Supporting Students in Constructing Evidence-Based Scientific Explanations Joseph Krajcik Professor of Science Education Center for Highly Interactive Classrooms, Curriculum and Computing in Education The University of Michigan Substance and Property Explanation Task Were you just involved in doing some form of inquiry? Overview of Session • Explore the meaning of scientific explanations • Discuss how to support students in doing challenging tasks such as taking part in various scientific practices (explanations) • Examine some research • Make concluding comments Scientific Inquiry Practices • What are Scientific Inquiry Practices? • • The multiple ways of knowing and doing that scientists use to study the natural world. Scientific practices include • • • Asking questions to guide investigations Creating, revising and using models Constructing and revising evidence- based explanations • Using and giving priority to evidence • Designing and performing investigation • A key aspect of a NRC K – 12 Science Education Framework Importance of Scientific Explanations • Core underpinning of science! Science is explaining phenomena • Key to the science education standards and the Framework for K – 12 science education • Promote students’ image of science • Enhance students’ understanding of the nature of science • Foster deeper understanding of important science concepts Essential Features of Classroom Inquiry and Their Variations Learners Engage in scientifically oriented questions Give priority to evidence in responding to questions Formulate explanation from evidence Connect explanations to scientific knowledge Communicate and justify explanations From the National Science Education Standards Essential Features of Classroom Inquiry and Their Variations Essential Feature Variation Learner engages in scientifically oriented questions Learner poses a question Learner selects among questions, poses new questions Leaner sharpens or clarifies question provided by teacher, materials, or other sources Learner engages in question provided by teacher, materials, or other sources Learner gives priority to evidence in responding to questions Learner determines what constitutes evidence and collects it. Learner directed to collect certain data Learner given data and asked to analyze Learner given data and told how to analyze Learner formulates explanation from evidence Learner formulates explanation after summarizing evidence Learner guided in process of formulating explanation from evidence Learner given possible ways to use evidence to formulate explanation Learner provided with evidence Learner connects explanations to scientific knowledge Learner independently examines other resources and forms the links to explanations Learner directed toward areas and sources of scientific knowledge Learner given possible connections Learner Communicates and justifies explanations Learner forms reasonable and logical arguments to communicate explanation Learner coached in development of communications Learner provided broad Learner given guidelines to sharpen steps and communications procedures for communications More-------------------Amount of Learner Self Direction---------------------------------------------Less Less------------------------Amount of Direction from Teacher or Material--------------------------------------------More Adapted from the National Science Education Standards Explanations in Classroom Practice Although important, explanations are seldom a part of fsclassroom practice Project 2061 review of middle school science materials found that most materials were unlikely to result in students developing understandings of key learning goals. Student Difficulties with Explanations Evidence Students have difficulty using appropriate evidence and connecting evidence to a claim Students typically discount data if the data contradicts their current theory Reasoning Most explanations include claims with little backing Scaffolding Scientific Explanation • Scaffolds provide students with support for completing challenging tasks they normally they could not accomplish only. • Provide structure for complex tasks. • Making scientific thinking strategies explicit to students can facilitate their use and understanding of these strategies. • Revealing the underlying and tacit framework of scientific explanation through scaffolds can facilitate students’ explanation construction. What is a scientific explanation? A discussion/argument of how or why a phenomenon occurs and the conditions and consequences of the observed event Our Framework for a Scientific Explanations Claim: a conclusion about a problem. Typically the claim answers a questions Evidence: scientific data that supports the claim Appropriate and sufficient evidence Reasoning: a justification that shows why the data counts as evidence to support the claim and includes appropriate scientific principles Consider alternative explanations Adapted from Toulmin’s model of argumentation Identifying Teacher Practices that Support Students’ Explanation in Science Researchers Katherine L. McNeill & Joseph Krajcik University of Michigan Instructional Setting IQWST – Investigating and question our world through science and technology 8 week unit Middle school science Develop deep understanding of science content and practices. Learning Goals-Driven Design Instructional Setting: Key Learning Goals Three Principle Content Learning Goals • Substances and properties: Substances are made up of the same type of atom or molecule throughout and can be identified and distinguished by their properties. • Chemical reaction: Is a process in which two or more substances interact to form new substances with new properties. At the atomic level, this means that the atoms of the old substances rearrange to form the new substances. • Conservation of mass: Mass is neither created nor destroyed in chemical processes. Atoms simply rearrange to form new substance. One Key Scientific Practice Learning Goal: Explanations Develop… explanations… using evidence. (NRC, 1996, A:1D/ 5-8) Think critically and logically to make the relationships between evidence and explanation. (NRC, 1996, A:1E/ 5- 9 Develop…models using evidence. (NRC, 1996, A:1D/ 5-8 Design… a scientific investigation. (NRC, 1996, A:1B/ 5-8) Content is not enough! • Understanding content is inexplicitly linked to practices! Otherwise, declarative, isolated ideas. • Science is both a body of knowledge and the process whereby that body of knowledge is developed. Both elements are essential: one cannot make progress in science without an understanding of the other. • The learning of science is similar: you can not learn one without the other. Instructional Setting: Creating Learning Performances What are Learning performances? Learning performances define, in cognitive terms, the designers’ conception for what it means for learners to “understand” a particular scientific idea Learning performances define how the knowledge is used in reasoning about scientific questions and phenomena Know or understand is too vague Use terms that describe the performance you want students to learn and be able to do. Identify, Define, Analyze and Interpret data, Explain, Design investigation, … Not “know” or “understand” Instructional Setting: Learning Performances Content Standard Content Standard When substances interact to form new substances, the elements composing them combine in new ways. In such recombinations, the properties of the new combinations may be very different from those of the old (AAAS, 1990, p.47). Scientific Practice Inquiry Standard Develop…explanations… using evidence. (NRC, 1996, A: 1/4, 5-8) Think critically and logically to make the relationships between evidence and explanation. (NRC, 1996, A: 1/5, 5-8) Learning Performance Learning Performance LP 12 - Students construct scientific explanations stating a claim whether a chemical reaction occurred, evidence in the form of properties, and reasoning that a chemical reaction is a process in which old substances interact to form new substances with different properties than the old substances. Writing Assessments Learning Performance Students construct a scientific explanation that includes a claim about whether two items are the same substance or different substances, evidence in the form of density, melting point (boiling point), solubility, color and hardness of the substances, and reasoning that different substances have different properties. Assessment Task Examine the following data table: Density Color Mass Melting Point Liquid 1 0.93 g/cm3 no color 38 g -98 °C Liquid 2 0.79 g/cm3 no color 38 g 26 °C Liquid 3 13.6 g/cm3 silver 21 g -39 °C Liquid 4 0.93 g/cm3 no color 16 g -98 °C Write a scientific explanation that states whether any of the liquids are the same substance. Supports for Explanations Making Framework Explicit Focal Lesson Teacher introduces the framework Models creating explanations Discusses strong and weak examples Scaffolds in explanation sheets Practice Students write 10 explanations over the course of the unit Feedback Measures Students completed identical pre- and posttest measures that included multiplechoice and open-ended items Open-ended explanation items Substance and properties Chemical reactions Independent raters scored the explanation items. Inter-rater reliability > 85% for each component (i.e. claim, evidence, and reasoning) Substance and Property Explanation Task Examine the following data table: Density Color Mass Melting Point Liquid 1 0.93 g/cm3 no color 38 g -98 °C Liquid 2 0.79 g/cm3 no color 38 g 26 °C Liquid 3 13.6 g/cm3 silver 21 g -39 °C Liquid 4 0.93 g/cm3 no color 16 g -98 °C Write a scientific explanation that states whether any of the liquids are the same substance. Strong Example for Substance Explanation (Student A) Claim = 2 Appropriate Evidence = 3 Inappropriate Evidence = 0 Reasoning = 4 Weak Example for Substance Explanation (Student B) Claim = 0 Appropriate Evidence = 0 Inappropriate Evidence = 1 Reasoning = 0 Chemical Reaction Explanation Task Carlos takes some measurements of two liquids — butanic acid and butanol. Then he stirs the two liquids together and heats them. After stirring and heating the liquids, they form two separate layers — layer A and layer B. Carlos uses an eyedropper to get a sample from each layer and takes some measurements of each sample. Here are his results: Measurements Density Melting Point Mass Volume Solubility in water Before Butanic acid 0.96 g/cm3 -7.9 ˚C 9.78 g 10.18 cm3 Yes stirring & Butanol 0.81 g/cm3 -89.5 ˚C 8.22 g 10.15 cm3 Yes heating After Layer A 0.87 g/cm3 -91.5 ˚C 1.74 g 2.00 cm3 No stirring & Layer B 1.00 g/cm3 0.0 ˚C 2.00 g 2.00 cm3 Yes heating Write a scientific explanation that states whether a chemical reaction occurred when Carlos stirred and heated butanic acid and butanol. Intermediate Example for Chemical Reaction Explanation (Student F ) Claim = 1 Appropriate Evidence = 3 Inappropriate Evidence = 1 Reasoning = 0 Chemical Reaction (Student H) • Claim = 1 • Appropriate Evidence = 3 • Inappropriate Evidence = 1 • Reasoning = 2 Research Questions • Do students achieve learning gains for scientific explanations? • What instructional strategies did teachers engage in during the focal lesson to support students’ explanations? • Did the teachers’ instructional strategies measured during the focal lesson predict student learning of scientific explanations? Teacher Instructional Strategies for Explanation Discuss the Rationale Instruction should facilitate students’ understanding of the logic behind the practice and why the practice is important Make the Framework Explicit Making scientific thinking strategies explicit for students Model Scientific Explanation Modeling the behaviors of a scientist and modeling how to reason from data Build Off Students’ Everyday Experiences Making connections between students’ everyday discourse and the science discourse Videotape for each teacher coded by one of two independent raters. Interrater reliability was 82% Participants and Scoring Site Urban A Town B Urban C Suburb D Total Schools 8 1 1 1 11 Teachers 9 2 1 1 13 Classrooms 32 4 2 3 41 Students 1026 61 51 59 1197 • Students completed identical pre- and posttest measures. Three open-ended items were explanations. • Independent raters scored the items. Inter-rater reliability was 97% for claim, 95% for evidence, and 97% for reasoning. Results: Student Learning Results: Interaction Between Rationale and Defining Figure 4: Interaction Between Rationale and Defining Posttest Explanation Achievement (Effect Size) 2.5 2 1.5 1 Rationale (1) Rationale (0) 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 6 (No Definition) 9 (Vague Definition) 12 (Accurate and Incomplete Definition) 15 (Accurate and Complete Definition) Teacher Instructional Strategies: Discussion of Findings Discussing the rationale had a positive effect on student learning May help students understand why they are constructing explanations Defining scientific explanation depended on whether the teacher also discussed the rationale Discuss rationale positive impact Did not discuss rationale negative impact Just defining the components may be too algorithmic Development of Scientific Practices: Physics 6th 7th 8th Student Understanding Chem Earth Science Life Science Development of Scientific Practices: Over Time Physics 6th 7th 8th Student Understanding Chem Earth Science Life Science Museum of Natural History -- NY Were you involved in doing some form of inquiry? Substance and Property Explanation Task Concluding Comments Curriculum materials and teachers can support students in scientific practices by: Discussing the rationale behind the practice Making the framework explicit Modeling the use of the practice Building off everyday experiences Providing multiple opportunities to use the scientific practice • Other considerations Having students critique examples Providing students with feedback Developing competence overtime McNeill, K. L. & Krajcik, J. (2011). Supporting grade 5-8 students in constructing explanations in science: The claim, evidence and reasoning framework for talk and writing. New York, NY: Pearson Allyn & Bacon. Announcement IQWST is now signed to be published by Sangari Global Education! Thanks to many IQWST Development and Research Team Colleagues at University of Michigan, Northwestern University and the Weizmann Institute of Science Kate McNeill at Boston College Many teachers with whom I work National Science Foundation Investigating and Questioning our World through Science and Technology (IQWST) (NSF-ESI-0101780 & NSFESI-0439352) More Information Contact me Questions and comments????