figure I, for exfrarting two beams from a single souse results in a much more efficient operalion of the lamp as compared to the conventional use in solar simulators. Such a configurntion captures nearly all the light emanating from the xenon arc lnmp. The output kams from the xenon sotnce are modified by suitable lens systems and passed through fillers F1 and I$. F, and Fz nre borh low-pass filters which block the region of sharp emission lines. The tungsten lamp has no filter. The output from the filters and rhe direct ourput from the JR source are passed through individual apertures viz A,. AZ, and A,. These apertures are used to control the power contained in each kam and, thus, allow us to adjust the spectral distribution in the output kam. Ihe output from each nperture is f6cus.sed hy individual lenses. I ,,, I,. i3, onto the correspanding ends of a trifurcated optical fiber cable. The JR and Vis legs of the fiber cable are made from glass fibers PRIMARY CONSlDE~ATfONS The primary syslem design. following the selection of sources, involves selection of filters nnd the design of the fiber optic cable that can produce the desired output spcctntm. One of the criterion for filter selection is to suppress lhe emission lines from tke xenon arc in tile UV and Visible beams; this establishes a cutoff around 0.7-0.8 Itrn fm these The achtal selection of each filter is based on an filters. integral system design that takes into account the changes in through the spectnun of each kam due to transmission corresponding opkal elemenls, and clelermines the total output spectrutn. Such a design can k performed with a computer program Ihat cakes Ihe spectrum of each source and determines the rntxiilied spcclrum due to the transmittance of fillers. lenses. and Ihe optical fikr and arrives at the combined spectrum at the output. This progmm can determine the optimum filler combination for the hest .fit to the spectnnn It should be pointed ant that requirccl at the lest plane. ahhough use of all-quartz optics can significnntiy reduce design effort, such a system would be quite expensive. Concomitantly, we have employed quartz optics only in the jhis feature also ~iiaws a greater control of UV path. individual UV snd Vis b&nis. We have measured optical transmittance of each element and developed a computer program that selects suitable fihrr combinations to tninimize Ihe specrrnl mismntch between the outpul spectrum and the desired solar spcctnun. it should be pointed out that since our system can independently control power and the spectral distribution in each beam, then are many possible combinations of filters that cnn produce the same ontpttt spectrum. The feattires: I. 2. .1 . 18-2 DESKIN fiber cable is designed to achieve the following High coupling erriciency nt ench input end to ensure a minimum loss of optical power, Clearly, this is related to the optical design of the source, Ihe focassing optics, and the nunlcrical aperhire of the optical fikrs. in our current fiber, a coupling efficiency of tW’%-65% can be achieved. The loss wiGn the fikr should be minimized to avoid undesired dissipation. The effective oufput (optical) diameter of the cable and the size of each fikr should k compatible with the reqrtirements of the si7. and the uniformity of the output beam in the test plane. 4. The distribution of Fibers in the orttpttt cnti of the cable should be random in order to product: a sparially uniform superposition of each input hrm. It is instructive to track the spectral changes that eaclt knm develops ns tky pmpapnte, nrrd pnxlrtce the cotnlGnctl output. Figure 2a ltows the spectrni contents of the UV bran, a( the inpu( and the mtptt of’ filter F,. 7’he cort~spontlinp spectra for the Vis beam are shown in Figute 2h. Figute 3 shows the spectra of the individual UV. Vis anti iR hcams in the lest plane; rhe total output spectrum corresponding In these individual ksms is also sl~ow::. Figure 4 sllows R comparison of die spectrum from the fiber optic simuialor and the standard Global AMi.S spectrum. it is clear Ilint a very close match of AM1.S simuiator. can be produced by the fiber opric it should be emphasized fhat our present objective is only to replicate the envelope of the AM I.5 spec~nrm. At a later stage, we plan to incorpomte a suirahle filter tlrnt can introduce absorption equivalaiuent to that of the atmosphere. ADVANTAGES OF TJJE FIBER OT’TJC SIMULA’I’OR In addition to its excellent speclrai matching capahilily, this system has other advantages. I. The uniformity of the ontput kam in the test plane is extremciy high. This is because of the fact that ench fiber acts like an element of an vptical integrntca. Typicnlly. we ohtain helter than f I % uniformity in the kam. 2. The intensity of each kam can be controlled without changing the uniformity of the mrtpttt beam. 3. Because of a high coupling efficiency, the nvernII optical throughpul of the system is high. This fealute, along with the design attribute discussed above, significantly relieves the power rrqirirefnrncs of tfie input sources. 4. The system is compact and low-cost. 5 -. Use of independent IR beam offers a unique advantage of providing a spectral malching in an extended wavelength range as compared 10 that of a single source. One of the major advantages of our design is that the sources are run at a constant output while the input to each fiber is independently controlled to obtain the desired spectrum. This feature reduces changes in rhe spectrum of by maintaining a constant each light source. Furthermore, color temperature of each source, tfle variations in the specrrum are minimized. Another advantage of our system is the ease with which the spect~~tm cnn k corrected to accommodate changes in the optical elements such as dttc to aging of the lamps nnd filters. 18-3 , TEST RESULTS We have used the oull~ut spettrum sl:0w:: in Figtin: 1 10 pcrforni I-V measuTcmen1s of single- and mullijunclion solar cells mnde from different material systems. These inch& Si, Althattgh the n-Si, GnAs. CulnSe2. GJJe, and GaInP. spcctnrnt of Figure 4 does not replicate AMI .S withonf a “wntrr filter”. tk p&llary purpose of these measurements is to develop a data base 10 assess the sensitivity of diffcfenl cells to the sprclml contents of the light. This data base will k nl~plirtl to tlelennine lhe accuracy of spectral mntching required 10 mnke solnr cell measrtrements within IQ accuracy. ‘i’ahle I shows cell parameters (isc, VW. and fill fnctor) of some singlcjunctim cells measured with the fiber optic simulator. Far comparisoh, the values of these parameters, obtained by tire standard NREI, measurements, are also given. The two-junctinn cell data obtained under fiber optic simuia&tr and using standard NREi,(SERi) measurements is given in Table 2. It is seen thnt the data obtained with the fiber optic simulator shows somewhat lower values of I, than those We klieve the error mcnsured hy standard test procedures. is simply hccause of tlie’way we define I -sun power condition and is not related to the spectrnl content of rhe nimnlator. We are in the process of developing a better method to measure I sun intensity condition. 1 it is itnportan~ to point out that the actnal solar cell measurements done with the fiber optic simulator cake less than a few minutes. Tkre nre no corrections made in the data S~I~~II in Tables I and 2. Clearly, the cell measurements made with the fiber optic simrrlator are in good agreement with those made hy standard rglethods. We believe thal measurment accuracy will improve further when a “water vapor” filler is introducetl in the syslen!. IMPROVEMENTS We arc in Ilie process of incorparnting severnl mcvtificntions it: the system IO improve the spectral match as well as simplify the use of the system for day-to-day operation as a self-contained piece of test equipment snitabie for commercial applicationsi These modifications rue expected to provide (i) better couplitip to the optical fikrs, (ii) a feeclhack cnnlrol to maintain a Ipre-set input power ccrndition, (iii) cnpnhitity lo make trteasu~emen~s ott individual cells of a tnultijunction solar cell, ,and (iv) replication of absorption due to atmospheric gases and water vapor. CONCLUSION We have developed a fiber-optic-based simulator that niixrs light from rltrce; sources to produce an output that closcJy matches the envelope of an AMl.5 spectrum. The initial tesfs on single- ahd multi-junclion cells sltow a good agreement between the cell parameters mensared with the fikr optic simulator and hy standard pfocednres. Ihe measurements made will: the fiber optic simulator did not incorporate nny spectral ,mismatch correclions and did not ttse II reference cell. Furlher thal will allow individual cliaraclcrizrt1. in~povenwils are heine crlls of a nitillijtinclion iticwpornted &vice lo be I. XI’- 10 atld (bpwation. 2. Oriel X-25 Corporalion, are man~r~actwed by 2.50 Imng beach lUvd., Spcclrolah Slratford, c’l 06497. The .1, ‘1’. Glalfclter 4. M. Krrsuhara. US l’atenr Number 4.641.227, Feb. 1987 .5 . hf. Rennet, Proc. 21~1 lEEE WSC, 6. WRCcm co. IAd., 3, Nihonhashi, Chome, Chnnko, Tokyo 103, Jqwm 7. Q. Virshnp, 8. K. Ileidler Measurement of Mtdtijunctian Cells. 10th PVSEC, Lisbon. 1991 Solar R. I,. Snpori I I16 are very gralefrrl IO Keith Emery of NREI, for suggestions and Ihe measw-ements he has made on the vnriorts devices we have wed for cornpariscw studies. ~t~tfmrs lmny valuable Ibcy uwld Hat-in Illlal like IO thank for providing Sarah Kurtt, the cells, Proc. Stafford ml in this slcttiy. 7% I~evel~plnrnl I:und itsed ACO2-83Cll lM93. 9. l’roc. tlst I 187 (1987) 1438 (1990) et.& Fyp/lV _____-. Gahsf ---- WG I .4 Si/Sl ------ -- I&b4) .__ A n --.--0V A MS) -_ Ieill Paclnr(%) -.- _..--n A __--_-. Proc. ---_l.M 03 I. _-116.I .__- 19.2 Am+(C,“‘J -___n WI9 2.24 --O.RP .-I_ --.79.2 --.79.1 -_2.2s -.-.-_ 74.8 ----74.8 .-I-35.9 I:-.-.xi.1 ---0.65 --O.GS ..-?.!I4 3.02 O.Ql 00 I Gil.2 N1.O 0.25 --- 1.f.w 0.75 -- R7.0 49.G --- 0.25 I .w Meromnchi, IEEE PVSC.1249 ( t 990). ‘taldc PVSC, Hymn work was sq~porled by the SERl Director’s and by the U.S.Deparlment of Energy under contract No. DE- Cell --- 19th IEEE 21st IEEE 4- (1990). PVSC, System Parabolic Cotifiguralion rekctors Jern~ralure-corltrolled ate Figure J. lamp A schematic of the Fiber Optic solar simnlator of the system showing o.oLL.-J300 major elements 1 100 500 600 111 700 800 Wavelenglli ---- Figure 2a. slap Vis bean1 belore Figure Comparison of the spectral conterils of lhc UV beam before and after the filter P, 18-5 liller (F2) 900 I I 1000 1100 (nm) - Vii beam after liller (F2) 21~. Comparison of the spectral contents of the Vis beam before and after filter Fz 300 400 500 GO0 700 800 Waveleriglll ----- Figure 3. 2001, 300 100 0 Figure 4. 1000 I t 00 (tinI) .-. -.-. Visible --In Total oulput bean uv Spectra of individual rhc lest plane 900 UV, Vis and IR lxn~ns anti the Kohl output beam in \* L-.-L~_ I pII.-.---m- 500 600 700 Waveler,gfli 1300 (twl) I-900 I-I 1000- 1100 A corrqmison of the spec~nm of the output bean1 from the fiber optic simulator with AM I .S Global spectnm 18-6 INTERIM QUALJFICATIQN PHOTOVOLTAIC TFSTS AND PROCEDURES THIN-FILM FLAT-PLATE FOR TERRFSTRIAL MODULFS R. DcRlasio. L. Mrig, and D. Waddingtnn Fnerpy Lahnmtny National Rcnewablc (formerly the Solar Ettcrgy Rcscarch Institute) Goldctl. Colorado ADSTRACT This papct pmvidcs recommcndcd pmccdurcs and spceificationo fat qualification Icsta IO cvahtatc tcrre&al thin-film llaI-pla~e phoIovoltaie (PV) nonconcentrating modukr &sign&J for power generation [ I]. The qualifieaIion ksls arc dmigncd IO evaluate PV module dcsigtt pcrfotmance and susccptihilily to known failure mechanisms. Emphasis is plaecd on testing and evaluating module pcrfmmattee characteristics and design fcalurcs that will affcel the degradation of mndulc performance and physical pmpctties resulting from solar cxpcurc. environmental wcathcting. mechanical loading, corrosion. and module shadowing. Our primary intmt is to provide the minimum tests and itt~edotts rcquircd to cvaluaIe PV modules and IO provide a common approach (e.g., bclwccn pmduccr and purchasct) in conducting qualification lests. With the tcs~s and pmccdutcs povidcd hctc. additimrl IcsIs and pruccdurca, beyond the ted scqucnccr rpceified. may ha e+tahlishcd hetwcen the prodveer and purchaser I practices. that rcprcscnt cutmnt pmcutemctt 1. INTRODUCTION Exirling thin-film flat-plate moduledcrigns arcundcrdcvclopmcnI. and new cnnceptr continue to appear. Consequently. qualification Icsts must he flexible enmtgh IO allow a reasonable stseswncnt of new designs. yet cumplete enough to identify weaknesses that would lead IO pmbktnr in Ihc lield. Ideally, modules IhaI cxpcrime early failures in field operation should fail qualificsIimt tests. Thcrcfute. it is imp&anI IO note thaI dtc tush apecilicd here wm devcbpcd on an “interim” basis and ate not intended lo sctvc ac a uniform btandard fnr the thin-Iilm flat-plate module pholovoltaie indushy. Rccaurc of limited thin-film module ficield operation expcticnce and the evohttionary naIurc of new thin-film module malctial le&nologics and designs. these tesIs shmtld nd hc emwkkmd definitive or cample1c. ttur do they pmvide a basis to prcdicI 30.year field life. Our eurrenl understanding of faihttc and dcgradatim mcchattirtm and Ihe relationship between aceelcrated IesIs and fiild reliability arc nn~ cnnugh for us to esGmaIe life expcctaney. nor ate the cycling tests given here cunsidcrcd IO be cquivaknt to a full 30-year field cxposurc. $1owcvcr, the test and evaluation pmccdurcr givctt hem provide * tommm approach for conducting qualification tcsIs. Aeeeptahle rcsuultr from these teds should provide renwnahle assurance that Ihc modula that pass these ksts will pcrfomt rcliahly in the liild but fur an unspceificd period of lime. In addition, chamctctizatinn tr?;Ia lo dctctminc mudule energy rating, and Ic.sIc to evaluate the cffceb on module performance due to comhincd UV/%cnnal cnvimnmcntr dcgradatinn, as well as the design of a non-inhusivc hot-spol and light-induced lest method, arc ertrtcntly under develupmcnl and are not included hcte. 2. RACKGRfXJND AND OVERVIEW QUALfFICATION TRST 2.1 The results of this work and expcticttee gained wcrc rttililcd IO fotmulaIe new tests and modify earlier tests for inclusion in this docutncn~. For example. one modiftcation includes an itttxeasc in the humidity-frccm test cycle from IO lo 20 cycles lo accelerate Ihc potential for moisture-ingtcss+tduccd cffcels on pcrfotmance and safeIy. Also inch&d are new t&s for wct itt.eulaIion nrktattec and rurfaee-cut wrccpIibiliIy, which further rcprcscnt an ineteascd focus on identifying watn-ingress-induecd faihtrcs and elechical-shock hamrd. 2.2 Overview of Qualificalimt Tes( The overall qualification IcsI is dcsigncd to minim& the time to conduct ~hc tqrtircd Icslr snd fhc numhcr of test module specimens. A minimum of six test modules is rcquircd to compkIe all the spccificd tcsla. The qualificatim-test acqucncc is illurhatcd in Figure 1. and lhc required leaf and inspccIintt pmccdnns arc provided in Se&on 4. Module qualification ted mqui-tr. which provide detailed guidance and minimum rcquircmcnts for conducting the ovaall qualification test. arc given in Scetintt 3. Test and evaluation requirements pmvidcd in SceIion 3 in&de (I) initial ~cstr and inspcctiotts. (2) scqucnce “A” and “R” tcs~s and inspections, (3) final Ierts and inspetions, and (4) evaluation of qualification test results. Initial test+ and inspections (SccIion 3.2) ectahlish selection and accepIancc of as-tee&cd module as I& module spccimcns. They aku establish hasclinc meacunment data lor visual-inspeedon information and elcehieal-pcrformanee comparison and determination of the effcectr on module physical characteristics nnd eketrical pcrfotmanee following exposure and endurance tests. Squcncc “A’ &IS and impcctinnr (Section 3.4) imludc a vaticly of envinmmental and s~rcss tests designed to induce and identify failure mechanisms that may lead IO module failon, degraded ekchical pctfotmancc. physical defotmitics. a sheck hazard. Sequenec “R” I&s (SC&m 35) it&t& II hypaasdicde dtctmal IC~I Id mess the ~ttcrmal design adequacy of hyparc dicdcs. if used in Ihc module conshuclion. and a hot-spot cndumttce test to detetmim Ihe long-term effcets of module hut-spoI heating as+ociaIed with a condition such as shadowing. The littal tests and inrpcetions (Section 3.6) esIablish a final database for cumparison with inilial telpl and inspcelion results. The criteria for passing the qualification t&s arc provided in Sation 3.7 (Evaluation of Qualification Test Results). 3. MODULE TEST AND EVALUATION RRQUlREMRNTS This scetinn .specifics Ihc minimum tcstr and inspections to he pcrfmnled and the required ted scqucnec to ha followed IO evaluate photovoltaic Lin-film flat-plate moduk-?. The rquired test scqttettec is ilhtsbalcd in Ihc flow diagram pmvidcd in Pigurc I along with designated in+peIion and Iesl identification numhrts corrc+ing to ingrctiona and 1-t pmccdurcs rpceilicd in Scctbn 4. OF Racknmmd 3.1 In dcvclnping this qualifiiacim-Ieti doeumcnI, -al sources of infmmation wcrc rcfcrenecd and utilized in designing and formulating the majority of the tests given. kimaty sources included the Jet Prnpulxintt Lahomtnty (JFL) Rloek V rpceif~ation fat flabplate modules 121 and the UndctwriIcn Lahnratnties standard fur flat-plate modules 1.31. Since the puhlicalinn of thcsc documents. phntovoltaic thin-lilm matcriab technology and module dcve@tncnt have advanced rapidly. Major effottr hy the photovoltaic industry. JPL. and SERI in module rcliahility research have pruduccd a better undcrztanding of known and potential faikrc mechanisms awxistcd with thinlilm moduks. cspceially with regard to the effects of moisture ingress. Test Specimens A minimum of six module lesl spccimcns of ,cach module type rcprescntativc of the modules to hc deployed in the field is required IO conduct all Utc ledz spccificd in this docummt. One test module trquind for the hot-sp,at cmlttrattcc ted shall be specially fahricatcd with Icads brought out for aeecssing individual cells IIL rpecifkd in rcfcrcnce 141. The basclinc power outpul determined in accordance with Scetion 3.2.2 Tot each of the six modulw shall hc within fl@% of Ihe average power output of tnttduln pmposcd or planttcd for field deplnyment. Each module test vimctt shall have a serial numhct m label ur some other means of identification capahk of surviving both test scqttcttecs. 19-1 Selection and acccptancc of as-received modules as mndule test specimens shall k hased on passing the initinl inspectinns and teats sftecilial in Section 3.2 and in the sequence shnwn in fignre I and mecting tk power output uniformity requirement specified akve. Any mndule design or fnhicatinn changes (e.g., mnkrials. manufacturing process. or assemhfy) of a module type previcntsly &ted and cvrhtatcrl may require reevaluation and testing. Such dctcrtnination may k made between Ihc mnduk producer and purchaser of the modules. 3.2 Initial Tests and Inspections ml Initial tcstc and inspections II illustrated in Agure I. shall k performed in the nrder described hrlow 3.2.1 Baseline Visual ftusnection. Each module shall k visually inspccfed in accordance with the speeiEcatinns given in Sectinn 4.1.1 IO obtain a baseline determination nf tk presence m absence of defects in tk module for purposes nf detecting any changes aitet each required 3.22 Baseline Electrical-Perfurms tneacured in accordance with the speciftcrlionc a has&e ckctrical-output power that will detetmittatinn of the effects nf qualification test. Teat. Each module shall k given in Section 4.2 In atahlish serve as the comparisnn value for testing on electrical perfnrmsttrc. 3.2.3 Grouttd-Continuity TCSI. Each module having conductive cttrfac~ (i.e., frame. structural members. or edge tested in accordance with the specitications given in Section continuity exists between all such surfaces and the module Modules that use direct attachment to an array structure to shall k tcstcd after asremhly. 3.2.4 Electrical-Isolation Test (Drv Ni-put). suhjectrd to a direct current (DC) hi-pot test speciftcatiuns given in Section 4.4 IO assure electrical from cxtrrtwlly enftosed conductive parts. 3.tS inspected 3.26 accordance measured (mcacvrcd) 3.3 Intern&iaIc in accordance Visual Impaction. with the sfwcitications Ekctrical-Ferforman Test. with the snecificatinns niven for each mndute tested shall baseline power as determined Completintt .. of fnitial Tests enpnsed external &surer) shall k 4.3 la verify that grounding point. ohfain grnundittg Each module shall k in annrdartcc with the ixolalion nf the FV circuit Each module shall k given in Section 4.1.2. Sequence “A” Tests 3.4.3 ffumiditv-Reezc Cycle Test. The twn mndulcr allocated for the humidity.freere cycle test, following the Stlcycle thermal test. shall k tested in accordance with the specilkatitms given in Section 4.7. At tk completinn nf this test. visual inspections and elrcbicntperfrummncc tests shnll k conducted on kth modules. After these tests are cnmpktcd tuccessfully. tk Iwo mndules shall k used in cnttducting the mechanical-lnading test (Sectinn 34.4). 3.4.4 Mechanical-Loading Test. Tk Iwo mndutes allocated frtr tk mechnnicnl loadina test shall he tested mcordina to the snecif~ations eivm in Sectinn 4.11. At IL cnmpktion of this lesl. a &al irt&tintt and el&icalperfurtnnnce test shall k cnndttcted en kth. Wkn successfullycnmpIeted. tk two mndules shall k used in conducting tk hail-impact test (Section 3.4.5). 3.4.5 Bail-Impact Test. The two modules allocated fnr the hail-impact test shall k tested in accordance with tk .meeiBcatiotta aivm in Seetion 4.9. At the completion of thB test. visual inspections and elech%al-ycrfnrmance tests shall k canducted an kth mnduks. Next. tk two mnduks shall k used in conducting the surface-cut rusceptihility test (Sectinn 34.6). if required (we Sectinn 4.10 fnr applicability nf test). 3.4.6 Surface-Cut Susceptibility Test. lk four modules (Iwo modules fnllowing the 2Of-cycle thermal test and two mnduln following the hail-irnfract test) allocated for he surface-cut susc+ihi)ity test shall k tested, if rquired. in accordance with the speciBcatinns given in Section 4.10. Wkn tk test is succesdut)y completed or it is determined tok not spFlicah)e. the four modUks shall he used in conducting the wet inntlatinr-resistance test (Section 3.4.7). 3.4.7 Wet Insulation-Resistance TCSL The four mnduln allocated for the wet insulatinn~rerictanee test shall k tested accordina to tk sneciticatinttc aivm in Sectinn 4.5. When Ihe lest is successfuRy completed. the four modules shall k used in conducting the final tests and inrpectinns specified in Seelion 3.6.1 fnr Sequmce “A.” . visually Each module shall k measured in in Section 4.2. The maximum nnwer not k less than 96% of the ‘initial in Scetion 3.2.2 and Inspectiotts Each of the six mndule test sftecimens must meet therequirements specikd in Sectinns 3. l and 3.2 kfnre testing can pmceed. When dtesc requirements are met. one of the tnedufes shall k stnred in tk dark at mom temprature In setve as a entttrnl module for future refermee and until all planned tests have ken cnmpleted. Tlte remaining fwc m&tks shall k allncated for Sequence “A” and Sequence “B” tests~and inrpeelinns *C follnws: four mnduln fee conducting Sequence “A” tests and inspctiuns. as speciliedin Section 3.4. and one module for cnnducting Sequcwze “B” tests. as specikd in Section. 3.5. 3.4 enpnsure. At the completion of an additinnal 150 cycles. these two mndules shall undergo visual inspection and an dectrical-perfnrmrncc ted. When successfully cnmpleted, these two modules shall k used in conductinp the surfacecut rusccptihility test (Section 3.46). and Inspections llte fnur mnduks selected for Sqnence “A” tests shall k subjected to the fnllnwing tests. which are deserihed in &tail in Section 4. and shall k cnnducted in the nrrkr indicated klnw and illustrated in Figure 1. Module intermediate visual im~ctionr. in aeeordance with Section 3.25, atut eketricalperfnrmattce tests, in accordance with Section 3.26. shall he cnnducted after each rFplicahle test as indicated in Figure I. 3.5 Scquet~~~ Tk following conducted “B” . Tests module selected fnr Sequence “B” tests shall k subjected to tk tests which are descrikd in detail in Seetinn 4. The tests shalt k in the nrder indicated ktow and illustrated in Rgun I. 3.5.1 Bypass-Dioda Tktmal Teat. Tk tttoduk akcated fur tk bypassdiode lhermal test shall k tested in acemdance with tk speeifieatitms given in Section 4.f2. When the test is mceessfuBy fapkted or wkn it is determined to k not applicahfe. the module shall k used in cnnducting tk hut-spnt mdurmcc test (Section 3.5.2). 35.2 Hot-St& Endmmce Teat. The module allucated fur tk hot-spot en&trance test shall k tested aceutdlttg to tk specificatinnr givm in Section 4.13. After tk test is successfully completed. tk module shall k used to eonduet the final ksts and insfectiorts SpeciEed in Se&m 3.62 fnr Sequence “A.” 3.6 Fmaf Tests and fttsoectiutta At the completion of all the Sequence “A” and Squence ‘R’ tests and inspectinns. the following fmal tests and impcctionr shall k cnttducted in tk n&r indicated klow. 3.4.1 Wet fttsulation-Resistance Test. Seqttence “A” modules shall k tested to evaluate each mndttk’r electrical-insulation system hy measuring the electrical resistance ktween the module circuitry and the frame. or mnunting surface in accordance with Seetion 4.5. 3.6.1 Semtence “A‘. Following tk wet insulation-resistance test. tk fnur mndulea allocated for tk finnl tests and inspeetiotts shall k suhjated to tk electrical isolatinn test (wet hi-pot) in aaotdattce with tk qrecifiiationr givm in Section 4.11. followed try a gmtmdeorttinuity test in aecnrdanee with Section 3.2.3 and a final visual inspeetim and electrical perfnrmattee test in accordance with Seaionr 4.1.3 and 3.2.6. 3.4.2 Thermal-Cycle Test. The four modules selected for Sequence “A” shall k suhjcct~ to the thermal-cycle test in acenrdance with tk spe%catiortr given in Section 4.6. At the end of 50 thermal cycles, tk test shall be stnFped. and visusl insFectintts and elechieal-perfmmance tests shall k prfortned m al\ four modules. After these procedures are completed successfully. two modules shall k used for cnnducting the humidity-freeze cycle lest (Section 3.4.3). and the other twn mntfttka shall underpo an additional IS0 thermal cycles of 3.6.2 Sequence “B”. The module akcated for final tests and inspectionc. following the hut-spnt endurance test. shall k suhjeeted to an electrical-iu-tlatio test (dry hi-pot) in accnrdance with the specifications givm in Satinn 4.4. followed hy II final visual inspection anf electrical-perfnrmame test in accntdance with Sections 4.1.3 and 3.2.6. 19-2 3.7 Evrluntion of Qualification-Test Results The crikrir for parring the quurlif~ntim tests are thrill each modale, as alioertd. mu4 pnzr ail of the folkwing: Initial Icsts and inqwctionr Ckctims 3.1, 3.2, nnd 3.3). sqacnce “A” and scqucnce “it’ tests and inspections (Sections 3.4 and 3.2). and final ksts and inspections (Satinn 3.6). I pupwe for the test nr inspeelinn. detailed steps cnnducting the 1-f or inspcctirm. and criteria for pnrsing when critctia me not +fkd in Section 3. 4.1 Visual-lnstxction The putpose 4. MOIWLP, TRSI’ AND 1N.SPR~ION intamedink, determine beginning PROCEDURES The f&wing mnduk test and inspection pracdwer provide 1he detailed stw and spccifknlinm reqnircd to conduct and mat the overnli q~~nlificntim test reqniremenIr given in Section 3. Each of the following pnxedums provides 4.1.1 viwrlly 1. QuallfkMkn Test fr Roadun of this procedtm is to provide gidcli~ in obtaining baseline. nnd finill viwal-inspCClinn infannatim mpircd to idenlify nnd any physical changes of defects in module cnntmctim at the and completion of each required test. n spxified in Section 3. RIscline inspected c Ftpurc and specifications each test 0T imp&m Sequence Visual bp&kn. Modules shall for good workmnnrhii, shipping be photognphed and damage, mechanicnl mounting dimcncinnc. nnd other modok producer and the purchaw incpcctim criteria of the moduk.. Any ohsewed defects or rdmonnalities, or inclusions. scratches. or color that might or rcliahility shall show the location k d~umcntcd of the defects. with estahlishcd such ax minor adversely affect spproptialc ktwccn the flaws, dclaminations module performance sketches or photographs to Information obtained above shall be well documcntcd and formulated for use in cnmpnring hrselim obscrvntionr with the results of all intermcdiste and Anal impcctimx. and for use in ectnhlixhing a sound basis in dcIcrmining lk effects on module physical charsctcrixticr following each tact. Serious damage or drfcctr arc a ha-ix for s mcdulc to k rcjcctcd without further testing. 4.1.2 lntcrmcdiate Visual lnspcctions. After each required ted. the modules shall k visually inspected. okctvatians regarding damage or dcgradatinn observed during inspcctiom shall k documcntcd for comparison with bascline inspection results. The inspccdcm focus shdd be n fmms of damage or physical apdegradation expected after each test. Any change in tk module’s pcsrance chnll k documcn1cd in the same detail required for basclinc in.spccIion. 4.1.3 Final Visual kvpcctions. Modules shall k thoroughly inspected and photographed after testing. Any damage. degradation, or almormalitics that might affect long-term reliability shall k documented. Gbscwationx regarding damage or degradation observed during hasclinc and inkrmcdiatc incpcctions shall k included with the dncumcntafion for the tinal incpcction. llccauw of the wide variety of possible module designs, detailed visual in~pcctirm accrptance criteria arc not provided in this document. Detailed incpcction acceptance criteria shall k developed be1wcc.n the module menufacturcr and the module purchaser. Application of the agreed-upon criteria will rely heavily on the expertise and engineering judgment of the inspcctora and on their evnluatin and comparison of inIcrmcdiale and Iinal visual-inxpcction rcnrlts with kscline inspection results. 4.2 Ekctrical-Performance Test The purpose of this test is IO characterin the electrical performance of lest moduk~ and to detmminc each module’s peak oulpu1 power. The test is the mcarurcmcnt of data IO plot an I-V curve from short-circuit current to opcncircuit voltage with a minimum of 317 data p&us. All dcctrlcal-performance mearurcmcnta shall k comiuc~ed in sccordancc with the following standard lest and rcpcrling conditiom: AM I .5 globs1 solar rcfcrcnce spectrum PC provided in ASTM ES92 lSj. hurl illumination lntcnsity of l000 Whn’(lO0 mW/cm’) and module tcmpcra1urc of 23°C. using rccommcndcd ASTM mcawwrrncitt proccdrwca as nutlincd in ASTM El036 161. 4.3 Ground-Conlinuitv The module shall k observed during the test and there shall k rm sign- of arcing or flash over. DC-leakage current shall k mnnitcrcd during tk lest and shall not exceed SO pA. (Note: Raced on texts conducted on thin-fdm modules. tk lenkagc current for this test should k much lower than the 50 PA crikrintx experience has shown thal tk requisite wet innrlatinn-resistance and wet hi-pot kxts arc more scvcm than the dry hi-pot test.) AC-leakage current resulting from power supply ripple and DC current resulting from capacitive chsrging shall not k camidcrcd. DC-leakage cutrcnt during lk test shall k recorded for each polarity. 4.5 circuitry. where it may cause safely haxard to pcrxormcl. Electrical-Isolation The purpoxc Test (Dw of this Hi-pot) text is to ensure elcctrlcal isolation of tk PV circuit from any extcmally exposed conductive parts Each lest module shall k suhjcctcd to both positive and negative polar@ DC hi-pot testing conducted at room tcmpcrsturc with Ik output terminations &ort-circuited. Test leads from a suitable DC-voltage power supply shall k connected to the shorted terminals and the module grounding point. in the case of modules not provided with an equipment grotmding stud, a conductive foil ln contact with the mtirc insulated Voltage shall k surface of the module shall k used as the rltcrnate test point. applied at a rate not to exceed 500 V/s up to tk test voltage of two times the system voltage plus ItIM) V DC and held rl this voltage for I minute. (%Ic: maximum system voltage anticipated for system applications for tk modules king tested should k provided hy the module produqr or USn.) Tal corrosion, ground faults, or pass an ekctrical . 7bc module is tested by immersing esch edge in turn in a watcrAveIting The rcsistivity of the sololion shall k agent (surfactant) solution*. 35Mt ohmcm or less and the sorface ten&m of tbc solution due to the wetting agent shall k 30 dynes/cm or less. The tcmpcraturc of Ik module and tk solution shall k 22 f 3°C. The inxulation rcsistsnce is meawed ktwcn the shorted output tenninationc and the solution by applying a voltage of 500 V DC (such ax a Mepgcr) in each polsrity. The test prowdwc. is as follows: Apply the test voltage and record the wet insulation rcsistarwe aher 2 min for each edge of rk mcdule. bnmcrsc lk side with tk lowest wet inwlatinn resistance. apply the lest voltage, and thoroughly wet all exposed surfaces of Ik module for spproximately 10 s. psrticularly the elcchicsl-termination mea. using a handkld spray containing Ibe same solution. Record tk insulation ndstsncc reading afkr 2 min. (Note: All wiring connections should k rcpmscntative of ck raommcndcd field wiring installation: mwrc that leakage cuncntv arc not originating from any instrumentation wiring attached to the module. Terminstiom and terminal boxes shall be maintained at least 127 mm (0.5 in.) above the solution level but shall be thoroughly wetted with Ik spray.) All resistance mcasurcmcnts shall exceed IO0 megohms as measured with a suitable high-impcdsnce ohmmeter (McgohmmcIcr or Meggcr). 4.6 Thermal-Cvcle Test The pqmsc of the thermal cycle test is to dctcnninc whcthcr test modules have adqunte resistance to failure resulting horn diffcrcntisl thermal expertvim of component parts mrd bonding materials. the 4.4 Imulation-Rcvistance The nf this &I is to cvaluatc tk module’s &ctrkal insulation system rmdcr wet operating conditions and to verify that moburc cawed by rain, fog. dew, or melted sno’u will not enter tk active portions of the module Tcsl Each module having cxpoxcd cxkrnal conductive surfacc.o (i.e., frame, btrttcturd mcmkm or edge cnclnwrcs) shall k tested to verify that ckctrical continuity exists between all such surfaces and the me&k frame or grnunding point. lvlodulex that use direct attachment to the array stmcturc lo obtain grounding shall k tested after assembly to a suitable simulated panel and army moonting hwnc. A current of twice tk sbort&cuit current rating of the module shall k applied hctwccn tk grounding pnint and each accessible cnnductivc part unda test. The resistance shall k computed by measuring the voltage drop klwccn the grounding point and a point on the cmulucIive surface within 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) of the point of current injection. The resistance shall k 0.1 ohm or lcsv. Wet Test modula shall k subjected to tha thermal cycles in rcordance with prolllc illustrated ln Plgum 2 showing the module tcmprxaturc varying ktwccn 40°C and 90°C. lltc tcmpcrstw shall vary approximately linearly with time at a rate not exceeding lZOYZ/b and whh a pcdod not greater thsn 6 h&le. The modules shall k instmmcntcd and monitored thrcughoot the test lo detect *try open circuits or ground faults during the lest. Tha modules shall not have exhibltcd cithcr of these conditions during tbs text. Prcoau6ons should k taken to avoid condcnration on the apccimat during the test. (l%le: An air vent throogh s contsincr of silica gel will aid ln reducing moixmrc concentration in the cnvirmuncntal test chamber.) At the end of .SO cyclec. the test shall k rtoppcd and visual htspcclion and electrical-perfotmance tests shall k performed on all four modules in accordance with Sections 3.2.5 end 3.26. rcspcctively. If all modules pass. two moduks shall k transferred to the humidity-fen cycle test as shown ln the lest squcnce (Pigum I). and tk remaining two modules shall undergo an sddilirmal I SO 1krmnl cycles of expowrc. *Surfactantr such as Triton X-RIO (Robm and Ham Company) or its quivrlcnt A 0.1% solution of Trilon X-1013 in trp waler is may k used for this &I. currently king used. (Tests conducted at IPL have indicated that a surface tmsion of 30 dynes/cm provides adquatc wetting condi1ions.) Tbc mcdule should k thoroughly rimed after the test. 19-4 At least 10 of tk test moduler’ most scmitive points shall k sclccted for impact. The candidate points selected should include (when spplicahle) the following: Center p&Ix of cells: comers and edges of Ihe module: pointfs) dircclly near bypnqs diode(s). if installed; and soldcrcd or bonded metsllic intcrconncc@ ktwccn cells. if present. Errnr~ of up IO 13 mm (0-S in.) in tk locstion of a hit are accep(nhle. Either pneumatic CR spring~acIuatcd guns for projecting the ice halls againd the modules are acceptable. Ice-hall velocity at impact mud k conbolted to within f ~5% of the spccificd velmify. and the rcgiwd haiknne deviation in dinmelcr shall k less than f 3 mm (0.125 in.). The ice halls shall k cooled to -IO f 2°C as measured in the compartment where they are stora-l. The module rhall k supported in a manner representative of that used for actual installation of the module in tk any. Note Ihat ice kllx arc tk only acccptahle hailntonc simularion. Steel balls. for example. shall not k uxcd. Resistance of Photovoltaic Solar Panels to Simulated Hail, JPL S 101-62 18). descriks techniqun and equipment suitable for pcrlormancc of this lest. Figure 2. Mndulc Tcmperafurc Vsrlatlnn During the Thermal Cycle Tesl (A shorter cycle time is acccpIxble if lM”C/h maximum time ix not exceedcd. The Chamkr may k opcmd at 2%cycle intervals for visual inspection.) 4.7 Humi&-Frecm Cycle 4.10 modules shall k SuhjccIed IO tk humidity-lrccr.. cycle Nonplasr ex,crinr surfaces of the module shall k suhjccted lo the cut tcc1 in paragraphs 23.1 through 23.3 of UL Standard 1703 131. Drawing of the tool illustrated on page 21 of tk UL Stnndrrd 1703 shall k as dc.scrikd in paragraph 23.2 except that three passes shall k made across each surface and nt leaa two of these paws shall k owr the tops of grid lines, cell edges. cell interconncctr. bus krs, and similar nonhomogcncour areas. IesI in-actor- saturate and condense at lower temperatures. The modules shall k inrtrumcnted and monitored throughout the Tess 10 detect any open eircuitx or ground faulta during tk Iec(. The modules shall not have exhibkd e&r of thexe conditions during Ihe test. Twenty cycles shall k performed. A risk of electric shock exists if the hlade of tk tool comactx a pati involving a risk of electric shock or if such a pars is rendered accexcihic (hancitory or pcrmsnen~) ax a result of the placement of Ik blade on or Ihe drawing of the blade across tk surface. 4.11 Electrical-Isolation The 3. hlndale Text Tcmperrture Vnrlslion During pupose Test (Wet of this Mechanical-Loading the Ilomldlty-Freeze 4.12 Bwssn-Diode The modules shall de~st any open circuits exhibited 4.9 Hail-lmpacl Tlw loading k insIrumenlcd or ground faults of these conditions and monitored during the test. during isolation of tk PV circuit k observed during the text, and then shall k no signs The leakage cuncnl shall k less than .SO pA. Ik to tk test module subjected to normal traveling at a terminal Test The purpose of this test is to awes 1he thermal design adequacy snd relstive long-term reliability of byFarr diodes used to limit Ihe detrimental effects of module hot-spot suaeplihilily. Thix test is required only if bypass diode(r) sre part of the module conxtroction. of (1) establishing (he diode’s characteristic curve (voltngc drop vemus junction temperature); (2) meamring the diode junction voltage drop under simulntcd 125 mW/cm’, 40°C ambient condition% and (3) converting the voltage drop to the junction tcmpcrahne wing the established characteristic curve. The test procedure consiix~s of the following three xIep in the order given: lent. (if any) k Thermal The procedure iq based on mcasurlng the diode’s junction tsmpcranwe. in situ, in its undisturbed proposed field mounting configuration, using Ihe diode’s forwant-voltage--v~s-te~aturr as the measuring parameter. It conricts Throughout the lest lo The modules shall not Test Purpose of this lest it to asxess damage hail impact. l’bc modules shall with (l-in.) diamctn ice balls m/s (52 mph). a simslatcd of 23.2 either elcchical Test The purpose of this IC~I ix to cnwre that the test modules can withstand a wind gurt losding of 30 lh/ft’. Modules shall k subjected to a dynamic wind loading tcs( acing IO,flfXJ cycles of front and hack surface loading with a load of 30 Ih/ft’ according to UL Standard 1703, Section 3g 131 and Cyclic PressureLoad Developmcnlal Testing for Solar Panels. JPL 5101-19 (7). The cycle rate shall not exceed 20 cycleslmin. have Hi-Do@ text is to ensure horn my externally exposed conductive parts when the module is wet. The test shall k performed hy dipping each edge of tk test module inlo a welting agent and wster solution in a trough. The solution used for thh test shall k tk same solution used in the wet insulatim-resistance test. The connation or junction box, if any, zhali not k submerged. The front and back of the module shall k sprayed with the wetting solution (Note: The module shall k Ihormrghly wcI). A vollage equal to twice Ihe system voltage plus lo0 V DC shall k applied II a rate not to exceed SO0 V/s up to the tcsI voltage and then kld at the required text voltage for 1 minute in each polarity ktwan tk shorIed leads ol the module and the metal frame of the moduk. In the case of a plastic frame or no frame. the applied voltnge shsll k between the shorted lerminalx and an aluminum foil wrapped around the submcrgcd edge of the test mndulep a metal plate submerged in the liquid. Each module edge shall k submerged in the liquid in mm snd the lent repeated. The module shall of arcing OT flssh-over. 4.8 Test descrikd dance with tk profile il!ustraIed in Figure 3 showing that tk humidity is controlled to RS f 2.5% relative when the temperature is 85°C and allowed to FIgwe Cydc SuxceptibiliIy The purpose of thix @I is 10 ensure that the test modules shall k capable of withntxnding the applitatinn of a sharp objet: drawn acron its nonglnrr sorhccx (front and hack) without creating a risk of electrical shock. Tcsl The purpoxc of rk humidily-frcen cycle test is IO determine whctha lest modules have ndqaate rcsis~ance IO the dcnimental effcc~s of humidity. condcnsalion, and freezing and the rcwltant humidity-induced expansion of materials. Tea Surface-Cut after impact velocity I. 19-5 Determine acteristic the diode cutve for rotward-voltage drop versus junction-tnnperature charconss~an~ meaxuremcnt current by placing Ihe a chosen mnduk/diodc acccmhly in an oven. Afln achieving temperslure stability of the diode juncIion. mcawrc the diode forward-voltsge drop st three oven tcmyrahrm (approximately 47.70. lrnd IIXPC). The meaauremcnt current I, (typically Sll to 100 mA). rhould k selected to provide a good linear rrsponce with tcmpcrature (i.e.. not to heal Ik junction significantly) and k aI lesct Iwo orders of magnitude ahove module kaksgC current (with PV ccllc in darknew). Once sckctcd. I* mutt k kept identical (f I’%) for all junction-vollage mranrrcmmtr. Thiq is most easily implenrcnlcd wing an acmrsIc con*tanI-currcnt power cupply. Accurately measure the tcmppraIure of tk module/diode nsccmhly (at lk actual time tk vollagc mmsurcmmt is made) using a thermocouple actached in the proximity nf the diode. However, do not distnrh tk Ihennnl/mcchanicsl properties of the diode or its heat-transfer paths. Plot the measured IcmpcraIure of Ik module/dink diode jnncGon vnl~rgc: a lincsr response should thcrmncouple he achieved against The lest mnhrle sf nllocnted in Section 35.2 chsll undnpo tk hot tp1 endurance test m dctcrikd in rcfcrcncc 141. This approach is “intm&e” in nawre and thus rquirer Ik L&ication of s xpccirlly built Ied module wui!h leads brought ouI for scccwing individual celk. The moduie completion ol of dcgradatinn cell cracking, idcntificd. If xtring may hc A nnninImsivc hoI-cpoI endurance Icd it mrrcntly under dcvelopmmI hy the International Elecchotechnical Commission (lEC), PV Energy Systems Technical Committee TC-82. When adnptcd and published hy tk IEC. this approach will k evaluated and concidcred for inclusinn in the rcvkcd vcrxion of this document as an alIcmaIe IO tk inImrive sppmach descrikd in reference (4). the ACKNOWLElXMENT 2. Dckrmine the diode junction voltage drop hy covering tk module IO prcveuI ilhrmination of Ihe solar cells. m otherwise Prevent pholovoltaically gcrmrrtcd voltagw and currents from king impressed on tk bypass diode. Using an infrmcd (IR) rndiant heater, heat the normally unlit aurracc of the morhde or dindc mnunt to 3S”C shove rnnm IempcraIurc; Ihis simulntes the typical Iempcrnmre rice shove ambient atsociatcd with an inadiame level of 100 mW/cm’. Alter the module and diode reach thermal equilibrium. apply a Iec( currcm to the dinde equal to 1.2s rimes the shortcircuit currcn~ of the module nt IO0 mW/cm’ it-radiance. Maintain lhc IR henting &wing the current application. The authors wish to express appreciation for the manuxcriPI review and helphd supgcdionx provided by tk pholovoltaic community at large, with special thanks IO William Bottenkrg (ARC0 Solar Im.), Joxqh Burdick (ECD/Sovonicr), Rokrt D’Aicllo (Solarex Cotp.). Madeleine lohnxm (Chranar Corp.). Ronald Rw (Jet Propulsion Laboratory). Michael SIcm (7JIiliIy Power C,roup). Walt StolIe (Bechtcl National Inc.). and Micharl Thomas (Sandia National Labnratnies) for as+Iing in the development and detailed reviews of initinl draft manuxcriptr. This work wax pcrformcd under Contract No. DEACOZ-83CHlIXI93 In tk U.S. Dcpartmcnt of Energy. After the diode n-aches thermal cquilihriom (spproximately 05 h for diodes inkgral IO tk module), instantaneously (cil.5 x) replace tk tect currmt (1.25 x Iw) with lm and immediately meawrc ~he dindc forward voltage drop. Wpurc 4 show% the ted circuil for measuring tk hyparrdiodc voltage drop. (Note: volIngc and cuncnt indrumcnIation should provi& accuracy lo three or four placn: we a faa-acling switch to remove tk high teat cumnt and pats I, Ihrmrgh the diode.) 3. REFERENCFZS I. IEEE Recommended ANSl/lEEE Standard Electronics Engines 2. Block V Solar Cell Load Applications. Lakratory. 3. UndcrwriIcr’a Labnratorics Inc.. August I. 1986, Standard la Safety Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panelr UL Standard 1703. 4. Interim f.&slification Tests and Procedures for Termstrial Plmtovoltaic Film Flat-Piale Modules, January 1990. SERl/TR-213-3624. Golden. Solar Energy Research InstiIute. Dctcrminc Ihe dinde junction temperature T, under 1.25 I current conditions using Ihc curve cctahlishcd in slcp I, and adjust T, from% previous step to correct fnr sn ambient tcmpersture of 40°C hy using tk folloting equation: T, ( 125 mW/cm’. 40°C) = T, + 40°C Thit is the cxpcctrd diode ambient field conditiom. junction T,,o, Iempcraturc under 125 mW/cm’. 40°C The pans/fail criterion Tar this test ix that the diode junction temperature compuIcd wing EqunGon I should nnI exceed 125°C for p-n silicon diodes or 75°C for Schottky diodcc. Flgtrrc 4.13 4. Teat Hot-Spol Clrcult Endurance for Menwring Bypaw-Diode Junction is cnnsidcrcd to have pawed the hn(-vpol endurance text if aI the this IctI. there ix no vicihk damn8e In Ik Ik module. Evidence (including delamination. outgasring or hlislcring of cncspwlsntc). mldcr melting. or olhcr defects rcwlting from this test should k module damage shnuld nccur. I diode or mnrc dindcq per rcricr rquirrd lo mitigate the hot-spot healing effccI. TemperrItrre Test The purport of this text is lo evahrale the ahility of a module to endure the long-Inm effeclr of periodic ho(-cpoI hesting associated with common fault conditions .xuch as xcvcrely cracked or miamntchcd cells. single-point op” circuit fnihwcr. or nnnonifnnn shadowing (prrlinl shadowing). 19-6 Criteria for Terrestrial 928-1986. New York: (IEEE). Module 1981. StrecIrai Standard Photovoltaic The Institute Pora Systems. of Electrical and Desian and Test Spccilication JPL SIOI-161. Paradcna. CA: for ThinCO: 5. Terre&al Solar m. ASTM and Mmrisls. Ii. Electrical Performance of Non-GmccntraIor Terre&al Photovoltaic Modules and Arrays Using Reference Cells, ASTM SIandanl E1036. New York: American Society ol Testing and Materials. 7. Cyclic 1979, 8. Resistance JPUSIOI-62, Pressure-Load JPUSIOI-19. irradiance Table al Air Mass E892. New York: American fm Intermediate JeI Propulsion Developmental Pasadena. CA: Tcstina for 1c1 Propulsion L5 for a 37” Tilled Society of Tnling Solar Panels. Laboratory. of Photovoltaic Solar Panels to Shmtlatcd l’asadena, CA: Jet Propulsion L&oratory. Hail. Fcbrumy Api1 l97b TJJE U.S. DOE/NREL R.L. Stafford, SILICON AMORPJIOIJS PJJOTOVOLTAICS PROGRAM W. I.uft, R. von Roedem, R. Crandall, and W.L. Wallace Nntiounl Rpncwable Energy Laboratory (Tom&y the Solar Energy Research Institute) 1617 Cole Blvd., tiolden. CO 80401, USA phone: 305231-IO(H); fax: 303-231-I 199 ABSTRACT This paper reviews the recent advances of the 1J.S. Department of Energy (DOE)/National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s (NREL) amorphous silicon photovoltaics program. Reseah conducted at universities, industry, and government laboratories is addressing the critical technological issues of increasing photovoltaic module reliability and improving the stabilized performance. Multijunction device structues have demonstrated higher stabilized efficiencies than those of singlejunction devices. In addition. novel deposition techniques and modifications to conventional deposition techniques have produced intrinsic amorphous films with improved stability that have not been fully realized in devices. Results are given for multijunction module performance after continuous 1000 hours of illumination at one-sun intensity and 50°C module temperature. These conditions are used as a predictor for stabilized performance. A new “Amorphous Silicon Utility/ Industry Power Project” has begun at NREL with a goal of deploying amorphous silicon photovoltaic power systems with improved stabilized performance over present systems. INTRODUCTJON Since the fast commercial amorphous silicon module was produced 7 years ago, the amorphous silicon technology has made pat progress -- especially in reducing the lightinduced degradation and improving the stabilized efficiency. The amorphous silicon photovoltaic technology has a significant market potential that will develop further as the knowledge base matures and the industrial base solidifies. In 1990. amorphous silicon photovoltaic shipments were 14.7 MW. repenting one-third of the world photovoltaic shipments totalling 46.5 MW (1). These shipments were primarily small cells for powering consumer electronics such as calculators and watches. Amorphous silicon modules currently on rhe market are priced comparable to crystalline silicon modules on a per Watt basis and have comparable warranty the development of this broad applications base for amorphous silicon materials is a result of the federal government-supported research for amorphous silicon materials and photovoltaic devices in the latter half of the 1970’s and the early 1980’s. Worldwide, there are approximately 20 companies pursuing amorphous silicon photovoltaic research and development and manufacturing activities. U.S. companies involved in amorphous silicon for PV applications are Advanced Photovoltaic Systems (APS); Energy Conversion Devices @CD); International Display Materials (IDM); Iowa Thin Film Technologies (ITFT); Solarex; Utility Power Group (UPG); and United Solar Systems Corporation (USSC), a joint venture of ECD and Canon. Since 1984, amorphous silicon modules have been installed in a number of demonstration systems throughout the world. Lessons learned from system characterization are that reliable module and system performance requires necessary manufacturing quality control, and proper module design and System performance has been observed to encapsulation. stabilize within the first six months of operation. Thereafter, reliable and predictable system performance has been obtained for several years in many systems. Utility-interconnected system tests are being conducted in collaboration with a number of electric utility companies, including Pacific Gas & Electric under the Photovoltaics for Utility Scale Applications (PVUSA) contract, Philadelphia Electric. Alabama Power, Detroit Edison, and Maui Electric (PVUSA). The biggest concern of system engineers is not the initial light-induced power loss but the low stabilized efficiency of these systems which results in higher balance-of-system costs compared to systems using more efficient modules. For market growth of amorphous silicon modules into the larger utility power sector, higher stabilized power outputs and lower costs are needed. PROGRAM ORGANIZATION The Amorphous Silicon Research Project (ASRP) at NREL has oversight for all research and development of amorphous silicon photovoltaics funded by the DOE. The primary objective is to develop the amorphous silicon photovoltaic technology to be a major contributor for the future needs of the utility power sector. Major components of the ASRP include internal research at NOEL and subcontracted research at universities, industry, and government laboratories. A new “Amorphous Silicon Utility/ Industry Power Project” has pXiOdS. Amorphous silicon photovoltaic products represent less than 10% of a much larger market which includes amorphous silicon materials used for thin film transistors in active matrix flat-plate displays, for electrophotographic drums in photocopier machines, and for optical sensors in facsimile machines. Total worldwide amorphous silicon product sales in 1990 are estimated at close to one billion dollars (2). The impetus for 20-l begun at NREL with a goal of deploying amorphous silicon photovoltaic power systems with improved stabilized performance over present systems. Awards for this project are expected soon. New three-year subcontracts wem s~nrtrd in 1991 for fundamental research on specific tnntcri:ll ml tievicr issues. Table 1 lists the major areas of research nltpportml by the ASRP, along with NREI, subcontractors. MODUJ,E DEVEIAWMENIS Because improvements in the stabilized efficiencies of amorphous silicon modules will result in more cost-effective systems, there has been a concerted effort by industry and NREL to improve the stabilized efficiencies. In 19841985, when commercial amorphous silicon modules were first introduced the stabilized module efficiencies were in the 2%4% range. By 1987-1988, the stabilized module efficiencies had improved to the 3%-S% range. In 1991, NREL measured stabilized efftciencies of modules (late 1990 vintage), both commercial and prototype, in the range of 64-74 (3). Fuji recently reported a prototype module with a stabililad efficiency of 8.5% (4). Demonstrating stabilized efficiencies PJREL INTWAL Silicon Projects at NREL AMORPHOUS SILICON RESEARCkJ Metastability Hot Wire Deposition Process Device Fabrication and Engineering Low Bandgap a-SiGe:H Alloys Solicitation released in March expected in Fall of 1991. GOVE-NDUSTRY Solarex (Catalano) USSC (Guha) One other company 1991. Initial module efficiency is not a reliable indicator of expected long-term performance. consequently it is no longer used to measure research and development progress. The ASRP now reports stabilized module and cell efficiencies. Module and cell performance after continuous 600 to 1000 hours of illumination at one-sun intensity and 50°C module temperature is used as a predictor for stabilized performance. Table 2 summarizes stabilized performance of diffennt modules measured at NREL. NREL published “Interim Qualification Tests and Procedures for Terrestrial Photovoitaic Thin-Film Flat-Plate Modules” to evaluate thin-film modules intended for power generation applications (5). The term “interim” is used because thin-film module design and cell material technologies are undergoing evolutionary changes in their development. The tests and procedures will be revised in the future to incorporate the latest information on failure mechanisms and the rtlationships between accelerated tests and field reliability. Current understanding of failure and degradation mechanisms and the relationship between accelerated tests and field reliability is not sufficient to allow accurate estimation of life-expectancy. Acceptable results from these tests should provide reasonable assurance that the modules will perform reliably in the field but for an unspecified period of time. Also, the test and evaluation procedures provide a common approach for conducting qualification tests. commercial and prototype modules with of 8% and 10%. respectively, in two TABLE 1. Amorphous years seems achievable. These higher stabilized efficiencies will result from improving light management, using thinner intrinsic layers, and using different band gap multijunction device structures. Improved light management will result from less absorptive transparent conducting oxides, thinner and wider-band-gap p-layers, and highly reflective back metalizations. Multijunction device structures will be used with narrower-band-gap ceils using a-Si:H or a-SiGe:H alloys. Stahiiized module efficiencies of 8%-IO%, coupled with lower manufacturing costs, would lead to cost-effective systems and larger markets. Awards PROGRAM APS is developing their Eureka module (nominally 1.2 m2 in area) for the utility power market. The large size manufactured in high volumes and coupled with APSs innovative balance-of-system approach is expected to be costeffective for utility-scale systems. The module and system will be demonstrated in a 480-kW system at the Photovoltaics for Utility-Scale Applications (PVIJSA) site. The module design uses single-junction cells monolithically interconnected on a glass superstrate and is encapsulated with ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) and glass on the back side. NREL has measured the initial power output of one module at 77.8 W outdoors under prevailing conditions. Earlier, NREL had measured a different module with a power output of 50 W, APS reported that this module was stabilized by 130 days of outdoor exposure. under negotiations Colorado School of Mines (Williamson) Harvard (Gordon) Harvard (Paul) Institute of Energy Conversion (Baron) Iowa State University (Dalal) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Shing) National Inst. Standards & Technology (Gallagher) North Carolina State University (Lucovsky) Pennsylvania State University (Wronski, Collins): Syracuse University (Schiff) University of Illinois (Abelson) University of North Carolina (Silver) University of Oregon (Cohen) Xerox (Street) USSC is shipping same-bandgap (nominally 0.4 m2 in area) at a rated (stabilized) with a ten-year performance purchased 11 modules (Model # UPM-880) testing and evaluation. The average initial 20-2 tandem modules power of 22 W warranty. NOEL from USSC for aperture efficiency TABLE 2. Stabilized Efficiencies of a-SI Modules Measured at NREL l efficiency reported by Fuji has an aperture area of approximately 900 cm2. The first year of the program is concentrating on scaling the small-area cell technology to larger areas of around 900 cm2. of these modules is 7.0% measured outdoors under prwniling conditions. This average efficiency corresponds to an average initial power output of 26 W. Five modules have been placed outdoors at NREL under load to determine their stabilized performance. Four of the eleven are being subjected to thermal cycling and humidity-freeze cycling tests to assess the durability of commercially available modules. INTERNAL AND FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH Critical research issues for amorphous silicon photovoltaic technology include reducing or eliminating the metastability; improving low and high band gap materials for use in multijunction devices; understanding and controlling the deposition processes used; and understanding device issues related to interfaces, modeling, fabrication and performance. Progress in some of these areas is presented. Sohuex sells single-junction amorphous silicon modules (nominally 0.1 m2 in area) at a nominal power of 5 W with a five-year performance warranty. NREL purchased 15 Solarex modules (Model # SA-5) from a commercial vendor for testing and evaluation. The average initial aperture efficiency of these modules is 5.9% measured under a Spire simulator and is 6.2% when measured outdoors under prevailing conditions. These average efficiencies correspond to average initial power outputs of 5.6 and 5.8 W, respectively. Nine modules have been placed outdoors at NREL under load to determine their stabilized performance. Six of the fifteen am being subjected to thermal cycling and humidity-freeze cycling tests to assess the durability of commercially available modules. GOVERNMENT/INDU.STRY total area Modeline and Measurements of Metastability Stretched exponential curves are used frequently to describe the degradation of films and devices because the degradation, in one way or another, is a hierarchically constrained phenomenon. Mechanisms proposed that could lead to this behavior are silicon bond breaking balanced by thermal annealing (8), and charge trapping and recontiguration balanced by thermal annealing (9). McMahon observes quenched-in ESR center formation and annealing in ultra-highpurity a-Si:H (10). Although McMahon can analyze the data in terms of a simple two-level configuration coordinate systems, having a formation energy of 0.35 eV and an anneal barrier of 2.1 eV, additional measurements by McMahon show this simple picture to be incomplete. PROGRAM Solarex is developing triple-junction modules using an a-SiGe:H alloy for the bottom cell and an indium tin oxide (ITG)/silver back reflector. The goal is to demonstrate a module with 12% stabilized efficiency. The baseline module design uses a superstrate glass encapsulated by a spray-on polymer encapsulant, and has an aperture area of appmximately 900 cm2. NREL has measured the initial aperture efficiency of one of these modules at 9.3%. After 1000 hours of light soaking (1000 W/m2) at a module temperature of SOaC, NREL measured an average efficiency of 6.9% for three different The 22% power loss after 1000 hours of lightmodules. soaking results from the characteristic light-induced losses in the amorphous silicon materials and also from light induced shunts related to module processing conditions of the ITO/silver back contact (6). Modules using lower-reflectivity aluminum hack metalization have only a 15% power loss and do not show any losses from light-induced shunts. von Roedem reports photocurrents and minority carrier diffusion lengths measured on one sample that degraded at This different rates and on different time scales (11). observation is inconsistent with models of a single defect level. While significant pmgress has been made in reducing the metastability using simplified models as guides, it is clear that the next level of progress will result from more comprehensive The models consistent with ail experimental observations. presence of charge-trapping defects and changes in the amount of trapped charge is experimentally established in amorphous silicon films. The discussion within the research community needs to focus on the density of charge-trapping defects and their effect on stabilized device performance. USSC is developing triple-junction modules using an aSiGe:H alloy for the bottom cell based on ECD’s earlier cell developments of >13% initial efficiency (7). The goal is to demonstrate a module with 12% stabilized efficiency. The baseline module design uses a flexible stainless-steel substrate with a Ag/ZnO back-reflector encapsulated by EVcVTefzel. and Accelerated light-soaking is a quick method to reach a stabilized state in a-Si:H films and devices. The challenge is interpreting the results and keeping the sample temperature constant. Clearly, degradation of a device efficiency by 80% m-3 under 100 suns intensity does not represent a clrgratintion 104s that will be observed under normal operating conditions at onesun intensity. Raising the temperature of the device while using high-intensity illumination can empirically estnhlish only a singular point of equivalence (12). Solarex prcsscntcd n srlfconsistent model for high intensity light-soaking of single junction devices assuming only neutral defects in the intrinsic layer and stretched-exponential kinetics (13). 1lowever, much more must be done to reliably use accelerated liphr-soaking as a predictor of solar cell performance in the field. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many researchers have established relationships, but not cause and effect, between metastnbility and hydrogen content or motion. Xerox has published experimental evidence for light-enhanced hydrogen diffusion in a-Si:H films at 175OC and above (14). The enhancement is attributed to an increased release rate of hydrogen from silicon-hydrogen bonds in the presence of photo-generated carriers. Deoosition amorphous silicon technology as a viable photovctlnic option (18). USSC has upgraded its production line and is se!!ing a significantly improved module. Solarex is developing a iOMW/yr multijunction pilot-production line for larger modules. 17T;T is producing flexible and lightweight amorphous silicon modules on 13-inch-wide rolls of polymer. Research and development supported by DGE/NREL will be continually inctwporatrd into newer modules resulting in improved efficiencies, increased reliability, and lower costs. This work is performed under Contract No. DE-ACOZ83CH 10093 to the U.S. Department of Energy. REFERENCES P. Maycock, Studies PV News. Vol. 10. No. 2. February 1991. A. Madan, private Modifications of the conventional deposition method of plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) are being investigated to reduce hydrogen content in a-Si:H for improved stability. Increasing the deposition temperature above 250°C and increasing the dilution of silane with hydrogen results in limited success in reducing the stabilized defect densities of films. communication. W. Luft, B. von Roedem, B. Stafford, D. Waddington, L. Mrig, “Controlled Light-Soaking Experiment for Amorphous Silicon Modules,” this proceeding. Also, alternative deposition methods such as electron cyclotron resonance PECVD (ECR-PECVD) (15) and hot-wire assisted CVD (HW) (16,17) have produced films with apparent improved stability. The HW films are remarkable in that the hydrogen content ranges from 1% to 4%, and they have more and larger voids, as determined by small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS), than those of conventional PECVD films. Generally voids are considered detrimental and researchers try to reduce the density and size of voids. The best low hydrogen content HW films with good pmperties required deposition temperatures above 4OO’C. Plans are under way to incorporate these films in devices. All of these films, deposited by conventional or alternative deposition methods, have been reported with improved stability; but the films still must be incorporated into device structures for full verification of improved stability. The amorphous silicon research community is hindered by an incomplete understanding of what material properties are necessary and sufficient for improving the stabilized device performance. The most progress in improved stabilized device performance has been made primarily by reducing the intrinsic layer thickness and improving the optical light trapping of the device. SUMMARY Significant progress has been made in improving the stabilized efficiency of amorphous silicon modules. Private sector announcements and commitments reflect confidence in 20-4 4. Hiroshi Sakai and Yukimi Ichikawa, presented at 14th ICAS, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, FRG, 19-23 August 1991, J. Non. Crvst. Solids. in press. .5. R. DeBlasio, L. Mrig. D. Waddington, “interim Qualification Tests and Procedures for Terrestrial Photovoltaic Thin-Film Flat-Plate Modules,” SERIIIR213-3624, Golden. Colorado: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (formerly Solar Energy Research Institute), January 1990. 6. M. Bennett, J. Newton. C. Poplawski, K. Rajan, “Jmpact of Defects on the Performance of High Efficiency 12” x 13” a-Si Based Three-Junction Modules,” this proceeding. 7. S. Guha, “Research on High-Efficiency, Multiple-Gap, Multi-Junction Amorphous Silicon-Based Alloy ThinSERlIIP-21 l-3918, Golden, Film Solar Cells,” Colorado: National Renewable Energy L&oratory (formerly Solar Energy Research Institute), August 1990. 8. R. A. Street. AIP Conf. Proc., 234, 1991, p. 21. 9. Howard M. Branz, Richard S. Crandall, AJP Conf. Pmt., 234, 1991. p. 29. IO. T. J. McMahon, 11. B. von Roedem, unpublished. Similar results are reported by E. Sauvain. J. Hubin, A. Shah, P. Pipoz, Phil. Map. Letts. 63. 1991, p. 327. Marvin Silver, AJP Conf. Pmt., 234. 1991. p. 83. 2. T. Tonon. X. Li. A. E. Delnhoy, AIP d-.-L,C’onf I’roc 1991, p. 259. 3. Liat;g-fan Chen and Liyou Yang. prrsrnlrti at 1~1th ICAS, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, FR(;. 1Q.L.I Attpw~ 1991, J. Non. Cwt. Sulids, in press. 14. 15. 221, P. V. Santos, C. Dobnd. N. M. Jtd~nsc~, R. A. Strcrt. ptesented at 14th ICAS, Garmisch-Wrteukircbm, FRG. 19-23 August 1991, J. Non. Crwt. Solids, in press. Vikram L. Dalal, Ralph Knox, Greg RaIdwin, N. Kandalaft. “Growth and Pmpenies of Amorphous Silicon Films Grown Using Pulsed-Flow Reactive Ream Epitaxy,” this proceeding. 20-s 16. A. l-1. Mahan and M. Vanecek, AIP Conf. hoc., 234. 1991. p. 195. 17. A. H. Mahan. Y. Chen. D. L. Williamson. G. D. presented at 14th ICAS, GarmischMmney. Partenkirchcn, FRG, 19-23 August 1991.1. Non. Cwst. Solids in press. d* 18. D. Carlson, “Markets, Manufacturing, and Technical Progress in Amorphous Silicon in the U.S.,” this .. prnceeding, EFFECTS OF HELIUM DILUTION ON GLOW DISCHARGE DEPOSITIONS OF a-Si,$e,:H ALLOYS Y.S. Tsuo, Y. Xu. 1. Balberg*, and Richard S. Crandall National Renewable Energy Laboratory (Formerly the Solar Energy Research Institute) Golden, Colorado, U.S.A. l Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University Jerusalem, Israel ABSTRACT We have studied the effects of helium feed gas dilution on the properties of a-Sit-xGe,:H alloys deposited using radio-frequency glow discharge decomposition of silane and germane gas mixtures. Comparing a-Sit-xGex:H films deposited using 65% helium dilution with films deposited using 65% hydrogen dilution, we find that films deposited with helium dilution have a longer charge carrier diffusion length and higher quantum efficiency-mobility-lifetime product values. We also find that the incorporation of Ge atoms in the a-Sit-xGe,:H film is more efficient with helium dilution than with hydrogen dilution. INTRODUCTION The development of multiple-junction solar cells is important for improving the conversion efficiency and stability of amorphous-silicon-based photovoltaic modules. Although the “same-band-gap” a-Si:H/a-Si:H tandem cell approach has achieved high efficiency and stability (I), such cells have limited potential for further improvements in cell efficiency because of insufficient light absorption. To further improve the efficiency of amorphous silicon multijunction cells, we need to develop highquality, low-band-gap alloy materials. So far, only a-Sit-xGex:H (a-SiGe:H) alloys have achieved high enough quality to be used in multijunctiotr cell However, problems. such as preferential ~struiiures. attachment of H to Si rather than to Ge and poor microstructure, limit the electronic property of a-SiGe:H alloys. Electronic properties of a-SiGe:H deteriorate rapidly when the Ge content is increased beyond 40 at.% and when the optical band gap, Eg, is less than 1.5 eV (2,3). Methods of improving the quality of glow-dischargedeposited a-SiGezH that have been studied recently include increasing the substrate temperature (4), hydrogen dilution of the feed gas mixture (4-S), argon dilution of the feed gas. I 21-1 Increasing the ’ mixture (2). and pulsed discharge (9). substrate temperature by about 50°C above the normal deposition temperature of a-Si:H usually can improve the photoelectronic properties of a-SiGe:H (4). Tsuo et al. (4) observed no significant improvements of the transport properties of a-SiGe:H with up to 83% hydrogen dilution of feed gas mixtures of SiH4 and GeH4. They also noted that the film deposition rate decreases rapidly when the hydrogen dilution ratio is above about 50% because of feed gas depletion. Crandall et at. (10) observed increased disorder in the microstructure of a-SiGe:H films deposited with hydrogen dilution. Godet et al. (8) observed reduced disorder but no improvements of the transport properties of a-Ge:H with 99% hydrogen dilution. However, Bennett et al. (7) observed not only improved diffusion length but also better photostability in a-SiGe:H alloys deposited with hydrogen dilution. Argon dilution was observed to be detrimental to electrical propenies of a-SiGe:H (2.4). A major advantage of plasma deposition of thin films is that it is a product of simultaneous etching and deposition. It is believed that the etching process during deposition preferentially removes weak bonds during film growth. However, radio frequency (RF)-generated hydrogen plasma does not etch a-&H whereas it etches a-Si:H at about 2 nm/min. The lack of hydrogen plasma etching of deposited germanium atoms may be a major reason for the poor microstructure of glow-discharge-deposited a-Ge:H and a-SiGe:H. It is well known that hydrogen dilution of the feed gas does not have significant effects on the film properties of a-Si:H (11). This is probably because in the glow-discharge of SiH4, there is already an abundance of hydrogen in the plasma even without hydrogen dilution. ‘Physical sputtering by ions in the&ma may also affect film properties. Argon dilution causes too much sputter damage and is detrimental to a-Si:H and a-SiGe:H film properties (4,ll). Helium dilution may provide the right amount of sputtering to be beneficial to a-SiGezH film properties. In this paper, we report our study of the effects of helium dilution on the properties of a-SiGe:H deposited using glow discharge decomposition of SiH4 and GeH4 feed gas mixtures. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE All a-SiGe:H samples used in this study were deposited in a RF glow-discharge deposition system with a single-chamber reactor, which has a base vacuum better than 1 x IO-* ton; and a load-lock vacuum chamber. The electrode spacing between the 2.5-in-diameter round electrodes is 1.2 cm. This electrode spacing should be small enough to avoid the problems caused by Ge clustering in the dark space of the plasma (9). The sample substrate is placed on the unpowered electrode during deposition. The substrate temperature during deposition is 270°C. which is calibrated using a 0.005-in.-diameter thermocouple attached to a film surface with the process gas flowing so that the temperature is close to the actual film temperature during deposition. The combined flow rate of SiH4 and GelI is about 32 seem and the flow rate of the diluent gas, either He or H,, is 60 seem. We use this dilution ratio of 65% for both He and H, for a fair comparison of the effects of these two diluents. The deposition rate for He-diluted gas mixtures varied from 0.254 rim/s for a film with E = 1.59 eV to 0.444 IX/S for a film with E = 1.26 eV. he total gas pressure during deposition is Of8 torr. The RF power density used is slightly above that needed to maintain the plasma, which is about 20 mW/cm? All the films studied have a thickness between 500 and 700 nm. 1.3 1.4 1.5 Oplicd Figure 1 1.6 Ihd Gap 1.7 (eV) Quantum efficiency-mobility-lifetime measured using 600-nm wavelength function of optical band gap for films RF-glow-discharge-deposited dilution and with Hz dilution of GeH4. product, light, as a a-SiGe:H with He SiH4 and n a RESULTS AND DISCUSSION H l m :;I_-‘- The values of the quantum efficiency-mobility-lifetime (rjp~) product, determined from photoconductivity measurements using 600-nm wavelength light, for a-SiGe:H films deposited with 65% He dilution and with 65% Hz dilution are shown in Figure 1 as a function of the optical band gap. The ambipolar diffusion length (Ld), as determined by the steady-state photocarrier grating technique (12). for a-SiGe:H films deposited with 65% He dilution and with 65% Hz dilution are shown in Figure 2, also as a function of band gap. Films deposited with He dilution show notably higher qjts and Ld values than films deposited with H, dilution. However, the photoconductivity, measured with a 100 mW/cm’ unfiltered ELH lamp illumination, and dark conductivity values of these two types of films are similar, as shown in Figure 3. We also note that, for films deposited with the same GeH4 gas concentration, films deposited with He dilution have a lower optical band gap than films deposited with Hz dilution. Figure 4 shows Eg as a function of GeH4 concentration in the feed gas for films deposited with 65% He dilution and films deposited with 65% H, dilution. This difference in Es is caused mainly by the difference in the Ge content of the films ([Gel). The Ge concentrations in the. 21-2 sool- -1 I 1 I 1.4 1.5 1.6 Optiral Figure 2 Itand Cap Ambipolar diffusion optical band gap for discharge-deposited Hz dilution of SiH4 I 1.7 (eV) length as a function of a-SiGe:H films RF-glowwith He dilution and with and GeH4. film, determined by electron microprobe analysis, for films deposited with He dilution and films deposited with Hz dilution are shown in Figure 5 as a function of GeH4 gas concentration in the feed gas mixture. This means that less GeH4 gas is needed to deposit a-SiGe:H films with a given band gap for He dilution than for Hz dilution. Since GiH, costs much more than SiH4, He dilution may be an important cost reduction method. In addition to a-SiGe:H, we also studied $e differences between a-&H films deposited with He dilution and with H, dilution. For an a-Ge:H film with E = 0.98 eV, deposited at 270°C with a 3-seem GeH, flow, a 81O-seem 1.2 - nD>L-“w I I h----v 1.35 1 .&I 1.45 <)pticrl Figure 3 1.50 nand 1.55 Gap 1.60 1.0 - I 1.65 0.8b I I 0 20 40 I 60 I 80 I 100 1 120 [GeJJ4/(GeJI4+SiJJ4)] (%) (CV) Photo- and dark conductivity values as a function of optical band gap for a-SiGe:H films RF-glow-discharge-deposited with He dilution and with Hz dilution of SiH4 and GeH,. Figure 4 Optical band gap as a function concentration in the feed gas for films RF-glow-discharge-deposited dilution and with Hz dilution of GeH4. of GeH4 a-SiGe:H with He SiH4 and He flow, a 0.68-torr total gas pressure, and a deposition rate of 0.142 rim/s,, the photoconductivity at 100 mW/cm2 is 8.79 x lV5 S/cm, and the dark conductivity is 6.86 x 10m5S/cm. This photo-to-dark conductivity ratio of 1.28 is the highest we have observed for a-Ge:H films. The highest photo- to dark conductivity ratio for a-&H films deposited by us using Hz dilution is 0.4. We believe the beneficial effects of helium dilution in q&t% L4. and [Gel come from the enhanced bombardments of the growing a-SiGezH film surface by helium ions. Film growth steps on the substrate consist of surface diffusion of deposition radicals and hydrogen elimination (11). The removal of weak, distorted bonds can be achieved by chemical etching or physicai sputtering. Because a hydrogen plasma etches Ge-Ge bonds less efficiently than Si-Si bonds, the added He ion bombardment in the case of helium dilution may assist the rearranging of Ge-Ge bonds at the growing film surface to lower energy contigurations. It is also possible that He ion bombardment enhances the surface mobility of Ge-containing radicals on the growing film Surface. The fact that He dilution increaseses the incorporation of Ge atoms in the deposited aSiGe:H film for a given germane gas concentration indicates that the ion bombardment-assisted rearrangements of Cie-Ge bonds also reducethe amomt of Ge atoms escaping ftom the growing film surface. These arguments of the benefits of enhanced ion bombardment are consistent with the results obtained by Paul et al. (13) &owing that a-GezH films with better microstructure were obtained when the substrate was on the powered elect&e, which has more ion bombardment, rather than the unpowered ekclrode in an RF glow discharge deposition. The poor quality of a&H and a-SiGezH films deposited with argon dilution of the feed gases may be due 20 40 60 80 100 120 (GeJJ4/(CeJJ4+SiJf4)I (%) Figure 5 Ge concentration in the film as a function of GeH4 concentration in the feed gas for aSiGezH films RF-glow-discharge-deposited with He dilution and with Hz dilution of SiH4 and GeH,. Lo excessive surface sputtering damages by the very heavy 5 argon ions. CONCLUSXONS Comparing a-SiGezH films deposited with 65% He dilution and with 65% Q dilution, we find that films deposited with He dilution of SiH4 and GeH4 have higher Rpr (measured using 6O&tm wavelength light) and L4 21-3 ‘values. In addition, He-dilution of the feed gas results in’ higher Ge concentration in the film than H2 dilution of the same feed gas mixture. We believe these beneficial effects of He dilution come from He ion bombardment of the growing film surface. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was performed under Contract No. DEACO2-83CHlOO93 to the U.S. Department of Energy and by the U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation. We thank Alice Mason of SERI for the electron microprobe analysis measurements. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Y. Ichikawa, S. Fujikake, T. Yoshida. T. Hama, and H. Sakai, Proc. 21st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conf., pp. 14751480 (1990). M. Stutzmann, R.A. Street, C.C. Tsai, J.B. Joyce, and S.E. Ready, J. Appl. Phys. &, 569 (1989). W. Luft. Appl. Phys. Comm. 2 43 (1989). Y.S. Tsuo, Y. Xu, E.A. Ramsay, R.S. Crandall, SJ. Salamon, I. Balberg, B.P. Nelson, Y. Xiao, and Y. Chen, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 219.769 (1991). A. Matsuda, M. Koyama. N. Ikuchi, Y. Jmanishi. and K. Tanaka, Japn. J. Appl. Phys. 25, L54 (1986). J. Wind, 9. Ktitz, V. Petrova-Koch, G. Miiller. and P.P. Deimel. J. Non-Crystal. Solids 114,531 (1989). A. Catalano, Proc: 21st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conf., pp. 36-40 (1990); and MS. Bennett, A.’ Catalano, K. Rajan, and R.R. Arya, hoc. 21st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conf., pp. 1653-1655 (1990). C. Godet, V. Chu, B. Equer, Y. Bouizem, L. Chahed, I. El Zawawi, M.L. Theye. S. Basrour. J.C. Bruyere, and J.P. Stoquert, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 192. pp. 163-168 (1990). T. Yoshida, H. Fujisawa. T. Hokaya, I. Ichikawa, and H. Sakai, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 219. 655 (1991). R.S. Crandall, Y.S. Tsuo, Y. Xu, A.H. Mahan, D.L. Williamson, Solar Cells, a 15 (1991). W. Lufi and Y.S. Tsuo, Appl. Phys. Comm. & 1 (1988). I. BaIberg, A.E. Delahoy, and H.A. Weakliem, Appl. Phys. Lea. a 992 (1988). W. Paul, SJ. Jones, F.C. Marques, D. Pang, W.A. Turner, A.E. Wetsel, P. Wickboldt, and J.H. Chen, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 219. 211 (1991). 21-4 mm T.A . Gessert, X. Li, and T.J. Coutts National Renewable Energy Laboratory Golden, Colorado 80401 (Formerly the Solar Energy ResearchInstitute) N. Tzafaras AT&T Microelectronics Reading, Pennsylvania, 19612 ABSTRACT This paper presents and discusses the pmcedures used in this pilot production of 4cm2 ITO/InP cells. The discussion includes analyses of the performance range of all production cells and device performance data of the best cells produced so far. Additionally, processing experience gained from the production of these cells is discussed, indicating other issues that may be encountered when larger-scale productions are initiated. The paper also presents the presently available information concerning another 4-cm2 ITO/InP solar cell that was launched on the UoSAT-5 satellite. This information describes the mounting of the cell into the flight “coupon,” and indicates performance changes after each mounting step. This paper presents the experimental results of a pilot production of 32 4-cm2 indium tin oxide (ITO)InP space solar cells. The discussion includes analysis of the device performance of the best cells produced as well as the performance range of all production cells. The experience gained from the production is discussed, indicating other issues that may be encountered when larger-scale productions are initiated. Finally, available data on a 4-cm2 ITOiInP cell that was flown on the recently-launched UoSAT-5 satellite is reported. INTRODUCTION InP homojunction solar cells have becomeimportant for spaceapplications in recent years becauseof the& combiiation of radiation resistance and high efficiency. Thus far, the highest reported efficiency has been achieved with epitaxially-grown cells (19.1% Air Mass Zero (AMO), NASA measurement, 4-cm2 cell, Spire Corporation) (1). However, the majority of the InP cells that have been used on actual spacecraft are produced by a simpler process of closed ampule diffusion, yielding cells with lower efficiencies (highest reported: 16.6% AMO, NASA measurement, 4-cm2 cell, Nippon Mining Company, Japan) (2). In comparison to these results of diffused-junction cells, remarkable performance and radiation hardness has been achieved with ITO/InP cells (17.0% AMO, SERI measurement, 0.1-cm2 cell) (3.4). In this latter cell design, the IT0 is sputter deposited onto an InP p- base, at room temperature, using either radio frequency (if) or direct current (dc) magnetron sputtering of an In203/Sn@ composite target. The sputter deposition process causes type conversion of the InP surface and forms a shallow-homojunction solar cell beneath a lowsheet-resistanceIT0 window. In addition to this technique’s relative simplicity, it has been shown that it can be easily scaled to produce large-area cells with respectable efficiencies (16.2% AMO, NASA measurement,4-cm2 cell). Since the results mentioned above indicate that the ITOAnP technology is nearing practicality, a pilot-production project has been completed in which 32 4-cm2 ITOAnP cells have been produced. Through this project, not only has a mote representative assessmentof the performance of largearea ITO/InP cells been established, but the previously assumedadvantages of production scale-up has been tested. This larger volume of cells has also created the opportunity to gain a better understanding of the effect of fabrication procedureson cell performance and has allowed several recently developed process improvements to be further optimized. These improvements include two-gun sputtering, premetallization plasma cleaning, and grid/mctallimtion optimization. EXPERIMENTAL . . abncatto Procedures Used for Ptlot-Productton cells The &erials and processes used for the pilot production of lTO/InP cells have been developed over many years of research and are discussed in several publications (5,6,7). However, to provide a benchmark of these evolving processes, they are outlined here. The InP substrates were supplied by AT&T Microelectronics (Reading, Pennsylvania), had carrier concentrations of 0.5-2.0 x 1016 cm-3 [Zn-doped, (100) orientation], and were supplied polished on the front side and chemically etched on the back side. Photoluminescence measurements of the as-received substrate material indicated bulk lifetimes very similar to those of other -1 ~10~6 (Zn-doped) materials used in previous research, demonstrating up to -10 nsec on unpassivated surfaces. The substrateswere cleaved by the vendor to 1 in. x 1 in. squares, on which was fabricated a single 4cm2 cell. Prior to junction formation, back surface metallization was performed. This multistep process involves the vacuum dewsition of 120 nm of AuBe (1 wt 8 Be) usine an ULTEK vacuum system, annealing at 380°C chemTca1 etching in concentrated NaOH, and electrochemical plating a thick layer of Au (1.5 urn, Aurovel UP24 Plating Processof Lea Ronal Inc.). Since the thickness uniformity of the AuBe vacuum deposition is not critical, up to eight substrateswere metallized at one time. Except for cleaning in organics after back contacting, no additional front surface preparation was performed before cell fabrication. The IT0 deposition was performed in the sameULTEK vacuum system using 2-in. planar US Guns in a sputter-up orientation with a source-to-substrate distance of -12 cm. The IT0 targets were purchased from KEMA (Gustine, Texas) and were 91 molar 46 In203 and 9 molar % St@. Earlier studies indicated that adding a small amount of H2 to the Ar sputtering gas substantially increased the open circuitvoltage (V,,) of the resultant solar cell (4). However, 22-1 continued sputtering of IT0 in this Hz-rich atmosphere progressively altered the target material, resulting in poor control of the optical and electrical properties. Thus, to provide greater compositional control of the IT0 Elm(s), two US Guns have recently been incorporated into the vacuum system. The fit gun deposits IT0 in an Ar/H2 atmosphere at a total pressure of -1 x lo-* torr, a partial pressureof HZ of -3.6 x 10-3torr, and a very slow deposition rate of -0.01 nm set-I. For the Ar/H2 deposition, the pressure is measured using a Granville-Phillips Convectron gauge. Since the optical transmission of this Hz-rich IT0 is poor, tne thickness of this layer is limited to 5 nm, as indicated by a crystal monitor. Once this first 5 nm of Hz-rich IT0 has been deposited, the shallow-homojunction formation is complete. However, to reduce the emitter sheet resistance and to form the first layer of a two-layer ITO/MgFz antireflection coating (ARC), an additional 55 nm of IT0 is deposited using the second US Gun source. For this deposition, an Ar/OZ/HZ ambient is used (“02~rich” ITO); the a and HZ partial pressures are adjusted to yield optimum electrical and optical properties. Both the Hz-rich and the @rich depositions are performed without breaking vacuum; however, due to thickness uniformity considerations for the IT0 ARC, only a single cell is produced per deposition. Following deposition, ellipsometry and four-point probe measurement are used to determine the IT0 thickness and sheet resistance, respectively. If the sheet resistance is found to be excessively high (1,000~40,000C&Q. the ITOcoated cell is placed in a Technics Planar Etch II plasma etching system and exposed to a pure-H2 plasma (200 mtorr HZ, 20 W, 2 min). This procedure reduces the sheet resistance of the IT0 to -600-800 R/o while still maintaining optical clarity. It is believed that this process removes excess 02 for the 1TO. thereby creating vacancy-related carriers (8). After IT0 deposition, top grid electrical contacts were patterned using an additive lift-off procedure involving chlorobenzene (9,lO). Following photolithography, but prior to metallization, the cells were plasma cleaned in the sameTechnics Planar Etch II systemalready mentioned (200 mtorr Ar, 100 W, 0.5 min). This promoted the adhesion of the the subsequent metallization. Metallization was performed in an electron-beam vacuum system and involved successive Cr/Pd/Ag layers of 80 nm, 40 nm, and 5 pm, respectively (11). This top grid contact is an optimum design which, in addition to very high aspect-ratio grid lines (5 l.rrn wide [minimum] and 5 pm thick), employed tapered bus bars and fingers. The grid also included two relatively large contact pads (2.0 mm x 0.8 mm each) and an interconnect between the pads, a design conforming to the requirements of semiautomatic mounting equipment currently used in the space industry (See Figure 1,a). After metallization lift-off in acetone and cleaning in Shipley 1112A photoresist remover, the active cell area was defined using photolithography and HCl chemical etching. Following cell definition, the second layer of the ARC was formed using resistively evaporated MgF2 (nominally 75 nm thick) (6). As a final process step before cell measurement,a postdeposition heat treatment (PDHT) at 125’C for 30 min is performed. This treatment increased the short-circuit current density (Jsc)of the cells by -2% without adversely affecting other device parameters. This PDHT was found to be necessary because currently used photolithographic processesare of lower temperature (~100°C) than those used in previous research (-12O’C). Thus, PDHT occurs automatically if higher-temperature photolithographic processing is used. Although the PDHT does add an additional step to the process, it also yields the opportunity to isolate and study an aspect of the ITO/InP cell fabrication that has not been previously observed. After fabrication, the cells were characterized using quantum efficiency measurements and light and dark current-voltage measurements using standardized methods (11). for IJoSAT-5 Although most of the fabrication procedures used for the cell flown on the UoSAT-5 satellite were identical to those used for the pilot-production project, somedifferences exist becausethe UoSAT cells were produced before the the pilot production. The fit of these is that the substrate material was purchased from Nippon Mining and had a carrier concentration specified at 2.6-2.7 x 10th cm-s. Additionally, becauseof photolithographic limitations (that were later resolved), the top grid design and metallization pattern was different. Most of these differences resulted from the fact that, although generally the sameline width and metallization stack was used, the Ag deposition thickness had to be limited to -1 pm. This necessitated the use of a central (tapered) bus bar, which was photolithographically redefined after the E-beam deposition and thickened with -20 pm of plated Au. These differences in grid configurations are illustrated in Figure 1,b. a) Pilot-Production Grid b) UoSAT 5 Grid T 1 2cm b---2cm + + 2cm -d Figure 1. Schematic plan view of grid design used on 4 cm2 ITO/InP solar cells. a) Grid design used for pilot-production project. Modeled losses of this grid am: Resistance -2.86, Shadowing -3.3%. yielding a total grid loss -6.1%. b) Grid design used on the ITO/InP cell flown on UoSAT-5 satellite. Modeled lossesof this grid are: Resistance-3.4%, Shadowing -4.2%, yielding a total grid loss of -7.6%. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Pilot N The project began with 38 l-in.2 InP substrates of the low-doping density range (low 1016 cm-j), and 20 substrates of the higher doping range (low lOI7 cm-j). At this time, all of the 10th cm-3 substrateshave been fabricated into solar cells, but only one cell has been fabricated for the 1017 cm-3 material. Thus, most of the results presented hem involve performance characteristicsof cells made on the 1016cm-3 material, although somepreliminary, yet insightful results from the cell made on the higher-doped material will also be discussed. Of the 38 (1016 cm-s) substrates, four were broken or damaged during back contacting procedures, one was broken during chemical etching, and one suffered grid adhesion loss. Shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3 is the range of demonstratedAM0 performancefor the remaining 32 cells (SERI AM0 Measurements). From these data, the average cell efficiency is determined to be 15.5% with a standard deviation of 0.35%. The highest cell performance obtained is 16.2% AM0 (NASA measurement). Dark I-V data analysis indicates that the cells demonstrate near-ideal characteristics, with a diode-ideality factor and reversesaturation current density of 1.02 and-1.1 x lo-l2 n&cm-*, respectively. 6 6 r6 @ 84 P As mentioned previously, the PDHT was found to increase the Jsc of the cells. However, as indicated by quantum efficiency analysis shown in Figure 4, the effect of the PDHT is not completely beneficial. Indeed, although during PDHT the central and short-wavelength response is enhanced, the long-wavelength response is noticeably reduced. A plausible explanation for this is that the PDHT tends to reduce the extent of type-conversion throughout the junction region, with the overall effect of shifting the effective depth of the sputter-formed junction nearer the surface. This is consistent with earlier observations, in which higher-temperature heat treatments (2OO’C) resulted not only in increased current density but in severely reduced Vcc (12). However, in this earlier work, a reduction in the long-wavelength quantum efficiency (QE) was not observed, probably because the substrates and processes used at that time resulted in a much poorer long-wavelength response. L a $4 $ d -8 g $2 t2 oPIou)tnlnm(D* CCC-L,-eC” 8) EMciancy g n 100.0 I I ” (W) b) V, OW 12 10 a 6 4 2 0 d) Fill Fador z t t! (56) C) J,(mA-cd) I 0.0 300 400 I 500 I I 600 700 800 900 1000 Wavelength (nm) Figure 2. Histograms illustrating the AM0 (1367 Wm-2) performance parametersof the 32 4cm2 ITO/InP cells fabricated during the pilot-production. a) Efficiency. b) Open;in-c;it voltage. c) Short-circuit current density. d) Fill Figure 4. External quantum efficiency of 4-cm2 ITO/InP cell. a) IT0 only. b) ITO/MgFz. c) ITO/MgFz & PDHT. Figure 3. AM0 performance characteristics of the 32 4-cm2 ITO/InP solar cells as a function of fabrication experience. Note that the only performance parameter that indicates a slight progressive improvement is the V,. Shown in Figure 5 is the light current-voltage characteristics of one of the two best 4-cm2 cells made on the 1016 cm-3 material, demonstrating an AM0 efficiency of 16.2% (NASA measurement). By comparing these data with those taken from the best (bulk) small-area cell produced (16.5% AMO, 0.1 cm*, SERI measurement), one notes that the Jsc and the FF values are nearly identical (13). This not only suggests that the junction-formation mechanism is spatially very uniform, but also that the grid design/metallization are nearly optimal for this 4-cm2 cell. Only the Voc is lower (by -10-20 mV) than that previously measured on the best smaller ITO/InP cells made from previously used bulk material. At present, the reason for this is not apparent. Past observations from these ITO/InP cells have indicated a trend of decreasing V, with increasing substrate doping (i.e., increasing NA) (13.14). However, the recent results from the cell fabricated on the 1017cm-3 substrate,as will be discussed, indicate that the substratesand processesused for this pilot-production demonstrate the opposite (but more classical) behavior of increasing Vcc with increasing substrate doping. Although the efficiency spreadof the cells made on the 1016 cm-3 substrates is auite small, it should be noted that several process-related aspects strongly affected the measured performance of the individual cells. Perhaps the most important of these is the amount of time during which 22-3 the cell is exposed to air between IT0 and MgF2 deposition. Indeed, it was observed that a cell will degrade by up to -5 mV per week if it is not capped with MgF2. A possible explanation for this is that the sputteredIT0 is believed to be relatively porous, allowing 02 diffusion and subsequent reaction at the emitter/IT0 interface. Here, the 02 may neutralize the passivating effect of the Ha. The evaporated MgF2, however, may be much less porous, reducing 02 diffusion. Other parameters that were initially difficult to control were the sheet resistance, transparency, and thickness of the ITO. As observed in earlier work, care must be taken to maintain an optimum combination of electrical and optical properties of the IT0 as the sputtering source erodes. Although this can be accomplished through small adjustments in the @/II2 ratio of the sputtering ambient of the @rich IT0 layer, considerable variation is still observed. Luckily, the effects of this problem (FF reduction) were virtually eliminated once the post-deposition HZ plasma exposure procedure was developed and implemented. The final area of noted weakness in device fabrication was the back contacting procedure. It was during this part of cell production that the majority of cell breakageoccurred. The underlying reason for this appears to be that, although the two-step back metallization procedure gives a reliably lowresistance ohmic contact, it involves many stepsin which the substrate is physically handled (e.g., during wax mounting, chemical etching, annealing, etc.). Because most of this handling results from the requirement to remove the Be0 that forms during sintering, (6) it has been suggested that other contacting procedures could be developed that would make use of either different metals or entireIy in-vacua process techniques. ‘.‘1”‘.,.‘..1”“I-,.‘i’--‘I’--.I. r- is that, instead of a reduced Voc, as was always observed in past research, the Vet is 12 mV higher than than that from the best of the 32 cells made from the lo16 cm-3 material (nearly 20 mV greaterthan the averup Vet measuredfor the 32 cells). However, becausethe long-wavelength response of the QE is reduced, the Jsc of this cell is -3% lower than that of cells ma& on the lOI6 cme3 material. Presently, studies are ongoing to determine if the grid design can be modified to function without the benefits of the IT0 (lower sheet and contact resistance). If this can be done, better optical matching of the ARC may be possible. For example, if a material such as ZnS replaces the ITO, modeliig studies indicate that the Jsc of these (1017cm-3) cells would increase to -33.8 mA-cm-z. If this can be done while maintaining current values of FF and Voc. then the efficiency would increase from 15.8% to 16.3% AMO. In addition, because the ZnS is less absorbing than the ITO. modehng results also suggest that Jsevalues up to 36.5 mAcm-2 may be possible (assuming.4% shadow loss); this would result in a cell with an efficiency of -17.7% AMO. Finally, because these largearea cell results indicate that the junction formation is relatively insensitive to surface irregularities, investigations are ongoing in collaboration with researchers at NASA Lewis Research Center to determine what effects deliberate surface texturing (V-Groove) may have on the junction parameters (15). If these parameters are insensitive to texturing, further increases in current collection may be possible. z 4 cm2 MgF2/lTO/lnP AM0 1372 Watts me2 V,, 787 mV J sc 34.09 mA cm-2 E 10.0) Fill Factor 82.7% g 5.OI Efficiency 16.2% s 00 ~~~~~.~..l~..~~..~.~~.~. . . . . ,...‘I,.,600 800 ‘0.0 200 400 0” 2 15.0: Efficiency = 15.8% 5.0 7 0 200 400 600 800 Voltage(mV) Voltage (mV) Figure 6. Light I-V characteristics of a 4-cm2 ITO/InP cell produced from 101’ cm-3 substratematerial. Note that the V, is higher than for the 10t6cm-3 material but that the .I% is slightly reduced. Figure 5. Light I-V characteristics of one of the best 4cm2 ITO/InP cells produced from 1016 cm-3 substrate material. ITO/InP Cell Flown on the UoSAT-5 The UoSAT-5 (micro)satellite was launched aboard Ariane 4 from French Guiana on July 17. 1991. The orbit of the satellite is 775 km, 98’ Inc. (i.e., sun synchronous, Earth orbit). This orbit will bring the satellite through the polar zones, and thus it will experience more radiation than a satellite would in a similar low earth orbit placed with a mote equatorial inclination. In addition to its primary cargo load (which provides communications for medical teams and disaster information services in remote areasand developing countries), the satellite contains a single panel on which several solar cells flight experiments are mounted. These experiments constitute a joint project between the University As mentioned previously, 20 substrates with a higher doping density of l-2 x 1017cm-3 were supplied by AT&T Microelectronics. Becauseearlier researchhad indicated that the best cell performance has always been achieved on 1016 cm-3 material, only a single device has beenfabricated so far on the 1017cm-3 material. Although it was thought that the performance of this device would, as in the past, be much poorer than that of the 1016cmm3material (due to reduced Vet and Jsc), Figure 6 shows the surprising result that an efficiency of 15.8% AM0 (SERI measurement) was achieved. Perhaps the most noteworthy feature of this result 22-4 observation is the Jsc. loss that occurred after back contacting. This loss was unexpected because, for all ITOAnP cells ever tested, the sort of heating that was immed during back contacting has tended to increuse the Jsc (and reduce the VA: However, it should be not&i that; ofthethreeITO/inPcellsmountcdbySpectrolabforthis project (1 test coupon, 1 backup coupon, atid 1 flight coupon), only the celI mountedon the flight coupon demonstratedanymeamable3~n2d~duringthis~. Unlike the Jsc losses, only relatively small changes in both Voc and FF were noted. Indeed, although it was believed that the V, and FF on thest plasma-formed junctions might be susceptible to the mounting processes, the acttd changes wexe found to be of the same order as those notedontheadjacentepitaxially-grownInPcel&andinsome instames, they wm smaller. of Surrey (Surrey, England) and the R&al Air Force Establishmentat Famborough (Hampshire, England). On a small portion of tl& panel (a coupon), NASA has placed three solar &Is, one of which is’ an ITO/InP 4-cm2 cell provided by the authors’ group. Along witb ddsSERI cell, thetwoothcr4-cmzceIlsconsistofancpitaxialIy-grownIllP homojunction cell, provided by Spite Corporation, and a GaAs CLBFI’ cdl, provided by Kqin Corporation (See Figure 7). These three cells are CDnnectedsothat tekme&y datacalllYereceivedfnnneachceIlthrougilouttheexpected 2- to 3-year working lifetime of the satellite. The total radiation dose that will be expezienced by the solar cells is being monitored by a separate, on-board experiment, that uses seven specially-designed RADFETs (field effect transistors that are sensitive to radiation). The solar cell experiment was commissioned on July 23, 1991, and indications are that early experimmtal (baseline) data have been successfolly .received. However, at the time of &is writing, the authors have not received additional post-launch data. Nevertheless, a considerable amount of pnlaunch data has been assimilated that lends insight into the ability of the ITOAnP cell technology to withstand the processes necessaryfor the assembly of space-flight experiments. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE STUDIES This project has demonstrated that the sputtering orocess used to form small-area ITO/InP solar cells can . readily be scaled to produce large-area (4-cm2) devices. These large-area cells demonstrate nearly identical performance to simk small-area cells, suggesting that the spatial independence of the junction-formation mechanism may be exploited further to productions involving larger batches. These results also suggest that this method of junction fabrication is not as sensitive to the same predeposition surface irregularities that tend to have devasiatingeffects in other solar cell technoloeies. The highest resultant solar cell efficiency from thg 32 cells pr&uced was 16.2% AhO (NASA measurement), which is comparable to the highest efficiency reported from another production method. Additionally, since the sputter-deposition technology can be configured for in-line (rather than only batch) production modes, this process may possess additional economic advantages. The pre-flight data from the UoSAT-5 project indicate ‘that relatively small parameter variations were incurred during cell mounting procedures. This is encouraging because the experiment reoresentsone of the few times that ITO/InP cells ‘have been ‘subjected to the rigors of spacequtiified cell mounting techniques (See also Reference 16 concerning ITO/lnP cells launched on the LPPS-III exuerimerit). Th;: preliminary results also indicate that there’ is a good chance that the flight experiment will provide very useful data concerning the radiation hardnessof this particular InP technology. Future research on this type of solar cell will focus on ways to increase the Voc, primarily through studies of the junction-formation process. To this end, solar cell junctions have been formed by non-deposition plasma exposure techniques using pure& or pore-H2 gas as the plasma species. Preliminary analysis of these experiments has indicated that exposing p- InP to either Ar or H2 plasmas results in junction parameters similar to those observed after an IT0 deposition. This is surprising because, in the case of an ITO-deposition, the addition of HZ (to an otherwise predominantly Ar plasma) was found to improve the junction characteristics. Presently, a similar pure-gas plasma study is being undertaken that will use pure oxygen as the gas source. Finally, since the above results indicate that the junction formation is relatively insensitive to surface -irregularities, investigations are ongoing to determine what effects deliberate surface rexturine. such as V-Groovine. may have on the junction pammete; If these parameters& insensitive to texturing, increases in current collection may be possible. Figure 7. Plan view of flight coupon used for the UoSAT-5 experiment showing three 4-cm2 solar cells (note that UoSAT-F became UoSAT-5 after a successful launch). The ITOAnP cell was mounted onto the coupon at Spectrolab, Inc. (Sylmar, Califqnia) in December of 1990. Before this mounting, the cell demonstraW an efficiency of 15.7% (AMO, NASA measurement) which was essentially the same value as measured at SERI immediately after ceil production, attesting to the stability of the-cell. At Spectrolab, light I-V data was taken after each aspect of the cell mounting, indicating how the cells responded to the individual mounting processes. The resulting data for the ITO/InP cell are listed in Table 1. After the module fabrication processes were completed, the NASA remeasured efficiency of this cell was 13.7% AMO. From Table 1, it can be seen that this reduction is primarily due reduction in Jsc. Additionally, it can be seen that the majority of this Jsc loss occurred after filtering, and is believed to be caused by an increase in reflection. This increased reflection was anticipated, and is due to the optical mismatch between the top layer of the ARC (MgF2) and the DC 93-500 adhesive/(X$X cover glass filtering. When future cells are made for flight testing, the ARC will be adjusted to reduce or eliminate this effect. A more curious 225 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .~ The authors wish to thank Keith Emery and Paul Phelps of NREL for assistance with efficiency measurements, Brian Keyes of NREL for photoluminescence measurements, Brian Smith of Spectrolab for providing detailed information on the UoSAT-5 cell mounting and performance data, and Mike Piszczor of NASA Lewis Research Center for background information and photographs of the UoSAT flight project. This work was supported by NASA Lewis Research Center under Interagency Order No. C-3000-K and by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-ACO2-83CH10093. ., 6. 7. 8. 9. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 10. C.J. Keavney, V.E. Haven, and S.M. Vernon, Proc. 21st IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conf., Kissimmee, FL, May 21-25,199O (IEEE, New York, 1990) p. 141. M. Yamaguchi, T. Hayashi, A. Ushirokawa, Y. Takahashi, M. Koubata, M. Hashimoto, H. Okazaki, T. Takamoto, M. Ura, M. Ohmori. S. Ikegami, H. Arai, and T. Orii, Proc. 21st IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conf., Kissimmee, FL, May 21-25, 1990 (IEEE, New York, 1990) p. 1198. I. Weinberg, C.K. Swartz, R.E. Hart, Jr., and T.J. Coutts, Proc. 20th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conf., Las Vegas, NV, September 26-30, 1988 (IEEE, New York, 1988) p. 893. T.J. Coutts, X. Li, M.W. Wanlass, K.A. Emery and T.A. Gessert, Proc. 20th IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conf., Las Vegas, NV, September 26-30, 1988 (IEEE, New York, 1988) p. 660. 11. 12. 13. T.A. Gessert, X. Li, M.W. Wan&s, and T.J. Cows, Proc. Second Int. Conf. on Indium Phosphide and Related Mat., Denver, CO, April 23-25, 1990 (IEEE Cat. No. 9OCH2895, IEEE, New York) p. 260. T.A. Gessert, X. Li, T.J. Coutts, M.W. Wanlass, and A.B. Franz,. Proc. First Int. Conf. on Indium Phosphide and Related Mat. for Adv.‘El&onic and C&$xl Devicyts. Notyan, OK, March ?O-22, 1989, PmceedmgsVol. 1144 (SPIE, Bellmghaq WA, 1989) p. 476. T.A. (dessert, X. Li, and T.J. Coutts, &t&&&, 30 (1991) p.459. T.A. Gkssert, D.L. Williamson, T.J. Coutts, A.J. Nelson, KM. Jones, R.G. Dhcrc, H. Aharoni, and P. Zurchq, JVST-A, A 5 (4) (1987) p. 1314. M. Hatzakis, B.J. Canavello, and J.M. Shaw, IBM J. Res. Develop., 24 (4) (1980) p. 452. T.A. Gessert and T.J. Coutts, MRS Proc. 181 (MRS, Pittsburgh, PA, 1990) p. 301. “Standard Test Methods for Electrical Performance of Non-Concentrator Photovoitaic Cells Using Reference Cells,” ASTM StandardE948. T.J. Coutts, X. Wu, T. A. Gessert, and X. Li, J. Vat. Sci. Technol. A. 6 (3) (1988) p. 1722. T.A. Gessert, X. Li, M.W. Wanlass, A.J. Nelson, and T.J. Coutts, J. Vat. Sci. Technol. A, 8 (3) (1990) D. 1912. 14. ?.J. Coutts and S. Naseem, Appl. Phys. Lett., 46 (2) (1985) D. 164. 15. 3. Ba&y, N. Fatemi, and J. La&s, Published at this conference. 16. N.M. Pearshall, C. Goodbody, N. Robson, I. Forbes, and R. Hill, 21st IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conf., Kissimmee. FL, May 21-25, 1990 (IEEE, New York, 1990) p. 1172. Table 1 Parametersfor the 4-cm2 lTO/InP solar cell used on the UoSat-5 flight coupon as it progressed through the stages of .mounting. Data taken at Spectrolab, Inc. by calibrating the simulator to the as-received NASA Jscmeasurement. *Fill factor calculatedfrom available data. Qrom Spectmlabcommentthat cell showed no degradation after top contact ultrasonic bonding. **NASA remeasuredcell efficiency after mounting 13.7% AMO. 22-6 MODELED PERFORMANCE OF MONOLITHIC, 3-TERMINAL InP/Ca&~sSAs CONCENTRATOR SOLAR CELLSAS A FUNCTION OF TEMPERATURE AND CONCENTRATION RATIO C.R. Osterwald, M.W. Wanlass, J.S. Ward, B.M. Keyes, K.A. Emery, and T.J. Coutts National Renewable Energy Laboratory (Formerly the Solar Energy Research institute) Golden, Colorado USA ABSTRACT InP m Using measured device parameters from a monolithic, 3-terminal InP/Galn* (0.75 ev) tandem concentrator solar cell, a numerical model has been constructed that calculates efficiency as a function of temperature and concentration ratio. The device measurements indicate that the series resistance in the InP top cell severely limits the maximum efficiency at high concentration ratios. Results from the model in which a single-junction InP concentrator solar cell that has a lower series resistance by a factor of six was substituted for the top cell show that peak 20°C air mass zero &MO) efficiencies should approach 30% at concentration ratios greater than 100. At 8O”c, this tandem cell should exceed 24% AM0 efficiency. - Entech cover Top contact AR coating w Top cell Middle contact Stop-etch layer Conduction layer Bottom cell Buffer layer Figure 1 INTRODUCTION 3-terminal A monolithic, 3-terminal InP/GalnAs (0.75 eV) tandem solar cell exceeding 30% efficiency under concentrated direct illumination, and 27% under concentrated extraterrestrial (AM01 illumination, has recently been reported (1). Asthe primary application of this cell design is expected to be in high-efficiency space power systems, performance at elevated temperatures and high concentration ratios is of particular importance. The efficiency peaked in the relatively low concentration ratio range of 20-30, and it was believed that the drop at higher concentration ratios was due to excessive series resistance in the InP top ceil. The primary purpose of this work is toverifytfte cause of the&idency drop and provide pe&nmance projections of the tar~dem cell, a cross-section of which appears in Figure 1. MODEL CONSTRUCTION The performance project*ions reported here use results from a numerical model constructed from quantum efficiency, dark current-v&age O-V), and photoluminescence measurements of the tandem cell asa function of temperature. Asimpleequivalentcircuitofasolarcell, consistingofadiode in parallel with a light currentgenerator and both in series with Cross section tandem solar cell. of InP/GalnAs monolithic, a resistor, allowed the illuminated I-V parameters to be calculated as the temperature f7I and concentration ratio (cl were varied. Output from the model was then compared iteratively with available illuminated I-V data to obtain an estimate of the series resistance for both the top and bottom cells. Ouantum Efficiencv and Photoluminescence Absolute quantum efficiency (QE) measurements at 25°C and 80°C (Figure 2) were obtained to allow calculation of the light-generated short-circuit current density, Ib from integration of the AM0 spectral irradiance. Because the QE could not be measured at high concentration ratios, the model assumes that the quantum efficiency does not vary as C is increased. Using this assumption, the calculated h is then multiplied by C to obtain the light-generated current at any concentration ratio. Figure 2 shows that, within the resolution limits of the measurements, only the band gap cutoffs of the InP and GalnAs cells change with temperature, while the shape and level of the quantum efficiency remains unchanged. The 23-1 magnitudes of the band gap temperature coefficients were determined from photoluminescence measurements of the InP and GalnAs at a series of temperatures from 2OT to lOO”c, as seen in Figures 3 and 4. A value of -0.344 meV”C-r was obtained for the InP band gap temperature coefficient and a value of -0.238 meV“CY for the GaInAs. 25 ,. 0.8 E .$ E w 0.6 E E 5 0.4 7% E i? w 0.2 1.20 1.25 1.35 1.30 1.40 1.45 1.50 Photon Energy (eV) Photoluminescence versus photon energy and Figure 4 temperature of InP film grown on InP by MOVPE. Excitation was 647 nm Kr laser. 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 .O Wavelength Figure 2 of InP/GalnAs 8O’T (dashed concentrator 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 fpm) External quantum efficiencyversus wavelength top and bottom cells at 25°C (solid line) and line); quantum efficiency of single-junction InP cell (*I. 10’ c” 100 6 5 lo-9 0.4 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 Voltage 0 Photon Energy fev) Photoluminescence versus photon energy and Figure 3 temperature of GaaA71no.s3As film grown on InP by MOVPE. Excitation was 647 nm Kr laser. 0.5 Log dark current versus voltage of InP/GalnAs Figure 5 tandem top cell (solid lines) and single-junction InP concentrator cell (dashed lines) at several temperatures. 23-2 Dark Current-Voltaee Comoarison Dark I-V measurements of the InP top cell over a 60°C temperature range are presented in the lower series of curves of Figure 5. A numerical fit, using the ideal diode equation, to each of these curves gave the saturation current density 1, the diode quality factor n, and an estimate of the series resistance R,. The temperature dependence of these parameters allowed the diode I-V functionality to be calculated at any temperature. In order to obtain model results as close to the actual tandem cell I-V data as possible, the pm-exponential terms of the diode equations were adjusted to match the open-circuit voltages of the top and bottom cells measured at 25°C. These adjustmentsweresmall andamountedtoafactorof 1.5 forthe InP cell and 1 .l for the GalnAs cell. The quantum efficiencies were scaled by small amounts, about l-3%, so the shortcircuit currents would match the measured one-sun values. For the 0.75 eV GaInAs bottom cell, similar measurements are shown in Figure 6. These curves show nearly ideal diffusion current characteristics with n = 1.03 until about 0.4 V, at which a transition to high injection begins. Also, no bending due to series resistance can be seen in these curves, in sharp contrast to the InP top cell. Because of the onset of high injection, the single exponential diode model could not be used to describe the I-V relationship. The dark I-V curves were instead fit to a four-parameter function that modeled the observed behavior (2): Varying the temperature and concentration ratio in the model produced a series of efficiency curves for the top and bottom cells. Initial comparison of the curves with measured efficiency versus C at a single temperature showed that the series resistance obtained from dark I-V was too low. This fact was evident because the roll-off of efficiency with increasing concentration ratio did not match measured data. The series resistances were therefore adjusted until the roll-offs matched the measured results. A value of 39 mQ ems was used for the InP top cell, and a value of 7.7 mQ crr$ for the GalnAs cell. The low series resistance for the bottom cell is attributed to the low-resistance InP conduction layer immediately above the CalnAs emitter. Figure 7 illustrates the modeled AM0 efficiency versus C and T, plotted along with the measured efficiency at 25°C after the series resistances were adjusted. Table 1 presents a comparison of modeled t-V parameters with measured parameters at one-sun and 25°C and 80°C under direct illumination. After fitting the curves, functions describing the temperature dependence of the four parameters were used with Equation 1 to provide the diode characteristics of the bottom cell for the model. with Measured I-V Data 1 InP TOD Cell a 5 GalnAs Bottom Cell 100 Concentration Ratio Figure 7 Modeled AM0 solar cell conversion efficiency versus temperature and log concentration ratio of InP/GalnAs 3-terminal tandem top and bottom cells after series resistance adjusted to match high concentration roll-off of measured 25°C conversion efficiency (01. Figure 6 Log dark current versus voltage and temperature of lnP/GalnAs tandem bottom cell. I 10 23-3 PERFORMANCE PROJECTIONS Improved Top Cell Addition of the top and bottom cell efficiencies gives the tandem cell efficiency, which is plotted as the lower series of curves in Figure 8. The efficiency at lower temperatures peaks at about 30 suns, while at higher T, the peak shifts to about 50 suns. Following analysis and modeling of the InP/GalnAs tandem cell, a single-junction InP concentrator cell was modeled in a similar fashion to determine if this design might be more suitable as the top cell of the tandem. The singlejunction cell has a thicker emitter, 31 vs. 24 nm, and because there is no middle contact, the grid finger spacing is half the tandem top cell spacing (both devices use the same prismatic cover design). Figure 2 shows thatthe single-junction cell has a reduced blueresponseduetoitsthickeremitter,andthedark I-V for this device, included in Figure 5, indicates a much reduced roll-off because of series resistance and an improved diode quality factor. Fitting the series resistance to the measured efficiencyvs. C gave avalue of 6.0 rnQ cm2, which is a factor of six smaller than the top cell. Existing Top Cell 5 0 Concentration A study of the power loss due to the grid finger spacing showed the tandem top cell loss to be three times that of the single cell (3). The characteristics of the single-junction cell were then inserted into the model in place of the InP top cell, and the results appear in Figure 8. The initial efficiency is higher than the existing tandem cell because of the improved top cell, and at 2O“C, the AM0 efficiency peaks at nearly 30% for a concentration ratio of 130 suns. At 80X, the peak efficiency drops to 24.5%, while the peak position shifts to nearly 200 suns. Table 1 Comparison of measured InP/GatnAs tandem cell illuminated I-V parameters with results of numerical model. Pmax I T Voc 0 (mAk-2) (mW) PC) InP top cell Measured Model Measured Model 25 25 80 80 0.864 0.865 0.751 0.726 27.47 27.47 27.86 27.83 1.298 1.339 1.098 1.091 GalnAs bottom Measured Model Measured Model cell 25 25 80 80 0.333 0.333 0.233 0.208 22.10 22.10 22.69 22.73 0.347 0.347 0.216 0.184 , - Ratio Figure 8 Modeled AM0 conversion efficiency versus temperature and log concentration ratio of existing InP/ GalnAs tandem cell (solid lines) and improved cell where single-junction cell was substituted for top cell (dashed lines). cell has been performed. The results have been used to construct a numerical model that can predict tandem cell efficiency as a function of temperature and concentration ratio. This model predicted an improvement of the efficiency to nearly 30% (100 suns AMO, 2O“CI if the series resistance of the InP top cell can be reduced by a factor of six. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Support for this work was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract no. DE-AC02-83HC10093, the Naval Research Laboratory under interagency order RU-llW70-AD, and the NASA Lewis Research Center under interagency order C-300005-K. .. REFERENCES M.W. Wanlass, J.S. Ward, K.A. Emery,T.A. Gessert,C.R. 1. Osterwald, and T.J. Coutts, “High-Performance Concentrator TandemSolarCellsBasedon Infrared-SensitiveBottomCells,” Solar Cells, Vol. 30, pp. 363-371, 1991. R.S. Muller,T.l. Kamis, Device Electronicsfor Integrated 2. Circuits, 2nd Ed., p. 324, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1986. SUMMARY A comprehensive 3-terminal InP/GalnAs 3. JS. Ward, M.W. Wanlass, T.J. Coutts, K.A. Emery, and C.R. Osterwald, “InP Concentrator Solar Cells,” Proc. 22nd IEEE PV Spec. Conf., Las Vegas, NV, 1991. measurementstudy ofthe monolithic, (0.75 ev) tandem concentrator solar 23-4 K. A. Bertness,B. T. Cavicchi*,SarahR. Kurtz, J. M. Olson,A. E. Kibbler, andC. Kramer National RenewableEnergyLaboratory(formerlySolarEnergyResearchInstitute),Golden,Colorado *SpcctrolabInc., Sylmar,California ABSTRACT Effects of l-MeV electron irradiation damage are mported for thirteen GaAs n-p single-&unctionsolar cells with basedoping levels from 2 x 10 to 3 x 10” cma3. The short circuit current densities before and after irradiation to a fluence of 1015cm-2 show a downward trend as a function of base doping, and the extent of radiation damagealso increasesas basedoping increases. Radiation damage coefficients extracted through modeling of the spectralresponsecurvesare seento vary from 2.5 x lo-* to 1 x lo-’ over the rangeof p-type base doping covered. The estimatedAM0 efficienciesof the cells after irradiation, however, are nearly constantas a function of basedoping owing to simultaneousincreases in the open circuit voltagesand fill factors. doesindeedincreasewith doping. Valuesfor the damage coefficient, however, are not in quantitative agreement with previouswork on GaAs. Other effectsof radiation, most notably the changesin cell open circuit voltages (V,), complicatethe optimizationof end-of-life solarcell efficiency, which is found to depend very little on base dopingovera broadrange. SOLAR CELL GROWTH AND PROCESSING All the cells used in this study were grown using atmospheric-pressure organometallicvapor phaseepitaxy (OMVPE), as describedelsewhere (5). A typical cell structure. is illustrated in Figure 1. Layer thicknessesare accurateto HO%. The emitter is dopedwith seleniumto about 2 x 1018 cme3,while the zinc doping in the base isvaried from 2 x 1016 to 3 x 10” cme3. Processing consistsof electrochemicallydepositing gold front grid INTRODUCTION Radiation damage in solar cells occurs primarily through the creation of deep trapswithin the energyband gap which reducethe minority canier lifetimesand hence the minority carrier diffusion lengths. The degmdationis usually characterizedby a radiationdamagecoefficient,K, tWined by the following equation: lc4 = l/L2 - l/L*2 , . where Q, is the radiation fluence, and L and Lo are the post- and pre- irradiation minority carrier diffusion lengths, respectively. The resulting degreeof efficiency degradationdependsbothonthesolarcellmate&landits structure (11, with GaAs falling between silicon and indium phosphide due to its combination of a strong absorption coefficient and moderately high defect introduction rate. Theoretical and experimentalstudies (2-4) of GaAs imhcatethat the damagecoefficientitself is an increasingfunction of mate&l doping, possiblydue to the active traps being derived from dopant-defect complexes. In this study we have looked at radiation damagein severalsolar cells with different basedoping levels,and found that radiation-induceddegradationof the short circuit current density (Jr& the device parameter most closely tied to the minority carrier diffusion length, 24-1 FRONT CONTACT \- I=( 250 A I (1) I I ’ 0.1 pm n-Gao.sIno.s P n -GaAs ARCOATING , WINDOW EMITI-ER BACK CONTACT Figure 1. Solarcell growth structure. I I I Table 1. Solarcell materialsparameters. lines and solid back contacts,etchinga mesathat defines the cell areasto 0.252 cm2 or 0.280 cm2, dependingon the busbar size, and then evaporating a double antireflection coating of zinc sulfide and magnesium fluoride. Energy conversion efficiencies and device parameterswere measuredusing a solar simulator with the short circuit current densitiescalibrated against the responseof a silicon reference cell, which is in turn calibrated against a GaAs cell at AMl.5 global illumination. These efficiencies were converted to estimatedAM0 efficiencies based on changesin short circuit current in a GaAs cell calibrated under both illumination conditions. Thirteen devices taken from five substrateswere irradiated with l-MeV electronsat a fluence of 1 x 1015 cme2. As can be seenin Table 1, the cells from different substratesvaried primarily in the basedoping used,but variationsin substrateorientationare alsonoted. Material grown on 511B orientedsubstrateshashigherzinc doping levelsthan materialgrown on the standardsubstrateswith an orientation of 2’ off (100) toward the (110). This effect can be seen by comparing cells from substrates 317-2 and 317-B, which were grown at the sametime on hvo adjacentsubstrates.Finally, cells from substrate385 had a O.l-pm-thick GaInP2 emitter with an AlInP2 window layer in place of the GaAs emitter and GaInP2 window found in the other cells. This heterojunction structure generally leads to slightly higher open circuit voltages but also had a poorer blue responsethan the standardcell. It had been included becauseits radiation perfomanceis similar to that of the homojunctionGaAs cells. RESULTS . . . . mud Current and Ra&@on Ds As previouslymentioned,the mostsignificanteffect of reducedminority carrier diffusion length is a reduction in the short circuit current density. In Figure 2(a) we see that Jsc valuesdecreasemonotonically with basedoping both before and after irradiation, implying that in both casesthe minority carrier diffusion length decreaseswith base doping. Furthermore, the relative amount of radiatrondegradationin Jsc increaseswith basedoping, as can be seen in the ratios of post-/pre- irradiation Jsc values in Figure 2(b). This result is in qualitative agreementwith earlier work (3.4) on radiation damagein G&S. In order to be more quantitative, the spectral responsecurvesof the cells were modeledusing analytic expressions(6) for externalquantumefficiency basedon materialsparametersincluding minority carrier diffusion lengths, interface recombination velocities, absorption coefficients, doping, and carrier diffusion constants. Examplesof modeling with parametersthat gave good agreementwith the experimentare givenin Figure3. ‘Ihe majorsystematicdeviationsarisemostlyfrom insufficient data for absorptioncoefficientsand the assumptionthat reflectivityis uniform asa functionof wavelength,despite I 0.96 , I I I . I I I I I I ” ‘(b) 18 0.80 0.0 I I me I I I 2.0 3.0 basedoping(1017cma) 1.0 Figure2. (a) Estimatedshort circuit current densitiesfor GaAs solar cells under AM0 illumination before (closed symbols) and after (open symbols) 1-MeV electron irradiation,and (b) ratio of post- to pre-irradiationvalues. Heterojunction cells (sample 385) are indicated by Sq-. 24-2 a known sharpincreasein reflectivity seenabove2.75 eV for similar cells. Most of the quantumefficiency curves could be fit well with a small recombinationvelocity of 2 x 104 cm/s at the window-emitter interface, but the broad negative slope for samples 317-B and 385 (not shown) could only be reproduced by increasing the recombination velocity to 1 x lo6 cm/s and 5.5 x 105 cm/s,respectively. The best estimatesand acceptablerange of damage coefficients plotted in Figure 4 were derived by varying the emitter and base radiation damagecoefficients and calculating external quantum efficiency curves. Also in Figure4 are data points from two earlier reports on radiation damagein GaAs. While all three setsof data indicate that the damage coefficient for p-type GaAs increasesas initial doping increases,the new dataindicate higher damage coefficients than previously measured. The error bars are taken from the set of damage coefficients that produce a curve within 3%-4% of the experimentaldata throughout the whole spectral range exceptfor the reflectivity inducedroll-off in the blue end. In generalthe modelingshouldbe accurateto this level if the layersare thicker than or comparableto the diffusion lengths,which is true for the post-irradiationspectra(L= l.O-1.9 pm) and nearly true for pre-irradiation spectra (&=3.2-8 pm). One might think that the difficulty in extractingthe longer pm-irradiation diffusion lengths from quantum efficiencycurveswould strongly affect the determination of the damagecoefficient, but the technique becomes 1.0 0.8 ii s Q 0.6 c ; 9 0.4 0.2 (d)‘ - - 0.8 8 E $ 0.6 92 8 Q 0.4 0.2 5 2.0 2.5 3.0 energy (eV) 1.5 2.0 2.5 energy (eV) Figure 3. Spectralresponsecurves(solid lines) and externalquantumefficiencymodelingresults(broken lines) for five solar cel&sbefore and after irradiation. The modelingresultsare broken down into contributionsfrom the emitter,base and depletionregions. 24-3 0 Ref. 3 00 0 / 0 overall device efficiency (8). The insensitivity of efficiency to base doping arisesfrom the increasingfill factorsand the lower radiationdamageto the open circuit voltageas basedoping is increased,with the exceptionof sample3 17-B whose substantialdeviationsin efficiency are discussed in the next subsection. The relative degradation in the fill factor (Figure 6[b]) induced by radiationis constantas a function of basedoping for the threelowest values. This constancyindicatesan absence of radiation-induced loss of free carriers, which is confirmedto within 10% of the origin doping levels by frequency-dependent capacitance-voltagemeasurements. Previousstudies(3) suggestthat free carrierlosswould be about 1 x 1015cme3for this radiation fluence level, and thusbelow the levelof detectionin this study. As shownin Figure 6, a noticeablefill factor decline alsooccursin the cells with the lowest basedoping. The resistanceof the baselayer at its nominal doping is not large enough to affect the fill factor. Specifically, the estimatedvoltage drop at Jsc for a base layer doped uniformly to 2 x 1016cm-3 is 7 uV. Thesecells havea significantseriesresistance,which is probably an artifact due to the presenceof a high resistivity layer formed because of failure of the dopant massflow controller to work consistentlyat the extremelow end of its rangeor to a seriesresistanceintroducedduring the processing. The estimatedAM0 efficiency of thesecells would havebeen 1 0 PG- n Ref. 3 0 : + Ref. 4 A HJ cell Ref. 3 @eorY) tr _. I I I I 1 10-g 1 lo’* 1o19 10% 10” base doping ( cmS3) This work Figure 4. Radiationdamagecoefficientsfor GaAs. moreaccurateand lessdependenton initial valuesof Lo as the damage increases because of the inverse square dependencein Eq. (1 . Even for the worst case,Lom2is less than 20% of L- 2’, so the uncertainty in the damage coefficientsdue to pre-irradiationdiffusion lengthsis less than the error bars shown in Figure 4. The damage coefficient differencesmay arise from nonlinearitiesin K asa function of fluence,becausethe valuesin Reference3 aremeasuredfor fluencesfrom 2 x 1013to 2 x 1014cme2, and from 3.2 x 1015to 1 x 1016cme2in Reference4, as comparedwith this work at 1 x 1015cme2. Electronflux variations and unintentional heating during irradiation may haveaffectedthe damagecoefficients. The material growth and diffusion length measurementtechniquesalso vary in the three studies, with Reference3 apparently using liquid phase epitaxy material and electron beam induced current (EBIC) to measure minority carrier diffusion lengths, while Reference4 uses a quantum efficiency modeling (7) of cells grown with chloridetransportchemicalvapordeposition. . . Volm Efficiencv.Fill l&@r. and GpenCltcult Despite the distinct decline in short circuit current, the estimatedenergy conversionefficienciesunder AM0 illumination, both before and after irradiation, are almost constant as a function of base doping until the highest doping, as seen in Figure 5. Cells with a lower base doping may still be desirable for tandemcell designs, however, where current matching strongly affects the 16 8 0.5 0.0 I 0 I I J 1.0 2.0 3.0 base doping (10’ ’ cm3) I I Figure 5. (a) EstimatedAM0 efficiency of GaAs solar cells before (closed symbols) and after (open symbols) I-MeV electron irradiation, and (b) ratio of post- to preirradiationvalues. Heterojunctioncells (sample385) are indicatedby squares. 24-4 0.75t 0.0 , I 1.0 , I 2.0 , recombinationcurrent dark current decreasesprimarily becausethe volumeof the depletionregion getssmalleras basedoping increases.From Equation (2) it can be seen that Voc will thereforetend to increaseas a function of base doping due to the decreasing dark saturation currents.Acting in the oppositedirection to reduceV,, is the doping dependenceof the short circuit current, which also decreasesas base doping increasesdue to shorter minority carrier diffusion lengths. The doping dependenceof the dark current must have changed significantly as a result of irradiation, since the observed changesin the base doping dependenceof JSc cannot explain the shift in the maximumof Voc vs. doping to a higher value of basedoping after irradiation. This anticorrelationbetweenradiation effectsin Voc andJSc as a function of basedoping is consistentwith previous work (79), althoughin thosestudiesthe small numberof cells and simultaneousvariation of other growth parameters makesthis effect lessobvious. Dark Currenta&Q&al w of m Basem The cells from the sample with the highest base doping, 317-B, have undergone an abrupt and large degradationof the fill factor and open circuit voltage during irradiation, although the short circuit current densities are in logical progression with samples of l*.j 3.0 base doping (10’ 7 cma) Figure 6. (a) Fill factors for GaAs solar cells before (closed symbols) and after (open symbols) 1-MeV electron irradiation, and (b) ratio of post- to preirradiation values. Heterojunctioncells (sample385) are indicatedby squares. around 20.7% before in&&ion if they had the samefill bctor as morehighly dopedcells.This valueis essentially equal to the efficiency of the cells with the next highest basedoping. The opencircuit voltagesbeforeandafter irradiation are displayedas a function of basedoping in Figure7(a), with the ratio of post-&e-irradiation values given in Figure 7(b). As indicated above, the relative radiationinduced degradation of V,, actually decreasesas a function of basedoping for all but sample317-B, leading to a degradationof efficiency that is almostconstantwith base doping despite increasing short circuit current degradation. The dependenceof Voc on basedoping is a competition between two effects, namely the simultaneousdecreasesin Jsc and in the dark currentas a function of base doping. In general,near any particular voltage the cell current can be modeled with a single ideality factor n, so the open circuit voltage could be expressedas Voc = (nkTlq) ln(J&J& - 1), (2) where k is Boltzmann’s constant, T is the absolute temperature,q is the chargeof an electron,andJon is the diodesaturationcurrent for the dark current. The diffusion dark currentdecreasesas a functionof base doping because the diffusion constant and the equilibrium concentration of minority carriers at the depletion region edge become smaller, while 1.1 E ‘.O :: ’ 0.9 0 0.8 I 0.92 I e! E m CD a 00 I . I I I I I 0 I I l(b) a - "B 0.88 0 :: > 0.84 -.: 'L 0, a base doping (10" cm3) Figure 7. (a) Open circuit voltage of GaAs solar cells before(closedsymbols)and after (open symbols) I-MeV electron irradiation, and (b) ratio of post- to preirradiation values. Heterojunctioncells (sample385) are indicatedby squares. 24-5 lower basedoping. The dark 1-V curvesfor representative cells after irradiation,displayedin Figure 8, showthat the change in shape of the I-V curves comes from the prevalenceof a new dark currentmechanismwhich is not of the same functional form as either an ohmic shunt resistance,a recombinationcurrent, or a diffusion (shunt diode)current. This excesscurrent,seenas a tilted hump in InO-V from about 0.45 V to 0.75 V, was not present before irradiation. Dark I-V measurementsat liquid nitrogen temperatureshow that the current persistsbut decreasesaboutone orderof magnitude. The small temperaturedependenceof the excess current suggests a conduction mechanism in which electronsfrom the degeneratelydopedemittertunnelinto radiation-induced trap states in the depletion region, where they then recombine with holes from the p-type region. Higher basedoping enhancesthis mechanismby decreasingthe depletion width and hence the distance through which the electronsmust tunnel. The degreeto which the excesscurrent appearsis correlatedto the base doping in Figure 8; the apparentlysuddenonsetof large efficiency loss occurs when the new current mechanism overtakes the recombination current. GaAs cells with high basedoping have previously been seento undergo unusually large degradationin fill factor after irradiation (9). The excess current does not appear in the heterojunctioncells, perhapsbecausethe conductionband offset at the p-n junction increasesthe electrontunneling barrier height. CONCLUSIONS Radiation damage to the short circuit current in GaAs n-p solarcells is seento increasein thep-type base as the doping level of the baseis increased.The minority carrierdiffusion length damagecoefficientsderivedfrom modelingof externalquantumefficiency are about 4-10 times greater than values reported in earlier work, but agreequalitatively with trends as a function of material doping level. Other radiation-inducedeffectsinclude an increasein radiationresistanceof the open circuit voltage as basedoping increases,which effectively counteracts the short circuit current degradation so as to produce efficienciesthat are almostconstantas a function of base doping. An abrupt degradationin fill factor and open circuit voltage for cells with the highest base doping is alsoobserved,and their uniquedark I-V featuressuggest that the degradationonsetis causedby tunneling-assisted recombinationthrough radiation-induceddefect statesin thedepletionregion. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to thank D. J. Friedmanand H. Branz for critical readingof the manuscriptand B. E. Anspaughof the Jet Propulsion Laboratory for irradiating the cells. Work at the National RenewableEnergy Laboratory was performedunder ContractNo. DE-AC02-83CH10093to the U.S. Departmentof Energy(DOE). REFERENCl3 T. Markvart, J. Materials Sci. 1, 1 (1990). M. Yamaguchiand C. Amano. J. Appl. Phys.. 54, 5021(1983). 3. C. Amano, M. Yamaguchi, and A. Shibukawa, Technical Digest of the First Intl. Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conf., Kobe, Japan,Nov. 1984 (Japan Times,Tokyo, 1984),p. 845. 4. J. C. C. Fan, GaAs Shallow Homojunction Solar Cells,Final Report,NASA CR-165167(1980). 5. I. M. Olson and A. Kibbler, J. Crystal Growth, 77, 182(1986). 6. H. J. Hovel, Semiconductors and Semimetals, Vol. II, Solar Ceils (AcademicPress,Orlando,Florida, 1975), pp. 17-20,24-25. 7. J. C. C. Fan, C. 0. Bozler, and B. J. Palm, Appl. Phys.Len., 35,875 (1979). 8. B. T. Cavicchi, D. D. Krut, D. R. Lillington. S. R. Kurtz, and J. M. Olson, Conf. Rec. 22nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Co@ (IEEE PublishingServices, New York, 1992).in press. 9. K. A. Bertness,M. Ladle Ristow, M. E. KlausmeierBrown, M. Grounner,M. S. Kuryla, and J. G. Werthen, 1. 2. 1o-g 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 voltage (V) Figure 8. Post-irradiation dark current versusapplied forward voltage for severalcells at 300 K, and for the most highly doped sampleat both 300 K and 77 K. The excesscurrent startsat about 0.4 V, and persiststo low temperatures in cells with higher base dopings after irrad&ion. Conf. Rec. 21st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Co@. (IEEEPublishingServices,New York, 1990),p. 1231. 24-6 InP CONCENTRATOR SOLAR J.S. Ward, M.W. Wantass, T.J. Coutts, National Renewable CELLS K.A. Emery and C.R. Osterwald Energy Laboratory (formerly the Solar Energy Research Institute) Golden, Colorado, USA ABSTRACT The design, fabrication, and characterization of highperformance, n+/p InP shallow-homojunction (SHJ) concentrator solar ceils is described. The InP device structures were grown by atmospheric-pressure metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (APMOVPE). A preliminary assessment of the effects of grid collection distance and emitter sheet resistance on cell performance is also presented. At concentration ratios of around 100, cells with efficiencies of 21.4% AM0 (24.3% direct) at 25°C have been fabricated. These are the hi hest efficiencies yet reported for single-junction inP soBar cells. The performance of these cells as a function of temperature is discussed, and areas for future improvement are outlined. Ap lication of these results to other InP-based photovoltaic Bevices is also discused. INTRODUCTION Recently, one-sun InP solar cell performance has begun to ap roach the high conversion efficiencies predicted by tRe early modeling work (1). However, until now, experimental studies of InP concentrator cells have not been pursued. In 1988, Goradia, Geier and Weinberg modeled both rectangular and circular InP concentrator cells (2). They concluded that high efficiencies were possible for these devices and pointed out that their potential radiation resistance should make them attractive for space applications. Advances in space photovoltaic concentrator arrays have demonstrated that excellent power densities and power-to-mass ratios are achievable with these systems (3). Although concentrator arrays have been designed to minimize the effects of radiation, notably for &e Strategic &t&se initiative, they do so at the expense of pe&rmance. Radiation effects are considered to be problematic for the array designs that exhibit stated-the-art power to mass ratios. Deep level transient spectroscopy IDLTSB studies have indicated that at the elevated temperatures and high current densities associated with ation under concentration, the sombinatTon of therma 9p”and injection annealing may render If4P solar cells practically impervious to radiation damage (4. Thus, tr@ may serve as a radiation-resistant alternative to GaAs, At this point, one of the major obstacles to a more widespread use of IMP is the price of high-quality, single- 25-l crystal substrates. A number of strategies have been suggested to limit the impact of this cost. They include the development of multijunction cells to boost efficiency and heteroepitaxial (HE) growth techniques, which would eliminate the need for InP substrates. The work done on InP concentrator cells should yield information that will be directly applicable to the emerging HE-cell technology. We have already seen dramatic improvements in the performance parameters of HE InP cells when measured under solar concentration (5). At higher concentration ratios, the erformance parameters of HE InP cells approach those of I: omoepitaxial cells. Improving the performance of the InP/Gae.471no.ssAs monolithic concentrator tandem cell requires advances in the design of the InP top cell (6). The Gaa.47Ine.ssAs bottom cell is exhibiting near theoretical performance levels, but the InP top cell is showing evidence of series resistance problems at concentration ratios above 40 suns. Minimizing these series resistance losses may allow the tandem efficiency to approach 35% under the direct spectrum at high concentration ratios (7). At 31.8% under 50 direct suns at 2S°C, this is already the most efficient monolithic photovoltaic device yet demonstrated. The points discussed above have motivated the present work. In this paper we describe our initial efforts to fabricate and characterize high-performance InP concentrator cells designed to operate under 100 AM0 suns concentration. DEVICE DESIGN AND PROCESStNG A schematic diagram of the InP concentrator solar cell structure is given in Figure 1. The device structures are grown by APMOVPE on Zn-doped, p+-InP substrates oriented in the (100) direction. Growth is carried out in a vertical reactor vessel at a temperature of 620°C and in a purified hydrogen ambient. The primary reactants are trimethylindium and phosphine. The dopants consist of hydrogen sulfide and diethylzinc. A p+- back-surfacefield layer, grown to a thickness of 0.38 pm, is followed by a p-base layer that is doped to - 10’7 cm-3 and grown to a thickness of 3.8 Pm. A thin n+- emitter layer, doped to 3.7 xl 018 cm-J, completes the growth. Table 1: Performance parameters for an InP concentrator cell at 25°C under the direct spectrum. A rectangular cell geometry was chosen to simplify photomask development and to limit the unilluminated junction area. This rectangular design incorporates double bus bars which allow probe placement at both ends of the grid-lines, thereby limiting the electrical losses in the fingers. The area of our concentrator cells is determined by measuring the total mesa area and subtracting the area of the bus bars. In this case, the computed area is 0.0746 cm*. After etching the back surface in a bromine and methanol solution (1% by volume) for 5 minutes, an ohmic contact is formed by electroplating 0.1 pm of Au, 0.01 pm of Zn, and 3 pm of Au onto the back surface and then annealing on a graphite strip heater at 37S” C for 90 seconds. The rid pattern on the emitter surface is defined by stan d ard photolithography. Pure Au is then electroplated to a thickness of 5 pm. Cell isolation is accomplished by etching in concentrated hydrochloric acid after a photolitho raphic mesa definition. The devices are complete f by depositing a two-layer ZnS/MgFz anti-reflection coating and applying Entech prismatic covers (Figure 1J. The Entech prismatic cover (8) is an essential component of the cell design. With the resistivity of electroplated gold often in excess of five times the bulk value (91, metallization schemes designed to handle current densities of 2.9 A /cm* necessarily entail a high grid coverage (-20%). We have found that with a properly designed antireflection coating, the optical losses associated with the use of the prismatic cover are less than 5%. The major limitation associated with using the cover for this device is that the grid-line spacing is fixed. This aspect of the device design is discussed in more detail in the next section. operation under concentration, we decided to examine the effects of grid fin er spacing and emitter layer sheet resistance on cell per Pormance. In previous work (101, we performed an empirical investigation of the InP shallow homojunction (SHJJ solar cell designed to operate at one sun. A thin (25 nm) emitter was found to be essential to minimize the roll off in the blue response attributable to the unpassivated InP surface. For concentrator cells, the benefits of this enhanced blue response must be weighed against the high sheet resistance associated with thin emitter designs. At one-sun current densities f-29 mA cm-*), the negative effects of the high sheet resistance can be minimized by adjusting the grid finger spacing. However, our concentrator cells incorporate Entech prismatic covers originally designed for GaAs concentrator cells operating at 100 suns. This aspect of our concentrator cell design results in the grid-line spacing being fixed at 127 pm. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that the optimum concentrator cell structure may differ from the optimum one-sun structure. Hall measurements of the n+-InP layers provide values of 1200 cm* V-t s-1 for the electron mobility and Sunlight I m- Entech Cover q -------------- Our primary objective in this work was to demonstrate the potential of InP concentrator cells. However, the development of the single-junction InP concentrator cells is important as a basis of comparison with the HE InP cells and the monolithic InP/Gaa,47lne.saAs tandem. As a starting point in our attempt to optimize the tnP SHJ cell structure for n-InP emitter p-InP base 0.38 flrn EXPERIMENTAL 2-layer ARC / It Top Contact InP SW p-InP BSFL _ Back Contact Figure i. Cross-sectional shematic dia ram of the InP shallow-homojunction concentrator so7ar cell structure. 25-2 3.7 x 10’8 cm-3 for the free electron density. This results in a resistivity value of 1.4 x 10-X R-cm. Previous work on one-sun cells indicated that the emitter thickness should be limited to between 200 and 400 A. For these thicknesses, the sheet resistance of the emitter will be between 350 and 700 Q/square, respectively. The expression for the fractional power loss due to the grid finger spacing is given by The performance of these cells was characterized by absolute external quantum efficiency (AEQE) measurements, illuminated current-voltage (I-V) characteristics as a function of the concentration ratio and temperature, as well as temperature-dependent dark I-V measurements. Efficiencies reported here are referenced to either rhe direct (ASTM E891-87) (1 I) or the AM0 (12) spectra. The cell performance is discussed in the following section. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION where PI is the sheet resistance of the emitter, S is the spacing between grid-lines, Jmp is the current density at the maximum power point, V,, is the voltage at the maximum power point, and PlorJPmp is the fractional power loss at maximum power. Using Jmp = 2.8 A. and V = 0.9 V at around 100 suns concentration, the fr$ional power loss for the minimum grid finger spacing of 127 pm will range from 1.4% to 2.8%, depending on the thickness of the emitter. The lop cell of the previously mentioned three-terminal tandem device requires a grid finger spacing that is twice the minimum. Due to the 52 dependance of the power loss term, this design results in a 5.6% to 11.2% power loss at 100 suns. Solar cell grid designers generally strive to limit this fractional power loss term to around 2%. The plor of efficiency vs. concentraGon in Figure 2 demonstrates the consequence of allowing this term to dominate. For performance at 100 suns, it is therefore necessary to use the minimum finger spacing afforded by the cover material. A systematic empirical study is planned to explore the performance of these devices in the range of emitter thicknesses from 200 to 400 A. However, as a first alternot. an intermediate thickness of 312 A was chosen. ’ . A comparison of the efficiency as a function of concentration ratio for two grid-finger spacings (127 pm and 254 pm) in Figure 2 reveals a clear performance advantage for the closer spaced grid design. Devices using the 127 pm grid-finger spacing and very thick emitters (24OOA) were fabricated and their fill-factors as functions of current density were compared with those of the devices with 312 A emitters. Since there was no significant improvement in the thick emitter devices we conclude that lateral current spreading iti the emitter is not a dominant power loss mechanism for the 127 pm &id finger spacing. The single-junction InP concentrator cdl design using an emitter that is 312 A ihick has achieved high efficiency levels at concentration ratios of around 100 Peak efficiency at 25°C was 21.4% at a suns. concentration ratio of 106.5 AM0 suns and 24.3% at 99.4 direct suns This represents a ain of 2.3 efficiency percentage oints compared to tP;e best reported onesun result o P 19.1% AM0 at 25°C (13). Current-voltage data for an tnP concentrator ceil at peak efficiency is provided in Figure 3. Dark I-V measurements as a function of temperature provide a value of 0.0025 R cm* 0.35 Single-junctipn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*...........* l. cell (51 pm) 0.25 I . .. . L 3 18~ 20 40 60 80 100 AM0 ConcentraGon Ratio - . . . . ..*8O”C E 0.15 5 ” 0.1 r AM0 C (suns): 0.05 1: v,, w: :_ jsc (Acm-2): 0 : FF (“/a): : _ AM0 ?.t(%I: Tandem top cell (102 pm) 0 0.2 -0.05 f -0.2 120 Figure 2. AM0 efficiency versus concentration ratio data for tnP concentrator cells with similar structures but different grid-line spacing. ’ ’ 0 * ’ 0.2 2!X 106.5 0.978 3.73 85.7 21.4 ’ {. 8OOC. 125.6 0.876 4.53 82.5 19.1 ’ ’ ’ 0.4 0.6 Voltage (VI ’ I 0.8 Figure 3. Current-voltage data for an InP shallowhomojunction cell at peak AM0 efficiency under concentration at 25°C and 80°C. 25-3 . i i : ‘: i : : * 1 for the series resistance fR,). This value of R, may allow the device to reach peak efficiency at concentration ratios of close to 300 suns. However, the measurement system at NREL is currently incapable of generating intensities of over 100 suns. Figures 4-6 show the measured performance parameters vs. direct concentration ratio at 25°C. These data indicate that the efficiency is stift increasing at t 00 suns. Similar devices have been sent to Sandia National Laboratories for flash testing at higher concentration ratios. Data from these tests will be available in the near future. As computed from the dark I-V measurements, the diode quality factor as a function of temperature ranges from 1.035 to 1.068 near V,,, illustrating the excellent characteristics of the APMOVPE grown junctions. 81: 211 8Ofrrr7rr~~..,....,-.,....,.. 000000000 rolObV)colcOO CONCENTRATION RATIO (Suns) Figure 4. Efficiency versus concentration ratio data for an InP concentrator cell under the direct spectrum at 25°C. 960 CONCENTRATION RATIO (Suns) .Figuie 6. Fill-factor vesus concentration ratio data for an InP concentrator cell under the direct spectrum at 25C. The temperature coefficients for the performance parameters is given as functions of concentration ratio in figure 7. These data show a loss in efficiency of approximately 0.17% PC at concentration ranges of 40 to 100 suns. A good estimation of the efficiency at any operating temperature may be obtained with this information and the efficiency value at 25°C. Analysis of the AEQE data in figure 8 indicates that improvements in the performance of these cells will likely be achieved fabricating devices with even thinner emitters, which wi7 I enhance the blue response and increase the short-circuit current density fJrJ. Although R, will increase with a thinner emitter, it should not significantly impact the device performance at concentration ratios of 100 or less. Development of a passivating window layer should also add to llc as well as providing a possible increase in the open-circuil voltage. 970-f 970’ 960{ 960{ zgm: zgm: - 9409408 ’ 9301) 9301) 9201 9201 910: 0 07 s a%s%gssg 88 <‘I’ CONCENTRATION RATIO (Suns) Figure 5. Open-circuit voltage versus concentration ratio data for an InP concentrator cell under the direct spectrum at 25’C. SUMMARY As part of an ongoin effort to make InP-based solar cells a realistic option Por both space and terrestrial applications, InP concentrator cells have been fabricated and characterized as functions of concentration ratio and 0 o^ g 90 - ; .- 80 - H F-v-loo0 g 70 - 5 60 - E G iz -1500 5z- 50 - $ Q -500 2 40 - 8 30 - $ 20 - 3 lo- ki ? -2000 % E 1 .- -2500~ 0 CONCENTRATION RATIO (Suns) Wavelength Figure 7. Temperature coefficents of the performance parameters versus concentration ratio for an InP concentrator cell under the direct spectrum. Figure 8. Absolute external quantum efficiency curve for an InP concentrator solar cell at 25°C. temperature. This is the first report of high-efficiency InP concentrator solar cells. Devices have been fabricated that exhibit conversion efficiencies of 21.4% at 106.46 AM0 suns and 24.3% at 99.4 direct suns at 25°C. These are currently the highest efficiencies reported for InP solar cells. The wer loss due to lateral current spreading in the emitter p”ayer was found to be within acce table limits using a grid design that incorporates an avai Pable Entech prismatic cover. These results indicate that the necessary technologies presently exist for fabricating highperformance InP concentrator solar cells. The InP concentrator cells described in this paper have attained high levels of performance using welldeveloped growth and processing techniques. Areas for further research include a more detailed look at the optimum emitter thickness for the present SHJ design. Higher efficiencies are expected for devices with slightly thinner emitters. Experimental evidence suggests that at 80°C and at the current densities observed at 100 suns, these devices may become self-annealing. The power-tomass ratios of space concentrator systems may be improved if radiation Foferance can be efiminated as a design conslraint. The resufts given here have importarrt implications for other I&-based PV devices currertFJy under considerafion. The fnP concentrafor ceff comprises the Fop cefl of Fhe most efficient monoiithic device yet demonstrated fthe fnP/Gan.4ztne.s& tandem). This work has shawit FhaFthe I27 pm grid-finger spacing used in the single junction Concentrator destgn results in a much lower value of R, than the Fop cell of the tandem (7). When this design is incorporated into the InP/Gae.&te.saAs concentrator tandem, conversion fnm) efficiencies approaching are anticipated. 35% under the direct spectrum ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Support for this work was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-ACOZ83HC10093, the Naval Research Laboratory under interagency order RU-1 l-W70-AD and the NASA Lewis Research Center under Interagency order C-3OUOO5-K. REFERENCES 1 1.1.Loferski, J. Appl. Phys. , 27, 777, 1956. 2. C. Gordia, I.V. Geier and I. Weinger. Conference Record of the 20th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 1988, pp. 695-701. 3. M.J. O’Neil and M.F. Piszczor, Conference Record Space Photovoltaic Research and Technology Conference (SPRAT) 1989, 443, 1991. 4. R.J. Waiters and G.P. Summers, J. Appl. Phys. ,69, 1991, pp. 6488-6494. 5. M.W. Wanlass, T.J. Coutts and J.S. Ward. 6A, these proceedings. 6. M.W. Wanlass, J.S. Ward, K.A. Emery, T.A. Cessert, C.R. Osterwald and T.J. Coults, Solar Cells, 30, 1991, pp. 363-371. 25-5 Session 7. C.R. Osterwald, M.W. Wanlass, J.S. Ward, B.M. Keyes, K.A. Emery and T.J. Coutts Session 9A. these proceedings. 8. M.J. O’Neil, 1987. 9. U.S. Patent No. 4,711,972, 11. ” Standard for Terrestrial Solar Direct Normal Solar Spectral irradiance Tables for Air Mass 1.5, ASTM Standard E891”, American Society for Testing and Materials. 12. C. Wehrli, “Extraterrestrial Solar Spectrum,” Physical Meteorological Observatory and World Radiation Center, tech. rep. no. 615, Davos-Dorf, Switzerland, July 1985. 13. C.J. Keavney, V.E. Haven and S.M. Vernon, Conference Record of the 2 1st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, New York: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1990, pp. Dec. T.A. Gessert and T.J.Coutts, “Requirements of Electrical Contacts to Photovoltaic Solar Cells,“. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings.,Vol 181, Pittsburgh Pa.: Materials Research Society, 1990, pp. 301-312. 10. M.W. Wanlass, T.A. Cessert, K.A. Emery and T.J. Coutts. Conference Record of the 20th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, New York: institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1988, pp.491 -495. 141-144. BACK SURF&F FIELDS FOR GalnP:, SOI AR CElJ& D. J. Friedman,S. R. Kurtz, A. E. Kibbler, andJ. M. Olson NationalRenewableEnergyLaboratory (formerly the SolarEnergyResearchInstitute) Golden,CO ABSTRACT We studied back surfacepassivationof the GaInP2 top cell in GaInP2/GaAs two-terminal tandem cells. Becauseof the requirementof currentmatchingof the top and bottom cell, the top cell must be madevery thin (on the order of 1 pm), and thusproper passivationof the top celI back surface is important in achieving high open circuit voltages.In this paper,we comparetwo candidate top-cell back surface fields: (1) an AlGaInP quatemary, and (2) GM-2 grown to give a band gap higher than that of the baseof the cell. INTRODUCTION The tandem combination of an optically thin Gao.51Ir~49P top cell and a GaAs bottom cell has achieveda one-sun, air mass 1.5 (AM1.5) efficiency of 27.3% (1). The Gao51Ir~49R(hereafterGal.@) top cell, with a band gap of 1.85eV, mustbe -1 pm thick in order to achieve current matching (2). At this thickness, the surfacerecombinationvelocity at the back of the cellwill n-AMP n-GalnP2 thickness dop9 (pm) ) ( 5c:10’7 0.025 0.1 2 x 1018 pGalnP2 1 x 1Ol7 layer . I p+ GaAs 0.8 purpose window emitter base substrate 1. Structure of typical cell (not to scale).The contacting layer and contactsare not shown. File 1 significantlyaffect the open circuit voltage(Voc). Hence, the Voc of the 27.3% device, which contained no back surface field (BSF), was about 100 meV less than the expectedvalue.To remedy this situation, we studied the efficacy of two BSF structures. The first was an Alo.~~G~.45h4)4gP (hereafter AlGaInP) alloy with a band gap of -1.95 eV. The second was Gab@ grown under conditions that yield a band gap of 1.88 eV. (The bandgapof GaInPz,at constantcomposition,is a function of numerousgrowth conditions and can be varied from 1.8 to 1.9 eV (3,4)). This paper examinesthe differences betweenthe two candidatematerialsfor passivatingthe backsurfaceof the GaIn?2 top cell. The.cells.which areof the n-on-p configuration,were grown by atmospheric-pressuremetal-organic chemical vapor deposition,lattice matchedto GaAs. The structure of a typical cell is shown schematicallyin Figure 1. A GaAscontactinglayer doped-1019/cm3 n-type is usedto provide an ohmic contact for the front contact. The contacting layer provides a tiont contact resistanceof -10e4 Q-cm2 without the needfor sintering. The process of metallixation and mesa etching produced individual cells with an areaof 0.25 cm2,A rangeof characterization techniqueswas applied to these cells. The techniques discussedin this paperare dark and light current-voltage (IV) electrical measurements;and secondary ion mass spectroscopy(SIMS) profiling. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 2 showsdark IV curvesfor two typical cells, one with a GaInI’2 BSF and one with a quaternaryBSF. For thesecells, the behavior of the dark current can be divided into two regimes. Above about 1.1 V, the cells exhibit n = 1 dark currents,Le., I = exp(-eV/nkT) with n = 1, while below 1.1 V, there is a transition to n = 2 behavior. While n = 2 behavior is most frequently attributedto generation/recombinationin the junction, in practice, this current can be dominated by perimeter currents (5). For our cells under one-sun AM1.5 illumination, the maximum power-point voltage was 8 1.1 6 0.4 1.0 1.82 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Forward bias (volts) Figure 2. Dark current J1 as a function of forward bias voltagefor selectedtop cells. I I I I ‘I’ll 1.88 Figure 4. V,, vs.bandgapfor variouscells.The type typically 1.25 V or greater; thus Figure 2 shows that perimeter and junction recombination currents are not significant for theseceils. The n = 1 dark currentsJ1 for a numberof cells are summarizedin Figure 3, wherefor eachcell, Jl(1.3V) is plotted against the correspondingVoc for that ceii. The BSF usedfor eachcell is indicatedin the figure.The cells with the high band gap GaInP2 BSF have a lower dark current (and hence a higher Voc) than the cells with the quaternaryBSF. Note, however,that Voc increaseswith the cell band gap, and that there is somevariation in the latter, due mostly to variationsin the compositionx of the Gal-dn,P. To confirm that the improvedVoc is due to the superiority of the GaInP2 BSF and not merely to variations in the band gap of the emitter/btie, Figure 4 l-1 “I 1.84 1.86 cell band gap(eV) of back surface field used in the cells is indicated. The solid line shows the expectedslope of V,, vs. bandgap whenall otherfactorsare held constant. displaysVoc againstbandg@ for the cells of Figure 3, as well as for othercells that did not have,aclearly definedn = 1 region. The figure confirms that for any given band gap, the cells with the GaInP2 BSF have higher Voc values than the cells with the quaternary BSF. The expectedvariationof Voc with bandgap is easilyseenfor the GaInP2 BSF cells: for the quaternaryBSF cells, the scatterin Voc masksthis dependence. IJ 1.38 z 1.36 Z e 1.34 8 > 1.32 o4 ’ 10" IO4 1 o9 J,(1.3V) (amps/O.25 cm*) I 2 I I I lllll 4 68 I 2 “1’1 4 6 loQ basethickness Figure 5. Calculation of J1 as a function of base thicknessfor a model cell simulating the thick/thin pair discussedin the text, for various valuesof the backsurfacerecombinationvelocity. Figure 3. Dark currentJ l(l.3V) vs. Voc for various cells. The type of back surfacefield usedin the cells is indicated. 26-2 In order to estimatethe back surfacerecombination velocity provided by the GaInP2BSF, we comparedtwo top cells with GaInP2 BSFs, identicai except for the thicknessof the base,which was 0.6 pm for the thin cell and 6 m for the thick celL The Jl currents for the two cells were rehted by J~(thick)/J~(thin)= 4.1. Figure 5 shows a calculation (6) of J1 as a function of base thicknessfor a model cell simulating the thick/thin pair, for various values of the back surface recombination velocity. For the thick cell to havea J1 current four times that of the thin cell, the back surface recombination velocity had to be about 5x1@ cm&c, a 10~ value consistent with the conclusion that the GaInP2 BSF is effectivein reducingrecombinationat the backof the celL Jnordertoprovidesomeinsightintothenatumofthe problem with the quatemaryBSF,Figure 6 showsa SJMS scanthrough a top cell with a quaternaryBSF. The level of oxygencontaminationpeaksat the locationof the BSF, as might be expectedfrom the known oxygen-get&zing Propemesof aluminum.It seemsreasonableto guessthat the oxygen contentof the quammarylayer is responsible for its poor performanceas a BSF, and that reduction of the oxygen content might lead to a more effective quatemq BSF. -h ,05 SiMS Depth Profile -; ..----- ‘1------ -----_ ----; )... -. - _-. - .- .-. - lo4 i iu i; “? i 0 $ 0’ 2 103 -L \, --,, ~ _.... v--.-‘I.. As L ’ * . . ’ . 0.5 -’ ( I t 10*- 100 0 -. - .- -. -.-. -. -. -. ’ ir * ’ IL . 1 L ’ a.. * ’ * 1.5 depth WW Figure 6. SIMS depth proftie of a top cell with a quatemaryBSE Note the peak in the oxygenlevel at the location of the BSF. SUMMARY In summary,we have presenteddark-IV, V,, and SJMSdata on GaJnP2top cells with quaternaryand with high-band-gapGaInP2 BSFs. Although the aluminumcontaining BSFs were of mediocre quality, the GaJnP2 BSFsprovedhighly effective. 26-3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS l’his work was performed under Contract No. DEACO2433CH10093to tbe U. S. Departmentof Energy. We thank S. Asher for the SIMS measurements,and K. Bertness and P. Parilla for a careful reading of the nlanuscripL REFERENCES 1. J. M..Olson, S. R. Kurtz, A. E. Kibbler?and P. Fake. AppL Phys.Lea., 56,623 (1990). 2 S. R. Kurtz, P. Faine,and J. M. Olson,J. AppL Phys., 68,189O(1990). 3. S. R. Kurtx, J. M. Olson, and A. E. Kibbler, Appl. Phys.Lat., 57,1922 (1990). 4. A. Gomyo,T. Suzuki, and S. Iijima, Phys.Rev. L&t., 60.2645 (1988). 5. G. B. Stringfellow, J. Vat. Sci. Technol., 13, 908 (1976). 6. J. P. McKelvey, Solid State and Semiconductor Physics (Ibiegex, Malabar, 1982)p. 422. CONTROLLED LIGHT-SOAKING EXPERIMENT FOR AMORPHOUS SILICON MODULES W. I.& B. von Roedern,B. Stafford, D. Waddington, and L. Mrig National RenewableEnergy Laboratory (formerly the Solar Energy ResearchInstitute) Golden, Colorado. 80401-3393USA ABSTRACT Multijunction amorphous silicon (aSi) modules from three manufacturerswere subjectedto light-soaking at 1-sun intensity at WC for 200 hours, with annealing to 70°C in the dark after loo0 hours. Characterization was done periodically, both under a Spire solar simulator and outdwrs. Aperture-areaefficiencies as high as 7.2% were obtained after 1000 hours of light-soaking. The power output after loo0 hours of light-soaking and subsequent partial annealing ranged from 78% to 92% of the initial power output. The recovery in power due to annealing was 2%4%. This recovery is not consistent with a thermally activated process with a 0.9 eV activation energy. The performance is fitted with a stretched exponential curve obtained using the data obtained for the first loo0 hours of light-soaking. For two types of modules, stabilized performancewas reached before 1000 hours. hours of illumination at 50°C. We also wanted to seehow well a stretched exponential curve fitted to experimental points would predict subsequentperformance,and whether the 70°C annealing would affect the long-term performance or only improve the performancefor a short time. The average daily integrated time equivalent to an intensity of the sun of 1,000 W/m2 is 5-5.5 hours for the continental United States. With 300 days per year of full sunshine, this would be the equivalent to 1.500 - 1.650 hours of 1.000 W/m2 illumination. Considering, however, that the light-induced degradation of a-Si is more closely proportional to the squareof the light intensity. the average period per day of the equivalent to I,000 W/m2 would be less than 5-5.5 hours per day. Consequently, the yearly equivalent would be less than 1~500-1.650hours. Thus, about 1,100 hours at 1,000 W/m may be a good estimate for one year of outdoor exposure. INTRODUCTION SAMPLE DKSCRIPTION The stabilized efficiency for amo@ous silicon modules is important becauseof the impact efficiency has on the cost. Outdoor tests of a-Si:H modules of 1988 or earlier vintages have stabilized power outputs that correspond to module efficiencies of 456-4.596(11. To assessthe progress -made in module development, we have conducted a cwtrolled experiment to obtain the stabilized efficiency of a-Si &womype ssaddes frtrricrtsd 3rr 1990 by three -a&e iizzmatIoa*heip typedUIeS~OUtdOOT~CWditiOiiS.The objective w-as80timu#ate rtradute~ormanceXtnder actual * a5nwmmM in the United !&&es. ts%ldaaw WOUMresult in . ~soOCmoduletem@rtiture&3rmostofthe year~~~b~aurktg~~rwItths~2). ca#mqaII we std#aed~~ mt.aules Doam hours of mm w/M ilhmlinatlon at 50°C ad thea raised the temperature to 70°C to allow some level of recovery. Subsequaaly, we subjected,$hemodules to another loo0 The following groupsof moduleswere subjectedto our extended light-soaking test. in the subsequenttext, these modules will be called “test modules.” 27-1 1. Three 1xl ft modules, same-bandgapdual-junction (a-St/a-Si) p-i-n/pi-n units deposited by radio frequency (RF) glow discharge on glass with a sputtered aluminum alloy back reflector. The p layers are a-SiC:H for both cells in the stack The i-layer thicknessesare approximately55 and 330 nm. The moduleshave two glass sheets,Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA), no frame, and contabt 29 or 30 active cells. The aperture area is 879 cm2 for the 29-cell modules and 909.3 cm2 for the 30-cell modules. 2. Five 1xl ft triple-junction (Siii/SiGe) (1.7/l .7/l .45 eV) p-i-n/p-i-n/p-i-n modules depositedon glass by direct current proximity discharge. The modules have one glass sheet,plastic frames,and contain 30 cells. The back refiector is indium tin oxide/Ag. The back encapsulation is polyurethane. All three players are a-SiC:H. The i-layers for the modules ‘we 75, 400. and 100 nm thick. The aperture area as determined by the frame dimensions is 962.5 cm2. 3. One 1x4 ft module with a metal frame and an aperture area of 3,676 cm2 (consisting of 13 ceils). It is a dual-junction (a-Si/a-Si) p-i-n/p-i-n unit with 1.8 to 1.7 eV band gaps deposited by RF glow discharge on stainless steel, with ZnO/Al back reflector and indium oxide/Ag-grid front electrode. The p-layers are microcrystalline Si:H, not a-SiC:H. The i-layers are approximately 200 and 500 nm thick. T@ front encapsulation is Tefzel and EVA. In addition, there was one control module for group I and two control modules for group 2. There was no COIIVOI module for group 3. TEST CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES The initial module efficiencies were obtained by measurements outdoors under prevailing conditions on B clear day in Colorado in December 1990, and indoors on a Spire solar simulator. Subsequently, the control modules were kept in the dark at room temperature. The test modules were light-soaked at loo0 W/m2 intensity using an argon plasma light source at a module temperature of 50°C and were operated near their maximum power point using fixed resistors. The light-soaking was done in an environmental chamber with the chamber temperature adjusted such that thermocouples on the back of the modules measured SOOCwith the light source on. The relative humidity in the chamber was very low (15%). The light-soaking test started on January 2. 1991. Subsequent efficiency measuretients at logarithmic time intervals were done on the Spire solar simulator at a module temperature of 25°C. After a total of 1000 hours of light-soaking, the light-soaked test modules and-their controls, which were kept in the dark, were again measured outddors on a clear day in Colorado in April 1991, and indoors on a Spire solar simulator. After light-soaking, the test modules were exposed in the dark to 60°C for a total of 82 hours and then to 70°C Periodic efficiency for an additional 34 hours. measurements were taken on the Spire solar simulator at module temperatures of 25oC. Following the tetiperature exposure, the modules were remeasured outdoors under prevailing conditions in May 1991, and indoors on a Spire solar simulator. These data are shown as “recovered” in Table 1. The control modules were only measured outdoors after the test-module annealing exposure. The test modules that had previously been light-soaked for ioo0 hours and annealed to 70°C were light-soaked for an additional ‘1000 hours at a module temperature of 500~ and were operated near their maximum power point using fixed resistors. The controls were kept in the dark at room temperature. Periodic efficiency measurements were taken on the Spire solar simulator at module temperatures of 25oC. Following the light-soaking, the modules and their controls were ‘remeasured outdoors under prevailing conditions in September 1991, and indoors on a Spire solar simulator. RESULTS The initial, IOOO-hour, “recovered,” and XIOO-hour average aperture-area efficiencies, as measured indoors and outdoors, and the difference in efficiencies as measured under the solar simulator and outdtirs for the three sample groups, are shown in Table l., For group 1 and group 2, average efficiency values and their standard deviation are reported. Shown in Table 2 are the performance losses in percent of the initial power as measurea under indoor and outdoor test condi;ions. The partial recovery in power output after anneaIing in the dark is indicated in Table 3. Much of the recovery occurred within .lO hours at WC. After 84 hours at 60 OC, no further recovery occurred from that observ&d ai 34 hours and the temperature was increased to 70°C. Interestingly, this increase in temperature caused no further ‘discernible recovery from the 60°C annealing; Therefore, thi test *as terminated after a total of 34 ho&“‘& .70°C. The “recovered” efficiency reported in Table 1 reflects this state in the test modules history. : Thereafter, light-soaking continued under the condititis of 1000 W/m2 and 50°C for _’ Table 2. Degradation in Percent o&t&l Power under Various Conditions as Measured.under the Spire Solar Simulator and Out&urs Indoor Outdoor .:. % Sample Group Condition 1 lOOO-hr recovered 2ooo-hr 14.8 12.0 14.1 . i2.4 7.7, 9.4 2 1000-hr recovered 2Ocm-hr 21.6 18.6 23.1 18.9 15.4 19;8 3 IOOO-hr recovered 2OtXl-hr 15.1 13.9 16.0 12.3 10.2 11.7 % I / ,- Table 1. Average Aperture-Area Efficiencies under Various Conditions as Measured under the Spire Solar Simulator and Outdoors, and the Difference between these Measurements Sample Group Condition Indoor % Outdoor % I (average of three modules) initial WOO-hr recovered 2000-hr 6.10 5.19 5.37 5.24 f 0.21 f 0.15 f 0.16 f0.16 5.88 5.15 5.43 5.33 f 0.18 f 0.16 f 0.17 f0.16 2 (average of five modules) initial lOOO-hr recovered 2ooo-hr 8.84 6.93 7.21 6.80 f f f f 8.18 6.63 6.92 6.56 f f f f fsingle module) initial lOOO-hr recovered 2000-hr 7.36 6.21 6.34 6.18 0.09 0.07 0.10 0.12 Difference indoor/outdoor in % of indoor 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.12 6.01 6.85 6.15 6.05 3.6 0.8 -1.0 -1.7 7.5 4.3 4.0 3.5 6.9 3.2 3.0 2.1 Table 3. Average Recovery after 1,000 hours of Light Exposure due to 60°C and 70°C Annealing in Percent of WOO-hour Power Output as Measured with the Spire Simulator Sample Condition Group 10 hr at WC (d=W % 34 hr at 60°C (di-& % 34 hr at 7oOC (d=W % IlOOhrat5oOC (light) % 1 2 3 2.9 f 0.3 2.6 f 0.4 3.1 3.2 k 0.3 4.6 f 0.9 4.8 3.4 f 0.3 4.1 f 0.9 2.1 2.7 f 0.6 2.6 f 0.8 2.1 8.9 22.8 Expected (a) 2.6 (a) Calculated recovery for a defect annealing process with a 0.9 eV activation energy, in relative units (see discussion). an additional 1000 hours. After 100 hours of additititial light-soaking, the module efficiencies still exceeded the values obtained before annealing in the dark tinder the above conditions. This status is indicated as “1100 hours” in Table 3. In Figure 1, we show the average aperture-area efficiency of the three groups of modules as a function of illumination time. The data points up to 1000 hours of illumination have been used to generate stretched exponential curves 131.The titting parametersare shown in Table 4. Ihe modules underwent w recovery stepsin the 27-3 Table 4. Parameters for the stretched exponential fits of the average aperture-area efficiency of each group of modules as a function of light exposure. The model fit is MO = (q,it -rl~,&ewWVPl + Inner Sample Group tlioil 96 1 6.12 8.86 7.36 2 3 nlru, 10 P 96 hours 5.21 6.14 6.21 46.8 0.64 645.5 72.9 0.52 0.46 Figure 1. 8 6.0 ii "w 5.5 0.1 Average Aperture-Area EfTiciency based on Spire Simulator Data versus Light-Soaking Time for Three Groups of Modules. The inset shows the lOOI%to 2000-hour data points compared to the stretched exponential curve. (The error bars indicate the standard deviation for the modules of groups 1 and 2, and an estimate for the random error for group 3. The “initial” data are shown at 0.1 hours) 1 100 10 1000 TIME (HOURS) dark after 1000 hours, so we are using the stretched exponential fit as au indication of how the degradation would have continued beyond 1000 hours without the recovery steps [4]. The inset in Figure 1 shows the data points obtained upon continued light-soaking. After annealing the following behavior is observed. For group 1, the recovery is lost again after less than 600 hours of further light-soaking. For gn~up 2, for which degradation had not yet saturated after the first 1000 hours of lightsoaking, the degradation appears to continue on a delayed time scale. After 600 hours of additional light-soaking, the 27-4 performance of the modules is about the same as after the first 1000 hours prior to recovery. The data for the single module of group 3 have too much experimental scatter to conclude details how the recovered performance is lost with further light-soaking. DISCUSSlON The data represent the best stabilized amorphous silicon multijunction module performance measured to date at exposure during their measurement. ihe control module output over the test period varied in the range -0.3% to +0.9% for the indoor measurementsand -3.0% to +4.0% for the outdoor measurements. The change in the conttol module power output is a measureof the measurement error. k. We have established that light-soaking for 6001000 hours under realistic controlled conditions (1000 W/m’. PC) leads to stabilization in the caseof a-Si:H/aSi:H dual-junction modules. In the case of the ttiplejunction modules, stabilization did not ~ccut after 1000 houts of exposure. It has been previously reported thal aSiGe:H alloys may degrademore comparedto a-Si:H [51. It has also been repotted that, in these modules, stabilized performanceis futthet reduced by a light-induced shunting effect [a]. After 1000 hours of light-soaking, annealing leads to a tapid partial tecovety (less than 5% in power-output or less than 20% of the total degradationexperienced). Mote than 50% of the recovery occutred within 10 hours after keeping the test modules in the dark at WC. Increasing the temperatureto 70°C did not lead to any futthet discemable recovery. ?his is a surprising result, as it is commonly believed that the partial recovery would be due to partial annealing of dangling bond defects in the intrinsic layers. me annealing process is commonly believed t? be characterizedby an activation energy on the order of 1 eV, which should lead to a significant enhancement in the recovery at 700 C comparedto 60“ C for the sameanneal times. In Table 3, we indicated in relative units the tecovety expected if the annealing processwere governed by an activation energy of 0.9 eV [7]. Out results suggest that, if the recovery was conttolted by an activated process, its activation energy would have to be much smaller than 0.9 eV. Similar conclusions were made from studies of solar-cell degradation,where fast changescan be observed in the petfotmance when small changes ate made in the operating tempetatuteof the cell [8]. Compared to the time scale for the 60°C annealing recovery (10 hours half-time), the low-temperature annealingshowsa significant resilienceagainstfurther lightsoaking at 500 C, as even after an additional 100 hours of lighht-soakingthe beneficial effects of the ptiot annealing step ate noticeable(seeinset in Figure 1). This featuremay provide fot a significant improvementin performanceunder actual outdoot operating conditions, but it only seemsto delay, rather than to arrest, the degradation unless the moduie performancehad beenpreviously stabilized. While it may be a coincidence, it is of interest to note that within the experimental accuracy the loss of the recoveredpower may occut on a time scale similar to the characteristic time (to given in Table 4) during the initial 1000 hours of lightsoaking. All degradation appearsto be related to light-induced changes within the modules. We derive this conclusion from the fact that control modules did not show any significant long-term degradation, and environmental &itions in the test chamber ate genetally consideted bet&u. ‘J’besecantrol modules did experience some light What is the validity of the effkiency and degtadation results? The petfotmanceunder the Spire solat simulator is consistently higher than that under outdoor conditions. The difference is particularly pronouncedfot groups 2 and 3 for the initial condition. The absolute(ran&G and systematic) error in efficiency measurementsis flO% [91. but the random etrots from one measurementto the next ate quite small for the simulator measurement(< fl%) as seenfrom the consistencyin the periodic measutementresults. Thus, for the purposeof this study (i.e. assessingdegradationand determining when stabilized petformance is reached), meaningful results were found despite as much as f5% of systematicuncertainty in the aperture-areaefficiencies. The degradationasmeasuredoutdoors (8%-20%)is consistently lower than that measuredunder the Spite simulator (12%23%). Group 2 has the highest initial and 1CXKLhout efficiencies, but it also has the highest degradation. After degradation,the magnitudeof the indoor/outdoor measurementdiscrepancydecreases.When individual solar module performance parameters ate compared, the fillfactors measuredindoor ate lower than those measured outdools. Yet, the efficiency is higher in the indoor measurementsbecause of higher short-circuit currents. Under outdoor conditions, the module temperaturemay vary, which leads to changes in the open-circuit voltage. However. we expect thesetemperaturefluctuations to have a minimal effect on the power output, as it is known that amorphoussilicon modules have a temperaturecoefficient neat zero for the power output after the light-induced degradation has stabilized [lo]. The open-circuit voltage losses observedas a function of light-soaking time under indoor measurementconditions eccoutitedfor 15%-24%of the total power lossesrepotted in Table 1. The remainder of total power loss arises predominantly from fill-factor degradation, becauselosses in the short-circuit current, if any. were less than f 3%. CONCLUSIONS 1. 2. 27-5 The power output of some multijunction modules stabilizes after 600 houts under conditions of 1000 W/m* illumination at 50°C. Stabilized module efficiency of up to 6.2% (apettute atea) has been confitmed. Values as high as 7.2% after 10 houts of light-soaking were obtained in modules that do not. appear to have completely stabilized after 1000 hours of light+xxtking. These stabilized eff&ncies are improved over 1988 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. modules. The magnitude of the light-induced degradation is 8%22% for 1000 hours of light-soaking under controlled conditions. This is an improvement over 1988 modules. There is some (2%-4%) recovery in the power output upon annealing in the dark at temperatures up to 70°C. The recovery observed upon annealing appears to delay, but not arrest, further degradation in modules that were not stabilized. The observed degradation is inferred to be lightinduced, No indications for any other degradation mechanisms were observed. The test results provide a realistic assessment of stabilized efficiency and light-induced degradation of modules made in 1990. 6. Bennett, MS., J. Newton, C, Poplawski, and K. Rajan, “Impact of Defects on the Performance of High Efficiency 12” x 13” a-Si Based Three-Junction Modules,” these Proceedings. 7. Guha. S., et al, to be published in a semiannual report for period ending June 30, 1991, SERI/l’PAn activation energy for thermal 214-4453. annealing of 0.9 eV from an analysis of solar cell degradation is reported. Values found in the literature sometimes report a spread in activation energies, e.g. W.B., Jackson and M. Stutzmann [AUK& Phvs. Lett 49, 1986, p. 9571 deduced a distribution centered at 1 eV with a full width at half maximum of 0.3 eV. Even a value as low as 0.52 eV [reported by L. Chen and L. Yang, to be published in Proceedings 14th Int. Conf. of Amorphous Semiconductors, GarmischPartenkirchen. Germany, 19911 should have led to a noticeable improved recovery at 7oOC compared to 60oC. a. von Roedem, B., “Fast Changes in a-Si:H Solar Cells after Severe Light-Soaking,” Materials Research Society Svmnosia Proc.. 219, Amorphous Silicon Technology - 1991, p. 493. 9. A portion of the discrepancy between indoor and outdoor measurements may be due to the difference in the reference device, which is a filtered Si solar cell for the Spire simulator and a pyronometer for the outdoor tests. 10. Townsend, T., P. Hutchinson, and S. Hester, “An Update on Performance Trends at PVUSA,” Proceedings Photovoltaic Module Reliability Workshop, Lakewood, Colorado, 1990, SERI Publication CP-4097, p. 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The contributions of S. Rummel. K. Emery, Y. Caiyem, and P. Longrigg to this experiment ate gratefully acknowledged. This work was supported by the US, Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-ACO283CHlOO93. REFERENCES 1. 2. Jennings, Christina, and C. Whitaker, “PV Module Performance Outdoors at PG&E,” Proceedinas 20th IEEE PV Soecialists Conference, 1990, p. 1023. Catalano, A., et al., Research on Stable. High- ;Effici nc Modules, Semiannual subcontract report Phase 1, 1 May 1990 - 31 October- 1990 by Solarex Thin Film Division, SERI/IP-214-4271, 1991, p. 17. 3. Redfield, D.. and R. H. Bube, “Comprehensive Kinetics of Defects in a-Si:H,” Materials Research Society Symnosia Proceedings. 219, Amorphous Silicon Technology - 1991, p. 21. 4. We verified the validity of using the projection of the stretched exponential fit to provide a meaningful prediction. AS the light-soaking experiment progressed, we found that the stretched exponential fits to the data through 250 and 600 hours projected the next efficiency measurement within the experimental accuracy for each module. 5. e Catalano. A., et al. -search Lame Area Amoruhous Silicon Based Solar Cells,” Final Subcontract Report 1 February 1989 - 28 February 1990. SERI/I’P-21 l-3906, p. 2. 27-6 Bean Nann Centre for Solar Enernv and Hvtltoero Hessb%ehlstr. bl ‘7ooO Stuttgart g0. F.R.G. Keith Emery R~Y~YI~I+ N:t~i~)nal Renewable Enerav I;tboratorv 1637 Cole Blv3: Golden. CO 80401, USA. ARsTltACT A computer model has been~developetl to simulate solar cell power production from meteorological data and solar cell mcaswemenrs.A pew featureof the model is that it Ca&ulateS the &Q&Jrrradiance for clear tidy skies from readily available meteorol ical dam. The investigation includes a mono-crystalline SI Icon and P GaAs cell and the thin-film cells CdS CdTe, CdS/(irinSe a-Si:H, and a two-terminal a-Si:H/a- d i:H/a-SiGe:l I clcvic: Compared to earlier studies the present one includes spectra under cloud skies to study rn detail the effect of variations in the soar spectral irradiance on the device’s r efficiency. A second intention of this work is to analyse the sensitivity of different power and energy rating methods 10 spectral irradiancc, total irradiance aMf cell temper:*tffre. As a r$sult. a multi-value energy rating scheme nppiyinp the concept of “Ciiti al e is proposed ;~ntl compared with the current single-value power raring procedure under “Standard Reporting Conditions”. This discrepancy, however, should occut between mensnrements and rating, but not between rating and customer. It is important that an agreement is reached within the PV-community (customers, manufacturers, system designers and scientists) on how to rate solar modules and ce4ls closer to their real performance. This becomes even ies will be applied. more important if new cell lechnol Compared to crystalline silicon cells,7 mearity in temperature and irradiance response is not valid for most of the thin film devices and the s ral sensitivity of the higher band gap devices like a-!$ cp”dTe 01 GaAs is more pronounced. As a contribution to this we investigate how the meteorological environment influences cell/module efficiency at a cloudy site (ShJttgart. F.R.G.) over the period of three years and how spe&al variati&s affect power and ene&y ratin schemes. A customer-oriented multivalue sDecif?cation o$ INTRODUCTION APPROACH Rating which is the common procedure IO nttrilwte ;I “Name-Plate Rating” to a solar cell or module. The currcn( standard power rating method consists of a single-value specification of efficiency. This efficiency is measurctl for nonsonccnlrator lerrestrial photovoltaic cells under Standard Heporting Conditions (1000 W/m2 insolation, 25 “C Ceil temperature, AM 1.5 global reference spectrum). Energy rating, on the other hand, is site and time specific with one or several values characterizing the energy output of a PV-technology for a given site and period, It has been reported by field experimenrs that phocovoltaic modules do not meet their name-plate power rating under actual operaling conditions by 10 76 to ,111% on :III annual average. In this report we analyse three of several effects causing (his discrepancy: l).Modules often operate at cell temperatures hi$cr than the 25 “C standard. 2) The incident irradiances are often lower than the I000 W/m2 standard. 3) IIJ addi@, there are changes in the relnt.ive spectral dlstributlon which lead to higher or lower efficiencies compared to the efficiency under the AM l.S reference spectrum. Consider a PV-device operating outdoors with the ontical / electrical behaviour of the cells as measured in the I& in&rs and the thermal behaviour of a module exposed to the actual weather. The operating mode is fixed latltudetilted flat-plate (non-concentrator). Electrical losses due to cell and module connection (mismatch, resistance), other wiring losses, optical losses due to soiling or degradation are not taken into account. The device is operated at the maximum power pdint. The weather is characterized by hourly sums of global and diffuse irradiance, hourly averages of ambient temperature, relative humidity and wind speed. ,&lar -.-.----_ Cell Model .- .-- and Data ‘Ihis investigation comprises typical production mono-crystalline silicon (mono-Si), state-of-the-art GaAs, thin film technologies including CdS/CdTe, CdS/CulnSeZ and amorphous silicon (a-SJ:H) devices. The a-Si:H material is kepresented with’ three different designs: a single iunction cell. a multiiunction a-Si:H/a-Si:H/a-SiGe:H two&minal device, whe;e the efficiency’& raised by inte ratin a-Si:H with a-StGe:H alloy cells. and a four-termina B stat f consistin of a-Si:H on CtdnSe, cells. The electrical characteristic o f the solar cell is computed with the so-called “twodiode equation: a composition of. dark and illuminated characteristics. The calculaiions are based on measured quantum efficiencies (Fig. 1). Other cell input data, which Wavelength (nm) Fig. 1: - . Wavelenglh (nni) are shunt and series resistance, two diode quality factors and four parameters describing the temperature depcndence of the dark saturation current, were derived from lab measurements of the open circuit voltage, fill factor and maximum power and their dependence on ceil temperature and total irradiance (11. ?he computer code calculating P uses a numerical search routme. It does not apply oR!?r simplifying approximations lo locate P . For the case of multijunction PVdevices the J-V c&y for each junction is computed first and then the two terminal multijunction J-V curve is reconstructed hy summing the voltages at the same current for each junction. Met -Model Our research is aimed at predicting the parameters solar total and spectral irradiance and cell temperature with readily available meteorological data. From spectral measurements we have learned that the glohal solar s ectral irradiance can be predicted from hourly sums of cf!Iffuse and global broadhand irradiance, solar geometry and precipitahle water vapor (which can he estimated from relative humidity and temperature or dew point temperature). These four input data are utilized by the semi-empirical model SEDESl Fig. 2: Measured quantum efficicncics for protltlction mono-Si, and state of the art a-Si:ll, Cd’l’e and a-Si:H/a-Si:l i/a-SiGe:l I GtlAS, 3-junction tandem, CulnSe, and tht hott~~ni ccl1 in :I 4terminal tandem matte of :I-Si:l I mech;lnic;~lly stacked on CulnSe,. (Fig. 2). SEDESl The principal corn nents of the spectral model SE I!?ES 1. [4]. The re uired inputs include the global horizontal and diffuse (or Y*erect beam) total irradiance. Combined with the input data for the spectral model these are six parameters needed to predict the three quantities 1, E(X) and T, (Fig. 3). The chosen approach is summarized in F@ 4. A similar software package has been developed by Heldler et al. 15). The six inputs were taken from bourl observations of the German Meteorological Network (DW ii ) at Stuttgart (F.R.G.. 49”N, 9”E) a region with about 18OOsunshine hours a year (40 % of daylight hours). Hours were taken into was above 4 km, the lobal account only, if the visibili horizontal irradiance above Y 0 W/m* and the angle o$*mcidence on the 48” tilted plane less than 85”. As a result of these restrictions, 40 % of all hours were selected out and 7635 reliable hours from three years were used for our calculations. Wind Speed Solar Geometry Temperature consists of a clear-sky approximation code called SPCTRAU, a normalization procedure. and a “cloud-cover modifier” derived from statlstical analysis of measured spectra [2]. SEDESI converts the four in ut data to a corres onding solar spectral distribution wit*I! a resolution of 11 nm. me overall standard deviation is ahout 8 % in the visible. up to 15 % in the UV and 20 % around 940 nm at the water vapor ahsarption band. Beyond 1100 nm the standard deviation is about 25 %. Global lrradiance Diffuse lrradiance The solar cell’s operating temperature T of a module is mainly affected by the plane-of-array (Pbh) irradiance, but also by the ambient tern erature and wind ed. The model applied lo calculate P of a module was “p (eveloped by Fuentes [3]. The model asplied to calculate the plane-of-array irradmnce 1 was developed by Perez et al. I’iE. 3: 28-2 The six Ill;Illcc. p;trilnlefcK influencing W-plant pcrfor- Tahlc I: Long teq hourly data on global and dilluse ~-.-_-. irradiance. temperature. 1 Mean,. maximum. minimum and standard deviatmn of all 7635 ratios q : /‘I. (cell temperature and total i#li;l”n”c’e fixed). I )evice Mean a-Si:J-1 ( We a-Si:H/a-Si:lJ/ a-SiGe:l I GIAS mono-Si CulnSe a-Si/Cu 3 nSe2 Calculalion of Parameters Influencing F’OA irradiance I, POA spectrum E,, (k) Stand. llev. 0.05 1 0.035 0.037 0.043 0.025 0.015 0.025 Res . WIJ th Al!.!& 520 560 540 580 800 E Cell temperature Tc Fig. 4: The principal components of the scuii-crul)il ic;ll software package used to con1 ,utc the I’\‘-l>o\vtr at hourly intervals over extent 1cd pcriotl.~ OI‘ tinlc’ with measured site-specific niclcorologic:~l tl:~t;~ and technology plane-of-array). dependem ccl1 tlzila (I’( ).I\ RESULTS Svectraf Ekts on EtXcienw ting Conditions (SRC). The fraction r) ~ /rl describes what happens when a transition is made t%h SB’C lo contlitions where the spectrum E(X) becomes real, but the other two influencing parameters T, and I are still fixed at their standard values. For all 7635 hours the fractions rl /qs c are plotted in Fig. 5 against the broadband) inso&lon ! (4x” tilted). For hi h insolation vaI ues (above 800 W/m*) there are, in genera,f no clouds, and the zenith angle is less than OCP. These conditions are close to the AM 1.5 reference s ctrum conditions. Therefore, the ratio q /qRC in Fig. s” approaches one on the right hand side oP’&e kraph. For low msolation values (below 200 W/m’) overcast skies are predominant, Under this condition the relalive spectral distribution is shifted towards shorter wavelengths (21: as a result the efficiency of the devices increases. III between ;sre the situations with partly cloudy skies and / or with :I higher turbidity than the standard atmosphere. Fig. 5 shoti sortie characteristic spikes at about NH1 W/m*, 600 W/m*. 400 W/m*. Together with tail’s end at IO00 W/m* these are the conditions under very clear skies (no clouds and low turbidity) with high clearness indices K,. (atmospheric transmission). As we calculate with hourly averages, a total symmetry around solar nnon, and K, ?s the main predictor variable for the solar spectral irradlance mdel SEJXSl, there is a limited number of (1 - K,)- pairs under these atmospheric conditions. As a result. there are gaps inbetween these spikes. Table 1 ives the statistical mean of the ensembles of Fig. S along wit% the standard deviation from the mean the maximum .and minimum ratio rlrc@ and the de&e’s ‘0 /n, according to response width (quantum efficient ks sR!S Fig. 1). As a general rule the standard deviation decreases with increasing response width or decreasin band gap. This is even the case for the a-Si:H/a-Si:H/a-St I3 e:H two-terminal device. An interesting observation is that mismatching the current of the component cells actuallv increases the fill factor of the finished device: this effect has been observed experimentally as well [6]. This mitigating effect makes series connection an acceptable design option because the current mismatch losses are partly compensated for. Thus, energy delivery for multijunctron and single junction devices with comparable vssRcare similar. Fig. 5 and Table 1 give an idea on how im rtant spectral effects are for the devices investigated. !rpectral effects become an issue especially for higher band gap materials where the efficiency can change by more than 20 % for hourly averages because of spectral variations. High multijunction devices. The software package was also used to put the spectral influence on efficiency into perspective with the other two influences caused by cell temperature and total irradjance. For each hour the efficiency under prevailing cond!tlons (real I, !+$ T,) was calculated. Fig. 6 shows as a function of total m latlon on the module the deviation from the efficiency under Standard Reporting Conditions. hnalysing Fig. 6 and the whole data set as a function of s ectral and total irradiance and cell temperature we found t Plat for the low band ap devices mono-Si and CuJnSe2 the performance is mam 3 y affected by ceil temperature and total irradiance; for the high band gap devices spectral effects are important. Etkiencv under Critical Oueration Conditions Recause standardized terrestrial efficiency measurements are referenced to a fixed set of environmental conditions (SRC), they can only approximate the energy a specific device would deliver at a site where the temperature. total and speclral irradiance differ from the refelence conditions. mono-Si CuInSe2 a-Si/a-Si/a-Si:( 1.2 I . 'IW ..*. * 'ISRC t- . : ‘; .. *4 ; . . . . . .. 0.8 200 400 600 Irradiance Fig. 5: 800 1000 0 (W/m2) Influence of the spectrum ‘ort’celt efficiency with the total irradiance fixed at 1000 W/m* and the cell temperature fixed at 25 “C. The efficiency data are normalized to unity at Standard Reporting Conditions (SRC) and are plotted as a function of plane-of-array total irradiance. Each dot represents an hourly average of ‘I,:,,, / q%,,,.. Specifying erformance at a given location or environment in terms o P the average energy pmduced over a given time period is a desirable alternative to simply using the efficiency at SRC which is really an instantaneous value and is rarely duplicated in the field. At present, no standards exist for energy rating methods, although several laboratories are working on the problem (see [I]), Our proposal (see also Heidler et al. IS]) is to apply the simulation technique illustrated in Fig. 4 based on simulated time series specified by the six parameters of Pig. 3. Depending on the specifications one can calculate the average site-specific energy output for a given system over a given time period. 400 200 600 Irradiance Table 2: 800 1000 1200 (Wh2) Critical Operation Periods for the most important PV-system configurations. PV-S stem ? Cn~gyration Critical Operation Period Grid-conncctcd. fuel-saving mode, hydrogen production The whole year Peak demand supply During eak demand (time o Pday, temperature) At high temperatures Remote system for cooling Remote system with storage During months with low irradiance Pump system for agriculture During growth time (time when water needed) Table 3: ( ‘c~ntlitions (CCIC) normalized by the efficiencies under averages of the power P and irradiance I over the from Stuttgart. also give’t;“]n parenthesis is the Icor J car Condition a-Si:f 1 TF--:1 St:ll/ a-Si:l I/ C’IITC <inAs mono-Si CulnSe2 a-Si:H/ il-SiCk:ll .-_ Standard Reporting Conditions ‘ISRC The whole year q’, ~, Month with hi@8 efficiency Month with ]ow&~‘~’ efficiency Month with low~$“t”’ irradiance Hour with highe!!&Y”’ temperature n-hi@ir(h) 10.0 % 13.4 9 ._-. 2-terminll --.-.-.-se 13.1 % ~ 0.95 3 the following 12.9 % 12.3 % 16.1 % 0.94 0.94 0.95 3 0.06 (4) 0.96 (3) 0.99 1) I.00 (1) 0.97 (2) 12) 0.89 ( 12) 0.93 (12) 0.9 I 7) 0.90 (8) 0.94 (8) I-3 11.89( 12) 0.93 (12) 0.99 12) 0.99 ( 12) 0.95 (12) 0.8X (13) 0.93 ( 13) 0.85 (13) 0.81 (13) 0.89 (13) Using this approach, different rating methods were compared for each of the seven devices investigated. The five normalized mean efficiencies r)* in Table 3 result from an analysis of the most important PV-system configurations and the time period when their operation is most critical (see Table 2): For a remote system the important factor is the output during the month with lowest irradiance; for the peak-load applications or remote systems for cooling, temperature very often is the important parameter determining efficiency. For water pumping systems used in farming the months during the growing season are of interest. From Table 25.1 %I l-----t 0.95 observations can be The mean annual operatin efficiency of the cells under the prevailing cf tmate at Stuttgart is about 5 % less than expected from SK(:. The values t)‘..nw, show, however, that for producing grid-connected or hydrogen systems the current SRC do not hias the cells investigated. The spread between the month with the lowestLefficiency and the hi hest efficiencies is onlv 3% for GaAs and ta e four-terminal tandem, but 10% for CuInSe,. The worst effioccur in for ciencies summer lhe temperature-sensitive devices of our sample mono-$ CulnSe, and the four-terminal tandem. If the stora e capacity of the system is designed wtt3 monthly irradiance profiles these numbers have to be considered very carefully. While monoSi and CulnSe, perform very well this is totally different 6r the other devices of our sample, tl high(I) It is obvious that the devices being less sensifive to cell temperature perform relatively better for periods with htgh ambient temperatures. No general conclusions should be made about one technology versus another upon this stud since the results are critical1 dependent on the modelle J temperature and irradiance CT ependence, since the state-of-the-art is rapidly improving and cost versus performance fi ures have not been a part of this study. The values of Ta t le 3: however, clearly demonstrate that the different matertals cause pronounced differences in response to the meteorological environment, which must be considered if one optimizes the economics and reliability of PV-systems. CONCLUSIONS The PV-community is in state of flux concerning rating methods that are different from the SRC which are 25 “C cell or module tern erature. 1000 W/m2 total irradiance and the ASTM ii 892 or IEC 904 global reference spectrum. Before any specific recommendatton on new rating methods can he made, the following points should be considered: 1) Better comparison of PV-technologies and vendors should be possible by a new rating scheme. 2) The new rating scheme will be used for (see also ]7]): pricing, designtng, sizing, acceptance testing, warranty discussions. renulatorv iustification, comparison of initial and iongrterm operating parameters-to identify system degradation mechamsms and system problems, forecast of plant output, determinmg capacity for qualifying facility’s capactty credit. 3) A meaningful rating scheme sets protlucriot~ p~;~lz Ior the PV-manufacturers. Furthermore, it enrollr:lvc~~ them to offer application- and site-specific l~~~~~l&. 4) An energy ratin scheme gives incentives to optinli7c energy instead o$ power. criteria I) Rating methods should he developed from :I CIKtomer / user / system designer perspert ive. 2) There should be no technology or applic:lticlrl hi:Is. 3) One simple, fast and accurate ratmg like qnc. IviII always be needed for research and big11 VOIIIII~~ IWIductton measurements. Qoen Ouestions 1) Should a single rating method be adopted or SIMIIII~I;I variety of ratings he adopted for different apl)lic:t[ions? 2) Should the rating(s) he performed at the m:tximum power point only or should the rating(s) be erformed as a function of voltage? This is important Eecause many power trackers or inverters npcrate at a fixed voltage and must be properly sizctl for IIIC specific PV-technnlogy. 3) Should the rating be based upon power ;In(l / Or energy? 4) Should the rating be reproducible by different groups for the same module or array or should it be cites ecific? 5) J a Power rating is used, should a single reference suectrum be used or a distribution of soectra river 6) module itself is not independent of the system. Mismatch and load depend on the system and the module temperature depends on the module position within the array / system and the type of mounting. 7) If an ener rating is used, should the reflection losses on the mo7 ule surface be taken into account? 8) How to include concentrating systems? 9) How much money should be s ent for the devclol~ment of an improved rating met Aod? The present investi ation has not been ;Ihle to address nil these questions. w few conclusions can bc tlr;lwn: I) Five meteorological parameters (global and diffuse irradiance, ambient temperature. wind speed awl humidity) are sufficient to determine the nieteorological dnvironment in which a PV-system operates. ) For the new technologies with high b;~ntl g;qx spectral effects influence the efficiency as much ;IS cell temperature or total irradiance. Snectral effects do not cause a-Si multiiunction twot&minal devices to be outperformed bi a-Si singlejunction structures not even for cloudy skies. If the market will be shared by devices having different response to the five parameters, the numbers from Table 3 clearly demonstrate the need for energy rating schemes sup orting system designers to irk the appropriate tee Rnology for their specific app F~ation and site-specific climate. From an investigation of the most important PVsystem technologies critical operation conditions can bc identified. Five efficiency values averaged over diffrrent time eriods are sufficient to determine the solar ccll’~ e r*ftclency for the critical operations condi. lions. New mctbods have to be developed to address the clucsliolls in derail. Both, simulation techniques ;III~ long-term outdoor ex eriments are ap ropriate. To improve :I simulation npprnnc rl based on a so Ptware package bke in I@. 4 the following research areas should be intensified: cqw11 I) Resource Assessment: It is still a prohlem to obtain relinhle data on the solar resource for all the interesting sites. 2) Spectral Modelling: SEDESI and other spectral models have IO be verified and improved with data from different climates. 3) Module temperature Modelling: It should be possible to oredict the cell’s temoerature for different module tec’hnologies and sites iore precisely with improved models. 4) Solar Cell Modelling: The superposition princi le assumed in our cell model is inappropriate for t If.m film devices, which are non-linear In temperature and irradiance. 5) Solar Cell Data: More data are needed for the cell response as a function of total irradiance and cell temperature. A statistically significant number of cells should be measured and accurately modelled. 6) System Modellink: For the time being, the “system” in our simulations Includes the cell only. A more comrehensive software package has to consider other rasses. It would include simulation models which have been developed for module, array and power control unit losses as well as storage and back-up performance. Both research centers, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the Centre for Solar IlnerRy and Hydrogen Research (ZSW) cover these six areas-with the& co%mon research‘in aider to develop a better rating scheme for PV-cells. arrays and systems. Right now, no spe&ic recommendation’abo&what rating scheme should be adapted can be given. A more comprehensive modelling study has to he erformed first, in which all the different rating methods ( rIke SRC. NOCT. AM/PM and the six parameters proposed here) will be corn ared fnr a variety of PV-technologies. A software packa e ike the one PVp, presented here allows the performance of various technologies to be directly compared and forecasted under identical “real-world” conditions. This complex approach could result in improved power and energy rating schemes having :I relatively simple structure. ACKNOWLEl)CEhlENTS Illis work was supported by the German Ministry of Research and Technology under contract numher 0329047A and the 1J.S. Department of Energy under contract number IX-ACO2-83CI 110093. *U.S. - F'W?X?G OFFICE: 1991-673-798 28-7